1 | {==============================================================================|
2 | | Project : Ararat Synapse | 004.015.000 |
3 | |==============================================================================|
4 | | Content: support procedures and functions |
5 | |==============================================================================|
6 | | Copyright (c)1999-2012, Lukas Gebauer |
7 | | All rights reserved. |
8 | | |
9 | | Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
10 | | modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: |
11 | | |
12 | | Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this |
13 | | list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
14 | | |
15 | | Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, |
16 | | this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation |
17 | | and/or other materials provided with the distribution. |
18 | | |
19 | | Neither the name of Lukas Gebauer nor the names of its contributors may |
20 | | be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without |
21 | | specific prior written permission. |
22 | | |
33 | | DAMAGE. |
34 | |==============================================================================|
35 | | The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Lukas Gebauer (Czech Republic).|
36 | | Portions created by Lukas Gebauer are Copyright (c) 1999-2012. |
37 | | Portions created by Hernan Sanchez are Copyright (c) 2000. |
38 | | Portions created by Petr Fejfar are Copyright (c)2011-2012. |
39 | | All Rights Reserved. |
40 | |==============================================================================|
41 | | Contributor(s): |
42 | | Hernan Sanchez (hernan.sanchez@iname.com) |
43 | |==============================================================================|
44 | | History: see HISTORY.HTM from distribution package |
45 | | (Found at URL: http://www.ararat.cz/synapse/) |
46 | |==============================================================================}
47 |
48 | {:@abstract(Support procedures and functions)}
49 |
50 | {$IFDEF FPC}
52 | {$ENDIF}
53 | {$Q-}
54 | {$R-}
55 | {$H+}
56 |
57 | //old Delphi does not have MSWINDOWS define.
58 | {$IFDEF WIN32}
61 | {$ENDIF}
62 | {$ENDIF}
63 |
68 | {$ENDIF}
69 |
70 | unit synautil;
71 |
72 | interface
73 |
74 | uses
76 | Windows,
77 | {$ELSE}
78 | {$IFDEF FPC}
79 | UnixUtil, Unix, BaseUnix,
80 | {$ELSE}
81 | Libc,
82 | {$ENDIF}
83 | {$ENDIF}
84 | {$IFDEF CIL}
85 | System.IO,
86 | {$ENDIF}
87 | SysUtils, Classes, SynaFpc;
88 |
89 | {$IFDEF VER100}
90 | type
91 | int64 = integer;
92 | {$ENDIF}
93 |
94 | const
95 | TimeSeparator: Char = ':';
96 |
97 | {:Return your timezone bias from UTC time in minutes.}
98 | function TimeZoneBias: integer;
99 |
100 | {:Return your timezone bias from UTC time in string representation like "+0200".}
101 | function TimeZone: string;
102 |
103 | {:Returns current time in format defined in RFC-822. Useful for SMTP messages,
104 | but other protocols use this time format as well. Results contains the timezone
105 | specification. Four digit year is used to break any Y2K concerns. (Example
106 | 'Fri, 15 Oct 1999 21:14:56 +0200')}
107 | function Rfc822DateTime(t: TDateTime): string;
108 |
109 | {:Returns date and time in format defined in C compilers in format "mmm dd hh:nn:ss"}
110 | function CDateTime(t: TDateTime): string;
111 |
112 | {:Returns date and time in format defined in format 'yymmdd hhnnss'}
113 | function SimpleDateTime(t: TDateTime): string;
114 |
115 | {:Returns date and time in format defined in ANSI C compilers in format
116 | "ddd mmm d hh:nn:ss yyyy" }
117 | function AnsiCDateTime(t: TDateTime): string;
118 |
119 | {:Decode three-letter string with name of month to their month number. If string
120 | not match any month name, then is returned 0. For parsing are used predefined
121 | names for English, French and German and names from system locale too.}
122 | function GetMonthNumber(Value: String): integer;
123 |
124 | {:Return decoded time from given string. Time must be witch separator ':'. You
125 | can use "hh:mm" or "hh:mm:ss".}
126 | function GetTimeFromStr(Value: string): TDateTime;
127 |
128 | {:Decode string in format "m-d-y" to TDateTime type.}
129 | function GetDateMDYFromStr(Value: string): TDateTime;
130 |
131 | {:Decode various string representations of date and time to Tdatetime type.
132 | This function do all timezone corrections too! This function can decode lot of
133 | formats like:
134 | @longcode(#
135 | ddd, d mmm yyyy hh:mm:ss
136 | ddd, d mmm yy hh:mm:ss
137 | ddd, mmm d yyyy hh:mm:ss
138 | ddd mmm dd hh:mm:ss yyyy #)
139 |
140 | and more with lot of modifications, include:
141 | @longcode(#
142 | Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT ; RFC 822, updated by RFC 1123
143 | Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT ; RFC 850, obsoleted by RFC 1036
144 | Sun Nov 6 08:49:37 1994 ; ANSI C's asctime() Format
145 | #)
146 | Timezone corrections known lot of symbolic timezone names (like CEST, EDT, etc.)
147 | or numeric representation (like +0200). By convention defined in RFC timezone
148 | +0000 is GMT and -0000 is current your system timezone.}
149 | function DecodeRfcDateTime(Value: string): TDateTime;
150 |
151 | {:Return current system date and time in UTC timezone.}
152 | function GetUTTime: TDateTime;
153 |
154 | {:Set Newdt as current system date and time in UTC timezone. This function work
155 | only if you have administrator rights!}
156 | function SetUTTime(Newdt: TDateTime): Boolean;
157 |
158 | {:Return current value of system timer with precizion 1 millisecond. Good for
159 | measure time difference.}
160 | function GetTick: LongWord;
161 |
162 | {:Return difference between two timestamps. It working fine only for differences
163 | smaller then maxint. (difference must be smaller then 24 days.)}
164 | function TickDelta(TickOld, TickNew: LongWord): LongWord;
165 |
166 | {:Return two characters, which ordinal values represents the value in byte
167 | format. (High-endian)}
168 | function CodeInt(Value: Word): Ansistring;
169 |
170 | {:Decodes two characters located at "Index" offset position of the "Value"
171 | string to Word values.}
172 | function DecodeInt(const Value: Ansistring; Index: Integer): Word;
173 |
174 | {:Return four characters, which ordinal values represents the value in byte
175 | format. (High-endian)}
176 | function CodeLongInt(Value: LongInt): Ansistring;
177 |
178 | {:Decodes four characters located at "Index" offset position of the "Value"
179 | string to LongInt values.}
180 | function DecodeLongInt(const Value: Ansistring; Index: Integer): LongInt;
181 |
182 | {:Dump binary buffer stored in a string to a result string.}
183 | function DumpStr(const Buffer: Ansistring): string;
184 |
185 | {:Dump binary buffer stored in a string to a result string. All bytes with code
186 | of character is written as character, not as hexadecimal value.}
187 | function DumpExStr(const Buffer: Ansistring): string;
188 |
189 | {:Dump binary buffer stored in a string to a file with DumpFile filename.}
190 | procedure Dump(const Buffer: AnsiString; DumpFile: string);
191 |
192 | {:Dump binary buffer stored in a string to a file with DumpFile filename. All
193 | bytes with code of character is written as character, not as hexadecimal value.}
194 | procedure DumpEx(const Buffer: AnsiString; DumpFile: string);
195 |
196 | {:Like TrimLeft, but remove only spaces, not control characters!}
197 | function TrimSPLeft(const S: string): string;
198 |
199 | {:Like TrimRight, but remove only spaces, not control characters!}
200 | function TrimSPRight(const S: string): string;
201 |
202 | {:Like Trim, but remove only spaces, not control characters!}
203 | function TrimSP(const S: string): string;
204 |
205 | {:Returns a portion of the "Value" string located to the left of the "Delimiter"
206 | string. If a delimiter is not found, results is original string.}
207 | function SeparateLeft(const Value, Delimiter: string): string;
208 |
209 | {:Returns the portion of the "Value" string located to the right of the
210 | "Delimiter" string. If a delimiter is not found, results is original string.}
211 | function SeparateRight(const Value, Delimiter: string): string;
212 |
213 | {:Returns parameter value from string in format:
214 | parameter1="value1"; parameter2=value2}
215 | function GetParameter(const Value, Parameter: string): string;
216 |
217 | {:parse value string with elements differed by Delimiter into stringlist.}
218 | procedure ParseParametersEx(Value, Delimiter: string; const Parameters: TStrings);
219 |
220 | {:parse value string with elements differed by ';' into stringlist.}
221 | procedure ParseParameters(Value: string; const Parameters: TStrings);
222 |
223 | {:Index of string in stringlist with same beginning as Value is returned.}
224 | function IndexByBegin(Value: string; const List: TStrings): integer;
225 |
226 | {:Returns only the e-mail portion of an address from the full address format.
227 | i.e. returns 'nobody@@somewhere.com' from '"someone" <nobody@@somewhere.com>'}
228 | function GetEmailAddr(const Value: string): string;
229 |
230 | {:Returns only the description part from a full address format. i.e. returns
231 | 'someone' from '"someone" <nobody@@somewhere.com>'}
232 | function GetEmailDesc(Value: string): string;
233 |
234 | {:Returns a string with hexadecimal digits representing the corresponding values
235 | of the bytes found in "Value" string.}
236 | function StrToHex(const Value: Ansistring): string;
237 |
238 | {:Returns a string of binary "Digits" representing "Value".}
239 | function IntToBin(Value: Integer; Digits: Byte): string;
240 |
241 | {:Returns an integer equivalent of the binary string in "Value".
242 | (i.e. ('10001010') returns 138)}
243 | function BinToInt(const Value: string): Integer;
244 |
245 | {:Parses a URL to its various components.}
246 | function ParseURL(URL: string; var Prot, User, Pass, Host, Port, Path,
247 | Para: string): string;
248 |
249 | {:Replaces all "Search" string values found within "Value" string, with the
250 | "Replace" string value.}
251 | function ReplaceString(Value, Search, Replace: AnsiString): AnsiString;
252 |
253 | {:It is like RPos, but search is from specified possition.}
254 | function RPosEx(const Sub, Value: string; From: integer): Integer;
255 |
256 | {:It is like POS function, but from right side of Value string.}
257 | function RPos(const Sub, Value: String): Integer;
258 |
259 | {:Like @link(fetch), but working with binary strings, not with text.}
260 | function FetchBin(var Value: string; const Delimiter: string): string;
261 |
262 | {:Fetch string from left of Value string.}
263 | function Fetch(var Value: string; const Delimiter: string): string;
264 |
265 | {:Fetch string from left of Value string. This function ignore delimitesr inside
266 | quotations.}
267 | function FetchEx(var Value: string; const Delimiter, Quotation: string): string;
268 |
269 | {:If string is binary string (contains non-printable characters), then is
270 | returned true.}
271 | function IsBinaryString(const Value: AnsiString): Boolean;
272 |
273 | {:return position of string terminator in string. If terminator found, then is
274 | returned in terminator parameter.
275 | Possible line terminators are: CRLF, LFCR, CR, LF}
276 | function PosCRLF(const Value: AnsiString; var Terminator: AnsiString): integer;
277 |
278 | {:Delete empty strings from end of stringlist.}
279 | Procedure StringsTrim(const value: TStrings);
280 |
281 | {:Like Pos function, buf from given string possition.}
282 | function PosFrom(const SubStr, Value: String; From: integer): integer;
283 |
284 | {$IFNDEF CIL}
285 | {:Increase pointer by value.}
286 | function IncPoint(const p: pointer; Value: integer): pointer;
287 | {$ENDIF}
288 |
289 | {:Get string between PairBegin and PairEnd. This function respect nesting.
290 | For example:
291 | @longcode(#
292 | Value is: 'Hi! (hello(yes!))'
293 | pairbegin is: '('
294 | pairend is: ')'
295 | In this case result is: 'hello(yes!)'#)}
296 | function GetBetween(const PairBegin, PairEnd, Value: string): string;
297 |
298 | {:Return count of Chr in Value string.}
299 | function CountOfChar(const Value: string; Chr: char): integer;
300 |
301 | {:Remove quotation from Value string. If Value is not quoted, then return same
302 | string without any modification. }
303 | function UnquoteStr(const Value: string; Quote: Char): string;
304 |
305 | {:Quote Value string. If Value contains some Quote chars, then it is doubled.}
306 | function QuoteStr(const Value: string; Quote: Char): string;
307 |
308 | {:Convert lines in stringlist from 'name: value' form to 'name=value' form.}
309 | procedure HeadersToList(const Value: TStrings);
310 |
311 | {:Convert lines in stringlist from 'name=value' form to 'name: value' form.}
312 | procedure ListToHeaders(const Value: TStrings);
313 |
314 | {:swap bytes in integer.}
315 | function SwapBytes(Value: integer): integer;
316 |
317 | {:read string with requested length form stream.}
318 | function ReadStrFromStream(const Stream: TStream; len: integer): AnsiString;
319 |
320 | {:write string to stream.}
321 | procedure WriteStrToStream(const Stream: TStream; Value: AnsiString);
322 |
323 | {:Return filename of new temporary file in Dir (if empty, then default temporary
324 | directory is used) and with optional filename prefix.}
325 | function GetTempFile(const Dir, prefix: AnsiString): AnsiString;
326 |
327 | {:Return padded string. If length is greater, string is truncated. If length is
328 | smaller, string is padded by Pad character.}
329 | function PadString(const Value: AnsiString; len: integer; Pad: AnsiChar): AnsiString;
330 |
331 | {:XOR each byte in the strings}
332 | function XorString(Indata1, Indata2: AnsiString): AnsiString;
333 |
334 | {:Read header from "Value" stringlist beginning at "Index" position. If header
335 | is Splitted into multiple lines, then this procedure de-split it into one line.}
336 | function NormalizeHeader(Value: TStrings; var Index: Integer): string;
337 |
338 | {pf}
339 | {:Search for one of line terminators CR, LF or NUL. Return position of the
340 | line beginning and length of text.}
341 | procedure SearchForLineBreak(var APtr:PANSIChar; AEtx:PANSIChar; out ABol:PANSIChar; out ALength:integer);
342 | {:Skip both line terminators CR LF (if any). Move APtr position forward.}
343 | procedure SkipLineBreak(var APtr:PANSIChar; AEtx:PANSIChar);
344 | {:Skip all blank lines in a buffer starting at APtr and move APtr position forward.}
345 | procedure SkipNullLines (var APtr:PANSIChar; AEtx:PANSIChar);
346 | {:Copy all lines from a buffer starting at APtr to ALines until empty line
347 | or end of the buffer is reached. Move APtr position forward).}
348 | procedure CopyLinesFromStreamUntilNullLine(var APtr:PANSIChar; AEtx:PANSIChar; ALines:TStrings);
349 | {:Copy all lines from a buffer starting at APtr to ALines until ABoundary
350 | or end of the buffer is reached. Move APtr position forward).}
351 | procedure CopyLinesFromStreamUntilBoundary(var APtr:PANSIChar; AEtx:PANSIChar; ALines:TStrings; const ABoundary:ANSIString);
352 | {:Search ABoundary in a buffer starting at APtr.
353 | Return beginning of the ABoundary. Move APtr forward behind a trailing CRLF if any).}
354 | function SearchForBoundary (var APtr:PANSIChar; AEtx:PANSIChar; const ABoundary:ANSIString): PANSIChar;
355 | {:Compare a text at position ABOL with ABoundary and return position behind the
356 | match (including a trailing CRLF if any).}
357 | function MatchBoundary (ABOL,AETX:PANSIChar; const ABoundary:ANSIString): PANSIChar;
358 | {:Compare a text at position ABOL with ABoundary + the last boundary suffix
359 | and return position behind the match (including a trailing CRLF if any).}
360 | function MatchLastBoundary (ABOL,AETX:PANSIChar; const ABoundary:ANSIString): PANSIChar;
361 | {:Copy data from a buffer starting at position APtr and delimited by AEtx
362 | position into ANSIString.}
363 | function BuildStringFromBuffer (AStx,AEtx:PANSIChar): ANSIString;
364 | {/pf}
365 |
366 | var
367 | {:can be used for your own months strings for @link(getmonthnumber)}
368 | CustomMonthNames: array[1..12] of string;
369 |
370 | implementation
371 |
372 | {==============================================================================}
373 |
374 | const
375 | MyDayNames: array[1..7] of AnsiString =
376 | ('Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat');
377 | var
378 | MyMonthNames: array[0..6, 1..12] of String =
379 | (
380 | ('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', //rewrited by system locales
381 | 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'),
382 | ('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', //English
383 | 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'),
384 | ('jan', 'fév', 'mar', 'avr', 'mai', 'jun', //French
385 | 'jul', 'aoû', 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'déc'),
386 | ('jan', 'fev', 'mar', 'avr', 'mai', 'jun', //French#2
387 | 'jul', 'aou', 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec'),
388 | ('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'Mai', 'Jun', //German
389 | 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Okt', 'Nov', 'Dez'),
390 | ('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mär', 'Apr', 'Mai', 'Jun', //German#2
391 | 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Okt', 'Nov', 'Dez'),
392 | ('Led', 'Úno', 'Bøe', 'Dub', 'Kvì', 'Èen', //Czech
393 | 'Èec', 'Srp', 'Záø', 'Øíj', 'Lis', 'Pro')
394 | );
395 |
396 |
397 | {==============================================================================}
398 |
399 | function TimeZoneBias: integer;
401 | {$IFNDEF FPC}
402 | var
403 | t: TTime_T;
404 | UT: TUnixTime;
405 | begin
406 | __time(@T);
407 | localtime_r(@T, UT);
408 | Result := ut.__tm_gmtoff div 60;
409 | {$ELSE}
410 | begin
411 | Result := TZSeconds div 60;
412 | {$ENDIF}
413 | {$ELSE}
414 | var
415 | zoneinfo: TTimeZoneInformation;
416 | bias: Integer;
417 | begin
418 | case GetTimeZoneInformation(Zoneinfo) of
419 | 2:
420 | bias := zoneinfo.Bias + zoneinfo.DaylightBias;
421 | 1:
422 | bias := zoneinfo.Bias + zoneinfo.StandardBias;
423 | else
424 | bias := zoneinfo.Bias;
425 | end;
426 | Result := bias * (-1);
427 | {$ENDIF}
428 | end;
429 |
430 | {==============================================================================}
431 |
432 | function TimeZone: string;
433 | var
434 | bias: Integer;
435 | h, m: Integer;
436 | begin
437 | bias := TimeZoneBias;
438 | if bias >= 0 then
439 | Result := '+'
440 | else
441 | Result := '-';
442 | bias := Abs(bias);
443 | h := bias div 60;
444 | m := bias mod 60;
445 | Result := Result + Format('%.2d%.2d', [h, m]);
446 | end;
447 |
448 | {==============================================================================}
449 |
450 | function Rfc822DateTime(t: TDateTime): string;
451 | var
452 | wYear, wMonth, wDay: word;
453 | begin
454 | DecodeDate(t, wYear, wMonth, wDay);
455 | Result := Format('%s, %d %s %s %s', [MyDayNames[DayOfWeek(t)], wDay,
456 | MyMonthNames[1, wMonth], FormatDateTime('yyyy hh":"nn":"ss', t), TimeZone]);
457 | end;
458 |
459 | {==============================================================================}
460 |
461 | function CDateTime(t: TDateTime): string;
462 | var
463 | wYear, wMonth, wDay: word;
464 | begin
465 | DecodeDate(t, wYear, wMonth, wDay);
466 | Result:= Format('%s %2d %s', [MyMonthNames[1, wMonth], wDay,
467 | FormatDateTime('hh":"nn":"ss', t)]);
468 | end;
469 |
470 | {==============================================================================}
471 |
472 | function SimpleDateTime(t: TDateTime): string;
473 | begin
474 | Result := FormatDateTime('yymmdd hhnnss', t);
475 | end;
476 |
477 | {==============================================================================}
478 |
479 | function AnsiCDateTime(t: TDateTime): string;
480 | var
481 | wYear, wMonth, wDay: word;
482 | begin
483 | DecodeDate(t, wYear, wMonth, wDay);
484 | Result := Format('%s %s %d %s', [MyDayNames[DayOfWeek(t)], MyMonthNames[1, wMonth],
485 | wDay, FormatDateTime('hh":"nn":"ss yyyy ', t)]);
486 | end;
487 |
488 | {==============================================================================}
489 |
490 | function DecodeTimeZone(Value: string; var Zone: integer): Boolean;
491 | var
492 | x: integer;
493 | zh, zm: integer;
494 | s: string;
495 | begin
496 | Result := false;
497 | s := Value;
498 | if (Pos('+', s) = 1) or (Pos('-',s) = 1) then
499 | begin
500 | if s = '-0000' then
501 | Zone := TimeZoneBias
502 | else
503 | if Length(s) > 4 then
504 | begin
505 | zh := StrToIntdef(s[2] + s[3], 0);
506 | zm := StrToIntdef(s[4] + s[5], 0);
507 | zone := zh * 60 + zm;
508 | if s[1] = '-' then
509 | zone := zone * (-1);
510 | end;
511 | Result := True;
512 | end
513 | else
514 | begin
515 | x := 32767;
516 | if s = 'NZDT' then x := 13;
517 | if s = 'IDLE' then x := 12;
518 | if s = 'NZST' then x := 12;
519 | if s = 'NZT' then x := 12;
520 | if s = 'EADT' then x := 11;
521 | if s = 'GST' then x := 10;
522 | if s = 'JST' then x := 9;
523 | if s = 'CCT' then x := 8;
524 | if s = 'WADT' then x := 8;
525 | if s = 'WAST' then x := 7;
526 | if s = 'ZP6' then x := 6;
527 | if s = 'ZP5' then x := 5;
528 | if s = 'ZP4' then x := 4;
529 | if s = 'BT' then x := 3;
530 | if s = 'EET' then x := 2;
531 | if s = 'MEST' then x := 2;
532 | if s = 'MESZ' then x := 2;
533 | if s = 'SST' then x := 2;
534 | if s = 'FST' then x := 2;
535 | if s = 'CEST' then x := 2;
536 | if s = 'CET' then x := 1;
537 | if s = 'FWT' then x := 1;
538 | if s = 'MET' then x := 1;
539 | if s = 'MEWT' then x := 1;
540 | if s = 'SWT' then x := 1;
541 | if s = 'UT' then x := 0;
542 | if s = 'UTC' then x := 0;
543 | if s = 'GMT' then x := 0;
544 | if s = 'WET' then x := 0;
545 | if s = 'WAT' then x := -1;
546 | if s = 'BST' then x := -1;
547 | if s = 'AT' then x := -2;
548 | if s = 'ADT' then x := -3;
549 | if s = 'AST' then x := -4;
550 | if s = 'EDT' then x := -4;
551 | if s = 'EST' then x := -5;
552 | if s = 'CDT' then x := -5;
553 | if s = 'CST' then x := -6;
554 | if s = 'MDT' then x := -6;
555 | if s = 'MST' then x := -7;
556 | if s = 'PDT' then x := -7;
557 | if s = 'PST' then x := -8;
558 | if s = 'YDT' then x := -8;
559 | if s = 'YST' then x := -9;
560 | if s = 'HDT' then x := -9;
561 | if s = 'AHST' then x := -10;
562 | if s = 'CAT' then x := -10;
563 | if s = 'HST' then x := -10;
564 | if s = 'EAST' then x := -10;
565 | if s = 'NT' then x := -11;
566 | if s = 'IDLW' then x := -12;
567 | if x <> 32767 then
568 | begin
569 | zone := x * 60;
570 | Result := True;
571 | end;
572 | end;
573 | end;
574 |
575 | {==============================================================================}
576 |
577 | function GetMonthNumber(Value: String): integer;
578 | var
579 | n: integer;
580 | function TestMonth(Value: String; Index: Integer): Boolean;
581 | var
582 | n: integer;
583 | begin
584 | Result := False;
585 | for n := 0 to 6 do
586 | if Value = AnsiUppercase(MyMonthNames[n, Index]) then
587 | begin
588 | Result := True;
589 | Break;
590 | end;
591 | end;
592 | begin
593 | Result := 0;
594 | Value := AnsiUppercase(Value);
595 | for n := 1 to 12 do
596 | if TestMonth(Value, n) or (Value = AnsiUppercase(CustomMonthNames[n])) then
597 | begin
598 | Result := n;
599 | Break;
600 | end;
601 | end;
602 |
603 | {==============================================================================}
604 |
605 | function GetTimeFromStr(Value: string): TDateTime;
606 | var
607 | x: integer;
608 | begin
609 | x := rpos(':', Value);
610 | if (x > 0) and ((Length(Value) - x) > 2) then
611 | Value := Copy(Value, 1, x + 2);
612 | Value := ReplaceString(Value, ':', TimeSeparator);
613 | Result := -1;
614 | try
615 | Result := StrToTime(Value);
616 | except
617 | on Exception do ;
618 | end;
619 | end;
620 |
621 | {==============================================================================}
622 |
623 | function GetDateMDYFromStr(Value: string): TDateTime;
624 | var
625 | wYear, wMonth, wDay: word;
626 | s: string;
627 | begin
628 | Result := 0;
629 | s := Fetch(Value, '-');
630 | wMonth := StrToIntDef(s, 12);
631 | s := Fetch(Value, '-');
632 | wDay := StrToIntDef(s, 30);
633 | wYear := StrToIntDef(Value, 1899);
634 | if wYear < 1000 then
635 | if (wYear > 99) then
636 | wYear := wYear + 1900
637 | else
638 | if wYear > 50 then
639 | wYear := wYear + 1900
640 | else
641 | wYear := wYear + 2000;
642 | try
643 | Result := EncodeDate(wYear, wMonth, wDay);
644 | except
645 | on Exception do ;
646 | end;
647 | end;
648 |
649 | {==============================================================================}
650 |
651 | function DecodeRfcDateTime(Value: string): TDateTime;
652 | var
653 | day, month, year: Word;
654 | zone: integer;
655 | x, y: integer;
656 | s: string;
657 | t: TDateTime;
658 | begin
659 | // ddd, d mmm yyyy hh:mm:ss
660 | // ddd, d mmm yy hh:mm:ss
661 | // ddd, mmm d yyyy hh:mm:ss
662 | // ddd mmm dd hh:mm:ss yyyy
663 | // Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT ; RFC 822, updated by RFC 1123
664 | // Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT ; RFC 850, obsoleted by RFC 1036
665 | // Sun Nov 6 08:49:37 1994 ; ANSI C's asctime() Format
666 |
667 | Result := 0;
668 | if Value = '' then
669 | Exit;
670 | day := 0;
671 | month := 0;
672 | year := 0;
673 | zone := 0;
674 | Value := ReplaceString(Value, ' -', ' #');
675 | Value := ReplaceString(Value, '-', ' ');
676 | Value := ReplaceString(Value, ' #', ' -');
677 | while Value <> '' do
678 | begin
679 | s := Fetch(Value, ' ');
680 | s := uppercase(s);
681 | // timezone
682 | if DecodetimeZone(s, x) then
683 | begin
684 | zone := x;
685 | continue;
686 | end;
687 | x := StrToIntDef(s, 0);
688 | // day or year
689 | if x > 0 then
690 | if (x < 32) and (day = 0) then
691 | begin
692 | day := x;
693 | continue;
694 | end
695 | else
696 | begin
697 | if (year = 0) and ((month > 0) or (x > 12)) then
698 | begin
699 | year := x;
700 | if year < 32 then
701 | year := year + 2000;
702 | if year < 1000 then
703 | year := year + 1900;
704 | continue;
705 | end;
706 | end;
707 | // time
708 | if rpos(':', s) > Pos(':', s) then
709 | begin
710 | t := GetTimeFromStr(s);
711 | if t <> -1 then
712 | Result := t;
713 | continue;
714 | end;
715 | //timezone daylight saving time
716 | if s = 'DST' then
717 | begin
718 | zone := zone + 60;
719 | continue;
720 | end;
721 | // month
722 | y := GetMonthNumber(s);
723 | if (y > 0) and (month = 0) then
724 | month := y;
725 | end;
726 | if year = 0 then
727 | year := 1980;
728 | if month < 1 then
729 | month := 1;
730 | if month > 12 then
731 | month := 12;
732 | if day < 1 then
733 | day := 1;
734 | x := MonthDays[IsLeapYear(year), month];
735 | if day > x then
736 | day := x;
737 | Result := Result + Encodedate(year, month, day);
738 | zone := zone - TimeZoneBias;
739 | x := zone div 1440;
740 | Result := Result - x;
741 | zone := zone mod 1440;
742 | t := EncodeTime(Abs(zone) div 60, Abs(zone) mod 60, 0, 0);
743 | if zone < 0 then
744 | t := 0 - t;
745 | Result := Result - t;
746 | end;
747 |
748 | {==============================================================================}
749 |
750 | function GetUTTime: TDateTime;
752 | {$IFNDEF FPC}
753 | var
754 | st: TSystemTime;
755 | begin
756 | GetSystemTime(st);
757 | result := SystemTimeToDateTime(st);
758 | {$ELSE}
759 | var
760 | st: SysUtils.TSystemTime;
761 | stw: Windows.TSystemTime;
762 | begin
763 | GetSystemTime(stw);
764 | st.Year := stw.wYear;
765 | st.Month := stw.wMonth;
766 | st.Day := stw.wDay;
767 | st.Hour := stw.wHour;
768 | st.Minute := stw.wMinute;
769 | st.Second := stw.wSecond;
770 | st.Millisecond := stw.wMilliseconds;
771 | result := SystemTimeToDateTime(st);
772 | {$ENDIF}
773 | {$ELSE}
774 | {$IFNDEF FPC}
775 | var
776 | TV: TTimeVal;
777 | begin
778 | gettimeofday(TV, nil);
779 | Result := UnixDateDelta + (TV.tv_sec + TV.tv_usec / 1000000) / 86400;
780 | {$ELSE}
781 | var
782 | TV: TimeVal;
783 | begin
784 | fpgettimeofday(@TV, nil);
785 | Result := UnixDateDelta + (TV.tv_sec + TV.tv_usec / 1000000) / 86400;
786 | {$ENDIF}
787 | {$ENDIF}
788 | end;
789 |
790 | {==============================================================================}
791 |
792 | function SetUTTime(Newdt: TDateTime): Boolean;
794 | {$IFNDEF FPC}
795 | var
796 | st: TSystemTime;
797 | begin
798 | DateTimeToSystemTime(newdt,st);
799 | Result := SetSystemTime(st);
800 | {$ELSE}
801 | var
802 | st: SysUtils.TSystemTime;
803 | stw: Windows.TSystemTime;
804 | begin
805 | DateTimeToSystemTime(newdt,st);
806 | stw.wYear := st.Year;
807 | stw.wMonth := st.Month;
808 | stw.wDay := st.Day;
809 | stw.wHour := st.Hour;
810 | stw.wMinute := st.Minute;
811 | stw.wSecond := st.Second;
812 | stw.wMilliseconds := st.Millisecond;
813 | Result := SetSystemTime(stw);
814 | {$ENDIF}
815 | {$ELSE}
816 | {$IFNDEF FPC}
817 | var
818 | TV: TTimeVal;
819 | d: double;
820 | TZ: Ttimezone;
821 | PZ: PTimeZone;
822 | begin
823 | TZ.tz_minuteswest := 0;
824 | TZ.tz_dsttime := 0;
825 | PZ := @TZ;
826 | gettimeofday(TV, PZ);
827 | d := (newdt - UnixDateDelta) * 86400;
828 | TV.tv_sec := trunc(d);
829 | TV.tv_usec := trunc(frac(d) * 1000000);
830 | Result := settimeofday(TV, TZ) <> -1;
831 | {$ELSE}
832 | var
833 | TV: TimeVal;
834 | d: double;
835 | begin
836 | d := (newdt - UnixDateDelta) * 86400;
837 | TV.tv_sec := trunc(d);
838 | TV.tv_usec := trunc(frac(d) * 1000000);
839 | Result := fpsettimeofday(@TV, nil) <> -1;
840 | {$ENDIF}
841 | {$ENDIF}
842 | end;
843 |
844 | {==============================================================================}
845 |
847 | function GetTick: LongWord;
848 | var
849 | Stamp: TTimeStamp;
850 | begin
851 | Stamp := DateTimeToTimeStamp(Now);
852 | Result := Stamp.Time;
853 | end;
854 | {$ELSE}
855 | function GetTick: LongWord;
856 | var
857 | tick, freq: TLargeInteger;
858 | {$IFDEF VER100}
859 | x: TLargeInteger;
860 | {$ENDIF}
861 | begin
862 | if Windows.QueryPerformanceFrequency(freq) then
863 | begin
864 | Windows.QueryPerformanceCounter(tick);
865 | {$IFDEF VER100}
866 | x.QuadPart := (tick.QuadPart / freq.QuadPart) * 1000;
867 | Result := x.LowPart;
868 | {$ELSE}
869 | Result := Trunc((tick / freq) * 1000) and High(LongWord)
870 | {$ENDIF}
871 | end
872 | else
873 | Result := Windows.GetTickCount;
874 | end;
875 | {$ENDIF}
876 |
877 | {==============================================================================}
878 |
879 | function TickDelta(TickOld, TickNew: LongWord): LongWord;
880 | begin
881 | //if DWord is signed type (older Deplhi),
882 | // then it not work properly on differencies larger then maxint!
883 | Result := 0;
884 | if TickOld <> TickNew then
885 | begin
886 | if TickNew < TickOld then
887 | begin
888 | TickNew := TickNew + LongWord(MaxInt) + 1;
889 | TickOld := TickOld + LongWord(MaxInt) + 1;
890 | end;
891 | Result := TickNew - TickOld;
892 | if TickNew < TickOld then
893 | if Result > 0 then
894 | Result := 0 - Result;
895 | end;
896 | end;
897 |
898 | {==============================================================================}
899 |
900 | function CodeInt(Value: Word): Ansistring;
901 | begin
902 | setlength(result, 2);
903 | result[1] := AnsiChar(Value div 256);
904 | result[2] := AnsiChar(Value mod 256);
905 | // Result := AnsiChar(Value div 256) + AnsiChar(Value mod 256)
906 | end;
907 |
908 | {==============================================================================}
909 |
910 | function DecodeInt(const Value: Ansistring; Index: Integer): Word;
911 | var
912 | x, y: Byte;
913 | begin
914 | if Length(Value) > Index then
915 | x := Ord(Value[Index])
916 | else
917 | x := 0;
918 | if Length(Value) >= (Index + 1) then
919 | y := Ord(Value[Index + 1])
920 | else
921 | y := 0;
922 | Result := x * 256 + y;
923 | end;
924 |
925 | {==============================================================================}
926 |
927 | function CodeLongInt(Value: Longint): Ansistring;
928 | var
929 | x, y: word;
930 | begin
931 | // this is fix for negative numbers on systems where longint = integer
932 | x := (Value shr 16) and integer($ffff);
933 | y := Value and integer($ffff);
934 | setlength(result, 4);
935 | result[1] := AnsiChar(x div 256);
936 | result[2] := AnsiChar(x mod 256);
937 | result[3] := AnsiChar(y div 256);
938 | result[4] := AnsiChar(y mod 256);
939 | end;
940 |
941 | {==============================================================================}
942 |
943 | function DecodeLongInt(const Value: Ansistring; Index: Integer): LongInt;
944 | var
945 | x, y: Byte;
946 | xl, yl: Byte;
947 | begin
948 | if Length(Value) > Index then
949 | x := Ord(Value[Index])
950 | else
951 | x := 0;
952 | if Length(Value) >= (Index + 1) then
953 | y := Ord(Value[Index + 1])
954 | else
955 | y := 0;
956 | if Length(Value) >= (Index + 2) then
957 | xl := Ord(Value[Index + 2])
958 | else
959 | xl := 0;
960 | if Length(Value) >= (Index + 3) then
961 | yl := Ord(Value[Index + 3])
962 | else
963 | yl := 0;
964 | Result := ((x * 256 + y) * 65536) + (xl * 256 + yl);
965 | end;
966 |
967 | {==============================================================================}
968 |
969 | function DumpStr(const Buffer: Ansistring): string;
970 | var
971 | n: Integer;
972 | begin
973 | Result := '';
974 | for n := 1 to Length(Buffer) do
975 | Result := Result + ' +#$' + IntToHex(Ord(Buffer[n]), 2);
976 | end;
977 |
978 | {==============================================================================}
979 |
980 | function DumpExStr(const Buffer: Ansistring): string;
981 | var
982 | n: Integer;
983 | x: Byte;
984 | begin
985 | Result := '';
986 | for n := 1 to Length(Buffer) do
987 | begin
988 | x := Ord(Buffer[n]);
989 | if x in [65..90, 97..122] then
990 | Result := Result + ' +''' + char(x) + ''''
991 | else
992 | Result := Result + ' +#$' + IntToHex(Ord(Buffer[n]), 2);
993 | end;
994 | end;
995 |
996 | {==============================================================================}
997 |
998 | procedure Dump(const Buffer: AnsiString; DumpFile: string);
999 | var
1000 | f: Text;
1001 | begin
1002 | AssignFile(f, DumpFile);
1003 | if FileExists(DumpFile) then
1004 | DeleteFile(DumpFile);
1005 | Rewrite(f);
1006 | try
1007 | Writeln(f, DumpStr(Buffer));
1008 | finally
1009 | CloseFile(f);
1010 | end;
1011 | end;
1012 |
1013 | {==============================================================================}
1014 |
1015 | procedure DumpEx(const Buffer: AnsiString; DumpFile: string);
1016 | var
1017 | f: Text;
1018 | begin
1019 | AssignFile(f, DumpFile);
1020 | if FileExists(DumpFile) then
1021 | DeleteFile(DumpFile);
1022 | Rewrite(f);
1023 | try
1024 | Writeln(f, DumpExStr(Buffer));
1025 | finally
1026 | CloseFile(f);
1027 | end;
1028 | end;
1029 |
1030 | {==============================================================================}
1031 |
1032 | function TrimSPLeft(const S: string): string;
1033 | var
1034 | I, L: Integer;
1035 | begin
1036 | Result := '';
1037 | if S = '' then
1038 | Exit;
1039 | L := Length(S);
1040 | I := 1;
1041 | while (I <= L) and (S[I] = ' ') do
1042 | Inc(I);
1043 | Result := Copy(S, I, Maxint);
1044 | end;
1045 |
1046 | {==============================================================================}
1047 |
1048 | function TrimSPRight(const S: string): string;
1049 | var
1050 | I: Integer;
1051 | begin
1052 | Result := '';
1053 | if S = '' then
1054 | Exit;
1055 | I := Length(S);
1056 | while (I > 0) and (S[I] = ' ') do
1057 | Dec(I);
1058 | Result := Copy(S, 1, I);
1059 | end;
1060 |
1061 | {==============================================================================}
1062 |
1063 | function TrimSP(const S: string): string;
1064 | begin
1065 | Result := TrimSPLeft(s);
1066 | Result := TrimSPRight(Result);
1067 | end;
1068 |
1069 | {==============================================================================}
1070 |
1071 | function SeparateLeft(const Value, Delimiter: string): string;
1072 | var
1073 | x: Integer;
1074 | begin
1075 | x := Pos(Delimiter, Value);
1076 | if x < 1 then
1077 | Result := Value
1078 | else
1079 | Result := Copy(Value, 1, x - 1);
1080 | end;
1081 |
1082 | {==============================================================================}
1083 |
1084 | function SeparateRight(const Value, Delimiter: string): string;
1085 | var
1086 | x: Integer;
1087 | begin
1088 | x := Pos(Delimiter, Value);
1089 | if x > 0 then
1090 | x := x + Length(Delimiter) - 1;
1091 | Result := Copy(Value, x + 1, Length(Value) - x);
1092 | end;
1093 |
1094 | {==============================================================================}
1095 |
1096 | function GetParameter(const Value, Parameter: string): string;
1097 | var
1098 | s: string;
1099 | v: string;
1100 | begin
1101 | Result := '';
1102 | v := Value;
1103 | while v <> '' do
1104 | begin
1105 | s := Trim(FetchEx(v, ';', '"'));
1106 | if Pos(Uppercase(parameter), Uppercase(s)) = 1 then
1107 | begin
1108 | Delete(s, 1, Length(Parameter));
1109 | s := Trim(s);
1110 | if s = '' then
1111 | Break;
1112 | if s[1] = '=' then
1113 | begin
1114 | Result := Trim(SeparateRight(s, '='));
1115 | Result := UnquoteStr(Result, '"');
1116 | break;
1117 | end;
1118 | end;
1119 | end;
1120 | end;
1121 |
1122 | {==============================================================================}
1123 |
1124 | procedure ParseParametersEx(Value, Delimiter: string; const Parameters: TStrings);
1125 | var
1126 | s: string;
1127 | begin
1128 | Parameters.Clear;
1129 | while Value <> '' do
1130 | begin
1131 | s := Trim(FetchEx(Value, Delimiter, '"'));
1132 | Parameters.Add(s);
1133 | end;
1134 | end;
1135 |
1136 | {==============================================================================}
1137 |
1138 | procedure ParseParameters(Value: string; const Parameters: TStrings);
1139 | begin
1140 | ParseParametersEx(Value, ';', Parameters);
1141 | end;
1142 |
1143 | {==============================================================================}
1144 |
1145 | function IndexByBegin(Value: string; const List: TStrings): integer;
1146 | var
1147 | n: integer;
1148 | s: string;
1149 | begin
1150 | Result := -1;
1151 | Value := uppercase(Value);
1152 | for n := 0 to List.Count -1 do
1153 | begin
1154 | s := UpperCase(List[n]);
1155 | if Pos(Value, s) = 1 then
1156 | begin
1157 | Result := n;
1158 | Break;
1159 | end;
1160 | end;
1161 | end;
1162 |
1163 | {==============================================================================}
1164 |
1165 | function GetEmailAddr(const Value: string): string;
1166 | var
1167 | s: string;
1168 | begin
1169 | s := SeparateRight(Value, '<');
1170 | s := SeparateLeft(s, '>');
1171 | Result := Trim(s);
1172 | end;
1173 |
1174 | {==============================================================================}
1175 |
1176 | function GetEmailDesc(Value: string): string;
1177 | var
1178 | s: string;
1179 | begin
1180 | Value := Trim(Value);
1181 | s := SeparateRight(Value, '"');
1182 | if s <> Value then
1183 | s := SeparateLeft(s, '"')
1184 | else
1185 | begin
1186 | s := SeparateLeft(Value, '<');
1187 | if s = Value then
1188 | begin
1189 | s := SeparateRight(Value, '(');
1190 | if s <> Value then
1191 | s := SeparateLeft(s, ')')
1192 | else
1193 | s := '';
1194 | end;
1195 | end;
1196 | Result := Trim(s);
1197 | end;
1198 |
1199 | {==============================================================================}
1200 |
1201 | function StrToHex(const Value: Ansistring): string;
1202 | var
1203 | n: Integer;
1204 | begin
1205 | Result := '';
1206 | for n := 1 to Length(Value) do
1207 | Result := Result + IntToHex(Byte(Value[n]), 2);
1208 | Result := LowerCase(Result);
1209 | end;
1210 |
1211 | {==============================================================================}
1212 |
1213 | function IntToBin(Value: Integer; Digits: Byte): string;
1214 | var
1215 | x, y, n: Integer;
1216 | begin
1217 | Result := '';
1218 | x := Value;
1219 | repeat
1220 | y := x mod 2;
1221 | x := x div 2;
1222 | if y > 0 then
1223 | Result := '1' + Result
1224 | else
1225 | Result := '0' + Result;
1226 | until x = 0;
1227 | x := Length(Result);
1228 | for n := x to Digits - 1 do
1229 | Result := '0' + Result;
1230 | end;
1231 |
1232 | {==============================================================================}
1233 |
1234 | function BinToInt(const Value: string): Integer;
1235 | var
1236 | n: Integer;
1237 | begin
1238 | Result := 0;
1239 | for n := 1 to Length(Value) do
1240 | begin
1241 | if Value[n] = '0' then
1242 | Result := Result * 2
1243 | else
1244 | if Value[n] = '1' then
1245 | Result := Result * 2 + 1
1246 | else
1247 | Break;
1248 | end;
1249 | end;
1250 |
1251 | {==============================================================================}
1252 |
1253 | function ParseURL(URL: string; var Prot, User, Pass, Host, Port, Path,
1254 | Para: string): string;
1255 | var
1256 | x, y: Integer;
1257 | sURL: string;
1258 | s: string;
1259 | s1, s2: string;
1260 | begin
1261 | Prot := 'http';
1262 | User := '';
1263 | Pass := '';
1264 | Port := '80';
1265 | Para := '';
1266 |
1267 | x := Pos('://', URL);
1268 | if x > 0 then
1269 | begin
1270 | Prot := SeparateLeft(URL, '://');
1271 | sURL := SeparateRight(URL, '://');
1272 | end
1273 | else
1274 | sURL := URL;
1275 | if UpperCase(Prot) = 'HTTPS' then
1276 | Port := '443';
1277 | if UpperCase(Prot) = 'FTP' then
1278 | Port := '21';
1279 | x := Pos('@', sURL);
1280 | y := Pos('/', sURL);
1281 | if (x > 0) and ((x < y) or (y < 1))then
1282 | begin
1283 | s := SeparateLeft(sURL, '@');
1284 | sURL := SeparateRight(sURL, '@');
1285 | x := Pos(':', s);
1286 | if x > 0 then
1287 | begin
1288 | User := SeparateLeft(s, ':');
1289 | Pass := SeparateRight(s, ':');
1290 | end
1291 | else
1292 | User := s;
1293 | end;
1294 | x := Pos('/', sURL);
1295 | if x > 0 then
1296 | begin
1297 | s1 := SeparateLeft(sURL, '/');
1298 | s2 := SeparateRight(sURL, '/');
1299 | end
1300 | else
1301 | begin
1302 | s1 := sURL;
1303 | s2 := '';
1304 | end;
1305 | if Pos('[', s1) = 1 then
1306 | begin
1307 | Host := Separateleft(s1, ']');
1308 | Delete(Host, 1, 1);
1309 | s1 := SeparateRight(s1, ']');
1310 | if Pos(':', s1) = 1 then
1311 | Port := SeparateRight(s1, ':');
1312 | end
1313 | else
1314 | begin
1315 | x := Pos(':', s1);
1316 | if x > 0 then
1317 | begin
1318 | Host := SeparateLeft(s1, ':');
1319 | Port := SeparateRight(s1, ':');
1320 | end
1321 | else
1322 | Host := s1;
1323 | end;
1324 | Result := '/' + s2;
1325 | x := Pos('?', s2);
1326 | if x > 0 then
1327 | begin
1328 | Path := '/' + SeparateLeft(s2, '?');
1329 | Para := SeparateRight(s2, '?');
1330 | end
1331 | else
1332 | Path := '/' + s2;
1333 | if Host = '' then
1334 | Host := 'localhost';
1335 | end;
1336 |
1337 | {==============================================================================}
1338 |
1339 | function ReplaceString(Value, Search, Replace: AnsiString): AnsiString;
1340 | var
1341 | x, l, ls, lr: Integer;
1342 | begin
1343 | if (Value = '') or (Search = '') then
1344 | begin
1345 | Result := Value;
1346 | Exit;
1347 | end;
1348 | ls := Length(Search);
1349 | lr := Length(Replace);
1350 | Result := '';
1351 | x := Pos(Search, Value);
1352 | while x > 0 do
1353 | begin
1354 | {$IFNDEF CIL}
1355 | l := Length(Result);
1356 | SetLength(Result, l + x - 1);
1357 | Move(Pointer(Value)^, Pointer(@Result[l + 1])^, x - 1);
1358 | {$ELSE}
1359 | Result:=Result+Copy(Value,1,x-1);
1360 | {$ENDIF}
1361 | {$IFNDEF CIL}
1362 | l := Length(Result);
1363 | SetLength(Result, l + lr);
1364 | Move(Pointer(Replace)^, Pointer(@Result[l + 1])^, lr);
1365 | {$ELSE}
1366 | Result:=Result+Replace;
1367 | {$ENDIF}
1368 | Delete(Value, 1, x - 1 + ls);
1369 | x := Pos(Search, Value);
1370 | end;
1371 | Result := Result + Value;
1372 | end;
1373 |
1374 | {==============================================================================}
1375 |
1376 | function RPosEx(const Sub, Value: string; From: integer): Integer;
1377 | var
1378 | n: Integer;
1379 | l: Integer;
1380 | begin
1381 | result := 0;
1382 | l := Length(Sub);
1383 | for n := From - l + 1 downto 1 do
1384 | begin
1385 | if Copy(Value, n, l) = Sub then
1386 | begin
1387 | result := n;
1388 | break;
1389 | end;
1390 | end;
1391 | end;
1392 |
1393 | {==============================================================================}
1394 |
1395 | function RPos(const Sub, Value: String): Integer;
1396 | begin
1397 | Result := RPosEx(Sub, Value, Length(Value));
1398 | end;
1399 |
1400 | {==============================================================================}
1401 |
1402 | function FetchBin(var Value: string; const Delimiter: string): string;
1403 | var
1404 | s: string;
1405 | begin
1406 | Result := SeparateLeft(Value, Delimiter);
1407 | s := SeparateRight(Value, Delimiter);
1408 | if s = Value then
1409 | Value := ''
1410 | else
1411 | Value := s;
1412 | end;
1413 |
1414 | {==============================================================================}
1415 |
1416 | function Fetch(var Value: string; const Delimiter: string): string;
1417 | begin
1418 | Result := FetchBin(Value, Delimiter);
1419 | Result := TrimSP(Result);
1420 | Value := TrimSP(Value);
1421 | end;
1422 |
1423 | {==============================================================================}
1424 |
1425 | function FetchEx(var Value: string; const Delimiter, Quotation: string): string;
1426 | var
1427 | b: Boolean;
1428 | begin
1429 | Result := '';
1430 | b := False;
1431 | while Length(Value) > 0 do
1432 | begin
1433 | if b then
1434 | begin
1435 | if Pos(Quotation, Value) = 1 then
1436 | b := False;
1437 | Result := Result + Value[1];
1438 | Delete(Value, 1, 1);
1439 | end
1440 | else
1441 | begin
1442 | if Pos(Delimiter, Value) = 1 then
1443 | begin
1444 | Delete(Value, 1, Length(delimiter));
1445 | break;
1446 | end;
1447 | b := Pos(Quotation, Value) = 1;
1448 | Result := Result + Value[1];
1449 | Delete(Value, 1, 1);
1450 | end;
1451 | end;
1452 | end;
1453 |
1454 | {==============================================================================}
1455 |
1456 | function IsBinaryString(const Value: AnsiString): Boolean;
1457 | var
1458 | n: integer;
1459 | begin
1460 | Result := False;
1461 | for n := 1 to Length(Value) do
1462 | if Value[n] in [#0..#8, #10..#31] then
1463 | //ignore null-terminated strings
1464 | if not ((n = Length(value)) and (Value[n] = AnsiChar(#0))) then
1465 | begin
1466 | Result := True;
1467 | Break;
1468 | end;
1469 | end;
1470 |
1471 | {==============================================================================}
1472 |
1473 | function PosCRLF(const Value: AnsiString; var Terminator: AnsiString): integer;
1474 | var
1475 | n, l: integer;
1476 | begin
1477 | Result := -1;
1478 | Terminator := '';
1479 | l := length(value);
1480 | for n := 1 to l do
1481 | if value[n] in [#$0d, #$0a] then
1482 | begin
1483 | Result := n;
1484 | Terminator := Value[n];
1485 | if n <> l then
1486 | case value[n] of
1487 | #$0d:
1488 | if value[n + 1] = #$0a then
1489 | Terminator := #$0d + #$0a;
1490 | #$0a:
1491 | if value[n + 1] = #$0d then
1492 | Terminator := #$0a + #$0d;
1493 | end;
1494 | Break;
1495 | end;
1496 | end;
1497 |
1498 | {==============================================================================}
1499 |
1500 | Procedure StringsTrim(const Value: TStrings);
1501 | var
1502 | n: integer;
1503 | begin
1504 | for n := Value.Count - 1 downto 0 do
1505 | if Value[n] = '' then
1506 | Value.Delete(n)
1507 | else
1508 | Break;
1509 | end;
1510 |
1511 | {==============================================================================}
1512 |
1513 | function PosFrom(const SubStr, Value: String; From: integer): integer;
1514 | var
1515 | ls,lv: integer;
1516 | begin
1517 | Result := 0;
1518 | ls := Length(SubStr);
1519 | lv := Length(Value);
1520 | if (ls = 0) or (lv = 0) then
1521 | Exit;
1522 | if From < 1 then
1523 | From := 1;
1524 | while (ls + from - 1) <= (lv) do
1525 | begin
1526 | {$IFNDEF CIL}
1527 | if CompareMem(@SubStr[1],@Value[from],ls) then
1528 | {$ELSE}
1529 | if SubStr = copy(Value, from, ls) then
1530 | {$ENDIF}
1531 | begin
1532 | result := from;
1533 | break;
1534 | end
1535 | else
1536 | inc(from);
1537 | end;
1538 | end;
1539 |
1540 | {==============================================================================}
1541 |
1542 | {$IFNDEF CIL}
1543 | function IncPoint(const p: pointer; Value: integer): pointer;
1544 | begin
1545 | Result := PAnsiChar(p) + Value;
1546 | end;
1547 | {$ENDIF}
1548 |
1549 | {==============================================================================}
1550 | //improved by 'DoggyDawg'
1551 | function GetBetween(const PairBegin, PairEnd, Value: string): string;
1552 | var
1553 | n: integer;
1554 | x: integer;
1555 | s: string;
1556 | lenBegin: integer;
1557 | lenEnd: integer;
1558 | str: string;
1559 | max: integer;
1560 | begin
1561 | lenBegin := Length(PairBegin);
1562 | lenEnd := Length(PairEnd);
1563 | n := Length(Value);
1564 | if (Value = PairBegin + PairEnd) then
1565 | begin
1566 | Result := '';//nothing between
1567 | exit;
1568 | end;
1569 | if (n < lenBegin + lenEnd) then
1570 | begin
1571 | Result := Value;
1572 | exit;
1573 | end;
1574 | s := SeparateRight(Value, PairBegin);
1575 | if (s = Value) then
1576 | begin
1577 | Result := Value;
1578 | exit;
1579 | end;
1580 | n := Pos(PairEnd, s);
1581 | if (n = 0) then
1582 | begin
1583 | Result := Value;
1584 | exit;
1585 | end;
1586 | Result := '';
1587 | x := 1;
1588 | max := Length(s) - lenEnd + 1;
1589 | for n := 1 to max do
1590 | begin
1591 | str := copy(s, n, lenEnd);
1592 | if (str = PairEnd) then
1593 | begin
1594 | Dec(x);
1595 | if (x <= 0) then
1596 | Break;
1597 | end;
1598 | str := copy(s, n, lenBegin);
1599 | if (str = PairBegin) then
1600 | Inc(x);
1601 | Result := Result + s[n];
1602 | end;
1603 | end;
1604 |
1605 | {==============================================================================}
1606 |
1607 | function CountOfChar(const Value: string; Chr: char): integer;
1608 | var
1609 | n: integer;
1610 | begin
1611 | Result := 0;
1612 | for n := 1 to Length(Value) do
1613 | if Value[n] = chr then
1614 | Inc(Result);
1615 | end;
1616 |
1617 | {==============================================================================}
1618 | // ! do not use AnsiExtractQuotedStr, it's very buggy and can crash application!
1619 | function UnquoteStr(const Value: string; Quote: Char): string;
1620 | var
1621 | n: integer;
1622 | inq, dq: Boolean;
1623 | c, cn: char;
1624 | begin
1625 | Result := '';
1626 | if Value = '' then
1627 | Exit;
1628 | if Value = Quote + Quote then
1629 | Exit;
1630 | inq := False;
1631 | dq := False;
1632 | for n := 1 to Length(Value) do
1633 | begin
1634 | c := Value[n];
1635 | if n <> Length(Value) then
1636 | cn := Value[n + 1]
1637 | else
1638 | cn := #0;
1639 | if c = quote then
1640 | if dq then
1641 | dq := False
1642 | else
1643 | if not inq then
1644 | inq := True
1645 | else
1646 | if cn = quote then
1647 | begin
1648 | Result := Result + Quote;
1649 | dq := True;
1650 | end
1651 | else
1652 | inq := False
1653 | else
1654 | Result := Result + c;
1655 | end;
1656 | end;
1657 |
1658 | {==============================================================================}
1659 |
1660 | function QuoteStr(const Value: string; Quote: Char): string;
1661 | var
1662 | n: integer;
1663 | begin
1664 | Result := '';
1665 | for n := 1 to length(value) do
1666 | begin
1667 | Result := result + Value[n];
1668 | if value[n] = Quote then
1669 | Result := Result + Quote;
1670 | end;
1671 | Result := Quote + Result + Quote;
1672 | end;
1673 |
1674 | {==============================================================================}
1675 |
1676 | procedure HeadersToList(const Value: TStrings);
1677 | var
1678 | n, x, y: integer;
1679 | s: string;
1680 | begin
1681 | for n := 0 to Value.Count -1 do
1682 | begin
1683 | s := Value[n];
1684 | x := Pos(':', s);
1685 | if x > 0 then
1686 | begin
1687 | y:= Pos('=',s);
1688 | if not ((y > 0) and (y < x)) then
1689 | begin
1690 | s[x] := '=';
1691 | Value[n] := s;
1692 | end;
1693 | end;
1694 | end;
1695 | end;
1696 |
1697 | {==============================================================================}
1698 |
1699 | procedure ListToHeaders(const Value: TStrings);
1700 | var
1701 | n, x: integer;
1702 | s: string;
1703 | begin
1704 | for n := 0 to Value.Count -1 do
1705 | begin
1706 | s := Value[n];
1707 | x := Pos('=', s);
1708 | if x > 0 then
1709 | begin
1710 | s[x] := ':';
1711 | Value[n] := s;
1712 | end;
1713 | end;
1714 | end;
1715 |
1716 | {==============================================================================}
1717 |
1718 | function SwapBytes(Value: integer): integer;
1719 | var
1720 | s: AnsiString;
1721 | x, y, xl, yl: Byte;
1722 | begin
1723 | s := CodeLongInt(Value);
1724 | x := Ord(s[4]);
1725 | y := Ord(s[3]);
1726 | xl := Ord(s[2]);
1727 | yl := Ord(s[1]);
1728 | Result := ((x * 256 + y) * 65536) + (xl * 256 + yl);
1729 | end;
1730 |
1731 | {==============================================================================}
1732 |
1733 | function ReadStrFromStream(const Stream: TStream; len: integer): AnsiString;
1734 | var
1735 | x: integer;
1736 | {$IFDEF CIL}
1737 | buf: Array of Byte;
1738 | {$ENDIF}
1739 | begin
1740 | {$IFDEF CIL}
1741 | Setlength(buf, Len);
1742 | x := Stream.read(buf, Len);
1743 | SetLength(buf, x);
1744 | Result := StringOf(Buf);
1745 | {$ELSE}
1746 | Setlength(Result, Len);
1747 | x := Stream.read(PAnsiChar(Result)^, Len);
1748 | SetLength(Result, x);
1749 | {$ENDIF}
1750 | end;
1751 |
1752 | {==============================================================================}
1753 |
1754 | procedure WriteStrToStream(const Stream: TStream; Value: AnsiString);
1755 | {$IFDEF CIL}
1756 | var
1757 | buf: Array of Byte;
1758 | {$ENDIF}
1759 | begin
1760 | {$IFDEF CIL}
1761 | buf := BytesOf(Value);
1762 | Stream.Write(buf,length(Value));
1763 | {$ELSE}
1764 | Stream.Write(PAnsiChar(Value)^, Length(Value));
1765 | {$ENDIF}
1766 | end;
1767 |
1768 | {==============================================================================}
1769 | function GetTempFile(const Dir, prefix: AnsiString): AnsiString;
1770 | {$IFNDEF FPC}
1772 | var
1773 | Path: AnsiString;
1774 | x: integer;
1775 | {$ENDIF}
1776 | {$ENDIF}
1777 | begin
1778 | {$IFDEF FPC}
1779 | Result := GetTempFileName(Dir, Prefix);
1780 | {$ELSE}
1782 | Result := tempnam(Pointer(Dir), Pointer(prefix));
1783 | {$ELSE}
1784 | {$IFDEF CIL}
1785 | Result := System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName;
1786 | {$ELSE}
1787 | if Dir = '' then
1788 | begin
1789 | SetLength(Path, MAX_PATH);
1790 | x := GetTempPath(Length(Path), PChar(Path));
1791 | SetLength(Path, x);
1792 | end
1793 | else
1794 | Path := Dir;
1795 | x := Length(Path);
1796 | if Path[x] <> '\' then
1797 | Path := Path + '\';
1798 | SetLength(Result, MAX_PATH + 1);
1799 | GetTempFileName(PChar(Path), PChar(Prefix), 0, PChar(Result));
1800 | Result := PChar(Result);
1801 | SetFileattributes(PChar(Result), GetFileAttributes(PChar(Result)) or FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY);
1802 | {$ENDIF}
1803 | {$ENDIF}
1804 | {$ENDIF}
1805 | end;
1806 |
1807 | {==============================================================================}
1808 |
1809 | function PadString(const Value: AnsiString; len: integer; Pad: AnsiChar): AnsiString;
1810 | begin
1811 | if length(value) >= len then
1812 | Result := Copy(value, 1, len)
1813 | else
1814 | Result := Value + StringOfChar(Pad, len - length(value));
1815 | end;
1816 |
1817 | {==============================================================================}
1818 |
1819 | function XorString(Indata1, Indata2: AnsiString): AnsiString;
1820 | var
1821 | i: integer;
1822 | begin
1823 | Indata2 := PadString(Indata2, length(Indata1), #0);
1824 | Result := '';
1825 | for i := 1 to length(Indata1) do
1826 | Result := Result + AnsiChar(ord(Indata1[i]) xor ord(Indata2[i]));
1827 | end;
1828 |
1829 | {==============================================================================}
1830 |
1831 | function NormalizeHeader(Value: TStrings; var Index: Integer): string;
1832 | var
1833 | s, t: string;
1834 | n: Integer;
1835 | begin
1836 | s := Value[Index];
1837 | Inc(Index);
1838 | if s <> '' then
1839 | while (Value.Count - 1) > Index do
1840 | begin
1841 | t := Value[Index];
1842 | if t = '' then
1843 | Break;
1844 | for n := 1 to Length(t) do
1845 | if t[n] = #9 then
1846 | t[n] := ' ';
1847 | if not(AnsiChar(t[1]) in [' ', '"', ':', '=']) then
1848 | Break
1849 | else
1850 | begin
1851 | s := s + ' ' + Trim(t);
1852 | Inc(Index);
1853 | end;
1854 | end;
1855 | Result := TrimRight(s);
1856 | end;
1857 |
1858 | {==============================================================================}
1859 |
1860 | {pf}
1861 | procedure SearchForLineBreak(var APtr:PANSIChar; AEtx:PANSIChar; out ABol:PANSIChar; out ALength:integer);
1862 | begin
1863 | ABol := APtr;
1864 | while (APtr<AEtx) and not (APtr^ in [#0,#10,#13]) do
1865 | inc(APtr);
1866 | ALength := APtr-ABol;
1867 | end;
1868 | {/pf}
1869 |
1870 | {pf}
1871 | procedure SkipLineBreak(var APtr:PANSIChar; AEtx:PANSIChar);
1872 | begin
1873 | if (APtr<AEtx) and (APtr^=#13) then
1874 | inc(APtr);
1875 | if (APtr<AEtx) and (APtr^=#10) then
1876 | inc(APtr);
1877 | end;
1878 | {/pf}
1879 |
1880 | {pf}
1881 | procedure SkipNullLines(var APtr:PANSIChar; AEtx:PANSIChar);
1882 | var
1883 | bol: PANSIChar;
1884 | lng: integer;
1885 | begin
1886 | while (APtr<AEtx) do
1887 | begin
1888 | SearchForLineBreak(APtr,AEtx,bol,lng);
1889 | SkipLineBreak(APtr,AEtx);
1890 | if lng>0 then
1891 | begin
1892 | APtr := bol;
1893 | Break;
1894 | end;
1895 | end;
1896 | end;
1897 | {/pf}
1898 |
1899 | {pf}
1900 | procedure CopyLinesFromStreamUntilNullLine(var APtr:PANSIChar; AEtx:PANSIChar; ALines:TStrings);
1901 | var
1902 | bol: PANSIChar;
1903 | lng: integer;
1904 | s: ANSIString;
1905 | begin
1906 | // Copying until body separator will be reached
1907 | while (APtr<AEtx) and (APtr^<>#0) do
1908 | begin
1909 | SearchForLineBreak(APtr,AEtx,bol,lng);
1910 | SkipLineBreak(APtr,AEtx);
1911 | if lng=0 then
1912 | Break;
1913 | SetString(s,bol,lng);
1914 | ALines.Add(s);
1915 | end;
1916 | end;
1917 | {/pf}
1918 |
1919 | {pf}
1920 | procedure CopyLinesFromStreamUntilBoundary(var APtr:PANSIChar; AEtx:PANSIChar; ALines:TStrings; const ABoundary:ANSIString);
1921 | var
1922 | bol: PANSIChar;
1923 | lng: integer;
1924 | s: ANSIString;
1925 | BackStop: ANSIString;
1926 | eob1: PANSIChar;
1927 | eob2: PANSIChar;
1928 | begin
1929 | BackStop := '--'+ABoundary;
1930 | eob2 := nil;
1931 | // Copying until Boundary will be reached
1932 | while (APtr<AEtx) do
1933 | begin
1934 | SearchForLineBreak(APtr,AEtx,bol,lng);
1935 | SkipLineBreak(APtr,AEtx);
1936 | eob1 := MatchBoundary(bol,APtr,ABoundary);
1937 | if Assigned(eob1) then
1938 | eob2 := MatchLastBoundary(bol,AEtx,ABoundary);
1939 | if Assigned(eob2) then
1940 | begin
1941 | APtr := eob2;
1942 | Break;
1943 | end
1944 | else if Assigned(eob1) then
1945 | begin
1946 | APtr := eob1;
1947 | Break;
1948 | end
1949 | else
1950 | begin
1951 | SetString(s,bol,lng);
1952 | ALines.Add(s);
1953 | end;
1954 | end;
1955 | end;
1956 | {/pf}
1957 |
1958 | {pf}
1959 | function SearchForBoundary(var APtr:PANSIChar; AEtx:PANSIChar; const ABoundary:ANSIString): PANSIChar;
1960 | var
1961 | eob: PANSIChar;
1962 | Step: integer;
1963 | begin
1964 | Result := nil;
1965 | // Moving Aptr position forward until boundary will be reached
1966 | while (APtr<AEtx) do
1967 | begin
1968 | if strlcomp(APtr,#13#10'--',4)=0 then
1969 | begin
1970 | eob := MatchBoundary(APtr,AEtx,ABoundary);
1971 | Step := 4;
1972 | end
1973 | else if strlcomp(APtr,'--',2)=0 then
1974 | begin
1975 | eob := MatchBoundary(APtr,AEtx,ABoundary);
1976 | Step := 2;
1977 | end
1978 | else
1979 | begin
1980 | eob := nil;
1981 | Step := 1;
1982 | end;
1983 | if Assigned(eob) then
1984 | begin
1985 | Result := APtr; // boundary beginning
1986 | APtr := eob; // boundary end
1987 | exit;
1988 | end
1989 | else
1990 | inc(APtr,Step);
1991 | end;
1992 | end;
1993 | {/pf}
1994 |
1995 | {pf}
1996 | function MatchBoundary(ABol,AEtx:PANSIChar; const ABoundary:ANSIString): PANSIChar;
1997 | var
1998 | MatchPos: PANSIChar;
1999 | Lng: integer;
2000 | begin
2001 | Result := nil;
2002 | MatchPos := ABol;
2003 | Lng := length(ABoundary);
2004 | if (MatchPos+2+Lng)>AETX then
2005 | exit;
2006 | if strlcomp(MatchPos,#13#10,2)=0 then
2007 | inc(MatchPos,2);
2008 | if (MatchPos+2+Lng)>AETX then
2009 | exit;
2010 | if strlcomp(MatchPos,'--',2)<>0 then
2011 | exit;
2012 | inc(MatchPos,2);
2013 | if strlcomp(MatchPos,PANSIChar(ABoundary),Lng)<>0 then
2014 | exit;
2015 | inc(MatchPos,Lng);
2016 | if ((MatchPos+2)<=AEtx) and (strlcomp(MatchPos,#13#10,2)=0) then
2017 | inc(MatchPos,2);
2018 | Result := MatchPos;
2019 | end;
2020 | {/pf}
2021 |
2022 | {pf}
2023 | function MatchLastBoundary(ABOL,AETX:PANSIChar; const ABoundary:ANSIString): PANSIChar;
2024 | var
2025 | MatchPos: PANSIChar;
2026 | begin
2027 | Result := nil;
2028 | MatchPos := MatchBoundary(ABOL,AETX,ABoundary);
2029 | if not Assigned(MatchPos) then
2030 | exit;
2031 | if strlcomp(MatchPos,'--',2)<>0 then
2032 | exit;
2033 | inc(MatchPos,2);
2034 | if (MatchPos+2<=AEtx) and (strlcomp(MatchPos,#13#10,2)=0) then
2035 | inc(MatchPos,2);
2036 | Result := MatchPos;
2037 | end;
2038 | {/pf}
2039 |
2040 | {pf}
2041 | function BuildStringFromBuffer(AStx,AEtx:PANSIChar): ANSIString;
2042 | var
2043 | lng: integer;
2044 | begin
2045 | Lng := 0;
2046 | if Assigned(AStx) and Assigned(AEtx) then
2047 | begin
2048 | Lng := AEtx-AStx;
2049 | if Lng<0 then
2050 | Lng := 0;
2051 | end;
2052 | SetString(Result,AStx,lng);
2053 | end;
2054 | {/pf}
2055 |
2056 |
2057 |
2058 |
2059 | {==============================================================================}
2060 | var
2061 | n: integer;
2062 | begin
2063 | for n := 1 to 12 do
2064 | begin
2065 | //CustomMonthNames[n] := ShortMonthNames[n];
2066 | //MyMonthNames[0, n] := ShortMonthNames[n];
2067 | end;
2068 | end.