1 | {==============================================================================|
2 | | Project : Ararat Synapse | 009.008.005 |
3 | |==============================================================================|
4 | | Content: Library base |
5 | |==============================================================================|
6 | | Copyright (c)1999-2012, Lukas Gebauer |
7 | | All rights reserved. |
8 | | |
9 | | Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
10 | | modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: |
11 | | |
12 | | Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this |
13 | | list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
14 | | |
15 | | Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, |
16 | | this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation |
17 | | and/or other materials provided with the distribution. |
18 | | |
19 | | Neither the name of Lukas Gebauer nor the names of its contributors may |
20 | | be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without |
21 | | specific prior written permission. |
22 | | |
33 | | DAMAGE. |
34 | |==============================================================================|
35 | | The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Lukas Gebauer (Czech Republic).|
36 | | Portions created by Lukas Gebauer are Copyright (c)1999-2012. |
37 | | All Rights Reserved. |
38 | |==============================================================================|
39 | | Contributor(s): |
40 | |==============================================================================|
41 | | History: see HISTORY.HTM from distribution package |
42 | | (Found at URL: http://www.ararat.cz/synapse/) |
43 | |==============================================================================}
44 |
45 | {
46 | Special thanks to Gregor Ibic <gregor.ibic@intelicom.si>
47 | (Intelicom d.o.o., http://www.intelicom.si)
48 | for good inspiration about SSL programming.
49 | }
50 |
52 | {Note about define ONCEWINSOCK:
53 | If you remove this compiler directive, then socket interface is loaded and
54 | initialized on constructor of TBlockSocket class for each socket separately.
55 | Socket interface is used only if your need it.
56 |
57 | If you leave this directive here, then socket interface is loaded and
58 | initialized only once at start of your program! It boost performace on high
59 | count of created and destroyed sockets. It eliminate possible small resource
60 | leak on Windows systems too.
61 | }
62 |
64 | {When you enable this define, then is Raiseexcept property is on by default
65 | }
66 |
67 | {:@abstract(Synapse's library core)
68 |
69 | Core with implementation basic socket classes.
70 | }
71 |
72 | {$IFDEF FPC}
74 | {$ENDIF}
75 | {$IFDEF VER125}
76 | {$DEFINE BCB}
77 | {$ENDIF}
78 | {$IFDEF BCB}
79 | {$ObjExportAll On}
80 | {$ENDIF}
81 | {$Q-}
82 | {$H+}
83 | {$M+}
85 |
86 |
87 | //old Delphi does not have MSWINDOWS define.
88 | {$IFDEF WIN32}
91 | {$ENDIF}
92 | {$ENDIF}
93 |
97 | {$ENDIF}
98 |
99 | unit blcksock;
100 |
101 | interface
102 |
103 | uses
104 | SysUtils, Classes,
105 | synafpc,
106 | synsock, synautil, synacode, synaip
107 | {$IFDEF CIL}
108 | ,System.Net
109 | ,System.Net.Sockets
110 | ,System.Text
111 | {$ENDIF}
112 | ;
113 |
114 | const
115 |
116 | SynapseRelease = '38';
117 |
118 | cLocalhost = '';
119 | cAnyHost = '';
120 | cBroadcast = '';
121 | c6Localhost = '::1';
122 | c6AnyHost = '::0';
123 | c6Broadcast = 'ffff::1';
124 | cAnyPort = '0';
125 | CR = #$0d;
126 | LF = #$0a;
127 | CRLF = CR + LF;
128 | c64k = 65536;
129 |
130 | type
131 |
132 | {:@abstract(Exception clas used by Synapse)
133 | When you enable generating of exceptions, this exception is raised by
134 | Synapse's units.}
135 | ESynapseError = class(Exception)
136 | private
137 | FErrorCode: Integer;
138 | FErrorMessage: string;
139 | published
140 | {:Code of error. Value depending on used operating system}
141 | property ErrorCode: Integer read FErrorCode Write FErrorCode;
142 | {:Human readable description of error.}
143 | property ErrorMessage: string read FErrorMessage Write FErrorMessage;
144 | end;
145 |
146 | {:Types of OnStatus events}
147 | THookSocketReason = (
148 | {:Resolving is begin. Resolved IP and port is in parameter in format like:
149 | 'localhost.somewhere.com:25'.}
150 | HR_ResolvingBegin,
151 | {:Resolving is done. Resolved IP and port is in parameter in format like:
152 | 'localhost.somewhere.com:25'. It is always same as in HR_ResolvingBegin!}
153 | HR_ResolvingEnd,
154 | {:Socket created by CreateSocket method. It reporting Family of created
155 | socket too!}
156 | HR_SocketCreate,
157 | {:Socket closed by CloseSocket method.}
158 | HR_SocketClose,
159 | {:Socket binded to IP and Port. Binded IP and Port is in parameter in format
160 | like: 'localhost.somewhere.com:25'.}
161 | HR_Bind,
162 | {:Socket connected to IP and Port. Connected IP and Port is in parameter in
163 | format like: 'localhost.somewhere.com:25'.}
164 | HR_Connect,
165 | {:Called when CanRead method is used with @True result.}
166 | HR_CanRead,
167 | {:Called when CanWrite method is used with @True result.}
168 | HR_CanWrite,
169 | {:Socket is swithed to Listen mode. (TCP socket only)}
170 | HR_Listen,
171 | {:Socket Accepting client connection. (TCP socket only)}
172 | HR_Accept,
173 | {:report count of bytes readed from socket. Number is in parameter string.
174 | If you need is in integer, you must use StrToInt function!}
175 | HR_ReadCount,
176 | {:report count of bytes writed to socket. Number is in parameter string. If
177 | you need is in integer, you must use StrToInt function!}
178 | HR_WriteCount,
179 | {:If is limiting of bandwidth on, then this reason is called when sending or
180 | receiving is stopped for satisfy bandwidth limit. Parameter is count of
181 | waiting milliseconds.}
182 | HR_Wait,
183 | {:report situation where communication error occured. When raiseexcept is
184 | @true, then exception is called after this Hook reason.}
185 | HR_Error
186 | );
187 |
188 | {:Procedural type for OnStatus event. Sender is calling TBlockSocket object,
189 | Reason is one of set Status events and value is optional data.}
190 | THookSocketStatus = procedure(Sender: TObject; Reason: THookSocketReason;
191 | const Value: String) of object;
192 |
193 | {:This procedural type is used for DataFilter hooks.}
194 | THookDataFilter = procedure(Sender: TObject; var Value: AnsiString) of object;
195 |
196 | {:This procedural type is used for hook OnCreateSocket. By this hook you can
197 | insert your code after initialisation of socket. (you can set special socket
198 | options, etc.)}
199 | THookCreateSocket = procedure(Sender: TObject) of object;
200 |
201 | {:This procedural type is used for monitoring of communication.}
202 | THookMonitor = procedure(Sender: TObject; Writing: Boolean;
203 | const Buffer: TMemory; Len: Integer) of object;
204 |
205 | {:This procedural type is used for hook OnAfterConnect. By this hook you can
206 | insert your code after TCP socket has been sucessfully connected.}
207 | THookAfterConnect = procedure(Sender: TObject) of object;
208 |
209 | {:This procedural type is used for hook OnVerifyCert. By this hook you can
210 | insert your additional certificate verification code. Usefull to verify server
211 | CN against URL. }
212 |
213 | THookVerifyCert = function(Sender: TObject):boolean of object;
214 |
215 | {:This procedural type is used for hook OnHeartbeat. By this hook you can
216 | call your code repeately during long socket operations.
217 | You must enable heartbeats by @Link(HeartbeatRate) property!}
218 | THookHeartbeat = procedure(Sender: TObject) of object;
219 |
220 | {:Specify family of socket.}
221 | TSocketFamily = (
222 | {:Default mode. Socket family is defined by target address for connection.
223 | It allows instant access to IPv4 and IPv6 nodes. When you need IPv6 address
224 | as destination, then is used IPv6 mode. othervise is used IPv4 mode.
225 | However this mode not working properly with preliminary IPv6 supports!}
226 | SF_Any,
227 | {:Turn this class to pure IPv4 mode. This mode is totally compatible with
228 | previous Synapse releases.}
229 | SF_IP4,
230 | {:Turn to only IPv6 mode.}
231 | SF_IP6
232 | );
233 |
234 | {:specify possible values of SOCKS modes.}
235 | TSocksType = (
236 | ST_Socks5,
237 | ST_Socks4
238 | );
239 |
240 | {:Specify requested SSL/TLS version for secure connection.}
241 | TSSLType = (
242 | LT_all,
243 | LT_SSLv2,
244 | LT_SSLv3,
245 | LT_TLSv1,
246 | LT_TLSv1_1,
247 | LT_SSHv2
248 | );
249 |
250 | {:Specify type of socket delayed option.}
251 | TSynaOptionType = (
252 | SOT_Linger,
253 | SOT_RecvBuff,
254 | SOT_SendBuff,
255 | SOT_NonBlock,
256 | SOT_RecvTimeout,
257 | SOT_SendTimeout,
258 | SOT_Reuse,
259 | SOT_TTL,
260 | SOT_Broadcast,
261 | SOT_MulticastTTL,
262 | SOT_MulticastLoop
263 | );
264 |
265 | {:@abstract(this object is used for remember delayed socket option set.)}
266 | TSynaOption = class(TObject)
267 | public
268 | Option: TSynaOptionType;
269 | Enabled: Boolean;
270 | Value: Integer;
271 | end;
272 |
273 | TCustomSSL = class;
274 | TSSLClass = class of TCustomSSL;
275 |
276 | {:@abstract(Basic IP object.)
277 | This is parent class for other class with protocol implementations. Do not
278 | use this class directly! Use @link(TICMPBlockSocket), @link(TRAWBlockSocket),
279 | @link(TTCPBlockSocket) or @link(TUDPBlockSocket) instead.}
280 | TBlockSocket = class(TObject)
281 | private
282 | FOnStatus: THookSocketStatus;
283 | FOnReadFilter: THookDataFilter;
284 | FOnCreateSocket: THookCreateSocket;
285 | FOnMonitor: THookMonitor;
286 | FOnHeartbeat: THookHeartbeat;
287 | FLocalSin: TVarSin;
288 | FRemoteSin: TVarSin;
289 | FTag: integer;
290 | FBuffer: AnsiString;
291 | FRaiseExcept: Boolean;
292 | FNonBlockMode: Boolean;
293 | FMaxLineLength: Integer;
294 | FMaxSendBandwidth: Integer;
295 | FNextSend: LongWord;
296 | FMaxRecvBandwidth: Integer;
297 | FNextRecv: LongWord;
298 | FConvertLineEnd: Boolean;
299 | FLastCR: Boolean;
300 | FLastLF: Boolean;
301 | FBinded: Boolean;
302 | FFamily: TSocketFamily;
303 | FFamilySave: TSocketFamily;
304 | FIP6used: Boolean;
305 | FPreferIP4: Boolean;
306 | FDelayedOptions: TList;
307 | FInterPacketTimeout: Boolean;
308 | {$IFNDEF CIL}
309 | FFDSet: TFDSet;
310 | {$ENDIF}
311 | FRecvCounter: Integer;
312 | FSendCounter: Integer;
313 | FSendMaxChunk: Integer;
314 | FStopFlag: Boolean;
315 | FNonblockSendTimeout: Integer;
316 | FHeartbeatRate: integer;
318 | FWsaDataOnce: TWSADATA;
319 | {$ENDIF}
320 | function GetSizeRecvBuffer: Integer;
321 | procedure SetSizeRecvBuffer(Size: Integer);
322 | function GetSizeSendBuffer: Integer;
323 | procedure SetSizeSendBuffer(Size: Integer);
324 | procedure SetNonBlockMode(Value: Boolean);
325 | procedure SetTTL(TTL: integer);
326 | function GetTTL:integer;
327 | procedure SetFamily(Value: TSocketFamily); virtual;
328 | procedure SetSocket(Value: TSocket); virtual;
329 | function GetWsaData: TWSAData;
330 | function FamilyToAF(f: TSocketFamily): TAddrFamily;
331 | protected
332 | FSocket: TSocket;
333 | FLastError: Integer;
334 | FLastErrorDesc: string;
335 | FOwner: TObject;
336 | procedure SetDelayedOption(const Value: TSynaOption);
337 | procedure DelayedOption(const Value: TSynaOption);
338 | procedure ProcessDelayedOptions;
339 | procedure InternalCreateSocket(Sin: TVarSin);
340 | procedure SetSin(var Sin: TVarSin; IP, Port: string);
341 | function GetSinIP(Sin: TVarSin): string;
342 | function GetSinPort(Sin: TVarSin): Integer;
343 | procedure DoStatus(Reason: THookSocketReason; const Value: string);
344 | procedure DoReadFilter(Buffer: TMemory; var Len: Integer);
345 | procedure DoMonitor(Writing: Boolean; const Buffer: TMemory; Len: Integer);
346 | procedure DoCreateSocket;
347 | procedure DoHeartbeat;
348 | procedure LimitBandwidth(Length: Integer; MaxB: integer; var Next: LongWord);
349 | procedure SetBandwidth(Value: Integer);
350 | function TestStopFlag: Boolean;
351 | procedure InternalSendStream(const Stream: TStream; WithSize, Indy: boolean); virtual;
352 | function InternalCanRead(Timeout: Integer): Boolean; virtual;
353 | public
354 | constructor Create;
355 |
356 | {:Create object and load all necessary socket library. What library is
357 | loaded is described by STUB parameter. If STUB is empty string, then is
358 | loaded default libraries.}
359 | constructor CreateAlternate(Stub: string);
360 | destructor Destroy; override;
361 |
362 | {:If @link(family) is not SF_Any, then create socket with type defined in
363 | @link(Family) property. If family is SF_Any, then do nothing! (socket is
364 | created automaticly when you know what type of socket you need to create.
365 | (i.e. inside @link(Connect) or @link(Bind) call.) When socket is created,
366 | then is aplyed all stored delayed socket options.}
367 | procedure CreateSocket;
368 |
369 | {:It create socket. Address resolving of Value tells what type of socket is
370 | created. If Value is resolved as IPv4 IP, then is created IPv4 socket. If
371 | value is resolved as IPv6 address, then is created IPv6 socket.}
372 | procedure CreateSocketByName(const Value: String);
373 |
374 | {:Destroy socket in use. This method is also automatically called from
375 | object destructor.}
376 | procedure CloseSocket; virtual;
377 |
378 | {:Abort any work on Socket and destroy them.}
379 | procedure AbortSocket; virtual;
380 |
381 | {:Connects socket to local IP address and PORT. IP address may be numeric or
382 | symbolic ('', 'cosi.nekde.cz', 'ff08::1'). The same for PORT
383 | - it may be number or mnemonic port ('23', 'telnet').
384 |
385 | If port value is '0', system chooses itself and conects unused port in the
386 | range 1024 to 4096 (this depending by operating system!). Structure
387 | LocalSin is filled after calling this method.
388 |
389 | Note: If you call this on non-created socket, then socket is created
390 | automaticly.
391 |
392 | Warning: when you call : Bind('','0'); then is nothing done! In this
393 | case is used implicit system bind instead.}
394 | procedure Bind(IP, Port: string);
395 |
396 | {:Connects socket to remote IP address and PORT. The same rules as with
397 | @link(BIND) method are valid. The only exception is that PORT with 0 value
398 | will not be connected!
399 |
400 | Structures LocalSin and RemoteSin will be filled with valid values.
401 |
402 | When you call this on non-created socket, then socket is created
403 | automaticly. Type of created socket is by @link(Family) property. If is
404 | used SF_IP4, then is created socket for IPv4. If is used SF_IP6, then is
405 | created socket for IPv6. When you have family on SF_Any (default!), then
406 | type of created socket is determined by address resolving of destination
407 | address. (Not work properly on prilimitary winsock IPv6 support!)}
408 | procedure Connect(IP, Port: string); virtual;
409 |
410 | {:Sets socket to receive mode for new incoming connections. It is necessary
411 | to use @link(TBlockSocket.BIND) function call before this method to select
412 | receiving port!}
413 | procedure Listen; virtual;
414 |
415 | {:Waits until new incoming connection comes. After it comes a new socket is
416 | automatically created (socket handler is returned by this function as
417 | result).}
418 | function Accept: TSocket; virtual;
419 |
420 | {:Sends data of LENGTH from BUFFER address via connected socket. System
421 | automatically splits data to packets.}
422 | function SendBuffer(Buffer: Tmemory; Length: Integer): Integer; virtual;
423 |
424 | {:One data BYTE is sent via connected socket.}
425 | procedure SendByte(Data: Byte); virtual;
426 |
427 | {:Send data string via connected socket. Any terminator is not added! If you
428 | need send true string with CR-LF termination, you must add CR-LF characters
429 | to sended string! Because any termination is not added automaticly, you can
430 | use this function for sending any binary data in binary string.}
431 | procedure SendString(Data: AnsiString); virtual;
432 |
433 | {:Send integer as four bytes to socket.}
434 | procedure SendInteger(Data: integer); virtual;
435 |
436 | {:Send data as one block to socket. Each block begin with 4 bytes with
437 | length of data in block. This 4 bytes is added automaticly by this
438 | function.}
439 | procedure SendBlock(const Data: AnsiString); virtual;
440 |
441 | {:Send data from stream to socket.}
442 | procedure SendStreamRaw(const Stream: TStream); virtual;
443 |
444 | {:Send content of stream to socket. It using @link(SendBlock) method}
445 | procedure SendStream(const Stream: TStream); virtual;
446 |
447 | {:Send content of stream to socket. It using @link(SendBlock) method and
448 | this is compatible with streams in Indy library.}
449 | procedure SendStreamIndy(const Stream: TStream); virtual;
450 |
451 | {:Note: This is low-level receive function. You must be sure if data is
452 | waiting for read before call this function for avoid deadlock!
453 |
454 | Waits until allocated buffer is filled by received data. Returns number of
455 | data received, which equals to LENGTH value under normal operation. If it
456 | is not equal the communication channel is possibly broken.
457 |
458 | On stream oriented sockets if is received 0 bytes, it mean 'socket is
459 | closed!"
460 |
461 | On datagram socket is readed first waiting datagram.}
462 | function RecvBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Length: Integer): Integer; virtual;
463 |
464 | {:Note: This is high-level receive function. It using internal
465 | @link(LineBuffer) and you can combine this function freely with other
466 | high-level functions!
467 |
468 | Method waits until data is received. If no data is received within TIMEOUT
469 | (in milliseconds) period, @link(LastError) is set to WSAETIMEDOUT. Methods
470 | serves for reading any size of data (i.e. one megabyte...). This method is
471 | preffered for reading from stream sockets (like TCP).}
472 | function RecvBufferEx(Buffer: Tmemory; Len: Integer;
473 | Timeout: Integer): Integer; virtual;
474 |
475 | {:Similar to @link(RecvBufferEx), but readed data is stored in binary
476 | string, not in memory buffer.}
477 | function RecvBufferStr(Len: Integer; Timeout: Integer): AnsiString; virtual;
478 |
479 | {:Note: This is high-level receive function. It using internal
480 | @link(LineBuffer) and you can combine this function freely with other
481 | high-level functions.
482 |
483 | Waits until one data byte is received which is also returned as function
484 | result. If no data is received within TIMEOUT (in milliseconds)period,
485 | @link(LastError) is set to WSAETIMEDOUT and result have value 0.}
486 | function RecvByte(Timeout: Integer): Byte; virtual;
487 |
488 | {:Note: This is high-level receive function. It using internal
489 | @link(LineBuffer) and you can combine this function freely with other
490 | high-level functions.
491 |
492 | Waits until one four bytes are received and return it as one Ineger Value.
493 | If no data is received within TIMEOUT (in milliseconds)period,
494 | @link(LastError) is set to WSAETIMEDOUT and result have value 0.}
495 | function RecvInteger(Timeout: Integer): Integer; virtual;
496 |
497 | {:Note: This is high-level receive function. It using internal
498 | @link(LineBuffer) and you can combine this function freely with other
499 | high-level functions.
500 |
501 | Method waits until data string is received. This string is terminated by
502 | CR-LF characters. The resulting string is returned without this termination
503 | (CR-LF)! If @link(ConvertLineEnd) is used, then CR-LF sequence may not be
504 | exactly CR-LF. See @link(ConvertLineEnd) description. If no data is
505 | received within TIMEOUT (in milliseconds) period, @link(LastError) is set
506 | to WSAETIMEDOUT. You may also specify maximum length of reading data by
507 | @link(MaxLineLength) property.}
508 | function RecvString(Timeout: Integer): AnsiString; virtual;
509 |
510 | {:Note: This is high-level receive function. It using internal
511 | @link(LineBuffer) and you can combine this function freely with other
512 | high-level functions.
513 |
514 | Method waits until data string is received. This string is terminated by
515 | Terminator string. The resulting string is returned without this
516 | termination. If no data is received within TIMEOUT (in milliseconds)
517 | period, @link(LastError) is set to WSAETIMEDOUT. You may also specify
518 | maximum length of reading data by @link(MaxLineLength) property.}
519 | function RecvTerminated(Timeout: Integer; const Terminator: AnsiString): AnsiString; virtual;
520 |
521 | {:Note: This is high-level receive function. It using internal
522 | @link(LineBuffer) and you can combine this function freely with other
523 | high-level functions.
524 |
525 | Method reads all data waiting for read. If no data is received within
526 | TIMEOUT (in milliseconds) period, @link(LastError) is set to WSAETIMEDOUT.
527 | Methods serves for reading unknown size of data. Because before call this
528 | function you don't know size of received data, returned data is stored in
529 | dynamic size binary string. This method is preffered for reading from
530 | stream sockets (like TCP). It is very goot for receiving datagrams too!
531 | (UDP protocol)}
532 | function RecvPacket(Timeout: Integer): AnsiString; virtual;
533 |
534 | {:Read one block of data from socket. Each block begin with 4 bytes with
535 | length of data in block. This function read first 4 bytes for get lenght,
536 | then it wait for reported count of bytes.}
537 | function RecvBlock(Timeout: Integer): AnsiString; virtual;
538 |
539 | {:Read all data from socket to stream until socket is closed (or any error
540 | occured.)}
541 | procedure RecvStreamRaw(const Stream: TStream; Timeout: Integer); virtual;
542 | {:Read requested count of bytes from socket to stream.}
543 | procedure RecvStreamSize(const Stream: TStream; Timeout: Integer; Size: Integer);
544 |
545 | {:Receive data to stream. It using @link(RecvBlock) method.}
546 | procedure RecvStream(const Stream: TStream; Timeout: Integer); virtual;
547 |
548 | {:Receive data to stream. This function is compatible with similar function
549 | in Indy library. It using @link(RecvBlock) method.}
550 | procedure RecvStreamIndy(const Stream: TStream; Timeout: Integer); virtual;
551 |
552 | {:Same as @link(RecvBuffer), but readed data stays in system input buffer.
553 | Warning: this function not respect data in @link(LineBuffer)! Is not
554 | recommended to use this function!}
555 | function PeekBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Length: Integer): Integer; virtual;
556 |
557 | {:Same as @link(RecvByte), but readed data stays in input system buffer.
558 | Warning: this function not respect data in @link(LineBuffer)! Is not
559 | recommended to use this function!}
560 | function PeekByte(Timeout: Integer): Byte; virtual;
561 |
562 | {:On stream sockets it returns number of received bytes waiting for picking.
563 | 0 is returned when there is no such data. On datagram socket it returns
564 | length of the first waiting datagram. Returns 0 if no datagram is waiting.}
565 | function WaitingData: Integer; virtual;
566 |
567 | {:Same as @link(WaitingData), but if exists some of data in @link(Linebuffer),
568 | return their length instead.}
569 | function WaitingDataEx: Integer;
570 |
571 | {:Clear all waiting data for read from buffers.}
572 | procedure Purge;
573 |
574 | {:Sets linger. Enabled linger means that the system waits another LINGER
575 | (in milliseconds) time for delivery of sent data. This function is only for
576 | stream type of socket! (TCP)}
577 | procedure SetLinger(Enable: Boolean; Linger: Integer);
578 |
579 | {:Actualize values in @link(LocalSin).}
580 | procedure GetSinLocal;
581 |
582 | {:Actualize values in @link(RemoteSin).}
583 | procedure GetSinRemote;
584 |
585 | {:Actualize values in @link(LocalSin) and @link(RemoteSin).}
586 | procedure GetSins;
587 |
588 | {:Reset @link(LastError) and @link(LastErrorDesc) to non-error state.}
589 | procedure ResetLastError;
590 |
591 | {:If you "manually" call Socket API functions, forward their return code as
592 | parameter to this function, which evaluates it, eventually calls
593 | GetLastError and found error code returns and stores to @link(LastError).}
594 | function SockCheck(SockResult: Integer): Integer; virtual;
595 |
596 | {:If @link(LastError) contains some error code and @link(RaiseExcept)
597 | property is @true, raise adequate exception.}
598 | procedure ExceptCheck;
599 |
600 | {:Returns local computer name as numerical or symbolic value. It try get
601 | fully qualified domain name. Name is returned in the format acceptable by
602 | functions demanding IP as input parameter.}
603 | function LocalName: string;
604 |
605 | {:Try resolve name to all possible IP address. i.e. If you pass as name
606 | result of @link(LocalName) method, you get all IP addresses used by local
607 | system.}
608 | procedure ResolveNameToIP(Name: string; const IPList: TStrings);
609 |
610 | {:Try resolve name to primary IP address. i.e. If you pass as name result of
611 | @link(LocalName) method, you get primary IP addresses used by local system.}
612 | function ResolveName(Name: string): string;
613 |
614 | {:Try resolve IP to their primary domain name. If IP not have domain name,
615 | then is returned original IP.}
616 | function ResolveIPToName(IP: string): string;
617 |
618 | {:Try resolve symbolic port name to port number. (i.e. 'Echo' to 8)}
619 | function ResolvePort(Port: string): Word;
620 |
621 | {:Set information about remote side socket. It is good for seting remote
622 | side for sending UDP packet, etc.}
623 | procedure SetRemoteSin(IP, Port: string);
624 |
625 | {:Picks IP socket address from @link(LocalSin).}
626 | function GetLocalSinIP: string; virtual;
627 |
628 | {:Picks IP socket address from @link(RemoteSin).}
629 | function GetRemoteSinIP: string; virtual;
630 |
631 | {:Picks socket PORT number from @link(LocalSin).}
632 | function GetLocalSinPort: Integer; virtual;
633 |
634 | {:Picks socket PORT number from @link(RemoteSin).}
635 | function GetRemoteSinPort: Integer; virtual;
636 |
637 | {:Return @TRUE, if you can read any data from socket or is incoming
638 | connection on TCP based socket. Status is tested for time Timeout (in
639 | milliseconds). If value in Timeout is 0, status is only tested and
640 | continue. If value in Timeout is -1, run is breaked and waiting for read
641 | data maybe forever.
642 |
643 | This function is need only on special cases, when you need use
644 | @link(RecvBuffer) function directly! read functioms what have timeout as
645 | calling parameter, calling this function internally.}
646 | function CanRead(Timeout: Integer): Boolean; virtual;
647 |
648 | {:Same as @link(CanRead), but additionally return @TRUE if is some data in
649 | @link(LineBuffer).}
650 | function CanReadEx(Timeout: Integer): Boolean; virtual;
651 |
652 | {:Return @TRUE, if you can to socket write any data (not full sending
653 | buffer). Status is tested for time Timeout (in milliseconds). If value in
654 | Timeout is 0, status is only tested and continue. If value in Timeout is
655 | -1, run is breaked and waiting for write data maybe forever.
656 |
657 | This function is need only on special cases!}
658 | function CanWrite(Timeout: Integer): Boolean; virtual;
659 |
660 | {:Same as @link(SendBuffer), but send datagram to address from
661 | @link(RemoteSin). Usefull for sending reply to datagram received by
662 | function @link(RecvBufferFrom).}
663 | function SendBufferTo(Buffer: TMemory; Length: Integer): Integer; virtual;
664 |
665 | {:Note: This is low-lever receive function. You must be sure if data is
666 | waiting for read before call this function for avoid deadlock!
667 |
668 | Receives first waiting datagram to allocated buffer. If there is no waiting
669 | one, then waits until one comes. Returns length of datagram stored in
670 | BUFFER. If length exceeds buffer datagram is truncated. After this
671 | @link(RemoteSin) structure contains information about sender of UDP packet.}
672 | function RecvBufferFrom(Buffer: TMemory; Length: Integer): Integer; virtual;
673 | {$IFNDEF CIL}
674 | {:This function is for check for incoming data on set of sockets. Whitch
675 | sockets is checked is decribed by SocketList Tlist with TBlockSocket
676 | objects. TList may have maximal number of objects defined by FD_SETSIZE
677 | constant. Return @TRUE, if you can from some socket read any data or is
678 | incoming connection on TCP based socket. Status is tested for time Timeout
679 | (in milliseconds). If value in Timeout is 0, status is only tested and
680 | continue. If value in Timeout is -1, run is breaked and waiting for read
681 | data maybe forever. If is returned @TRUE, CanReadList TList is filled by all
682 | TBlockSocket objects what waiting for read.}
683 | function GroupCanRead(const SocketList: TList; Timeout: Integer;
684 | const CanReadList: TList): Boolean;
685 | {$ENDIF}
686 | {:By this method you may turn address reuse mode for local @link(bind). It
687 | is good specially for UDP protocol. Using this with TCP protocol is
688 | hazardous!}
689 | procedure EnableReuse(Value: Boolean);
690 |
691 | {:Try set timeout for all sending and receiving operations, if socket
692 | provider can do it. (It not supported by all socket providers!)}
693 | procedure SetTimeout(Timeout: Integer);
694 |
695 | {:Try set timeout for all sending operations, if socket provider can do it.
696 | (It not supported by all socket providers!)}
697 | procedure SetSendTimeout(Timeout: Integer);
698 |
699 | {:Try set timeout for all receiving operations, if socket provider can do
700 | it. (It not supported by all socket providers!)}
701 | procedure SetRecvTimeout(Timeout: Integer);
702 |
703 | {:Return value of socket type.}
704 | function GetSocketType: integer; Virtual;
705 |
706 | {:Return value of protocol type for socket creation.}
707 | function GetSocketProtocol: integer; Virtual;
708 |
709 | {:WSA structure with information about socket provider. On non-windows
710 | platforms this structure is simulated!}
711 | property WSAData: TWSADATA read GetWsaData;
712 |
713 | {:FDset structure prepared for usage with this socket.}
714 | property FDset: TFDSet read FFDset;
715 |
716 | {:Structure describing local socket side.}
717 | property LocalSin: TVarSin read FLocalSin write FLocalSin;
718 |
719 | {:Structure describing remote socket side.}
720 | property RemoteSin: TVarSin read FRemoteSin write FRemoteSin;
721 |
722 | {:Socket handler. Suitable for "manual" calls to socket API or manual
723 | connection of socket to a previously created socket (i.e by Accept method
724 | on TCP socket)}
725 | property Socket: TSocket read FSocket write SetSocket;
726 |
727 | {:Last socket operation error code. Error codes are described in socket
728 | documentation. Human readable error description is stored in
729 | @link(LastErrorDesc) property.}
730 | property LastError: Integer read FLastError;
731 |
732 | {:Human readable error description of @link(LastError) code.}
733 | property LastErrorDesc: string read FLastErrorDesc;
734 |
735 | {:Buffer used by all high-level receiving functions. This buffer is used for
736 | optimized reading of data from socket. In normal cases you not need access
737 | to this buffer directly!}
738 | property LineBuffer: AnsiString read FBuffer write FBuffer;
739 |
740 | {:Size of Winsock receive buffer. If it is not supported by socket provider,
741 | it return as size one kilobyte.}
742 | property SizeRecvBuffer: Integer read GetSizeRecvBuffer write SetSizeRecvBuffer;
743 |
744 | {:Size of Winsock send buffer. If it is not supported by socket provider, it
745 | return as size one kilobyte.}
746 | property SizeSendBuffer: Integer read GetSizeSendBuffer write SetSizeSendBuffer;
747 |
748 | {:If @True, turn class to non-blocking mode. Not all functions are working
749 | properly in this mode, you must know exactly what you are doing! However
750 | when you have big experience with non-blocking programming, then you can
751 | optimise your program by non-block mode!}
752 | property NonBlockMode: Boolean read FNonBlockMode Write SetNonBlockMode;
753 |
754 | {:Set Time-to-live value. (if system supporting it!)}
755 | property TTL: Integer read GetTTL Write SetTTL;
756 |
757 | {:If is @true, then class in in IPv6 mode.}
758 | property IP6used: Boolean read FIP6used;
759 |
760 | {:Return count of received bytes on this socket from begin of current
761 | connection.}
762 | property RecvCounter: Integer read FRecvCounter;
763 |
764 | {:Return count of sended bytes on this socket from begin of current
765 | connection.}
766 | property SendCounter: Integer read FSendCounter;
767 | published
768 | {:Return descriptive string for given error code. This is class function.
769 | You may call it without created object!}
770 | class function GetErrorDesc(ErrorCode: Integer): string;
771 |
772 | {:Return descriptive string for @link(LastError).}
773 | function GetErrorDescEx: string; virtual;
774 |
775 | {:this value is for free use.}
776 | property Tag: Integer read FTag write FTag;
777 |
778 | {:If @true, winsock errors raises exception. Otherwise is setted
779 | @link(LastError) value only and you must check it from your program! Default
780 | value is @false.}
781 | property RaiseExcept: Boolean read FRaiseExcept write FRaiseExcept;
782 |
783 | {:Define maximum length in bytes of @link(LineBuffer) for high-level
784 | receiving functions. If this functions try to read more data then this
785 | limit, error is returned! If value is 0 (default), no limitation is used.
786 | This is very good protection for stupid attacks to your server by sending
787 | lot of data without proper terminator... until all your memory is allocated
788 | by LineBuffer!
789 |
790 | Note: This maximum length is checked only in functions, what read unknown
791 | number of bytes! (like @link(RecvString) or @link(RecvTerminated))}
792 | property MaxLineLength: Integer read FMaxLineLength Write FMaxLineLength;
793 |
794 | {:Define maximal bandwidth for all sending operations in bytes per second.
795 | If value is 0 (default), bandwidth limitation is not used.}
796 | property MaxSendBandwidth: Integer read FMaxSendBandwidth Write FMaxSendBandwidth;
797 |
798 | {:Define maximal bandwidth for all receiving operations in bytes per second.
799 | If value is 0 (default), bandwidth limitation is not used.}
800 | property MaxRecvBandwidth: Integer read FMaxRecvBandwidth Write FMaxRecvBandwidth;
801 |
802 | {:Define maximal bandwidth for all sending and receiving operations in bytes
803 | per second. If value is 0 (default), bandwidth limitation is not used.}
804 | property MaxBandwidth: Integer Write SetBandwidth;
805 |
806 | {:Do a conversion of non-standard line terminators to CRLF. (Off by default)
807 | If @True, then terminators like sigle CR, single LF or LFCR are converted
808 | to CRLF internally. This have effect only in @link(RecvString) method!}
809 | property ConvertLineEnd: Boolean read FConvertLineEnd Write FConvertLineEnd;
810 |
811 | {:Specified Family of this socket. When you are using Windows preliminary
812 | support for IPv6, then I recommend to set this property!}
813 | property Family: TSocketFamily read FFamily Write SetFamily;
814 |
815 | {:When resolving of domain name return both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, then
816 | specify if is used IPv4 (dafault - @true) or IPv6.}
817 | property PreferIP4: Boolean read FPreferIP4 Write FPreferIP4;
818 |
819 | {:By default (@true) is all timeouts used as timeout between two packets in
820 | reading operations. If you set this to @false, then Timeouts is for overall
821 | reading operation!}
822 | property InterPacketTimeout: Boolean read FInterPacketTimeout Write FInterPacketTimeout;
823 |
824 | {:All sended datas was splitted by this value.}
825 | property SendMaxChunk: Integer read FSendMaxChunk Write FSendMaxChunk;
826 |
827 | {:By setting this property to @true you can stop any communication. You can
828 | use this property for soft abort of communication.}
829 | property StopFlag: Boolean read FStopFlag Write FStopFlag;
830 |
831 | {:Timeout for data sending by non-blocking socket mode.}
832 | property NonblockSendTimeout: Integer read FNonblockSendTimeout Write FNonblockSendTimeout;
833 |
834 | {:This event is called by various reasons. It is good for monitoring socket,
835 | create gauges for data transfers, etc.}
836 | property OnStatus: THookSocketStatus read FOnStatus write FOnStatus;
837 |
838 | {:this event is good for some internal thinks about filtering readed datas.
839 | It is used by telnet client by example.}
840 | property OnReadFilter: THookDataFilter read FOnReadFilter write FOnReadFilter;
841 |
842 | {:This event is called after real socket creation for setting special socket
843 | options, because you not know when socket is created. (it is depended on
844 | Ipv4, IPv6 or automatic mode)}
845 | property OnCreateSocket: THookCreateSocket read FOnCreateSocket write FOnCreateSocket;
846 |
847 | {:This event is good for monitoring content of readed or writed datas.}
848 | property OnMonitor: THookMonitor read FOnMonitor write FOnMonitor;
849 |
850 | {:This event is good for calling your code during long socket operations.
851 | (Example, for refresing UI if class in not called within the thread.)
852 | Rate of heartbeats can be modified by @link(HeartbeatRate) property.}
853 | property OnHeartbeat: THookHeartbeat read FOnHeartbeat write FOnHeartbeat;
854 |
855 | {:Specify typical rate of @link(OnHeartbeat) event and @link(StopFlag) testing.
856 | Default value 0 disabling heartbeats! Value is in milliseconds.
857 | Real rate can be higher or smaller then this value, because it depending
858 | on real socket operations too!
859 | Note: Each heartbeat slowing socket processing.}
860 | property HeartbeatRate: integer read FHeartbeatRate Write FHeartbeatRate;
861 | {:What class own this socket? Used by protocol implementation classes.}
862 | property Owner: TObject read FOwner Write FOwner;
863 | end;
864 |
865 | {:@abstract(Support for SOCKS4 and SOCKS5 proxy)
866 | Layer with definition all necessary properties and functions for
867 | implementation SOCKS proxy client. Do not use this class directly.}
868 | TSocksBlockSocket = class(TBlockSocket)
869 | protected
870 | FSocksIP: string;
871 | FSocksPort: string;
872 | FSocksTimeout: integer;
873 | FSocksUsername: string;
874 | FSocksPassword: string;
875 | FUsingSocks: Boolean;
876 | FSocksResolver: Boolean;
877 | FSocksLastError: integer;
878 | FSocksResponseIP: string;
879 | FSocksResponsePort: string;
880 | FSocksLocalIP: string;
881 | FSocksLocalPort: string;
882 | FSocksRemoteIP: string;
883 | FSocksRemotePort: string;
884 | FBypassFlag: Boolean;
885 | FSocksType: TSocksType;
886 | function SocksCode(IP, Port: string): Ansistring;
887 | function SocksDecode(Value: Ansistring): integer;
888 | public
889 | constructor Create;
890 |
891 | {:Open connection to SOCKS proxy and if @link(SocksUsername) is set, do
892 | authorisation to proxy. This is needed only in special cases! (it is called
893 | internally!)}
894 | function SocksOpen: Boolean;
895 |
896 | {:Send specified request to SOCKS proxy. This is needed only in special
897 | cases! (it is called internally!)}
898 | function SocksRequest(Cmd: Byte; const IP, Port: string): Boolean;
899 |
900 | {:Receive response to previosly sended request. This is needed only in
901 | special cases! (it is called internally!)}
902 | function SocksResponse: Boolean;
903 |
904 | {:Is @True when class is using SOCKS proxy.}
905 | property UsingSocks: Boolean read FUsingSocks;
906 |
907 | {:If SOCKS proxy failed, here is error code returned from SOCKS proxy.}
908 | property SocksLastError: integer read FSocksLastError;
909 | published
910 | {:Address of SOCKS server. If value is empty string, SOCKS support is
911 | disabled. Assingning any value to this property enable SOCKS mode.
912 | Warning: You cannot combine this mode with HTTP-tunneling mode!}
913 | property SocksIP: string read FSocksIP write FSocksIP;
914 |
915 | {:Port of SOCKS server. Default value is '1080'.}
916 | property SocksPort: string read FSocksPort write FSocksPort;
917 |
918 | {:If you need authorisation on SOCKS server, set username here.}
919 | property SocksUsername: string read FSocksUsername write FSocksUsername;
920 |
921 | {:If you need authorisation on SOCKS server, set password here.}
922 | property SocksPassword: string read FSocksPassword write FSocksPassword;
923 |
924 | {:Specify timeout for communicatin with SOCKS server. Default is one minute.}
925 | property SocksTimeout: integer read FSocksTimeout write FSocksTimeout;
926 |
927 | {:If @True, all symbolic names of target hosts is not translated to IP's
928 | locally, but resolving is by SOCKS proxy. Default is @True.}
929 | property SocksResolver: Boolean read FSocksResolver write FSocksResolver;
930 |
931 | {:Specify SOCKS type. By default is used SOCKS5, but you can use SOCKS4 too.
932 | When you select SOCKS4, then if @link(SOCKSResolver) is enabled, then is
933 | used SOCKS4a. Othervise is used pure SOCKS4.}
934 | property SocksType: TSocksType read FSocksType write FSocksType;
935 | end;
936 |
937 | {:@abstract(Implementation of TCP socket.)
938 | Supported features: IPv4, IPv6, SSL/TLS or SSH (depending on used plugin),
939 | SOCKS5 proxy (outgoing connections and limited incomming), SOCKS4/4a proxy
940 | (outgoing connections and limited incomming), TCP through HTTP proxy tunnel.}
941 | TTCPBlockSocket = class(TSocksBlockSocket)
942 | protected
943 | FOnAfterConnect: THookAfterConnect;
944 | FSSL: TCustomSSL;
945 | FHTTPTunnelIP: string;
946 | FHTTPTunnelPort: string;
947 | FHTTPTunnel: Boolean;
948 | FHTTPTunnelRemoteIP: string;
949 | FHTTPTunnelRemotePort: string;
950 | FHTTPTunnelUser: string;
951 | FHTTPTunnelPass: string;
952 | FHTTPTunnelTimeout: integer;
953 | procedure SocksDoConnect(IP, Port: string);
954 | procedure HTTPTunnelDoConnect(IP, Port: string);
955 | procedure DoAfterConnect;
956 | public
957 | {:Create TCP socket class with default plugin for SSL/TSL/SSH implementation
958 | (see @link(SSLImplementation))}
959 | constructor Create;
960 |
961 | {:Create TCP socket class with desired plugin for SSL/TSL/SSH implementation}
962 | constructor CreateWithSSL(SSLPlugin: TSSLClass);
963 | destructor Destroy; override;
964 |
965 | {:See @link(TBlockSocket.CloseSocket)}
966 | procedure CloseSocket; override;
967 |
968 | {:See @link(TBlockSocket.WaitingData)}
969 | function WaitingData: Integer; override;
970 |
971 | {:Sets socket to receive mode for new incoming connections. It is necessary
972 | to use @link(TBlockSocket.BIND) function call before this method to select
973 | receiving port!
974 |
975 | If you use SOCKS, activate incoming TCP connection by this proxy. (By BIND
976 | method of SOCKS.)}
977 | procedure Listen; override;
978 |
979 | {:Waits until new incoming connection comes. After it comes a new socket is
980 | automatically created (socket handler is returned by this function as
981 | result).
982 |
983 | If you use SOCKS, new socket is not created! In this case is used same
984 | socket as socket for listening! So, you can accept only one connection in
985 | SOCKS mode.}
986 | function Accept: TSocket; override;
987 |
988 | {:Connects socket to remote IP address and PORT. The same rules as with
989 | @link(TBlockSocket.BIND) method are valid. The only exception is that PORT
990 | with 0 value will not be connected. After call to this method
991 | a communication channel between local and remote socket is created. Local
992 | socket is assigned automatically if not controlled by previous call to
993 | @link(TBlockSocket.BIND) method. Structures @link(TBlockSocket.LocalSin)
994 | and @link(TBlockSocket.RemoteSin) will be filled with valid values.
995 |
996 | If you use SOCKS, activate outgoing TCP connection by SOCKS proxy specified
997 | in @link(TSocksBlockSocket.SocksIP). (By CONNECT method of SOCKS.)
998 |
999 | If you use HTTP-tunnel mode, activate outgoing TCP connection by HTTP
1000 | tunnel specified in @link(HTTPTunnelIP). (By CONNECT method of HTTP
1001 | protocol.)
1002 |
1003 | Note: If you call this on non-created socket, then socket is created
1004 | automaticly.}
1005 | procedure Connect(IP, Port: string); override;
1006 |
1007 | {:If you need upgrade existing TCP connection to SSL/TLS (or SSH2, if plugin
1008 | allows it) mode, then call this method. This method switch this class to
1009 | SSL mode and do SSL/TSL handshake.}
1010 | procedure SSLDoConnect;
1011 |
1012 | {:By this method you can downgrade existing SSL/TLS connection to normal TCP
1013 | connection.}
1014 | procedure SSLDoShutdown;
1015 |
1016 | {:If you need use this component as SSL/TLS TCP server, then after accepting
1017 | of inbound connection you need start SSL/TLS session by this method. Before
1018 | call this function, you must have assigned all neeeded certificates and
1019 | keys!}
1020 | function SSLAcceptConnection: Boolean;
1021 |
1022 | {:See @link(TBlockSocket.GetLocalSinIP)}
1023 | function GetLocalSinIP: string; override;
1024 |
1025 | {:See @link(TBlockSocket.GetRemoteSinIP)}
1026 | function GetRemoteSinIP: string; override;
1027 |
1028 | {:See @link(TBlockSocket.GetLocalSinPort)}
1029 | function GetLocalSinPort: Integer; override;
1030 |
1031 | {:See @link(TBlockSocket.GetRemoteSinPort)}
1032 | function GetRemoteSinPort: Integer; override;
1033 |
1034 | {:See @link(TBlockSocket.SendBuffer)}
1035 | function SendBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Length: Integer): Integer; override;
1036 |
1037 | {:See @link(TBlockSocket.RecvBuffer)}
1038 | function RecvBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Len: Integer): Integer; override;
1039 |
1040 | {:Return value of socket type. For TCP return SOCK_STREAM.}
1041 | function GetSocketType: integer; override;
1042 |
1043 | {:Return value of protocol type for socket creation. For TCP return
1044 | IPPROTO_TCP.}
1045 | function GetSocketProtocol: integer; override;
1046 |
1047 | {:Class implementing SSL/TLS support. It is allways some descendant
1048 | of @link(TCustomSSL) class. When programmer not select some SSL plugin
1049 | class, then is used @link(TSSLNone)}
1050 | property SSL: TCustomSSL read FSSL;
1051 |
1052 | {:@True if is used HTTP tunnel mode.}
1053 | property HTTPTunnel: Boolean read FHTTPTunnel;
1054 | published
1055 | {:Return descriptive string for @link(LastError). On case of error
1056 | in SSL/TLS subsystem, it returns right error description.}
1057 | function GetErrorDescEx: string; override;
1058 |
1059 | {:Specify IP address of HTTP proxy. Assingning non-empty value to this
1060 | property enable HTTP-tunnel mode. This mode is for tunnelling any outgoing
1061 | TCP connection through HTTP proxy server. (If policy on HTTP proxy server
1062 | allow this!) Warning: You cannot combine this mode with SOCK5 mode!}
1063 | property HTTPTunnelIP: string read FHTTPTunnelIP Write FHTTPTunnelIP;
1064 |
1065 | {:Specify port of HTTP proxy for HTTP-tunneling.}
1066 | property HTTPTunnelPort: string read FHTTPTunnelPort Write FHTTPTunnelPort;
1067 |
1068 | {:Specify authorisation username for access to HTTP proxy in HTTP-tunnel
1069 | mode. If you not need authorisation, then let this property empty.}
1070 | property HTTPTunnelUser: string read FHTTPTunnelUser Write FHTTPTunnelUser;
1071 |
1072 | {:Specify authorisation password for access to HTTP proxy in HTTP-tunnel
1073 | mode.}
1074 | property HTTPTunnelPass: string read FHTTPTunnelPass Write FHTTPTunnelPass;
1075 |
1076 | {:Specify timeout for communication with HTTP proxy in HTTPtunnel mode.}
1077 | property HTTPTunnelTimeout: integer read FHTTPTunnelTimeout Write FHTTPTunnelTimeout;
1078 |
1079 | {:This event is called after sucessful TCP socket connection.}
1080 | property OnAfterConnect: THookAfterConnect read FOnAfterConnect write FOnAfterConnect;
1081 | end;
1082 |
1083 | {:@abstract(Datagram based communication)
1084 | This class implementing datagram based communication instead default stream
1085 | based communication style.}
1086 | TDgramBlockSocket = class(TSocksBlockSocket)
1087 | public
1088 | {:Fill @link(TBlockSocket.RemoteSin) structure. This address is used for
1089 | sending data.}
1090 | procedure Connect(IP, Port: string); override;
1091 |
1092 | {:Silently redirected to @link(TBlockSocket.SendBufferTo).}
1093 | function SendBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Length: Integer): Integer; override;
1094 |
1095 | {:Silently redirected to @link(TBlockSocket.RecvBufferFrom).}
1096 | function RecvBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Length: Integer): Integer; override;
1097 | end;
1098 |
1099 | {:@abstract(Implementation of UDP socket.)
1100 | NOTE: in this class is all receiving redirected to RecvBufferFrom. You can
1101 | use for reading any receive function. Preffered is RecvPacket! Similary all
1102 | sending is redirected to SendbufferTo. You can use for sending UDP packet any
1103 | sending function, like SendString.
1104 |
1105 | Supported features: IPv4, IPv6, unicasts, broadcasts, multicasts, SOCKS5
1106 | proxy (only unicasts! Outgoing and incomming.)}
1107 | TUDPBlockSocket = class(TDgramBlockSocket)
1108 | protected
1109 | FSocksControlSock: TTCPBlockSocket;
1110 | function UdpAssociation: Boolean;
1111 | procedure SetMulticastTTL(TTL: integer);
1112 | function GetMulticastTTL:integer;
1113 | public
1114 | destructor Destroy; override;
1115 |
1116 | {:Enable or disable sending of broadcasts. If seting OK, result is @true.
1117 | This method is not supported in SOCKS5 mode! IPv6 does not support
1118 | broadcasts! In this case you must use Multicasts instead.}
1119 | procedure EnableBroadcast(Value: Boolean);
1120 |
1121 | {:See @link(TBlockSocket.SendBufferTo)}
1122 | function SendBufferTo(Buffer: TMemory; Length: Integer): Integer; override;
1123 |
1124 | {:See @link(TBlockSocket.RecvBufferFrom)}
1125 | function RecvBufferFrom(Buffer: TMemory; Length: Integer): Integer; override;
1126 | {$IFNDEF CIL}
1127 | {:Add this socket to given multicast group. You cannot use Multicasts in
1128 | SOCKS mode!}
1129 | procedure AddMulticast(MCastIP:string);
1130 |
1131 | {:Remove this socket from given multicast group.}
1132 | procedure DropMulticast(MCastIP:string);
1133 | {$ENDIF}
1134 | {:All sended multicast datagrams is loopbacked to your interface too. (you
1135 | can read your sended datas.) You can disable this feature by this function.
1136 | This function not working on some Windows systems!}
1137 | procedure EnableMulticastLoop(Value: Boolean);
1138 |
1139 | {:Return value of socket type. For UDP return SOCK_DGRAM.}
1140 | function GetSocketType: integer; override;
1141 |
1142 | {:Return value of protocol type for socket creation. For UDP return
1143 | IPPROTO_UDP.}
1144 | function GetSocketProtocol: integer; override;
1145 |
1146 | {:Set Time-to-live value for multicasts packets. It define number of routers
1147 | for transfer of datas. If you set this to 1 (dafault system value), then
1148 | multicasts packet goes only to you local network. If you need transport
1149 | multicast packet to worldwide, then increase this value, but be carefull,
1150 | lot of routers on internet does not transport multicasts packets!}
1151 | property MulticastTTL: Integer read GetMulticastTTL Write SetMulticastTTL;
1152 | end;
1153 |
1154 | {:@abstract(Implementation of RAW ICMP socket.)
1155 | For this object you must have rights for creating RAW sockets!}
1156 | TICMPBlockSocket = class(TDgramBlockSocket)
1157 | public
1158 | {:Return value of socket type. For RAW and ICMP return SOCK_RAW.}
1159 | function GetSocketType: integer; override;
1160 |
1161 | {:Return value of protocol type for socket creation. For ICMP returns
1163 | function GetSocketProtocol: integer; override;
1164 | end;
1165 |
1166 | {:@abstract(Implementation of RAW socket.)
1167 | For this object you must have rights for creating RAW sockets!}
1168 | TRAWBlockSocket = class(TBlockSocket)
1169 | public
1170 | {:Return value of socket type. For RAW and ICMP return SOCK_RAW.}
1171 | function GetSocketType: integer; override;
1172 |
1173 | {:Return value of protocol type for socket creation. For RAW returns
1174 | IPPROTO_RAW.}
1175 | function GetSocketProtocol: integer; override;
1176 | end;
1177 |
1178 | {:@abstract(Implementation of PGM-message socket.)
1179 | Not all systems supports this protocol!}
1180 | TPGMMessageBlockSocket = class(TBlockSocket)
1181 | public
1182 | {:Return value of socket type. For PGM-message return SOCK_RDM.}
1183 | function GetSocketType: integer; override;
1184 |
1185 | {:Return value of protocol type for socket creation. For PGM-message returns
1186 | IPPROTO_RM.}
1187 | function GetSocketProtocol: integer; override;
1188 | end;
1189 |
1190 | {:@abstract(Implementation of PGM-stream socket.)
1191 | Not all systems supports this protocol!}
1192 | TPGMStreamBlockSocket = class(TBlockSocket)
1193 | public
1194 | {:Return value of socket type. For PGM-stream return SOCK_STREAM.}
1195 | function GetSocketType: integer; override;
1196 |
1197 | {:Return value of protocol type for socket creation. For PGM-stream returns
1198 | IPPROTO_RM.}
1199 | function GetSocketProtocol: integer; override;
1200 | end;
1201 |
1202 | {:@abstract(Parent class for all SSL plugins.)
1203 | This is abstract class defining interface for other SSL plugins.
1204 |
1205 | Instance of this class will be created for each @link(TTCPBlockSocket).
1206 |
1207 | Warning: not all methods and propertis can work in all existing SSL plugins!
1208 | Please, read documentation of used SSL plugin.}
1209 | TCustomSSL = class(TObject)
1210 | private
1211 | protected
1212 | FOnVerifyCert: THookVerifyCert;
1213 | FSocket: TTCPBlockSocket;
1214 | FSSLEnabled: Boolean;
1215 | FLastError: integer;
1216 | FLastErrorDesc: string;
1217 | FSSLType: TSSLType;
1218 | FKeyPassword: string;
1219 | FCiphers: string;
1220 | FCertificateFile: string;
1221 | FPrivateKeyFile: string;
1222 | FCertificate: Ansistring;
1223 | FPrivateKey: Ansistring;
1224 | FPFX: Ansistring;
1225 | FPFXfile: string;
1226 | FCertCA: Ansistring;
1227 | FCertCAFile: string;
1228 | FTrustCertificate: Ansistring;
1229 | FTrustCertificateFile: string;
1230 | FVerifyCert: Boolean;
1231 | FUsername: string;
1232 | FPassword: string;
1233 | FSSHChannelType: string;
1234 | FSSHChannelArg1: string;
1235 | FSSHChannelArg2: string;
1236 | FCertComplianceLevel: integer;
1237 | FSNIHost: string;
1238 | procedure ReturnError;
1239 | procedure SetCertCAFile(const Value: string); virtual;
1240 | function DoVerifyCert:boolean;
1241 | function CreateSelfSignedCert(Host: string): Boolean; virtual;
1242 | public
1243 | {: Create plugin class. it is called internally from @link(TTCPBlockSocket)}
1244 | constructor Create(const Value: TTCPBlockSocket); virtual;
1245 |
1246 | {: Assign settings (certificates and configuration) from another SSL plugin
1247 | class.}
1248 | procedure Assign(const Value: TCustomSSL); virtual;
1249 |
1250 | {: return description of used plugin. It usually return name and version
1251 | of used SSL library.}
1252 | function LibVersion: String; virtual;
1253 |
1254 | {: return name of used plugin.}
1255 | function LibName: String; virtual;
1256 |
1257 | {: Do not call this directly. It is used internally by @link(TTCPBlockSocket)!
1258 |
1259 | Here is needed code for start SSL connection.}
1260 | function Connect: boolean; virtual;
1261 |
1262 | {: Do not call this directly. It is used internally by @link(TTCPBlockSocket)!
1263 |
1264 | Here is needed code for acept new SSL connection.}
1265 | function Accept: boolean; virtual;
1266 |
1267 | {: Do not call this directly. It is used internally by @link(TTCPBlockSocket)!
1268 |
1269 | Here is needed code for hard shutdown of SSL connection. (for example,
1270 | before socket is closed)}
1271 | function Shutdown: boolean; virtual;
1272 |
1273 | {: Do not call this directly. It is used internally by @link(TTCPBlockSocket)!
1274 |
1275 | Here is needed code for soft shutdown of SSL connection. (for example,
1276 | when you need to continue with unprotected connection.)}
1277 | function BiShutdown: boolean; virtual;
1278 |
1279 | {: Do not call this directly. It is used internally by @link(TTCPBlockSocket)!
1280 |
1281 | Here is needed code for sending some datas by SSL connection.}
1282 | function SendBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Len: Integer): Integer; virtual;
1283 |
1284 | {: Do not call this directly. It is used internally by @link(TTCPBlockSocket)!
1285 |
1286 | Here is needed code for receiving some datas by SSL connection.}
1287 | function RecvBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Len: Integer): Integer; virtual;
1288 |
1289 | {: Do not call this directly. It is used internally by @link(TTCPBlockSocket)!
1290 |
1291 | Here is needed code for getting count of datas what waiting for read.
1292 | If SSL plugin not allows this, then it should return 0.}
1293 | function WaitingData: Integer; virtual;
1294 |
1295 | {:Return string with identificator of SSL/TLS version of existing
1296 | connection.}
1297 | function GetSSLVersion: string; virtual;
1298 |
1299 | {:Return subject of remote SSL peer.}
1300 | function GetPeerSubject: string; virtual;
1301 |
1302 | {:Return Serial number if remote X509 certificate.}
1303 | function GetPeerSerialNo: integer; virtual;
1304 |
1305 | {:Return issuer certificate of remote SSL peer.}
1306 | function GetPeerIssuer: string; virtual;
1307 |
1308 | {:Return peer name from remote side certificate. This is good for verify,
1309 | if certificate is generated for remote side IP name.}
1310 | function GetPeerName: string; virtual;
1311 |
1312 | {:Returns has of peer name from remote side certificate. This is good
1313 | for fast remote side authentication.}
1314 | function GetPeerNameHash: cardinal; virtual;
1315 |
1316 | {:Return fingerprint of remote SSL peer.}
1317 | function GetPeerFingerprint: string; virtual;
1318 |
1319 | {:Return all detailed information about certificate from remote side of
1320 | SSL/TLS connection. Result string can be multilined! Each plugin can return
1321 | this informations in different format!}
1322 | function GetCertInfo: string; virtual;
1323 |
1324 | {:Return currently used Cipher.}
1325 | function GetCipherName: string; virtual;
1326 |
1327 | {:Return currently used number of bits in current Cipher algorythm.}
1328 | function GetCipherBits: integer; virtual;
1329 |
1330 | {:Return number of bits in current Cipher algorythm.}
1331 | function GetCipherAlgBits: integer; virtual;
1332 |
1333 | {:Return result value of verify remote side certificate. Look to OpenSSL
1334 | documentation for possible values. For example 0 is successfuly verified
1335 | certificate, or 18 is self-signed certificate.}
1336 | function GetVerifyCert: integer; virtual;
1337 |
1338 | {: Resurn @true if SSL mode is enabled on existing cvonnection.}
1339 | property SSLEnabled: Boolean read FSSLEnabled;
1340 |
1341 | {:Return error code of last SSL operation. 0 is OK.}
1342 | property LastError: integer read FLastError;
1343 |
1344 | {:Return error description of last SSL operation.}
1345 | property LastErrorDesc: string read FLastErrorDesc;
1346 | published
1347 | {:Here you can specify requested SSL/TLS mode. Default is autodetection, but
1348 | on some servers autodetection not working properly. In this case you must
1349 | specify requested SSL/TLS mode by your hand!}
1350 | property SSLType: TSSLType read FSSLType write FSSLType;
1351 |
1352 | {:Password for decrypting of encoded certificate or key.}
1353 | property KeyPassword: string read FKeyPassword write FKeyPassword;
1354 |
1355 | {:Username for possible credentials.}
1356 | property Username: string read FUsername write FUsername;
1357 |
1358 | {:password for possible credentials.}
1359 | property Password: string read FPassword write FPassword;
1360 |
1361 | {:By this property you can modify default set of SSL/TLS ciphers.}
1362 | property Ciphers: string read FCiphers write FCiphers;
1363 |
1364 | {:Used for loading certificate from disk file. See to plugin documentation
1365 | if this method is supported and how!}
1366 | property CertificateFile: string read FCertificateFile write FCertificateFile;
1367 |
1368 | {:Used for loading private key from disk file. See to plugin documentation
1369 | if this method is supported and how!}
1370 | property PrivateKeyFile: string read FPrivateKeyFile write FPrivateKeyFile;
1371 |
1372 | {:Used for loading certificate from binary string. See to plugin documentation
1373 | if this method is supported and how!}
1374 | property Certificate: Ansistring read FCertificate write FCertificate;
1375 |
1376 | {:Used for loading private key from binary string. See to plugin documentation
1377 | if this method is supported and how!}
1378 | property PrivateKey: Ansistring read FPrivateKey write FPrivateKey;
1379 |
1380 | {:Used for loading PFX from binary string. See to plugin documentation
1381 | if this method is supported and how!}
1382 | property PFX: Ansistring read FPFX write FPFX;
1383 |
1384 | {:Used for loading PFX from disk file. See to plugin documentation
1385 | if this method is supported and how!}
1386 | property PFXfile: string read FPFXfile write FPFXfile;
1387 |
1388 | {:Used for loading trusted certificates from disk file. See to plugin documentation
1389 | if this method is supported and how!}
1390 | property TrustCertificateFile: string read FTrustCertificateFile write FTrustCertificateFile;
1391 |
1392 | {:Used for loading trusted certificates from binary string. See to plugin documentation
1393 | if this method is supported and how!}
1394 | property TrustCertificate: Ansistring read FTrustCertificate write FTrustCertificate;
1395 |
1396 | {:Used for loading CA certificates from binary string. See to plugin documentation
1397 | if this method is supported and how!}
1398 | property CertCA: Ansistring read FCertCA write FCertCA;
1399 |
1400 | {:Used for loading CA certificates from disk file. See to plugin documentation
1401 | if this method is supported and how!}
1402 | property CertCAFile: string read FCertCAFile write SetCertCAFile;
1403 |
1404 | {:If @true, then is verified client certificate. (it is good for writing
1405 | SSL/TLS servers.) When you are not server, but you are client, then if this
1406 | property is @true, verify servers certificate.}
1407 | property VerifyCert: Boolean read FVerifyCert write FVerifyCert;
1408 |
1409 | {:channel type for possible SSH connections}
1410 | property SSHChannelType: string read FSSHChannelType write FSSHChannelType;
1411 |
1412 | {:First argument of channel type for possible SSH connections}
1413 | property SSHChannelArg1: string read FSSHChannelArg1 write FSSHChannelArg1;
1414 |
1415 | {:Second argument of channel type for possible SSH connections}
1416 | property SSHChannelArg2: string read FSSHChannelArg2 write FSSHChannelArg2;
1417 |
1418 | {: Level of standards compliance level
1419 | (CryptLib: values in cryptlib.pas, -1: use default value ) }
1420 | property CertComplianceLevel:integer read FCertComplianceLevel write FCertComplianceLevel;
1421 |
1422 | {:This event is called when verifying the server certificate immediatally after
1423 | a successfull verification in the ssl library.}
1424 | property OnVerifyCert: THookVerifyCert read FOnVerifyCert write FOnVerifyCert;
1425 |
1426 | {: Server Name Identification. Host name to send to server. If empty the host name
1427 | found in URL will be used, which should be the normal use (http Header Host = SNI Host).
1428 | The value is cleared after the connection is established.
1429 | (SNI support requires OpenSSL 0.9.8k or later. Cryptlib not supported, yet ) }
1430 | property SNIHost:string read FSNIHost write FSNIHost;
1431 | end;
1432 |
1433 | {:@abstract(Default SSL plugin with no SSL support.)
1434 | Dummy SSL plugin implementation for applications without SSL/TLS support.}
1435 | TSSLNone = class (TCustomSSL)
1436 | public
1437 | {:See @inherited}
1438 | function LibVersion: String; override;
1439 | {:See @inherited}
1440 | function LibName: String; override;
1441 | end;
1442 |
1443 | {:@abstract(Record with definition of IP packet header.)
1444 | For reading data from ICMP or RAW sockets.}
1445 | TIPHeader = record
1446 | VerLen: Byte;
1447 | TOS: Byte;
1448 | TotalLen: Word;
1449 | Identifer: Word;
1450 | FragOffsets: Word;
1451 | TTL: Byte;
1452 | Protocol: Byte;
1453 | CheckSum: Word;
1454 | SourceIp: LongWord;
1455 | DestIp: LongWord;
1456 | Options: LongWord;
1457 | end;
1458 |
1459 | {:@abstract(Parent class of application protocol implementations.)
1460 | By this class is defined common properties.}
1461 | TSynaClient = Class(TObject)
1462 | protected
1463 | FTargetHost: string;
1464 | FTargetPort: string;
1465 | FIPInterface: string;
1466 | FTimeout: integer;
1467 | FUserName: string;
1468 | FPassword: string;
1469 | public
1470 | constructor Create;
1471 | published
1472 | {:Specify terget server IP (or symbolic name). Default is 'localhost'.}
1473 | property TargetHost: string read FTargetHost Write FTargetHost;
1474 |
1475 | {:Specify terget server port (or symbolic name).}
1476 | property TargetPort: string read FTargetPort Write FTargetPort;
1477 |
1478 | {:Defined local socket address. (outgoing IP address). By default is used
1479 | '' as wildcard for default IP.}
1480 | property IPInterface: string read FIPInterface Write FIPInterface;
1481 |
1482 | {:Specify default timeout for socket operations.}
1483 | property Timeout: integer read FTimeout Write FTimeout;
1484 |
1485 | {:If protocol need user authorization, then fill here username.}
1486 | property UserName: string read FUserName Write FUserName;
1487 |
1488 | {:If protocol need user authorization, then fill here password.}
1489 | property Password: string read FPassword Write FPassword;
1490 | end;
1491 |
1492 | var
1493 | {:Selected SSL plugin. Default is @link(TSSLNone).
1494 |
1495 | Do not change this value directly!!!
1496 |
1497 | Just add your plugin unit to your project uses instead. Each plugin unit have
1498 | initialization code what modify this variable.}
1499 | SSLImplementation: TSSLClass = TSSLNone;
1500 |
1501 | implementation
1502 |
1504 | var
1505 | WsaDataOnce: TWSADATA;
1506 | e: ESynapseError;
1507 | {$ENDIF}
1508 |
1509 |
1510 | constructor TBlockSocket.Create;
1511 | begin
1512 | CreateAlternate('');
1513 | end;
1514 |
1515 | constructor TBlockSocket.CreateAlternate(Stub: string);
1517 | var
1518 | e: ESynapseError;
1519 | {$ENDIF}
1520 | begin
1521 | inherited Create;
1522 | FDelayedOptions := TList.Create;
1523 | FRaiseExcept := False;
1525 | FRaiseExcept := True;
1526 | {$ENDIF}
1527 | FSocket := INVALID_SOCKET;
1528 | FBuffer := '';
1529 | FLastCR := False;
1530 | FLastLF := False;
1531 | FBinded := False;
1532 | FNonBlockMode := False;
1533 | FMaxLineLength := 0;
1534 | FMaxSendBandwidth := 0;
1535 | FNextSend := 0;
1536 | FMaxRecvBandwidth := 0;
1537 | FNextRecv := 0;
1538 | FConvertLineEnd := False;
1539 | FFamily := SF_Any;
1540 | FFamilySave := SF_Any;
1541 | FIP6used := False;
1542 | FPreferIP4 := True;
1543 | FInterPacketTimeout := True;
1544 | FRecvCounter := 0;
1545 | FSendCounter := 0;
1546 | FSendMaxChunk := c64k;
1547 | FStopFlag := False;
1548 | FNonblockSendTimeout := 15000;
1549 | FHeartbeatRate := 0;
1550 | FOwner := nil;
1552 | if Stub = '' then
1553 | Stub := DLLStackName;
1554 | if not InitSocketInterface(Stub) then
1555 | begin
1556 | e := ESynapseError.Create('Error loading Socket interface (' + Stub + ')!');
1557 | e.ErrorCode := 0;
1558 | e.ErrorMessage := 'Error loading Socket interface (' + Stub + ')!';
1559 | raise e;
1560 | end;
1561 | SockCheck(synsock.WSAStartup(WinsockLevel, FWsaDataOnce));
1562 | ExceptCheck;
1563 | {$ENDIF}
1564 | end;
1565 |
1566 | destructor TBlockSocket.Destroy;
1567 | var
1568 | n: integer;
1569 | p: TSynaOption;
1570 | begin
1571 | CloseSocket;
1573 | synsock.WSACleanup;
1574 | DestroySocketInterface;
1575 | {$ENDIF}
1576 | for n := FDelayedOptions.Count - 1 downto 0 do
1577 | begin
1578 | p := TSynaOption(FDelayedOptions[n]);
1579 | p.Free;
1580 | end;
1581 | FDelayedOptions.Free;
1582 | inherited Destroy;
1583 | end;
1584 |
1585 | function TBlockSocket.FamilyToAF(f: TSocketFamily): TAddrFamily;
1586 | begin
1587 | case f of
1588 | SF_ip4:
1589 | Result := AF_INET;
1590 | SF_ip6:
1591 | Result := AF_INET6;
1592 | else
1593 | Result := AF_UNSPEC;
1594 | end;
1595 | end;
1596 |
1597 | procedure TBlockSocket.SetDelayedOption(const Value: TSynaOption);
1598 | var
1599 | li: TLinger;
1600 | x: integer;
1601 | buf: TMemory;
1603 | timeval: TTimeval;
1604 | {$ENDIF}
1605 | begin
1606 | case value.Option of
1607 | SOT_Linger:
1608 | begin
1609 | {$IFDEF CIL}
1610 | li := TLinger.Create(Value.Enabled, Value.Value div 1000);
1611 | synsock.SetSockOptObj(FSocket, integer(SOL_SOCKET), integer(SO_LINGER), li);
1612 | {$ELSE}
1613 | li.l_onoff := Ord(Value.Enabled);
1614 | li.l_linger := Value.Value div 1000;
1615 | buf := @li;
1616 | synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, integer(SOL_SOCKET), integer(SO_LINGER), buf, SizeOf(li));
1617 | {$ENDIF}
1618 | end;
1619 | SOT_RecvBuff:
1620 | begin
1621 | {$IFDEF CIL}
1622 | buf := System.BitConverter.GetBytes(value.Value);
1623 | {$ELSE}
1624 | buf := @Value.Value;
1625 | {$ENDIF}
1626 | synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, integer(SOL_SOCKET), integer(SO_RCVBUF),
1627 | buf, SizeOf(Value.Value));
1628 | end;
1629 | SOT_SendBuff:
1630 | begin
1631 | {$IFDEF CIL}
1632 | buf := System.BitConverter.GetBytes(value.Value);
1633 | {$ELSE}
1634 | buf := @Value.Value;
1635 | {$ENDIF}
1636 | synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, integer(SOL_SOCKET), integer(SO_SNDBUF),
1637 | buf, SizeOf(Value.Value));
1638 | end;
1639 | SOT_NonBlock:
1640 | begin
1641 | FNonBlockMode := Value.Enabled;
1642 | x := Ord(FNonBlockMode);
1643 | synsock.IoctlSocket(FSocket, FIONBIO, x);
1644 | end;
1645 | SOT_RecvTimeout:
1646 | begin
1647 | {$IFDEF CIL}
1648 | buf := System.BitConverter.GetBytes(value.Value);
1649 | synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, integer(SOL_SOCKET), integer(SO_RCVTIMEO),
1650 | buf, SizeOf(Value.Value));
1651 | {$ELSE}
1653 | buf := @Value.Value;
1654 | synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, integer(SOL_SOCKET), integer(SO_RCVTIMEO),
1655 | buf, SizeOf(Value.Value));
1656 | {$ELSE}
1657 | timeval.tv_sec:=Value.Value div 1000;
1658 | timeval.tv_usec:=(Value.Value mod 1000) * 1000;
1659 | synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, integer(SOL_SOCKET), integer(SO_RCVTIMEO),
1660 | @timeval, SizeOf(timeval));
1661 | {$ENDIF}
1662 | {$ENDIF}
1663 | end;
1664 | SOT_SendTimeout:
1665 | begin
1666 | {$IFDEF CIL}
1667 | buf := System.BitConverter.GetBytes(value.Value);
1668 | {$ELSE}
1670 | buf := @Value.Value;
1671 | synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, integer(SOL_SOCKET), integer(SO_SNDTIMEO),
1672 | buf, SizeOf(Value.Value));
1673 | {$ELSE}
1674 | timeval.tv_sec:=Value.Value div 1000;
1675 | timeval.tv_usec:=(Value.Value mod 1000) * 1000;
1676 | synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, integer(SOL_SOCKET), integer(SO_SNDTIMEO),
1677 | @timeval, SizeOf(timeval));
1678 | {$ENDIF}
1679 | {$ENDIF}
1680 | end;
1681 | SOT_Reuse:
1682 | begin
1683 | x := Ord(Value.Enabled);
1684 | {$IFDEF CIL}
1685 | buf := System.BitConverter.GetBytes(x);
1686 | {$ELSE}
1687 | buf := @x;
1688 | {$ENDIF}
1689 | synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, integer(SOL_SOCKET), integer(SO_REUSEADDR), buf, SizeOf(x));
1690 | end;
1691 | SOT_TTL:
1692 | begin
1693 | {$IFDEF CIL}
1694 | buf := System.BitConverter.GetBytes(value.Value);
1695 | {$ELSE}
1696 | buf := @Value.Value;
1697 | {$ENDIF}
1698 | if FIP6Used then
1699 | synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, integer(IPPROTO_IPV6), integer(IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS),
1700 | buf, SizeOf(Value.Value))
1701 | else
1702 | synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, integer(IPPROTO_IP), integer(IP_TTL),
1703 | buf, SizeOf(Value.Value));
1704 | end;
1705 | SOT_Broadcast:
1706 | begin
1707 | //#todo1 broadcasty na IP6
1708 | x := Ord(Value.Enabled);
1709 | {$IFDEF CIL}
1710 | buf := System.BitConverter.GetBytes(x);
1711 | {$ELSE}
1712 | buf := @x;
1713 | {$ENDIF}
1714 | synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, integer(SOL_SOCKET), integer(SO_BROADCAST), buf, SizeOf(x));
1715 | end;
1716 | SOT_MulticastTTL:
1717 | begin
1718 | {$IFDEF CIL}
1719 | buf := System.BitConverter.GetBytes(value.Value);
1720 | {$ELSE}
1721 | buf := @Value.Value;
1722 | {$ENDIF}
1723 | if FIP6Used then
1724 | synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, integer(IPPROTO_IPV6), integer(IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS),
1725 | buf, SizeOf(Value.Value))
1726 | else
1727 | synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, integer(IPPROTO_IP), integer(IP_MULTICAST_TTL),
1728 | buf, SizeOf(Value.Value));
1729 | end;
1730 | SOT_MulticastLoop:
1731 | begin
1732 | x := Ord(Value.Enabled);
1733 | {$IFDEF CIL}
1734 | buf := System.BitConverter.GetBytes(x);
1735 | {$ELSE}
1736 | buf := @x;
1737 | {$ENDIF}
1738 | if FIP6Used then
1739 | synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, integer(IPPROTO_IPV6), integer(IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP), buf, SizeOf(x))
1740 | else
1741 | synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, integer(IPPROTO_IP), integer(IP_MULTICAST_LOOP), buf, SizeOf(x));
1742 | end;
1743 | end;
1744 | Value.free;
1745 | end;
1746 |
1747 | procedure TBlockSocket.DelayedOption(const Value: TSynaOption);
1748 | begin
1749 | if FSocket = INVALID_SOCKET then
1750 | begin
1751 | FDelayedOptions.Insert(0, Value);
1752 | end
1753 | else
1754 | SetDelayedOption(Value);
1755 | end;
1756 |
1757 | procedure TBlockSocket.ProcessDelayedOptions;
1758 | var
1759 | n: integer;
1760 | d: TSynaOption;
1761 | begin
1762 | for n := FDelayedOptions.Count - 1 downto 0 do
1763 | begin
1764 | d := TSynaOption(FDelayedOptions[n]);
1765 | SetDelayedOption(d);
1766 | end;
1767 | FDelayedOptions.Clear;
1768 | end;
1769 |
1770 | procedure TBlockSocket.SetSin(var Sin: TVarSin; IP, Port: string);
1771 | var
1772 | f: TSocketFamily;
1773 | begin
1774 | DoStatus(HR_ResolvingBegin, IP + ':' + Port);
1775 | ResetLastError;
1776 | //if socket exists, then use their type, else use users selection
1777 | f := SF_Any;
1778 | if (FSocket = INVALID_SOCKET) and (FFamily = SF_any) then
1779 | begin
1780 | if IsIP(IP) then
1781 | f := SF_IP4
1782 | else
1783 | if IsIP6(IP) then
1784 | f := SF_IP6;
1785 | end
1786 | else
1787 | f := FFamily;
1788 | FLastError := synsock.SetVarSin(sin, ip, port, FamilyToAF(f),
1789 | GetSocketprotocol, GetSocketType, FPreferIP4);
1790 | DoStatus(HR_ResolvingEnd, GetSinIP(sin) + ':' + IntTostr(GetSinPort(sin)));
1791 | end;
1792 |
1793 | function TBlockSocket.GetSinIP(Sin: TVarSin): string;
1794 | begin
1795 | Result := synsock.GetSinIP(sin);
1796 | end;
1797 |
1798 | function TBlockSocket.GetSinPort(Sin: TVarSin): Integer;
1799 | begin
1800 | Result := synsock.GetSinPort(sin);
1801 | end;
1802 |
1803 | procedure TBlockSocket.CreateSocket;
1804 | var
1805 | sin: TVarSin;
1806 | begin
1807 | //dummy for SF_Any Family mode
1808 | ResetLastError;
1809 | if (FFamily <> SF_Any) and (FSocket = INVALID_SOCKET) then
1810 | begin
1811 | {$IFDEF CIL}
1812 | if FFamily = SF_IP6 then
1813 | sin := TVarSin.Create(IPAddress.Parse('::0'), 0)
1814 | else
1815 | sin := TVarSin.Create(IPAddress.Parse(''), 0);
1816 | {$ELSE}
1817 | FillChar(Sin, Sizeof(Sin), 0);
1818 | if FFamily = SF_IP6 then
1819 | sin.sin_family := AF_INET6
1820 | else
1821 | sin.sin_family := AF_INET;
1822 | {$ENDIF}
1823 | InternalCreateSocket(Sin);
1824 | end;
1825 | end;
1826 |
1827 | procedure TBlockSocket.CreateSocketByName(const Value: String);
1828 | var
1829 | sin: TVarSin;
1830 | begin
1831 | ResetLastError;
1832 | if FSocket = INVALID_SOCKET then
1833 | begin
1834 | SetSin(sin, value, '0');
1835 | if FLastError = 0 then
1836 | InternalCreateSocket(Sin);
1837 | end;
1838 | end;
1839 |
1840 | procedure TBlockSocket.InternalCreateSocket(Sin: TVarSin);
1841 | begin
1842 | FStopFlag := False;
1843 | FRecvCounter := 0;
1844 | FSendCounter := 0;
1845 | ResetLastError;
1846 | if FSocket = INVALID_SOCKET then
1847 | begin
1848 | FBuffer := '';
1849 | FBinded := False;
1850 | FIP6Used := Sin.AddressFamily = AF_INET6;
1851 | FSocket := synsock.Socket(integer(Sin.AddressFamily), GetSocketType, GetSocketProtocol);
1852 | if FSocket = INVALID_SOCKET then
1853 | FLastError := synsock.WSAGetLastError;
1854 | {$IFNDEF CIL}
1855 | FD_ZERO(FFDSet);
1856 | FD_SET(FSocket, FFDSet);
1857 | {$ENDIF}
1858 | ExceptCheck;
1859 | if FIP6used then
1860 | DoStatus(HR_SocketCreate, 'IPv6')
1861 | else
1862 | DoStatus(HR_SocketCreate, 'IPv4');
1863 | ProcessDelayedOptions;
1864 | DoCreateSocket;
1865 | end;
1866 | end;
1867 |
1868 | procedure TBlockSocket.CloseSocket;
1869 | begin
1870 | AbortSocket;
1871 | end;
1872 |
1873 | procedure TBlockSocket.AbortSocket;
1874 | var
1875 | n: integer;
1876 | p: TSynaOption;
1877 | begin
1878 | if FSocket <> INVALID_SOCKET then
1879 | synsock.CloseSocket(FSocket);
1880 | FSocket := INVALID_SOCKET;
1881 | for n := FDelayedOptions.Count - 1 downto 0 do
1882 | begin
1883 | p := TSynaOption(FDelayedOptions[n]);
1884 | p.Free;
1885 | end;
1886 | FDelayedOptions.Clear;
1887 | FFamily := FFamilySave;
1888 | DoStatus(HR_SocketClose, '');
1889 | end;
1890 |
1891 | procedure TBlockSocket.Bind(IP, Port: string);
1892 | var
1893 | Sin: TVarSin;
1894 | begin
1895 | ResetLastError;
1896 | if (FSocket <> INVALID_SOCKET)
1897 | or not((FFamily = SF_ANY) and (IP = cAnyHost) and (Port = cAnyPort)) then
1898 | begin
1899 | SetSin(Sin, IP, Port);
1900 | if FLastError = 0 then
1901 | begin
1902 | if FSocket = INVALID_SOCKET then
1903 | InternalCreateSocket(Sin);
1904 | SockCheck(synsock.Bind(FSocket, Sin));
1905 | GetSinLocal;
1906 | FBuffer := '';
1907 | FBinded := True;
1908 | end;
1909 | ExceptCheck;
1910 | DoStatus(HR_Bind, IP + ':' + Port);
1911 | end;
1912 | end;
1913 |
1914 | procedure TBlockSocket.Connect(IP, Port: string);
1915 | var
1916 | Sin: TVarSin;
1917 | begin
1918 | SetSin(Sin, IP, Port);
1919 | if FLastError = 0 then
1920 | begin
1921 | if FSocket = INVALID_SOCKET then
1922 | InternalCreateSocket(Sin);
1923 | SockCheck(synsock.Connect(FSocket, Sin));
1924 | if FLastError = 0 then
1925 | GetSins;
1926 | FBuffer := '';
1927 | FLastCR := False;
1928 | FLastLF := False;
1929 | end;
1930 | ExceptCheck;
1931 | DoStatus(HR_Connect, IP + ':' + Port);
1932 | end;
1933 |
1934 | procedure TBlockSocket.Listen;
1935 | begin
1936 | SockCheck(synsock.Listen(FSocket, SOMAXCONN));
1937 | GetSins;
1938 | ExceptCheck;
1939 | DoStatus(HR_Listen, '');
1940 | end;
1941 |
1942 | function TBlockSocket.Accept: TSocket;
1943 | begin
1944 | Result := synsock.Accept(FSocket, FRemoteSin);
1945 | /// SockCheck(Result);
1946 | ExceptCheck;
1947 | DoStatus(HR_Accept, '');
1948 | end;
1949 |
1950 | procedure TBlockSocket.GetSinLocal;
1951 | begin
1952 | synsock.GetSockName(FSocket, FLocalSin);
1953 | end;
1954 |
1955 | procedure TBlockSocket.GetSinRemote;
1956 | begin
1957 | synsock.GetPeerName(FSocket, FRemoteSin);
1958 | end;
1959 |
1960 | procedure TBlockSocket.GetSins;
1961 | begin
1962 | GetSinLocal;
1963 | GetSinRemote;
1964 | end;
1965 |
1966 | procedure TBlockSocket.SetBandwidth(Value: Integer);
1967 | begin
1968 | MaxSendBandwidth := Value;
1969 | MaxRecvBandwidth := Value;
1970 | end;
1971 |
1972 | procedure TBlockSocket.LimitBandwidth(Length: Integer; MaxB: integer; var Next: LongWord);
1973 | var
1974 | x: LongWord;
1975 | y: LongWord;
1976 | n: integer;
1977 | begin
1978 | if FStopFlag then
1979 | exit;
1980 | if MaxB > 0 then
1981 | begin
1982 | y := GetTick;
1983 | if Next > y then
1984 | begin
1985 | x := Next - y;
1986 | if x > 0 then
1987 | begin
1988 | DoStatus(HR_Wait, IntToStr(x));
1989 | sleep(x mod 250);
1990 | for n := 1 to x div 250 do
1991 | if FStopFlag then
1992 | Break
1993 | else
1994 | sleep(250);
1995 | end;
1996 | end;
1997 | Next := GetTick + Trunc((Length / MaxB) * 1000);
1998 | end;
1999 | end;
2000 |
2001 | function TBlockSocket.TestStopFlag: Boolean;
2002 | begin
2003 | DoHeartbeat;
2004 | Result := FStopFlag;
2005 | if Result then
2006 | begin
2007 | FStopFlag := False;
2008 | FLastError := WSAECONNABORTED;
2009 | ExceptCheck;
2010 | end;
2011 | end;
2012 |
2013 |
2014 | function TBlockSocket.SendBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Length: Integer): Integer;
2015 | {$IFNDEF CIL}
2016 | var
2017 | x, y: integer;
2018 | l, r: integer;
2019 | p: Pointer;
2020 | {$ENDIF}
2021 | begin
2022 | Result := 0;
2023 | if TestStopFlag then
2024 | Exit;
2025 | DoMonitor(True, Buffer, Length);
2026 | {$IFDEF CIL}
2027 | Result := synsock.Send(FSocket, Buffer, Length, 0);
2028 | {$ELSE}
2029 | l := Length;
2030 | x := 0;
2031 | while x < l do
2032 | begin
2033 | y := l - x;
2034 | if y > FSendMaxChunk then
2035 | y := FSendMaxChunk;
2036 | if y > 0 then
2037 | begin
2038 | LimitBandwidth(y, FMaxSendBandwidth, FNextsend);
2039 | p := IncPoint(Buffer, x);
2040 | r := synsock.Send(FSocket, p, y, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
2041 | SockCheck(r);
2042 | if FLastError = WSAEWOULDBLOCK then
2043 | begin
2044 | if CanWrite(FNonblockSendTimeout) then
2045 | begin
2046 | r := synsock.Send(FSocket, p, y, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
2047 | SockCheck(r);
2048 | end
2049 | else
2050 | FLastError := WSAETIMEDOUT;
2051 | end;
2052 | if FLastError <> 0 then
2053 | Break;
2054 | Inc(x, r);
2055 | Inc(Result, r);
2056 | Inc(FSendCounter, r);
2057 | DoStatus(HR_WriteCount, IntToStr(r));
2058 | end
2059 | else
2060 | break;
2061 | end;
2062 | {$ENDIF}
2063 | ExceptCheck;
2064 | end;
2065 |
2066 | procedure TBlockSocket.SendByte(Data: Byte);
2067 | {$IFDEF CIL}
2068 | var
2069 | buf: TMemory;
2070 | {$ENDIF}
2071 | begin
2072 | {$IFDEF CIL}
2073 | setlength(buf, 1);
2074 | buf[0] := Data;
2075 | SendBuffer(buf, 1);
2076 | {$ELSE}
2077 | SendBuffer(@Data, 1);
2078 | {$ENDIF}
2079 | end;
2080 |
2081 | procedure TBlockSocket.SendString(Data: AnsiString);
2082 | var
2083 | buf: TMemory;
2084 | begin
2085 | {$IFDEF CIL}
2086 | buf := BytesOf(Data);
2087 | {$ELSE}
2088 | buf := Pointer(data);
2089 | {$ENDIF}
2090 | SendBuffer(buf, Length(Data));
2091 | end;
2092 |
2093 | procedure TBlockSocket.SendInteger(Data: integer);
2094 | var
2095 | buf: TMemory;
2096 | begin
2097 | {$IFDEF CIL}
2098 | buf := System.BitConverter.GetBytes(Data);
2099 | {$ELSE}
2100 | buf := @Data;
2101 | {$ENDIF}
2102 | SendBuffer(buf, SizeOf(Data));
2103 | end;
2104 |
2105 | procedure TBlockSocket.SendBlock(const Data: AnsiString);
2106 | var
2107 | i: integer;
2108 | begin
2109 | i := SwapBytes(Length(data));
2110 | SendString(Codelongint(i) + Data);
2111 | end;
2112 |
2113 | procedure TBlockSocket.InternalSendStream(const Stream: TStream; WithSize, Indy: boolean);
2114 | var
2115 | l: integer;
2116 | yr: integer;
2117 | s: AnsiString;
2118 | b: boolean;
2119 | {$IFDEF CIL}
2120 | buf: TMemory;
2121 | {$ENDIF}
2122 | begin
2123 | b := true;
2124 | l := 0;
2125 | if WithSize then
2126 | begin
2127 | l := Stream.Size - Stream.Position;;
2128 | if not Indy then
2129 | l := synsock.HToNL(l);
2130 | end;
2131 | repeat
2132 | {$IFDEF CIL}
2133 | Setlength(buf, FSendMaxChunk);
2134 | yr := Stream.read(buf, FSendMaxChunk);
2135 | if yr > 0 then
2136 | begin
2137 | if WithSize and b then
2138 | begin
2139 | b := false;
2140 | SendString(CodeLongInt(l));
2141 | end;
2142 | SendBuffer(buf, yr);
2143 | if FLastError <> 0 then
2144 | break;
2145 | end
2146 | {$ELSE}
2147 | Setlength(s, FSendMaxChunk);
2148 | yr := Stream.read(Pointer(s)^, FSendMaxChunk);
2149 | if yr > 0 then
2150 | begin
2151 | SetLength(s, yr);
2152 | if WithSize and b then
2153 | begin
2154 | b := false;
2155 | SendString(CodeLongInt(l) + s);
2156 | end
2157 | else
2158 | SendString(s);
2159 | if FLastError <> 0 then
2160 | break;
2161 | end
2162 | {$ENDIF}
2163 | until yr <= 0;
2164 | end;
2165 |
2166 | procedure TBlockSocket.SendStreamRaw(const Stream: TStream);
2167 | begin
2168 | InternalSendStream(Stream, false, false);
2169 | end;
2170 |
2171 | procedure TBlockSocket.SendStreamIndy(const Stream: TStream);
2172 | begin
2173 | InternalSendStream(Stream, true, true);
2174 | end;
2175 |
2176 | procedure TBlockSocket.SendStream(const Stream: TStream);
2177 | begin
2178 | InternalSendStream(Stream, true, false);
2179 | end;
2180 |
2181 | function TBlockSocket.RecvBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Length: Integer): Integer;
2182 | begin
2183 | Result := 0;
2184 | if TestStopFlag then
2185 | Exit;
2186 | LimitBandwidth(Length, FMaxRecvBandwidth, FNextRecv);
2187 | // Result := synsock.Recv(FSocket, Buffer^, Length, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
2188 | Result := synsock.Recv(FSocket, Buffer, Length, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
2189 | if Result = 0 then
2190 | FLastError := WSAECONNRESET
2191 | else
2192 | SockCheck(Result);
2193 | ExceptCheck;
2194 | if Result > 0 then
2195 | begin
2196 | Inc(FRecvCounter, Result);
2197 | DoStatus(HR_ReadCount, IntToStr(Result));
2198 | DoMonitor(False, Buffer, Result);
2199 | DoReadFilter(Buffer, Result);
2200 | end;
2201 | end;
2202 |
2203 | function TBlockSocket.RecvBufferEx(Buffer: TMemory; Len: Integer;
2204 | Timeout: Integer): Integer;
2205 | var
2206 | s: AnsiString;
2207 | rl, l: integer;
2208 | ti: LongWord;
2209 | {$IFDEF CIL}
2210 | n: integer;
2211 | b: TMemory;
2212 | {$ENDIF}
2213 | begin
2214 | ResetLastError;
2215 | Result := 0;
2216 | if Len > 0 then
2217 | begin
2218 | rl := 0;
2219 | repeat
2220 | ti := GetTick;
2221 | s := RecvPacket(Timeout);
2222 | l := Length(s);
2223 | if (rl + l) > Len then
2224 | l := Len - rl;
2225 | {$IFDEF CIL}
2226 | b := BytesOf(s);
2227 | for n := 0 to l do
2228 | Buffer[rl + n] := b[n];
2229 | {$ELSE}
2230 | Move(Pointer(s)^, IncPoint(Buffer, rl)^, l);
2231 | {$ENDIF}
2232 | rl := rl + l;
2233 | if FLastError <> 0 then
2234 | Break;
2235 | if rl >= Len then
2236 | Break;
2237 | if not FInterPacketTimeout then
2238 | begin
2239 | Timeout := Timeout - integer(TickDelta(ti, GetTick));
2240 | if Timeout <= 0 then
2241 | begin
2242 | FLastError := WSAETIMEDOUT;
2243 | Break;
2244 | end;
2245 | end;
2246 | until False;
2247 | delete(s, 1, l);
2248 | FBuffer := s;
2249 | Result := rl;
2250 | end;
2251 | end;
2252 |
2253 | function TBlockSocket.RecvBufferStr(Len: Integer; Timeout: Integer): AnsiString;
2254 | var
2255 | x: integer;
2256 | {$IFDEF CIL}
2257 | buf: Tmemory;
2258 | {$ENDIF}
2259 | begin
2260 | Result := '';
2261 | if Len > 0 then
2262 | begin
2263 | {$IFDEF CIL}
2264 | Setlength(Buf, Len);
2265 | x := RecvBufferEx(buf, Len , Timeout);
2266 | if FLastError = 0 then
2267 | begin
2268 | SetLength(Buf, x);
2269 | Result := StringOf(buf);
2270 | end
2271 | else
2272 | Result := '';
2273 | {$ELSE}
2274 | Setlength(Result, Len);
2275 | x := RecvBufferEx(Pointer(Result), Len , Timeout);
2276 | if FLastError = 0 then
2277 | SetLength(Result, x)
2278 | else
2279 | Result := '';
2280 | {$ENDIF}
2281 | end;
2282 | end;
2283 |
2284 | function TBlockSocket.RecvPacket(Timeout: Integer): AnsiString;
2285 | var
2286 | x: integer;
2287 | {$IFDEF CIL}
2288 | buf: TMemory;
2289 | {$ENDIF}
2290 | begin
2291 | Result := '';
2292 | ResetLastError;
2293 | if FBuffer <> '' then
2294 | begin
2295 | Result := FBuffer;
2296 | FBuffer := '';
2297 | end
2298 | else
2299 | begin
2301 | //not drain CPU on large downloads...
2302 | Sleep(0);
2303 | {$ENDIF}
2304 | x := WaitingData;
2305 | if x > 0 then
2306 | begin
2307 | {$IFDEF CIL}
2308 | SetLength(Buf, x);
2309 | x := RecvBuffer(Buf, x);
2310 | if x >= 0 then
2311 | begin
2312 | SetLength(Buf, x);
2313 | Result := StringOf(Buf);
2314 | end;
2315 | {$ELSE}
2316 | SetLength(Result, x);
2317 | x := RecvBuffer(Pointer(Result), x);
2318 | if x >= 0 then
2319 | SetLength(Result, x);
2320 | {$ENDIF}
2321 | end
2322 | else
2323 | begin
2324 | if CanRead(Timeout) then
2325 | begin
2326 | x := WaitingData;
2327 | if x = 0 then
2328 | FLastError := WSAECONNRESET;
2329 | if x > 0 then
2330 | begin
2331 | {$IFDEF CIL}
2332 | SetLength(Buf, x);
2333 | x := RecvBuffer(Buf, x);
2334 | if x >= 0 then
2335 | begin
2336 | SetLength(Buf, x);
2337 | result := StringOf(Buf);
2338 | end;
2339 | {$ELSE}
2340 | SetLength(Result, x);
2341 | x := RecvBuffer(Pointer(Result), x);
2342 | if x >= 0 then
2343 | SetLength(Result, x);
2344 | {$ENDIF}
2345 | end;
2346 | end
2347 | else
2348 | FLastError := WSAETIMEDOUT;
2349 | end;
2350 | end;
2351 | if FConvertLineEnd and (Result <> '') then
2352 | begin
2353 | if FLastCR and (Result[1] = LF) then
2354 | Delete(Result, 1, 1);
2355 | if FLastLF and (Result[1] = CR) then
2356 | Delete(Result, 1, 1);
2357 | FLastCR := False;
2358 | FLastLF := False;
2359 | end;
2360 | ExceptCheck;
2361 | end;
2362 |
2363 |
2364 | function TBlockSocket.RecvByte(Timeout: Integer): Byte;
2365 | begin
2366 | Result := 0;
2367 | ResetLastError;
2368 | if FBuffer = '' then
2369 | FBuffer := RecvPacket(Timeout);
2370 | if (FLastError = 0) and (FBuffer <> '') then
2371 | begin
2372 | Result := Ord(FBuffer[1]);
2373 | Delete(FBuffer, 1, 1);
2374 | end;
2375 | ExceptCheck;
2376 | end;
2377 |
2378 | function TBlockSocket.RecvInteger(Timeout: Integer): Integer;
2379 | var
2380 | s: AnsiString;
2381 | begin
2382 | Result := 0;
2383 | s := RecvBufferStr(4, Timeout);
2384 | if FLastError = 0 then
2385 | Result := (ord(s[1]) + ord(s[2]) * 256) + (ord(s[3]) + ord(s[4]) * 256) * 65536;
2386 | end;
2387 |
2388 | function TBlockSocket.RecvTerminated(Timeout: Integer; const Terminator: AnsiString): AnsiString;
2389 | var
2390 | x: Integer;
2391 | s: AnsiString;
2392 | l: Integer;
2393 | CorCRLF: Boolean;
2394 | t: AnsiString;
2395 | tl: integer;
2396 | ti: LongWord;
2397 | begin
2398 | ResetLastError;
2399 | Result := '';
2400 | l := Length(Terminator);
2401 | if l = 0 then
2402 | Exit;
2403 | tl := l;
2404 | CorCRLF := FConvertLineEnd and (Terminator = CRLF);
2405 | s := '';
2406 | x := 0;
2407 | repeat
2408 | //get rest of FBuffer or incomming new data...
2409 | ti := GetTick;
2410 | s := s + RecvPacket(Timeout);
2411 | if FLastError <> 0 then
2412 | Break;
2413 | x := 0;
2414 | if Length(s) > 0 then
2415 | if CorCRLF then
2416 | begin
2417 | t := '';
2418 | x := PosCRLF(s, t);
2419 | tl := Length(t);
2420 | if t = CR then
2421 | FLastCR := True;
2422 | if t = LF then
2423 | FLastLF := True;
2424 | end
2425 | else
2426 | begin
2427 | x := pos(Terminator, s);
2428 | tl := l;
2429 | end;
2430 | if (FMaxLineLength <> 0) and (Length(s) > FMaxLineLength) then
2431 | begin
2432 | FLastError := WSAENOBUFS;
2433 | Break;
2434 | end;
2435 | if x > 0 then
2436 | Break;
2437 | if not FInterPacketTimeout then
2438 | begin
2439 | Timeout := Timeout - integer(TickDelta(ti, GetTick));
2440 | if Timeout <= 0 then
2441 | begin
2442 | FLastError := WSAETIMEDOUT;
2443 | Break;
2444 | end;
2445 | end;
2446 | until False;
2447 | if x > 0 then
2448 | begin
2449 | Result := Copy(s, 1, x - 1);
2450 | Delete(s, 1, x + tl - 1);
2451 | end;
2452 | FBuffer := s;
2453 | ExceptCheck;
2454 | end;
2455 |
2456 | function TBlockSocket.RecvString(Timeout: Integer): AnsiString;
2457 | var
2458 | s: AnsiString;
2459 | begin
2460 | Result := '';
2461 | s := RecvTerminated(Timeout, CRLF);
2462 | if FLastError = 0 then
2463 | Result := s;
2464 | end;
2465 |
2466 | function TBlockSocket.RecvBlock(Timeout: Integer): AnsiString;
2467 | var
2468 | x: integer;
2469 | begin
2470 | Result := '';
2471 | x := RecvInteger(Timeout);
2472 | if FLastError = 0 then
2473 | Result := RecvBufferStr(x, Timeout);
2474 | end;
2475 |
2476 | procedure TBlockSocket.RecvStreamRaw(const Stream: TStream; Timeout: Integer);
2477 | var
2478 | s: AnsiString;
2479 | begin
2480 | repeat
2481 | s := RecvPacket(Timeout);
2482 | if FLastError = 0 then
2483 | WriteStrToStream(Stream, s);
2484 | until FLastError <> 0;
2485 | end;
2486 |
2487 | procedure TBlockSocket.RecvStreamSize(const Stream: TStream; Timeout: Integer; Size: Integer);
2488 | var
2489 | s: AnsiString;
2490 | n: integer;
2491 | {$IFDEF CIL}
2492 | buf: TMemory;
2493 | {$ENDIF}
2494 | begin
2495 | for n := 1 to (Size div FSendMaxChunk) do
2496 | begin
2497 | {$IFDEF CIL}
2498 | SetLength(buf, FSendMaxChunk);
2499 | RecvBufferEx(buf, FSendMaxChunk, Timeout);
2500 | if FLastError <> 0 then
2501 | Exit;
2502 | Stream.Write(buf, FSendMaxChunk);
2503 | {$ELSE}
2504 | s := RecvBufferStr(FSendMaxChunk, Timeout);
2505 | if FLastError <> 0 then
2506 | Exit;
2507 | WriteStrToStream(Stream, s);
2508 | {$ENDIF}
2509 | end;
2510 | n := Size mod FSendMaxChunk;
2511 | if n > 0 then
2512 | begin
2513 | {$IFDEF CIL}
2514 | SetLength(buf, n);
2515 | RecvBufferEx(buf, n, Timeout);
2516 | if FLastError <> 0 then
2517 | Exit;
2518 | Stream.Write(buf, n);
2519 | {$ELSE}
2520 | s := RecvBufferStr(n, Timeout);
2521 | if FLastError <> 0 then
2522 | Exit;
2523 | WriteStrToStream(Stream, s);
2524 | {$ENDIF}
2525 | end;
2526 | end;
2527 |
2528 | procedure TBlockSocket.RecvStreamIndy(const Stream: TStream; Timeout: Integer);
2529 | var
2530 | x: integer;
2531 | begin
2532 | x := RecvInteger(Timeout);
2533 | x := synsock.NToHL(x);
2534 | if FLastError = 0 then
2535 | RecvStreamSize(Stream, Timeout, x);
2536 | end;
2537 |
2538 | procedure TBlockSocket.RecvStream(const Stream: TStream; Timeout: Integer);
2539 | var
2540 | x: integer;
2541 | begin
2542 | x := RecvInteger(Timeout);
2543 | if FLastError = 0 then
2544 | RecvStreamSize(Stream, Timeout, x);
2545 | end;
2546 |
2547 | function TBlockSocket.PeekBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Length: Integer): Integer;
2548 | begin
2549 | {$IFNDEF CIL}
2550 | // Result := synsock.Recv(FSocket, Buffer^, Length, MSG_PEEK + MSG_NOSIGNAL);
2551 | Result := synsock.Recv(FSocket, Buffer, Length, MSG_PEEK + MSG_NOSIGNAL);
2552 | SockCheck(Result);
2553 | ExceptCheck;
2554 | {$ENDIF}
2555 | end;
2556 |
2557 | function TBlockSocket.PeekByte(Timeout: Integer): Byte;
2558 | var
2559 | s: string;
2560 | begin
2561 | {$IFNDEF CIL}
2562 | Result := 0;
2563 | if CanRead(Timeout) then
2564 | begin
2565 | SetLength(s, 1);
2566 | PeekBuffer(Pointer(s), 1);
2567 | if s <> '' then
2568 | Result := Ord(s[1]);
2569 | end
2570 | else
2571 | FLastError := WSAETIMEDOUT;
2572 | ExceptCheck;
2573 | {$ENDIF}
2574 | end;
2575 |
2576 | procedure TBlockSocket.ResetLastError;
2577 | begin
2578 | FLastError := 0;
2579 | FLastErrorDesc := '';
2580 | end;
2581 |
2582 | function TBlockSocket.SockCheck(SockResult: Integer): Integer;
2583 | begin
2584 | ResetLastError;
2585 | if SockResult = integer(SOCKET_ERROR) then
2586 | begin
2587 | FLastError := synsock.WSAGetLastError;
2588 | FLastErrorDesc := GetErrorDescEx;
2589 | end;
2590 | Result := FLastError;
2591 | end;
2592 |
2593 | procedure TBlockSocket.ExceptCheck;
2594 | var
2595 | e: ESynapseError;
2596 | begin
2597 | FLastErrorDesc := GetErrorDescEx;
2598 | if (LastError <> 0) and (LastError <> WSAEINPROGRESS)
2599 | and (LastError <> WSAEWOULDBLOCK) then
2600 | begin
2601 | DoStatus(HR_Error, IntToStr(FLastError) + ',' + FLastErrorDesc);
2602 | if FRaiseExcept then
2603 | begin
2604 | e := ESynapseError.Create(Format('Synapse TCP/IP Socket error %d: %s',
2605 | [FLastError, FLastErrorDesc]));
2606 | e.ErrorCode := FLastError;
2607 | e.ErrorMessage := FLastErrorDesc;
2608 | raise e;
2609 | end;
2610 | end;
2611 | end;
2612 |
2613 | function TBlockSocket.WaitingData: Integer;
2614 | var
2615 | x: Integer;
2616 | begin
2617 | Result := 0;
2618 | if synsock.IoctlSocket(FSocket, FIONREAD, x) = 0 then
2619 | Result := x;
2620 | if Result > c64k then
2621 | Result := c64k;
2622 | end;
2623 |
2624 | function TBlockSocket.WaitingDataEx: Integer;
2625 | begin
2626 | if FBuffer <> '' then
2627 | Result := Length(FBuffer)
2628 | else
2629 | Result := WaitingData;
2630 | end;
2631 |
2632 | procedure TBlockSocket.Purge;
2633 | begin
2634 | Sleep(1);
2635 | try
2636 | while (Length(FBuffer) > 0) or (WaitingData > 0) do
2637 | begin
2638 | RecvPacket(0);
2639 | if FLastError <> 0 then
2640 | break;
2641 | end;
2642 | except
2643 | on exception do;
2644 | end;
2645 | ResetLastError;
2646 | end;
2647 |
2648 | procedure TBlockSocket.SetLinger(Enable: Boolean; Linger: Integer);
2649 | var
2650 | d: TSynaOption;
2651 | begin
2652 | d := TSynaOption.Create;
2653 | d.Option := SOT_Linger;
2654 | d.Enabled := Enable;
2655 | d.Value := Linger;
2656 | DelayedOption(d);
2657 | end;
2658 |
2659 | function TBlockSocket.LocalName: string;
2660 | begin
2661 | Result := synsock.GetHostName;
2662 | if Result = '' then
2663 | Result := '';
2664 | end;
2665 |
2666 | procedure TBlockSocket.ResolveNameToIP(Name: string; const IPList: TStrings);
2667 | begin
2668 | IPList.Clear;
2669 | synsock.ResolveNameToIP(Name, FamilyToAF(FFamily), GetSocketprotocol, GetSocketType, IPList);
2670 | if IPList.Count = 0 then
2671 | IPList.Add(cAnyHost);
2672 | end;
2673 |
2674 | function TBlockSocket.ResolveName(Name: string): string;
2675 | var
2676 | l: TStringList;
2677 | begin
2678 | l := TStringList.Create;
2679 | try
2680 | ResolveNameToIP(Name, l);
2681 | Result := l[0];
2682 | finally
2683 | l.Free;
2684 | end;
2685 | end;
2686 |
2687 | function TBlockSocket.ResolvePort(Port: string): Word;
2688 | begin
2689 | Result := synsock.ResolvePort(Port, FamilyToAF(FFamily), GetSocketProtocol, GetSocketType);
2690 | end;
2691 |
2692 | function TBlockSocket.ResolveIPToName(IP: string): string;
2693 | begin
2694 | if not IsIP(IP) and not IsIp6(IP) then
2695 | IP := ResolveName(IP);
2696 | Result := synsock.ResolveIPToName(IP, FamilyToAF(FFamily), GetSocketProtocol, GetSocketType);
2697 | end;
2698 |
2699 | procedure TBlockSocket.SetRemoteSin(IP, Port: string);
2700 | begin
2701 | SetSin(FRemoteSin, IP, Port);
2702 | end;
2703 |
2704 | function TBlockSocket.GetLocalSinIP: string;
2705 | begin
2706 | Result := GetSinIP(FLocalSin);
2707 | end;
2708 |
2709 | function TBlockSocket.GetRemoteSinIP: string;
2710 | begin
2711 | Result := GetSinIP(FRemoteSin);
2712 | end;
2713 |
2714 | function TBlockSocket.GetLocalSinPort: Integer;
2715 | begin
2716 | Result := GetSinPort(FLocalSin);
2717 | end;
2718 |
2719 | function TBlockSocket.GetRemoteSinPort: Integer;
2720 | begin
2721 | Result := GetSinPort(FRemoteSin);
2722 | end;
2723 |
2724 | function TBlockSocket.InternalCanRead(Timeout: Integer): Boolean;
2725 | {$IFDEF CIL}
2726 | begin
2727 | Result := FSocket.Poll(Timeout * 1000, SelectMode.SelectRead);
2728 | {$ELSE}
2729 | var
2730 | TimeVal: PTimeVal;
2731 | TimeV: TTimeVal;
2732 | x: Integer;
2733 | FDSet: TFDSet;
2734 | begin
2735 | TimeV.tv_usec := (Timeout mod 1000) * 1000;
2736 | TimeV.tv_sec := Timeout div 1000;
2737 | TimeVal := @TimeV;
2738 | if Timeout = -1 then
2739 | TimeVal := nil;
2740 | FDSet := FFdSet;
2741 | x := synsock.Select(FSocket + 1, @FDSet, nil, nil, TimeVal);
2742 | SockCheck(x);
2743 | if FLastError <> 0 then
2744 | x := 0;
2745 | Result := x > 0;
2746 | {$ENDIF}
2747 | end;
2748 |
2749 | function TBlockSocket.CanRead(Timeout: Integer): Boolean;
2750 | var
2751 | ti, tr: Integer;
2752 | n: integer;
2753 | begin
2754 | if (FHeartbeatRate <> 0) and (Timeout <> -1) then
2755 | begin
2756 | ti := Timeout div FHeartbeatRate;
2757 | tr := Timeout mod FHeartbeatRate;
2758 | end
2759 | else
2760 | begin
2761 | ti := 0;
2762 | tr := Timeout;
2763 | end;
2764 | Result := InternalCanRead(tr);
2765 | if not Result then
2766 | for n := 0 to ti do
2767 | begin
2768 | DoHeartbeat;
2769 | if FStopFlag then
2770 | begin
2771 | Result := False;
2772 | FStopFlag := False;
2773 | Break;
2774 | end;
2775 | Result := InternalCanRead(FHeartbeatRate);
2776 | if Result then
2777 | break;
2778 | end;
2779 | ExceptCheck;
2780 | if Result then
2781 | DoStatus(HR_CanRead, '');
2782 | end;
2783 |
2784 | function TBlockSocket.CanWrite(Timeout: Integer): Boolean;
2785 | {$IFDEF CIL}
2786 | begin
2787 | Result := FSocket.Poll(Timeout * 1000, SelectMode.SelectWrite);
2788 | {$ELSE}
2789 | var
2790 | TimeVal: PTimeVal;
2791 | TimeV: TTimeVal;
2792 | x: Integer;
2793 | FDSet: TFDSet;
2794 | begin
2795 | TimeV.tv_usec := (Timeout mod 1000) * 1000;
2796 | TimeV.tv_sec := Timeout div 1000;
2797 | TimeVal := @TimeV;
2798 | if Timeout = -1 then
2799 | TimeVal := nil;
2800 | FDSet := FFdSet;
2801 | x := synsock.Select(FSocket + 1, nil, @FDSet, nil, TimeVal);
2802 | SockCheck(x);
2803 | if FLastError <> 0 then
2804 | x := 0;
2805 | Result := x > 0;
2806 | {$ENDIF}
2807 | ExceptCheck;
2808 | if Result then
2809 | DoStatus(HR_CanWrite, '');
2810 | end;
2811 |
2812 | function TBlockSocket.CanReadEx(Timeout: Integer): Boolean;
2813 | begin
2814 | if FBuffer <> '' then
2815 | Result := True
2816 | else
2817 | Result := CanRead(Timeout);
2818 | end;
2819 |
2820 | function TBlockSocket.SendBufferTo(Buffer: TMemory; Length: Integer): Integer;
2821 | begin
2822 | Result := 0;
2823 | if TestStopFlag then
2824 | Exit;
2825 | DoMonitor(True, Buffer, Length);
2826 | LimitBandwidth(Length, FMaxSendBandwidth, FNextsend);
2827 | Result := synsock.SendTo(FSocket, Buffer, Length, MSG_NOSIGNAL, FRemoteSin);
2828 | SockCheck(Result);
2829 | ExceptCheck;
2830 | Inc(FSendCounter, Result);
2831 | DoStatus(HR_WriteCount, IntToStr(Result));
2832 | end;
2833 |
2834 | function TBlockSocket.RecvBufferFrom(Buffer: TMemory; Length: Integer): Integer;
2835 | begin
2836 | Result := 0;
2837 | if TestStopFlag then
2838 | Exit;
2839 | LimitBandwidth(Length, FMaxRecvBandwidth, FNextRecv);
2840 | Result := synsock.RecvFrom(FSocket, Buffer, Length, MSG_NOSIGNAL, FRemoteSin);
2841 | SockCheck(Result);
2842 | ExceptCheck;
2843 | Inc(FRecvCounter, Result);
2844 | DoStatus(HR_ReadCount, IntToStr(Result));
2845 | DoMonitor(False, Buffer, Result);
2846 | end;
2847 |
2848 | function TBlockSocket.GetSizeRecvBuffer: Integer;
2849 | var
2850 | l: Integer;
2851 | {$IFDEF CIL}
2852 | buf: TMemory;
2853 | {$ENDIF}
2854 | begin
2855 | {$IFDEF CIL}
2856 | setlength(buf, 4);
2857 | SockCheck(synsock.GetSockOpt(FSocket, integer(SOL_SOCKET), integer(SO_RCVBUF), buf, l));
2858 | Result := System.BitConverter.ToInt32(buf,0);
2859 | {$ELSE}
2860 | l := SizeOf(Result);
2861 | SockCheck(synsock.GetSockOpt(FSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, @Result, l));
2862 | if FLastError <> 0 then
2863 | Result := 1024;
2864 | ExceptCheck;
2865 | {$ENDIF}
2866 | end;
2867 |
2868 | procedure TBlockSocket.SetSizeRecvBuffer(Size: Integer);
2869 | var
2870 | d: TSynaOption;
2871 | begin
2872 | d := TSynaOption.Create;
2873 | d.Option := SOT_RecvBuff;
2874 | d.Value := Size;
2875 | DelayedOption(d);
2876 | end;
2877 |
2878 | function TBlockSocket.GetSizeSendBuffer: Integer;
2879 | var
2880 | l: Integer;
2881 | {$IFDEF CIL}
2882 | buf: TMemory;
2883 | {$ENDIF}
2884 | begin
2885 | {$IFDEF CIL}
2886 | setlength(buf, 4);
2887 | SockCheck(synsock.GetSockOpt(FSocket, integer(SOL_SOCKET), integer(SO_SNDBUF), buf, l));
2888 | Result := System.BitConverter.ToInt32(buf,0);
2889 | {$ELSE}
2890 | l := SizeOf(Result);
2891 | SockCheck(synsock.GetSockOpt(FSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, @Result, l));
2892 | if FLastError <> 0 then
2893 | Result := 1024;
2894 | ExceptCheck;
2895 | {$ENDIF}
2896 | end;
2897 |
2898 | procedure TBlockSocket.SetSizeSendBuffer(Size: Integer);
2899 | var
2900 | d: TSynaOption;
2901 | begin
2902 | d := TSynaOption.Create;
2903 | d.Option := SOT_SendBuff;
2904 | d.Value := Size;
2905 | DelayedOption(d);
2906 | end;
2907 |
2908 | procedure TBlockSocket.SetNonBlockMode(Value: Boolean);
2909 | var
2910 | d: TSynaOption;
2911 | begin
2912 | d := TSynaOption.Create;
2913 | d.Option := SOT_nonblock;
2914 | d.Enabled := Value;
2915 | DelayedOption(d);
2916 | end;
2917 |
2918 | procedure TBlockSocket.SetTimeout(Timeout: Integer);
2919 | begin
2920 | SetSendTimeout(Timeout);
2921 | SetRecvTimeout(Timeout);
2922 | end;
2923 |
2924 | procedure TBlockSocket.SetSendTimeout(Timeout: Integer);
2925 | var
2926 | d: TSynaOption;
2927 | begin
2928 | d := TSynaOption.Create;
2929 | d.Option := SOT_sendtimeout;
2930 | d.Value := Timeout;
2931 | DelayedOption(d);
2932 | end;
2933 |
2934 | procedure TBlockSocket.SetRecvTimeout(Timeout: Integer);
2935 | var
2936 | d: TSynaOption;
2937 | begin
2938 | d := TSynaOption.Create;
2939 | d.Option := SOT_recvtimeout;
2940 | d.Value := Timeout;
2941 | DelayedOption(d);
2942 | end;
2943 |
2944 | {$IFNDEF CIL}
2945 | function TBlockSocket.GroupCanRead(const SocketList: TList; Timeout: Integer;
2946 | const CanReadList: TList): boolean;
2947 | var
2948 | FDSet: TFDSet;
2949 | TimeVal: PTimeVal;
2950 | TimeV: TTimeVal;
2951 | x, n: Integer;
2952 | Max: Integer;
2953 | begin
2954 | TimeV.tv_usec := (Timeout mod 1000) * 1000;
2955 | TimeV.tv_sec := Timeout div 1000;
2956 | TimeVal := @TimeV;
2957 | if Timeout = -1 then
2958 | TimeVal := nil;
2959 | FD_ZERO(FDSet);
2960 | Max := 0;
2961 | for n := 0 to SocketList.Count - 1 do
2962 | if TObject(SocketList.Items[n]) is TBlockSocket then
2963 | begin
2964 | if TBlockSocket(SocketList.Items[n]).Socket > Max then
2965 | Max := TBlockSocket(SocketList.Items[n]).Socket;
2966 | FD_SET(TBlockSocket(SocketList.Items[n]).Socket, FDSet);
2967 | end;
2968 | x := synsock.Select(Max + 1, @FDSet, nil, nil, TimeVal);
2969 | SockCheck(x);
2970 | ExceptCheck;
2971 | if FLastError <> 0 then
2972 | x := 0;
2973 | Result := x > 0;
2974 | CanReadList.Clear;
2975 | if Result then
2976 | for n := 0 to SocketList.Count - 1 do
2977 | if TObject(SocketList.Items[n]) is TBlockSocket then
2978 | if FD_ISSET(TBlockSocket(SocketList.Items[n]).Socket, FDSet) then
2979 | CanReadList.Add(TBlockSocket(SocketList.Items[n]));
2980 | end;
2981 | {$ENDIF}
2982 |
2983 | procedure TBlockSocket.EnableReuse(Value: Boolean);
2984 | var
2985 | d: TSynaOption;
2986 | begin
2987 | d := TSynaOption.Create;
2988 | d.Option := SOT_reuse;
2989 | d.Enabled := Value;
2990 | DelayedOption(d);
2991 | end;
2992 |
2993 | procedure TBlockSocket.SetTTL(TTL: integer);
2994 | var
2995 | d: TSynaOption;
2996 | begin
2997 | d := TSynaOption.Create;
2998 | d.Option := SOT_TTL;
2999 | d.Value := TTL;
3000 | DelayedOption(d);
3001 | end;
3002 |
3003 | function TBlockSocket.GetTTL:integer;
3004 | var
3005 | l: Integer;
3006 | begin
3007 | {$IFNDEF CIL}
3008 | l := SizeOf(Result);
3009 | if FIP6Used then
3010 | synsock.GetSockOpt(FSocket, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS, @Result, l)
3011 | else
3012 | synsock.GetSockOpt(FSocket, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TTL, @Result, l);
3013 | {$ENDIF}
3014 | end;
3015 |
3016 | procedure TBlockSocket.SetFamily(Value: TSocketFamily);
3017 | begin
3018 | FFamily := Value;
3019 | FFamilySave := Value;
3020 | end;
3021 |
3022 | procedure TBlockSocket.SetSocket(Value: TSocket);
3023 | begin
3024 | FRecvCounter := 0;
3025 | FSendCounter := 0;
3026 | FSocket := Value;
3027 | {$IFNDEF CIL}
3028 | FD_ZERO(FFDSet);
3029 | FD_SET(FSocket, FFDSet);
3030 | {$ENDIF}
3031 | GetSins;
3032 | FIP6Used := FRemoteSin.AddressFamily = AF_INET6;
3033 | end;
3034 |
3035 | function TBlockSocket.GetWsaData: TWSAData;
3036 | begin
3038 | Result := WsaDataOnce;
3039 | {$ELSE}
3040 | Result := FWsaDataOnce;
3041 | {$ENDIF}
3042 | end;
3043 |
3044 | function TBlockSocket.GetSocketType: integer;
3045 | begin
3046 | Result := 0;
3047 | end;
3048 |
3049 | function TBlockSocket.GetSocketProtocol: integer;
3050 | begin
3051 | Result := integer(IPPROTO_IP);
3052 | end;
3053 |
3054 | procedure TBlockSocket.DoStatus(Reason: THookSocketReason; const Value: string);
3055 | begin
3056 | if assigned(OnStatus) then
3057 | OnStatus(Self, Reason, Value);
3058 | end;
3059 |
3060 | procedure TBlockSocket.DoReadFilter(Buffer: TMemory; var Len: Integer);
3061 | var
3062 | s: AnsiString;
3063 | begin
3064 | if assigned(OnReadFilter) then
3065 | if Len > 0 then
3066 | begin
3067 | {$IFDEF CIL}
3068 | s := StringOf(Buffer);
3069 | {$ELSE}
3070 | SetLength(s, Len);
3071 | Move(Buffer^, Pointer(s)^, Len);
3072 | {$ENDIF}
3073 | OnReadFilter(Self, s);
3074 | if Length(s) > Len then
3075 | SetLength(s, Len);
3076 | Len := Length(s);
3077 | {$IFDEF CIL}
3078 | Buffer := BytesOf(s);
3079 | {$ELSE}
3080 | Move(Pointer(s)^, Buffer^, Len);
3081 | {$ENDIF}
3082 | end;
3083 | end;
3084 |
3085 | procedure TBlockSocket.DoCreateSocket;
3086 | begin
3087 | if assigned(OnCreateSocket) then
3088 | OnCreateSocket(Self);
3089 | end;
3090 |
3091 | procedure TBlockSocket.DoMonitor(Writing: Boolean; const Buffer: TMemory; Len: Integer);
3092 | begin
3093 | if assigned(OnMonitor) then
3094 | begin
3095 | OnMonitor(Self, Writing, Buffer, Len);
3096 | end;
3097 | end;
3098 |
3099 | procedure TBlockSocket.DoHeartbeat;
3100 | begin
3101 | if assigned(OnHeartbeat) and (FHeartbeatRate <> 0) then
3102 | begin
3103 | OnHeartbeat(Self);
3104 | end;
3105 | end;
3106 |
3107 | function TBlockSocket.GetErrorDescEx: string;
3108 | begin
3109 | Result := GetErrorDesc(FLastError);
3110 | end;
3111 |
3112 | class function TBlockSocket.GetErrorDesc(ErrorCode: Integer): string;
3113 | begin
3114 | {$IFDEF CIL}
3115 | if ErrorCode = 0 then
3116 | Result := ''
3117 | else
3118 | begin
3119 | Result := WSAGetLastErrorDesc;
3120 | if Result = '' then
3121 | Result := 'Other Winsock error (' + IntToStr(ErrorCode) + ')';
3122 | end;
3123 | {$ELSE}
3124 | case ErrorCode of
3125 | 0:
3126 | Result := '';
3127 | WSAEINTR: {10004}
3128 | Result := 'Interrupted system call';
3129 | WSAEBADF: {10009}
3130 | Result := 'Bad file number';
3131 | WSAEACCES: {10013}
3132 | Result := 'Permission denied';
3133 | WSAEFAULT: {10014}
3134 | Result := 'Bad address';
3135 | WSAEINVAL: {10022}
3136 | Result := 'Invalid argument';
3137 | WSAEMFILE: {10024}
3138 | Result := 'Too many open files';
3139 | WSAEWOULDBLOCK: {10035}
3140 | Result := 'Operation would block';
3141 | WSAEINPROGRESS: {10036}
3142 | Result := 'Operation now in progress';
3143 | WSAEALREADY: {10037}
3144 | Result := 'Operation already in progress';
3145 | WSAENOTSOCK: {10038}
3146 | Result := 'Socket operation on nonsocket';
3147 | WSAEDESTADDRREQ: {10039}
3148 | Result := 'Destination address required';
3149 | WSAEMSGSIZE: {10040}
3150 | Result := 'Message too long';
3151 | WSAEPROTOTYPE: {10041}
3152 | Result := 'Protocol wrong type for Socket';
3153 | WSAENOPROTOOPT: {10042}
3154 | Result := 'Protocol not available';
3156 | Result := 'Protocol not supported';
3158 | Result := 'Socket not supported';
3159 | WSAEOPNOTSUPP: {10045}
3160 | Result := 'Operation not supported on Socket';
3161 | WSAEPFNOSUPPORT: {10046}
3162 | Result := 'Protocol family not supported';
3163 | WSAEAFNOSUPPORT: {10047}
3164 | Result := 'Address family not supported';
3165 | WSAEADDRINUSE: {10048}
3166 | Result := 'Address already in use';
3167 | WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL: {10049}
3168 | Result := 'Can''t assign requested address';
3169 | WSAENETDOWN: {10050}
3170 | Result := 'Network is down';
3171 | WSAENETUNREACH: {10051}
3172 | Result := 'Network is unreachable';
3173 | WSAENETRESET: {10052}
3174 | Result := 'Network dropped connection on reset';
3175 | WSAECONNABORTED: {10053}
3176 | Result := 'Software caused connection abort';
3177 | WSAECONNRESET: {10054}
3178 | Result := 'Connection reset by peer';
3179 | WSAENOBUFS: {10055}
3180 | Result := 'No Buffer space available';
3181 | WSAEISCONN: {10056}
3182 | Result := 'Socket is already connected';
3183 | WSAENOTCONN: {10057}
3184 | Result := 'Socket is not connected';
3185 | WSAESHUTDOWN: {10058}
3186 | Result := 'Can''t send after Socket shutdown';
3187 | WSAETOOMANYREFS: {10059}
3188 | Result := 'Too many references:can''t splice';
3189 | WSAETIMEDOUT: {10060}
3190 | Result := 'Connection timed out';
3191 | WSAECONNREFUSED: {10061}
3192 | Result := 'Connection refused';
3193 | WSAELOOP: {10062}
3194 | Result := 'Too many levels of symbolic links';
3195 | WSAENAMETOOLONG: {10063}
3196 | Result := 'File name is too long';
3197 | WSAEHOSTDOWN: {10064}
3198 | Result := 'Host is down';
3199 | WSAEHOSTUNREACH: {10065}
3200 | Result := 'No route to host';
3201 | WSAENOTEMPTY: {10066}
3202 | Result := 'Directory is not empty';
3203 | WSAEPROCLIM: {10067}
3204 | Result := 'Too many processes';
3205 | WSAEUSERS: {10068}
3206 | Result := 'Too many users';
3207 | WSAEDQUOT: {10069}
3208 | Result := 'Disk quota exceeded';
3209 | WSAESTALE: {10070}
3210 | Result := 'Stale NFS file handle';
3211 | WSAEREMOTE: {10071}
3212 | Result := 'Too many levels of remote in path';
3213 | WSASYSNOTREADY: {10091}
3214 | Result := 'Network subsystem is unusable';
3216 | Result := 'Winsock DLL cannot support this application';
3218 | Result := 'Winsock not initialized';
3219 | WSAEDISCON: {10101}
3220 | Result := 'Disconnect';
3221 | WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND: {11001}
3222 | Result := 'Host not found';
3223 | WSATRY_AGAIN: {11002}
3224 | Result := 'Non authoritative - host not found';
3225 | WSANO_RECOVERY: {11003}
3226 | Result := 'Non recoverable error';
3227 | WSANO_DATA: {11004}
3228 | Result := 'Valid name, no data record of requested type'
3229 | else
3230 | Result := 'Other Winsock error (' + IntToStr(ErrorCode) + ')';
3231 | end;
3232 | {$ENDIF}
3233 | end;
3234 |
3235 | {======================================================================}
3236 |
3237 | constructor TSocksBlockSocket.Create;
3238 | begin
3239 | inherited Create;
3240 | FSocksIP:= '';
3241 | FSocksPort:= '1080';
3242 | FSocksTimeout:= 60000;
3243 | FSocksUsername:= '';
3244 | FSocksPassword:= '';
3245 | FUsingSocks := False;
3246 | FSocksResolver := True;
3247 | FSocksLastError := 0;
3248 | FSocksResponseIP := '';
3249 | FSocksResponsePort := '';
3250 | FSocksLocalIP := '';
3251 | FSocksLocalPort := '';
3252 | FSocksRemoteIP := '';
3253 | FSocksRemotePort := '';
3254 | FBypassFlag := False;
3255 | FSocksType := ST_Socks5;
3256 | end;
3257 |
3258 | function TSocksBlockSocket.SocksOpen: boolean;
3259 | var
3260 | Buf: AnsiString;
3261 | n: integer;
3262 | begin
3263 | Result := False;
3264 | FUsingSocks := False;
3265 | if FSocksType <> ST_Socks5 then
3266 | begin
3267 | FUsingSocks := True;
3268 | Result := True;
3269 | end
3270 | else
3271 | begin
3272 | FBypassFlag := True;
3273 | try
3274 | if FSocksUsername = '' then
3275 | Buf := #5 + #1 + #0
3276 | else
3277 | Buf := #5 + #2 + #2 +#0;
3278 | SendString(Buf);
3279 | Buf := RecvBufferStr(2, FSocksTimeout);
3280 | if Length(Buf) < 2 then
3281 | Exit;
3282 | if Buf[1] <> #5 then
3283 | Exit;
3284 | n := Ord(Buf[2]);
3285 | case n of
3286 | 0: //not need authorisation
3287 | ;
3288 | 2:
3289 | begin
3290 | Buf := #1 + AnsiChar(Length(FSocksUsername)) + FSocksUsername
3291 | + AnsiChar(Length(FSocksPassword)) + FSocksPassword;
3292 | SendString(Buf);
3293 | Buf := RecvBufferStr(2, FSocksTimeout);
3294 | if Length(Buf) < 2 then
3295 | Exit;
3296 | if Buf[2] <> #0 then
3297 | Exit;
3298 | end;
3299 | else
3300 | //other authorisation is not supported!
3301 | Exit;
3302 | end;
3303 | FUsingSocks := True;
3304 | Result := True;
3305 | finally
3306 | FBypassFlag := False;
3307 | end;
3308 | end;
3309 | end;
3310 |
3311 | function TSocksBlockSocket.SocksRequest(Cmd: Byte;
3312 | const IP, Port: string): Boolean;
3313 | var
3314 | Buf: AnsiString;
3315 | begin
3316 | FBypassFlag := True;
3317 | try
3318 | if FSocksType <> ST_Socks5 then
3319 | Buf := #4 + AnsiChar(Cmd) + SocksCode(IP, Port)
3320 | else
3321 | Buf := #5 + AnsiChar(Cmd) + #0 + SocksCode(IP, Port);
3322 | SendString(Buf);
3323 | Result := FLastError = 0;
3324 | finally
3325 | FBypassFlag := False;
3326 | end;
3327 | end;
3328 |
3329 | function TSocksBlockSocket.SocksResponse: Boolean;
3330 | var
3331 | Buf, s: AnsiString;
3332 | x: integer;
3333 | begin
3334 | Result := False;
3335 | FBypassFlag := True;
3336 | try
3337 | FSocksResponseIP := '';
3338 | FSocksResponsePort := '';
3339 | FSocksLastError := -1;
3340 | if FSocksType <> ST_Socks5 then
3341 | begin
3342 | Buf := RecvBufferStr(8, FSocksTimeout);
3343 | if FLastError <> 0 then
3344 | Exit;
3345 | if Buf[1] <> #0 then
3346 | Exit;
3347 | FSocksLastError := Ord(Buf[2]);
3348 | end
3349 | else
3350 | begin
3351 | Buf := RecvBufferStr(4, FSocksTimeout);
3352 | if FLastError <> 0 then
3353 | Exit;
3354 | if Buf[1] <> #5 then
3355 | Exit;
3356 | case Ord(Buf[4]) of
3357 | 1:
3358 | s := RecvBufferStr(4, FSocksTimeout);
3359 | 3:
3360 | begin
3361 | x := RecvByte(FSocksTimeout);
3362 | if FLastError <> 0 then
3363 | Exit;
3364 | s := AnsiChar(x) + RecvBufferStr(x, FSocksTimeout);
3365 | end;
3366 | 4:
3367 | s := RecvBufferStr(16, FSocksTimeout);
3368 | else
3369 | Exit;
3370 | end;
3371 | Buf := Buf + s + RecvBufferStr(2, FSocksTimeout);
3372 | if FLastError <> 0 then
3373 | Exit;
3374 | FSocksLastError := Ord(Buf[2]);
3375 | end;
3376 | if ((FSocksLastError <> 0) and (FSocksLastError <> 90)) then
3377 | Exit;
3378 | SocksDecode(Buf);
3379 | Result := True;
3380 | finally
3381 | FBypassFlag := False;
3382 | end;
3383 | end;
3384 |
3385 | function TSocksBlockSocket.SocksCode(IP, Port: string): Ansistring;
3386 | var
3387 | ip6: TIp6Bytes;
3388 | n: integer;
3389 | begin
3390 | if FSocksType <> ST_Socks5 then
3391 | begin
3392 | Result := CodeInt(ResolvePort(Port));
3393 | if not FSocksResolver then
3394 | IP := ResolveName(IP);
3395 | if IsIP(IP) then
3396 | begin
3397 | Result := Result + IPToID(IP);
3398 | Result := Result + FSocksUsername + #0;
3399 | end
3400 | else
3401 | begin
3402 | Result := Result + IPToID('');
3403 | Result := Result + FSocksUsername + #0;
3404 | Result := Result + IP + #0;
3405 | end;
3406 | end
3407 | else
3408 | begin
3409 | if not FSocksResolver then
3410 | IP := ResolveName(IP);
3411 | if IsIP(IP) then
3412 | Result := #1 + IPToID(IP)
3413 | else
3414 | if IsIP6(IP) then
3415 | begin
3416 | ip6 := StrToIP6(IP);
3417 | Result := #4;
3418 | for n := 0 to 15 do
3419 | Result := Result + AnsiChar(ip6[n]);
3420 | end
3421 | else
3422 | Result := #3 + AnsiChar(Length(IP)) + IP;
3423 | Result := Result + CodeInt(ResolvePort(Port));
3424 | end;
3425 | end;
3426 |
3427 | function TSocksBlockSocket.SocksDecode(Value: Ansistring): integer;
3428 | var
3429 | Atyp: Byte;
3430 | y, n: integer;
3431 | w: Word;
3432 | ip6: TIp6Bytes;
3433 | begin
3434 | FSocksResponsePort := '0';
3435 | Result := 0;
3436 | if FSocksType <> ST_Socks5 then
3437 | begin
3438 | if Length(Value) < 8 then
3439 | Exit;
3440 | Result := 3;
3441 | w := DecodeInt(Value, Result);
3442 | FSocksResponsePort := IntToStr(w);
3443 | FSocksResponseIP := Format('%d.%d.%d.%d',
3444 | [Ord(Value[5]), Ord(Value[6]), Ord(Value[7]), Ord(Value[8])]);
3445 | Result := 9;
3446 | end
3447 | else
3448 | begin
3449 | if Length(Value) < 4 then
3450 | Exit;
3451 | Atyp := Ord(Value[4]);
3452 | Result := 5;
3453 | case Atyp of
3454 | 1:
3455 | begin
3456 | if Length(Value) < 10 then
3457 | Exit;
3458 | FSocksResponseIP := Format('%d.%d.%d.%d',
3459 | [Ord(Value[5]), Ord(Value[6]), Ord(Value[7]), Ord(Value[8])]);
3460 | Result := 9;
3461 | end;
3462 | 3:
3463 | begin
3464 | y := Ord(Value[5]);
3465 | if Length(Value) < (5 + y + 2) then
3466 | Exit;
3467 | for n := 6 to 6 + y - 1 do
3468 | FSocksResponseIP := FSocksResponseIP + Value[n];
3469 | Result := 5 + y + 1;
3470 | end;
3471 | 4:
3472 | begin
3473 | if Length(Value) < 22 then
3474 | Exit;
3475 | for n := 0 to 15 do
3476 | ip6[n] := ord(Value[n + 5]);
3477 | FSocksResponseIP := IP6ToStr(ip6);
3478 | Result := 21;
3479 | end;
3480 | else
3481 | Exit;
3482 | end;
3483 | w := DecodeInt(Value, Result);
3484 | FSocksResponsePort := IntToStr(w);
3485 | Result := Result + 2;
3486 | end;
3487 | end;
3488 |
3489 | {======================================================================}
3490 |
3491 | procedure TDgramBlockSocket.Connect(IP, Port: string);
3492 | begin
3493 | SetRemoteSin(IP, Port);
3494 | InternalCreateSocket(FRemoteSin);
3495 | FBuffer := '';
3496 | DoStatus(HR_Connect, IP + ':' + Port);
3497 | end;
3498 |
3499 | function TDgramBlockSocket.RecvBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Length: Integer): Integer;
3500 | begin
3501 | Result := RecvBufferFrom(Buffer, Length);
3502 | end;
3503 |
3504 | function TDgramBlockSocket.SendBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Length: Integer): Integer;
3505 | begin
3506 | Result := SendBufferTo(Buffer, Length);
3507 | end;
3508 |
3509 | {======================================================================}
3510 |
3511 | destructor TUDPBlockSocket.Destroy;
3512 | begin
3513 | if Assigned(FSocksControlSock) then
3514 | FSocksControlSock.Free;
3515 | inherited;
3516 | end;
3517 |
3518 | procedure TUDPBlockSocket.EnableBroadcast(Value: Boolean);
3519 | var
3520 | d: TSynaOption;
3521 | begin
3522 | d := TSynaOption.Create;
3523 | d.Option := SOT_Broadcast;
3524 | d.Enabled := Value;
3525 | DelayedOption(d);
3526 | end;
3527 |
3528 | function TUDPBlockSocket.UdpAssociation: Boolean;
3529 | var
3530 | b: Boolean;
3531 | begin
3532 | Result := True;
3533 | FUsingSocks := False;
3534 | if FSocksIP <> '' then
3535 | begin
3536 | Result := False;
3537 | if not Assigned(FSocksControlSock) then
3538 | FSocksControlSock := TTCPBlockSocket.Create;
3539 | FSocksControlSock.CloseSocket;
3540 | FSocksControlSock.CreateSocketByName(FSocksIP);
3541 | FSocksControlSock.Connect(FSocksIP, FSocksPort);
3542 | if FSocksControlSock.LastError <> 0 then
3543 | Exit;
3544 | // if not assigned local port, assign it!
3545 | if not FBinded then
3546 | Bind(cAnyHost, cAnyPort);
3547 | //open control TCP connection to SOCKS
3548 | FSocksControlSock.FSocksUsername := FSocksUsername;
3549 | FSocksControlSock.FSocksPassword := FSocksPassword;
3550 | b := FSocksControlSock.SocksOpen;
3551 | if b then
3552 | b := FSocksControlSock.SocksRequest(3, GetLocalSinIP, IntToStr(GetLocalSinPort));
3553 | if b then
3554 | b := FSocksControlSock.SocksResponse;
3555 | if not b and (FLastError = 0) then
3556 | FLastError := WSANO_RECOVERY;
3557 | FUsingSocks :=FSocksControlSock.UsingSocks;
3558 | FSocksRemoteIP := FSocksControlSock.FSocksResponseIP;
3559 | FSocksRemotePort := FSocksControlSock.FSocksResponsePort;
3560 | Result := b and (FLastError = 0);
3561 | end;
3562 | end;
3563 |
3564 | function TUDPBlockSocket.SendBufferTo(Buffer: TMemory; Length: Integer): Integer;
3565 | var
3566 | SIp: string;
3567 | SPort: integer;
3568 | Buf: Ansistring;
3569 | begin
3570 | Result := 0;
3571 | FUsingSocks := False;
3572 | if (FSocksIP <> '') and (not UdpAssociation) then
3573 | FLastError := WSANO_RECOVERY
3574 | else
3575 | begin
3576 | if FUsingSocks then
3577 | begin
3578 | {$IFNDEF CIL}
3579 | Sip := GetRemoteSinIp;
3580 | SPort := GetRemoteSinPort;
3581 | SetRemoteSin(FSocksRemoteIP, FSocksRemotePort);
3582 | SetLength(Buf,Length);
3583 | Move(Buffer^, Pointer(Buf)^, Length);
3584 | Buf := #0 + #0 + #0 + SocksCode(Sip, IntToStr(SPort)) + Buf;
3585 | Result := inherited SendBufferTo(Pointer(Buf), System.Length(buf));
3586 | SetRemoteSin(Sip, IntToStr(SPort));
3587 | {$ENDIF}
3588 | end
3589 | else
3590 | Result := inherited SendBufferTo(Buffer, Length);
3591 | end;
3592 | end;
3593 |
3594 | function TUDPBlockSocket.RecvBufferFrom(Buffer: TMemory; Length: Integer): Integer;
3595 | var
3596 | Buf: Ansistring;
3597 | x: integer;
3598 | begin
3599 | Result := inherited RecvBufferFrom(Buffer, Length);
3600 | if FUsingSocks then
3601 | begin
3602 | {$IFNDEF CIL}
3603 | SetLength(Buf, Result);
3604 | Move(Buffer^, Pointer(Buf)^, Result);
3605 | x := SocksDecode(Buf);
3606 | Result := Result - x + 1;
3607 | Buf := Copy(Buf, x, Result);
3608 | Move(Pointer(Buf)^, Buffer^, Result);
3609 | SetRemoteSin(FSocksResponseIP, FSocksResponsePort);
3610 | {$ENDIF}
3611 | end;
3612 | end;
3613 |
3614 | {$IFNDEF CIL}
3615 | procedure TUDPBlockSocket.AddMulticast(MCastIP: string);
3616 | var
3617 | Multicast: TIP_mreq;
3618 | Multicast6: TIPv6_mreq;
3619 | n: integer;
3620 | ip6: Tip6bytes;
3621 | begin
3622 | if FIP6Used then
3623 | begin
3624 | ip6 := StrToIp6(MCastIP);
3625 | for n := 0 to 15 do
3626 | Multicast6.ipv6mr_multiaddr.u6_addr8[n] := Ip6[n];
3627 | Multicast6.ipv6mr_interface := 0;
3628 | SockCheck(synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_JOIN_GROUP,
3629 | PAnsiChar(@Multicast6), SizeOf(Multicast6)));
3630 | end
3631 | else
3632 | begin
3633 | Multicast.imr_multiaddr.S_addr := swapbytes(strtoip(MCastIP));
3634 | Multicast.imr_interface.S_addr := INADDR_ANY;
3635 | SockCheck(synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, IPPROTO_IP, IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP,
3636 | PAnsiChar(@Multicast), SizeOf(Multicast)));
3637 | end;
3638 | ExceptCheck;
3639 | end;
3640 |
3641 | procedure TUDPBlockSocket.DropMulticast(MCastIP: string);
3642 | var
3643 | Multicast: TIP_mreq;
3644 | Multicast6: TIPv6_mreq;
3645 | n: integer;
3646 | ip6: Tip6bytes;
3647 | begin
3648 | if FIP6Used then
3649 | begin
3650 | ip6 := StrToIp6(MCastIP);
3651 | for n := 0 to 15 do
3652 | Multicast6.ipv6mr_multiaddr.u6_addr8[n] := Ip6[n];
3653 | Multicast6.ipv6mr_interface := 0;
3654 | SockCheck(synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP,
3655 | PAnsiChar(@Multicast6), SizeOf(Multicast6)));
3656 | end
3657 | else
3658 | begin
3659 | Multicast.imr_multiaddr.S_addr := swapbytes(strtoip(MCastIP));
3660 | Multicast.imr_interface.S_addr := INADDR_ANY;
3661 | SockCheck(synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, IPPROTO_IP, IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP,
3662 | PAnsiChar(@Multicast), SizeOf(Multicast)));
3663 | end;
3664 | ExceptCheck;
3665 | end;
3666 | {$ENDIF}
3667 |
3668 | procedure TUDPBlockSocket.SetMulticastTTL(TTL: integer);
3669 | var
3670 | d: TSynaOption;
3671 | begin
3672 | d := TSynaOption.Create;
3673 | d.Option := SOT_MulticastTTL;
3674 | d.Value := TTL;
3675 | DelayedOption(d);
3676 | end;
3677 |
3678 | function TUDPBlockSocket.GetMulticastTTL:integer;
3679 | var
3680 | l: Integer;
3681 | begin
3682 | {$IFNDEF CIL}
3683 | l := SizeOf(Result);
3684 | if FIP6Used then
3685 | synsock.GetSockOpt(FSocket, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS, @Result, l)
3686 | else
3687 | synsock.GetSockOpt(FSocket, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_TTL, @Result, l);
3688 | {$ENDIF}
3689 | end;
3690 |
3691 | procedure TUDPBlockSocket.EnableMulticastLoop(Value: Boolean);
3692 | var
3693 | d: TSynaOption;
3694 | begin
3695 | d := TSynaOption.Create;
3696 | d.Option := SOT_MulticastLoop;
3697 | d.Enabled := Value;
3698 | DelayedOption(d);
3699 | end;
3700 |
3701 | function TUDPBlockSocket.GetSocketType: integer;
3702 | begin
3703 | Result := integer(SOCK_DGRAM);
3704 | end;
3705 |
3706 | function TUDPBlockSocket.GetSocketProtocol: integer;
3707 | begin
3708 | Result := integer(IPPROTO_UDP);
3709 | end;
3710 |
3711 | {======================================================================}
3712 | constructor TTCPBlockSocket.CreateWithSSL(SSLPlugin: TSSLClass);
3713 | begin
3714 | inherited Create;
3715 | FSSL := SSLPlugin.Create(self);
3716 | FHTTPTunnelIP := '';
3717 | FHTTPTunnelPort := '';
3718 | FHTTPTunnel := False;
3719 | FHTTPTunnelRemoteIP := '';
3720 | FHTTPTunnelRemotePort := '';
3721 | FHTTPTunnelUser := '';
3722 | FHTTPTunnelPass := '';
3723 | FHTTPTunnelTimeout := 30000;
3724 | end;
3725 |
3726 | constructor TTCPBlockSocket.Create;
3727 | begin
3728 | CreateWithSSL(SSLImplementation);
3729 | end;
3730 |
3731 | destructor TTCPBlockSocket.Destroy;
3732 | begin
3733 | inherited Destroy;
3734 | FSSL.Free;
3735 | end;
3736 |
3737 | function TTCPBlockSocket.GetErrorDescEx: string;
3738 | begin
3739 | Result := inherited GetErrorDescEx;
3740 | if (FLastError = WSASYSNOTREADY) and (self.SSL.LastError <> 0) then
3741 | begin
3742 | Result := self.SSL.LastErrorDesc;
3743 | end;
3744 | end;
3745 |
3746 | procedure TTCPBlockSocket.CloseSocket;
3747 | begin
3748 | if FSSL.SSLEnabled then
3749 | FSSL.Shutdown;
3750 | if (FSocket <> INVALID_SOCKET) and (FLastError = 0) then
3751 | begin
3752 | Synsock.Shutdown(FSocket, 1);
3753 | Purge;
3754 | end;
3755 | inherited CloseSocket;
3756 | end;
3757 |
3758 | procedure TTCPBlockSocket.DoAfterConnect;
3759 | begin
3760 | if assigned(OnAfterConnect) then
3761 | begin
3762 | OnAfterConnect(Self);
3763 | end;
3764 | end;
3765 |
3766 | function TTCPBlockSocket.WaitingData: Integer;
3767 | begin
3768 | Result := 0;
3769 | if FSSL.SSLEnabled and (FSocket <> INVALID_SOCKET) then
3770 | Result := FSSL.WaitingData;
3771 | if Result = 0 then
3772 | Result := inherited WaitingData;
3773 | end;
3774 |
3775 | procedure TTCPBlockSocket.Listen;
3776 | var
3777 | b: Boolean;
3778 | Sip,SPort: string;
3779 | begin
3780 | if FSocksIP = '' then
3781 | begin
3782 | inherited Listen;
3783 | end
3784 | else
3785 | begin
3786 | Sip := GetLocalSinIP;
3787 | if Sip = cAnyHost then
3788 | Sip := LocalName;
3789 | SPort := IntToStr(GetLocalSinPort);
3790 | inherited Connect(FSocksIP, FSocksPort);
3791 | b := SocksOpen;
3792 | if b then
3793 | b := SocksRequest(2, Sip, SPort);
3794 | if b then
3795 | b := SocksResponse;
3796 | if not b and (FLastError = 0) then
3797 | FLastError := WSANO_RECOVERY;
3798 | FSocksLocalIP := FSocksResponseIP;
3799 | if FSocksLocalIP = cAnyHost then
3800 | FSocksLocalIP := FSocksIP;
3801 | FSocksLocalPort := FSocksResponsePort;
3802 | FSocksRemoteIP := '';
3803 | FSocksRemotePort := '';
3804 | ExceptCheck;
3805 | DoStatus(HR_Listen, '');
3806 | end;
3807 | end;
3808 |
3809 | function TTCPBlockSocket.Accept: TSocket;
3810 | begin
3811 | if FUsingSocks then
3812 | begin
3813 | if not SocksResponse and (FLastError = 0) then
3814 | FLastError := WSANO_RECOVERY;
3815 | FSocksRemoteIP := FSocksResponseIP;
3816 | FSocksRemotePort := FSocksResponsePort;
3817 | Result := FSocket;
3818 | ExceptCheck;
3819 | DoStatus(HR_Accept, '');
3820 | end
3821 | else
3822 | begin
3823 | result := inherited Accept;
3824 | end;
3825 | end;
3826 |
3827 | procedure TTCPBlockSocket.Connect(IP, Port: string);
3828 | begin
3829 | if FSocksIP <> '' then
3830 | SocksDoConnect(IP, Port)
3831 | else
3832 | if FHTTPTunnelIP <> '' then
3833 | HTTPTunnelDoConnect(IP, Port)
3834 | else
3835 | inherited Connect(IP, Port);
3836 | if FLasterror = 0 then
3837 | DoAfterConnect;
3838 | end;
3839 |
3840 | procedure TTCPBlockSocket.SocksDoConnect(IP, Port: string);
3841 | var
3842 | b: Boolean;
3843 | begin
3844 | inherited Connect(FSocksIP, FSocksPort);
3845 | if FLastError = 0 then
3846 | begin
3847 | b := SocksOpen;
3848 | if b then
3849 | b := SocksRequest(1, IP, Port);
3850 | if b then
3851 | b := SocksResponse;
3852 | if not b and (FLastError = 0) then
3853 | FLastError := WSASYSNOTREADY;
3854 | FSocksLocalIP := FSocksResponseIP;
3855 | FSocksLocalPort := FSocksResponsePort;
3856 | FSocksRemoteIP := IP;
3857 | FSocksRemotePort := Port;
3858 | end;
3859 | ExceptCheck;
3860 | DoStatus(HR_Connect, IP + ':' + Port);
3861 | end;
3862 |
3863 | procedure TTCPBlockSocket.HTTPTunnelDoConnect(IP, Port: string);
3864 | //bugfixed by Mike Green (mgreen@emixode.com)
3865 | var
3866 | s: string;
3867 | begin
3868 | Port := IntToStr(ResolvePort(Port));
3869 | inherited Connect(FHTTPTunnelIP, FHTTPTunnelPort);
3870 | if FLastError <> 0 then
3871 | Exit;
3872 | FHTTPTunnel := False;
3873 | if IsIP6(IP) then
3874 | IP := '[' + IP + ']';
3875 | SendString('CONNECT ' + IP + ':' + Port + ' HTTP/1.0' + CRLF);
3876 | if FHTTPTunnelUser <> '' then
3877 | Sendstring('Proxy-Authorization: Basic ' +
3878 | EncodeBase64(FHTTPTunnelUser + ':' + FHTTPTunnelPass) + CRLF);
3879 | SendString(CRLF);
3880 | repeat
3881 | s := RecvTerminated(FHTTPTunnelTimeout, #$0a);
3882 | if FLastError <> 0 then
3883 | Break;
3884 | if (Pos('HTTP/', s) = 1) and (Length(s) > 11) then
3885 | FHTTPTunnel := s[10] = '2';
3886 | until (s = '') or (s = #$0d);
3887 | if (FLasterror = 0) and not FHTTPTunnel then
3888 | FLastError := WSASYSNOTREADY;
3889 | FHTTPTunnelRemoteIP := IP;
3890 | FHTTPTunnelRemotePort := Port;
3891 | ExceptCheck;
3892 | end;
3893 |
3894 | procedure TTCPBlockSocket.SSLDoConnect;
3895 | begin
3896 | ResetLastError;
3897 | if not FSSL.Connect then
3898 | FLastError := WSASYSNOTREADY;
3899 | ExceptCheck;
3900 | end;
3901 |
3902 | procedure TTCPBlockSocket.SSLDoShutdown;
3903 | begin
3904 | ResetLastError;
3905 | FSSL.BiShutdown;
3906 | end;
3907 |
3908 | function TTCPBlockSocket.GetLocalSinIP: string;
3909 | begin
3910 | if FUsingSocks then
3911 | Result := FSocksLocalIP
3912 | else
3913 | Result := inherited GetLocalSinIP;
3914 | end;
3915 |
3916 | function TTCPBlockSocket.GetRemoteSinIP: string;
3917 | begin
3918 | if FUsingSocks then
3919 | Result := FSocksRemoteIP
3920 | else
3921 | if FHTTPTunnel then
3922 | Result := FHTTPTunnelRemoteIP
3923 | else
3924 | Result := inherited GetRemoteSinIP;
3925 | end;
3926 |
3927 | function TTCPBlockSocket.GetLocalSinPort: Integer;
3928 | begin
3929 | if FUsingSocks then
3930 | Result := StrToIntDef(FSocksLocalPort, 0)
3931 | else
3932 | Result := inherited GetLocalSinPort;
3933 | end;
3934 |
3935 | function TTCPBlockSocket.GetRemoteSinPort: Integer;
3936 | begin
3937 | if FUsingSocks then
3938 | Result := ResolvePort(FSocksRemotePort)
3939 | else
3940 | if FHTTPTunnel then
3941 | Result := StrToIntDef(FHTTPTunnelRemotePort, 0)
3942 | else
3943 | Result := inherited GetRemoteSinPort;
3944 | end;
3945 |
3946 | function TTCPBlockSocket.RecvBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Len: Integer): Integer;
3947 | begin
3948 | if FSSL.SSLEnabled then
3949 | begin
3950 | Result := 0;
3951 | if TestStopFlag then
3952 | Exit;
3953 | ResetLastError;
3954 | LimitBandwidth(Len, FMaxRecvBandwidth, FNextRecv);
3955 | Result := FSSL.RecvBuffer(Buffer, Len);
3956 | if FSSL.LastError <> 0 then
3957 | FLastError := WSASYSNOTREADY;
3958 | ExceptCheck;
3959 | Inc(FRecvCounter, Result);
3960 | DoStatus(HR_ReadCount, IntToStr(Result));
3961 | DoMonitor(False, Buffer, Result);
3962 | DoReadFilter(Buffer, Result);
3963 | end
3964 | else
3965 | Result := inherited RecvBuffer(Buffer, Len);
3966 | end;
3967 |
3968 | function TTCPBlockSocket.SendBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Length: Integer): Integer;
3969 | var
3970 | x, y: integer;
3971 | l, r: integer;
3972 | {$IFNDEF CIL}
3973 | p: Pointer;
3974 | {$ENDIF}
3975 | begin
3976 | if FSSL.SSLEnabled then
3977 | begin
3978 | Result := 0;
3979 | if TestStopFlag then
3980 | Exit;
3981 | ResetLastError;
3982 | DoMonitor(True, Buffer, Length);
3983 | {$IFDEF CIL}
3984 | Result := FSSL.SendBuffer(Buffer, Length);
3985 | if FSSL.LastError <> 0 then
3986 | FLastError := WSASYSNOTREADY;
3987 | Inc(FSendCounter, Result);
3988 | DoStatus(HR_WriteCount, IntToStr(Result));
3989 | {$ELSE}
3990 | l := Length;
3991 | x := 0;
3992 | while x < l do
3993 | begin
3994 | y := l - x;
3995 | if y > FSendMaxChunk then
3996 | y := FSendMaxChunk;
3997 | if y > 0 then
3998 | begin
3999 | LimitBandwidth(y, FMaxSendBandwidth, FNextsend);
4000 | p := IncPoint(Buffer, x);
4001 | r := FSSL.SendBuffer(p, y);
4002 | if FSSL.LastError <> 0 then
4003 | FLastError := WSASYSNOTREADY;
4004 | if Flasterror <> 0 then
4005 | Break;
4006 | Inc(x, r);
4007 | Inc(Result, r);
4008 | Inc(FSendCounter, r);
4009 | DoStatus(HR_WriteCount, IntToStr(r));
4010 | end
4011 | else
4012 | break;
4013 | end;
4014 | {$ENDIF}
4015 | ExceptCheck;
4016 | end
4017 | else
4018 | Result := inherited SendBuffer(Buffer, Length);
4019 | end;
4020 |
4021 | function TTCPBlockSocket.SSLAcceptConnection: Boolean;
4022 | begin
4023 | ResetLastError;
4024 | if not FSSL.Accept then
4025 | FLastError := WSASYSNOTREADY;
4026 | ExceptCheck;
4027 | Result := FLastError = 0;
4028 | end;
4029 |
4030 | function TTCPBlockSocket.GetSocketType: integer;
4031 | begin
4032 | Result := integer(SOCK_STREAM);
4033 | end;
4034 |
4035 | function TTCPBlockSocket.GetSocketProtocol: integer;
4036 | begin
4037 | Result := integer(IPPROTO_TCP);
4038 | end;
4039 |
4040 | {======================================================================}
4041 |
4042 | function TICMPBlockSocket.GetSocketType: integer;
4043 | begin
4044 | Result := integer(SOCK_RAW);
4045 | end;
4046 |
4047 | function TICMPBlockSocket.GetSocketProtocol: integer;
4048 | begin
4049 | if FIP6Used then
4050 | Result := integer(IPPROTO_ICMPV6)
4051 | else
4052 | Result := integer(IPPROTO_ICMP);
4053 | end;
4054 |
4055 | {======================================================================}
4056 |
4057 | function TRAWBlockSocket.GetSocketType: integer;
4058 | begin
4059 | Result := integer(SOCK_RAW);
4060 | end;
4061 |
4062 | function TRAWBlockSocket.GetSocketProtocol: integer;
4063 | begin
4064 | Result := integer(IPPROTO_RAW);
4065 | end;
4066 |
4067 | {======================================================================}
4068 |
4069 | function TPGMmessageBlockSocket.GetSocketType: integer;
4070 | begin
4071 | Result := integer(SOCK_RDM);
4072 | end;
4073 |
4074 | function TPGMmessageBlockSocket.GetSocketProtocol: integer;
4075 | begin
4076 | Result := integer(IPPROTO_RM);
4077 | end;
4078 |
4079 | {======================================================================}
4080 |
4081 | function TPGMstreamBlockSocket.GetSocketType: integer;
4082 | begin
4083 | Result := integer(SOCK_STREAM);
4084 | end;
4085 |
4086 | function TPGMstreamBlockSocket.GetSocketProtocol: integer;
4087 | begin
4088 | Result := integer(IPPROTO_RM);
4089 | end;
4090 |
4091 | {======================================================================}
4092 |
4093 | constructor TSynaClient.Create;
4094 | begin
4095 | inherited Create;
4096 | FIPInterface := cAnyHost;
4097 | FTargetHost := cLocalhost;
4098 | FTargetPort := cAnyPort;
4099 | FTimeout := 5000;
4100 | FUsername := '';
4101 | FPassword := '';
4102 | end;
4103 |
4104 | {======================================================================}
4105 |
4106 | constructor TCustomSSL.Create(const Value: TTCPBlockSocket);
4107 | begin
4108 | inherited Create;
4109 | FSocket := Value;
4110 | FSSLEnabled := False;
4111 | FUsername := '';
4112 | FPassword := '';
4113 | FLastError := 0;
4114 | FLastErrorDesc := '';
4115 | FVerifyCert := False;
4116 | FSSLType := LT_all;
4117 | FKeyPassword := '';
4118 | FCiphers := '';
4119 | FCertificateFile := '';
4120 | FPrivateKeyFile := '';
4121 | FCertCAFile := '';
4122 | FCertCA := '';
4123 | FTrustCertificate := '';
4124 | FTrustCertificateFile := '';
4125 | FCertificate := '';
4126 | FPrivateKey := '';
4127 | FPFX := '';
4128 | FPFXfile := '';
4129 | FSSHChannelType := '';
4130 | FSSHChannelArg1 := '';
4131 | FSSHChannelArg2 := '';
4132 | FCertComplianceLevel := -1; //default
4133 | FSNIHost := '';
4134 | end;
4135 |
4136 | procedure TCustomSSL.Assign(const Value: TCustomSSL);
4137 | begin
4138 | FUsername := Value.Username;
4139 | FPassword := Value.Password;
4140 | FVerifyCert := Value.VerifyCert;
4141 | FSSLType := Value.SSLType;
4142 | FKeyPassword := Value.KeyPassword;
4143 | FCiphers := Value.Ciphers;
4144 | FCertificateFile := Value.CertificateFile;
4145 | FPrivateKeyFile := Value.PrivateKeyFile;
4146 | FCertCAFile := Value.CertCAFile;
4147 | FCertCA := Value.CertCA;
4148 | FTrustCertificate := Value.TrustCertificate;
4149 | FTrustCertificateFile := Value.TrustCertificateFile;
4150 | FCertificate := Value.Certificate;
4151 | FPrivateKey := Value.PrivateKey;
4152 | FPFX := Value.PFX;
4153 | FPFXfile := Value.PFXfile;
4154 | FCertComplianceLevel := Value.CertComplianceLevel;
4155 | FSNIHost := Value.FSNIHost;
4156 | end;
4157 |
4158 | procedure TCustomSSL.ReturnError;
4159 | begin
4160 | FLastError := -1;
4161 | FLastErrorDesc := 'SSL/TLS support is not compiled!';
4162 | end;
4163 |
4164 | function TCustomSSL.LibVersion: String;
4165 | begin
4166 | Result := '';
4167 | end;
4168 |
4169 | function TCustomSSL.LibName: String;
4170 | begin
4171 | Result := '';
4172 | end;
4173 |
4174 | function TCustomSSL.CreateSelfSignedCert(Host: string): Boolean;
4175 | begin
4176 | Result := False;
4177 | end;
4178 |
4179 | function TCustomSSL.Connect: boolean;
4180 | begin
4181 | ReturnError;
4182 | Result := False;
4183 | end;
4184 |
4185 | function TCustomSSL.Accept: boolean;
4186 | begin
4187 | ReturnError;
4188 | Result := False;
4189 | end;
4190 |
4191 | function TCustomSSL.Shutdown: boolean;
4192 | begin
4193 | ReturnError;
4194 | Result := False;
4195 | end;
4196 |
4197 | function TCustomSSL.BiShutdown: boolean;
4198 | begin
4199 | ReturnError;
4200 | Result := False;
4201 | end;
4202 |
4203 | function TCustomSSL.SendBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Len: Integer): Integer;
4204 | begin
4205 | ReturnError;
4206 | Result := integer(SOCKET_ERROR);
4207 | end;
4208 |
4209 | procedure TCustomSSL.SetCertCAFile(const Value: string);
4210 | begin
4211 | FCertCAFile := Value;
4212 | end;
4213 |
4214 | function TCustomSSL.RecvBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Len: Integer): Integer;
4215 | begin
4216 | ReturnError;
4217 | Result := integer(SOCKET_ERROR);
4218 | end;
4219 |
4220 | function TCustomSSL.WaitingData: Integer;
4221 | begin
4222 | ReturnError;
4223 | Result := 0;
4224 | end;
4225 |
4226 | function TCustomSSL.GetSSLVersion: string;
4227 | begin
4228 | Result := '';
4229 | end;
4230 |
4231 | function TCustomSSL.GetPeerSubject: string;
4232 | begin
4233 | Result := '';
4234 | end;
4235 |
4236 | function TCustomSSL.GetPeerSerialNo: integer;
4237 | begin
4238 | Result := -1;
4239 | end;
4240 |
4241 | function TCustomSSL.GetPeerName: string;
4242 | begin
4243 | Result := '';
4244 | end;
4245 |
4246 | function TCustomSSL.GetPeerNameHash: cardinal;
4247 | begin
4248 | Result := 0;
4249 | end;
4250 |
4251 | function TCustomSSL.GetPeerIssuer: string;
4252 | begin
4253 | Result := '';
4254 | end;
4255 |
4256 | function TCustomSSL.GetPeerFingerprint: string;
4257 | begin
4258 | Result := '';
4259 | end;
4260 |
4261 | function TCustomSSL.GetCertInfo: string;
4262 | begin
4263 | Result := '';
4264 | end;
4265 |
4266 | function TCustomSSL.GetCipherName: string;
4267 | begin
4268 | Result := '';
4269 | end;
4270 |
4271 | function TCustomSSL.GetCipherBits: integer;
4272 | begin
4273 | Result := 0;
4274 | end;
4275 |
4276 | function TCustomSSL.GetCipherAlgBits: integer;
4277 | begin
4278 | Result := 0;
4279 | end;
4280 |
4281 | function TCustomSSL.GetVerifyCert: integer;
4282 | begin
4283 | Result := 1;
4284 | end;
4285 |
4286 | function TCustomSSL.DoVerifyCert:boolean;
4287 | begin
4288 | if assigned(OnVerifyCert) then
4289 | begin
4290 | result:=OnVerifyCert(Self);
4291 | end
4292 | else
4293 | result:=true;
4294 | end;
4295 |
4296 |
4297 | {======================================================================}
4298 |
4299 | function TSSLNone.LibVersion: String;
4300 | begin
4301 | Result := 'Without SSL support';
4302 | end;
4303 |
4304 | function TSSLNone.LibName: String;
4305 | begin
4306 | Result := 'ssl_none';
4307 | end;
4308 |
4309 | {======================================================================}
4310 |
4311 | initialization
4312 | begin
4314 | if not InitSocketInterface(DLLStackName) then
4315 | begin
4316 | e := ESynapseError.Create('Error loading Socket interface (' + DLLStackName + ')!');
4317 | e.ErrorCode := 0;
4318 | e.ErrorMessage := 'Error loading Socket interface (' + DLLStackName + ')!';
4319 | raise e;
4320 | end;
4321 | synsock.WSAStartup(WinsockLevel, WsaDataOnce);
4322 | {$ENDIF}
4323 | end;
4324 |
4325 | finalization
4326 | begin
4328 | synsock.WSACleanup;
4329 | DestroySocketInterface;
4330 | {$ENDIF}
4331 | end;
4332 |
4333 | end.