1 | unit http;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | Classes, blcksock, winsock, Synautil, SysUtils;
7 |
8 | type
9 | TTCPHttpDaemon = class(TThread)
10 | private
11 | Sock:TTCPBlockSocket;
12 | public
13 | Constructor Create;
14 | Destructor Destroy; override;
15 | procedure Execute; override;
16 | end;
17 |
18 | TTCPHttpThrd = class(TThread)
19 | private
20 | Sock:TTCPBlockSocket;
21 | public
22 | Headers: TStringList;
23 | InputData, OutputData: TMemoryStream;
24 | Constructor Create (hsock:tSocket);
25 | Destructor Destroy; override;
26 | procedure Execute; override;
27 | function ProcessHttpRequest(Request, URI: string): integer;
28 | end;
29 |
30 | implementation
31 |
32 | { TTCPHttpDaemon }
33 |
34 | Constructor TTCPHttpDaemon.Create;
35 | begin
36 | inherited create(false);
37 | sock:=TTCPBlockSocket.create;
38 | FreeOnTerminate:=true;
39 | end;
40 |
41 | Destructor TTCPHttpDaemon.Destroy;
42 | begin
43 | Sock.free;
44 | inherited Destroy;
45 | end;
46 |
47 | procedure TTCPHttpDaemon.Execute;
48 | var
49 | ClientSock:TSocket;
50 | begin
51 | with sock do
52 | begin
53 | CreateSocket;
54 | setLinger(true,10000);
55 | bind('','80');
56 | listen;
57 | repeat
58 | if terminated then break;
59 | if canread(1000) then
60 | begin
61 | ClientSock:=accept;
62 | if lastError=0 then TTCPHttpThrd.create(ClientSock);
63 | end;
64 | until false;
65 | end;
66 | end;
67 |
68 | { TTCPHttpThrd }
69 |
70 | Constructor TTCPHttpThrd.Create(Hsock:TSocket);
71 | begin
72 | sock:=TTCPBlockSocket.create;
73 | Headers := TStringList.Create;
74 | InputData := TMemoryStream.Create;
75 | OutputData := TMemoryStream.Create;
76 | Sock.socket:=HSock;
77 | FreeOnTerminate:=true;
78 | Priority:=tpNormal;
79 | inherited create(false);
80 | end;
81 |
82 | Destructor TTCPHttpThrd.Destroy;
83 | begin
84 | Sock.free;
85 | Headers.Free;
86 | InputData.Free;
87 | OutputData.Free;
88 | inherited Destroy;
89 | end;
90 |
91 | procedure TTCPHttpThrd.Execute;
92 | var
93 | timeout: integer;
94 | s: string;
95 | method, uri, protocol: string;
96 | size: integer;
97 | x, n: integer;
98 | resultcode: integer;
99 | close: boolean;
100 | begin
101 | timeout := 120000;
102 | repeat
103 | //read request line
104 | s := sock.RecvString(timeout);
105 | if sock.lasterror <> 0 then
106 | Exit;
107 | if s = '' then
108 | Exit;
109 | method := fetch(s, ' ');
110 | if (s = '') or (method = '') then
111 | Exit;
112 | uri := fetch(s, ' ');
113 | if uri = '' then
114 | Exit;
115 | protocol := fetch(s, ' ');
116 | headers.Clear;
117 | size := -1;
118 | close := false;
119 | //read request headers
120 | if protocol <> '' then
121 | begin
122 | if pos('HTTP/', protocol) <> 1 then
123 | Exit;
124 | if pos('HTTP/1.1', protocol) <> 1 then
125 | close := true;
126 | repeat
127 | s := sock.RecvString(Timeout);
128 | if sock.lasterror <> 0 then
129 | Exit;
130 | if s <> '' then
131 | Headers.add(s);
132 | if Pos('CONTENT-LENGTH:', Uppercase(s)) = 1 then
133 | Size := StrToIntDef(SeparateRight(s, ' '), -1);
134 | if Pos('CONNECTION: CLOSE', Uppercase(s)) = 1 then
135 | close := true;
136 | until s = '';
137 | end;
138 | //recv document...
139 | InputData.Clear;
140 | if size >= 0 then
141 | begin
142 | InputData.SetSize(Size);
143 | x := Sock.RecvBufferEx(InputData.Memory, Size, Timeout);
144 | InputData.SetSize(x);
145 | if sock.lasterror <> 0 then
146 | Exit;
147 | end;
148 | OutputData.Clear;
149 | ResultCode := ProcessHttpRequest(method, uri);
150 | sock.SendString(protocol + ' ' + IntTostr(ResultCode) + CRLF);
151 | if protocol <> '' then
152 | begin
153 | headers.Add('Content-length: ' + IntTostr(OutputData.Size));
154 | if close then
155 | headers.Add('Connection: close');
156 | headers.Add('Date: ' + Rfc822DateTime(now));
157 | headers.Add('Server: Synapse HTTP server demo');
158 | headers.Add('');
159 | for n := 0 to headers.count - 1 do
160 | sock.sendstring(headers[n] + CRLF);
161 | end;
162 | if sock.lasterror <> 0 then
163 | Exit;
164 | Sock.SendBuffer(OutputData.Memory, OutputData.Size);
165 | if close then
166 | Break;
167 | until Sock.LastError <> 0;
168 | end;
169 |
170 | function TTCPHttpThrd.ProcessHttpRequest(Request, URI: string): integer;
171 | var
172 | l: TStringlist;
173 | begin
174 | //sample of precessing HTTP request:
175 | // InputData is uploaded document, headers is stringlist with request headers.
176 | // Request is type of request and URI is URI of request
177 | // OutputData is document with reply, headers is stringlist with reply headers.
178 | // Result is result code
179 | result := 504;
180 | if request = 'GET' then
181 | begin
182 | headers.Clear;
183 | headers.Add('Content-type: Text/Html');
184 | l := TStringList.Create;
185 | try
186 | l.Add('<html>');
187 | l.Add('<head></head>');
188 | l.Add('<body>');
189 | l.Add('Request Uri: ' + uri);
190 | l.Add('<br>');
191 | l.Add('This document is generated by Synapse HTTP server demo!');
192 | l.Add('</body>');
193 | l.Add('</html>');
194 | l.SaveToStream(OutputData);
195 | finally
196 | l.free;
197 | end;
198 | Result := 200;
199 | end;
200 | end;
201 |
202 | end.