1 | unit UFormList;
2 |
3 | {$mode delphi}
4 |
5 | interface
6 |
7 | uses
8 | Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, ComCtrls,
9 | ActnList, Menus, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, SpecializedList, USqlDatabase,
10 | UListViewSort, UDataView, URegistry, UPrintPreview;
11 |
12 | type
13 | TColumnControlType = (ctText, ctReference, ctBoolean);
14 |
15 | TDbColumn = class
16 | Caption: string;
17 | Name: string;
18 | Visible: Boolean;
19 | Width: Integer;
20 | ControlType: TColumnControlType;
21 | ReferencedTable: string;
22 | end;
23 |
24 | { TListColumns }
25 |
26 | TListDbColumn = class(TListObject)
27 | function AddItem(Caption, Name: string; Visible: Boolean; Width: Integer): TDbColumn;
28 | end;
29 |
30 | { TDataViewList }
31 |
32 | TDataViewList = class(TDataView)
33 | Caption: string;
34 | Name: string;
35 | ImageIndex: Integer;
36 | Columns: TListDbColumn;
37 | constructor Create;
38 | destructor Destroy; override;
39 | procedure LoadFromRegistry(Context: TRegistryContext);
40 | procedure SaveToRegistry(Context: TRegistryContext);
41 | end;
42 |
43 | { TFormList }
44 |
45 | TFormList = class(TForm)
46 | AAdd: TAction;
47 | APrint: TAction;
48 | AExport: TAction;
49 | AReload: TAction;
50 | AModify: TAction;
51 | ADelete: TAction;
52 | ADuplicate: TAction;
53 | ActionList1: TActionList;
54 | LabelItemCount: TLabel;
55 | ListView1: TListView;
56 | MenuItem1: TMenuItem;
57 | MenuItem2: TMenuItem;
58 | MenuItem3: TMenuItem;
59 | MenuItem4: TMenuItem;
60 | MenuItem5: TMenuItem;
61 | Panel1: TPanel;
62 | PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu;
63 | PrintPreview1: TPrintPreview;
64 | ToolBar1: TToolBar;
65 | ToolButton1: TToolButton;
66 | ToolButton2: TToolButton;
67 | ToolButton3: TToolButton;
68 | ToolButton4: TToolButton;
69 | ToolButton5: TToolButton;
70 | ToolButton6: TToolButton;
71 | ToolButton7: TToolButton;
72 | procedure AAddExecute(Sender: TObject);
73 | procedure ADeleteExecute(Sender: TObject);
74 | procedure ADuplicateExecute(Sender: TObject);
75 | procedure AModifyExecute(Sender: TObject);
76 | procedure APrintExecute(Sender: TObject);
77 | procedure AReloadExecute(Sender: TObject);
78 | procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
79 | procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
80 | procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
81 | procedure ListView1Data(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem);
82 | procedure ListView1SelectItem(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem;
83 | Selected: Boolean);
84 | procedure PrintPreview1Print(Sender: TObject);
85 | private
86 | FView: TDataViewList;
87 | procedure SetView(AValue: TDataViewList);
88 | public
89 | DbRows: TDbRows;
90 | property View: TDataViewList read FView write SetView;
91 | procedure UpdateInterface;
92 | procedure UpdateData;
93 | end;
94 |
95 | var
96 | FormList: TFormList;
97 |
98 | implementation
99 |
100 | {$R *.lfm}
101 |
102 | uses
103 | UCore, UFormEdit, UFormMain;
104 |
105 | resourcestring
106 | SItemDeletion = 'Item deletion';
107 | SDoYouWantToDeleteItem = 'Do you want to really delete item?';
108 | SItemCount = 'Item count: %s';
109 | SModifyItem = 'Modify item';
110 | SAddItem = 'Add item';
111 |
112 | { TDataViewList }
113 |
114 | constructor TDataViewList.Create;
115 | begin
116 | Columns := TListDbColumn.Create;
117 | end;
118 |
119 | destructor TDataViewList.Destroy;
120 | begin
121 | Columns.Free;
122 | inherited Destroy;
123 | end;
124 |
125 | procedure TDataViewList.LoadFromRegistry(Context: TRegistryContext);
126 | begin
127 |
128 | end;
129 |
130 | procedure TDataViewList.SaveToRegistry(Context: TRegistryContext);
131 | begin
132 |
133 | end;
134 |
135 | { TListColumns }
136 |
137 | function TListDbColumn.AddItem(Caption, Name: string; Visible: Boolean;
138 | Width: Integer): TDbColumn;
139 | begin
140 | Result := TDbColumn.Create;
141 | Result.Caption := Caption;
142 | Result.Name := Name;
143 | Result.Visible := Visible;
144 | Result.Width := Width;
145 | Add(Result);
146 | end;
147 |
148 | { TFormList }
149 |
150 | procedure TFormList.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
151 | begin
152 | DbRows := TDbRows.Create;
153 | end;
154 |
155 | procedure TFormList.AModifyExecute(Sender: TObject);
156 | var
157 | Index: Integer;
158 | begin
159 | try
160 | FormEdit := TFormEdit.Create(FormMain);
161 | Index := FormMain.DataViewLists.IndexOf(View);
162 | FormEdit.ItemId := Integer(ListView1.Selected.Data);
163 | FormEdit.View := TDataViewForm(FormMain.DataViewForms[Index]);
164 | FormEdit.LoadFromDatabase;
165 | FormEdit.Caption := SModifyItem;
166 | Core.CoolTranslator1.TranslateComponentRecursive(FormEdit);
167 | if FormEdit.ShowModal = mrOk then begin
168 | FormEdit.SaveToDatabase;
169 | UpdateData;
170 | end;
171 | finally
172 | FormEdit.Free;
173 | end;
174 | end;
175 |
176 | procedure TFormList.APrintExecute(Sender: TObject);
177 | begin
178 | PrintPreview1.Preview;
179 | end;
180 |
181 | procedure TFormList.AReloadExecute(Sender: TObject);
182 | begin
183 | UpdateData;
184 | end;
185 |
186 | procedure TFormList.AAddExecute(Sender: TObject);
187 | var
188 | Index: Integer;
189 | begin
190 | try
191 | FormEdit := TFormEdit.Create(FormMain);
192 | Index := FormMain.DataViewLists.IndexOf(View);
193 | FormEdit.ItemId := 0;
194 | FormEdit.View := TDataViewForm(FormMain.DataViewForms[Index]);
195 | FormEdit.ClearData;
196 | FormEdit.Caption := SAddItem;
197 | Core.CoolTranslator1.TranslateComponentRecursive(FormEdit);
198 | if FormEdit.ShowModal = mrOk then begin
199 | FormEdit.SaveToDatabase;
200 | UpdateData;
201 | end;
202 | finally
203 | FormEdit.Free;
204 | end;
205 | end;
206 |
207 | procedure TFormList.ADeleteExecute(Sender: TObject);
208 | begin
209 | if MessageDlg(SItemDeletion, SDoYouWantToDeleteItem, mtConfirmation,
210 | [mbYes, mbNo], 0) = mrYes then begin
211 | Core.Database.Delete(View.Name, '`Id` = ' + IntToStr(Integer(ListView1.Selected.Data)));
212 | UpdateData;
213 | end;
214 | end;
215 |
216 | procedure TFormList.ADuplicateExecute(Sender: TObject);
217 | begin
218 | if FormEdit.ShowModal = mrOk then begin
219 | end;
220 | end;
221 |
222 | procedure TFormList.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
223 | begin
224 | ListView1.Items.Count := 0;
225 | FreeAndNil(DbRows);
226 | end;
227 |
228 | procedure TFormList.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
229 | begin
230 | UpdateInterface;
231 | end;
232 |
233 | procedure TFormList.ListView1Data(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem);
234 | var
235 | I: Integer;
236 | begin
237 | if (Item.Index >= 0) and (Item.Index < DbRows.Count) then begin
238 | for I := 0 to View.Columns.Count - 1 do begin
239 | Item.Data := Pointer(StrToInt(DbRows[Item.Index].Values['Id']));
240 | if I = 0 then Item.Caption := DbRows[Item.Index].Values[TDbColumn(View.Columns[I]).Name]
241 | else Item.SubItems.Add(DbRows[Item.Index].Values[TDbColumn(View.Columns[I]).Name]);
242 | end;
243 | end;
244 | end;
245 |
246 | procedure TFormList.ListView1SelectItem(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem;
247 | Selected: Boolean);
248 | begin
249 | UpdateInterface;
250 | end;
251 |
252 | procedure TFormList.PrintPreview1Print(Sender: TObject);
253 | begin
254 |
255 | end;
256 |
257 | procedure TFormList.SetView(AValue: TDataViewList);
258 | begin
259 | if FView = AValue then Exit;
260 | if Assigned(AValue) then begin
261 | end else begin
262 | DbRows.Clear;
263 | ListView1.Items.Clear;
264 | end;
265 | FView := AValue;
266 | end;
267 |
268 | procedure TFormList.UpdateInterface;
269 | begin
270 | AAdd.Enabled := True;
271 | AModify.Enabled := Assigned(ListView1.Selected);
272 | ADelete.Enabled := Assigned(ListView1.Selected);
273 | ADuplicate.Enabled := Assigned(ListView1.Selected);
274 | end;
275 |
276 | procedure TFormList.UpdateData;
277 | var
278 | NewColumn: TListColumn;
279 | I: Integer;
280 | Filter: string;
281 | begin
282 | ListView1.Columns.Clear;
283 | Filter := 'Id';
284 | for I := 0 to View.Columns.Count - 1 do
285 | with TDbColumn(View.Columns[I]) do begin
286 | NewColumn := ListView1.Columns.Add;
287 | NewColumn.Caption := Caption;
288 | NewColumn.Width := Width;
289 | NewColumn.Visible := Visible;
290 | Filter := Filter + ', `' + Name + '`';
291 | end;
292 | if Core.Database.Connected then
293 | Core.Database.Query(DbRows, 'SELECT ' + Filter + ' FROM ' + View.Name);
294 |
295 | ListView1.Items.Count := DbRows.Count;
296 | ListView1.Refresh;
297 |
298 | LabelItemCount.Caption := Format(SItemCount, [IntToStr(DbRows.Count)]);
299 | end;
300 |
301 | end.
302 |