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6 | <title>nntpsend: Class TNNTPSend</title>
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9 | <body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" link="#0000ff" vlink="#800080" alink="#FF0000">
10 | <a name="TNNTPSend"></a><h1 class="cio">Class TNNTPSend</h1>
11 | <table class="sections">
12 | <tr>
13 | <td><a class="section" href="#@Description">Description</a></td><td><a class="section" href="#@Hierarchy">Hierarchy</a></td><td>Fields</td><td><a class="section" href="#@Methods">Methods</a></td><td><a class="section" href="#@Properties">Properties</a></td></tr></table>
14 | <a name="@Description"></a><h2 class="unit">Unit</h2>
15 | <p class="unitlink">
16 | <a href="nntpsend.html">nntpsend</a></p>
17 | <h2 class="declaration">Declaration</h2>
18 | <p class="declaration">
19 | <code>type TNNTPSend = class(<a class="normal" href="blcksock.TSynaClient.html">TSynaClient</a>)</code></p>
20 | <h2 class="description">Description</h2>
21 | <p>
22 | abstract(Implementation of Network News Transfer Protocol.
23 |
24 | <p>Note: Are you missing properties for setting Username and Password? Look to parent <a class="normal" href="blcksock.TSynaClient.html">TSynaClient</a> object!
25 |
26 | <p>Are you missing properties for specify server address and port? Look to parent <a class="normal" href="blcksock.TSynaClient.html">TSynaClient</a> too!</p>
27 | <a name="@Hierarchy"></a><h2 class="hierarchy">Hierarchy</h2>
28 | <ul class="hierarchy"><li class="ancestor">TObject</li>
29 | <li class="ancestor"><a class="normal" href="blcksock.TSynaClient.html">TSynaClient</a></li>
30 | <li class="thisitem">TNNTPSend</li></ul><h2 class="overview">Overview</h2>
31 | <a name="@Methods"></a><h3 class="summary">Methods</h3>
32 | <table class="summary">
33 | <tr class="list">
34 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
35 | <td class="itemcode"><code>constructor <b><a href="nntpsend.TNNTPSend.html#Create">Create</a></b>;</code></td>
36 | </tr>
37 | <tr class="list2">
38 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
39 | <td class="itemcode"><code>destructor <b><a href="nntpsend.TNNTPSend.html#Destroy">Destroy</a></b>; override;</code></td>
40 | </tr>
41 | <tr class="list">
42 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
43 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="nntpsend.TNNTPSend.html#Login">Login</a></b>: Boolean;</code></td>
44 | </tr>
45 | <tr class="list2">
46 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
47 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="nntpsend.TNNTPSend.html#Logout">Logout</a></b>: Boolean;</code></td>
48 | </tr>
49 | <tr class="list">
50 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
51 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="nntpsend.TNNTPSend.html#DoCommand">DoCommand</a></b>(const Command: string): boolean;</code></td>
52 | </tr>
53 | <tr class="list2">
54 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
55 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="nntpsend.TNNTPSend.html#DoCommandRead">DoCommandRead</a></b>(const Command: string): boolean;</code></td>
56 | </tr>
57 | <tr class="list">
58 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
59 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="nntpsend.TNNTPSend.html#DoCommandWrite">DoCommandWrite</a></b>(const Command: string): boolean;</code></td>
60 | </tr>
61 | <tr class="list2">
62 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
63 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="nntpsend.TNNTPSend.html#GetArticle">GetArticle</a></b>(const Value: string): Boolean;</code></td>
64 | </tr>
65 | <tr class="list">
66 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
67 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="nntpsend.TNNTPSend.html#GetBody">GetBody</a></b>(const Value: string): Boolean;</code></td>
68 | </tr>
69 | <tr class="list2">
70 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
71 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="nntpsend.TNNTPSend.html#GetHead">GetHead</a></b>(const Value: string): Boolean;</code></td>
72 | </tr>
73 | <tr class="list">
74 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
75 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="nntpsend.TNNTPSend.html#GetStat">GetStat</a></b>(const Value: string): Boolean;</code></td>
76 | </tr>
77 | <tr class="list2">
78 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
79 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="nntpsend.TNNTPSend.html#SelectGroup">SelectGroup</a></b>(const Value: string): Boolean;</code></td>
80 | </tr>
81 | <tr class="list">
82 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
83 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="nntpsend.TNNTPSend.html#IHave">IHave</a></b>(const MessID: string): Boolean;</code></td>
84 | </tr>
85 | <tr class="list2">
86 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
87 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="nntpsend.TNNTPSend.html#GotoLast">GotoLast</a></b>: Boolean;</code></td>
88 | </tr>
89 | <tr class="list">
90 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
91 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="nntpsend.TNNTPSend.html#GotoNext">GotoNext</a></b>: Boolean;</code></td>
92 | </tr>
93 | <tr class="list2">
94 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
95 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="nntpsend.TNNTPSend.html#ListGroups">ListGroups</a></b>: Boolean;</code></td>
96 | </tr>
97 | <tr class="list">
98 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
99 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="nntpsend.TNNTPSend.html#ListNewGroups">ListNewGroups</a></b>(Since: TDateTime): Boolean;</code></td>
100 | </tr>
101 | <tr class="list2">
102 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
103 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="nntpsend.TNNTPSend.html#NewArticles">NewArticles</a></b>(const Group: string; Since: TDateTime): Boolean;</code></td>
104 | </tr>
105 | <tr class="list">
106 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
107 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="nntpsend.TNNTPSend.html#PostArticle">PostArticle</a></b>: Boolean;</code></td>
108 | </tr>
109 | <tr class="list2">
110 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
111 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="nntpsend.TNNTPSend.html#SwitchToSlave">SwitchToSlave</a></b>: Boolean;</code></td>
112 | </tr>
113 | <tr class="list">
114 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
115 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="nntpsend.TNNTPSend.html#Xover">Xover</a></b>(xoStart, xoEnd: string): boolean;</code></td>
116 | </tr>
117 | <tr class="list2">
118 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
119 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="nntpsend.TNNTPSend.html#StartTLS">StartTLS</a></b>: Boolean;</code></td>
120 | </tr>
121 | <tr class="list">
122 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
123 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="nntpsend.TNNTPSend.html#FindCap">FindCap</a></b>(const Value: string): string;</code></td>
124 | </tr>
125 | <tr class="list2">
126 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
127 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="nntpsend.TNNTPSend.html#ListExtensions">ListExtensions</a></b>: Boolean;</code></td>
128 | </tr>
129 | </table>
130 | <a name="@Properties"></a><h3 class="summary">Properties</h3>
131 | <table class="summary">
132 | <tr class="list">
133 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
134 | <td class="itemcode"><code>property <b><a href="nntpsend.TNNTPSend.html#ResultCode">ResultCode</a></b>: Integer read FResultCode;</code></td>
135 | </tr>
136 | <tr class="list2">
137 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
138 | <td class="itemcode"><code>property <b><a href="nntpsend.TNNTPSend.html#ResultString">ResultString</a></b>: string read FResultString;</code></td>
139 | </tr>
140 | <tr class="list">
141 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
142 | <td class="itemcode"><code>property <b><a href="nntpsend.TNNTPSend.html#Data">Data</a></b>: TStringList read FData;</code></td>
143 | </tr>
144 | <tr class="list2">
145 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
146 | <td class="itemcode"><code>property <b><a href="nntpsend.TNNTPSend.html#AutoTLS">AutoTLS</a></b>: Boolean read FAutoTLS Write FAutoTLS;</code></td>
147 | </tr>
148 | <tr class="list">
149 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
150 | <td class="itemcode"><code>property <b><a href="nntpsend.TNNTPSend.html#FullSSL">FullSSL</a></b>: Boolean read FFullSSL Write FFullSSL;</code></td>
151 | </tr>
152 | <tr class="list2">
153 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
154 | <td class="itemcode"><code>property <b><a href="nntpsend.TNNTPSend.html#Sock">Sock</a></b>: <a href="blcksock.TTCPBlockSocket.html">TTCPBlockSocket</a> read FSock;</code></td>
155 | </tr>
156 | </table>
157 | <h2 class="description">Description</h2>
158 | <h3 class="detail">Methods</h3>
159 | <table class="detail">
160 | <tr class="list">
161 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
162 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="Create"></a><code>constructor <b>Create</b>;</code></td>
163 | </tr>
164 | </table>
165 | <table class="detail">
166 | <tr class="list">
167 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
168 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="Destroy"></a><code>destructor <b>Destroy</b>; override;</code></td>
169 | </tr>
170 | </table>
171 | <table class="detail">
172 | <tr class="list">
173 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
174 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="Login"></a><code>function <b>Login</b>: Boolean;</code></td>
175 | </tr>
176 | </table>
177 | <p>
178 | Connects to NNTP server and begin session.</p>
179 | <table class="detail">
180 | <tr class="list">
181 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
182 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="Logout"></a><code>function <b>Logout</b>: Boolean;</code></td>
183 | </tr>
184 | </table>
185 | <p>
186 | Logout from NNTP server and terminate session.</p>
187 | <table class="detail">
188 | <tr class="list">
189 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
190 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="DoCommand"></a><code>function <b>DoCommand</b>(const Command: string): boolean;</code></td>
191 | </tr>
192 | </table>
193 | <p>
194 | By this you can call any NNTP command.</p>
195 | <table class="detail">
196 | <tr class="list">
197 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
198 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="DoCommandRead"></a><code>function <b>DoCommandRead</b>(const Command: string): boolean;</code></td>
199 | </tr>
200 | </table>
201 | <p>
202 | by this you can call any NNTP command. This variant is used for commands for download information from server.</p>
203 | <table class="detail">
204 | <tr class="list">
205 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
206 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="DoCommandWrite"></a><code>function <b>DoCommandWrite</b>(const Command: string): boolean;</code></td>
207 | </tr>
208 | </table>
209 | <p>
210 | by this you can call any NNTP command. This variant is used for commands for upload information to server.</p>
211 | <table class="detail">
212 | <tr class="list">
213 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
214 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="GetArticle"></a><code>function <b>GetArticle</b>(const Value: string): Boolean;</code></td>
215 | </tr>
216 | </table>
217 | <p>
218 | Download full message to <a class="normal" href="nntpsend.TNNTPSend.html#Data">Data</a> property. Value can be number of message or message-id (in brackets).</p>
219 | <table class="detail">
220 | <tr class="list">
221 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
222 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="GetBody"></a><code>function <b>GetBody</b>(const Value: string): Boolean;</code></td>
223 | </tr>
224 | </table>
225 | <p>
226 | Download only body of message to <a class="normal" href="nntpsend.TNNTPSend.html#Data">Data</a> property. Value can be number of message or message-id (in brackets).</p>
227 | <table class="detail">
228 | <tr class="list">
229 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
230 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="GetHead"></a><code>function <b>GetHead</b>(const Value: string): Boolean;</code></td>
231 | </tr>
232 | </table>
233 | <p>
234 | Download only headers of message to <a class="normal" href="nntpsend.TNNTPSend.html#Data">Data</a> property. Value can be number of message or message-id (in brackets).</p>
235 | <table class="detail">
236 | <tr class="list">
237 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
238 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="GetStat"></a><code>function <b>GetStat</b>(const Value: string): Boolean;</code></td>
239 | </tr>
240 | </table>
241 | <p>
242 | Get message status. Value can be number of message or message-id (in brackets).</p>
243 | <table class="detail">
244 | <tr class="list">
245 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
246 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="SelectGroup"></a><code>function <b>SelectGroup</b>(const Value: string): Boolean;</code></td>
247 | </tr>
248 | </table>
249 | <p>
250 | Select given group.</p>
251 | <table class="detail">
252 | <tr class="list">
253 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
254 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="IHave"></a><code>function <b>IHave</b>(const MessID: string): Boolean;</code></td>
255 | </tr>
256 | </table>
257 | <p>
258 | Tell to server 'I have mesage with given message-ID.' If server need this message, message is uploaded to server.</p>
259 | <table class="detail">
260 | <tr class="list">
261 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
262 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="GotoLast"></a><code>function <b>GotoLast</b>: Boolean;</code></td>
263 | </tr>
264 | </table>
265 | <p>
266 | Move message pointer to last item in group.</p>
267 | <table class="detail">
268 | <tr class="list">
269 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
270 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="GotoNext"></a><code>function <b>GotoNext</b>: Boolean;</code></td>
271 | </tr>
272 | </table>
273 | <p>
274 | Move message pointer to next item in group.</p>
275 | <table class="detail">
276 | <tr class="list">
277 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
278 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="ListGroups"></a><code>function <b>ListGroups</b>: Boolean;</code></td>
279 | </tr>
280 | </table>
281 | <p>
282 | Download to <a class="normal" href="nntpsend.TNNTPSend.html#Data">Data</a> property list of all groups on NNTP server.</p>
283 | <table class="detail">
284 | <tr class="list">
285 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
286 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="ListNewGroups"></a><code>function <b>ListNewGroups</b>(Since: TDateTime): Boolean;</code></td>
287 | </tr>
288 | </table>
289 | <p>
290 | Download to <a class="normal" href="nntpsend.TNNTPSend.html#Data">Data</a> property list of all groups created after given time.</p>
291 | <table class="detail">
292 | <tr class="list">
293 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
294 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="NewArticles"></a><code>function <b>NewArticles</b>(const Group: string; Since: TDateTime): Boolean;</code></td>
295 | </tr>
296 | </table>
297 | <p>
298 | Download to <a class="normal" href="nntpsend.TNNTPSend.html#Data">Data</a> property list of message-ids in given group since given time.</p>
299 | <table class="detail">
300 | <tr class="list">
301 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
302 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="PostArticle"></a><code>function <b>PostArticle</b>: Boolean;</code></td>
303 | </tr>
304 | </table>
305 | <p>
306 | Upload new article to server. (for new messages by you)</p>
307 | <table class="detail">
308 | <tr class="list">
309 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
310 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="SwitchToSlave"></a><code>function <b>SwitchToSlave</b>: Boolean;</code></td>
311 | </tr>
312 | </table>
313 | <p>
314 | Tells to remote NNTP server 'I am not NNTP client, but I am another NNTP server'.</p>
315 | <table class="detail">
316 | <tr class="list">
317 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
318 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="Xover"></a><code>function <b>Xover</b>(xoStart, xoEnd: string): boolean;</code></td>
319 | </tr>
320 | </table>
321 | <p>
322 | Call NNTP XOVER command.</p>
323 | <table class="detail">
324 | <tr class="list">
325 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
326 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="StartTLS"></a><code>function <b>StartTLS</b>: Boolean;</code></td>
327 | </tr>
328 | </table>
329 | <p>
330 | Call STARTTLS command for upgrade connection to SSL/TLS mode.</p>
331 | <table class="detail">
332 | <tr class="list">
333 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
334 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="FindCap"></a><code>function <b>FindCap</b>(const Value: string): string;</code></td>
335 | </tr>
336 | </table>
337 | <p>
338 | Try to find given capability in extension list. This list is getted after successful login to NNTP server. If extension capability is not found, then return is empty string.</p>
339 | <table class="detail">
340 | <tr class="list">
341 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
342 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="ListExtensions"></a><code>function <b>ListExtensions</b>: Boolean;</code></td>
343 | </tr>
344 | </table>
345 | <p>
346 | Try get list of server extensions. List is returned in <a class="normal" href="nntpsend.TNNTPSend.html#Data">Data</a> property.</p>
347 | <h3 class="detail">Properties</h3>
348 | <table class="detail">
349 | <tr class="list">
350 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
351 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="ResultCode"></a><code>property <b>ResultCode</b>: Integer read FResultCode;</code></td>
352 | </tr>
353 | </table>
354 | <p>
355 | Result code number of last operation.</p>
356 | <table class="detail">
357 | <tr class="list">
358 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
359 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="ResultString"></a><code>property <b>ResultString</b>: string read FResultString;</code></td>
360 | </tr>
361 | </table>
362 | <p>
363 | String description of last result code from NNTP server.</p>
364 | <table class="detail">
365 | <tr class="list">
366 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
367 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="Data"></a><code>property <b>Data</b>: TStringList read FData;</code></td>
368 | </tr>
369 | </table>
370 | <p>
371 | Readed data. (message, etc.)</p>
372 | <table class="detail">
373 | <tr class="list">
374 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
375 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="AutoTLS"></a><code>property <b>AutoTLS</b>: Boolean read FAutoTLS Write FAutoTLS;</code></td>
376 | </tr>
377 | </table>
378 | <p>
379 | If is set to <code>True</code>, then upgrade to SSL/TLS mode after login if remote server support it.</p>
380 | <table class="detail">
381 | <tr class="list">
382 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
383 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="FullSSL"></a><code>property <b>FullSSL</b>: Boolean read FFullSSL Write FFullSSL;</code></td>
384 | </tr>
385 | </table>
386 | <p>
387 | SSL/TLS mode is used from first contact to server. Servers with full SSL/TLS mode usualy using non-standard TCP port!</p>
388 | <table class="detail">
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390 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
391 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="Sock"></a><code>property <b>Sock</b>: <a href="blcksock.TTCPBlockSocket.html">TTCPBlockSocket</a> read FSock;</code></td>
392 | </tr>
393 | </table>
394 | <p>
395 | Socket object used for TCP/IP operation. Good for seting OnStatus hook, etc.</p>
396 | <hr noshade size="1"><span class="appinfo"><em>Generated by <a target="_parent" href="http://pasdoc.sourceforge.net/">PasDoc 0.9.0</a> on 2012-04-23 21:38:51</em>
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