1 | unit UModuleAttendance;
2 |
3 | {$mode delphi}
4 |
5 | interface
6 |
7 | uses
8 | Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, UModularSystem, UFormList, UFormEdit, Controls,
9 | SpecializedList, Forms, ActnList, Menus, UDataModel, Dialogs,
10 | SpecializedDictionary, USqlDatabase;
11 |
12 | type
13 |
14 | { TDataModuleAttendance }
15 |
16 | TDataModuleAttendance = class(TDataModule)
17 | AReadFromTerminal: TAction;
18 | ActionList1: TActionList;
19 | MenuItem1: TMenuItem;
20 | PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu;
21 | procedure AReadFromTerminalExecute(Sender: TObject);
22 | private
23 | { private declarations }
24 | public
25 | { public declarations }
26 | end;
27 |
28 | { TModuleAttendance }
29 |
30 | TModuleAttendance = class(TModule)
31 | private
32 | ModelLog: TDataModel;
33 | ViewFormLog: TDataViewForm;
34 | ViewListLog: TDataViewList;
35 | ModelTerminal: TDataModel;
36 | ViewFormTerminal: TDataViewForm;
37 | ViewListTerminal: TDataViewList;
38 | ModelOperation: TDataModel;
39 | ViewFormOperation: TDataViewForm;
40 | ViewListOperation: TDataViewList;
41 | ModelAttendance: TDataModel;
42 | ViewFormAttendance: TDataViewForm;
43 | ViewListAttendance: TDataViewList;
44 | ModelHoliday: TDataModel;
45 | ViewFormHoliday: TDataViewForm;
46 | ViewListHoliday: TDataViewList;
47 | ModelPassage: TDataModel;
48 | ViewFormPassage: TDataViewForm;
49 | ViewListPassage: TDataViewList;
50 | ModelUser: TDataModel;
51 | ViewFormUser: TDataViewForm;
52 | ViewListUser: TDataViewList;
53 | procedure InitModels;
54 | protected
55 | procedure DoStart; override;
56 | procedure DoStop; override;
57 | procedure DoInstall; override;
58 | procedure DoUninstall; override;
59 | public
60 | constructor Create(Owner: TComponent); override;
61 | destructor Destroy; override;
62 | end;
63 |
64 |
65 | var
66 | DataModuleAttendance: TDataModuleAttendance;
67 |
68 | implementation
69 |
70 | {$R *.lfm}
71 |
72 | uses
73 | UFormMain, UCore, UTerminalBF630, UAccessControler, UAttendance;
74 |
75 | resourcestring
76 | SAttendance = 'Attendance';
77 | SPersonalId = 'Personal Id';
78 | SFirstName = 'First name';
79 | SSecondName = 'Second name';
80 | SEnabled = 'Enabled';
81 | SAddress = 'Address';
82 | SPort = 'Port';
83 | SType = 'Type';
84 | SName = 'Name';
85 | SFingerPrint = 'Fingerprint';
86 | SCardCode = 'Card code';
87 | SNote = 'Note';
88 | SLogin = 'Login';
89 | SPassword = 'Password';
90 | STerminal = 'Terminal';
91 | SUser = 'User';
92 | SDate = 'Date';
93 | STime = 'Time';
94 | SOperation = 'Operation';
95 | SDay = 'Day';
96 | SMonth = 'Month';
97 | SYear = 'Year';
98 | SKeyNumber = 'Key number';
99 | SText = 'Text';
100 | SPassage = 'Passage';
101 | STimeFrom = 'Time from';
102 | STimeTo = 'Time to';
103 | SHoliday = 'Holiday';
104 | SLog = 'Log';
105 | SUsersRead = 'User read: ';
106 | SLogCount = 'Log count: ';
107 |
108 | { TDataModuleAttendance }
109 |
110 | procedure TDataModuleAttendance.AReadFromTerminalExecute(Sender: TObject);
111 | var
112 | AccessControler: TAccessControler;
113 | VirtualAccessControler: TVirtualTerminalBF630;
114 | UserCount: Integer;
115 | UserRec: TUser;
116 | Passage: TUserPassage;
117 | PassageCount: Integer;
118 | Data: TDictionaryStringString;
119 | I: Integer;
120 | begin
121 | Data := nil;
122 | UserRec := nil;
123 | AccessControler := nil;
124 | Passage := nil;
125 | try
126 | VirtualAccessControler := TVirtualTerminalBF630.Create;
127 | VirtualAccessControler.InitDemoData;
128 | VirtualAccessControler.Active := True;
129 |
130 | Data := TDictionaryStringString.Create;
131 |
132 | AccessControler := TTerminalBF630.Create;
133 | AccessControler.Active := True;
134 | UserCount := AccessControler.GetUserCount;
135 | //ShowMessage(SUsersRead + IntToStr(UserCount));
136 |
137 | (*UserRec := TUser.Create;
138 | for I := 0 to UserCount - 1 do begin
139 | Data.Clear;
140 | AccessControler.GetUser(I, UserRec);
141 | Data.Add('FirstName', UserRec.FirstName);
142 | Data.Add('SecondName', UserRec.SecondName);
143 | Core.Database.Insert('User', Data);
144 | end; *)
145 |
146 | PassageCount := AccessControler.GetPassageCount;
147 | //ShowMessage(SLogCount + IntToStr(PassageCount));
148 |
149 | Passage := TUserPassage.Create;
150 | for I := 0 to PassageCount - 1 do begin
151 | Data.Clear;
152 | AccessControler.GetPassage(I, Passage);
153 | Data.Add('Terminal', IntToStr(Passage.Terminal));
154 | Data.Add('Operation', IntToStr(Passage.Operation));
155 | Data.Add('Time', DateTimeToSQL(Passage.Time));
156 | Data.Add('User', IntToStr(Passage.User));
157 | Core.Database.Insert('Passage', Data);
158 | end;
159 |
160 | finally
161 | if Assigned(Data) then Data.Free;
162 | if Assigned(UserRec) then UserRec.Free;
163 | if Assigned(Passage) then Passage.Free;
164 | if Assigned(AccessControler) then AccessControler.Free;
165 | VirtualAccessControler.Free;
166 | end;
167 | end;
168 |
169 |
170 | { TModuleAttendance }
171 |
172 | procedure TModuleAttendance.InitModels;
173 | var
174 | NewDataView: TDataViewList;
175 | NewDataView2: TDataViewForm;
176 | NewModel: TDataModel;
177 | begin
178 | ModelUser := TDataModel.Create;
179 | with ModelUser do begin
180 | with Items do begin
181 | AddItem(SEnabled, 'Enabled', dtBoolean);
182 | AddItem(SPersonalId, 'PersonalId', dtString);
183 | AddItem(SLogin, 'Login', dtString);
184 | AddItem(SPassword, 'Password', dtString);
185 | AddItem(SFirstName, 'FirstName', dtString);
186 | AddItem(SSecondName, 'SecondName', dtString);
187 | AddItem(SCardCode, 'CardCode', dtString);
188 | AddItem(SFingerPrint, 'FingerPrint', dtString);
189 | AddItem(SNote, 'Note', dtText);
190 | end;
191 | Name := 'User';
192 | Caption := SUser;
193 | end;
194 | ViewListUser := TDataViewList.Create;
195 | with ViewListUser do begin
196 | with Columns do begin
197 | AddItem(SEnabled, 'Enabled', True, 30);
198 | AddItem(SPersonalId, 'PersonalId', True, 80);
199 | AddItem(SLogin, 'Login', False, 80);
200 | AddItem(SPassword, 'Password', False, 80);
201 | AddItem(SFirstName, 'FirstName', True, 80);
202 | AddItem(SSecondName, 'SecondName', True, 80);
203 | AddItem(SCardCode, 'CardCode', True, 80);
204 | AddItem(SFingerPrint, 'FingerPrint', True, 80);
205 | AddItem(SNote, 'Note', False, 80);
206 | end;
207 | Name := 'User';
208 | Caption := SUser;
209 | ImageIndex := 9;
210 | end;
211 | FormMain.RegisterDataViewList(ViewListUser);
212 | ViewFormUser := TDataViewForm.Create;
213 | with ViewFormUser do begin
214 | Name := 'User';
215 | Caption := SUser;
216 | with Items do begin
217 | AddItem(SEnabled, 'Enabled', ctCheckBox, True, Bounds(1, 0, 1, 1));
218 | AddItem(SPersonalId, 'PersonalId', ctSpinEdit, True, Bounds(3, 0, 1, 1));
219 | AddItem(SLogin, 'Login', ctEdit, True, Bounds(1, 1, 1, 1));
220 | AddItem(SPassword, 'Password', ctEdit, True, Bounds(3, 1, 1, 1));
221 | AddItem(SFirstName, 'FirstName', ctEdit, True, Bounds(1, 2, 1, 1));
222 | AddItem(SSecondName, 'SecondName', ctEdit, True, Bounds(3, 2, 1, 1));
223 | AddItem(SCardCode, 'CardCode', ctEdit, True, Bounds(1, 3, 1, 1));
224 | AddItem(SFingerPrint, 'FingerPrint', ctEdit, True, Bounds(3, 3, 1, 1));
225 | AddItem(SNote, 'Note', ctMemo, True, Bounds(0, 5, 4, 4), alTop);
226 | end;
227 | end;
228 | FormMain.RegisterDataViewForm(ViewFormUser);
229 |
230 | ViewListPassage := TDataViewList.Create;
231 | with ViewListPassage do begin
232 | with Columns do begin
233 | AddItem(STime, 'Time', True, 150);
234 | AddItem(SUser, 'User', True, 80);
235 | AddItem(SOperation, 'Operation', True, 80);
236 | AddItem(STerminal, 'Terminal', True, 80);
237 | end;
238 | Name := 'Passage';
239 | Caption := SPassage;
240 | ImageIndex := 12;
241 | end;
242 | FormMain.RegisterDataViewList(ViewListPassage);
243 | ViewFormPassage := TDataViewForm.Create;
244 | with ViewFormPassage do begin
245 | with Items do begin
246 | AddItem(STime, 'Time', ctDateTime, True, Bounds(1, 0, 1, 1));
247 | with AddItem(SUser, 'User', ctReference, True, Bounds(3, 0, 1, 1)) do
248 | ReferencedTable := 'User';
249 | with AddItem(SOperation, 'Operation', ctReference, True, Bounds(1, 1, 1, 1)) do
250 | ReferencedTable := 'Operation';
251 | with AddItem(STerminal, 'Terminal', ctReference, True, Bounds(3, 1, 1, 1)) do
252 | ReferencedTable := 'Terminal';
253 | end;
254 | Name := 'Passage';
255 | Caption := SPassage;
256 | ImageIndex := 12;
257 | end;
258 | FormMain.RegisterDataViewForm(ViewFormPassage);
259 |
260 | ViewListAttendance := TDataViewList.Create;
261 | with ViewListAttendance do begin
262 | with Columns do begin
263 | AddItem(SDate, 'Date', True, 80);
264 | AddItem(SUser, 'User', True, 80);
265 | AddItem(STimeFrom, 'TimeFrom', True, 120);
266 | AddItem(STimeTo, 'TimeTo', True, 120);
267 | end;
268 | Name := 'Attendance';
269 | Caption := SAttendance;
270 | ImageIndex := 14;
271 | end;
272 | FormMain.RegisterDataViewList(ViewListAttendance);
273 | ViewFormAttendance := TDataViewForm.Create;
274 | with ViewFormAttendance do begin
275 | with Items do begin
276 | AddItem(SUser, 'User', ctReference, True, Bounds(1, 0, 1, 1));
277 | AddItem(SDate, 'Date', ctDate, True, Bounds(3, 0, 1, 1));
278 | AddItem(STimeFrom, 'TimeFrom', ctTime, True, Bounds(1, 1, 1, 1));
279 | AddItem(STimeTo, 'TimeTo', ctTime, True, Bounds(3, 1, 1, 1));
280 | end;
281 | Name := 'Attendance';
282 | Caption := SAttendance;
283 | ImageIndex := 14;
284 | end;
285 | FormMain.RegisterDataViewForm(ViewFormAttendance);
286 |
287 | ViewListHoliday := TDataViewList.Create;
288 | with ViewListHoliday do begin
289 | with Columns do begin
290 | AddItem(SEnabled, 'Enabled', True, 30);
291 | AddItem(SName, 'Name', True, 300);
292 | AddItem(SDay, 'Day', True, 50);
293 | AddItem(SMonth, 'Month', True, 50);
294 | AddItem(SYear, 'Year', True, 50);
295 | end;
296 | Name := 'Holiday';
297 | Caption := SHoliday;
298 | ImageIndex := 10;
299 | end;
300 | FormMain.RegisterDataViewList(ViewListHoliday);
301 | ViewFormHoliday := TDataViewForm.Create;
302 | with ViewFormHoliday do begin
303 | with Items do begin
304 | AddItem(SEnabled, 'Enabled', ctCheckBox, True, Bounds(1, 0, 1, 1));
305 | AddItem(SName, 'Name', ctEdit, True, Bounds(3, 0, 1, 1));
306 | AddItem(SDay, 'Day', ctSpinEdit, True, Bounds(1, 1, 1, 1));
307 | AddItem(SMonth, 'Month', ctSpinEdit, True, Bounds(3, 1, 1, 1));
308 | AddItem(SYear, 'Year', ctSpinEdit, True, Bounds(1, 2, 1, 1));
309 | end;
310 | Name := 'Holiday';
311 | Caption := SHoliday;
312 | ImageIndex := 10;
313 | end;
314 | FormMain.RegisterDataViewForm(ViewFormHoliday);
315 |
316 | ViewListOperation := TDataViewList.Create;
317 | with ViewListOperation do begin
318 | with Columns do begin
319 | AddItem(SName, 'Name', True, 100);
320 | AddItem(SKeyNumber, 'KeyId', True, 100);
321 | end;
322 | Name := 'Operation';
323 | Caption := SOperation;
324 | ImageIndex := 13;
325 | end;
326 | FormMain.RegisterDataViewList(ViewListOperation);
327 | ViewFormOperation := TDataViewForm.Create;
328 | with ViewFormOperation do begin
329 | with Items do begin
330 | AddItem(SName, 'Name', ctEdit, True, Bounds(1, 0, 1, 1));
331 | AddItem(SKeyNumber, 'KeyId', ctEdit, True, Bounds(3, 0, 1, 1));
332 | end;
333 | Name := 'Operation';
334 | Caption := SOperation;
335 | ImageIndex := 13;
336 | end;
337 | FormMain.RegisterDataViewForm(ViewFormOperation);
338 |
339 | ViewListTerminal := TDataViewList.Create;
340 | with ViewListTerminal do begin
341 | with Columns do begin
342 | AddItem(SName, 'Name', True, 80);
343 | AddItem(SEnabled, 'Enabled', True, 30);
344 | AddItem(SAddress, 'Address', True, 120);
345 | AddItem(SPort, 'Port', True, 50);
346 | with AddItem(SType, 'Type', True, 80) do
347 | ReferencedTable := 'TerminalType';
348 | AddItem(SNote, 'Note', True, 80);
349 | end;
350 | Name := 'Terminal';
351 | Caption := STerminal;
352 | ImageIndex := 8;
353 | end;
354 | FormMain.RegisterDataViewList(ViewListTerminal);
355 | ViewFormTerminal := TDataViewForm.Create;
356 | with ViewFormTerminal do begin
357 | with Items do begin
358 | AddItem(SName, 'Name', ctEdit, True, Bounds(1, 0, 1, 1));
359 | AddItem(SEnabled, 'Enabled', ctCheckBox, True, Bounds(3, 0, 1, 1));
360 | AddItem(SAddress, 'Address', ctEdit, True, Bounds(1, 1, 1, 1));
361 | AddItem(SPort, 'Port', ctSpinEdit, True, Bounds(3, 1, 1, 1));
362 | with AddItem(SType, 'Type', ctReference, True, Bounds(1, 2, 1, 1)) do
363 | ReferencedTable := 'TerminalType';
364 | AddItem(SNote, 'Note', ctMemo, True, Bounds(0, 4, 4, 4), alTop);
365 | end;
366 | Name := 'Terminal';
367 | Caption := STerminal;
368 | ImageIndex := 8;
369 | end;
370 | FormMain.RegisterDataViewForm(ViewFormTerminal);
371 |
372 | ViewListLog := TDataViewList.Create;
373 | with ViewListLog do begin
374 | with Columns do begin
375 | AddItem(STime, 'Time', True, 120);
376 | AddItem(SUser, 'User', True, 80);
377 | AddItem(SText, 'Text', True, 400);
378 | end;
379 | Name := 'Log';
380 | Caption := SLog;
381 | ImageIndex := 11;
382 | end;
383 | FormMain.RegisterDataViewList(ViewListLog);
384 | ViewFormLog := TDataViewForm.Create;
385 | with ViewFormLog do begin
386 | with Items do begin
387 | AddItem(STime, 'Time', ctDateTime, True, Bounds(1, 0, 1, 1));
388 | AddItem(SUser, 'User', ctReference, True, Bounds(3, 0, 1, 1));
389 | AddItem(SText, 'Text', ctEdit, True, Bounds(1, 1, 1, 1));
390 | end;
391 | Name := 'Log';
392 | Caption := SLog;
393 | ImageIndex := 11;
394 | end;
395 | FormMain.RegisterDataViewForm(ViewFormLog);
396 | end;
397 |
398 | procedure TModuleAttendance.DoStart;
399 | begin
400 | inherited DoStart;
401 | Application.Title := SAttendance;
402 | FormMain.Caption := SAttendance;
403 | DataModuleAttendance := TDataModuleAttendance.Create(FormMain);
404 | InitModels;
405 | end;
406 |
407 | procedure TModuleAttendance.DoStop;
408 | begin
409 | FreeAndNil(ModelUser);
410 | FormMain.UnregisterDataViewList(ViewListUser);
411 | FreeAndNil(ViewListUser);
412 | FormMain.UnregisterDataViewForm(ViewFormUser);
413 | FreeAndNil(ViewFormUser);
414 | FormMain.UnregisterDataViewList(ViewListAttendance);
415 | FreeAndNil(ViewListAttendance);
416 | FormMain.UnregisterDataViewForm(ViewFormAttendance);
417 | FreeAndNil(ViewFormAttendance);
418 | FormMain.UnregisterDataViewList(ViewListHoliday);
419 | FreeAndNil(ViewListHoliday);
420 | FormMain.UnregisterDataViewForm(ViewFormHoliday);
421 | FreeAndNil(ViewFormHoliday);
422 | FormMain.UnregisterDataViewList(ViewListLog);
423 | FreeAndNil(ViewListLog);
424 | FormMain.UnregisterDataViewForm(ViewFormLog);
425 | FreeAndNil(ViewFormLog);
426 | FormMain.UnregisterDataViewList(ViewListOperation);
427 | FreeAndNil(ViewListOperation);
428 | FormMain.UnregisterDataViewForm(ViewFormOperation);
429 | FreeAndNil(ViewFormOperation);
430 | FormMain.UnregisterDataViewList(ViewListPassage);
431 | FreeAndNil(ViewListPassage);
432 | FormMain.UnregisterDataViewForm(ViewFormPassage);
433 | FreeAndNil(ViewFormPassage);
434 | FormMain.UnregisterDataViewList(ViewListTerminal);
435 | FreeAndNil(ViewListTerminal);
436 | FormMain.UnregisterDataViewForm(ViewFormTerminal);
437 | FreeAndNil(ViewFormTerminal);
438 | FreeAndNil(DataModuleAttendance);
439 | inherited DoStop;
440 | end;
441 |
442 | procedure TModuleAttendance.DoInstall;
443 | begin
444 | inherited DoInstall;
445 | end;
446 |
447 | procedure TModuleAttendance.DoUninstall;
448 | begin
449 | inherited DoUninstall;
450 | end;
451 |
452 | constructor TModuleAttendance.Create(Owner: TComponent);
453 | begin
454 | inherited Create(Owner);
455 | Identification := 'Attendance';
456 | Title := SAttendance;
457 | Author := 'Chronos';
458 | License:= 'GNU/LGPLv3';
459 | end;
460 |
461 | destructor TModuleAttendance.Destroy;
462 | begin
463 | inherited Destroy;
464 | end;
465 |
466 | end.
467 |