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6 | <title>blcksock: Class TCustomSSL</title>
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9 | <body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" link="#0000ff" vlink="#800080" alink="#FF0000">
10 | <a name="TCustomSSL"></a><h1 class="cio">Class TCustomSSL</h1>
11 | <table class="sections">
12 | <tr>
13 | <td><a class="section" href="#@Description">Description</a></td><td><a class="section" href="#@Hierarchy">Hierarchy</a></td><td>Fields</td><td><a class="section" href="#@Methods">Methods</a></td><td><a class="section" href="#@Properties">Properties</a></td></tr></table>
14 | <a name="@Description"></a><h2 class="unit">Unit</h2>
15 | <p class="unitlink">
16 | <a href="blcksock.html">blcksock</a></p>
17 | <h2 class="declaration">Declaration</h2>
18 | <p class="declaration">
19 | <code>type TCustomSSL = class(TObject)</code></p>
20 | <h2 class="description">Description</h2>
21 | <p>
22 | Parent class for all SSL plugins.</p>
23 | <p>
24 | This is abstract class defining interface for other SSL plugins.
25 |
26 | <p>Instance of this class will be created for each <a class="normal" href="blcksock.TTCPBlockSocket.html">TTCPBlockSocket</a>.
27 |
28 | <p>Warning: not all methods and propertis can work in all existing SSL plugins! Please, read documentation of used SSL plugin.</p>
29 | <a name="@Hierarchy"></a><h2 class="hierarchy">Hierarchy</h2>
30 | <ul class="hierarchy"><li class="ancestor">TObject</li>
31 | <li class="thisitem">TCustomSSL</li></ul><h2 class="overview">Overview</h2>
32 | <a name="@Methods"></a><h3 class="summary">Methods</h3>
33 | <table class="summary">
34 | <tr class="list">
35 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
36 | <td class="itemcode"><code>constructor <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#Create">Create</a></b>(const Value: <a href="blcksock.TTCPBlockSocket.html">TTCPBlockSocket</a>); virtual;</code></td>
37 | </tr>
38 | <tr class="list2">
39 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
40 | <td class="itemcode"><code>procedure <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#Assign">Assign</a></b>(const Value: <a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html">TCustomSSL</a>); virtual;</code></td>
41 | </tr>
42 | <tr class="list">
43 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
44 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#LibVersion">LibVersion</a></b>: String; virtual;</code></td>
45 | </tr>
46 | <tr class="list2">
47 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
48 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#LibName">LibName</a></b>: String; virtual;</code></td>
49 | </tr>
50 | <tr class="list">
51 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
52 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#Connect">Connect</a></b>: boolean; virtual;</code></td>
53 | </tr>
54 | <tr class="list2">
55 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
56 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#Accept">Accept</a></b>: boolean; virtual;</code></td>
57 | </tr>
58 | <tr class="list">
59 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
60 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#Shutdown">Shutdown</a></b>: boolean; virtual;</code></td>
61 | </tr>
62 | <tr class="list2">
63 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
64 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#BiShutdown">BiShutdown</a></b>: boolean; virtual;</code></td>
65 | </tr>
66 | <tr class="list">
67 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
68 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#SendBuffer">SendBuffer</a></b>(Buffer: TMemory; Len: Integer): Integer; virtual;</code></td>
69 | </tr>
70 | <tr class="list2">
71 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
72 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#RecvBuffer">RecvBuffer</a></b>(Buffer: TMemory; Len: Integer): Integer; virtual;</code></td>
73 | </tr>
74 | <tr class="list">
75 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
76 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#WaitingData">WaitingData</a></b>: Integer; virtual;</code></td>
77 | </tr>
78 | <tr class="list2">
79 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
80 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#GetSSLVersion">GetSSLVersion</a></b>: string; virtual;</code></td>
81 | </tr>
82 | <tr class="list">
83 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
84 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#GetPeerSubject">GetPeerSubject</a></b>: string; virtual;</code></td>
85 | </tr>
86 | <tr class="list2">
87 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
88 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#GetPeerSerialNo">GetPeerSerialNo</a></b>: integer; virtual;</code></td>
89 | </tr>
90 | <tr class="list">
91 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
92 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#GetPeerIssuer">GetPeerIssuer</a></b>: string; virtual;</code></td>
93 | </tr>
94 | <tr class="list2">
95 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
96 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#GetPeerName">GetPeerName</a></b>: string; virtual;</code></td>
97 | </tr>
98 | <tr class="list">
99 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
100 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#GetPeerNameHash">GetPeerNameHash</a></b>: cardinal; virtual;</code></td>
101 | </tr>
102 | <tr class="list2">
103 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
104 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#GetPeerFingerprint">GetPeerFingerprint</a></b>: string; virtual;</code></td>
105 | </tr>
106 | <tr class="list">
107 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
108 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#GetCertInfo">GetCertInfo</a></b>: string; virtual;</code></td>
109 | </tr>
110 | <tr class="list2">
111 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
112 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#GetCipherName">GetCipherName</a></b>: string; virtual;</code></td>
113 | </tr>
114 | <tr class="list">
115 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
116 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#GetCipherBits">GetCipherBits</a></b>: integer; virtual;</code></td>
117 | </tr>
118 | <tr class="list2">
119 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
120 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#GetCipherAlgBits">GetCipherAlgBits</a></b>: integer; virtual;</code></td>
121 | </tr>
122 | <tr class="list">
123 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
124 | <td class="itemcode"><code>function <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#GetVerifyCert">GetVerifyCert</a></b>: integer; virtual;</code></td>
125 | </tr>
126 | </table>
127 | <a name="@Properties"></a><h3 class="summary">Properties</h3>
128 | <table class="summary">
129 | <tr class="list">
130 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
131 | <td class="itemcode"><code>property <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#SSLEnabled">SSLEnabled</a></b>: Boolean read FSSLEnabled;</code></td>
132 | </tr>
133 | <tr class="list2">
134 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
135 | <td class="itemcode"><code>property <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#LastError">LastError</a></b>: integer read FLastError;</code></td>
136 | </tr>
137 | <tr class="list">
138 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
139 | <td class="itemcode"><code>property <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#LastErrorDesc">LastErrorDesc</a></b>: string read FLastErrorDesc;</code></td>
140 | </tr>
141 | <tr class="list2">
142 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
143 | <td class="itemcode"><code>property <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#SSLType">SSLType</a></b>: <a href="blcksock.html#TSSLType">TSSLType</a> read FSSLType write FSSLType;</code></td>
144 | </tr>
145 | <tr class="list">
146 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
147 | <td class="itemcode"><code>property <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#KeyPassword">KeyPassword</a></b>: string read FKeyPassword write FKeyPassword;</code></td>
148 | </tr>
149 | <tr class="list2">
150 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
151 | <td class="itemcode"><code>property <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#Username">Username</a></b>: string read FUsername write FUsername;</code></td>
152 | </tr>
153 | <tr class="list">
154 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
155 | <td class="itemcode"><code>property <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#Password">Password</a></b>: string read FPassword write FPassword;</code></td>
156 | </tr>
157 | <tr class="list2">
158 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
159 | <td class="itemcode"><code>property <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#Ciphers">Ciphers</a></b>: string read FCiphers write FCiphers;</code></td>
160 | </tr>
161 | <tr class="list">
162 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
163 | <td class="itemcode"><code>property <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#CertificateFile">CertificateFile</a></b>: string read FCertificateFile write FCertificateFile;</code></td>
164 | </tr>
165 | <tr class="list2">
166 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
167 | <td class="itemcode"><code>property <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#PrivateKeyFile">PrivateKeyFile</a></b>: string read FPrivateKeyFile write FPrivateKeyFile;</code></td>
168 | </tr>
169 | <tr class="list">
170 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
171 | <td class="itemcode"><code>property <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#Certificate">Certificate</a></b>: Ansistring read FCertificate write FCertificate;</code></td>
172 | </tr>
173 | <tr class="list2">
174 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
175 | <td class="itemcode"><code>property <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#PrivateKey">PrivateKey</a></b>: Ansistring read FPrivateKey write FPrivateKey;</code></td>
176 | </tr>
177 | <tr class="list">
178 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
179 | <td class="itemcode"><code>property <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#PFX">PFX</a></b>: Ansistring read FPFX write FPFX;</code></td>
180 | </tr>
181 | <tr class="list2">
182 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
183 | <td class="itemcode"><code>property <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#PFXfile">PFXfile</a></b>: string read FPFXfile write FPFXfile;</code></td>
184 | </tr>
185 | <tr class="list">
186 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
187 | <td class="itemcode"><code>property <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#TrustCertificateFile">TrustCertificateFile</a></b>: string read FTrustCertificateFile write FTrustCertificateFile;</code></td>
188 | </tr>
189 | <tr class="list2">
190 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
191 | <td class="itemcode"><code>property <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#TrustCertificate">TrustCertificate</a></b>: Ansistring read FTrustCertificate write FTrustCertificate;</code></td>
192 | </tr>
193 | <tr class="list">
194 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
195 | <td class="itemcode"><code>property <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#CertCA">CertCA</a></b>: Ansistring read FCertCA write FCertCA;</code></td>
196 | </tr>
197 | <tr class="list2">
198 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
199 | <td class="itemcode"><code>property <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#CertCAFile">CertCAFile</a></b>: string read FCertCAFile write SetCertCAFile;</code></td>
200 | </tr>
201 | <tr class="list">
202 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
203 | <td class="itemcode"><code>property <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#VerifyCert">VerifyCert</a></b>: Boolean read FVerifyCert write FVerifyCert;</code></td>
204 | </tr>
205 | <tr class="list2">
206 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
207 | <td class="itemcode"><code>property <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#SSHChannelType">SSHChannelType</a></b>: string read FSSHChannelType write FSSHChannelType;</code></td>
208 | </tr>
209 | <tr class="list">
210 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
211 | <td class="itemcode"><code>property <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#SSHChannelArg1">SSHChannelArg1</a></b>: string read FSSHChannelArg1 write FSSHChannelArg1;</code></td>
212 | </tr>
213 | <tr class="list2">
214 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
215 | <td class="itemcode"><code>property <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#SSHChannelArg2">SSHChannelArg2</a></b>: string read FSSHChannelArg2 write FSSHChannelArg2;</code></td>
216 | </tr>
217 | <tr class="list">
218 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
219 | <td class="itemcode"><code>property <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#CertComplianceLevel">CertComplianceLevel</a></b>: integer read FCertComplianceLevel write FCertComplianceLevel;</code></td>
220 | </tr>
221 | <tr class="list2">
222 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
223 | <td class="itemcode"><code>property <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#OnVerifyCert">OnVerifyCert</a></b>: <a href="blcksock.html#THookVerifyCert">THookVerifyCert</a> read FOnVerifyCert write FOnVerifyCert;</code></td>
224 | </tr>
225 | <tr class="list">
226 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
227 | <td class="itemcode"><code>property <b><a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html#SNIHost">SNIHost</a></b>: string read FSNIHost write FSNIHost;</code></td>
228 | </tr>
229 | </table>
230 | <h2 class="description">Description</h2>
231 | <h3 class="detail">Methods</h3>
232 | <table class="detail">
233 | <tr class="list">
234 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
235 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="Create"></a><code>constructor <b>Create</b>(const Value: <a href="blcksock.TTCPBlockSocket.html">TTCPBlockSocket</a>); virtual;</code></td>
236 | </tr>
237 | </table>
238 | <p>
239 | Create plugin class. it is called internally from <a class="normal" href="blcksock.TTCPBlockSocket.html">TTCPBlockSocket</a></p>
240 | <table class="detail">
241 | <tr class="list">
242 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
243 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="Assign"></a><code>procedure <b>Assign</b>(const Value: <a href="blcksock.TCustomSSL.html">TCustomSSL</a>); virtual;</code></td>
244 | </tr>
245 | </table>
246 | <p>
247 | Assign settings (certificates and configuration) from another SSL plugin class.</p>
248 | <table class="detail">
249 | <tr class="list">
250 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
251 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="LibVersion"></a><code>function <b>LibVersion</b>: String; virtual;</code></td>
252 | </tr>
253 | </table>
254 | <p>
255 | return description of used plugin. It usually return name and version of used SSL library.</p>
256 | <table class="detail">
257 | <tr class="list">
258 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
259 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="LibName"></a><code>function <b>LibName</b>: String; virtual;</code></td>
260 | </tr>
261 | </table>
262 | <p>
263 | return name of used plugin.</p>
264 | <table class="detail">
265 | <tr class="list">
266 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
267 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="Connect"></a><code>function <b>Connect</b>: boolean; virtual;</code></td>
268 | </tr>
269 | </table>
270 | <p>
271 | Do not call this directly. It is used internally by <a class="normal" href="blcksock.TTCPBlockSocket.html">TTCPBlockSocket</a>!
272 |
273 | <p>Here is needed code for start SSL connection.</p>
274 | <table class="detail">
275 | <tr class="list">
276 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
277 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="Accept"></a><code>function <b>Accept</b>: boolean; virtual;</code></td>
278 | </tr>
279 | </table>
280 | <p>
281 | Do not call this directly. It is used internally by <a class="normal" href="blcksock.TTCPBlockSocket.html">TTCPBlockSocket</a>!
282 |
283 | <p>Here is needed code for acept new SSL connection.</p>
284 | <table class="detail">
285 | <tr class="list">
286 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
287 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="Shutdown"></a><code>function <b>Shutdown</b>: boolean; virtual;</code></td>
288 | </tr>
289 | </table>
290 | <p>
291 | Do not call this directly. It is used internally by <a class="normal" href="blcksock.TTCPBlockSocket.html">TTCPBlockSocket</a>!
292 |
293 | <p>Here is needed code for hard shutdown of SSL connection. (for example, before socket is closed)</p>
294 | <table class="detail">
295 | <tr class="list">
296 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
297 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="BiShutdown"></a><code>function <b>BiShutdown</b>: boolean; virtual;</code></td>
298 | </tr>
299 | </table>
300 | <p>
301 | Do not call this directly. It is used internally by <a class="normal" href="blcksock.TTCPBlockSocket.html">TTCPBlockSocket</a>!
302 |
303 | <p>Here is needed code for soft shutdown of SSL connection. (for example, when you need to continue with unprotected connection.)</p>
304 | <table class="detail">
305 | <tr class="list">
306 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
307 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="SendBuffer"></a><code>function <b>SendBuffer</b>(Buffer: TMemory; Len: Integer): Integer; virtual;</code></td>
308 | </tr>
309 | </table>
310 | <p>
311 | Do not call this directly. It is used internally by <a class="normal" href="blcksock.TTCPBlockSocket.html">TTCPBlockSocket</a>!
312 |
313 | <p>Here is needed code for sending some datas by SSL connection.</p>
314 | <table class="detail">
315 | <tr class="list">
316 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
317 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="RecvBuffer"></a><code>function <b>RecvBuffer</b>(Buffer: TMemory; Len: Integer): Integer; virtual;</code></td>
318 | </tr>
319 | </table>
320 | <p>
321 | Do not call this directly. It is used internally by <a class="normal" href="blcksock.TTCPBlockSocket.html">TTCPBlockSocket</a>!
322 |
323 | <p>Here is needed code for receiving some datas by SSL connection.</p>
324 | <table class="detail">
325 | <tr class="list">
326 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
327 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="WaitingData"></a><code>function <b>WaitingData</b>: Integer; virtual;</code></td>
328 | </tr>
329 | </table>
330 | <p>
331 | Do not call this directly. It is used internally by <a class="normal" href="blcksock.TTCPBlockSocket.html">TTCPBlockSocket</a>!
332 |
333 | <p>Here is needed code for getting count of datas what waiting for read. If SSL plugin not allows this, then it should return 0.</p>
334 | <table class="detail">
335 | <tr class="list">
336 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
337 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="GetSSLVersion"></a><code>function <b>GetSSLVersion</b>: string; virtual;</code></td>
338 | </tr>
339 | </table>
340 | <p>
341 | Return string with identificator of SSL/TLS version of existing connection.</p>
342 | <table class="detail">
343 | <tr class="list">
344 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
345 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="GetPeerSubject"></a><code>function <b>GetPeerSubject</b>: string; virtual;</code></td>
346 | </tr>
347 | </table>
348 | <p>
349 | Return subject of remote SSL peer.</p>
350 | <table class="detail">
351 | <tr class="list">
352 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
353 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="GetPeerSerialNo"></a><code>function <b>GetPeerSerialNo</b>: integer; virtual;</code></td>
354 | </tr>
355 | </table>
356 | <p>
357 | Return Serial number if remote X509 certificate.</p>
358 | <table class="detail">
359 | <tr class="list">
360 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
361 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="GetPeerIssuer"></a><code>function <b>GetPeerIssuer</b>: string; virtual;</code></td>
362 | </tr>
363 | </table>
364 | <p>
365 | Return issuer certificate of remote SSL peer.</p>
366 | <table class="detail">
367 | <tr class="list">
368 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
369 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="GetPeerName"></a><code>function <b>GetPeerName</b>: string; virtual;</code></td>
370 | </tr>
371 | </table>
372 | <p>
373 | Return peer name from remote side certificate. This is good for verify, if certificate is generated for remote side IP name.</p>
374 | <table class="detail">
375 | <tr class="list">
376 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
377 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="GetPeerNameHash"></a><code>function <b>GetPeerNameHash</b>: cardinal; virtual;</code></td>
378 | </tr>
379 | </table>
380 | <p>
381 | Returns has of peer name from remote side certificate. This is good for fast remote side authentication.</p>
382 | <table class="detail">
383 | <tr class="list">
384 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
385 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="GetPeerFingerprint"></a><code>function <b>GetPeerFingerprint</b>: string; virtual;</code></td>
386 | </tr>
387 | </table>
388 | <p>
389 | Return fingerprint of remote SSL peer.</p>
390 | <table class="detail">
391 | <tr class="list">
392 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
393 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="GetCertInfo"></a><code>function <b>GetCertInfo</b>: string; virtual;</code></td>
394 | </tr>
395 | </table>
396 | <p>
397 | Return all detailed information about certificate from remote side of SSL/TLS connection. Result string can be multilined! Each plugin can return this informations in different format!</p>
398 | <table class="detail">
399 | <tr class="list">
400 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
401 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="GetCipherName"></a><code>function <b>GetCipherName</b>: string; virtual;</code></td>
402 | </tr>
403 | </table>
404 | <p>
405 | Return currently used Cipher.</p>
406 | <table class="detail">
407 | <tr class="list">
408 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
409 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="GetCipherBits"></a><code>function <b>GetCipherBits</b>: integer; virtual;</code></td>
410 | </tr>
411 | </table>
412 | <p>
413 | Return currently used number of bits in current Cipher algorythm.</p>
414 | <table class="detail">
415 | <tr class="list">
416 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
417 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="GetCipherAlgBits"></a><code>function <b>GetCipherAlgBits</b>: integer; virtual;</code></td>
418 | </tr>
419 | </table>
420 | <p>
421 | Return number of bits in current Cipher algorythm.</p>
422 | <table class="detail">
423 | <tr class="list">
424 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
425 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="GetVerifyCert"></a><code>function <b>GetVerifyCert</b>: integer; virtual;</code></td>
426 | </tr>
427 | </table>
428 | <p>
429 | Return result value of verify remote side certificate. Look to OpenSSL documentation for possible values. For example 0 is successfuly verified certificate, or 18 is self-signed certificate.</p>
430 | <h3 class="detail">Properties</h3>
431 | <table class="detail">
432 | <tr class="list">
433 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
434 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="SSLEnabled"></a><code>property <b>SSLEnabled</b>: Boolean read FSSLEnabled;</code></td>
435 | </tr>
436 | </table>
437 | <p>
438 | Resurn <code>True</code> if SSL mode is enabled on existing cvonnection.</p>
439 | <table class="detail">
440 | <tr class="list">
441 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
442 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="LastError"></a><code>property <b>LastError</b>: integer read FLastError;</code></td>
443 | </tr>
444 | </table>
445 | <p>
446 | Return error code of last SSL operation. 0 is OK.</p>
447 | <table class="detail">
448 | <tr class="list">
449 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="public.gif" alt="Public" title="Public"></a></td>
450 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="LastErrorDesc"></a><code>property <b>LastErrorDesc</b>: string read FLastErrorDesc;</code></td>
451 | </tr>
452 | </table>
453 | <p>
454 | Return error description of last SSL operation.</p>
455 | <table class="detail">
456 | <tr class="list">
457 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
458 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="SSLType"></a><code>property <b>SSLType</b>: <a href="blcksock.html#TSSLType">TSSLType</a> read FSSLType write FSSLType;</code></td>
459 | </tr>
460 | </table>
461 | <p>
462 | Here you can specify requested SSL/TLS mode. Default is autodetection, but on some servers autodetection not working properly. In this case you must specify requested SSL/TLS mode by your hand!</p>
463 | <table class="detail">
464 | <tr class="list">
465 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
466 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="KeyPassword"></a><code>property <b>KeyPassword</b>: string read FKeyPassword write FKeyPassword;</code></td>
467 | </tr>
468 | </table>
469 | <p>
470 | Password for decrypting of encoded certificate or key.</p>
471 | <table class="detail">
472 | <tr class="list">
473 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
474 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="Username"></a><code>property <b>Username</b>: string read FUsername write FUsername;</code></td>
475 | </tr>
476 | </table>
477 | <p>
478 | Username for possible credentials.</p>
479 | <table class="detail">
480 | <tr class="list">
481 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
482 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="Password"></a><code>property <b>Password</b>: string read FPassword write FPassword;</code></td>
483 | </tr>
484 | </table>
485 | <p>
486 | password for possible credentials.</p>
487 | <table class="detail">
488 | <tr class="list">
489 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
490 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="Ciphers"></a><code>property <b>Ciphers</b>: string read FCiphers write FCiphers;</code></td>
491 | </tr>
492 | </table>
493 | <p>
494 | By this property you can modify default set of SSL/TLS ciphers.</p>
495 | <table class="detail">
496 | <tr class="list">
497 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
498 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="CertificateFile"></a><code>property <b>CertificateFile</b>: string read FCertificateFile write FCertificateFile;</code></td>
499 | </tr>
500 | </table>
501 | <p>
502 | Used for loading certificate from disk file. See to plugin documentation if this method is supported and how!</p>
503 | <table class="detail">
504 | <tr class="list">
505 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
506 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="PrivateKeyFile"></a><code>property <b>PrivateKeyFile</b>: string read FPrivateKeyFile write FPrivateKeyFile;</code></td>
507 | </tr>
508 | </table>
509 | <p>
510 | Used for loading private key from disk file. See to plugin documentation if this method is supported and how!</p>
511 | <table class="detail">
512 | <tr class="list">
513 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
514 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="Certificate"></a><code>property <b>Certificate</b>: Ansistring read FCertificate write FCertificate;</code></td>
515 | </tr>
516 | </table>
517 | <p>
518 | Used for loading certificate from binary string. See to plugin documentation if this method is supported and how!</p>
519 | <table class="detail">
520 | <tr class="list">
521 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
522 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="PrivateKey"></a><code>property <b>PrivateKey</b>: Ansistring read FPrivateKey write FPrivateKey;</code></td>
523 | </tr>
524 | </table>
525 | <p>
526 | Used for loading private key from binary string. See to plugin documentation if this method is supported and how!</p>
527 | <table class="detail">
528 | <tr class="list">
529 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
530 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="PFX"></a><code>property <b>PFX</b>: Ansistring read FPFX write FPFX;</code></td>
531 | </tr>
532 | </table>
533 | <p>
534 | Used for loading PFX from binary string. See to plugin documentation if this method is supported and how!</p>
535 | <table class="detail">
536 | <tr class="list">
537 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
538 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="PFXfile"></a><code>property <b>PFXfile</b>: string read FPFXfile write FPFXfile;</code></td>
539 | </tr>
540 | </table>
541 | <p>
542 | Used for loading PFX from disk file. See to plugin documentation if this method is supported and how!</p>
543 | <table class="detail">
544 | <tr class="list">
545 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
546 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="TrustCertificateFile"></a><code>property <b>TrustCertificateFile</b>: string read FTrustCertificateFile write FTrustCertificateFile;</code></td>
547 | </tr>
548 | </table>
549 | <p>
550 | Used for loading trusted certificates from disk file. See to plugin documentation if this method is supported and how!</p>
551 | <table class="detail">
552 | <tr class="list">
553 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
554 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="TrustCertificate"></a><code>property <b>TrustCertificate</b>: Ansistring read FTrustCertificate write FTrustCertificate;</code></td>
555 | </tr>
556 | </table>
557 | <p>
558 | Used for loading trusted certificates from binary string. See to plugin documentation if this method is supported and how!</p>
559 | <table class="detail">
560 | <tr class="list">
561 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
562 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="CertCA"></a><code>property <b>CertCA</b>: Ansistring read FCertCA write FCertCA;</code></td>
563 | </tr>
564 | </table>
565 | <p>
566 | Used for loading CA certificates from binary string. See to plugin documentation if this method is supported and how!</p>
567 | <table class="detail">
568 | <tr class="list">
569 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
570 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="CertCAFile"></a><code>property <b>CertCAFile</b>: string read FCertCAFile write SetCertCAFile;</code></td>
571 | </tr>
572 | </table>
573 | <p>
574 | Used for loading CA certificates from disk file. See to plugin documentation if this method is supported and how!</p>
575 | <table class="detail">
576 | <tr class="list">
577 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
578 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="VerifyCert"></a><code>property <b>VerifyCert</b>: Boolean read FVerifyCert write FVerifyCert;</code></td>
579 | </tr>
580 | </table>
581 | <p>
582 | If <code>True</code>, then is verified client certificate. (it is good for writing SSL/TLS servers.) When you are not server, but you are client, then if this property is <code>True</code>, verify servers certificate.</p>
583 | <table class="detail">
584 | <tr class="list">
585 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
586 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="SSHChannelType"></a><code>property <b>SSHChannelType</b>: string read FSSHChannelType write FSSHChannelType;</code></td>
587 | </tr>
588 | </table>
589 | <p>
590 | channel type for possible SSH connections</p>
591 | <table class="detail">
592 | <tr class="list">
593 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
594 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="SSHChannelArg1"></a><code>property <b>SSHChannelArg1</b>: string read FSSHChannelArg1 write FSSHChannelArg1;</code></td>
595 | </tr>
596 | </table>
597 | <p>
598 | First argument of channel type for possible SSH connections</p>
599 | <table class="detail">
600 | <tr class="list">
601 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
602 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="SSHChannelArg2"></a><code>property <b>SSHChannelArg2</b>: string read FSSHChannelArg2 write FSSHChannelArg2;</code></td>
603 | </tr>
604 | </table>
605 | <p>
606 | Second argument of channel type for possible SSH connections</p>
607 | <table class="detail">
608 | <tr class="list">
609 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
610 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="CertComplianceLevel"></a><code>property <b>CertComplianceLevel</b>: integer read FCertComplianceLevel write FCertComplianceLevel;</code></td>
611 | </tr>
612 | </table>
613 | <p>
614 | Level of standards compliance level (CryptLib: values in cryptlib.pas, -1: use default value )</p>
615 | <table class="detail">
616 | <tr class="list">
617 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
618 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="OnVerifyCert"></a><code>property <b>OnVerifyCert</b>: <a href="blcksock.html#THookVerifyCert">THookVerifyCert</a> read FOnVerifyCert write FOnVerifyCert;</code></td>
619 | </tr>
620 | </table>
621 | <p>
622 | This event is called when verifying the server certificate immediatally after a successfull verification in the ssl library.</p>
623 | <table class="detail">
624 | <tr class="list">
625 | <td class="visibility"><a href="legend.html"><img src="published.gif" alt="Published" title="Published"></a></td>
626 | <td class="itemcode"><a name="SNIHost"></a><code>property <b>SNIHost</b>: string read FSNIHost write FSNIHost;</code></td>
627 | </tr>
628 | </table>
629 | <p>
630 | Server Name Identification. Host name to send to server. If empty the host name found in URL will be used, which should be the normal use (http Header Host = SNI Host). The value is cleared after the connection is established. (SNI support requires OpenSSL 0.9.8k or later. Cryptlib not supported, yet )</p>
631 | <hr noshade size="1"><span class="appinfo"><em>Generated by <a target="_parent" href="http://pasdoc.sourceforge.net/">PasDoc 0.9.0</a> on 2012-04-23 21:38:50</em>
632 | </span>
633 | </body></html>