1 | unit ProxyThrd;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | Classes, SyncObjs, SysUtils, windows,
7 | blcksock, synsock, synautil;
8 |
9 | type
10 | TServiceThread = class(TThread)
11 | protected
12 | procedure Execute; override;
13 | public
14 | constructor Create;
15 | end;
16 |
17 | TLogRec = record
18 | ip: string;
19 | dt: TDateTime;
20 | req: string;
21 | stat: string;
22 | len: integer;
23 | ref: string;
24 | agent: string;
25 | end;
26 |
27 | TTCPHttpThrd = class(TThread)
28 | private
29 | csock: TSocket;
30 | public
31 | timeout: integer;
32 | Headers: TStringList;
33 | ProxyHeaders: TStringList;
34 | IdStr: string;
35 | LogRec: TLogRec;
36 | Constructor Create (hsock:tSocket);
37 | Destructor Destroy; override;
38 | procedure Execute; override;
39 | function RelayTCP(const fsock, dsock: TTCPBlockSocket): boolean;
40 | function RelaySock(const fsock, dsock: TTCPBlockSocket; Size: integer): boolean;
41 | procedure ReturnHTML(const sock: TTCPBlockSocket; const value, stat: string);
42 | procedure Return502(const sock: TTCPBlockSocket; host, port: string);
43 | procedure WriteAccessLog(const LogRec: TLogRec);
44 | end;
45 |
46 |
47 | procedure InitService;
48 | procedure DestroyService;
49 | procedure Writelog(value: string);
50 |
51 | var
52 | CS: TCriticalSection;
53 |
54 | implementation
55 |
56 | {==============================================================================}
57 |
58 | procedure InitService;
59 | begin
60 | CS := TCriticalSection.create;
61 | end;
62 |
63 | procedure DestroyService;
64 | begin
65 | cs.free;
66 | end;
67 |
68 | procedure Writelog(value: string);
69 | var
70 | f: textFile;
71 | s: string;
72 | begin
73 | CS.Enter;
74 | s := Value;
75 | s := extractfilepath(ParamStr(0)) + 'access.log';
76 | assignfile(f, s);
77 | if fileexists(s)
78 | then append(f)
79 | else rewrite(f);
80 | try
81 | writeln(f, Value);
82 | finally
83 | Closefile(f);
84 | CS.Leave;
85 | end;
86 | end;
87 |
88 | {==============================================================================}
89 | { TServiceThread }
90 |
91 | constructor TServiceThread.create;
92 | begin
93 | FreeOnTerminate := false;
94 | inherited create(false);
95 | end;
96 |
97 | procedure TServiceThread.Execute;
98 | var
99 | sock: TTCPBlockSocket;
100 | ClientSock: TSocket;
101 | begin
102 | sock := TTCPBlockSocket.Create;
103 | try
104 | sock.bind('','3128');
105 | if sock.LastError <> 0 then
106 | begin
107 | WriteLog('!!! BIND failed !!!');
108 | Exit;
109 | end;
110 | sock.setLinger(true,10000);
111 | sock.listen;
112 | repeat
113 | if terminated then
114 | break;
115 | if sock.canread(1000) then
116 | begin
117 | //new connection... launch TTCPHttpThrd
118 | ClientSock := sock.accept;
119 | if sock.lastError = 0 then
120 | TTCPHttpThrd.create(ClientSock);
121 | end;
122 | until false;
123 | finally
124 | sock.free;
125 | end;
126 | end;
127 |
128 | {==============================================================================}
129 |
130 | { TTCPHttpThrd }
131 |
132 | Constructor TTCPHttpThrd.Create(Hsock:TSocket);
133 | begin
134 | csock := hsock;
135 | Headers := TStringList.Create;
136 | ProxyHeaders := TStringList.Create;
137 | FreeOnTerminate:=true;
138 | inherited create(false);
139 | end;
140 |
141 | Destructor TTCPHttpThrd.Destroy;
142 | begin
143 | Headers.Free;
144 | Proxyheaders.Free;
145 | inherited Destroy;
146 | end;
147 |
148 | //do both direction TCP proxy tunnel. (used by CONNECT method for https proxying)
149 | function TTCPHttpThrd.RelayTCP(const fsock, dsock: TTCPBlockSocket): boolean;
150 | var
151 | n: integer;
152 | buf: string;
153 | ql, rl: TList;
154 | fgsock, dgsock: TTCPBlockSocket;
155 | FDSet: TFDSet;
156 | FDSetSave: TFDSet;
157 | TimeVal: PTimeVal;
158 | TimeV: TTimeVal;
159 | begin
160 | result := false;
161 | //buffer maybe contains some pre-readed datas...
162 | if fsock.LineBuffer <> '' then
163 | begin
164 | buf := fsock.RecvPacket(timeout);
165 | if fsock.LastError <> 0 then
166 | Exit;
167 | dsock.SendString(buf);
168 | end;
169 | //begin relaying of TCP
170 | ql := TList.Create;
171 | rl := Tlist.create;
172 | try
173 | TimeV.tv_usec := (Timeout mod 1000) * 1000;
174 | TimeV.tv_sec := Timeout div 1000;
175 | TimeVal := @TimeV;
176 | if Timeout = -1 then
177 | TimeVal := nil;
178 | FD_ZERO(FDSetSave);
179 | FD_SET(fsock.Socket, FDSetSave);
180 | FD_SET(dsock.Socket, FDSetSave);
181 | FDSet := FDSetSave;
182 | while synsock.Select(65535, @FDSet, nil, nil, TimeVal) > 0 do
183 | begin
184 | rl.clear;
185 | if FD_ISSET(fsock.Socket, FDSet) then
186 | rl.Add(fsock);
187 | if FD_ISSET(dsock.Socket, FDSet) then
188 | rl.Add(dsock);
189 | for n := 0 to rl.Count - 1 do
190 | begin
191 | fgsock := TTCPBlockSocket(rl[n]);
192 | if fgsock = fsock then
193 | dgsock := dsock
194 | else
195 | dgsock := fsock;
196 | if fgsock.WaitingData > 0 then
197 | begin
198 | buf := fgsock.RecvPacket(0);
199 | dgsock.SendString(buf);
200 | if dgsock.LastError <> 0 then
201 | exit;
202 | end
203 | else
204 | exit;
205 | end;
206 | FDSet := FDSetSave;
207 | end;
208 | finally
209 | rl.free;
210 | ql.free;
211 | end;
212 | result := true;
213 | end;
214 |
215 | //transmit X bytes from fsock to dsock
216 | function TTCPHttpThrd.RelaySock(const fsock, dsock: TTCPBlockSocket; Size: integer): boolean;
217 | var
218 | sh, sl: integer;
219 | n: integer;
220 | buf: string;
221 | begin
222 | result := false;
223 | sh := size div c64k;
224 | sl := size mod c64k;
225 | for n := 1 to sh do
226 | begin
227 | buf := fsock.RecvBufferStr(c64k, timeout);
228 | if fsock.LastError <> 0 then
229 | Exit;
230 | dsock.SendString(buf);
231 | if dsock.LastError <> 0 then
232 | Exit;
233 | end;
234 | if sl > 0 then
235 | begin
236 | buf := fsock.RecvBufferStr(sl, timeout);
237 | if fsock.LastError <> 0 then
238 | Exit;
239 | dsock.SendString(buf);
240 | if dsock.LastError <> 0 then
241 | Exit;
242 | end;
243 | result := true;
244 | end;
245 |
246 | //core of proxy
247 | procedure TTCPHttpThrd.Execute;
248 | var
249 | Sock: TTCPBlockSocket;
250 | QSock: TTCPBlockSocket;
251 | s: string;
252 | method, uri, protocol: string;
253 | size: integer;
254 | Prot, User, Pass, Host, Port, Path, Para: string;
255 | chunked: boolean;
256 | status: integer;
257 | proxykeep: boolean;
258 | lasthost: String;
259 | rprotocol: String;
260 | begin
261 | idstr := inttostr(self.handle) + ' ';
262 | sock:=TTCPBlockSocket.create;
263 | Qsock:=TTCPBlockSocket.create;
264 | try
265 | Sock.socket:=CSock;
266 | timeout := 120000;
267 | lasthost := '';
268 | qsock.ConvertLineEnd := true;
269 | sock.ConvertLineEnd := true;
270 |
271 | repeat
272 | //read request line
273 | headers.Clear;
274 | proxyheaders.Clear;
275 | proxykeep := false;
276 | LogRec.ip := sock.GetRemoteSinIP;
277 | repeat
278 | s := sock.RecvString(timeout);
279 | if sock.lasterror <> 0 then
280 | Exit;
281 | LogRec.dt := now;
282 | LogRec.req := s;
283 | Logrec.stat := '';
284 | LogRec.len := 0;
285 | Logrec.Ref := '';
286 | Logrec.Agent := '';
287 | until s <> '';
288 | if s = '' then
289 | Exit;
290 | method := fetch(s, ' ');
291 | if (s = '') or (method = '') then
292 | Exit;
293 | uri := fetch(s, ' ');
294 | if uri = '' then
295 | Exit;
296 | protocol := fetch(s, ' ');
297 | size := 0;
298 | //read request headers
299 | if protocol <> '' then
300 | begin
301 | if pos('HTTP/', protocol) <> 1 then
302 | Exit;
303 | repeat
304 | s := sock.RecvString(Timeout);
305 | if sock.lasterror <> 0 then
306 | Exit;
307 | if s <> '' then
308 | begin
309 | if pos('PROXY-', uppercase(s)) = 1 then
310 | proxyHeaders.add(s)
311 | else
312 | Headers.add(s);
313 | end;
314 | if Pos('CONTENT-LENGTH:', Uppercase(s)) = 1 then
315 | Size := StrToIntDef(SeparateRight(s, ' '), 0);
316 | if Pos('PROXY-CONNECTION:', Uppercase(s)) = 1 then
317 | if Pos('KEEP', Uppercase(s)) > 0 then
318 | begin
319 | proxykeep := true;
320 | end;
321 | if Pos('REFERER:', Uppercase(s)) = 1 then
322 | LogRec.ref := Trim(SeparateRight(s, ' '));
323 | if Pos('USER-AGENT:', Uppercase(s)) = 1 then
324 | LogRec.agent := Trim(SeparateRight(s, ' '));
325 | until s = '';
326 | end;
327 |
328 | if proxykeep then
329 | headers.add('Connection: keep-alive')
330 | else
331 | headers.add('Connection: close');
332 |
333 | s := ParseURL(uri, Prot, User, Pass, Host, Port, Path, Para);
334 | Headers.Insert(0, method + ' ' + s + ' ' + protocol);
335 |
336 | if lasthost <> host then
337 | qsock.closesocket;
338 | if qsock.Socket = INVALID_SOCKET then
339 | begin
340 | qsock.Connect(host, port);
341 | if qsock.LastError <> 0 then
342 | begin
343 | return502(sock, host, port);
344 | exit;
345 | end;
346 | lasthost := host;
347 | end;
348 |
349 | if method = 'CONNECT' then
350 | begin
351 | sock.SendString(protocol + ' 200 Connection established' + CRLF + CRLF);
352 | LogRec.stat := '200';
353 | WriteAccesslog(Logrec);
354 | RelayTCP(sock, qsock);
355 | Exit;
356 | end;
357 | qsock.SendString(headers.text + CRLF);
358 |
359 | //upload data from client to server if needed.
360 | if size > 0 then
361 | begin
362 | if not RelaySock(sock, qsock, size) then
363 | exit;
364 | end;
365 |
366 | //read response line
367 | repeat
368 | headers.Clear;
369 | s := qsock.RecvString(timeout);
370 | if qsock.lasterror <> 0 then
371 | Exit;
372 | if s = '' then
373 | Exit;
374 | headers.Add(s);
375 | rprotocol := fetch(s, ' ');
376 | status := StrToIntDef(separateleft(s, ' '), 0);
377 | if status = 100 then
378 | begin
379 | sock.SendString(rprotocol + ' ' + s + CRLF);
380 | repeat
381 | s := qSock.RecvString(Timeout);
382 | if qSock.LastError = 0 then
383 | sock.SendString(s + CRLF);
384 | until (s = '') or (qSock.LastError <> 0);
385 | end;
386 | until status <> 100;
387 |
388 |
389 | //read response headers
390 | if pos('HTTP/', rprotocol) <> 1 then
391 | Exit;
392 | LogRec.stat := IntToStr(status);
393 | size := -1;
394 | chunked := false;
395 | //read response headers
396 | repeat
397 | s := qsock.RecvString(Timeout);
398 | if qsock.lasterror <> 0 then
399 | Exit;
400 | if s <> '' then
401 | Headers.add(s);
402 | if Pos('CONTENT-LENGTH:', Uppercase(s)) = 1 then
403 | Size := StrToIntDef(SeparateRight(s, ' '), 0);
404 | if Pos('TRANSFER-ENCODING:', uppercase(s)) = 1 then
405 | chunked:=Pos('CHUNKED', uppercase(s)) > 0;
406 | if Pos('CONNECTION:', uppercase(s)) = 1 then
407 | if Pos('CLOSE', uppercase(s)) > 0 then
408 | proxyKeep := False;
409 | until s = '';
410 |
411 | if (not(chunked)) and (size = -1) then
412 | proxyKeep := false;
413 |
414 | if proxykeep and (protocol <> 'HTTP/1.1') then
415 | proxykeep := false;
416 |
417 | sock.SendString(headers.text + CRLF);
418 |
419 | if method = 'HEAD' then
420 | begin
421 | LogRec.len := 0;
422 | end
423 | else
424 | begin
425 | if size > 0 then
426 | begin
427 | //identity kodovani
428 | if not RelaySock(qsock, sock, size) then
429 | exit;
430 | LogRec.len := Size;
431 | end
432 | else
433 | begin
434 | if chunked then
435 | begin
436 | repeat
437 | repeat
438 | s := qSock.RecvString(Timeout);
439 | if qSock.LastError = 0 then
440 | sock.SendString(s + CRLF);
441 | until (s <> '') or (qSock.LastError <> 0);
442 | if qSock.LastError <> 0 then
443 | Break;
444 | s := Trim(SeparateLeft(s, ' '));
445 | s := Trim(SeparateLeft(s, ';'));
446 | Size := StrToIntDef('$' + s, 0);
447 | LogRec.len := LogRec.len + Size;
448 | if Size = 0 then
449 | begin
450 | repeat
451 | s := qSock.RecvString(Timeout);
452 | if qSock.LastError = 0 then
453 | sock.SendString(s + CRLF);
454 | until (s = '') or (qSock.LastError <> 0);
455 | Break;
456 | end;
457 | if not RelaySock(qsock, sock, size) then
458 | break;
459 | until False;
460 | end
461 | else
462 | begin
463 | if size = -1 then
464 | if method = 'GET' then
465 | if (status div 100) = 2 then
466 | begin
467 | while qsock.LastError = 0 do
468 | begin
469 | s := qsock.RecvPacket(timeout);
470 | if qsock.LastError = 0 then
471 | sock.SendString(s);
472 | LogRec.len := LogRec.len + length(s);
473 | end;
474 | end;
475 | end;
476 | end;
477 | end;
478 | //done
479 | WriteAccesslog(Logrec);
480 | if (qsock.LastError <> 0) or (sock.LastError <> 0) then
481 | Exit;
482 | sleep(1);
483 | until not proxykeep;
484 | //finish with connection
485 | finally
486 | sock.Free;
487 | Qsock.Free;
488 | end;
489 | end;
490 |
491 | procedure TTCPHttpThrd.ReturnHTML(const sock: TTCPBlockSocket; const value, stat: string);
492 | begin
493 | sock.sendstring('HTTP/1.0 ' + stat + CRLF);
494 | sock.sendstring('Content-type: text/html' + CRLF);
495 | sock.sendstring('Content-length: ' + Inttostr(length(value)) + CRLF);
496 | sock.sendstring('proxy-Connection: close' + CRLF);
497 | sock.sendstring(CRLF);
498 | sock.sendstring(value);
499 | end;
500 |
501 | procedure TTCPHttpThrd.Return502(const sock: TTCPBlockSocket; host, port: string);
502 | var
503 | l: TStringlist;
504 | begin
505 | l := TStringList.Create;
506 | try
507 | l.Add('<html>');
508 | l.Add('<head><title>Bad address!</title></head>');
509 | l.Add('<body>');
510 | l.Add('<H1>Bad address!</H1>');
511 | l.Add('<P>');
512 | l.Add('Unable to connect with: ' + host + ':' + port);
513 | l.Add('<P>');
514 | l.Add('Requested address is bad, or server is not accessible now.');
515 | l.Add('<P>');
516 | l.Add('<H2>Error 502</H2>');
517 | l.Add('<P>');
518 | l.Add('</body>');
519 | l.Add('</html>');
520 | ReturnHTML(sock, l.text, '502');
521 | finally
522 | l.free;
523 | end;
524 | end;
525 |
526 | //write Apache compatible access log
527 | procedure TTCPHttpThrd.WriteAccessLog(const LogRec: TLogRec);
528 | var
529 | day, month, year: word;
530 | s: string;
531 | const
532 | MNames: array[1..12] of string =
533 | ('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
534 | 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec');
535 | begin
536 | Decodedate(LogRec.dt,year, month, day);
537 | s := Format('%.2d', [day]) + '/' + MNames[month] + '/' + IntToStr(year);
538 | s := '[' + s + FormatDateTime(':hh:nn:ss', LogRec.dt) + ' ' + TimeZone + ']';
539 | s := LogRec.ip + ' - - ' + s + ' "' + LogRec.req + '"';
540 | if LogRec.stat = '' then
541 | s := s + ' -'
542 | else
543 | s := s + ' ' + LogRec.Stat;
544 | if LogRec.len = 0 then
545 | s := s + ' -'
546 | else
547 | s := s + ' ' + IntToStr(LogRec.len);
548 | if LogRec.Ref = '' then
549 | s := s + ' "-"'
550 | else
551 | s := s + ' "' + LogRec.Ref + '"';
552 | if LogRec.Agent = '' then
553 | s := s + ' "-"'
554 | else
555 | s := s + ' "' + LogRec.Agent + '"';
556 | Writelog(s);
557 | end;
558 |
559 | end.