1 | {==============================================================================|
2 | | Project : Ararat Synapse | 001.002.000 |
3 | |==============================================================================|
4 | | Content: SSL support by OpenSSL |
5 | |==============================================================================|
6 | | Copyright (c)1999-2008, Lukas Gebauer |
7 | | All rights reserved. |
8 | | |
9 | | Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
10 | | modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: |
11 | | |
12 | | Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this |
13 | | list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
14 | | |
15 | | Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, |
16 | | this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation |
17 | | and/or other materials provided with the distribution. |
18 | | |
19 | | Neither the name of Lukas Gebauer nor the names of its contributors may |
20 | | be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without |
21 | | specific prior written permission. |
22 | | |
33 | | DAMAGE. |
34 | |==============================================================================|
35 | | The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Lukas Gebauer (Czech Republic).|
36 | | Portions created by Lukas Gebauer are Copyright (c)2005-2012. |
37 | | Portions created by Petr Fejfar are Copyright (c)2011-2012. |
38 | | All Rights Reserved. |
39 | |==============================================================================|
40 | | Contributor(s): |
41 | |==============================================================================|
42 | | History: see HISTORY.HTM from distribution package |
43 | | (Found at URL: http://www.ararat.cz/synapse/) |
44 | |==============================================================================}
45 |
46 | //requires OpenSSL libraries!
47 |
48 | {:@abstract(SSL plugin for OpenSSL)
49 |
50 | You need OpenSSL libraries version 0.9.7. It can work with 0.9.6 too, but
51 | application mysteriously crashing when you are using freePascal on Linux.
52 | Use Kylix on Linux is OK! If you have version 0.9.7 on Linux, then I not see
53 | any problems with FreePascal.
54 |
55 | OpenSSL libraries are loaded dynamicly - you not need OpenSSl librares even you
56 | compile your application with this unit. SSL just not working when you not have
57 | OpenSSL libraries.
58 |
59 | This plugin have limited support for .NET too! Because is not possible to use
60 | callbacks with CDECL calling convention under .NET, is not supported
61 | key/certificate passwords and multithread locking. :-(
62 |
63 | For handling keys and certificates you can use this properties:
64 |
65 | @link(TCustomSSL.CertificateFile) for PEM or ASN1 DER (cer) format. @br
66 | @link(TCustomSSL.Certificate) for ASN1 DER format only. @br
67 | @link(TCustomSSL.PrivateKeyFile) for PEM or ASN1 DER (key) format. @br
68 | @link(TCustomSSL.PrivateKey) for ASN1 DER format only. @br
69 | @link(TCustomSSL.CertCAFile) for PEM CA certificate bundle. @br
70 | @link(TCustomSSL.PFXFile) for PFX format. @br
71 | @link(TCustomSSL.PFX) for PFX format from binary string. @br
72 |
73 | This plugin is capable to create Ad-Hoc certificates. When you start SSL/TLS
74 | server without explicitly assigned key and certificate, then this plugin create
75 | Ad-Hoc key and certificate for each incomming connection by self. It slowdown
76 | accepting of new connections!
77 | }
78 |
79 | {$IFDEF FPC}
81 | {$ENDIF}
82 | {$H+}
83 |
87 | {$ENDIF}
88 |
89 | unit ssl_openssl;
90 |
91 | interface
92 |
93 | uses
94 | SysUtils, Classes,
95 | blcksock, synsock, synautil,
96 | {$IFDEF CIL}
97 | System.Text,
98 | {$ENDIF}
99 | ssl_openssl_lib;
100 |
101 | type
102 | {:@abstract(class implementing OpenSSL SSL plugin.)
103 | Instance of this class will be created for each @link(TTCPBlockSocket).
104 | You not need to create instance of this class, all is done by Synapse itself!}
105 | TSSLOpenSSL = class(TCustomSSL)
106 | protected
107 | FSsl: PSSL;
108 | Fctx: PSSL_CTX;
109 | function SSLCheck: Boolean;
110 | function SetSslKeys: boolean;
111 | function Init(server:Boolean): Boolean;
112 | function DeInit: Boolean;
113 | function Prepare(server:Boolean): Boolean;
114 | function LoadPFX(pfxdata: ansistring): Boolean;
115 | function CreateSelfSignedCert(Host: string): Boolean; override;
116 | public
117 | {:See @inherited}
118 | constructor Create(const Value: TTCPBlockSocket); override;
119 | destructor Destroy; override;
120 | {:See @inherited}
121 | function LibVersion: String; override;
122 | {:See @inherited}
123 | function LibName: String; override;
124 | {:See @inherited and @link(ssl_cryptlib) for more details.}
125 | function Connect: boolean; override;
126 | {:See @inherited and @link(ssl_cryptlib) for more details.}
127 | function Accept: boolean; override;
128 | {:See @inherited}
129 | function Shutdown: boolean; override;
130 | {:See @inherited}
131 | function BiShutdown: boolean; override;
132 | {:See @inherited}
133 | function SendBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Len: Integer): Integer; override;
134 | {:See @inherited}
135 | function RecvBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Len: Integer): Integer; override;
136 | {:See @inherited}
137 | function WaitingData: Integer; override;
138 | {:See @inherited}
139 | function GetSSLVersion: string; override;
140 | {:See @inherited}
141 | function GetPeerSubject: string; override;
142 | {:See @inherited}
143 | function GetPeerSerialNo: integer; override; {pf}
144 | {:See @inherited}
145 | function GetPeerIssuer: string; override;
146 | {:See @inherited}
147 | function GetPeerName: string; override;
148 | {:See @inherited}
149 | function GetPeerNameHash: cardinal; override; {pf}
150 | {:See @inherited}
151 | function GetPeerFingerprint: string; override;
152 | {:See @inherited}
153 | function GetCertInfo: string; override;
154 | {:See @inherited}
155 | function GetCipherName: string; override;
156 | {:See @inherited}
157 | function GetCipherBits: integer; override;
158 | {:See @inherited}
159 | function GetCipherAlgBits: integer; override;
160 | {:See @inherited}
161 | function GetVerifyCert: integer; override;
162 | end;
163 |
164 | implementation
165 |
166 | {==============================================================================}
167 |
168 | {$IFNDEF CIL}
169 | function PasswordCallback(buf:PAnsiChar; size:Integer; rwflag:Integer; userdata: Pointer):Integer; cdecl;
170 | var
171 | Password: AnsiString;
172 | begin
173 | Password := '';
174 | if TCustomSSL(userdata) is TCustomSSL then
175 | Password := TCustomSSL(userdata).KeyPassword;
176 | if Length(Password) > (Size - 1) then
177 | SetLength(Password, Size - 1);
178 | Result := Length(Password);
179 | StrLCopy(buf, PAnsiChar(Password + #0), Result + 1);
180 | end;
181 | {$ENDIF}
182 |
183 | {==============================================================================}
184 |
185 | constructor TSSLOpenSSL.Create(const Value: TTCPBlockSocket);
186 | begin
187 | inherited Create(Value);
188 | FCiphers := 'DEFAULT';
189 | FSsl := nil;
190 | Fctx := nil;
191 | end;
192 |
193 | destructor TSSLOpenSSL.Destroy;
194 | begin
195 | DeInit;
196 | inherited Destroy;
197 | end;
198 |
199 | function TSSLOpenSSL.LibVersion: String;
200 | begin
201 | Result := SSLeayversion(0);
202 | end;
203 |
204 | function TSSLOpenSSL.LibName: String;
205 | begin
206 | Result := 'ssl_openssl';
207 | end;
208 |
209 | function TSSLOpenSSL.SSLCheck: Boolean;
210 | var
211 | {$IFDEF CIL}
212 | sb: StringBuilder;
213 | {$ENDIF}
214 | s : AnsiString;
215 | begin
216 | Result := true;
217 | FLastErrorDesc := '';
218 | FLastError := ErrGetError;
219 | ErrClearError;
220 | if FLastError <> 0 then
221 | begin
222 | Result := False;
223 | {$IFDEF CIL}
224 | sb := StringBuilder.Create(256);
225 | ErrErrorString(FLastError, sb, 256);
226 | FLastErrorDesc := Trim(sb.ToString);
227 | {$ELSE}
228 | s := StringOfChar(#0, 256);
229 | ErrErrorString(FLastError, s, Length(s));
230 | FLastErrorDesc := s;
231 | {$ENDIF}
232 | end;
233 | end;
234 |
235 | function TSSLOpenSSL.CreateSelfSignedCert(Host: string): Boolean;
236 | var
237 | pk: EVP_PKEY;
238 | x: PX509;
239 | rsa: PRSA;
240 | t: PASN1_UTCTIME;
241 | name: PX509_NAME;
242 | b: PBIO;
243 | xn, y: integer;
244 | s: AnsiString;
245 | {$IFDEF CIL}
246 | sb: StringBuilder;
247 | {$ENDIF}
248 | begin
249 | Result := True;
250 | pk := EvpPkeynew;
251 | x := X509New;
252 | try
253 | rsa := RsaGenerateKey(1024, $10001, nil, nil);
254 | EvpPkeyAssign(pk, EVP_PKEY_RSA, rsa);
255 | X509SetVersion(x, 2);
256 | Asn1IntegerSet(X509getSerialNumber(x), 0);
257 | t := Asn1UtctimeNew;
258 | try
259 | X509GmtimeAdj(t, -60 * 60 *24);
260 | X509SetNotBefore(x, t);
261 | X509GmtimeAdj(t, 60 * 60 * 60 *24);
262 | X509SetNotAfter(x, t);
263 | finally
264 | Asn1UtctimeFree(t);
265 | end;
266 | X509SetPubkey(x, pk);
267 | Name := X509GetSubjectName(x);
268 | X509NameAddEntryByTxt(Name, 'C', $1001, 'CZ', -1, -1, 0);
269 | X509NameAddEntryByTxt(Name, 'CN', $1001, host, -1, -1, 0);
270 | x509SetIssuerName(x, Name);
271 | x509Sign(x, pk, EvpGetDigestByName('SHA1'));
272 | b := BioNew(BioSMem);
273 | try
274 | i2dX509Bio(b, x);
275 | xn := bioctrlpending(b);
276 | {$IFDEF CIL}
277 | sb := StringBuilder.Create(xn);
278 | y := bioread(b, sb, xn);
279 | if y > 0 then
280 | begin
281 | sb.Length := y;
282 | s := sb.ToString;
283 | end;
284 | {$ELSE}
285 | setlength(s, xn);
286 | y := bioread(b, s, xn);
287 | if y > 0 then
288 | setlength(s, y);
289 | {$ENDIF}
290 | finally
291 | BioFreeAll(b);
292 | end;
293 | FCertificate := s;
294 | b := BioNew(BioSMem);
295 | try
296 | i2dPrivatekeyBio(b, pk);
297 | xn := bioctrlpending(b);
298 | {$IFDEF CIL}
299 | sb := StringBuilder.Create(xn);
300 | y := bioread(b, sb, xn);
301 | if y > 0 then
302 | begin
303 | sb.Length := y;
304 | s := sb.ToString;
305 | end;
306 | {$ELSE}
307 | setlength(s, xn);
308 | y := bioread(b, s, xn);
309 | if y > 0 then
310 | setlength(s, y);
311 | {$ENDIF}
312 | finally
313 | BioFreeAll(b);
314 | end;
315 | FPrivatekey := s;
316 | finally
317 | X509free(x);
318 | EvpPkeyFree(pk);
319 | end;
320 | end;
321 |
322 | function TSSLOpenSSL.LoadPFX(pfxdata: Ansistring): Boolean;
323 | var
324 | cert, pkey, ca: SslPtr;
325 | b: PBIO;
326 | p12: SslPtr;
327 | begin
328 | Result := False;
329 | b := BioNew(BioSMem);
330 | try
331 | BioWrite(b, pfxdata, Length(PfxData));
332 | p12 := d2iPKCS12bio(b, nil);
333 | if not Assigned(p12) then
334 | Exit;
335 | try
336 | cert := nil;
337 | pkey := nil;
338 | ca := nil;
339 | try {pf}
340 | if PKCS12parse(p12, FKeyPassword, pkey, cert, ca) > 0 then
341 | if SSLCTXusecertificate(Fctx, cert) > 0 then
342 | if SSLCTXusePrivateKey(Fctx, pkey) > 0 then
343 | Result := True;
344 | {pf}
345 | finally
346 | EvpPkeyFree(pkey);
347 | X509free(cert);
348 | SkX509PopFree(ca,_X509Free); // for ca=nil a new STACK was allocated...
349 | end;
350 | {/pf}
351 | finally
352 | PKCS12free(p12);
353 | end;
354 | finally
355 | BioFreeAll(b);
356 | end;
357 | end;
358 |
359 | function TSSLOpenSSL.SetSslKeys: boolean;
360 | var
361 | st: TFileStream;
362 | s: string;
363 | begin
364 | Result := False;
365 | if not assigned(FCtx) then
366 | Exit;
367 | try
368 | if FCertificateFile <> '' then
369 | if SslCtxUseCertificateChainFile(FCtx, FCertificateFile) <> 1 then
370 | if SslCtxUseCertificateFile(FCtx, FCertificateFile, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) <> 1 then
371 | if SslCtxUseCertificateFile(FCtx, FCertificateFile, SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1) <> 1 then
372 | Exit;
373 | if FCertificate <> '' then
374 | if SslCtxUseCertificateASN1(FCtx, length(FCertificate), FCertificate) <> 1 then
375 | Exit;
376 | SSLCheck;
377 | if FPrivateKeyFile <> '' then
378 | if SslCtxUsePrivateKeyFile(FCtx, FPrivateKeyFile, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) <> 1 then
379 | if SslCtxUsePrivateKeyFile(FCtx, FPrivateKeyFile, SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1) <> 1 then
380 | Exit;
381 | if FPrivateKey <> '' then
382 | if SslCtxUsePrivateKeyASN1(EVP_PKEY_RSA, FCtx, FPrivateKey, length(FPrivateKey)) <> 1 then
383 | Exit;
384 | SSLCheck;
385 | if FCertCAFile <> '' then
386 | if SslCtxLoadVerifyLocations(FCtx, FCertCAFile, '') <> 1 then
387 | Exit;
388 | if FPFXfile <> '' then
389 | begin
390 | try
391 | st := TFileStream.Create(FPFXfile, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone);
392 | try
393 | s := ReadStrFromStream(st, st.Size);
394 | finally
395 | st.Free;
396 | end;
397 | if not LoadPFX(s) then
398 | Exit;
399 | except
400 | on Exception do
401 | Exit;
402 | end;
403 | end;
404 | if FPFX <> '' then
405 | if not LoadPFX(FPfx) then
406 | Exit;
407 | SSLCheck;
408 | Result := True;
409 | finally
410 | SSLCheck;
411 | end;
412 | end;
413 |
414 | function TSSLOpenSSL.Init(server:Boolean): Boolean;
415 | var
416 | s: AnsiString;
417 | begin
418 | Result := False;
419 | FLastErrorDesc := '';
420 | FLastError := 0;
421 | Fctx := nil;
422 | case FSSLType of
423 | LT_SSLv2:
424 | Fctx := SslCtxNew(SslMethodV2);
425 | LT_SSLv3:
426 | Fctx := SslCtxNew(SslMethodV3);
427 | LT_TLSv1:
428 | Fctx := SslCtxNew(SslMethodTLSV1);
429 | LT_all:
430 | Fctx := SslCtxNew(SslMethodV23);
431 | else
432 | Exit;
433 | end;
434 | if Fctx = nil then
435 | begin
436 | SSLCheck;
437 | Exit;
438 | end
439 | else
440 | begin
441 | s := FCiphers;
442 | SslCtxSetCipherList(Fctx, s);
443 | if FVerifyCert then
444 | SslCtxSetVerify(FCtx, SSL_VERIFY_PEER, nil)
445 | else
446 | SslCtxSetVerify(FCtx, SSL_VERIFY_NONE, nil);
447 | {$IFNDEF CIL}
448 | SslCtxSetDefaultPasswdCb(FCtx, @PasswordCallback);
449 | SslCtxSetDefaultPasswdCbUserdata(FCtx, self);
450 | {$ENDIF}
451 |
452 | if server and (FCertificateFile = '') and (FCertificate = '')
453 | and (FPFXfile = '') and (FPFX = '') then
454 | begin
455 | CreateSelfSignedcert(FSocket.ResolveIPToName(FSocket.GetRemoteSinIP));
456 | end;
457 |
458 | if not SetSSLKeys then
459 | Exit
460 | else
461 | begin
462 | Fssl := nil;
463 | Fssl := SslNew(Fctx);
464 | if Fssl = nil then
465 | begin
466 | SSLCheck;
467 | exit;
468 | end;
469 | end;
470 | end;
471 | Result := true;
472 | end;
473 |
474 | function TSSLOpenSSL.DeInit: Boolean;
475 | begin
476 | Result := True;
477 | if assigned (Fssl) then
478 | sslfree(Fssl);
479 | Fssl := nil;
480 | if assigned (Fctx) then
481 | begin
482 | SslCtxFree(Fctx);
483 | Fctx := nil;
484 | ErrRemoveState(0);
485 | end;
486 | FSSLEnabled := False;
487 | end;
488 |
489 | function TSSLOpenSSL.Prepare(server:Boolean): Boolean;
490 | begin
491 | Result := false;
492 | DeInit;
493 | if Init(server) then
494 | Result := true
495 | else
496 | DeInit;
497 | end;
498 |
499 | function TSSLOpenSSL.Connect: boolean;
500 | var
501 | x: integer;
502 | begin
503 | Result := False;
504 | if FSocket.Socket = INVALID_SOCKET then
505 | Exit;
506 | if Prepare(False) then
507 | begin
508 | {$IFDEF CIL}
509 | if sslsetfd(FSsl, FSocket.Socket.Handle.ToInt32) < 1 then
510 | {$ELSE}
511 | if sslsetfd(FSsl, FSocket.Socket) < 1 then
512 | {$ENDIF}
513 | begin
514 | SSLCheck;
515 | Exit;
516 | end;
517 | if SNIHost<>'' then
519 | x := sslconnect(FSsl);
520 | if x < 1 then
521 | begin
522 | SSLcheck;
523 | Exit;
524 | end;
525 | if FverifyCert then
526 | if (GetVerifyCert <> 0) or (not DoVerifyCert) then
527 | Exit;
528 | FSSLEnabled := True;
529 | Result := True;
530 | end;
531 | end;
532 |
533 | function TSSLOpenSSL.Accept: boolean;
534 | var
535 | x: integer;
536 | begin
537 | Result := False;
538 | if FSocket.Socket = INVALID_SOCKET then
539 | Exit;
540 | if Prepare(True) then
541 | begin
542 | {$IFDEF CIL}
543 | if sslsetfd(FSsl, FSocket.Socket.Handle.ToInt32) < 1 then
544 | {$ELSE}
545 | if sslsetfd(FSsl, FSocket.Socket) < 1 then
546 | {$ENDIF}
547 | begin
548 | SSLCheck;
549 | Exit;
550 | end;
551 | x := sslAccept(FSsl);
552 | if x < 1 then
553 | begin
554 | SSLcheck;
555 | Exit;
556 | end;
557 | FSSLEnabled := True;
558 | Result := True;
559 | end;
560 | end;
561 |
562 | function TSSLOpenSSL.Shutdown: boolean;
563 | begin
564 | if assigned(FSsl) then
565 | sslshutdown(FSsl);
566 | DeInit;
567 | Result := True;
568 | end;
569 |
570 | function TSSLOpenSSL.BiShutdown: boolean;
571 | var
572 | x: integer;
573 | begin
574 | if assigned(FSsl) then
575 | begin
576 | x := sslshutdown(FSsl);
577 | if x = 0 then
578 | begin
579 | Synsock.Shutdown(FSocket.Socket, 1);
580 | sslshutdown(FSsl);
581 | end;
582 | end;
583 | DeInit;
584 | Result := True;
585 | end;
586 |
587 | function TSSLOpenSSL.SendBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Len: Integer): Integer;
588 | var
589 | err: integer;
590 | {$IFDEF CIL}
591 | s: ansistring;
592 | {$ENDIF}
593 | begin
594 | FLastError := 0;
595 | FLastErrorDesc := '';
596 | repeat
597 | {$IFDEF CIL}
598 | s := StringOf(Buffer);
599 | Result := SslWrite(FSsl, s, Len);
600 | {$ELSE}
601 | Result := SslWrite(FSsl, Buffer , Len);
602 | {$ENDIF}
603 | err := SslGetError(FSsl, Result);
604 | until (err <> SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ) and (err <> SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE);
605 | if err = SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN then
606 | Result := 0
607 | else
608 | if (err <> 0) then
609 | FLastError := err;
610 | end;
611 |
612 | function TSSLOpenSSL.RecvBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Len: Integer): Integer;
613 | var
614 | err: integer;
615 | {$IFDEF CIL}
616 | sb: stringbuilder;
617 | s: ansistring;
618 | {$ENDIF}
619 | begin
620 | FLastError := 0;
621 | FLastErrorDesc := '';
622 | repeat
623 | {$IFDEF CIL}
624 | sb := StringBuilder.Create(Len);
625 | Result := SslRead(FSsl, sb, Len);
626 | if Result > 0 then
627 | begin
628 | sb.Length := Result;
629 | s := sb.ToString;
630 | System.Array.Copy(BytesOf(s), Buffer, length(s));
631 | end;
632 | {$ELSE}
633 | Result := SslRead(FSsl, Buffer , Len);
634 | {$ENDIF}
635 | err := SslGetError(FSsl, Result);
636 | until (err <> SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ) and (err <> SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE);
637 | if err = SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN then
638 | Result := 0
639 | {pf}// Verze 1.1.0 byla s else tak jak to ted mam,
640 | // ve verzi 1.1.1 bylo ELSE zruseno, ale pak je SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN
641 | // propagovano jako Chyba.
642 | {pf} else {/pf} if (err <> 0) then
643 | FLastError := err;
644 | end;
645 |
646 | function TSSLOpenSSL.WaitingData: Integer;
647 | begin
648 | Result := sslpending(Fssl);
649 | end;
650 |
651 | function TSSLOpenSSL.GetSSLVersion: string;
652 | begin
653 | if not assigned(FSsl) then
654 | Result := ''
655 | else
656 | Result := SSlGetVersion(FSsl);
657 | end;
658 |
659 | function TSSLOpenSSL.GetPeerSubject: string;
660 | var
661 | cert: PX509;
662 | s: ansistring;
663 | {$IFDEF CIL}
664 | sb: StringBuilder;
665 | {$ENDIF}
666 | begin
667 | if not assigned(FSsl) then
668 | begin
669 | Result := '';
670 | Exit;
671 | end;
672 | cert := SSLGetPeerCertificate(Fssl);
673 | if not assigned(cert) then
674 | begin
675 | Result := '';
676 | Exit;
677 | end;
678 | {$IFDEF CIL}
679 | sb := StringBuilder.Create(4096);
680 | Result := X509NameOneline(X509GetSubjectName(cert), sb, 4096);
681 | {$ELSE}
682 | setlength(s, 4096);
683 | Result := X509NameOneline(X509GetSubjectName(cert), s, Length(s));
684 | {$ENDIF}
685 | X509Free(cert);
686 | end;
687 |
688 |
689 | function TSSLOpenSSL.GetPeerSerialNo: integer; {pf}
690 | var
691 | cert: PX509;
693 | begin
694 | if not assigned(FSsl) then
695 | begin
696 | Result := -1;
697 | Exit;
698 | end;
699 | cert := SSLGetPeerCertificate(Fssl);
700 | try
701 | if not assigned(cert) then
702 | begin
703 | Result := -1;
704 | Exit;
705 | end;
706 | SN := X509GetSerialNumber(cert);
707 | Result := Asn1IntegerGet(SN);
708 | finally
709 | X509Free(cert);
710 | end;
711 | end;
712 |
713 | function TSSLOpenSSL.GetPeerName: string;
714 | var
715 | s: ansistring;
716 | begin
717 | s := GetPeerSubject;
718 | s := SeparateRight(s, '/CN=');
719 | Result := Trim(SeparateLeft(s, '/'));
720 | end;
721 |
722 | function TSSLOpenSSL.GetPeerNameHash: cardinal; {pf}
723 | var
724 | cert: PX509;
725 | begin
726 | if not assigned(FSsl) then
727 | begin
728 | Result := 0;
729 | Exit;
730 | end;
731 | cert := SSLGetPeerCertificate(Fssl);
732 | try
733 | if not assigned(cert) then
734 | begin
735 | Result := 0;
736 | Exit;
737 | end;
738 | Result := X509NameHash(X509GetSubjectName(cert));
739 | finally
740 | X509Free(cert);
741 | end;
742 | end;
743 |
744 | function TSSLOpenSSL.GetPeerIssuer: string;
745 | var
746 | cert: PX509;
747 | s: ansistring;
748 | {$IFDEF CIL}
749 | sb: StringBuilder;
750 | {$ENDIF}
751 | begin
752 | if not assigned(FSsl) then
753 | begin
754 | Result := '';
755 | Exit;
756 | end;
757 | cert := SSLGetPeerCertificate(Fssl);
758 | if not assigned(cert) then
759 | begin
760 | Result := '';
761 | Exit;
762 | end;
763 | {$IFDEF CIL}
764 | sb := StringBuilder.Create(4096);
765 | Result := X509NameOneline(X509GetIssuerName(cert), sb, 4096);
766 | {$ELSE}
767 | setlength(s, 4096);
768 | Result := X509NameOneline(X509GetIssuerName(cert), s, Length(s));
769 | {$ENDIF}
770 | X509Free(cert);
771 | end;
772 |
773 | function TSSLOpenSSL.GetPeerFingerprint: string;
774 | var
775 | cert: PX509;
776 | x: integer;
777 | {$IFDEF CIL}
778 | sb: StringBuilder;
779 | {$ENDIF}
780 | begin
781 | if not assigned(FSsl) then
782 | begin
783 | Result := '';
784 | Exit;
785 | end;
786 | cert := SSLGetPeerCertificate(Fssl);
787 | if not assigned(cert) then
788 | begin
789 | Result := '';
790 | Exit;
791 | end;
792 | {$IFDEF CIL}
793 | sb := StringBuilder.Create(EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE);
794 | X509Digest(cert, EvpGetDigestByName('MD5'), sb, x);
795 | sb.Length := x;
796 | Result := sb.ToString;
797 | {$ELSE}
798 | setlength(Result, EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE);
799 | X509Digest(cert, EvpGetDigestByName('MD5'), Result, x);
800 | SetLength(Result, x);
801 | {$ENDIF}
802 | X509Free(cert);
803 | end;
804 |
805 | function TSSLOpenSSL.GetCertInfo: string;
806 | var
807 | cert: PX509;
808 | x, y: integer;
809 | b: PBIO;
810 | s: AnsiString;
811 | {$IFDEF CIL}
812 | sb: stringbuilder;
813 | {$ENDIF}
814 | begin
815 | if not assigned(FSsl) then
816 | begin
817 | Result := '';
818 | Exit;
819 | end;
820 | cert := SSLGetPeerCertificate(Fssl);
821 | if not assigned(cert) then
822 | begin
823 | Result := '';
824 | Exit;
825 | end;
826 | try {pf}
827 | b := BioNew(BioSMem);
828 | try
829 | X509Print(b, cert);
830 | x := bioctrlpending(b);
831 | {$IFDEF CIL}
832 | sb := StringBuilder.Create(x);
833 | y := bioread(b, sb, x);
834 | if y > 0 then
835 | begin
836 | sb.Length := y;
837 | s := sb.ToString;
838 | end;
839 | {$ELSE}
840 | setlength(s,x);
841 | y := bioread(b,s,x);
842 | if y > 0 then
843 | setlength(s, y);
844 | {$ENDIF}
845 | Result := ReplaceString(s, LF, CRLF);
846 | finally
847 | BioFreeAll(b);
848 | end;
849 | {pf}
850 | finally
851 | X509Free(cert);
852 | end;
853 | {/pf}
854 | end;
855 |
856 | function TSSLOpenSSL.GetCipherName: string;
857 | begin
858 | if not assigned(FSsl) then
859 | Result := ''
860 | else
861 | Result := SslCipherGetName(SslGetCurrentCipher(FSsl));
862 | end;
863 |
864 | function TSSLOpenSSL.GetCipherBits: integer;
865 | var
866 | x: integer;
867 | begin
868 | if not assigned(FSsl) then
869 | Result := 0
870 | else
871 | Result := SSLCipherGetBits(SslGetCurrentCipher(FSsl), x);
872 | end;
873 |
874 | function TSSLOpenSSL.GetCipherAlgBits: integer;
875 | begin
876 | if not assigned(FSsl) then
877 | Result := 0
878 | else
879 | SSLCipherGetBits(SslGetCurrentCipher(FSsl), Result);
880 | end;
881 |
882 | function TSSLOpenSSL.GetVerifyCert: integer;
883 | begin
884 | if not assigned(FSsl) then
885 | Result := 1
886 | else
887 | Result := SslGetVerifyResult(FSsl);
888 | end;
889 |
890 | {==============================================================================}
891 |
892 | initialization
893 | if InitSSLInterface then
894 | SSLImplementation := TSSLOpenSSL;
895 |
896 | end.