1 | unit UIPv4Edit;
2 |
3 | {$mode Delphi}{$H+}
4 |
5 | interface
6 |
7 | uses
8 | Classes, SysUtils, StdCtrls, StrUtils;
9 |
10 | type
11 |
12 | { TIPv4Edit }
13 |
14 | TIPv4Edit = class(TEdit)
15 | private
16 | FAddress: Cardinal;
17 | procedure ChangeExecute(Sender: TObject);
18 | procedure SetAddress(const AValue: Cardinal);
19 | public
20 | function TryStrToIPv4(S: string; out Value: Cardinal): Boolean;
21 | constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
22 | destructor Destroy; override;
23 | published
24 | property Address: Cardinal read FAddress write SetAddress;
25 | end;
26 |
27 | procedure Register;
28 |
29 | implementation
30 |
31 | procedure Register;
32 | begin
33 | RegisterComponents('TEditExtensions', [TIPv4Edit]);
34 | end;
35 |
36 | { TIPv4Edit }
37 |
38 | procedure TIPv4Edit.ChangeExecute(Sender: TObject);
39 | var
40 | NewText: string;
41 | Temp: Cardinal;
42 | begin
43 | NewText := Text;
44 | Delete(NewText, SelStart + 1, 1);
45 | if TryStrToIPv4(NewText, Temp) then
46 | FAddress := Temp;
47 | SetAddress(FAddress);
48 | end;
49 |
50 | procedure TIPv4Edit.SetAddress(const AValue: Cardinal);
51 | var
52 | LastPos: Integer;
53 | Adr: string;
54 | I: Integer;
55 | Octet: string;
56 | begin
57 | FAddress := AValue;
58 | LastPos := SelStart;
59 | OnChange := nil;
60 | Adr := '';
61 | for I := 0 to 3 do begin
62 | Octet := IntToStr((FAddress shr (24 - (I * 8))) and $ff);
63 | Adr := Adr + Octet + DupeString(' ', 3 - Length(Octet));
64 | if I < 3 then Adr := Adr + '.';
65 | end;
66 | Text := Adr;
67 | OnChange := ChangeExecute;
68 | if LastPos = 3 then LastPos := 4;
69 | if LastPos = 7 then LastPos := 8;
70 | if LastPos = 11 then LastPos := 12;
71 | SelStart := LastPos;
72 | end;
73 |
74 | function TIPv4Edit.TryStrToIPv4(S: string; out Value: Cardinal): Boolean;
75 | var
76 | P: Integer;
77 | Octet: Integer;
78 | OctetText: string;
79 | I: Integer;
80 | begin
81 | Result := False;
82 | Value := 0;
83 | for I := 0 to 3 do begin
84 | if I < 3 then begin
85 | P := Pos('.', S);
86 | if P > 0 then
87 | OctetText := Copy(S, 1, P - 1) else Exit;
88 | Delete(S, 1, P);
89 | end else OctetText := S;
90 | if TryStrToInt(Trim(OctetText), Octet) then begin
91 | if (Octet >= 0) and (Octet <= 255) then
92 | Value := Value or (Byte(Octet) shl (24 - (I * 8)))
93 | else Exit;
94 | end else Exit;
95 | end;
96 | Result := True;
97 | end;
98 |
99 | constructor TIPv4Edit.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
100 | begin
101 | inherited Create(AOwner);
102 | OnChange := ChangeExecute;
103 | end;
104 |
105 | destructor TIPv4Edit.Destroy;
106 | begin
107 | inherited Destroy;
108 | end;
109 |
110 | end.
111 |