1 | <?php
2 |
3 | include_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/Types/Type.php');
4 | include_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/FormManager.php');
5 |
6 | /*
7 | Form item type definition:
8 | Type - identifikace typu z podporovaných
9 | Caption - popisek, titulek položky
10 | Default - výchozí hodnota
11 | Null - hodnota nemusí být zadána
12 | NotInList - sloupec neviditelný v seznamu položek
13 | Hidden - neviditelný, při přidání nové položky se použije výchozí hodnota.
14 | Filter - column is used as filer according default value
15 | Suffix - text za hodnotou
16 | Description - popis významu položky
17 | ReadOnly - je položky pouze pro čtení
18 | Required - položka je vyžadována
19 | SQL - SQL dotaz pro zjištění hodnoty, #Id bude nahrazeno Id aktuální položky
20 | */
21 | class FormItem
22 | {
23 | public string $Type;
24 | public string $Caption;
25 | public string $Default;
26 | public bool $Null;
27 | public bool $NotInList;
28 | public bool $Hidden;
29 | public bool $Filter;
30 | public string $Suffix;
31 | public string $Description;
32 | public bool $ReadOnly;
33 | public bool $Required;
34 | public string $SQL;
35 | }
36 |
37 | class Form
38 | {
39 | public FormManager $FormManager;
40 | public Database $Database;
41 | public array $Definition;
42 | public array $Values;
43 | public array $ValuesValidate;
44 | public array $ValuesFilter;
45 | public string $OnSubmit;
46 |
47 | function __construct(FormManager $FormManager)
48 | {
49 | $this->FormManager = &$FormManager;
50 | $this->Database = $FormManager->Database;
51 | $this->Definition = array();
52 | $this->Values = array();
53 | $this->ValuesFilter = array();
54 | $this->ValuesValidate = array();
55 | $this->OnSubmit = '';
56 | }
57 |
58 | function LoadDefaults(): void
59 | {
60 | foreach ($this->Definition['Items'] as $Index => $Item)
61 | {
62 | if (!array_key_exists($Item['Type'], $this->FormManager->FormTypes) or
63 | (array_key_exists($Item['Type'], $this->FormManager->FormTypes) and
64 | ($this->FormManager->FormTypes[$Item['Type']]['Type'] != 'ManyToOne')))
65 | {
66 | if (!array_key_exists($Index, $this->Values))
67 | {
68 | if (isset($Item['Default'])) $this->Values[$Index] = $Item['Default'];
69 | else $this->Values[$Index] = null;
70 | }
71 | }
72 | }
73 | }
74 |
75 | function SetClass(string $Name): void
76 | {
77 | $this->Definition = &$this->FormManager->Classes[$Name];
78 | $this->LoadDefaults();
79 | }
80 |
81 | function GetValue(string $Index, string $Event = 'OnView'): string
82 | {
83 | $Item = $this->Definition['Items'][$Index];
84 | $UseType = $this->GetItemType($Item);
85 |
86 | $Result = $this->FormManager->Type->ExecuteTypeEvent($UseType, $Event,
87 | array('Value' => $this->Values[$Index], 'Name' => $Index,
88 | 'Type' => $Item['Type'], 'Values' => $this->Values,
89 | 'Filter' => $this->Values[$Index]));
90 | if ($Result == null) return '';
91 | return $Result;
92 | }
93 |
94 | function ShowViewForm(): string
95 | {
96 | $Table = array(
97 | //'Header' => array('Položka', 'Hodnota'),
98 | 'Rows' => array(),
99 | );
100 | foreach ($this->Definition['Items'] as $Index => $Item)
101 | if (!array_key_exists('Hidden', $Item) or ($Item['Hidden'] == false))
102 | if (!array_key_exists($Item['Type'], $this->FormManager->FormTypes) or
103 | (array_key_exists($Item['Type'], $this->FormManager->FormTypes) and
104 | ($this->FormManager->FormTypes[$Item['Type']]['Type'] != 'ManyToOne')))
105 | {
106 | $UseType = $this->GetItemType($Item);
107 | $Edit = $this->FormManager->Type->ExecuteTypeEvent($UseType, 'OnView',
108 | array('Value' => $this->Values[$Index], 'Name' => $Index,
109 | 'Type' => $Item['Type'], 'Values' => $this->Values,
110 | 'Filter' => $this->ValuesFilter[$Index]));
111 | if (array_key_exists('Suffix', $Item)) $Edit .= ' '.$Item['Suffix'];
112 | if (!$this->FormManager->Type->IsHidden($UseType))
113 | array_push($Table['Rows'], array($Item['Caption'].':', $Edit));
114 | }
115 | $Output = '<fieldset><legend>'.$this->Definition['Title'].'</legend>'.Table($Table).
116 | '</fieldset>';
117 | return $Output;
118 | }
119 |
120 | function ShowEditForm(): string
121 | {
122 | if (!array_key_exists('SubmitText', $this->Definition)) $this->Definition['SubmitText'] = 'Uložit';
123 | $Output = '<form enctype="multipart/form-data" class="Form" action="'.$this->OnSubmit.'" method="post">'.$this->ShowEditBlock().
124 | '<div><input name="submit" type="submit" value="'.$this->Definition['SubmitText'].'" /> '.
125 | '<input type="button" value="Zrušit" onclick="location.href=\'?\'"/></div></form>';
126 | return $Output;
127 | }
128 |
129 | function ShowEditBlock(string $Context = ''): string
130 | {
131 | $Hidden = '';
132 | $IsHidden = false;
133 | $Table = array(
134 | //'Header' => array('Položka', 'Hodnota'),
135 | 'Rows' => array(),
136 | );
137 | if ($Context != '') $Context = $Context.'-';
138 | foreach ($this->Definition['Items'] as $Index => $Item)
139 | {
140 | if (!array_key_exists('ReadOnly', $Item)) $Item['ReadOnly'] = false;
141 | if ($Item['ReadOnly'] == false)
142 | if (!array_key_exists('Hidden', $Item) or ($Item['Hidden'] == false))
143 | if (!array_key_exists($Item['Type'], $this->FormManager->FormTypes) or
144 | (array_key_exists($Item['Type'], $this->FormManager->FormTypes) and
145 | ($this->FormManager->FormTypes[$Item['Type']]['Type'] != 'ManyToOne')))
146 | {
147 | $Parameters = array('Value' => $this->Values[$Index], 'Name' => $Index,
148 | 'Type' => $Item['Type'], 'Values' => $this->Values);
149 | if (array_key_exists('Null', $Item)) $Parameters['Null'] = $Item['Null'];
150 | else unset($Parameters['Null']);
151 | if (array_key_exists('OnPreset', $Item)) $Parameters['OnPreset'] = $Item['OnPreset'];
152 | else unset($Parameters['OnPreset']);
153 |
154 | $UseType = $this->GetItemType($Item);
155 | $Edit = $this->FormManager->Type->ExecuteTypeEvent($UseType, 'OnEdit', $Parameters);
156 | if (array_key_exists('Suffix', $Item)) $Edit .= $Item['Suffix'];
157 |
158 | $Caption = $Item['Caption'].':';
159 | if (array_key_exists($Index, $this->ValuesValidate) and
160 | $this->ValuesValidate[$Index])
161 | {
162 | $Format = $this->FormManager->Type->ExecuteTypeEvent($UseType, 'GetValidationFormat', array());
163 | if ($Format != '') $Caption .= '<br/><small>'.$Format.'</small>';
164 | $Caption = '<span style="color:red;">'.$Caption.'</span>';
165 | }
166 | if (!$this->FormManager->Type->IsHidden($UseType))
167 | array_push($Table['Rows'], array($Caption, $Edit));
168 | else $Hidden .= $Edit;
169 | }
170 | }
171 | $Output = '<fieldset><legend>'.$this->Definition['Title'].'</legend>'.Table($Table).
172 | $Hidden.'</fieldset>';
173 | return $Output;
174 | }
175 |
176 | function GetItemType($Item): string
177 | {
178 | if (array_key_exists($Item['Type'], $this->FormManager->FormTypes))
179 | {
180 | if (!array_key_exists($Item['Type'], $this->FormManager->Type->TypeDefinitionList))
181 | $this->FormManager->Type->RegisterType($Item['Type'], '',
182 | $this->FormManager->FormTypes[$Item['Type']]);
183 | if ($this->FormManager->FormTypes[$Item['Type']]['Type'] == 'Reference')
184 | $UseType = 'OneToMany';
185 | else if ($this->FormManager->FormTypes[$Item['Type']]['Type'] == 'Enumeration')
186 | $UseType = 'Enumeration';
187 | } else $UseType = $Item['Type'];
188 |
189 | return $UseType;
190 | }
191 |
192 | function LoadValuesFromDatabase(string $Id): void
193 | {
194 | foreach ($this->Definition['Items'] as $Index => $Item)
195 | {
196 | if (!array_key_exists($Item['Type'], $this->FormManager->FormTypes) or
197 | (array_key_exists($Item['Type'], $this->FormManager->FormTypes) and
198 | ($this->FormManager->FormTypes[$Item['Type']]['Type'] != 'ManyToOne')))
199 | {
200 | $UseType = $this->GetItemType($Item);
201 | if (!array_key_exists('SQL', $Item)) $Item['SQL'] = '';
202 | else $Item['SQL'] = str_replace('#Id', $Id, $Item['SQL']);
203 | $Columns[] = $this->FormManager->Type->ExecuteTypeEvent($UseType, 'OnFilterNameQuery',
204 | array('Name' => $Index, 'Type' => $Item['Type'], 'SQL' => $Item['SQL']));
205 | }
206 | }
207 | $Columns = implode(',', $Columns);
208 | if (array_key_exists('SQL', $this->Definition))
209 | $SourceTable = '('.$this->Definition['SQL'].') AS `TX`';
210 | else $SourceTable = '`'.$this->Definition['Table'].'` AS `TX`';
211 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT '.$Columns.' FROM '.$SourceTable.' WHERE `TX`.`Id`='.$Id);
212 | $DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_array();
213 | foreach ($this->Definition['Items'] as $Index => $Item)
214 | {
215 | if (!array_key_exists($Item['Type'], $this->FormManager->FormTypes) or
216 | (array_key_exists($Item['Type'], $this->FormManager->FormTypes) and
217 | ($this->FormManager->FormTypes[$Item['Type']]['Type'] != 'ManyToOne')))
218 | {
219 | $UseType = $this->GetItemType($Item);
220 | $this->Values[$Index] = $this->FormManager->Type->ExecuteTypeEvent($UseType, 'OnLoadDb',
221 | array('Value' => $DbRow[$Index], 'Name' => $Index,
222 | 'Type' => $Item['Type'], 'Values' => $this->Values));
223 | $this->ValuesFilter[$Index] = $DbRow[$Index.'_Filter'];
224 | }
225 | }
226 | }
227 |
228 | function SaveValuesToDatabase(string $Id)
229 | {
230 | $Values = array();
231 | foreach ($this->Definition['Items'] as $Index => $Item)
232 | {
233 | if (array_key_exists($Index, $this->Values))
234 | if (!array_key_exists($Item['Type'], $this->FormManager->FormTypes) or
235 | (array_key_exists($Item['Type'], $this->FormManager->FormTypes) and
236 | ($this->FormManager->FormTypes[$Item['Type']]['Type'] != 'ManyToOne')))
237 | {
238 | $Parameters = array('Value' => $this->Values[$Index], 'Name' => $Index,
239 | 'Type' => $Item['Type'], 'Values' => $this->Values);
240 | $UseType = $this->GetItemType($Item);
241 | $Values[$Index] = $this->FormManager->Type->ExecuteTypeEvent($UseType, 'OnSaveDb', $Parameters);
242 | if (($Item['Type'] == 'Password') and ($Values[$Index] == '')) unset($Values[$Index]);
243 | }
244 | }
245 | if ($Id == 0)
246 | {
247 | $Values['Id'] = $Id;
248 | $this->Database->insert($this->Definition['Table'], $Values);
249 | } else
250 | $this->Database->update($this->Definition['Table'], 'Id='.$Id, $Values);
251 | }
252 |
253 | function HasAllPostVariables(): bool
254 | {
255 | $Result = array_key_exists('submit', $_POST);
256 |
257 | foreach ($this->Definition['Items'] as $Index => $Item)
258 | {
259 | if (!array_key_exists('ReadOnly', $Item)) $Item['ReadOnly'] = false;
260 | if ($Item['ReadOnly'] == false)
261 | if (!array_key_exists('Hidden', $Item) or ($Item['Hidden'] == false))
262 | if (!array_key_exists($Item['Type'], $this->FormManager->FormTypes) or
263 | (array_key_exists($Item['Type'], $this->FormManager->FormTypes) and
264 | ($this->FormManager->FormTypes[$Item['Type']]['Type'] != 'ManyToOne')))
265 | {
266 | $UseType = $this->GetItemType($Item);
267 | if (!$this->FormManager->Type->ExecuteTypeEvent($UseType, 'OnCanLoad',
268 | array('Value' => $this->Values[$Index], 'Name' => $Index,
269 | 'Type' => $Item['Type'], 'Values' => $this->Values,
270 | 'Filter' => $this->Values[$Index])))
271 | {
272 | $Result = false;
273 | break;
274 | }
275 | }
276 | }
277 |
278 | return $Result;
279 | }
280 |
281 | function LoadValuesFromForm(): void
282 | {
283 | $this->Values = $this->LoadValuesFromFormBlock();
284 | }
285 |
286 | function LoadValuesFromFormBlock(string $Context = ''): array
287 | {
288 | if ($Context != '') $Context = $Context.'-';
289 | $Values = array();
290 | foreach ($this->Definition['Items'] as $Index => $Item)
291 | {
292 | if (!array_key_exists('Hidden', $Item) or ($Item['Hidden'] == false))
293 | {
294 | if ((!array_key_exists($Item['Type'], $this->FormManager->FormTypes) or
295 | (array_key_exists($Item['Type'], $this->FormManager->FormTypes) and
296 | ($this->FormManager->FormTypes[$Item['Type']]['Type'] != 'ManyToOne'))) and
297 | (!array_key_exists('ReadOnly', $Item) or
298 | (array_key_exists('ReadOnly', $Item) and
299 | ($Item['ReadOnly'] != true))))
300 | {
301 | //if (array_key_exists($Context.$Index, $_POST))
302 | $UseType = $this->GetItemType($Item);
303 | $Parameters = array('Name' => $Index, 'Type' => $Item['Type'], 'Values' => $this->Values);
304 | if (array_key_exists('Null', $Item)) $Parameters['Null'] = $Item['Null'];
305 | else unset($Parameters['Null']);
306 | $Values[$Index] = $this->FormManager->Type->ExecuteTypeEvent($UseType, 'OnLoad',
307 | $Parameters);
308 | }
309 | } else
310 | {
311 | if (isset($Item['Default']))
312 | {
313 | if (isset($Item['Null']) and ($Item['Null'] == true))
314 | $Values[$Index] = null;
315 | else $Values[$Index] = $Item['Default'];
316 | }
317 | }
318 | }
319 | return $Values;
320 | }
321 |
322 | // Check if filled value is in valid form
323 | function Validate(): bool
324 | {
325 | $Valid = true;
326 | foreach ($this->Definition['Items'] as $Index => $Item)
327 | {
328 | if ((!array_key_exists($Item['Type'], $this->FormManager->FormTypes) or
329 | (array_key_exists($Item['Type'], $this->FormManager->FormTypes) and
330 | ($this->FormManager->FormTypes[$Item['Type']]['Type'] != 'ManyToOne'))) and
331 | (!array_key_exists('ReadOnly', $Item) or
332 | (array_key_exists('ReadOnly', $Item) and
333 | ($Item['ReadOnly'] != true))))
334 | {
335 | //if (array_key_exists($Context.$Index, $_POST))
336 | $UseType = $this->GetItemType($Item);
337 | $Parameters = array('Value' => $this->Values[$Index]);
338 | if (array_key_exists('Null', $Item)) $Parameters['Null'] = $Item['Null'];
339 | else $Parameters['Null'] = false;
340 | if (!$this->FormManager->Type->ExecuteTypeEvent($UseType, 'Validate',
341 | $Parameters))
342 | {
343 | $this->ValuesValidate[$Index] = true;
344 | $Valid = false;
345 | }
346 | }
347 | }
348 | if ($Valid == false) throw new Exception('not validated');
349 | return $Valid;
350 | }
351 | }
352 |
353 | function MakeLink(string $Target, string $Title): string
354 | {
355 | return '<a href="'.$Target.'">'.$Title.'</a>';
356 | }
357 |
358 | function Table(array $Table): string
359 | {
360 | $Result = '<table class="BasicTable">';
361 | if (array_key_exists('Header', $Table))
362 | {
363 | $Result .= '<tr>';
364 | foreach ($Table['Header'] as $Item)
365 | $Result .= '<th>'.$Item.'</th>';
366 | $Result .= '</tr>';
367 | }
368 | foreach ($Table['Rows'] as $Row)
369 | {
370 | $Result .= '<tr>';
371 | foreach ($Row as $Index => $Item)
372 | {
373 | if ($Index == 0) $Class = ' class="Header"'; else $Class = '';
374 | $Result .= '<td'.$Class.' style="width: '.(floor(100 / count($Row))).'%">'.$Item.'</td>';
375 | }
376 | $Result .= '</tr>';
377 | }
378 | $Result .= '</table>';
379 | return $Result;
380 | }