1 | unit FtpThrd;
2 |
3 | {$IFDEF FPC}
4 | {$mode delphi}
5 | {$endif}
6 |
7 | interface
8 |
9 | uses
11 | Libc,
12 | {$ELSE}
13 | Windows,
14 | {$ENDIF}
15 | Classes, SysUtils, blcksock, synsock, synautil, filectrl;
16 |
17 | type
18 | TFtpServerThread = class(TThread)
19 | private
20 | clients: TSocket;
21 | FDataIP, FDataPort: string;
22 | protected
23 | procedure Execute; override;
24 | procedure send(const sock: TTcpBlocksocket; value: string);
25 | procedure ParseRemote(Value: string);
26 | function buildname(dir, value: string): string;
27 | function buildrealname(value: string): string;
28 | function buildlist(value: string): string;
29 | public
30 | constructor Create(sock: TSocket);
31 | end;
32 |
33 | implementation
34 |
35 | const
36 | timeout = 60000;
37 | MyMonthNames: array[1..12] of AnsiString =
38 | ('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
39 | 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec');
40 |
41 |
42 | {==============================================================================}
43 | { TFtpServerThread }
44 |
45 | constructor TFtpServerThread.create(sock: TSocket);
46 | begin
47 | inherited create(false);
48 | FreeOnTerminate := true;
49 | clients := sock;
50 | // Priority := tpNormal;
51 | end;
52 |
53 | procedure TFtpServerThread.send(const sock: TTcpBlocksocket; value: string);
54 | begin
55 | sock.SendString(value + CRLF);
56 | end;
57 |
58 | procedure TFtpServerThread.ParseRemote(Value: string);
59 | var
60 | n: integer;
61 | nb, ne: integer;
62 | s: string;
63 | x: integer;
64 | begin
65 | Value := trim(Value);
66 | nb := Pos('(',Value);
67 | ne := Pos(')',Value);
68 | if (nb = 0) or (ne = 0) then
69 | begin
70 | nb:=RPos(' ',Value);
71 | s:=Copy(Value, nb + 1, Length(Value) - nb);
72 | end
73 | else
74 | begin
75 | s:=Copy(Value,nb+1,ne-nb-1);
76 | end;
77 | for n := 1 to 4 do
78 | if n = 1 then
79 | FDataIP := Fetch(s, ',')
80 | else
81 | FDataIP := FDataIP + '.' + Fetch(s, ',');
82 | x := StrToIntDef(Fetch(s, ','), 0) * 256;
83 | x := x + StrToIntDef(Fetch(s, ','), 0);
84 | FDataPort := IntToStr(x);
85 | end;
86 |
87 | function TFtpServerThread.buildname(dir, value: string): string;
88 | begin
89 | if value = '' then
90 | begin
91 | result := dir;
92 | exit;
93 | end;
94 | if value[1] = '/' then
95 | result := value
96 | else
97 | if (dir <> '') and (dir[length(dir)] = '/') then
98 | Result := dir + value
99 | else
100 | Result := dir + '/' + value;
101 | end;
102 |
103 | function TFtpServerThread.buildrealname(value: string): string;
104 | begin
105 | value := replacestring(value, '..', '.');
106 | value := replacestring(value, '/', '\');
107 | result := '.\data' + value;
108 | end;
109 |
110 | function fdate(value: integer): string;
111 | var
112 | st: tdatetime;
113 | wYear, wMonth, wDay: word;
114 | begin
115 | st := filedatetodatetime(value);
116 | DecodeDate(st, wYear, wMonth, wDay);
117 | Result:= Format('%d %s %d', [wday, MyMonthNames[wMonth], wyear]);
118 | end;
119 |
120 | function TFtpServerThread.buildlist(value: string): string;
121 | var
122 | SearchRec: TSearchRec;
123 | r: integer;
124 | s: string;
125 | begin
126 | result := '';
127 | if value = '' then
128 | exit;
129 | if value[length(value)] <> '\' then
130 | value := value + '\';
131 | R := FindFirst(value + '*.*', faanyfile, SearchRec);
132 | while r = 0 do
133 | begin
134 | if ((searchrec.Attr and faHidden) = 0)
135 | and ((searchrec.Attr and faSysFile) = 0)
136 | and ((searchrec.Attr and faVolumeID) = 0) then
137 | begin
138 | s := '';
139 | if (searchrec.Attr and faDirectory) > 0 then
140 | begin
141 | if (searchrec.Name <> '.') and (searchrec.Name <> '..') then
142 | begin
143 | s := s + 'drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 1 ';
144 | s := s + fdate(searchrec.time) + ' ';
145 | s := s + searchrec.name;
146 | end;
147 | end
148 | else
149 | begin
150 | s := s + '-rwxrwxrwx 1 root other ';
151 | s := s + inttostr(searchrec.Size) + ' ';
152 | s := s + fdate(searchrec.time) + ' ';
153 | s := s + searchrec.name;
154 | end;
155 | if s <> '' then
156 | Result := Result + s + CRLF;
157 | end;
158 | r := findnext(SearchRec);
159 | end;
160 | Findclose(searchrec);
161 | end;
162 |
163 | procedure TFtpServerThread.Execute;
164 | var
165 | sock, dsock: TTCPBlockSocket;
166 | s, t: string;
167 | authdone: boolean;
168 | user: string;
169 | cmd, par: string;
170 | pwd: string;
171 | st: TFileStream;
172 | begin
173 | sock := TTCPBlockSocket.Create;
174 | dsock := TTCPBlockSocket.Create;
175 | try
176 | sock.Socket := clients;
177 | send(sock, '220 welcome ' + sock.GetRemoteSinIP + '!');
178 | authdone := false;
179 | user := '';
180 | repeat
181 | s := sock.RecvString(timeout);
182 | cmd := uppercase(separateleft(s, ' '));
183 | par := separateright(s, ' ');
184 | if sock.lasterror <> 0 then
185 | exit;
186 | if terminated then
187 | exit;
188 | if cmd = 'USER' then
189 | begin
190 | user := par;
191 | send(sock, '331 Please specify the password.');
192 | continue;
193 | end;
194 | if cmd = 'PASS' then
195 | begin
196 | //user verification...
197 | if ((user = 'username') and (par = 'password'))
198 | or (user = 'anonymous') then
199 | begin
200 | send(sock, '230 Login successful.');
201 | authdone := true;
202 | continue;
203 | end;
204 | end;
205 | send(sock, '500 Syntax error, command unrecognized.');
206 | until authdone;
207 |
208 | pwd := '/';
209 | repeat
210 | s := sock.RecvString(timeout);
211 | cmd := uppercase(separateleft(s, ' '));
212 | par := separateright(s, ' ');
213 | if par = s then
214 | par := '';
215 | if sock.lasterror <> 0 then
216 | exit;
217 | if terminated then
218 | exit;
219 | if cmd = 'QUIT' then
220 | begin
221 | send(sock, '221 Service closing control connection.');
222 | break;
223 | end;
224 | if cmd = 'NOOP' then
225 | begin
226 | send(sock, '200 tjadydadydadydaaaaa!');
227 | continue;
228 | end;
229 | if cmd = 'PWD' then
230 | begin
231 | send(sock, '257 ' + Quotestr(pwd, '"'));
232 | continue;
233 | end;
234 | if cmd = 'CWD' then
235 | begin
236 | t := unquotestr(par, '"');
237 | t := buildname(pwd, t);
238 | if directoryexists(Buildrealname(t)) then
239 | begin
240 | pwd := t;
241 | send(sock, '250 OK ' + t);
242 | end
243 | else
244 | send(sock, '550 Requested action not taken.');
245 | continue;
246 | end;
247 | if cmd = 'MKD' then
248 | begin
249 | t := unquotestr(par, '"');
250 | t := buildname(pwd, t);
251 | if CreateDir(Buildrealname(t)) then
252 | begin
253 | pwd := t;
254 | send(sock, '257 "' + t + '" directory created');
255 | end
256 | else
257 | send(sock, '521 "' + t + '" Requested action not taken.');
258 | continue;
259 | end;
260 | if cmd = 'CDUP' then
261 | begin
262 | pwd := '/';
263 | send(sock, '250 OK');
264 | continue;
265 | end;
266 | if (cmd = 'TYPE')
267 | or (cmd = 'ALLO')
268 | or (cmd = 'STRU')
269 | or (cmd = 'MODE') then
270 | begin
271 | send(sock, '200 OK');
272 | continue;
273 | end;
274 | if cmd = 'PORT' then
275 | begin
276 | Parseremote(par);
277 | send(sock, '200 OK');
278 | continue;
279 | end;
280 | if cmd = 'LIST' then
281 | begin
282 | t := unquotestr(par, '"');
283 | t := buildname(pwd, t);
284 | dsock.CloseSocket;
285 | dsock.Connect(Fdataip, Fdataport);
286 | if dsock.LastError <> 0 then
287 | send(sock, '425 Can''t open data connection.')
288 | else
289 | begin
290 | send(sock, '150 OK ' + t);
291 | dsock.SendString(buildlist(buildrealname(t)));
292 | send(sock, '226 OK ' + t);
293 | end;
294 | dsock.CloseSocket;
295 | continue;
296 | end;
297 | if cmd = 'RETR' then
298 | begin
299 | t := unquotestr(par, '"');
300 | t := buildname(pwd, t);
301 | if fileexists(buildrealname(t)) then
302 | begin
303 | dsock.CloseSocket;
304 | dsock.Connect(Fdataip, Fdataport);
305 | dsock.SetLinger(true, 10000);
306 | if dsock.LastError <> 0 then
307 | send(sock, '425 Can''t open data connection.')
308 | else
309 | begin
310 | send(sock, '150 OK ' + t);
311 | try
312 | st := TFileStream.Create(buildrealname(t), fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
313 | try
314 | dsock.SendStreamRaw(st);
315 | finally
316 | st.free;
317 | end;
318 | send(sock, '226 OK ' + t);
319 | except
320 | on exception do
321 | send(sock, '451 Requested action aborted: local error in processing.');
322 | end;
323 | end;
324 | dsock.CloseSocket;
325 | end
326 | else
327 | send(sock, '550 File unavailable. ' + t);
328 | continue;
329 | end;
330 | if cmd = 'STOR' then
331 | begin
332 | t := unquotestr(par, '"');
333 | t := buildname(pwd, t);
334 | if directoryexists(extractfiledir(buildrealname(t))) then
335 | begin
336 | dsock.CloseSocket;
337 | dsock.Connect(Fdataip, Fdataport);
338 | dsock.SetLinger(true, 10000);
339 | if dsock.LastError <> 0 then
340 | send(sock, '425 Can''t open data connection.')
341 | else
342 | begin
343 | send(sock, '150 OK ' + t);
344 | try
345 | st := TFileStream.Create(buildrealname(t), fmCreate or fmShareDenyWrite);
346 | try
347 | dsock.RecvStreamRaw(st, timeout);
348 | finally
349 | st.free;
350 | end;
351 | send(sock, '226 OK ' + t);
352 | except
353 | on exception do
354 | send(sock, '451 Requested action aborted: local error in processing.');
355 | end;
356 | end;
357 | dsock.CloseSocket;
358 | end
359 | else
360 | send(sock, '553 Directory not exists. ' + t);
361 | continue;
362 | end;
363 | send(sock, '500 Syntax error, command unrecognized.');
364 | until false;
365 |
366 | finally
367 | dsock.free;
368 | sock.free;
369 | end;
370 | end;
371 |
372 | {==============================================================================}
373 | end.