1 | {==============================================================================|
2 | | Project : Ararat Synapse | 002.005.003 |
3 | |==============================================================================|
4 | | Content: IMAP4rev1 client |
5 | |==============================================================================|
6 | | Copyright (c)1999-2012, Lukas Gebauer |
7 | | All rights reserved. |
8 | | |
9 | | Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
10 | | modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: |
11 | | |
12 | | Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this |
13 | | list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
14 | | |
15 | | Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, |
16 | | this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation |
17 | | and/or other materials provided with the distribution. |
18 | | |
19 | | Neither the name of Lukas Gebauer nor the names of its contributors may |
20 | | be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without |
21 | | specific prior written permission. |
22 | | |
33 | | DAMAGE. |
34 | |==============================================================================|
35 | | The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Lukas Gebauer (Czech Republic).|
36 | | Portions created by Lukas Gebauer are Copyright (c)2001-2012. |
37 | | All Rights Reserved. |
38 | |==============================================================================|
39 | | Contributor(s): |
40 | |==============================================================================|
41 | | History: see HISTORY.HTM from distribution package |
42 | | (Found at URL: http://www.ararat.cz/synapse/) |
43 | |==============================================================================}
44 |
45 | {:@abstract(IMAP4 rev1 protocol client)
46 |
47 | Used RFC: RFC-2060, RFC-2595
48 | }
49 |
50 | {$IFDEF FPC}
52 | {$ENDIF}
53 | {$H+}
54 |
58 | {$ENDIF}
59 |
60 | unit imapsend;
61 |
62 | interface
63 |
64 | uses
65 | SysUtils, Classes,
66 | blcksock, synautil;
67 |
68 | const
69 | cIMAPProtocol = '143';
70 |
71 | type
72 | {:@abstract(Implementation of IMAP4 protocol.)
73 | Note: Are you missing properties for setting Username and Password? Look to
74 | parent @link(TSynaClient) object!
75 |
76 | Are you missing properties for specify server address and port? Look to
77 | parent @link(TSynaClient) too!}
78 | TIMAPSend = class(TSynaClient)
79 | protected
80 | FSock: TTCPBlockSocket;
81 | FTagCommand: integer;
82 | FResultString: string;
83 | FFullResult: TStringList;
84 | FIMAPcap: TStringList;
85 | FAuthDone: Boolean;
86 | FSelectedFolder: string;
87 | FSelectedCount: integer;
88 | FSelectedRecent: integer;
89 | FSelectedUIDvalidity: integer;
90 | FUID: Boolean;
91 | FAutoTLS: Boolean;
92 | FFullSSL: Boolean;
93 | function ReadResult: string;
94 | function AuthLogin: Boolean;
95 | function Connect: Boolean;
96 | procedure ParseMess(Value:TStrings);
97 | procedure ParseFolderList(Value:TStrings);
98 | procedure ParseSelect;
99 | procedure ParseSearch(Value:TStrings);
100 | procedure ProcessLiterals;
101 | public
102 | constructor Create;
103 | destructor Destroy; override;
104 |
105 | {:By this function you can call any IMAP command. Result of this command is
106 | in adequate properties.}
107 | function IMAPcommand(Value: string): string;
108 |
109 | {:By this function you can call any IMAP command what need upload any data.
110 | Result of this command is in adequate properties.}
111 | function IMAPuploadCommand(Value: string; const Data:TStrings): string;
112 |
113 | {:Call CAPABILITY command and fill IMAPcap property by new values.}
114 | function Capability: Boolean;
115 |
116 | {:Connect to IMAP server and do login to this server. This command begin
117 | session.}
118 | function Login: Boolean;
119 |
120 | {:Disconnect from IMAP server and terminate session session. If exists some
121 | deleted and non-purged messages, these messages are not deleted!}
122 | function Logout: Boolean;
123 |
124 | {:Do NOOP. It is for prevent disconnect by timeout.}
125 | function NoOp: Boolean;
126 |
127 | {:Lists folder names. You may specify level of listing. If you specify
128 | FromFolder as empty string, return is all folders in system.}
129 | function List(FromFolder: string; const FolderList: TStrings): Boolean;
130 |
131 | {:Lists folder names what match search criteria. You may specify level of
132 | listing. If you specify FromFolder as empty string, return is all folders
133 | in system.}
134 | function ListSearch(FromFolder, Search: string; const FolderList: TStrings): Boolean;
135 |
136 | {:Lists subscribed folder names. You may specify level of listing. If you
137 | specify FromFolder as empty string, return is all subscribed folders in
138 | system.}
139 | function ListSubscribed(FromFolder: string; const FolderList: TStrings): Boolean;
140 |
141 | {:Lists subscribed folder names what matching search criteria. You may
142 | specify level of listing. If you specify FromFolder as empty string, return
143 | is all subscribed folders in system.}
144 | function ListSearchSubscribed(FromFolder, Search: string; const FolderList: TStrings): Boolean;
145 |
146 | {:Create a new folder.}
147 | function CreateFolder(FolderName: string): Boolean;
148 |
149 | {:Delete a folder.}
150 | function DeleteFolder(FolderName: string): Boolean;
151 |
152 | {:Rename folder names.}
153 | function RenameFolder(FolderName, NewFolderName: string): Boolean;
154 |
155 | {:Subscribe folder.}
156 | function SubscribeFolder(FolderName: string): Boolean;
157 |
158 | {:Unsubscribe folder.}
159 | function UnsubscribeFolder(FolderName: string): Boolean;
160 |
161 | {:Select folder.}
162 | function SelectFolder(FolderName: string): Boolean;
163 |
164 | {:Select folder, but only for reading. Any changes are not allowed!}
165 | function SelectROFolder(FolderName: string): Boolean;
166 |
167 | {:Close a folder. (end of Selected state)}
168 | function CloseFolder: Boolean;
169 |
170 | {:Ask for given status of folder. I.e. if you specify as value 'UNSEEN',
171 | result is number of unseen messages in folder. For another status
172 | indentificator check IMAP documentation and documentation of your IMAP
173 | server (each IMAP server can have their own statuses.)}
174 | function StatusFolder(FolderName, Value: string): integer;
175 |
176 | {:Hardly delete all messages marked as 'deleted' in current selected folder.}
177 | function ExpungeFolder: Boolean;
178 |
179 | {:Touch to folder. (use as update status of folder, etc.)}
180 | function CheckFolder: Boolean;
181 |
182 | {:Append given message to specified folder.}
183 | function AppendMess(ToFolder: string; const Mess: TStrings): Boolean;
184 |
185 | {:'Delete' message from current selected folder. It mark message as Deleted.
186 | Real deleting will be done after sucessfull @link(CloseFolder) or
187 | @link(ExpungeFolder)}
188 | function DeleteMess(MessID: integer): boolean;
189 |
190 | {:Get full message from specified message in selected folder.}
191 | function FetchMess(MessID: integer; const Mess: TStrings): Boolean;
192 |
193 | {:Get message headers only from specified message in selected folder.}
194 | function FetchHeader(MessID: integer; const Headers: TStrings): Boolean;
195 |
196 | {:Return message size of specified message from current selected folder.}
197 | function MessageSize(MessID: integer): integer;
198 |
199 | {:Copy message from current selected folder to another folder.}
200 | function CopyMess(MessID: integer; ToFolder: string): Boolean;
201 |
202 | {:Return message numbers from currently selected folder as result
203 | of searching. Search criteria is very complex language (see to IMAP
204 | specification) similar to SQL (but not same syntax!).}
205 | function SearchMess(Criteria: string; const FoundMess: TStrings): Boolean;
206 |
207 | {:Sets flags of message from current selected folder.}
208 | function SetFlagsMess(MessID: integer; Flags: string): Boolean;
209 |
210 | {:Gets flags of message from current selected folder.}
211 | function GetFlagsMess(MessID: integer; var Flags: string): Boolean;
212 |
213 | {:Add flags to message's flags.}
214 | function AddFlagsMess(MessID: integer; Flags: string): Boolean;
215 |
216 | {:Remove flags from message's flags.}
217 | function DelFlagsMess(MessID: integer; Flags: string): Boolean;
218 |
219 | {:Call STARTTLS command for upgrade connection to SSL/TLS mode.}
220 | function StartTLS: Boolean;
221 |
222 | {:return UID of requested message ID.}
223 | function GetUID(MessID: integer; var UID : Integer): Boolean;
224 |
225 | {:Try to find given capabily in capabilty string returned from IMAP server.}
226 | function FindCap(const Value: string): string;
227 | published
228 | {:Status line with result of last operation.}
229 | property ResultString: string read FResultString;
230 |
231 | {:Full result of last IMAP operation.}
232 | property FullResult: TStringList read FFullResult;
233 |
234 | {:List of server capabilites.}
235 | property IMAPcap: TStringList read FIMAPcap;
236 |
237 | {:Authorization is successful done.}
238 | property AuthDone: Boolean read FAuthDone;
239 |
240 | {:Turn on or off usage of UID (unicate identificator) of messages instead
241 | only sequence numbers.}
242 | property UID: Boolean read FUID Write FUID;
243 |
244 | {:Name of currently selected folder.}
245 | property SelectedFolder: string read FSelectedFolder;
246 |
247 | {:Count of messages in currently selected folder.}
248 | property SelectedCount: integer read FSelectedCount;
249 |
250 | {:Count of not-visited messages in currently selected folder.}
251 | property SelectedRecent: integer read FSelectedRecent;
252 |
253 | {:This number with name of folder is unique indentificator of folder.
254 | (If someone delete folder and next create new folder with exactly same name
255 | of folder, this number is must be different!)}
256 | property SelectedUIDvalidity: integer read FSelectedUIDvalidity;
257 |
258 | {:If is set to true, then upgrade to SSL/TLS mode if remote server support it.}
259 | property AutoTLS: Boolean read FAutoTLS Write FAutoTLS;
260 |
261 | {:SSL/TLS mode is used from first contact to server. Servers with full
262 | SSL/TLS mode usualy using non-standard TCP port!}
263 | property FullSSL: Boolean read FFullSSL Write FFullSSL;
264 |
265 | {:Socket object used for TCP/IP operation. Good for seting OnStatus hook, etc.}
266 | property Sock: TTCPBlockSocket read FSock;
267 | end;
268 |
269 | implementation
270 |
271 | constructor TIMAPSend.Create;
272 | begin
273 | inherited Create;
274 | FFullResult := TStringList.Create;
275 | FIMAPcap := TStringList.Create;
276 | FSock := TTCPBlockSocket.Create;
277 | FSock.Owner := self;
278 | FSock.ConvertLineEnd := True;
279 | FSock.SizeRecvBuffer := 32768;
280 | FSock.SizeSendBuffer := 32768;
281 | FTimeout := 60000;
282 | FTargetPort := cIMAPProtocol;
283 | FTagCommand := 0;
284 | FSelectedFolder := '';
285 | FSelectedCount := 0;
286 | FSelectedRecent := 0;
287 | FSelectedUIDvalidity := 0;
288 | FUID := False;
289 | FAutoTLS := False;
290 | FFullSSL := False;
291 | end;
292 |
293 | destructor TIMAPSend.Destroy;
294 | begin
295 | FSock.Free;
296 | FIMAPcap.Free;
297 | FFullResult.Free;
298 | inherited Destroy;
299 | end;
300 |
301 |
302 | function TIMAPSend.ReadResult: string;
303 | var
304 | s: string;
305 | x, l: integer;
306 | begin
307 | Result := '';
308 | FFullResult.Clear;
309 | FResultString := '';
310 | repeat
311 | s := FSock.RecvString(FTimeout);
312 | if Pos('S' + IntToStr(FTagCommand) + ' ', s) = 1 then
313 | begin
314 | FResultString := s;
315 | break;
316 | end
317 | else
318 | FFullResult.Add(s);
319 | if (s <> '') and (s[Length(s)]='}') then
320 | begin
321 | s := Copy(s, 1, Length(s) - 1);
322 | x := RPos('{', s);
323 | s := Copy(s, x + 1, Length(s) - x);
324 | l := StrToIntDef(s, -1);
325 | if l <> -1 then
326 | begin
327 | s := FSock.RecvBufferStr(l, FTimeout);
328 | FFullResult.Add(s);
329 | end;
330 | end;
331 | until FSock.LastError <> 0;
332 | s := Trim(separateright(FResultString, ' '));
333 | Result:=uppercase(Trim(separateleft(s, ' ')));
334 | end;
335 |
336 | procedure TIMAPSend.ProcessLiterals;
337 | var
338 | l: TStringList;
339 | n, x: integer;
340 | b: integer;
341 | s: string;
342 | begin
343 | l := TStringList.Create;
344 | try
345 | l.Assign(FFullResult);
346 | FFullResult.Clear;
347 | b := 0;
348 | for n := 0 to l.Count - 1 do
349 | begin
350 | s := l[n];
351 | if b > 0 then
352 | begin
353 | FFullResult[FFullresult.Count - 1] :=
354 | FFullResult[FFullresult.Count - 1] + s;
355 | inc(b);
356 | if b > 2 then
357 | b := 0;
358 | end
359 | else
360 | begin
361 | if (s <> '') and (s[Length(s)]='}') then
362 | begin
363 | x := RPos('{', s);
364 | Delete(s, x, Length(s) - x + 1);
365 | b := 1;
366 | end
367 | else
368 | b := 0;
369 | FFullResult.Add(s);
370 | end;
371 | end;
372 | finally
373 | l.Free;
374 | end;
375 | end;
376 |
377 | function TIMAPSend.IMAPcommand(Value: string): string;
378 | begin
379 | Inc(FTagCommand);
380 | FSock.SendString('S' + IntToStr(FTagCommand) + ' ' + Value + CRLF);
381 | Result := ReadResult;
382 | end;
383 |
384 | function TIMAPSend.IMAPuploadCommand(Value: string; const Data:TStrings): string;
385 | var
386 | l: integer;
387 | begin
388 | Inc(FTagCommand);
389 | l := Length(Data.Text);
390 | FSock.SendString('S' + IntToStr(FTagCommand) + ' ' + Value + ' {'+ IntToStr(l) + '}' + CRLF);
391 | FSock.RecvString(FTimeout);
392 | FSock.SendString(Data.Text + CRLF);
393 | Result := ReadResult;
394 | end;
395 |
396 | procedure TIMAPSend.ParseMess(Value:TStrings);
397 | var
398 | n: integer;
399 | begin
400 | Value.Clear;
401 | for n := 0 to FFullResult.Count - 2 do
402 | if (length(FFullResult[n]) > 0) and (FFullResult[n][Length(FFullResult[n])] = '}') then
403 | begin
404 | Value.Text := FFullResult[n + 1];
405 | Break;
406 | end;
407 | end;
408 |
409 | procedure TIMAPSend.ParseFolderList(Value:TStrings);
410 | var
411 | n, x: integer;
412 | s: string;
413 | begin
414 | ProcessLiterals;
415 | Value.Clear;
416 | for n := 0 to FFullResult.Count - 1 do
417 | begin
418 | s := FFullResult[n];
419 | if (s <> '') and (Pos('\NOSELECT', UpperCase(s)) = 0) then
420 | begin
421 | if s[Length(s)] = '"' then
422 | begin
423 | Delete(s, Length(s), 1);
424 | x := RPos('"', s);
425 | end
426 | else
427 | x := RPos(' ', s);
428 | if (x > 0) then
429 | Value.Add(Copy(s, x + 1, Length(s) - x));
430 | end;
431 | end;
432 | end;
433 |
434 | procedure TIMAPSend.ParseSelect;
435 | var
436 | n: integer;
437 | s, t: string;
438 | begin
439 | ProcessLiterals;
440 | FSelectedCount := 0;
441 | FSelectedRecent := 0;
442 | FSelectedUIDvalidity := 0;
443 | for n := 0 to FFullResult.Count - 1 do
444 | begin
445 | s := uppercase(FFullResult[n]);
446 | if Pos(' EXISTS', s) > 0 then
447 | begin
448 | t := Trim(separateleft(s, ' EXISTS'));
449 | t := Trim(separateright(t, '* '));
450 | FSelectedCount := StrToIntDef(t, 0);
451 | end;
452 | if Pos(' RECENT', s) > 0 then
453 | begin
454 | t := Trim(separateleft(s, ' RECENT'));
455 | t := Trim(separateright(t, '* '));
456 | FSelectedRecent := StrToIntDef(t, 0);
457 | end;
458 | if Pos('UIDVALIDITY', s) > 0 then
459 | begin
460 | t := Trim(separateright(s, 'UIDVALIDITY '));
461 | t := Trim(separateleft(t, ']'));
462 | FSelectedUIDvalidity := StrToIntDef(t, 0);
463 | end;
464 | end;
465 | end;
466 |
467 | procedure TIMAPSend.ParseSearch(Value:TStrings);
468 | var
469 | n: integer;
470 | s: string;
471 | begin
472 | ProcessLiterals;
473 | Value.Clear;
474 | for n := 0 to FFullResult.Count - 1 do
475 | begin
476 | s := uppercase(FFullResult[n]);
477 | if Pos('* SEARCH', s) = 1 then
478 | begin
479 | s := Trim(SeparateRight(s, '* SEARCH'));
480 | while s <> '' do
481 | Value.Add(Fetch(s, ' '));
482 | end;
483 | end;
484 | end;
485 |
486 | function TIMAPSend.FindCap(const Value: string): string;
487 | var
488 | n: Integer;
489 | s: string;
490 | begin
491 | s := UpperCase(Value);
492 | Result := '';
493 | for n := 0 to FIMAPcap.Count - 1 do
494 | if Pos(s, UpperCase(FIMAPcap[n])) = 1 then
495 | begin
496 | Result := FIMAPcap[n];
497 | Break;
498 | end;
499 | end;
500 |
501 | function TIMAPSend.AuthLogin: Boolean;
502 | begin
503 | Result := IMAPcommand('LOGIN "' + FUsername + '" "' + FPassword + '"') = 'OK';
504 | end;
505 |
506 | function TIMAPSend.Connect: Boolean;
507 | begin
508 | FSock.CloseSocket;
509 | FSock.Bind(FIPInterface, cAnyPort);
510 | if FSock.LastError = 0 then
511 | FSock.Connect(FTargetHost, FTargetPort);
512 | if FSock.LastError = 0 then
513 | if FFullSSL then
514 | FSock.SSLDoConnect;
515 | Result := FSock.LastError = 0;
516 | end;
517 |
518 | function TIMAPSend.Capability: Boolean;
519 | var
520 | n: Integer;
521 | s, t: string;
522 | begin
523 | Result := False;
524 | FIMAPcap.Clear;
525 | s := IMAPcommand('CAPABILITY');
526 | if s = 'OK' then
527 | begin
528 | ProcessLiterals;
529 | for n := 0 to FFullResult.Count - 1 do
530 | if Pos('* CAPABILITY ', FFullResult[n]) = 1 then
531 | begin
532 | s := Trim(SeparateRight(FFullResult[n], '* CAPABILITY '));
533 | while not (s = '') do
534 | begin
535 | t := Trim(separateleft(s, ' '));
536 | s := Trim(separateright(s, ' '));
537 | if s = t then
538 | s := '';
539 | FIMAPcap.Add(t);
540 | end;
541 | end;
542 | Result := True;
543 | end;
544 | end;
545 |
546 | function TIMAPSend.Login: Boolean;
547 | var
548 | s: string;
549 | begin
550 | FSelectedFolder := '';
551 | FSelectedCount := 0;
552 | FSelectedRecent := 0;
553 | FSelectedUIDvalidity := 0;
554 | Result := False;
555 | FAuthDone := False;
556 | if not Connect then
557 | Exit;
558 | s := FSock.RecvString(FTimeout);
559 | if Pos('* PREAUTH', s) = 1 then
560 | FAuthDone := True
561 | else
562 | if Pos('* OK', s) = 1 then
563 | FAuthDone := False
564 | else
565 | Exit;
566 | if Capability then
567 | begin
568 | if Findcap('IMAP4rev1') = '' then
569 | Exit;
570 | if FAutoTLS and (Findcap('STARTTLS') <> '') then
571 | if StartTLS then
572 | Capability;
573 | end;
574 | Result := AuthLogin;
575 | end;
576 |
577 | function TIMAPSend.Logout: Boolean;
578 | begin
579 | Result := IMAPcommand('LOGOUT') = 'OK';
580 | FSelectedFolder := '';
581 | FSock.CloseSocket;
582 | end;
583 |
584 | function TIMAPSend.NoOp: Boolean;
585 | begin
586 | Result := IMAPcommand('NOOP') = 'OK';
587 | end;
588 |
589 | function TIMAPSend.List(FromFolder: string; const FolderList: TStrings): Boolean;
590 | begin
591 | Result := IMAPcommand('LIST "' + FromFolder + '" *') = 'OK';
592 | ParseFolderList(FolderList);
593 | end;
594 |
595 | function TIMAPSend.ListSearch(FromFolder, Search: string; const FolderList: TStrings): Boolean;
596 | begin
597 | Result := IMAPcommand('LIST "' + FromFolder + '" "' + Search +'"') = 'OK';
598 | ParseFolderList(FolderList);
599 | end;
600 |
601 | function TIMAPSend.ListSubscribed(FromFolder: string; const FolderList: TStrings): Boolean;
602 | begin
603 | Result := IMAPcommand('LSUB "' + FromFolder + '" *') = 'OK';
604 | ParseFolderList(FolderList);
605 | end;
606 |
607 | function TIMAPSend.ListSearchSubscribed(FromFolder, Search: string; const FolderList: TStrings): Boolean;
608 | begin
609 | Result := IMAPcommand('LSUB "' + FromFolder + '" "' + Search +'"') = 'OK';
610 | ParseFolderList(FolderList);
611 | end;
612 |
613 | function TIMAPSend.CreateFolder(FolderName: string): Boolean;
614 | begin
615 | Result := IMAPcommand('CREATE "' + FolderName + '"') = 'OK';
616 | end;
617 |
618 | function TIMAPSend.DeleteFolder(FolderName: string): Boolean;
619 | begin
620 | Result := IMAPcommand('DELETE "' + FolderName + '"') = 'OK';
621 | end;
622 |
623 | function TIMAPSend.RenameFolder(FolderName, NewFolderName: string): Boolean;
624 | begin
625 | Result := IMAPcommand('RENAME "' + FolderName + '" "' + NewFolderName + '"') = 'OK';
626 | end;
627 |
628 | function TIMAPSend.SubscribeFolder(FolderName: string): Boolean;
629 | begin
630 | Result := IMAPcommand('SUBSCRIBE "' + FolderName + '"') = 'OK';
631 | end;
632 |
633 | function TIMAPSend.UnsubscribeFolder(FolderName: string): Boolean;
634 | begin
635 | Result := IMAPcommand('UNSUBSCRIBE "' + FolderName + '"') = 'OK';
636 | end;
637 |
638 | function TIMAPSend.SelectFolder(FolderName: string): Boolean;
639 | begin
640 | Result := IMAPcommand('SELECT "' + FolderName + '"') = 'OK';
641 | FSelectedFolder := FolderName;
642 | ParseSelect;
643 | end;
644 |
645 | function TIMAPSend.SelectROFolder(FolderName: string): Boolean;
646 | begin
647 | Result := IMAPcommand('EXAMINE "' + FolderName + '"') = 'OK';
648 | FSelectedFolder := FolderName;
649 | ParseSelect;
650 | end;
651 |
652 | function TIMAPSend.CloseFolder: Boolean;
653 | begin
654 | Result := IMAPcommand('CLOSE') = 'OK';
655 | FSelectedFolder := '';
656 | end;
657 |
658 | function TIMAPSend.StatusFolder(FolderName, Value: string): integer;
659 | var
660 | n: integer;
661 | s, t: string;
662 | begin
663 | Result := -1;
664 | Value := Uppercase(Value);
665 | if IMAPcommand('STATUS "' + FolderName + '" (' + Value + ')' ) = 'OK' then
666 | begin
667 | ProcessLiterals;
668 | for n := 0 to FFullResult.Count - 1 do
669 | begin
670 | s := FFullResult[n];
671 | // s := UpperCase(FFullResult[n]);
672 | if (Pos('* ', s) = 1) and (Pos(FolderName, s) >= 1) and (Pos(Value, s) > 0 ) then
673 | begin
674 | t := SeparateRight(s, Value);
675 | t := SeparateLeft(t, ')');
676 | t := trim(t);
677 | Result := StrToIntDef(t, -1);
678 | Break;
679 | end;
680 | end;
681 | end;
682 | end;
683 |
684 | function TIMAPSend.ExpungeFolder: Boolean;
685 | begin
686 | Result := IMAPcommand('EXPUNGE') = 'OK';
687 | end;
688 |
689 | function TIMAPSend.CheckFolder: Boolean;
690 | begin
691 | Result := IMAPcommand('CHECK') = 'OK';
692 | end;
693 |
694 | function TIMAPSend.AppendMess(ToFolder: string; const Mess: TStrings): Boolean;
695 | begin
696 | Result := IMAPuploadCommand('APPEND "' + ToFolder + '"', Mess) = 'OK';
697 | end;
698 |
699 | function TIMAPSend.DeleteMess(MessID: integer): boolean;
700 | var
701 | s: string;
702 | begin
703 | s := 'STORE ' + IntToStr(MessID) + ' +FLAGS.SILENT (\Deleted)';
704 | if FUID then
705 | s := 'UID ' + s;
706 | Result := IMAPcommand(s) = 'OK';
707 | end;
708 |
709 | function TIMAPSend.FetchMess(MessID: integer; const Mess: TStrings): Boolean;
710 | var
711 | s: string;
712 | begin
713 | s := 'FETCH ' + IntToStr(MessID) + ' (RFC822)';
714 | if FUID then
715 | s := 'UID ' + s;
716 | Result := IMAPcommand(s) = 'OK';
717 | ParseMess(Mess);
718 | end;
719 |
720 | function TIMAPSend.FetchHeader(MessID: integer; const Headers: TStrings): Boolean;
721 | var
722 | s: string;
723 | begin
724 | s := 'FETCH ' + IntToStr(MessID) + ' (RFC822.HEADER)';
725 | if FUID then
726 | s := 'UID ' + s;
727 | Result := IMAPcommand(s) = 'OK';
728 | ParseMess(Headers);
729 | end;
730 |
731 | function TIMAPSend.MessageSize(MessID: integer): integer;
732 | var
733 | n: integer;
734 | s, t: string;
735 | begin
736 | Result := -1;
737 | s := 'FETCH ' + IntToStr(MessID) + ' (RFC822.SIZE)';
738 | if FUID then
739 | s := 'UID ' + s;
740 | if IMAPcommand(s) = 'OK' then
741 | begin
742 | ProcessLiterals;
743 | for n := 0 to FFullResult.Count - 1 do
744 | begin
745 | s := UpperCase(FFullResult[n]);
746 | if (Pos('* ', s) = 1) and (Pos('RFC822.SIZE', s) > 0 ) then
747 | begin
748 | t := SeparateRight(s, 'RFC822.SIZE ');
749 | t := Trim(SeparateLeft(t, ')'));
750 | t := Trim(SeparateLeft(t, ' '));
751 | Result := StrToIntDef(t, -1);
752 | Break;
753 | end;
754 | end;
755 | end;
756 | end;
757 |
758 | function TIMAPSend.CopyMess(MessID: integer; ToFolder: string): Boolean;
759 | var
760 | s: string;
761 | begin
762 | s := 'COPY ' + IntToStr(MessID) + ' "' + ToFolder + '"';
763 | if FUID then
764 | s := 'UID ' + s;
765 | Result := IMAPcommand(s) = 'OK';
766 | end;
767 |
768 | function TIMAPSend.SearchMess(Criteria: string; const FoundMess: TStrings): Boolean;
769 | var
770 | s: string;
771 | begin
772 | s := 'SEARCH ' + Criteria;
773 | if FUID then
774 | s := 'UID ' + s;
775 | Result := IMAPcommand(s) = 'OK';
776 | ParseSearch(FoundMess);
777 | end;
778 |
779 | function TIMAPSend.SetFlagsMess(MessID: integer; Flags: string): Boolean;
780 | var
781 | s: string;
782 | begin
783 | s := 'STORE ' + IntToStr(MessID) + ' FLAGS.SILENT (' + Flags + ')';
784 | if FUID then
785 | s := 'UID ' + s;
786 | Result := IMAPcommand(s) = 'OK';
787 | end;
788 |
789 | function TIMAPSend.AddFlagsMess(MessID: integer; Flags: string): Boolean;
790 | var
791 | s: string;
792 | begin
793 | s := 'STORE ' + IntToStr(MessID) + ' +FLAGS.SILENT (' + Flags + ')';
794 | if FUID then
795 | s := 'UID ' + s;
796 | Result := IMAPcommand(s) = 'OK';
797 | end;
798 |
799 | function TIMAPSend.DelFlagsMess(MessID: integer; Flags: string): Boolean;
800 | var
801 | s: string;
802 | begin
803 | s := 'STORE ' + IntToStr(MessID) + ' -FLAGS.SILENT (' + Flags + ')';
804 | if FUID then
805 | s := 'UID ' + s;
806 | Result := IMAPcommand(s) = 'OK';
807 | end;
808 |
809 | function TIMAPSend.GetFlagsMess(MessID: integer; var Flags: string): Boolean;
810 | var
811 | s: string;
812 | n: integer;
813 | begin
814 | Flags := '';
815 | s := 'FETCH ' + IntToStr(MessID) + ' (FLAGS)';
816 | if FUID then
817 | s := 'UID ' + s;
818 | Result := IMAPcommand(s) = 'OK';
819 | ProcessLiterals;
820 | for n := 0 to FFullResult.Count - 1 do
821 | begin
822 | s := uppercase(FFullResult[n]);
823 | if (Pos('* ', s) = 1) and (Pos('FLAGS', s) > 0 ) then
824 | begin
825 | s := SeparateRight(s, 'FLAGS');
826 | s := Separateright(s, '(');
827 | Flags := Trim(SeparateLeft(s, ')'));
828 | end;
829 | end;
830 | end;
831 |
832 | function TIMAPSend.StartTLS: Boolean;
833 | begin
834 | Result := False;
835 | if FindCap('STARTTLS') <> '' then
836 | begin
837 | if IMAPcommand('STARTTLS') = 'OK' then
838 | begin
839 | Fsock.SSLDoConnect;
840 | Result := FSock.LastError = 0;
841 | end;
842 | end;
843 | end;
844 |
845 | //Paul Buskermolen <p.buskermolen@pinkroccade.com>
846 | function TIMAPSend.GetUID(MessID: integer; var UID : Integer): boolean;
847 | var
848 | s, sUid: string;
849 | n: integer;
850 | begin
851 | sUID := '';
852 | s := 'FETCH ' + IntToStr(MessID) + ' UID';
853 | Result := IMAPcommand(s) = 'OK';
854 | ProcessLiterals;
855 | for n := 0 to FFullResult.Count - 1 do
856 | begin
857 | s := uppercase(FFullResult[n]);
858 | if Pos('FETCH (UID', s) >= 1 then
859 | begin
860 | s := Separateright(s, '(UID ');
861 | sUID := Trim(SeparateLeft(s, ')'));
862 | end;
863 | end;
864 | UID := StrToIntDef(sUID, 0);
865 | end;
866 |
867 | {==============================================================================}
868 |
869 | end.