1 | <?php
2 |
3 | class ModuleContract extends Module
4 | {
5 | public int $DirectoryId;
6 |
7 | function __construct(System $System)
8 | {
9 | parent::__construct($System);
10 | $this->Name = 'Contract';
11 | $this->Version = '1.0';
12 | $this->Creator = 'Chronos';
13 | $this->License = 'GNU/GPLv3';
14 | $this->Description = 'Contract documents management';
15 | $this->Dependencies = array(ModuleDocument::GetName(), ModuleSubject::GetName(), ModuleFile::GetName(), ModuleFinance::GetName());
16 | $this->Models = array(Contract::GetClassName());
17 |
18 | $this->DirectoryId = 0;
19 | }
20 |
21 | function DoStart(): void
22 | {
23 | $this->DirectoryId = Core::Cast($this->System)->Config['Contract']['DirectoryId'];
24 | $this->System->RegisterPage(['smlouvy', 'generovat'], 'PageContractGenerate');
25 | Core::Cast($this->System)->FormManager->RegisterClass('Contract', array(
26 | 'Title' => 'Smlouvy',
27 | 'Table' => 'Contract',
28 | 'Items' => array(
29 | 'DocumentLine' => array('Type' => 'TDocumentLine', 'Caption' => 'Dokladová řada', 'Default' => ''),
30 | 'BillCode' => array('Type' => 'TDocumentLineCode', 'Caption' => 'Kód', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true),
31 | 'Subject' => array('Type' => 'TSubject', 'Caption' => 'Subjekt', 'Default' => ''),
32 | 'ValidFrom' => array('Type' => 'Date', 'Caption' => 'Platnost od', 'Default' => ''),
33 | 'ValidTo' => array('Type' => 'Date', 'Caption' => 'Platnost do', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true),
34 | 'File' => array('Type' => 'TFile', 'Caption' => 'Soubor', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true),
35 | 'Generate' => array('Type' => 'Boolean', 'Caption' => 'Generovat', 'Default' => ''),
36 | 'EmployeeSalaries' => array('Type' => 'TEmployeeSalaryListContract', 'Caption' => 'Výplaty zaměstnanců', 'Default' => ''),
37 | 'Customers' => array('Type' => 'TCustomerListContract', 'Caption' => 'Zákazníci', 'Default' => ''),
38 | ),
39 | 'BeforeInsert' => array($this, 'BeforeInsertContract'),
40 | 'ItemActions' => array(
41 | array('Caption' => 'Generovat', 'URL' => '/smlouvy/generovat/?i=#RowId'),
42 | )
43 | ));
44 | Core::Cast($this->System)->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TContract', array(
45 | 'Type' => 'Reference',
46 | 'Table' => 'Contract',
47 | 'Id' => 'Id',
48 | 'Name' => '(SELECT `DocumentLineCode`.`Name` FROM `DocumentLineCode` WHERE `Id`=`Contract`.`BillCode`)',
49 | 'Filter' => '1',
50 | ));
51 | }
52 |
53 | function BeforeInsertContract(Form $Form): array
54 | {
55 | if (array_key_exists('Time', $Form->Values)) $Year = date("Y", $Form->Values['Time']);
56 | else $Year = date("Y", $Form->Values['ValidFrom']);
57 | $Form->Values['BillCode'] = ModuleDocument::Cast($this->System->GetModule('Document'))->GetNextDocumentLineNumberId($Form->Values['DocumentLine'], $Year);
58 | return $Form->Values;
59 | }
60 |
61 | static function Cast(Module $Module): ModuleContract
62 | {
63 | if ($Module instanceof ModuleContract)
64 | {
65 | return $Module;
66 | }
67 | throw new Exception('Expected ModuleContract type but '.gettype($Module));
68 | }
69 | }
70 |
71 | class PageContractGenerate extends Page
72 | {
73 | function __construct(System $System)
74 | {
75 | parent::__construct($System);
76 | $this->Title = 'Generování smlouvy';
77 | $this->ParentClass = 'PagePortal';
78 | }
79 |
80 | function GenerateContract($Where = '')
81 | {
82 | $DirectoryId = ModuleContract::Cast($this->System->GetModule('Contract'))->DirectoryId;
83 | $Output = '';
84 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT * FROM `Contract` WHERE (`BillCode` <> "") '.
85 | 'AND (`ValidFrom` IS NOT NULL) AND (`Generate` = 1)'.$Where);
86 | while ($Row = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
87 | {
88 | if ($Row['File'] == null)
89 | {
90 | $this->Database->insert('File', array('Name' => '', 'Size' => 0, 'Directory' => $DirectoryId, 'Time' => 'NOW()',
91 | 'Hash' => 'SHA1(CONCAT(Id,Name,Size,Time))'));
92 | $FileId = $this->Database->insert_id;
93 | } else $FileId = $Row['File'];
94 | $FileName = 'smlouva-'.$FileId.'.pdf';
95 | $Bill = new BillContract($this->System);
96 | $Bill->ContractId = $Row['Id'];
97 | $FullFileName = ModuleFile::Cast($this->System->GetModule('File'))->File->GetDir($DirectoryId).$FileName;
98 | $Bill->SaveToFile($FullFileName);
99 | if (file_exists($FullFileName))
100 | {
101 | $this->Database->update('File', 'Id='.$FileId, array('Name' => $FileName, 'Size' => filesize($FullFileName), 'Hash' => 'SHA1(CONCAT(Id,Name,Size,Time))'));
102 | $this->Database->update('Contract', 'Id='.$Row['Id'], array('File' => $FileId));
103 | $Output .= 'Smlouva '.$Row['Id'].' vygenerována do souboru '.$FileName.'<br/>'."\n";
104 | } else $Output .= 'Soubor "'.$FullFileName.'" se nepodařilo uložit.';
105 | }
106 | return $Output;
107 | }
108 |
109 | function Show(): string
110 | {
111 | if (array_key_exists('i', $_GET) and is_numeric($_GET['i']))
112 | {
113 | $Output = $this->GenerateContract(' AND (Id='.($_GET['i'] * 1).')');
114 | } else $Output = 'Missing contract id.';
115 | return $Output;
116 | }
117 | }
118 |
119 | class BillContract extends Pdf
120 | {
121 | public string $ContractId;
122 |
123 | function GenerateHTML(): string
124 | {
125 | $this->BorderTop = '0cm';
126 | $this->BorderLeft = '1cm';
127 | $this->BorderRight = '1cm';
128 | $this->BorderBottom = '0cm';
129 | $this->FontSize = 10;
130 |
131 | $DbResult = $this->Database->select('Subject', '*', '`Id`='.Core::Cast($this->System)->Config['Finance']['MainSubjectId']);
132 | if ($DbResult->num_rows > 0)
133 | {
134 | $Supplier = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
135 | } else die('MainSubjectId not found in Subjects.');
136 |
137 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT * FROM `Contract` WHERE `Id`='.$this->ContractId);
138 | if ($DbResult->num_rows > 0)
139 | {
140 | $Contract = $DbResult->fetch_array();
141 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT * FROM `Subject` WHERE `Id`='.$Contract['Subject']);
142 | if ($DbResult->num_rows > 0)
143 | {
144 | $Subject = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
145 | } else die('Customer Subject not found.');
146 | } else die('Contract not found.');
147 |
148 | $DbResult = $this->Database->select('DocumentLineCode', '*', '`Id`='.$Contract['BillCode']);
149 | if ($DbResult->num_rows > 0)
150 | {
151 | $SupplierBillCode = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
152 | } else die('BillCode not found.');
153 | $ContractCode = $SupplierBillCode['Name'];
154 |
155 | $DbResult = $this->Database->select('Member', '*', '`Subject`='.$Contract['Subject']);
156 | if ($DbResult->num_rows > 0)
157 | {
158 | $Customer = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
159 | } else die('Customer not found.');
160 |
161 | $PrefixMultiplier = new PrefixMultiplier();
162 | $ServiceType = '';
163 | $Price = 0;
164 | $MaxSpeed = '';
165 | $MinSpeed = '';
166 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT * FROM ServiceCustomerRel '.
167 | 'LEFT JOIN Service ON Service.Id=ServiceCustomerRel.Service '.
168 | 'WHERE `ServiceCustomerRel`.`Customer`='.$Customer['Id'].' ');
169 | if ($DbResult->num_rows > 0)
170 | {
171 | while ($Service = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
172 | {
173 | if ($ServiceType != '') $ServiceType .= ', ';
174 | $ServiceType .= $Service['Name'];
175 | $Price += $Service['Price'];
176 | if ($Service['InternetSpeedMax'] != 0)
177 | $MaxSpeed = $PrefixMultiplier->Add($Service['InternetSpeedMax'], 'bit/s');
178 | if ($Service['InternetSpeedMin'] != 0)
179 | $MinSpeed = $PrefixMultiplier->Add($Service['InternetSpeedMin'], 'bit/s');
180 | }
181 | }
182 |
183 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT NetworkInterface.LocalIP, NetworkInterface.MAC FROM NetworkDevice '.
184 | 'LEFT JOIN NetworkInterface ON NetworkInterface.Device=NetworkDevice.Id '.
185 | 'WHERE `NetworkDevice`.`Member`='.$Customer['Id'].' ');
186 | if ($DbResult->num_rows > 0)
187 | {
188 | $NetworkInterface = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
189 | $IpAddress = $NetworkInterface['LocalIP'];
190 | $MacAddress = $NetworkInterface['MAC'];
191 |
192 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT * FROM NetworkSubnet '.
193 | 'WHERE CompareNetworkPrefix(INET_ATON("'.$IpAddress.'"), INET_ATON(`AddressRange`), `Mask`)');
194 | if ($DbResult->num_rows > 0)
195 | {
196 | $Subnet = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
197 | $DefaultGateway = $Subnet['Gateway'];
198 | $NetworkAddressIPv4 = new NetworkAddressIPv4();
199 | $NetworkAddressIPv4->Prefix = $Subnet['Mask'];
200 | $NetworkAddressIPv4->Address = $NetworkAddressIPv4->GetNetMask();
201 | $NetMask = $NetworkAddressIPv4->AddressToString();
202 | } else die('Subnet not found.');
203 | $Interface = 'Ethernet';
204 | $PrimaryDNS = '';
205 | } else
206 | {
207 | $IpAddress = '';
208 | $MacAddress = '';
209 | $DefaultGateway = '';
210 | $NetMask = '';
211 | $Interface = '';
212 | $PrimaryDNS = '';
213 | }
214 |
215 | $VarSymbol = $Subject['Id'];
216 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT FinanceBankAccount.*, CONCAT(FinanceBankAccount.Number, "/", FinanceBank.Code) AS NumberFull FROM FinanceBankAccount '.
217 | 'JOIN FinanceBank ON FinanceBank.Id=FinanceBankAccount.Bank '.
218 | 'WHERE (FinanceBankAccount.`Subject`='.Core::Cast($this->System)->Config['Finance']['MainSubjectId'].') AND (FinanceBankAccount.`Use`=1)');
219 | if ($DbResult->num_rows > 0)
220 | {
221 | $SupplierBankAccount = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
222 | } else die('Bank account not found.');
223 |
224 | $DbResult = $this->Database->select('FinanceBillingPeriod', '*', 'Id='.$Customer['BillingPeriod']);
225 | if ($DbResult->num_rows > 0)
226 | {
227 | $BillingPeriod = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
228 | } else die('BillingPeriod not found.');
229 | $PaymentPeriod = $BillingPeriod['Name'];
230 |
231 | $BankAccount = $SupplierBankAccount['NumberFull'];
232 |
233 | $DbResult = $this->Database->select('Member', '*', '`Subject`='.Core::Cast($this->System)->Config['Finance']['MainSubjectId']);
234 | if ($DbResult->num_rows > 0)
235 | {
236 | $SupplierMember = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
237 | } else die('Customer not found.');
238 |
239 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT Contact.Value AS Phone FROM User '.
240 | 'LEFT JOIN Contact ON Contact.User=User.ID AND Contact.Category=1 '.
241 | 'WHERE User.Id='.$SupplierMember['ResponsibleUser'].' ORDER BY `Contact`.`Receive` DESC');
242 | if ($DbResult->num_rows > 0)
243 | {
244 | $SupplierUser = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
245 | $SupplierPhone = $SupplierUser['Phone'];
246 | } else $SupplierPhone = '';
247 |
248 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT Contact.Value AS Phone FROM User '.
249 | 'LEFT JOIN Contact ON Contact.User=User.ID AND Contact.Category=1 '.
250 | 'WHERE User.Id='.$Customer['ResponsibleUser'].' ORDER BY `Contact`.`Receive` DESC');
251 | if ($DbResult->num_rows > 0)
252 | {
253 | $CustomerUser = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
254 | $CustomerPhone = $CustomerUser['Phone'];
255 | if ($CustomerPhone == null) $CustomerPhone = '';
256 | } else $CustomerPhone = '';
257 |
258 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT Email, Contact.Value AS ContactEmail FROM User '.
259 | 'LEFT JOIN Contact ON Contact.User=User.ID AND Contact.Category=4 '.
260 | 'WHERE User.Id='.$Customer['ResponsibleUser'].' ORDER BY `Contact`.`Receive` DESC');
261 | if ($DbResult->num_rows > 0)
262 | {
263 | $CustomerUser = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
264 | $CustomerEmail = $CustomerUser['Email'];
265 | if ($CustomerEmail == null)
266 | {
267 | $CustomerEmail = $CustomerUser['ContactEmail'];
268 | if ($CustomerEmail == null) $CustomerEmail = '';
269 | }
270 | } else $CustomerEmail = '';
271 |
272 | $SupplierName = $Supplier['Name'];
273 | $SupplierStreet = $Supplier['AddressStreet'];
274 | $SupplierTown = $Supplier['AddressTown'];
275 | $SupplierPsc = $Supplier['AddressPSC'];
276 | $SupplierIC = $Supplier['IC'];
277 | if ($Supplier['PayVAT'] == 1) $SupplierDIC = 'plátce DPH';
278 | else $SupplierDIC = 'neplátce DPH';
279 |
280 | $Web = '<a href="'.$Supplier['WWW'].'">'.$this->SimplifiedLink($Supplier['WWW']).'</a>';
281 |
282 | $CustomerName = $Subject['Name'];
283 | $CustomerStreet = $Subject['AddressStreet'];
284 | $CustomerTown = $Subject['AddressTown'];
285 | $CustomerPsc = $Subject['AddressPSC'];
286 | $CustomerIC = $Subject['IC'];
287 | $CustomerDIC = $Subject['DIC'];
288 | $CustomerPhone = $CustomerPhone;
289 | $CustomerEmail = $CustomerEmail;
290 |
291 | $SignDate = HumanDate($Contract['ValidFrom']);
292 |
293 | $Output = '<html>
294 | <head></head>
295 | <body><table width="100%"><tr><td colspan="2">'.
296 | '<font size="6"><div align="center">Smlova o připojení k internetu a poskytování datových služeb</font></div>'.
297 | '<font size="3"><div align="center">Číslo: '.$ContractCode.'</font></div>'.
298 | '</td></tr>'.
299 | '</table>'.
300 | '<br>'.
301 | '<table width="100%">'.
302 | '<tr><th width="25%">Poskytovatel:</td><td width="25%"></td><th width="25%">Odběratel:</th><td width="25%"></td></tr>'.
303 | '<tr><td>'.NotBlank($SupplierName).'</td><td></td><td>'.NotBlank($CustomerName).'</td><td></td></tr>'.
304 | '<tr><td>'.NotBlank($SupplierStreet).'</td><td></td><td>'.NotBlank($CustomerStreet).'</td><td></td></tr>'.
305 | '<tr><td>'.NotBlank($SupplierTown).'</td><td></td><td>'.NotBlank($CustomerTown).'</td><td></td></tr>'.
306 | '<tr><td>'.NotBlank($SupplierPsc).'</td><td></td><td>'.NotBlank($CustomerPsc).'</td><td></td></tr>'.
307 | '<tr><td colspan="4"> </td></tr>'.
308 | '<tr><td>IČ:</td><td>'.NotBlank($SupplierIC).'</td><td>Telefon:</td><td>'.NotBlank($CustomerPhone).'</td></tr>'.
309 | '<tr><td>DIČ:</td><td>'.NotBlank($SupplierDIC).'</td><td>E-mail:</td><td>'.NotBlank($CustomerEmail).'</td></tr>'.
310 | '<tr><td>Telefon:</td><td>'.NotBlank($SupplierPhone).'</td><td>RČ/IČ:</td><td>'.NotBlank($CustomerIC).'</td></tr>'.
311 | '<tr><td>Web:</td><td>'.NotBlank($Web).'</td><td>OP/DIČ:</td><td>'.NotBlank($CustomerDIC).'</td></tr>'.
312 | '<tr><td>Bank. spojení:</td><td>'.NotBlank($BankAccount).'</td><td>Přípojné místo:</td><td></td></tr>'.
313 | '</table>'.
314 | '<br/>'.
315 | '<strong>I. Předmět smlouvy:</strong><br/>'.
316 | 'Smlouva se uzavírá mezi Poskytovatelem a Odběratelem a předmětem smlouvy je poskytování datových služeb a připojení k síti internet, umožňující Odběrateli odebírat v koncovém bodě za úplatu internetovou konektivitu prostřednictvím telekomunikační sítě Poskytovatele. Odběratel se zavazuje za tyto služby Poskytovateli platit cenu ve výši a pravidelných intervalech uvedených v této smlouvě. Smlouva se sjednává na dobu neurčitou.<br/>'.
317 | '<br/>'.
318 | '<strong>II. Poskytované služby:</strong><br/>'.
319 | '<table width="100%" border="1">'.
320 | '<tr><td width="50%">Zvolené služby:</td><td>'.NotBlank($ServiceType).'</td></tr>'.
321 | '</table>'.
322 | '<br/>'.
323 | '<table width="100%" border="1">'.
324 | '<tr><th colspan="4" align="center">Technické specifikace služby</th></tr>'.
325 | '<tr><td width="25%">Max. rychlost:</td><td width="25%">'.NotBlank($MaxSpeed).'</td><td width="25%">IP adresa:</td><td width="25%">'.NotBlank($IpAddress).'</td></tr>'.
326 | '<tr><td>Min. rychlost:</td><td>'.NotBlank($MinSpeed).'</td><td>Maska podsítě:</td><td>'.NotBlank($NetMask).'</td></tr>'.
327 | '<tr><td>MAC adresa:</td><td>'.NotBlank($MacAddress).'</td><td>Výchozí brána:</td><td>'.NotBlank($DefaultGateway).'</td></tr>'.
328 | '<tr><td>Předávací rozhraní:</td><td>'.NotBlank($Interface).'</td><td>Primární DNS:</td><td>'.NotBlank($PrimaryDNS).'</td></tr>'.
329 | '</table>'.
330 | '<br/>'.
331 | '<strong>III. Cena a platební podmínky:</strong><br/>'.
332 | 'Poplatky a pravidelné platby budou na základě této smlouvy hrazeny Odběratelem na bankovní účet Poskytovatele bankovním převodem, nebo složenkou, v uvedené výši a s uvedenou frekvencí. Jako VS bude uvedeno přidělené číslo. V případě prodlení s platbou mohou být uplatněny sankce, či služba pozastavena, nebo zrušena (dle Ceníku a Všeobecných smluvních podmínek).<br/>'.
333 | '<table width="100%">'.
334 | '<tr><td width="25%">Cena služeb:</td><td width="25%">'.NotBlank($Price).' Kč</td><td width="25%">Číslo účtu:</td><td width="25%">'.NotBlank($BankAccount).'</td></tr>'.
335 | '<tr><td>Pronájem zařízení:</td><td>0 Kč</td><td>Variabilní symbol:</td><td>'.NotBlank($VarSymbol).'</td></tr>'.
336 | '<tr><td>Frekvence platby:</td><td>'.NotBlank($PaymentPeriod).'</td><td></td><td></td></tr>'.
337 | '<tr><td>První platba:</td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>'.
338 | '<tr><td>Splatnost:</td><td>do 21. dne uvedeného měsíce</td><td></td><td></td></tr>'.
339 | '</table>'.
340 | '<br/>'.
341 | '<strong>IV. Závěrečná ustanovení:</strong><br/>'.
342 | 'Odběratel svým podpisem stvrzuje, že se seznámil a souhlasí se Všeobecnými smluvními podmínkami, aktuálním Ceníkem Poskytovatele a výše uvedenými skutečnostmi, které tvoří součást této Smlouvy. Dále stvrzuje, že souhlasí s provedením instalace a umístěním přijímacího zařízení a kabeláže a nemá proti nim námitky, příp., že vlastní veškerá příslušná povolení a souhlas s jejich umístěním. Smlouva je vyhotovena ve dvou provedeních, kdy Odběratel i Poskytovatel obdrží po jedné. Aktivace služby začíná dnem podpisu této Smlouvy. Výpovědní lhůta je 30 dnů. Případné změny této Smlouvy vyžadují formy vzájemně oběma stranami podepsaného dodatku.<br/>'.
343 | '<br/>'.
344 | '<table width="100%">'.
345 | '<tr><td width="20%" aling="left">Ve Zděchově</td><td width="20%">dne '.NotBlank($SignDate).'</td></tr>'.
346 | '</table>'.
347 | '<br/><br/><br/><br/>'.
348 | '<table width="100%">'.
349 | '<tr><td width="50%" align="center">odběratel</td><td width="50%" align="center">dodavatel</td></tr>'.
350 | '</table>'.
351 | '</td></tr>'.
352 | '</table>'.
353 | '</body></html>';
354 | return $Output;
355 | }
356 |
357 | function SimplifiedLink(string $Link): string
358 | {
359 | if (substr($Link, 0, 8) == 'https://') $Link = substr($Link, 8);
360 | if (substr($Link, 0, 7) == 'http://') $Link = substr($Link, 7);
361 | return $Link;
362 | }
363 | }
364 |
365 | class Contract extends Model
366 | {
367 | static function GetModelDesc(): ModelDesc
368 | {
369 | $Desc = new ModelDesc(self::GetClassName());
370 | $Desc->AddReference('DocumentLine', DocumentLine::GetClassName());
371 | $Desc->AddReference('BillCode', DocumentLineCode::GetClassName());
372 | $Desc->AddReference('Subject', Subject::GetClassName());
373 | $Desc->AddDate('ValidFrom');
374 | $Desc->AddDate('ValidTo');
375 | $Desc->AddReference('File', File::GetClassName());
376 | return $Desc;
377 | }
378 | }