1 | unit mailchck;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | dnssend, smtpsend, synautil, classes, synamisc;
7 |
8 | function mailcheck(email:string):integer;
9 |
10 | implementation
11 |
12 | {
13 | 0 - address exists
14 | 1 - address may exists
15 | 2 - your DNS nannot working (cannot check!)
16 | 3 - your DNS is not defined (cannot check!)
17 | 4 - cannot contact any MX servers (cannot check!);
18 | 5 - domain not have MX record
19 | 6 - address not exists
20 | 7 - address is bad!
21 | }
22 |
23 | function mailcheck(email:string):integer;
24 | var
25 | smtp:TSMTPsend;
26 | domain:string;
27 | user: string;
28 | mailservers:tstringlist;
29 | dnsservers:tstringlist;
30 | x: integer;
31 | n, m: integer;
32 | b: boolean;
33 | begin
34 | result:=7;
35 | email:=getemailaddr(email);
36 | x := pos('@', email);
37 | if x <= 0 then
38 | exit; //invalid address format
39 | domain:=separateright(email,'@');
40 | user:=separateLeft(email,'@');
41 | if (domain = '') or (user = '') then
42 | exit; //invalid address format
43 | smtp:=tsmtpsend.create;
44 | mailservers:=tstringlist.create;
45 | dnsservers:=tstringlist.create;
46 | try
47 | dnsservers.CommaText := GetDNS;
48 | result := 3;
49 | if dnsservers.Count = 0 then
50 | Exit; // not DNS servers defined
51 | result := 2;
52 | b := false;
53 | for n := 0 to dnsservers.Count -1 do
54 | if GetMailServers(dnsservers[n], domain, mailservers) then
55 | begin
56 | b := true;
57 | break;
58 | end;
59 | if not b then
60 | Exit; // DNS cannot be contacted
61 | result := 5;
62 | if mailservers.Count = 0 then
63 | exit; // not defined MX record for requested domain
64 | b := false;
65 | for n := 0 to mailservers.count - 1 do
66 | begin
67 | smtp.TargetHost := mailservers[n];
68 | if not smtp.Login then
69 | Continue;
70 | b := true;
71 | if smtp.Verify(email) then
72 | begin
73 | if smtp.ResultCode < 252 then
74 | begin
75 | Result := 0; // user address confirmed!
76 | break;
77 | end;
78 | end
79 | else
80 | if smtp.ResultCode = 551 then
81 | begin
82 | Result := 6; // user address not confirmed!
83 | break;
84 | end;
85 | if not smtp.MailFrom('mailcheck@somewhere.com', 100) then
86 | Continue;
87 | if not smtp.MailTo(email) then
88 | begin
89 | Result := 6; // user address not confirmed!
90 | break;
91 | end
92 | else
93 | begin
94 | Result := 1; // address MAY exists
95 | break;
96 | end;
97 | end;
98 | if not b then
99 | result := 4; //cannot contact any mailserver;
100 | finally
101 | dnsservers.free;
102 | mailservers.free;
103 | smtp.free;
104 | end;
105 | end;
106 |
107 | end.