1 | unit MainBox;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
7 | Dialogs, StdCtrls, FTPTSend;
8 |
9 | type
10 | TForm1 = class(TForm)
11 | Log: TMemo;
12 | BExit: TButton;
13 | BAbout: TButton;
14 | Label2: TLabel;
15 | Label3: TLabel;
16 | Label4: TLabel;
17 | TargetSystemEdit: TEdit;
18 | TargetPortEdit: TEdit;
19 | TargetFileEdit: TEdit;
20 | BGetFile: TButton;
21 | BPutFile: TButton;
22 | OpenDialog: TOpenDialog;
23 | SaveDialog: TSaveDialog;
24 | procedure BAboutClick(Sender: TObject);
25 | procedure BExitClick(Sender: TObject);
26 | procedure BPutFileClick(Sender: TObject);
27 | procedure BGetFileClick(Sender: TObject);
28 | private
29 | { Private-Deklarationen }
30 | TFTPClient:TTFTPSend;
31 | public
32 | { Public-Deklarationen }
33 | end;
34 |
35 | var
36 | Form1: TForm1;
37 |
38 | implementation
39 |
40 | {$R *.dfm}
41 |
42 | procedure TForm1.BAboutClick(Sender: TObject);
43 | begin
44 | // Show a little About-Box
45 | Application.MessageBox('Synapse Demo Application, (c) 2003 by Christian Brosius','About...',MB_OK);
46 | end;
47 |
48 | procedure TForm1.BExitClick(Sender: TObject);
49 | begin
50 | // Close the TFTP-Client
51 | Close;
52 | end;
53 |
54 | procedure TForm1.BPutFileClick(Sender: TObject);
55 | begin
56 | if OpenDialog.Execute
57 | then
58 | begin
59 | // Create TFTPClient
60 | TFTPClient := TTFTPSend.Create;
61 | Log.Lines.Add('TFTPClient created');
62 |
63 | // Set Target-Parameter
64 | TFTPClient.TargetHost := TargetSystemEdit.Text;
65 | Log.Lines.Add('TargetSystem is ' + TFTPClient.TargetHost);
66 | TFTPClient.TargetPort := TargetPortEdit.Text;
67 | Log.Lines.Add('TargetPort is ' + TFTPClient.TargetPort);
68 |
69 | // Try sending file
70 | Log.Lines.Add('Try to send ' + OpenDialog.FileName);
71 | TFTPClient.Data.LoadFromFile(OpenDialog.FileName);
72 | if TFTPClient.SendFile(ExtractFileName(OpenDialog.FileName))
73 | then
74 | begin
75 | // Filetransfer successful
76 | Log.Lines.Add('File successfully sent to TFTPServer');
77 | end
78 | else
79 | begin
80 | // Filetransfer not successful
81 | Log.Lines.Add('Error while sending File to TFTPServer');
82 | Log.Lines.Add('Error #' + IntToStr(TFTPClient.ErrorCode) + ' - ' + TFTPClient.ErrorString);
83 | end;
84 | // Free TFTPClient
85 | TFTPClient.Free;
86 | Log.Lines.Add('TFTPClient destroyed');
87 | end;
88 | end;
89 |
90 | procedure TForm1.BGetFileClick(Sender: TObject);
91 | begin
92 | // Create TFTPClient
93 | TFTPClient := TTFTPSend.Create;
94 | Log.Lines.Add('TFTPClient created');
95 |
96 | // Set Target-Parameter
97 | TFTPClient.TargetHost := TargetSystemEdit.Text;
98 | Log.Lines.Add('TargetSystem is ' + TFTPClient.TargetHost);
99 | TFTPClient.TargetPort := TargetPortEdit.Text;
100 | Log.Lines.Add('TargetPort is ' + TFTPClient.TargetPort);
101 |
102 | // Try sending file
103 | Log.Lines.Add('Try to get "' + TargetFileEdit.Text + '"');
104 | if TFTPClient.RecvFile(TargetFileEdit.Text)
105 | then
106 | begin
107 | // Filetransfer successful
108 | Log.Lines.Add('File successfully get from TFTPServer');
109 | SaveDialog.FileName := TargetFileEdit.Text;
110 | if SaveDialog.Execute
111 | then TFTPClient.Data.SaveToFile(SaveDialog.FileName);
112 | end
113 | else
114 | begin
115 | // Filetransfer not successful
116 | Log.Lines.Add('Error while getting File from TFTPServer');
117 | Log.Lines.Add(IntToStr(TFTPClient.ErrorCode) + ' - ' + TFTPClient.ErrorString);
118 | end;
119 | // Free TFTPClient
120 | TFTPClient.Free;
121 | Log.Lines.Add('TFTPClient destroyed');
122 | end;
123 |
124 | end.