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9 | <body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" link="#0000ff" vlink="#800080" alink="#FF0000">
10 | <h1 class="unit">Unit mimepart</h1>
11 | <table class="sections">
12 | <tr>
13 | <td><a class="section" href="#@Description">Description</a></td><td><a class="section" href="#@Uses">uses</a></td><td><a class="section" href="#@Classes">Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records</a></td><td><a class="section" href="#@FuncsProcs">Functions and Procedures</a></td><td><a class="section" href="#@Types">Types</a></td><td><a class="section" href="#@Constants">Constants</a></td><td>Variables</td></tr></table>
14 | <a name="@Description"></a><h2 class="description">Description</h2>
15 | <p>
16 | MIME part handling</p>
17 | <p>
18 | Handling with MIME parts.
19 |
20 | <p>Used RFC: RFC-2045</p>
21 | <a name="@Uses"></a><h2 class="uses">uses</h2>
22 | <ul class="useslist"><li>SysUtils</li><li>Classes</li><li><a href="synafpc.html">synafpc</a></li><li><a href="synachar.html">synachar</a></li><li><a href="synacode.html">synacode</a></li><li><a href="synautil.html">synautil</a></li><li><a href="mimeinln.html">mimeinln</a></li></ul><h2 class="overview">Overview</h2>
23 | <a name="@Classes"></a><h3 class="cio">Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records</h3>
24 | <table class="classestable">
25 | <tr class="listheader">
26 | <th class="itemname">Name</th>
27 | <th class="itemdesc">Description</th>
28 | </tr>
29 | <tr class="list">
30 | <td class="itemname">Class <a class="bold" href="mimepart.TMimePart.html"><code>TMimePart</code></a></td>
31 | <td class="itemdesc">Object for working with parts of MIME e-mail.</td>
32 | </tr>
33 | </table>
34 | <a name="@FuncsProcs"></a><h3 class="summary">Functions and Procedures</h3>
35 | <table class="summary">
36 | <tr class="list">
37 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="mimepart.html#GenerateBoundary">GenerateBoundary</a></b>: string;</code></td>
38 | </tr>
39 | </table>
40 | <a name="@Types"></a><h3 class="summary">Types</h3>
41 | <table class="summary">
42 | <tr class="list">
43 | <td class="itemcode"><code><b><a href="mimepart.html#THookWalkPart">THookWalkPart</a></b> = procedure(const Sender: <a href="mimepart.TMimePart.html">TMimePart</a>) of object;</code></td>
44 | </tr>
45 | <tr class="list2">
46 | <td class="itemcode"><code><b><a href="mimepart.html#TMimePrimary">TMimePrimary</a></b> = (...);</code></td>
47 | </tr>
48 | <tr class="list">
49 | <td class="itemcode"><code><b><a href="mimepart.html#TMimeEncoding">TMimeEncoding</a></b> = (...);</code></td>
50 | </tr>
51 | </table>
52 | <a name="@Constants"></a><h3 class="summary">Constants</h3>
53 | <table class="summary">
54 | <tr class="list">
55 | <td class="itemcode"><code><b><a href="mimepart.html#MaxMimeType">MaxMimeType</a></b> = 25;</code></td>
56 | </tr>
57 | <tr class="list2">
58 | <td class="itemcode"><code><b><a href="mimepart.html#MimeType">MimeType</a></b>: array[0..<a href="mimepart.html#MaxMimeType">MaxMimeType</a>, 0..2] of string =
59 | (
60 | ('AU', 'audio', 'basic'),
61 | ('AVI', 'video', 'x-msvideo'),
62 | ('BMP', 'image', 'BMP'),
63 | ('DOC', 'application', 'MSWord'),
64 | ('EPS', 'application', 'Postscript'),
65 | ('GIF', 'image', 'GIF'),
66 | ('JPEG', 'image', 'JPEG'),
67 | ('JPG', 'image', 'JPEG'),
68 | ('MID', 'audio', 'midi'),
69 | ('MOV', 'video', 'quicktime'),
70 | ('MPEG', 'video', 'MPEG'),
71 | ('MPG', 'video', 'MPEG'),
72 | ('MP2', 'audio', 'mpeg'),
73 | ('MP3', 'audio', 'mpeg'),
74 | ('PDF', 'application', 'PDF'),
75 | ('PNG', 'image', 'PNG'),
76 | ('PS', 'application', 'Postscript'),
77 | ('QT', 'video', 'quicktime'),
78 | ('RA', 'audio', 'x-realaudio'),
79 | ('RTF', 'application', 'RTF'),
80 | ('SND', 'audio', 'basic'),
81 | ('TIF', 'image', 'TIFF'),
82 | ('TIFF', 'image', 'TIFF'),
83 | ('WAV', 'audio', 'x-wav'),
84 | ('WPD', 'application', 'Wordperfect5.1'),
85 | ('ZIP', 'application', 'ZIP')
86 | );</code></td>
87 | </tr>
88 | </table>
89 | <h2 class="description">Description</h2>
90 | <h3 class="detail">Functions and Procedures</h3>
91 | <table class="detail">
92 | <tr class="list">
93 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="GenerateBoundary"></a><code>function <b>GenerateBoundary</b>: string;</code></td>
94 | </tr>
95 | </table>
96 | <p>
97 | Generates a unique boundary string.</p>
98 | <h3 class="detail">Types</h3>
99 | <table class="detail">
100 | <tr class="list">
101 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="THookWalkPart"></a><code><b>THookWalkPart</b> = procedure(const Sender: <a href="mimepart.TMimePart.html">TMimePart</a>) of object;</code></td>
102 | </tr>
103 | </table>
104 | <p>
105 | Procedural type for <a class="normal" href="mimepart.TMimePart.html">TMimePart</a>.<a class="normal" href="mimepart.TMimePart.html#WalkPart">WalkPart</a> hook</p>
106 | <p>
107 | . This hook is used for easy walking through MIME subparts.</p>
108 | <table class="detail">
109 | <tr class="list">
110 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="TMimePrimary"></a><code><b>TMimePrimary</b> = (...);</code></td>
111 | </tr>
112 | </table>
113 | <p>
114 | The four types of MIME parts. (textual, multipart, message or any other binary data.)</p>
115 | <ul>
116 | <li>
117 | MP_TEXT: </li>
118 | <li>
119 | MP_MULTIPART: </li>
120 | <li>
121 | MP_MESSAGE: </li>
122 | <li>
123 | MP_BINARY: </li>
124 | </ul>
125 | <table class="detail">
126 | <tr class="list">
127 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="TMimeEncoding"></a><code><b>TMimeEncoding</b> = (...);</code></td>
128 | </tr>
129 | </table>
130 | <p>
131 | The various types of possible part encodings.</p>
132 | <ul>
133 | <li>
134 | ME_7BIT: </li>
135 | <li>
136 | ME_8BIT: </li>
137 | <li>
139 | <li>
140 | ME_BASE64: </li>
141 | <li>
142 | ME_UU: </li>
143 | <li>
144 | ME_XX: </li>
145 | </ul>
146 | <h3 class="detail">Constants</h3>
147 | <table class="detail">
148 | <tr class="list">
149 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="MaxMimeType"></a><code><b>MaxMimeType</b> = 25;</code></td>
150 | </tr>
151 | </table>
152 | <table class="detail">
153 | <tr class="list">
154 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="MimeType"></a><code><b>MimeType</b>: array[0..<a href="mimepart.html#MaxMimeType">MaxMimeType</a>, 0..2] of string =
155 | (
156 | ('AU', 'audio', 'basic'),
157 | ('AVI', 'video', 'x-msvideo'),
158 | ('BMP', 'image', 'BMP'),
159 | ('DOC', 'application', 'MSWord'),
160 | ('EPS', 'application', 'Postscript'),
161 | ('GIF', 'image', 'GIF'),
162 | ('JPEG', 'image', 'JPEG'),
163 | ('JPG', 'image', 'JPEG'),
164 | ('MID', 'audio', 'midi'),
165 | ('MOV', 'video', 'quicktime'),
166 | ('MPEG', 'video', 'MPEG'),
167 | ('MPG', 'video', 'MPEG'),
168 | ('MP2', 'audio', 'mpeg'),
169 | ('MP3', 'audio', 'mpeg'),
170 | ('PDF', 'application', 'PDF'),
171 | ('PNG', 'image', 'PNG'),
172 | ('PS', 'application', 'Postscript'),
173 | ('QT', 'video', 'quicktime'),
174 | ('RA', 'audio', 'x-realaudio'),
175 | ('RTF', 'application', 'RTF'),
176 | ('SND', 'audio', 'basic'),
177 | ('TIF', 'image', 'TIFF'),
178 | ('TIFF', 'image', 'TIFF'),
179 | ('WAV', 'audio', 'x-wav'),
180 | ('WPD', 'application', 'Wordperfect5.1'),
181 | ('ZIP', 'application', 'ZIP')
182 | );</code></td>
183 | </tr>
184 | </table>
185 | <hr noshade size="1"><span class="appinfo"><em>Generated by <a target="_parent" href="http://pasdoc.sourceforge.net/">PasDoc 0.9.0</a> on 2012-04-23 21:38:51</em>
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