1 | object Form1: TForm1
2 | Left = 292
3 | Top = 215
4 | BorderStyle = bsDialog
5 | Caption = 'Big Hint Demo'
6 | ClientHeight = 108
7 | ClientWidth = 213
8 | Color = clBtnFace
9 | Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
10 | Font.Color = clWindowText
11 | Font.Height = -11
12 | Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
13 | Font.Style = []
14 | OldCreateOrder = False
15 | Position = poScreenCenter
16 | OnCreate = FormCreate
17 | OnDestroy = FormDestroy
18 | PixelsPerInch = 96
19 | TextHeight = 13
20 | object Label1: TLabel
21 | Left = 12
22 | Top = 12
23 | Width = 175
24 | Height = 13
25 | Caption = 'Position the cursor over the tray icon.'
26 | ShowAccelChar = False
27 | end
28 | object Label2: TLabel
29 | Left = 12
30 | Top = 34
31 | Width = 191
32 | Height = 26
33 | Caption = 'Use the popu menu to change between different hint windows.'
34 | ShowAccelChar = False
35 | WordWrap = True
36 | end
37 | object Button1: TButton
38 | Left = 128
39 | Top = 74
40 | Width = 75
41 | Height = 25
42 | Caption = 'E&xit'
43 | TabOrder = 0
44 | OnClick = Button1Click
45 | end
46 | object TextTrayIcon1: TTextTrayIcon
47 | CycleInterval = 0
48 | Hint = '- FIRST LINE -'
49 | ShowHint = False
50 | Icon.Data = {
51 | 0000010001001010040000000000280100001600000028000000100000002000
52 | 0000010004000000000080000000000000000000000010000000000000000000
53 | 0000000080000080000000808000800000008000800080800000C0C0C0008080
54 | 80000000FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF000000
55 | 000000000000074447FFFF7444700FF848FFFF848FF00FFF447FF744FFF00FFF
58 | 447FF744FFF00FF848FFFF848FF0078447FFFF74487000000000000000000000
59 | 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
60 | 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000}
61 | IconVisible = True
62 | IconIndex = 0
63 | PopupMenu = PopupMenu1
64 | WantEnterExitEvents = True
65 | OnMouseMove = TextTrayIcon1MouseMove
66 | OnMouseEnter = TextTrayIcon1MouseEnter
67 | OnMouseExit = TextTrayIcon1MouseExit
68 | Text = 'OO'
69 | Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET
70 | Font.Color = clNavy
71 | Font.Height = -24
72 | Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
73 | Font.Style = []
74 | Color = clWhite
75 | Border = True
76 | Options.OffsetX = 0
77 | Options.OffsetY = 0
78 | Options.LineDistance = 0
79 | Left = 12
80 | Top = 70
81 | end
82 | object PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu
83 | Left = 52
84 | Top = 70
85 | object Regular1: TMenuItem
86 | Caption = '&Regular THintWindow'
87 | Checked = True
88 | GroupIndex = 1
89 | RadioItem = True
90 | OnClick = Regular1Click
91 | end
92 | object Custom1: TMenuItem
93 | Caption = '&Tiled THintWindow'
94 | GroupIndex = 1
95 | RadioItem = True
96 | OnClick = Custom1Click
97 | end
98 | object N1: TMenuItem
99 | Caption = '-'
100 | GroupIndex = 1
101 | end
102 | object Exit1: TMenuItem
103 | Caption = 'E&xit'
104 | GroupIndex = 1
105 | OnClick = Exit1Click
106 | end
107 | end
108 | object Timer1: TTimer
109 | Enabled = False
110 | OnTimer = Timer1Timer
111 | Left = 64
112 | Top = 70
113 | end
114 | object Timer2: TTimer
115 | Enabled = False
116 | OnTimer = Timer2Timer
117 | Left = 76
118 | Top = 70
119 | end
120 | end