1 | unit UPrefixMultiplier;
2 |
3 | // Date: 2010-06-01
4 |
5 | {$mode delphi}
6 |
7 | interface
8 |
9 | uses
10 | Classes, SysUtils, Math;
11 |
12 | type
13 | TPrefixMultiplierItem = record
14 | ShortText: string;
15 | FullText: string;
16 | Value: Double;
17 | end;
18 |
19 | TPrefixMultiplierDef = array[0..16] of TPrefixMultiplierItem;
20 |
21 | { TPrefixMultiplier }
22 |
23 | TPrefixMultiplier = class
24 | private
25 | function TruncateDigits(Value:Double;Digits:Integer=3):Double;
26 | public
27 | function Add(Value: Double; PrefixMultipliers: TPrefixMultiplierDef;
28 | UnitText: string; Digits: Integer = 3): string;
29 | end;
30 |
31 | const
32 | BasePrefixMultipliers: TPrefixMultiplierDef =
33 | (
34 | (ShortText: 'y'; FullText: 'yocto'; Value: 1e-24),
35 | (ShortText: 'z'; FullText: 'zepto'; Value: 1e-21),
36 | (ShortText: 'a'; FullText: 'atto'; Value: 1e-18),
37 | (ShortText: 'f'; FullText: 'femto'; Value: 1e-15),
38 | (ShortText: 'p'; FullText: 'piko'; Value: 1e-12),
39 | (ShortText: 'n'; FullText: 'nano'; Value: 1e-9),
40 | (ShortText: 'u'; FullText: 'mikro'; Value: 1e-6),
41 | (ShortText: 'm'; FullText: 'mili'; Value: 1e-3),
42 | (ShortText: ''; FullText: ''; Value: 1e0),
43 | (ShortText: 'k'; FullText: 'kilo'; Value: 1e3),
44 | (ShortText: 'M'; FullText: 'mega'; Value: 1e6),
45 | (ShortText: 'G'; FullText: 'giga'; Value: 1e9),
46 | (ShortText: 'T'; FullText: 'tera'; Value: 1e12),
47 | (ShortText: 'P'; FullText: 'peta'; Value: 1e15),
48 | (ShortText: 'E'; FullText: 'exa'; Value: 1e18),
49 | (ShortText: 'Z'; FullText: 'zetta'; Value: 1e21),
50 | (ShortText: 'Y'; FullText: 'yotta'; Value: 1e24)
51 | );
52 |
53 | TimePrefixMultipliers: TPrefixMultiplierDef =
54 | (
55 | (ShortText: 'ys'; FullText: 'yocto'; Value: 1e-24),
56 | (ShortText: 'zs'; FullText: 'zepto'; Value: 1e-21),
57 | (ShortText: 'as'; FullText: 'atto'; Value: 1e-18),
58 | (ShortText: 'fs'; FullText: 'femto'; Value: 1e-15),
59 | (ShortText: 'ps'; FullText: 'piko'; Value: 1e-12),
60 | (ShortText: 'ns'; FullText: 'nano'; Value: 1e-9),
61 | (ShortText: 'us'; FullText: 'mikro'; Value: 1e-6),
62 | (ShortText: 'ms'; FullText: 'mili'; Value: 1e-3),
63 | (ShortText: 's'; FullText: 'sekunda'; Value: 1),
64 | (ShortText: 'min'; FullText: 'minuta'; Value: 60),
65 | (ShortText: 'hod'; FullText: 'hodina'; Value: 3600),
66 | (ShortText: 'den'; FullText: 'den'; Value: 24 * 3600),
67 | (ShortText: 'týd'; FullText: 'týden'; Value: 7 * 24 * 3600),
68 | (ShortText: 'měs'; FullText: 'měsíc'; Value: 30 * 24 * 3600),
69 | (ShortText: 'rok'; FullText: 'rok'; Value: 365 * 24 * 3600),
70 | (ShortText: 'století'; FullText: 'století'; Value: 3153600000),
71 | (ShortText: 'tisíciletí'; FullText: 'tisíciletí'; Value: 3153600000)
72 | );
73 |
74 | implementation
75 |
76 | { TPrefixMultiplier }
77 |
78 | function TPrefixMultiplier.TruncateDigits(Value: Double; Digits: Integer = 3): Double;
79 | var
80 | II: Integer;
81 | RealDigits: Integer;
82 | begin
83 | Result := 0;
84 | for II := 2 downto -1 do begin
85 | if Value >= Power(10, II) then begin
86 | if Digits < (II + 1) then RealDigits := II + 1
87 | else RealDigits := Digits;
88 | Result := Round(Value / Power(10, II - RealDigits + 1)) * Power(10, II - RealDigits + 1);
89 | Break;
90 | end;
91 | end;
92 | end;
93 |
94 | function TPrefixMultiplier.Add(Value:Double;PrefixMultipliers:TPrefixMultiplierDef
95 | ;UnitText:string;Digits:Integer):string;
96 | var
97 | I: Integer;
98 | begin
99 | if UnitText = '' then Result := FloatToStr(TruncateDigits(Value, Digits));
100 | I := 8;
101 | if Value = 0 then
102 | else
103 | if Value > 1 then begin
104 | while(((Value / PrefixMultipliers[I + 1].Value) > 1) and ((I + 1) >= 0) and
105 | ((I + 1) <= Length(PrefixMultipliers))) do Inc(I);
106 | end else
107 | if Value < 1 then begin
108 | while(((Value / PrefixMultipliers[I + 1].Value) < 1) and ((I - 1) >= 0) and
109 | ((I - 1) <= Length(PrefixMultipliers))) do Dec(I);
110 | Inc(I);
111 | end;
112 | Value := Value / PrefixMultipliers[I].Value;
113 |
114 | // Truncate digits count
115 | Result := FloatToStr(TruncateDigits(Value, Digits)) + ' ' +
116 | PrefixMultipliers[I].ShortText + UnitText;
117 | end;
118 |
119 | end.
120 |