1 | {
2 | TFTP supports five types of packets, all of which have been mentioned
3 | above:
4 | opcode operation
5 |
6 | 1 Read request (RRQ)
7 | 2 Write request (WRQ)
8 | 3 Data (DATA)
9 | 4 Acknowledgment (ACK)
10 | 5 Error (ERROR)
11 |
12 |
13 | Error Codes
14 | Value Meaning
15 |
16 | 0 Not defined, see error message (if any).
17 | 1 File not found.
18 | 2 Access violation.
19 | 3 Disk full or allocation exceeded.
20 | 4 Illegal TFTP operation.
21 | 5 Unknown transfer ID.
22 | 6 File already exists.
23 | 7 No such user.
24 |
25 |
26 | }
27 |
28 | unit TFTPDaemonThread;
29 |
30 | interface
31 |
32 | uses Classes, SysUtils, FTPTSend;
33 |
34 | type
35 | TTFTPDaemonThread = class(TThread)
36 | private
37 | { Private declarations }
38 | TFTPDaemon:TTFTPSend;
39 | FIPAdress:String;
40 | FPort:String;
41 | FLogMessage:String;
42 | procedure UpdateLog;
43 | protected
44 | procedure Execute; override;
45 | public
46 | constructor Create(IPAdress,Port:String);
47 | end;
48 |
49 | implementation
50 |
51 | uses MainBox;
52 |
53 | constructor TTFTPDaemonThread.Create(IPAdress,Port:String);
54 | begin
55 | FIPAdress := IPAdress;
56 | FPort := Port;
57 | inherited Create(False);
58 | end;
59 |
60 | procedure TTFTPDaemonThread.UpdateLOG;
61 | begin
62 | MainForm.Log.Lines.Add(FLogMessage);
63 | end;
64 |
65 | procedure TTFTPDaemonThread.Execute;
66 | var RequestType:Word;
67 | FileName:String;
68 | begin
69 | TFTPDaemon := TTFTPSend.Create;
70 | FLogMessage := 'ServerThread created on Port ' + FPort;
71 | Synchronize(UpdateLog);
72 | TFTPDaemon.TargetHost := FIPAdress;
73 | TFTPDaemon.TargetPort := FPort;
74 | try
75 | while not terminated do
76 | begin
77 | if TFTPDaemon.WaitForRequest(RequestType,FileName)
78 | then
79 | begin
80 | // Fill the Log-Memo whith Infos about the request
81 | case RequestType of
82 | 1:FLogMessage := 'Read-Request from '
83 | + TFTPDaemon.RequestIP + ':' + TFTPDaemon.RequestPort;
84 | 2:FLogMessage := 'Write-Request from '
85 | + TFTPDaemon.RequestIP + ':' + TFTPDaemon.RequestPort;
86 | end;
87 | Synchronize(UpdateLog);
88 | FLogMessage := 'File: ' + Filename;
89 | Synchronize(UpdateLog);
90 |
91 | // Process the Request
92 | case RequestType of
93 | 1:begin // Read request (RRQ)
94 | if FileExists(MainForm.PathEdit.Text + FileName)
95 | then
96 | begin
97 | TFTPDaemon.Data.LoadFromFile(MainForm.PathEdit.Text + FileName);
98 | if TFTPDaemon.ReplySend
99 | then
100 | begin
101 | FLogMessage := '"' + MainForm.PathEdit.Text + FileName + '" successfully sent.';
102 | Synchronize(UpdateLog);
103 | end;
104 | end
105 | else TFTPDaemon.ReplyError(1,'File not Found');
106 | end;
107 | 2:begin // Write request (WRQ)
108 | if not FileExists(MainForm.PathEdit.Text + FileName)
109 | then
110 | begin
111 | if TFTPDaemon.ReplyRecv
112 | then
113 | begin
114 | TFTPDaemon.Data.SaveToFile(MainForm.PathEdit.Text + FileName);
115 | FLogMessage := 'File sucessfully stored to ' + MainForm.PathEdit.Text + FileName;
116 | Synchronize(UpdateLog);
117 | end;
118 | end
119 | else TFTPDaemon.ReplyError(6,'File already exists');
120 | end;
121 | end;
122 | end;
123 | end;
124 | finally
125 | TFTPDaemon.Free;
126 | end;
127 | end;
128 |
129 | end.