1 | {==============================================================================|
2 | | Project : Ararat Synapse | 004.000.000 |
3 | |==============================================================================|
4 | | Content: FTP client |
5 | |==============================================================================|
6 | | Copyright (c)1999-2011, Lukas Gebauer |
7 | | All rights reserved. |
8 | | |
9 | | Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
10 | | modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: |
11 | | |
12 | | Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this |
13 | | list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
14 | | |
15 | | Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, |
16 | | this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation |
17 | | and/or other materials provided with the distribution. |
18 | | |
19 | | Neither the name of Lukas Gebauer nor the names of its contributors may |
20 | | be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without |
21 | | specific prior written permission. |
22 | | |
33 | | DAMAGE. |
34 | |==============================================================================|
35 | | The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Lukas Gebauer (Czech Republic).|
36 | | Portions created by Lukas Gebauer are Copyright (c) 1999-2010. |
37 | | All Rights Reserved. |
38 | |==============================================================================|
39 | | Contributor(s): |
40 | | Petr Esner <petr.esner@atlas.cz> |
41 | |==============================================================================|
42 | | History: see HISTORY.HTM from distribution package |
43 | | (Found at URL: http://www.ararat.cz/synapse/) |
44 | |==============================================================================}
45 |
46 | {: @abstract(FTP client protocol)
47 |
48 | Used RFC: RFC-959, RFC-2228, RFC-2428
49 | }
50 |
51 | {$IFDEF FPC}
53 | {$ENDIF}
54 | {$H+}
55 | {$TYPEINFO ON}// Borland changed defualt Visibility from Public to Published
56 | // and it requires RTTI to be generated $M+
57 | {$M+}
58 |
62 | {$ENDIF}
63 |
64 | unit ftpsend;
65 |
66 | interface
67 |
68 | uses
69 | SysUtils, Classes,
70 | blcksock, synautil, synaip, synsock;
71 |
72 | const
73 | cFtpProtocol = '21';
74 | cFtpDataProtocol = '20';
75 |
76 | {:Terminating value for TLogonActions}
77 | FTP_OK = 255;
78 | {:Terminating value for TLogonActions}
79 | FTP_ERR = 254;
80 |
81 | type
82 | {:Array for holding definition of logon sequence.}
83 | TLogonActions = array [0..17] of byte;
84 |
85 | {:Procedural type for OnStatus event. Sender is calling @link(TFTPSend) object.
86 | Value is FTP command or reply to this comand. (if it is reply, Response
87 | is @True).}
88 | TFTPStatus = procedure(Sender: TObject; Response: Boolean;
89 | const Value: string) of object;
90 |
91 | {: @abstract(Object for holding file information) parsed from directory
92 | listing of FTP server.}
93 | TFTPListRec = class(TObject)
94 | private
95 | FFileName: String;
96 | FDirectory: Boolean;
97 | FReadable: Boolean;
98 | FFileSize: int64;
99 | FFileTime: TDateTime;
100 | FOriginalLine: string;
101 | FMask: string;
102 | FPermission: String;
103 | public
104 | {: You can assign another TFTPListRec to this object.}
105 | procedure Assign(Value: TFTPListRec); virtual;
106 | {:name of file}
107 | property FileName: string read FFileName write FFileName;
108 | {:if name is subdirectory not file.}
109 | property Directory: Boolean read FDirectory write FDirectory;
110 | {:if you have rights to read}
111 | property Readable: Boolean read FReadable write FReadable;
112 | {:size of file in bytes}
113 | property FileSize: int64 read FFileSize write FFileSize;
114 | {:date and time of file. Local server timezone is used. Any timezone
115 | conversions was not done!}
116 | property FileTime: TDateTime read FFileTime write FFileTime;
117 | {:original unparsed line}
118 | property OriginalLine: string read FOriginalLine write FOriginalLine;
119 | {:mask what was used for parsing}
120 | property Mask: string read FMask write FMask;
121 | {:permission string (depending on used mask!)}
122 | property Permission: string read FPermission write FPermission;
123 | end;
124 |
125 | {:@abstract(This is TList of TFTPListRec objects.)
126 | This object is used for holding lististing of all files information in listed
127 | directory on FTP server.}
128 | TFTPList = class(TObject)
129 | protected
130 | FList: TList;
131 | FLines: TStringList;
132 | FMasks: TStringList;
133 | FUnparsedLines: TStringList;
134 | Monthnames: string;
135 | BlockSize: string;
136 | DirFlagValue: string;
137 | FileName: string;
138 | VMSFileName: string;
139 | Day: string;
140 | Month: string;
141 | ThreeMonth: string;
142 | YearTime: string;
143 | Year: string;
144 | Hours: string;
145 | HoursModif: Ansistring;
146 | Minutes: string;
147 | Seconds: string;
148 | Size: Ansistring;
149 | Permissions: Ansistring;
150 | DirFlag: string;
151 | function GetListItem(Index: integer): TFTPListRec; virtual;
152 | function ParseEPLF(Value: string): Boolean; virtual;
153 | procedure ClearStore; virtual;
154 | function ParseByMask(Value, NextValue, Mask: ansistring): Integer; virtual;
155 | function CheckValues: Boolean; virtual;
156 | procedure FillRecord(const Value: TFTPListRec); virtual;
157 | public
158 | {:Constructor. You not need create this object, it is created by TFTPSend
159 | class as their property.}
160 | constructor Create;
161 | destructor Destroy; override;
162 |
163 | {:Clear list.}
164 | procedure Clear; virtual;
165 |
166 | {:count of holded @link(TFTPListRec) objects}
167 | function Count: integer; virtual;
168 |
169 | {:Assigns one list to another}
170 | procedure Assign(Value: TFTPList); virtual;
171 |
172 | {:try to parse raw directory listing in @link(lines) to list of
173 | @link(TFTPListRec).}
174 | procedure ParseLines; virtual;
175 |
176 | {:By this property you have access to list of @link(TFTPListRec).
177 | This is for compatibility only. Please, use @link(Items) instead.}
178 | property List: TList read FList;
179 |
180 | {:By this property you have access to list of @link(TFTPListRec).}
181 | property Items[Index: Integer]: TFTPListRec read GetListItem; default;
182 |
183 | {:Set of lines with RAW directory listing for @link(parseLines)}
184 | property Lines: TStringList read FLines;
185 |
186 | {:Set of masks for directory listing parser. It is predefined by default,
187 | however you can modify it as you need. (for example, you can add your own
188 | definition mask.) Mask is same as mask used in TotalCommander.}
189 | property Masks: TStringList read FMasks;
190 |
191 | {:After @link(ParseLines) it holding lines what was not sucessfully parsed.}
192 | property UnparsedLines: TStringList read FUnparsedLines;
193 | end;
194 |
195 | {:@abstract(Implementation of FTP protocol.)
196 | Note: Are you missing properties for setting Username and Password? Look to
197 | parent @link(TSynaClient) object! (Username and Password have default values
198 | for "anonymous" FTP login)
199 |
200 | Are you missing properties for specify server address and port? Look to
201 | parent @link(TSynaClient) too!}
202 | TFTPSend = class(TSynaClient)
203 | protected
204 | FOnStatus: TFTPStatus;
205 | FSock: TTCPBlockSocket;
206 | FDSock: TTCPBlockSocket;
207 | FResultCode: Integer;
208 | FResultString: string;
209 | FFullResult: TStringList;
210 | FAccount: string;
211 | FFWHost: string;
212 | FFWPort: string;
213 | FFWUsername: string;
214 | FFWPassword: string;
215 | FFWMode: integer;
216 | FDataStream: TMemoryStream;
217 | FDataIP: string;
218 | FDataPort: string;
219 | FDirectFile: Boolean;
220 | FDirectFileName: string;
221 | FCanResume: Boolean;
222 | FPassiveMode: Boolean;
223 | FForceDefaultPort: Boolean;
224 | FForceOldPort: Boolean;
225 | FFtpList: TFTPList;
226 | FBinaryMode: Boolean;
227 | FAutoTLS: Boolean;
228 | FIsTLS: Boolean;
229 | FIsDataTLS: Boolean;
230 | FTLSonData: Boolean;
231 | FFullSSL: Boolean;
232 | function Auth(Mode: integer): Boolean; virtual;
233 | function Connect: Boolean; virtual;
234 | function InternalStor(const Command: string; RestoreAt: int64): Boolean; virtual;
235 | function DataSocket: Boolean; virtual;
236 | function AcceptDataSocket: Boolean; virtual;
237 | procedure DoStatus(Response: Boolean; const Value: string); virtual;
238 | public
239 | {:Custom definition of login sequence. You can use this when you set
240 | @link(FWMode) to value -1.}
241 | CustomLogon: TLogonActions;
242 |
243 | constructor Create;
244 | destructor Destroy; override;
245 |
246 | {:Waits and read FTP server response. You need this only in special cases!}
247 | function ReadResult: Integer; virtual;
248 |
249 | {:Parse remote side information of data channel from value string (returned
250 | by PASV command). This function you need only in special cases!}
251 | procedure ParseRemote(Value: string); virtual;
252 |
253 | {:Parse remote side information of data channel from value string (returned
254 | by EPSV command). This function you need only in special cases!}
255 | procedure ParseRemoteEPSV(Value: string); virtual;
256 |
257 | {:Send Value as FTP command to FTP server. Returned result code is result of
258 | this function.
259 | This command is good for sending site specific command, or non-standard
260 | commands.}
261 | function FTPCommand(const Value: string): integer; virtual;
262 |
263 | {:Connect and logon to FTP server. If you specify any FireWall, connect to
264 | firewall and throw them connect to FTP server. Login sequence depending on
265 | @link(FWMode).}
266 | function Login: Boolean; virtual;
267 |
268 | {:Logoff and disconnect from FTP server.}
269 | function Logout: Boolean; virtual;
270 |
271 | {:Break current transmission of data. (You can call this method from
272 | Sock.OnStatus event, or from another thread.)}
273 | procedure Abort; virtual;
274 |
275 | {:Break current transmission of data. It is same as Abort, but it send abort
276 | telnet commands prior ABOR FTP command. Some servers need it. (You can call
277 | this method from Sock.OnStatus event, or from another thread.)}
278 | procedure TelnetAbort; virtual;
279 |
280 | {:Download directory listing of Directory on FTP server. If Directory is
281 | empty string, download listing of current working directory.
282 | If NameList is @true, download only names of files in directory.
283 | (internally use NLST command instead LIST command)
284 | If NameList is @false, returned list is also parsed to @link(FTPList)
285 | property.}
286 | function List(Directory: string; NameList: Boolean): Boolean; virtual;
287 |
288 | {:Read data from FileName on FTP server. If Restore is @true and server
289 | supports resume dowloads, download is resumed. (received is only rest
290 | of file)}
291 | function RetrieveFile(const FileName: string; Restore: Boolean): Boolean; virtual;
292 |
293 | {:Send data to FileName on FTP server. If Restore is @true and server
294 | supports resume upload, upload is resumed. (send only rest of file)
295 | In this case if remote file is same length as local file, nothing will be
296 | done. If remote file is larger then local, resume is disabled and file is
297 | transfered from begin!}
298 | function StoreFile(const FileName: string; Restore: Boolean): Boolean; virtual;
299 |
300 | {:Send data to FTP server and assing unique name for this file.}
301 | function StoreUniqueFile: Boolean; virtual;
302 |
303 | {:Append data to FileName on FTP server.}
304 | function AppendFile(const FileName: string): Boolean; virtual;
305 |
306 | {:Rename on FTP server file with OldName to NewName.}
307 | function RenameFile(const OldName, NewName: string): Boolean; virtual;
308 |
309 | {:Delete file FileName on FTP server.}
310 | function DeleteFile(const FileName: string): Boolean; virtual;
311 |
312 | {:Return size of Filename file on FTP server. If command failed (i.e. not
313 | implemented), return -1.}
314 | function FileSize(const FileName: string): int64; virtual;
315 |
316 | {:Send NOOP command to FTP server for preserve of disconnect by inactivity
317 | timeout.}
318 | function NoOp: Boolean; virtual;
319 |
320 | {:Change currect working directory to Directory on FTP server.}
321 | function ChangeWorkingDir(const Directory: string): Boolean; virtual;
322 |
323 | {:walk to upper directory on FTP server.}
324 | function ChangeToParentDir: Boolean; virtual;
325 |
326 | {:walk to root directory on FTP server. (May not work with all servers properly!)}
327 | function ChangeToRootDir: Boolean; virtual;
328 |
329 | {:Delete Directory on FTP server.}
330 | function DeleteDir(const Directory: string): Boolean; virtual;
331 |
332 | {:Create Directory on FTP server.}
333 | function CreateDir(const Directory: string): Boolean; virtual;
334 |
335 | {:Return current working directory on FTP server.}
336 | function GetCurrentDir: String; virtual;
337 |
338 | {:Establish data channel to FTP server and retrieve data.
339 | This function you need only in special cases, i.e. when you need to implement
340 | some special unsupported FTP command!}
341 | function DataRead(const DestStream: TStream): Boolean; virtual;
342 |
343 | {:Establish data channel to FTP server and send data.
344 | This function you need only in special cases, i.e. when you need to implement
345 | some special unsupported FTP command.}
346 | function DataWrite(const SourceStream: TStream): Boolean; virtual;
347 | published
348 | {:After FTP command contains result number of this operation.}
349 | property ResultCode: Integer read FResultCode;
350 |
351 | {:After FTP command contains main line of result.}
352 | property ResultString: string read FResultString;
353 |
354 | {:After any FTP command it contains all lines of FTP server reply.}
355 | property FullResult: TStringList read FFullResult;
356 |
357 | {:Account information used in some cases inside login sequence.}
358 | property Account: string read FAccount Write FAccount;
359 |
360 | {:Address of firewall. If empty string (default), firewall not used.}
361 | property FWHost: string read FFWHost Write FFWHost;
362 |
363 | {:port of firewall. standard value is same port as ftp server used. (21)}
364 | property FWPort: string read FFWPort Write FFWPort;
365 |
366 | {:Username for login to firewall. (if needed)}
367 | property FWUsername: string read FFWUsername Write FFWUsername;
368 |
369 | {:password for login to firewall. (if needed)}
370 | property FWPassword: string read FFWPassword Write FFWPassword;
371 |
372 | {:Type of Firewall. Used only if you set some firewall address. Supported
373 | predefined firewall login sequences are described by comments in source
374 | file where you can see pseudocode decribing each sequence.}
375 | property FWMode: integer read FFWMode Write FFWMode;
376 |
377 | {:Socket object used for TCP/IP operation on control channel. Good for
378 | seting OnStatus hook, etc.}
379 | property Sock: TTCPBlockSocket read FSock;
380 |
381 | {:Socket object used for TCP/IP operation on data channel. Good for seting
382 | OnStatus hook, etc.}
383 | property DSock: TTCPBlockSocket read FDSock;
384 |
385 | {:If you not use @link(DirectFile) mode, all data transfers is made to or
386 | from this stream.}
387 | property DataStream: TMemoryStream read FDataStream;
388 |
389 | {:After data connection is established, contains remote side IP of this
390 | connection.}
391 | property DataIP: string read FDataIP;
392 |
393 | {:After data connection is established, contains remote side port of this
394 | connection.}
395 | property DataPort: string read FDataPort;
396 |
397 | {:Mode of data handling by data connection. If @False, all data operations
398 | are made to or from @link(DataStream) TMemoryStream.
399 | If @true, data operations is made directly to file in your disk. (filename
400 | is specified by @link(DirectFileName) property.) Dafault is @False!}
401 | property DirectFile: Boolean read FDirectFile Write FDirectFile;
402 |
403 | {:Filename for direct disk data operations.}
404 | property DirectFileName: string read FDirectFileName Write FDirectFileName;
405 |
406 | {:Indicate after @link(Login) if remote server support resume downloads and
407 | uploads.}
408 | property CanResume: Boolean read FCanResume;
409 |
410 | {:If true (default value), all transfers is made by passive method.
411 | It is safer method for various firewalls.}
412 | property PassiveMode: Boolean read FPassiveMode Write FPassiveMode;
413 |
414 | {:Force to listen for dataconnection on standard port (20). Default is @false,
415 | dataconnections will be made to any non-standard port reported by PORT FTP
416 | command. This setting is not used, if you use passive mode.}
417 | property ForceDefaultPort: Boolean read FForceDefaultPort Write FForceDefaultPort;
418 |
419 | {:When is @true, then is disabled EPSV and EPRT support. However without this
420 | commands you cannot use IPv6! (Disabling of this commands is needed only
421 | when you are behind some crap firewall/NAT.}
422 | property ForceOldPort: Boolean read FForceOldPort Write FForceOldPort;
423 |
424 | {:You may set this hook for monitoring FTP commands and replies.}
425 | property OnStatus: TFTPStatus read FOnStatus write FOnStatus;
426 |
427 | {:After LIST command is here parsed list of files in given directory.}
428 | property FtpList: TFTPList read FFtpList;
429 |
430 | {:if @true (default), then data transfers is in binary mode. If this is set
431 | to @false, then ASCII mode is used.}
432 | property BinaryMode: Boolean read FBinaryMode Write FBinaryMode;
433 |
434 | {:if is true, then if server support upgrade to SSL/TLS mode, then use them.}
435 | property AutoTLS: Boolean read FAutoTLS Write FAutoTLS;
436 |
437 | {:if server listen on SSL/TLS port, then you set this to true.}
438 | property FullSSL: Boolean read FFullSSL Write FFullSSL;
439 |
440 | {:Signalise, if control channel is in SSL/TLS mode.}
441 | property IsTLS: Boolean read FIsTLS;
442 |
443 | {:Signalise, if data transfers is in SSL/TLS mode.}
444 | property IsDataTLS: Boolean read FIsDataTLS;
445 |
446 | {:If @true (default), then try to use SSL/TLS on data transfers too.
447 | If @false, then SSL/TLS is used only for control connection.}
448 | property TLSonData: Boolean read FTLSonData write FTLSonData;
449 | end;
450 |
451 | {:A very useful function, and example of use can be found in the TFtpSend object.
452 | Dowload specified file from FTP server to LocalFile.}
453 | function FtpGetFile(const IP, Port, FileName, LocalFile,
454 | User, Pass: string): Boolean;
455 |
456 | {:A very useful function, and example of use can be found in the TFtpSend object.
457 | Upload specified LocalFile to FTP server.}
458 | function FtpPutFile(const IP, Port, FileName, LocalFile,
459 | User, Pass: string): Boolean;
460 |
461 | {:A very useful function, and example of use can be found in the TFtpSend object.
462 | Initiate transfer of file between two FTP servers.}
463 | function FtpInterServerTransfer(
464 | const FromIP, FromPort, FromFile, FromUser, FromPass: string;
465 | const ToIP, ToPort, ToFile, ToUser, ToPass: string): Boolean;
466 |
467 | implementation
468 |
469 | constructor TFTPSend.Create;
470 | begin
471 | inherited Create;
472 | FFullResult := TStringList.Create;
473 | FDataStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
474 | FSock := TTCPBlockSocket.Create;
475 | FSock.Owner := self;
476 | FSock.ConvertLineEnd := True;
477 | FDSock := TTCPBlockSocket.Create;
478 | FDSock.Owner := self;
479 | FFtpList := TFTPList.Create;
480 | FTimeout := 300000;
481 | FTargetPort := cFtpProtocol;
482 | FUsername := 'anonymous';
483 | FPassword := 'anonymous@' + FSock.LocalName;
484 | FDirectFile := False;
485 | FPassiveMode := True;
486 | FForceDefaultPort := False;
487 | FForceOldPort := false;
488 | FAccount := '';
489 | FFWHost := '';
490 | FFWPort := cFtpProtocol;
491 | FFWUsername := '';
492 | FFWPassword := '';
493 | FFWMode := 0;
494 | FBinaryMode := True;
495 | FAutoTLS := False;
496 | FFullSSL := False;
497 | FIsTLS := False;
498 | FIsDataTLS := False;
499 | FTLSonData := True;
500 | end;
501 |
502 | destructor TFTPSend.Destroy;
503 | begin
504 | FDSock.Free;
505 | FSock.Free;
506 | FFTPList.Free;
507 | FDataStream.Free;
508 | FFullResult.Free;
509 | inherited Destroy;
510 | end;
511 |
512 | procedure TFTPSend.DoStatus(Response: Boolean; const Value: string);
513 | begin
514 | if assigned(OnStatus) then
515 | OnStatus(Self, Response, Value);
516 | end;
517 |
518 | function TFTPSend.ReadResult: Integer;
519 | var
520 | s, c: AnsiString;
521 | begin
522 | FFullResult.Clear;
523 | c := '';
524 | repeat
525 | s := FSock.RecvString(FTimeout);
526 | if c = '' then
527 | if length(s) > 3 then
528 | if s[4] in [' ', '-'] then
529 | c :=Copy(s, 1, 3);
530 | FResultString := s;
531 | FFullResult.Add(s);
532 | DoStatus(True, s);
533 | if FSock.LastError <> 0 then
534 | Break;
535 | until (c <> '') and (Pos(c + ' ', s) = 1);
536 | Result := StrToIntDef(c, 0);
537 | FResultCode := Result;
538 | end;
539 |
540 | function TFTPSend.FTPCommand(const Value: string): integer;
541 | begin
542 | FSock.Purge;
543 | FSock.SendString(Value + CRLF);
544 | DoStatus(False, Value);
545 | Result := ReadResult;
546 | end;
547 |
548 | // based on idea by Petr Esner <petr.esner@atlas.cz>
549 | function TFTPSend.Auth(Mode: integer): Boolean;
550 | const
551 | //if not USER <username> then
552 | // if not PASS <password> then
553 | // if not ACCT <account> then ERROR!
554 | //OK!
555 | Action0: TLogonActions =
556 | (0, FTP_OK, 3,
557 | 1, FTP_OK, 6,
558 | 2, FTP_OK, FTP_ERR,
559 | 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
560 |
561 | //if not USER <FWusername> then
562 | // if not PASS <FWPassword> then ERROR!
563 | //if SITE <FTPServer> then ERROR!
564 | //if not USER <username> then
565 | // if not PASS <password> then
566 | // if not ACCT <account> then ERROR!
567 | //OK!
568 | Action1: TLogonActions =
569 | (3, 6, 3,
570 | 4, 6, FTP_ERR,
571 | 5, FTP_ERR, 9,
572 | 0, FTP_OK, 12,
573 | 1, FTP_OK, 15,
574 | 2, FTP_OK, FTP_ERR);
575 |
576 | //if not USER <FWusername> then
577 | // if not PASS <FWPassword> then ERROR!
578 | //if USER <UserName>'@'<FTPServer> then OK!
579 | //if not PASS <password> then
580 | // if not ACCT <account> then ERROR!
581 | //OK!
582 | Action2: TLogonActions =
583 | (3, 6, 3,
584 | 4, 6, FTP_ERR,
585 | 6, FTP_OK, 9,
586 | 1, FTP_OK, 12,
587 | 2, FTP_OK, FTP_ERR,
588 | 0, 0, 0);
589 |
590 | //if not USER <FWusername> then
591 | // if not PASS <FWPassword> then ERROR!
592 | //if not USER <username> then
593 | // if not PASS <password> then
594 | // if not ACCT <account> then ERROR!
595 | //OK!
596 | Action3: TLogonActions =
597 | (3, 6, 3,
598 | 4, 6, FTP_ERR,
599 | 0, FTP_OK, 9,
600 | 1, FTP_OK, 12,
601 | 2, FTP_OK, FTP_ERR,
602 | 0, 0, 0);
603 |
604 | //OPEN <FTPserver>
605 | //if not USER <username> then
606 | // if not PASS <password> then
607 | // if not ACCT <account> then ERROR!
608 | //OK!
609 | Action4: TLogonActions =
610 | (7, 3, 3,
611 | 0, FTP_OK, 6,
612 | 1, FTP_OK, 9,
613 | 2, FTP_OK, FTP_ERR,
614 | 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
615 |
616 | //if USER <UserName>'@'<FTPServer> then OK!
617 | //if not PASS <password> then
618 | // if not ACCT <account> then ERROR!
619 | //OK!
620 | Action5: TLogonActions =
621 | (6, FTP_OK, 3,
622 | 1, FTP_OK, 6,
623 | 2, FTP_OK, FTP_ERR,
624 | 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
625 |
626 | //if not USER <FWUserName>@<FTPServer> then
627 | // if not PASS <FWPassword> then ERROR!
628 | //if not USER <username> then
629 | // if not PASS <password> then
630 | // if not ACCT <account> then ERROR!
631 | //OK!
632 | Action6: TLogonActions =
633 | (8, 6, 3,
634 | 4, 6, FTP_ERR,
635 | 0, FTP_OK, 9,
636 | 1, FTP_OK, 12,
637 | 2, FTP_OK, FTP_ERR,
638 | 0, 0, 0);
639 |
640 | //if USER <UserName>@<FTPServer> <FWUserName> then ERROR!
641 | //if not PASS <password> then
642 | // if not ACCT <account> then ERROR!
643 | //OK!
644 | Action7: TLogonActions =
645 | (9, FTP_ERR, 3,
646 | 1, FTP_OK, 6,
647 | 2, FTP_OK, FTP_ERR,
648 | 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
649 |
650 | //if not USER <UserName>@<FWUserName>@<FTPServer> then
651 | // if not PASS <Password>@<FWPassword> then
652 | // if not ACCT <account> then ERROR!
653 | //OK!
654 | Action8: TLogonActions =
655 | (10, FTP_OK, 3,
656 | 11, FTP_OK, 6,
657 | 2, FTP_OK, FTP_ERR,
658 | 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
659 | var
660 | FTPServer: string;
661 | LogonActions: TLogonActions;
662 | i: integer;
663 | s: string;
664 | x: integer;
665 | begin
666 | Result := False;
667 | if FFWHost = '' then
668 | Mode := 0;
669 | if (FTargetPort = cFtpProtocol) or (FTargetPort = '21') then
670 | FTPServer := FTargetHost
671 | else
672 | FTPServer := FTargetHost + ':' + FTargetPort;
673 | case Mode of
674 | -1:
675 | LogonActions := CustomLogon;
676 | 1:
677 | LogonActions := Action1;
678 | 2:
679 | LogonActions := Action2;
680 | 3:
681 | LogonActions := Action3;
682 | 4:
683 | LogonActions := Action4;
684 | 5:
685 | LogonActions := Action5;
686 | 6:
687 | LogonActions := Action6;
688 | 7:
689 | LogonActions := Action7;
690 | 8:
691 | LogonActions := Action8;
692 | else
693 | LogonActions := Action0;
694 | end;
695 | i := 0;
696 | repeat
697 | case LogonActions[i] of
698 | 0: s := 'USER ' + FUserName;
699 | 1: s := 'PASS ' + FPassword;
700 | 2: s := 'ACCT ' + FAccount;
701 | 3: s := 'USER ' + FFWUserName;
702 | 4: s := 'PASS ' + FFWPassword;
703 | 5: s := 'SITE ' + FTPServer;
704 | 6: s := 'USER ' + FUserName + '@' + FTPServer;
705 | 7: s := 'OPEN ' + FTPServer;
706 | 8: s := 'USER ' + FFWUserName + '@' + FTPServer;
707 | 9: s := 'USER ' + FUserName + '@' + FTPServer + ' ' + FFWUserName;
708 | 10: s := 'USER ' + FUserName + '@' + FFWUserName + '@' + FTPServer;
709 | 11: s := 'PASS ' + FPassword + '@' + FFWPassword;
710 | end;
711 | x := FTPCommand(s);
712 | x := x div 100;
713 | if (x <> 2) and (x <> 3) then
714 | Exit;
715 | i := LogonActions[i + x - 1];
716 | case i of
717 | FTP_ERR:
718 | Exit;
719 | FTP_OK:
720 | begin
721 | Result := True;
722 | Exit;
723 | end;
724 | end;
725 | until False;
726 | end;
727 |
728 |
729 | function TFTPSend.Connect: Boolean;
730 | begin
731 | FSock.CloseSocket;
732 | FSock.Bind(FIPInterface, cAnyPort);
733 | if FSock.LastError = 0 then
734 | if FFWHost = '' then
735 | FSock.Connect(FTargetHost, FTargetPort)
736 | else
737 | FSock.Connect(FFWHost, FFWPort);
738 | if FSock.LastError = 0 then
739 | if FFullSSL then
740 | FSock.SSLDoConnect;
741 | Result := FSock.LastError = 0;
742 | end;
743 |
744 | function TFTPSend.Login: Boolean;
745 | var
746 | x: integer;
747 | begin
748 | Result := False;
749 | FCanResume := False;
750 | if not Connect then
751 | Exit;
752 | FIsTLS := FFullSSL;
753 | FIsDataTLS := False;
754 | repeat
755 | x := ReadResult div 100;
756 | until x <> 1;
757 | if x <> 2 then
758 | Exit;
759 | if FAutoTLS and not(FIsTLS) then
760 | if (FTPCommand('AUTH TLS') div 100) = 2 then
761 | begin
762 | FSock.SSLDoConnect;
763 | FIsTLS := FSock.LastError = 0;
764 | if not FIsTLS then
765 | begin
766 | Result := False;
767 | Exit;
768 | end;
769 | end;
770 | if not Auth(FFWMode) then
771 | Exit;
772 | if FIsTLS then
773 | begin
774 | FTPCommand('PBSZ 0');
775 | if FTLSonData then
776 | FIsDataTLS := (FTPCommand('PROT P') div 100) = 2;
777 | if not FIsDataTLS then
778 | FTPCommand('PROT C');
779 | end;
780 | FTPCommand('TYPE I');
781 | FTPCommand('STRU F');
782 | FTPCommand('MODE S');
783 | if FTPCommand('REST 0') = 350 then
784 | if FTPCommand('REST 1') = 350 then
785 | begin
786 | FTPCommand('REST 0');
787 | FCanResume := True;
788 | end;
789 | Result := True;
790 | end;
791 |
792 | function TFTPSend.Logout: Boolean;
793 | begin
794 | Result := (FTPCommand('QUIT') div 100) = 2;
795 | FSock.CloseSocket;
796 | end;
797 |
798 | procedure TFTPSend.ParseRemote(Value: string);
799 | var
800 | n: integer;
801 | nb, ne: integer;
802 | s: string;
803 | x: integer;
804 | begin
805 | Value := trim(Value);
806 | nb := Pos('(',Value);
807 | ne := Pos(')',Value);
808 | if (nb = 0) or (ne = 0) then
809 | begin
810 | nb:=RPos(' ',Value);
811 | s:=Copy(Value, nb + 1, Length(Value) - nb);
812 | end
813 | else
814 | begin
815 | s:=Copy(Value,nb+1,ne-nb-1);
816 | end;
817 | for n := 1 to 4 do
818 | if n = 1 then
819 | FDataIP := Fetch(s, ',')
820 | else
821 | FDataIP := FDataIP + '.' + Fetch(s, ',');
822 | x := StrToIntDef(Fetch(s, ','), 0) * 256;
823 | x := x + StrToIntDef(Fetch(s, ','), 0);
824 | FDataPort := IntToStr(x);
825 | end;
826 |
827 | procedure TFTPSend.ParseRemoteEPSV(Value: string);
828 | var
829 | n: integer;
830 | s, v: AnsiString;
831 | begin
832 | s := SeparateRight(Value, '(');
833 | s := Trim(SeparateLeft(s, ')'));
834 | Delete(s, Length(s), 1);
835 | v := '';
836 | for n := Length(s) downto 1 do
837 | if s[n] in ['0'..'9'] then
838 | v := s[n] + v
839 | else
840 | Break;
841 | FDataPort := v;
842 | FDataIP := FTargetHost;
843 | end;
844 |
845 | function TFTPSend.DataSocket: boolean;
846 | var
847 | s: string;
848 | begin
849 | Result := False;
850 | if FIsDataTLS then
851 | FPassiveMode := True;
852 | if FPassiveMode then
853 | begin
854 | if FSock.IP6used then
855 | s := '2'
856 | else
857 | s := '1';
858 | if FSock.IP6used and not(FForceOldPort) and ((FTPCommand('EPSV ' + s) div 100) = 2) then
859 | begin
860 | ParseRemoteEPSV(FResultString);
861 | end
862 | else
863 | if FSock.IP6used then
864 | Exit
865 | else
866 | begin
867 | if (FTPCommand('PASV') div 100) <> 2 then
868 | Exit;
869 | ParseRemote(FResultString);
870 | end;
871 | FDSock.CloseSocket;
872 | FDSock.Bind(FIPInterface, cAnyPort);
873 | FDSock.Connect(FDataIP, FDataPort);
874 | Result := FDSock.LastError = 0;
875 | end
876 | else
877 | begin
878 | FDSock.CloseSocket;
879 | if FForceDefaultPort then
880 | s := cFtpDataProtocol
881 | else
882 | s := '0';
883 | //data conection from same interface as command connection
884 | FDSock.Bind(FSock.GetLocalSinIP, s);
885 | if FDSock.LastError <> 0 then
886 | Exit;
887 | FDSock.SetLinger(True, 10000);
888 | FDSock.Listen;
889 | FDSock.GetSins;
890 | FDataIP := FDSock.GetLocalSinIP;
891 | FDataIP := FDSock.ResolveName(FDataIP);
892 | FDataPort := IntToStr(FDSock.GetLocalSinPort);
893 | if FSock.IP6used and (not FForceOldPort) then
894 | begin
895 | if IsIp6(FDataIP) then
896 | s := '2'
897 | else
898 | s := '1';
899 | s := 'EPRT |' + s +'|' + FDataIP + '|' + FDataPort + '|';
900 | Result := (FTPCommand(s) div 100) = 2;
901 | end;
902 | if not Result and IsIP(FDataIP) then
903 | begin
904 | s := ReplaceString(FDataIP, '.', ',');
905 | s := 'PORT ' + s + ',' + IntToStr(FDSock.GetLocalSinPort div 256)
906 | + ',' + IntToStr(FDSock.GetLocalSinPort mod 256);
907 | Result := (FTPCommand(s) div 100) = 2;
908 | end;
909 | end;
910 | end;
911 |
912 | function TFTPSend.AcceptDataSocket: Boolean;
913 | var
914 | x: TSocket;
915 | begin
916 | if FPassiveMode then
917 | Result := True
918 | else
919 | begin
920 | Result := False;
921 | if FDSock.CanRead(FTimeout) then
922 | begin
923 | x := FDSock.Accept;
924 | if not FDSock.UsingSocks then
925 | FDSock.CloseSocket;
926 | FDSock.Socket := x;
927 | Result := True;
928 | end;
929 | end;
930 | if Result and FIsDataTLS then
931 | begin
932 | FDSock.SSL.Assign(FSock.SSL);
933 | FDSock.SSLDoConnect;
934 | Result := FDSock.LastError = 0;
935 | end;
936 | end;
937 |
938 | function TFTPSend.DataRead(const DestStream: TStream): Boolean;
939 | var
940 | x: integer;
941 | begin
942 | Result := False;
943 | try
944 | if not AcceptDataSocket then
945 | Exit;
946 | FDSock.RecvStreamRaw(DestStream, FTimeout);
947 | FDSock.CloseSocket;
948 | x := ReadResult;
949 | Result := (x div 100) = 2;
950 | finally
951 | FDSock.CloseSocket;
952 | end;
953 | end;
954 |
955 | function TFTPSend.DataWrite(const SourceStream: TStream): Boolean;
956 | var
957 | x: integer;
958 | b: Boolean;
959 | begin
960 | Result := False;
961 | try
962 | if not AcceptDataSocket then
963 | Exit;
964 | FDSock.SendStreamRaw(SourceStream);
965 | b := FDSock.LastError = 0;
966 | FDSock.CloseSocket;
967 | x := ReadResult;
968 | Result := b and ((x div 100) = 2);
969 | finally
970 | FDSock.CloseSocket;
971 | end;
972 | end;
973 |
974 | function TFTPSend.List(Directory: string; NameList: Boolean): Boolean;
975 | var
976 | x: integer;
977 | begin
978 | Result := False;
979 | FDataStream.Clear;
980 | FFTPList.Clear;
981 | if Directory <> '' then
982 | Directory := ' ' + Directory;
983 | FTPCommand('TYPE A');
984 | if not DataSocket then
985 | Exit;
986 | if NameList then
987 | x := FTPCommand('NLST' + Directory)
988 | else
989 | x := FTPCommand('LIST' + Directory);
990 | if (x div 100) <> 1 then
991 | Exit;
992 | Result := DataRead(FDataStream);
993 | if (not NameList) and Result then
994 | begin
995 | FDataStream.Position := 0;
996 | FFTPList.Lines.LoadFromStream(FDataStream);
997 | FFTPList.ParseLines;
998 | end;
999 | FDataStream.Position := 0;
1000 | end;
1001 |
1002 | function TFTPSend.RetrieveFile(const FileName: string; Restore: Boolean): Boolean;
1003 | var
1004 | RetrStream: TStream;
1005 | begin
1006 | Result := False;
1007 | if FileName = '' then
1008 | Exit;
1009 | if not DataSocket then
1010 | Exit;
1011 | Restore := Restore and FCanResume;
1012 | if FDirectFile then
1013 | if Restore and FileExists(FDirectFileName) then
1014 | RetrStream := TFileStream.Create(FDirectFileName,
1015 | fmOpenReadWrite or fmShareExclusive)
1016 | else
1017 | RetrStream := TFileStream.Create(FDirectFileName,
1018 | fmCreate or fmShareDenyWrite)
1019 | else
1020 | RetrStream := FDataStream;
1021 | try
1022 | if FBinaryMode then
1023 | FTPCommand('TYPE I')
1024 | else
1025 | FTPCommand('TYPE A');
1026 | if Restore then
1027 | begin
1028 | RetrStream.Position := RetrStream.Size;
1029 | if (FTPCommand('REST ' + IntToStr(RetrStream.Size)) div 100) <> 3 then
1030 | Exit;
1031 | end
1032 | else
1033 | if RetrStream is TMemoryStream then
1034 | TMemoryStream(RetrStream).Clear;
1035 | if (FTPCommand('RETR ' + FileName) div 100) <> 1 then
1036 | Exit;
1037 | Result := DataRead(RetrStream);
1038 | if not FDirectFile then
1039 | RetrStream.Position := 0;
1040 | finally
1041 | if FDirectFile then
1042 | RetrStream.Free;
1043 | end;
1044 | end;
1045 |
1046 | function TFTPSend.InternalStor(const Command: string; RestoreAt: int64): Boolean;
1047 | var
1048 | SendStream: TStream;
1049 | StorSize: int64;
1050 | begin
1051 | Result := False;
1052 | if FDirectFile then
1053 | if not FileExists(FDirectFileName) then
1054 | Exit
1055 | else
1056 | SendStream := TFileStream.Create(FDirectFileName,
1057 | fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite)
1058 | else
1059 | SendStream := FDataStream;
1060 | try
1061 | if not DataSocket then
1062 | Exit;
1063 | if FBinaryMode then
1064 | FTPCommand('TYPE I')
1065 | else
1066 | FTPCommand('TYPE A');
1067 | StorSize := SendStream.Size;
1068 | if not FCanResume then
1069 | RestoreAt := 0;
1070 | if (StorSize > 0) and (RestoreAt = StorSize) then
1071 | begin
1072 | Result := True;
1073 | Exit;
1074 | end;
1075 | if RestoreAt > StorSize then
1076 | RestoreAt := 0;
1077 | FTPCommand('ALLO ' + IntToStr(StorSize - RestoreAt));
1078 | if FCanResume then
1079 | if (FTPCommand('REST ' + IntToStr(RestoreAt)) div 100) <> 3 then
1080 | Exit;
1081 | SendStream.Position := RestoreAt;
1082 | if (FTPCommand(Command) div 100) <> 1 then
1083 | Exit;
1084 | Result := DataWrite(SendStream);
1085 | finally
1086 | if FDirectFile then
1087 | SendStream.Free;
1088 | end;
1089 | end;
1090 |
1091 | function TFTPSend.StoreFile(const FileName: string; Restore: Boolean): Boolean;
1092 | var
1093 | RestoreAt: int64;
1094 | begin
1095 | Result := False;
1096 | if FileName = '' then
1097 | Exit;
1098 | RestoreAt := 0;
1099 | Restore := Restore and FCanResume;
1100 | if Restore then
1101 | begin
1102 | RestoreAt := Self.FileSize(FileName);
1103 | if RestoreAt < 0 then
1104 | RestoreAt := 0;
1105 | end;
1106 | Result := InternalStor('STOR ' + FileName, RestoreAt);
1107 | end;
1108 |
1109 | function TFTPSend.StoreUniqueFile: Boolean;
1110 | begin
1111 | Result := InternalStor('STOU', 0);
1112 | end;
1113 |
1114 | function TFTPSend.AppendFile(const FileName: string): Boolean;
1115 | begin
1116 | Result := False;
1117 | if FileName = '' then
1118 | Exit;
1119 | Result := InternalStor('APPE ' + FileName, 0);
1120 | end;
1121 |
1122 | function TFTPSend.NoOp: Boolean;
1123 | begin
1124 | Result := (FTPCommand('NOOP') div 100) = 2;
1125 | end;
1126 |
1127 | function TFTPSend.RenameFile(const OldName, NewName: string): Boolean;
1128 | begin
1129 | Result := False;
1130 | if (FTPCommand('RNFR ' + OldName) div 100) <> 3 then
1131 | Exit;
1132 | Result := (FTPCommand('RNTO ' + NewName) div 100) = 2;
1133 | end;
1134 |
1135 | function TFTPSend.DeleteFile(const FileName: string): Boolean;
1136 | begin
1137 | Result := (FTPCommand('DELE ' + FileName) div 100) = 2;
1138 | end;
1139 |
1140 | function TFTPSend.FileSize(const FileName: string): int64;
1141 | var
1142 | s: string;
1143 | begin
1144 | Result := -1;
1145 | if (FTPCommand('SIZE ' + FileName) div 100) = 2 then
1146 | begin
1147 | s := Trim(SeparateRight(ResultString, ' '));
1148 | s := Trim(SeparateLeft(s, ' '));
1149 | {$IFDEF VER100}
1150 | Result := StrToIntDef(s, -1);
1151 | {$ELSE}
1152 | Result := StrToInt64Def(s, -1);
1153 | {$ENDIF}
1154 | end;
1155 | end;
1156 |
1157 | function TFTPSend.ChangeWorkingDir(const Directory: string): Boolean;
1158 | begin
1159 | Result := (FTPCommand('CWD ' + Directory) div 100) = 2;
1160 | end;
1161 |
1162 | function TFTPSend.ChangeToParentDir: Boolean;
1163 | begin
1164 | Result := (FTPCommand('CDUP') div 100) = 2;
1165 | end;
1166 |
1167 | function TFTPSend.ChangeToRootDir: Boolean;
1168 | begin
1169 | Result := ChangeWorkingDir('/');
1170 | end;
1171 |
1172 | function TFTPSend.DeleteDir(const Directory: string): Boolean;
1173 | begin
1174 | Result := (FTPCommand('RMD ' + Directory) div 100) = 2;
1175 | end;
1176 |
1177 | function TFTPSend.CreateDir(const Directory: string): Boolean;
1178 | begin
1179 | Result := (FTPCommand('MKD ' + Directory) div 100) = 2;
1180 | end;
1181 |
1182 | function TFTPSend.GetCurrentDir: String;
1183 | begin
1184 | Result := '';
1185 | if (FTPCommand('PWD') div 100) = 2 then
1186 | begin
1187 | Result := SeparateRight(FResultString, '"');
1188 | Result := Trim(Separateleft(Result, '"'));
1189 | end;
1190 | end;
1191 |
1192 | procedure TFTPSend.Abort;
1193 | begin
1194 | FSock.SendString('ABOR' + CRLF);
1195 | FDSock.StopFlag := True;
1196 | end;
1197 |
1198 | procedure TFTPSend.TelnetAbort;
1199 | begin
1200 | FSock.SendString(#$FF + #$F4 + #$FF + #$F2);
1201 | Abort;
1202 | end;
1203 |
1204 | {==============================================================================}
1205 |
1206 | procedure TFTPListRec.Assign(Value: TFTPListRec);
1207 | begin
1208 | FFileName := Value.FileName;
1209 | FDirectory := Value.Directory;
1210 | FReadable := Value.Readable;
1211 | FFileSize := Value.FileSize;
1212 | FFileTime := Value.FileTime;
1213 | FOriginalLine := Value.OriginalLine;
1214 | FMask := Value.Mask;
1215 | end;
1216 |
1217 | constructor TFTPList.Create;
1218 | begin
1219 | inherited Create;
1220 | FList := TList.Create;
1221 | FLines := TStringList.Create;
1222 | FMasks := TStringList.Create;
1223 | FUnparsedLines := TStringList.Create;
1224 | //various UNIX
1225 | FMasks.add('pppppppppp $!!!S*$TTT$DD$hh mm ss$YYYY$n*');
1226 | FMasks.add('pppppppppp $!!!S*$DD$TTT$hh mm ss$YYYY$n*');
1227 | FMasks.add('pppppppppp $!!!S*$TTT$DD$UUUUU$n*'); //mostly used UNIX format
1228 | FMasks.add('pppppppppp $!!!S*$DD$TTT$UUUUU$n*');
1229 | //MacOS
1230 | FMasks.add('pppppppppp $!!S*$TTT$DD$UUUUU$n*');
1231 | FMasks.add('pppppppppp $!S*$TTT$DD$UUUUU$n*');
1232 | //Novell
1233 | FMasks.add('d $!S*$TTT$DD$UUUUU$n*');
1234 | //Windows
1235 | FMasks.add('MM DD YY hh mmH !S* n*');
1236 | FMasks.add('MM DD YY hh mmH $ d!n*');
1237 | FMasks.add('MM DD YYYY hh mmH !S* n*');
1238 | FMasks.add('MM DD YYYY hh mmH $ d!n*');
1239 | FMasks.add('DD MM YYYY hh mmH !S* n*');
1240 | FMasks.add('DD MM YYYY hh mmH $ d!n*');
1241 | //VMS
1242 | FMasks.add('v*$ DD TTT YYYY hh mm');
1243 | FMasks.add('v*$!DD TTT YYYY hh mm');
1244 | FMasks.add('n*$ YYYY MM DD hh mm$S*');
1245 | //AS400
1246 | FMasks.add('!S*$MM DD YY hh mm ss !n*');
1247 | FMasks.add('!S*$DD MM YY hh mm ss !n*');
1248 | FMasks.add('n*!S*$MM DD YY hh mm ss d');
1249 | FMasks.add('n*!S*$DD MM YY hh mm ss d');
1250 | //VxWorks
1251 | FMasks.add('$S* TTT DD YYYY hh mm ss $n* $ d');
1252 | FMasks.add('$S* TTT DD YYYY hh mm ss $n*');
1253 | //Distinct
1254 | FMasks.add('d $S*$TTT DD YYYY hh mm$n*');
1255 | FMasks.add('d $S*$TTT DD$hh mm$n*');
1256 | //PC-NFSD
1257 | FMasks.add('nnnnnnnn.nnn dSSSSSSSSSSS MM DD YY hh mmH');
1258 | //VOS
1259 | FMasks.add('- SSSSS YY MM DD hh mm ss n*');
1260 | FMasks.add('- d= SSSSS YY MM DD hh mm ss n*');
1261 | //Unissys ClearPath
1262 | FMasks.add('nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn SSSSSSSSS MM DD YYYY hh mm');
1263 | FMasks.add('n*\x SSSSSSSSS MM DD YYYY hh mm');
1264 | //IBM
1265 | FMasks.add('- SSSSSSSSSSSS d MM DD YYYY hh mm n*');
1266 | //OS9
1267 | FMasks.add('- YY MM DD hhmm d SSSSSSSSS n*');
1268 | //tandem
1269 | FMasks.add('nnnnnnnn SSSSSSS DD TTT YY hh mm ss');
1270 | //MVS
1271 | FMasks.add('- YYYY MM DD SSSSS d=O n*');
1272 | //BullGCOS8
1273 | FMasks.add(' $S* MM DD YY hh mm ss !n*');
1274 | FMasks.add('d $S* MM DD YY !n*');
1275 | //BullGCOS7
1276 | FMasks.add(' TTT DD YYYY n*');
1277 | FMasks.add(' d n*');
1278 | end;
1279 |
1280 | destructor TFTPList.Destroy;
1281 | begin
1282 | Clear;
1283 | FList.Free;
1284 | FLines.Free;
1285 | FMasks.Free;
1286 | FUnparsedLines.Free;
1287 | inherited Destroy;
1288 | end;
1289 |
1290 | procedure TFTPList.Clear;
1291 | var
1292 | n:integer;
1293 | begin
1294 | for n := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do
1295 | if Assigned(FList[n]) then
1296 | TFTPListRec(FList[n]).Free;
1297 | FList.Clear;
1298 | FLines.Clear;
1299 | FUnparsedLines.Clear;
1300 | end;
1301 |
1302 | function TFTPList.Count: integer;
1303 | begin
1304 | Result := FList.Count;
1305 | end;
1306 |
1307 | function TFTPList.GetListItem(Index: integer): TFTPListRec;
1308 | begin
1309 | Result := nil;
1310 | if Index < Count then
1311 | Result := TFTPListRec(FList[Index]);
1312 | end;
1313 |
1314 | procedure TFTPList.Assign(Value: TFTPList);
1315 | var
1316 | flr: TFTPListRec;
1317 | n: integer;
1318 | begin
1319 | Clear;
1320 | for n := 0 to Value.Count - 1 do
1321 | begin
1322 | flr := TFTPListRec.Create;
1323 | flr.Assign(Value[n]);
1324 | Flist.Add(flr);
1325 | end;
1326 | Lines.Assign(Value.Lines);
1327 | Masks.Assign(Value.Masks);
1328 | UnparsedLines.Assign(Value.UnparsedLines);
1329 | end;
1330 |
1331 | procedure TFTPList.ClearStore;
1332 | begin
1333 | Monthnames := '';
1334 | BlockSize := '';
1335 | DirFlagValue := '';
1336 | FileName := '';
1337 | VMSFileName := '';
1338 | Day := '';
1339 | Month := '';
1340 | ThreeMonth := '';
1341 | YearTime := '';
1342 | Year := '';
1343 | Hours := '';
1344 | HoursModif := '';
1345 | Minutes := '';
1346 | Seconds := '';
1347 | Size := '';
1348 | Permissions := '';
1349 | DirFlag := '';
1350 | end;
1351 |
1352 | function TFTPList.ParseByMask(Value, NextValue, Mask: AnsiString): Integer;
1353 | var
1354 | Ivalue, IMask: integer;
1355 | MaskC, LastMaskC: AnsiChar;
1356 | c: AnsiChar;
1357 | s: string;
1358 | begin
1359 | ClearStore;
1360 | Result := 0;
1361 | if Value = '' then
1362 | Exit;
1363 | if Mask = '' then
1364 | Exit;
1365 | Ivalue := 1;
1366 | IMask := 1;
1367 | Result := 1;
1368 | LastMaskC := ' ';
1369 | while Imask <= Length(mask) do
1370 | begin
1371 | if (Mask[Imask] <> '*') and (Ivalue > Length(Value)) then
1372 | begin
1373 | Result := 0;
1374 | Exit;
1375 | end;
1376 | MaskC := Mask[Imask];
1377 | if Ivalue > Length(Value) then
1378 | Exit;
1379 | c := Value[Ivalue];
1380 | case MaskC of
1381 | 'n':
1382 | FileName := FileName + c;
1383 | 'v':
1384 | VMSFileName := VMSFileName + c;
1385 | '.':
1386 | begin
1387 | if c in ['.', ' '] then
1388 | FileName := TrimSP(FileName) + '.'
1389 | else
1390 | begin
1391 | Result := 0;
1392 | Exit;
1393 | end;
1394 | end;
1395 | 'D':
1396 | Day := Day + c;
1397 | 'M':
1398 | Month := Month + c;
1399 | 'T':
1400 | ThreeMonth := ThreeMonth + c;
1401 | 'U':
1402 | YearTime := YearTime + c;
1403 | 'Y':
1404 | Year := Year + c;
1405 | 'h':
1406 | Hours := Hours + c;
1407 | 'H':
1408 | HoursModif := HoursModif + c;
1409 | 'm':
1410 | Minutes := Minutes + c;
1411 | 's':
1412 | Seconds := Seconds + c;
1413 | 'S':
1414 | Size := Size + c;
1415 | 'p':
1416 | Permissions := Permissions + c;
1417 | 'd':
1418 | DirFlag := DirFlag + c;
1419 | 'x':
1420 | if c <> ' ' then
1421 | begin
1422 | Result := 0;
1423 | Exit;
1424 | end;
1425 | '*':
1426 | begin
1427 | s := '';
1428 | if LastMaskC in ['n', 'v'] then
1429 | begin
1430 | if Imask = Length(Mask) then
1431 | s := Copy(Value, IValue, Maxint)
1432 | else
1433 | while IValue <= Length(Value) do
1434 | begin
1435 | if Value[Ivalue] = ' ' then
1436 | break;
1437 | s := s + Value[Ivalue];
1438 | Inc(Ivalue);
1439 | end;
1440 | if LastMaskC = 'n' then
1441 | FileName := FileName + s
1442 | else
1443 | VMSFileName := VMSFileName + s;
1444 | end
1445 | else
1446 | begin
1447 | while IValue <= Length(Value) do
1448 | begin
1449 | if not(Value[Ivalue] in ['0'..'9']) then
1450 | break;
1451 | s := s + Value[Ivalue];
1452 | Inc(Ivalue);
1453 | end;
1454 | case LastMaskC of
1455 | 'S':
1456 | Size := Size + s;
1457 | end;
1458 | end;
1459 | Dec(IValue);
1460 | end;
1461 | '!':
1462 | begin
1463 | while IValue <= Length(Value) do
1464 | begin
1465 | if Value[Ivalue] = ' ' then
1466 | break;
1467 | Inc(Ivalue);
1468 | end;
1469 | while IValue <= Length(Value) do
1470 | begin
1471 | if Value[Ivalue] <> ' ' then
1472 | break;
1473 | Inc(Ivalue);
1474 | end;
1475 | Dec(IValue);
1476 | end;
1477 | '$':
1478 | begin
1479 | while IValue <= Length(Value) do
1480 | begin
1481 | if not(Value[Ivalue] in [' ', #9]) then
1482 | break;
1483 | Inc(Ivalue);
1484 | end;
1485 | Dec(IValue);
1486 | end;
1487 | '=':
1488 | begin
1489 | s := '';
1490 | case LastmaskC of
1491 | 'S':
1492 | begin
1493 | while Imask <= Length(Mask) do
1494 | begin
1495 | if not(Mask[Imask] in ['0'..'9']) then
1496 | break;
1497 | s := s + Mask[Imask];
1498 | Inc(Imask);
1499 | end;
1500 | Dec(Imask);
1501 | BlockSize := s;
1502 | end;
1503 | 'T':
1504 | begin
1505 | Monthnames := Copy(Mask, IMask, 12 * 3);
1506 | Inc(IMask, 12 * 3);
1507 | end;
1508 | 'd':
1509 | begin
1510 | Inc(Imask);
1511 | DirFlagValue := Mask[Imask];
1512 | end;
1513 | end;
1514 | end;
1515 | '\':
1516 | begin
1517 | Value := NextValue;
1518 | IValue := 0;
1519 | Result := 2;
1520 | end;
1521 | end;
1522 | Inc(Ivalue);
1523 | Inc(Imask);
1524 | LastMaskC := MaskC;
1525 | end;
1526 | end;
1527 |
1528 | function TFTPList.CheckValues: Boolean;
1529 | var
1530 | x, n: integer;
1531 | begin
1532 | Result := false;
1533 | if FileName <> '' then
1534 | begin
1535 | if pos('?', VMSFilename) > 0 then
1536 | Exit;
1537 | if pos('*', VMSFilename) > 0 then
1538 | Exit;
1539 | end;
1540 | if VMSFileName <> '' then
1541 | if pos(';', VMSFilename) <= 0 then
1542 | Exit;
1543 | if (FileName = '') and (VMSFileName = '') then
1544 | Exit;
1545 | if Permissions <> '' then
1546 | begin
1547 | if length(Permissions) <> 10 then
1548 | Exit;
1549 | for n := 1 to 10 do
1550 | if not(Permissions[n] in
1551 | ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'h', 'l', 'p', 'r', 's', 't', 'w', 'x', 'y', '-']) then
1552 | Exit;
1553 | end;
1554 | if Day <> '' then
1555 | begin
1556 | Day := TrimSP(Day);
1557 | x := StrToIntDef(day, -1);
1558 | if (x < 1) or (x > 31) then
1559 | Exit;
1560 | end;
1561 | if Month <> '' then
1562 | begin
1563 | Month := TrimSP(Month);
1564 | x := StrToIntDef(Month, -1);
1565 | if (x < 1) or (x > 12) then
1566 | Exit;
1567 | end;
1568 | if Hours <> '' then
1569 | begin
1570 | Hours := TrimSP(Hours);
1571 | x := StrToIntDef(Hours, -1);
1572 | if (x < 0) or (x > 24) then
1573 | Exit;
1574 | end;
1575 | if HoursModif <> '' then
1576 | begin
1577 | if not (HoursModif[1] in ['a', 'A', 'p', 'P']) then
1578 | Exit;
1579 | end;
1580 | if Minutes <> '' then
1581 | begin
1582 | Minutes := TrimSP(Minutes);
1583 | x := StrToIntDef(Minutes, -1);
1584 | if (x < 0) or (x > 59) then
1585 | Exit;
1586 | end;
1587 | if Seconds <> '' then
1588 | begin
1589 | Seconds := TrimSP(Seconds);
1590 | x := StrToIntDef(Seconds, -1);
1591 | if (x < 0) or (x > 59) then
1592 | Exit;
1593 | end;
1594 | if Size <> '' then
1595 | begin
1596 | Size := TrimSP(Size);
1597 | for n := 1 to Length(Size) do
1598 | if not (Size[n] in ['0'..'9']) then
1599 | Exit;
1600 | end;
1601 |
1602 | if length(Monthnames) = (12 * 3) then
1603 | for n := 1 to 12 do
1604 | CustomMonthNames[n] := Copy(Monthnames, ((n - 1) * 3) + 1, 3);
1605 | if ThreeMonth <> '' then
1606 | begin
1607 | x := GetMonthNumber(ThreeMonth);
1608 | if (x = 0) then
1609 | Exit;
1610 | end;
1611 | if YearTime <> '' then
1612 | begin
1613 | YearTime := ReplaceString(YearTime, '-', ':');
1614 | if pos(':', YearTime) > 0 then
1615 | begin
1616 | if (GetTimeFromstr(YearTime) = -1) then
1617 | Exit;
1618 | end
1619 | else
1620 | begin
1621 | YearTime := TrimSP(YearTime);
1622 | x := StrToIntDef(YearTime, -1);
1623 | if (x = -1) then
1624 | Exit;
1625 | if (x < 1900) or (x > 2100) then
1626 | Exit;
1627 | end;
1628 | end;
1629 | if Year <> '' then
1630 | begin
1631 | Year := TrimSP(Year);
1632 | x := StrToIntDef(Year, -1);
1633 | if (x = -1) then
1634 | Exit;
1635 | if Length(Year) = 4 then
1636 | begin
1637 | if not((x > 1900) and (x < 2100)) then
1638 | Exit;
1639 | end
1640 | else
1641 | if Length(Year) = 2 then
1642 | begin
1643 | if not((x >= 0) and (x <= 99)) then
1644 | Exit;
1645 | end
1646 | else
1647 | if Length(Year) = 3 then
1648 | begin
1649 | if not((x >= 100) and (x <= 110)) then
1650 | Exit;
1651 | end
1652 | else
1653 | Exit;
1654 | end;
1655 | Result := True;
1656 | end;
1657 |
1658 | procedure TFTPList.FillRecord(const Value: TFTPListRec);
1659 | var
1660 | s: string;
1661 | x: integer;
1662 | myear: Word;
1663 | mmonth: Word;
1664 | mday: Word;
1665 | mhours, mminutes, mseconds: word;
1666 | n: integer;
1667 | begin
1668 | s := DirFlagValue;
1669 | if s = '' then
1670 | s := 'D';
1671 | s := Uppercase(s);
1672 | Value.Directory := s = Uppercase(DirFlag);
1673 | if FileName <> '' then
1674 | Value.FileName := SeparateLeft(Filename, ' -> ');
1675 | if VMSFileName <> '' then
1676 | begin
1677 | Value.FileName := VMSFilename;
1678 | Value.Directory := Pos('.DIR;',VMSFilename) > 0;
1679 | end;
1680 | Value.FileName := TrimSPRight(Value.FileName);
1681 | Value.Readable := not Value.Directory;
1682 | if BlockSize <> '' then
1683 | x := StrToIntDef(BlockSize, 1)
1684 | else
1685 | x := 1;
1686 | {$IFDEF VER100}
1687 | Value.FileSize := x * StrToIntDef(Size, 0);
1688 | {$ELSE}
1689 | Value.FileSize := x * StrToInt64Def(Size, 0);
1690 | {$ENDIF}
1691 |
1692 | DecodeDate(Date,myear,mmonth,mday);
1693 | mhours := 0;
1694 | mminutes := 0;
1695 | mseconds := 0;
1696 |
1697 | if Day <> '' then
1698 | mday := StrToIntDef(day, 1);
1699 | if Month <> '' then
1700 | mmonth := StrToIntDef(Month, 1);
1701 | if length(Monthnames) = (12 * 3) then
1702 | for n := 1 to 12 do
1703 | CustomMonthNames[n] := Copy(Monthnames, ((n - 1) * 3) + 1, 3);
1704 | if ThreeMonth <> '' then
1705 | mmonth := GetMonthNumber(ThreeMonth);
1706 | if Year <> '' then
1707 | begin
1708 | myear := StrToIntDef(Year, 0);
1709 | if (myear <= 99) and (myear > 50) then
1710 | myear := myear + 1900;
1711 | if myear <= 50 then
1712 | myear := myear + 2000;
1713 | end;
1714 | if YearTime <> '' then
1715 | begin
1716 | if pos(':', YearTime) > 0 then
1717 | begin
1718 | YearTime := TrimSP(YearTime);
1719 | mhours := StrToIntDef(Separateleft(YearTime, ':'), 0);
1720 | mminutes := StrToIntDef(SeparateRight(YearTime, ':'), 0);
1721 | if (Encodedate(myear, mmonth, mday)
1722 | + EncodeTime(mHours, mminutes, 0, 0)) > now then
1723 | Dec(mYear);
1724 | end
1725 | else
1726 | myear := StrToIntDef(YearTime, 0);
1727 | end;
1728 | if Minutes <> '' then
1729 | mminutes := StrToIntDef(Minutes, 0);
1730 | if Seconds <> '' then
1731 | mseconds := StrToIntDef(Seconds, 0);
1732 | if Hours <> '' then
1733 | begin
1734 | mHours := StrToIntDef(Hours, 0);
1735 | if HoursModif <> '' then
1736 | if Uppercase(HoursModif[1]) = 'P' then
1737 | if mHours <> 12 then
1738 | mHours := MHours + 12;
1739 | end;
1740 | Value.FileTime := Encodedate(myear, mmonth, mday)
1741 | + EncodeTime(mHours, mminutes, mseconds, 0);
1742 | if Permissions <> '' then
1743 | begin
1744 | Value.Permission := Permissions;
1745 | Value.Readable := Uppercase(permissions)[2] = 'R';
1746 | if Uppercase(permissions)[1] = 'D' then
1747 | begin
1748 | Value.Directory := True;
1749 | Value.Readable := false;
1750 | end
1751 | else
1752 | if Uppercase(permissions)[1] = 'L' then
1753 | Value.Directory := True;
1754 | end;
1755 | end;
1756 |
1757 | function TFTPList.ParseEPLF(Value: string): Boolean;
1758 | var
1759 | s, os: string;
1760 | flr: TFTPListRec;
1761 | begin
1762 | Result := False;
1763 | if Value <> '' then
1764 | if Value[1] = '+' then
1765 | begin
1766 | os := Value;
1767 | Delete(Value, 1, 1);
1768 | flr := TFTPListRec.create;
1769 | flr.FileName := SeparateRight(Value, #9);
1770 | s := Fetch(Value, ',');
1771 | while s <> '' do
1772 | begin
1773 | if s[1] = #9 then
1774 | Break;
1775 | case s[1] of
1776 | '/':
1777 | flr.Directory := true;
1778 | 'r':
1779 | flr.Readable := true;
1780 | 's':
1781 | {$IFDEF VER100}
1782 | flr.FileSize := StrToIntDef(Copy(s, 2, Length(s) - 1), 0);
1783 | {$ELSE}
1784 | flr.FileSize := StrToInt64Def(Copy(s, 2, Length(s) - 1), 0);
1785 | {$ENDIF}
1786 | 'm':
1787 | flr.FileTime := (StrToIntDef(Copy(s, 2, Length(s) - 1), 0) / 86400)
1788 | + 25569;
1789 | end;
1790 | s := Fetch(Value, ',');
1791 | end;
1792 | if flr.FileName <> '' then
1793 | if (flr.Directory and ((flr.FileName = '.') or (flr.FileName = '..')))
1794 | or (flr.FileName = '') then
1795 | flr.free
1796 | else
1797 | begin
1798 | flr.OriginalLine := os;
1799 | flr.Mask := 'EPLF';
1800 | Flist.Add(flr);
1801 | Result := True;
1802 | end;
1803 | end;
1804 | end;
1805 |
1806 | procedure TFTPList.ParseLines;
1807 | var
1808 | flr: TFTPListRec;
1809 | n, m: Integer;
1810 | S: string;
1811 | x: integer;
1812 | b: Boolean;
1813 | begin
1814 | n := 0;
1815 | while n < Lines.Count do
1816 | begin
1817 | if n = Lines.Count - 1 then
1818 | s := ''
1819 | else
1820 | s := Lines[n + 1];
1821 | b := False;
1822 | x := 0;
1823 | if ParseEPLF(Lines[n]) then
1824 | begin
1825 | b := True;
1826 | x := 1;
1827 | end
1828 | else
1829 | for m := 0 to Masks.Count - 1 do
1830 | begin
1831 | x := ParseByMask(Lines[n], s, Masks[m]);
1832 | if x > 0 then
1833 | if CheckValues then
1834 | begin
1835 | flr := TFTPListRec.create;
1836 | FillRecord(flr);
1837 | flr.OriginalLine := Lines[n];
1838 | flr.Mask := Masks[m];
1839 | if flr.Directory and ((flr.FileName = '.') or (flr.FileName = '..')) then
1840 | flr.free
1841 | else
1842 | Flist.Add(flr);
1843 | b := True;
1844 | Break;
1845 | end;
1846 | end;
1847 | if not b then
1848 | FUnparsedLines.Add(Lines[n]);
1849 | Inc(n);
1850 | if x > 1 then
1851 | Inc(n, x - 1);
1852 | end;
1853 | end;
1854 |
1855 | {==============================================================================}
1856 |
1857 | function FtpGetFile(const IP, Port, FileName, LocalFile,
1858 | User, Pass: string): Boolean;
1859 | begin
1860 | Result := False;
1861 | with TFTPSend.Create do
1862 | try
1863 | if User <> '' then
1864 | begin
1865 | Username := User;
1866 | Password := Pass;
1867 | end;
1868 | TargetHost := IP;
1869 | TargetPort := Port;
1870 | if not Login then
1871 | Exit;
1872 | DirectFileName := LocalFile;
1873 | DirectFile:=True;
1874 | Result := RetrieveFile(FileName, False);
1875 | Logout;
1876 | finally
1877 | Free;
1878 | end;
1879 | end;
1880 |
1881 | function FtpPutFile(const IP, Port, FileName, LocalFile,
1882 | User, Pass: string): Boolean;
1883 | begin
1884 | Result := False;
1885 | with TFTPSend.Create do
1886 | try
1887 | if User <> '' then
1888 | begin
1889 | Username := User;
1890 | Password := Pass;
1891 | end;
1892 | TargetHost := IP;
1893 | TargetPort := Port;
1894 | if not Login then
1895 | Exit;
1896 | DirectFileName := LocalFile;
1897 | DirectFile:=True;
1898 | Result := StoreFile(FileName, False);
1899 | Logout;
1900 | finally
1901 | Free;
1902 | end;
1903 | end;
1904 |
1905 | function FtpInterServerTransfer(
1906 | const FromIP, FromPort, FromFile, FromUser, FromPass: string;
1907 | const ToIP, ToPort, ToFile, ToUser, ToPass: string): Boolean;
1908 | var
1909 | FromFTP, ToFTP: TFTPSend;
1910 | s: string;
1911 | x: integer;
1912 | begin
1913 | Result := False;
1914 | FromFTP := TFTPSend.Create;
1915 | toFTP := TFTPSend.Create;
1916 | try
1917 | if FromUser <> '' then
1918 | begin
1919 | FromFTP.Username := FromUser;
1920 | FromFTP.Password := FromPass;
1921 | end;
1922 | if ToUser <> '' then
1923 | begin
1924 | ToFTP.Username := ToUser;
1925 | ToFTP.Password := ToPass;
1926 | end;
1927 | FromFTP.TargetHost := FromIP;
1928 | FromFTP.TargetPort := FromPort;
1929 | ToFTP.TargetHost := ToIP;
1930 | ToFTP.TargetPort := ToPort;
1931 | if not FromFTP.Login then
1932 | Exit;
1933 | if not ToFTP.Login then
1934 | Exit;
1935 | if (FromFTP.FTPCommand('PASV') div 100) <> 2 then
1936 | Exit;
1937 | FromFTP.ParseRemote(FromFTP.ResultString);
1938 | s := ReplaceString(FromFTP.DataIP, '.', ',');
1939 | s := 'PORT ' + s + ',' + IntToStr(StrToIntDef(FromFTP.DataPort, 0) div 256)
1940 | + ',' + IntToStr(StrToIntDef(FromFTP.DataPort, 0) mod 256);
1941 | if (ToFTP.FTPCommand(s) div 100) <> 2 then
1942 | Exit;
1943 | x := ToFTP.FTPCommand('RETR ' + FromFile);
1944 | if (x div 100) <> 1 then
1945 | Exit;
1946 | x := FromFTP.FTPCommand('STOR ' + ToFile);
1947 | if (x div 100) <> 1 then
1948 | Exit;
1949 | FromFTP.Timeout := 21600000;
1950 | x := FromFTP.ReadResult;
1951 | if (x div 100) <> 2 then
1952 | Exit;
1953 | ToFTP.Timeout := 21600000;
1954 | x := ToFTP.ReadResult;
1955 | if (x div 100) <> 2 then
1956 | Exit;
1957 | Result := True;
1958 | finally
1959 | ToFTP.Free;
1960 | FromFTP.Free;
1961 | end;
1962 | end;
1963 |
1964 | end.