Changeset 16 for trunk

Nov 15, 2012, 2:01:43 PM (12 years ago)
  • Přidáno: Vkládání, úprava a mazání položek jsou nyní funkční.
5 added
10 edited


  • trunk/Dochazka.lpi

    r15 r16  
    7272      </local>
    7373    </RunParams>
    74     <RequiredPackages Count="7">
     74    <RequiredPackages Count="8">
    7575      <Item1>
     76        <PackageName Value="TEditExtensions"/>
     77        <DefaultFilename Value="Packages/TEditExtensions/TEditExtensions.lpk" Prefer="True"/>
     78      </Item1>
     79      <Item2>
    7680        <PackageName Value="synapse"/>
    7781        <DefaultFilename Value="Packages/synapse/synapse.lpk" Prefer="True"/>
    78       </Item1>
    79       <Item2>
     82      </Item2>
     83      <Item3>
    8084        <PackageName Value="ModularSystem"/>
    8185        <DefaultFilename Value="Packages/ModularSystem/ModularSystem.lpk" Prefer="True"/>
    82       </Item2>
    83       <Item3>
     86      </Item3>
     87      <Item4>
    8488        <PackageName Value="TemplateGenerics"/>
    8589        <DefaultFilename Value="Packages/TemplateGenerics/TemplateGenerics.lpk" Prefer="True"/>
    86       </Item3>
    87       <Item4>
     90      </Item4>
     91      <Item5>
    8892        <PackageName Value="CoolTranslator"/>
    8993        <DefaultFilename Value="Packages/CoolTranslator/CoolTranslator.lpk" Prefer="True"/>
    90       </Item4>
    91       <Item5>
     94      </Item5>
     95      <Item6>
    9296        <PackageName Value="Common"/>
    9397        <DefaultFilename Value="Packages/Common/Common.lpk" Prefer="True"/>
    94       </Item5>
    95       <Item6>
     98      </Item6>
     99      <Item7>
    96100        <PackageName Value="CoolWeb"/>
    97101        <DefaultFilename Value="Packages/CoolWeb/CoolWeb.lpk" Prefer="True"/>
    98       </Item6>
    99       <Item7>
     102      </Item7>
     103      <Item8>
    100104        <PackageName Value="LCL"/>
    101       </Item7>
     105      </Item8>
    102106    </RequiredPackages>
    103107    <Units Count="14">
  • trunk/Dochazka.lpr

    r15 r16  
    1010  Forms, UFormMain, UCore, UAttendance, UPersistentForm, CoolWeb, Common,
    1111  CoolTranslator, UFormSetting, SysUtils, UFormList, UFormEdit, UDataView,
    12   URegistredModules, TemplateGenerics, synapse, UFormConnection,
    13 UModuleAttendance, UDataModel
     12  URegistredModules, TemplateGenerics, synapse, TEditExtensions,
     13  UFormConnection, UModuleAttendance, UDataModel
    1414  { you can add units after this };
  • trunk/Forms/UFormEdit.lfm

    r15 r16  
    3838  end
    3939  object PanelControls: TPanel
    40     Left = 0
    41     Height = 290
    42     Top = 0
    43     Width = 553
     40    Left = 8
     41    Height = 282
     42    Top = 8
     43    Width = 537
    4444    Align = alTop
    4545    Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
     46    BorderSpacing.Around = 8
    4647    BevelOuter = bvNone
    4748    TabOrder = 2
  • trunk/Forms/UFormEdit.pas

    r15 r16  
    88  Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, StdCtrls,
    99  Buttons, ExtCtrls, Spin, ComCtrls, EditBtn, SpecializedList,
    10   SpecializedDictionary, UDataView, USqlDatabase;
     10  SpecializedDictionary, UDataView, USqlDatabase, UTimeEdit;
    1919    Visible: Boolean;
    2020    Rect: TRect;
     21    Control: TControl; // Used by TFormEdit
    2122    ControlType: TControlType;
    2223    TitlePlacement: TAlign;
    4849    ButtonOk: TButton;
    4950    ButtonCancel: TButton;
    50     CalcEdit1: TCalcEdit;
    5151    PanelControls: TPanel;
    5252    procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
    5353    procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
    54     procedure SpeedButton1Click(Sender: TObject);
    5554  private
    5655    FView: TDataViewForm;
    5756    procedure SetView(AValue: TDataViewForm);
    58     { private declarations }
     57    procedure RebuildControls;
    5958  public
    60     RuntimeControls: TListObject;
    6159    Values: TDictionaryStringString;
    6260    ItemId: Integer;
    6361    property View: TDataViewForm read FView write SetView;
    64     procedure UpdateData;
     62    procedure ClearData;
     63    procedure LoadFromDatabase;
     64    procedure SaveToDatabase;
     65    procedure LoadFromControls;
    6566  end;
    7374  UCore, UFormMain;
     77  SItemNotFound = 'Item not found';
    7579{ TDataViewForm }
    109113  Values := TDictionaryStringString.Create;
    110   RuntimeControls := TListObject.Create;
    113116procedure TFormEdit.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
    115   Values.Free;
    116   RuntimeControls.Free;
    117 end;
    119 procedure TFormEdit.SpeedButton1Click(Sender: TObject);
    120 begin
     118  FreeAndNil(Values);
    126123  if FView=AValue then Exit;
    127124  FView := AValue;
    128   if Assigned(AValue) then UpdateData
     125  if Assigned(AValue) then ClearData
    129126    else begin
    130127      Values.Clear;
    131       RuntimeControls.Clear;
    132     end;
    133 end;
    135 procedure TFormEdit.UpdateData;
     128    end;
     131procedure TFormEdit.RebuildControls;
    137133  NewControl: TControl;
    138134  I: Integer;
    139135  TitleRect: TRect;
    140   DbRows: TDbRows;
    141136  W: Integer;
    142137  H: Integer;
    144139  W := 130;
    145140  H := 24;
    146   try
    147     DbRows := TDbRows.Create;
    148     Core.Database.Query(DbRows, 'SELECT * FROM ' + View.Name + ' WHERE Id=' +
    149       IntToStr(ItemId));
    150     if DbRows.Count > 0 then Values.Assign(DbRows[0])
    151       else begin
    152         Values.Free;
    153         Exit;
    154       end;
    155   finally
    156     DbRows.Free;
    157   end;
    159   RuntimeControls.Clear;
    160141  for I := 0 to View.Items.Count - 1 do
    161142  with TFormItem(View.Items[I]) do begin
    200181        (Rect.Right - Rect.Left) * W, (Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top) * H);
    201182      NewControl.Show;
     183      Control := NewControl;
    202184    end else
    203185    if ControlType = ctEdit then begin
    209191       (Rect.Right - Rect.Left) * W, (Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top) * H);
    210192      NewControl.Show;
     193      Control := NewControl;
    211194    end else
    212195    if ControlType = ctMemo then begin
    217200       (Rect.Right - Rect.Left) * W, (Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top) * H);
    218201      NewControl.Show;
     202      Control := NewControl;
    219203    end else
    220204    if ControlType = ctCheckBox then begin
    221205      NewControl := TCheckBox.Create(Self);
    222206      NewControl.Parent := PanelControls;
    223       TCheckBox(NewControl).Enabled :=  Values.Values[Name] = '1';
    224       NewControl.SetBounds(Rect.Left * W, Rect.Top * H,
    225        (Rect.Right - Rect.Left) * W, (Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top) * H);
    226       NewControl.Show;
     207      TCheckBox(NewControl).Checked := Values.Values[Name] = '1';
     208      NewControl.SetBounds(Rect.Left * W, Rect.Top * H,
     209       (Rect.Right - Rect.Left) * W, (Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top) * H);
     210      NewControl.Show;
     211      Control := NewControl;
    227212    end else
    228213    if ControlType = ctComboBox then begin
    233218       (Rect.Right - Rect.Left) * W, (Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top) * H);
    234219      NewControl.Show;
     220      Control := NewControl;
    235221    end else
    236222    if ControlType = ctSpinEdit then begin
    241227       (Rect.Right - Rect.Left) * W, (Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top) * H);
    242228      NewControl.Show;
     229      Control := NewControl;
    243230    end else
    244231    if ControlType = ctDate then begin
    249236       (Rect.Right - Rect.Left) * W - TEditButton(NewControl).Button.Width, (Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top) * H);
    250237      NewControl.Show;
     238      Control := NewControl;
    251239    end else
    252240    if ControlType = ctTime then begin
    253       NewControl := TEdit.Create(Self);
    254       NewControl.Parent := PanelControls;
    255       TEdit(NewControl).Text := TimeToStr(SQLToTime(Values.Values[Name]));
    256       NewControl.SetBounds(Rect.Left * W, Rect.Top * H,
    257        (Rect.Right - Rect.Left) * W, (Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top) * H);
    258       NewControl.Show;
     241      NewControl := TTimeEdit.Create(Self);
     242      NewControl.Parent := PanelControls;
     243      TTimeEdit(NewControl).Time := SQLToTime(Values.Values[Name]);
     244      NewControl.SetBounds(Rect.Left * W, Rect.Top * H,
     245       (Rect.Right - Rect.Left) * W, (Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top) * H);
     246      NewControl.Show;
     247      Control := NewControl;
    259248    end else
    260249    if ControlType = ctReference then begin
    267256       (Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top) * H);
    268257      NewControl.Show;
     258      Control := NewControl;
     259    end;
     260  end;
     263procedure TFormEdit.ClearData;
     265  I: Integer;
     267  Values.Clear;
     268  for I := 0 to View.Items.Count - 1 do
     269  with TFormItem(View.Items[I]) do begin
     270    case ControlType of
     271      ctSpinEdit, ctDate, ctTime, ctDateTime, ctReference: Values.Add(Name, '0');
     272      else Values.Add(Name, '');
     273    end;
     274  end;
     275  RebuildControls;
     278procedure TFormEdit.LoadFromDatabase;
     280  DbRows: TDbRows;
     281  Columns: string;
     282  I: Integer;
     284  Columns := '';
     285  for I := 0 to View.Items.Count - 1 do
     286  with TFormItem(View.Items[I]) do
     287  if Visible then
     288    Columns := Columns + ', ' + Name;
     289  Delete(Columns, 1, 2);
     290  try
     291    DbRows := TDbRows.Create;
     292    Core.Database.Query(DbRows, 'SELECT ' + Columns + ' FROM `' + View.Name + '` WHERE `Id`=' +
     293      IntToStr(ItemId));
     294    if DbRows.Count > 0 then Values.Assign(DbRows[0])
     295      else raise Exception.Create(SItemNotFound);
     296  finally
     297    DbRows.Free;
     298  end;
     299  RebuildControls;
     302procedure TFormEdit.SaveToDatabase;
     304  DbRows: TDbRows;
     306  LoadFromControls;
     307  try
     308    DbRows := TDbRows.Create;
     309    if ItemId < 1 then Core.Database.Insert(View.Name, Values)
     310      else Core.Database.Update(View.Name, Values, '`Id`=' + IntToStr(ItemId));
     311  finally
     312    DbRows.Free;
     313  end;
     316procedure TFormEdit.LoadFromControls;
     318  I: Integer;
     320  for I := 0 to View.Items.Count - 1 do
     321  with TFormItem(View.Items[I]) do begin
     322    if ControlType = ctLabel then begin
     323      Values.Values[Name] := TLabel(Control).Caption;
     324    end else
     325    if ControlType = ctEdit then begin
     326      Values.Values[Name] := TEdit(Control).Text;
     327    end else
     328    if ControlType = ctMemo then begin
     329      Values.Values[Name] := TMemo(Control).Lines.Text;
     330    end else
     331    if ControlType = ctCheckBox then begin
     332      Values.Values[Name] := BoolToStr(TCheckBox(Control).Checked);
     333    end else
     334    if ControlType = ctComboBox then begin
     335      Values.Values[Name] := TComboBox(Control).Text;
     336    end else
     337    if ControlType = ctSpinEdit then begin
     338      Values.Values[Name] := IntToStr(TSpinEdit(Control).Value);
     339    end else
     340    if ControlType = ctDate then begin
     341      Values.Values[Name] := DateToSQL(TDateEdit(Control).Date);
     342    end else
     343    if ControlType = ctTime then begin
     344      Values.Values[Name] := TimeToSQL(TTimeEdit(Control).Time);
     345    end else
     346    if ControlType = ctReference then begin
     347      Values.Values[Name] := TEditButton(Control).Text;
    269348    end;
    270349  end;
  • trunk/Forms/UFormList.lfm

    r14 r16  
    3030    end
    3131    object ToolButton2: TToolButton
    32       Left = 49
     32      Left = 45
    3333      Top = 2
    3434      Action = ADelete
    3535    end
    3636    object ToolButton3: TToolButton
    37       Left = 97
     37      Left = 89
    3838      Top = 2
    3939      Action = ADuplicate
    4040    end
    4141    object ToolButton4: TToolButton
    42       Left = 149
     42      Left = 141
    4343      Top = 2
    4444      Action = AModify
    4545    end
    4646    object ToolButton5: TToolButton
    47       Left = 197
     47      Left = 185
    4848      Top = 2
    4949      Action = AReload
    5050    end
    5151    object ToolButton6: TToolButton
    52       Left = 245
     52      Left = 229
    5353      Top = 2
    5454      Action = APrint
    5555    end
    5656    object ToolButton7: TToolButton
    57       Left = 293
     57      Left = 273
    5858      Top = 2
    5959      Action = AExport
    128128      Hint = 'Reload data'
    129129      ImageIndex = 5
     130      OnExecute = AReloadExecute
    130131    end
    131132    object APrint: TAction
  • trunk/Forms/UFormList.pas

    r9 r16  
    6969    procedure ADuplicateExecute(Sender: TObject);
    7070    procedure AModifyExecute(Sender: TObject);
     71    procedure AReloadExecute(Sender: TObject);
    7172    procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
    7273    procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
    99100  SDoYouWantToDeleteItem = 'Do you want to really delete item?';
    100101  SItemCount = 'Item count: %s';
     102  SModifyItem = 'Modify item';
     103  SAddItem = 'Add item';
    102105{ TDataViewList }
    149152  Index: Integer;
    151   Index := FormMain.DataViewLists.IndexOf(View);
    152   FormEdit := TFormEdit.Create(FormMain);
    153   FormEdit.ItemId := Integer(ListView1.Selected.Data);
    154   FormEdit.View := TDataViewForm(FormMain.DataViewForms[Index]);
    155   Core.CoolTranslator1.TranslateComponentRecursive(FormEdit);
    156   if FormEdit.ShowModal = mrOk then begin
    157   end;
    158   FormEdit.Free;
     154  try
     155    FormEdit := TFormEdit.Create(FormMain);
     156    Index := FormMain.DataViewLists.IndexOf(View);
     157    FormEdit.ItemId := Integer(ListView1.Selected.Data);
     158    FormEdit.View := TDataViewForm(FormMain.DataViewForms[Index]);
     159    FormEdit.LoadFromDatabase;
     160    FormEdit.Caption := SModifyItem;
     161    Core.CoolTranslator1.TranslateComponentRecursive(FormEdit);
     162    if FormEdit.ShowModal = mrOk then begin
     163      FormEdit.SaveToDatabase;
     164      UpdateData;
     165    end;
     166  finally
     167    FormEdit.Free;
     168  end;
     171procedure TFormList.AReloadExecute(Sender: TObject);
     173  UpdateData;
    161176procedure TFormList.AAddExecute(Sender: TObject);
    162 begin
    163   if FormEdit.ShowModal = mrOk then begin
     178  Index: Integer;
     180  try
     181    FormEdit := TFormEdit.Create(FormMain);
     182    Index := FormMain.DataViewLists.IndexOf(View);
     183    FormEdit.ItemId := 0;
     184    FormEdit.View := TDataViewForm(FormMain.DataViewForms[Index]);
     185    FormEdit.ClearData;
     186    FormEdit.Caption := SAddItem;
     187    Core.CoolTranslator1.TranslateComponentRecursive(FormEdit);
     188    if FormEdit.ShowModal = mrOk then begin
     189      FormEdit.SaveToDatabase;
     190      UpdateData;
     191    end;
     192  finally
     193    FormEdit.Free;
    164194  end;
    167197procedure TFormList.ADeleteExecute(Sender: TObject);
    169   if FormEdit.ShowModal = mrOk then begin
    170     if MessageDlg(SItemDeletion, SDoYouWantToDeleteItem, mtConfirmation,
    171       [mbYes, mbNo], 0) = mrYes then begin
    172       Core.Database.Query(nil, 'DELETE FROM `' + View.Name +
    173         '` WHERE `Id` = ' + IntToStr(Integer(ListView1.Selected.Data)));
    174     end;
     199  if MessageDlg(SItemDeletion, SDoYouWantToDeleteItem, mtConfirmation,
     200    [mbYes, mbNo], 0) = mrYes then begin
     201    Core.Database.Delete(View.Name, '`Id` = ' + IntToStr(Integer(ListView1.Selected.Data)));
     202    UpdateData;
    175203  end;
    200228    for I := 0 to View.Columns.Count - 1 do begin
    201229      Item.Data := Pointer(StrToInt(DbRows[Item.Index].Values['Id']));
    202       if I = 0 then Item.Caption := DbRows[Item.Index].Items[0].Value
     230      if I = 0 then Item.Caption := DbRows[Item.Index].Values[TDbColumn(View.Columns[I]).Name]
    203231        else Item.SubItems.Add(DbRows[Item.Index].Values[TDbColumn(View.Columns[I]).Name]);
    204232    end;
  • trunk/Languages/Dochazka.cs.po

    r15 r16  
    147147#: tformlist.amodify.hint
     148msgctxt "tformlist.amodify.hint"
    148149msgid "Modify item"
    149150msgstr "Upravit poloÅŸku"
    254255msgstr "Nastavení"
     257#: uformedit.sitemnotfound
     258msgid "Item not found"
     259msgstr ""
     261#: uformlist.sadditem
     262msgid "Add item"
     263msgstr ""
    256265#: uformlist.sdoyouwanttodeleteitem
    257266#| msgid "Do you want to delte item"
    268277msgstr "Mazání poloşky"
     279#: uformlist.smodifyitem
     280msgctxt "uformlist.smodifyitem"
     281msgid "Modify item"
     282msgstr "Upravit poloÅŸku"
    270284#: uformmain.saddress
    271285msgctxt "uformmain.saddress"
  • trunk/Languages/Dochazka.po

    r15 r16  
    137137#: tformlist.amodify.hint
     138msgctxt "tformlist.amodify.hint"
    138139msgid "Modify item"
    139140msgstr ""
    242243msgstr ""
     245#: uformedit.sitemnotfound
     246msgid "Item not found"
     247msgstr ""
     249#: uformlist.sadditem
     250msgid "Add item"
     251msgstr ""
    244253#: uformlist.sdoyouwanttodeleteitem
    245254msgid "Do you want to really delete item?"
    255264msgstr ""
     266#: uformlist.smodifyitem
     267msgctxt "uformlist.smodifyitem"
     268msgid "Modify item"
     269msgstr ""
    257271#: uformmain.saddress
    258272msgctxt "uformmain.saddress"
  • trunk/Modules/Attendance/UModuleAttendance.pas

    r15 r16  
    183183  with ViewFormPassage do begin
    184184    with Items do begin
    185       AddItem(STime, 'Time', ctDate, True, Bounds(0, 0, 1, 1));
     185      AddItem(STime, 'Time', ctDate, True, Bounds(1, 0, 1, 1));
    186186      with AddItem(SUser, 'User', ctReference, True, Bounds(3, 0, 1, 1)) do
    187187        ReferencedTable := 'User';
    188       with AddItem(SOperation, 'Operation', ctReference, True, Bounds(0, 1, 1, 1)) do
     188      with AddItem(SOperation, 'Operation', ctReference, True, Bounds(1, 1, 1, 1)) do
    189189        ReferencedTable := 'User';
    190190      with AddItem(STerminal, 'Terminal', ctReference, True, Bounds(3, 1, 1, 1)) do
  • trunk/Packages/CoolWeb/Persistence/USqlDatabase.pas

    r15 r16  
    9292  function SQLToTime(Value: string): TDateTime;
    9393  function DateTimeToSQL(Value: TDateTime): string;
     94  function TimeToSQL(Value: TDateTime): string;
     95  function DateToSQL(Value: TDateTime): string;
    9597procedure Register;
     180function TimeToSQL(Value: TDateTime): string;
     182  Result := FormatDateTime('', Value);
     185function DateToSQL(Value: TDateTime): string;
     187  Result := FormatDateTime('yyyy-mm-dd', Value);
    178190function SQLToTime(Value: string): TDateTime;
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.