1 | unit UFormImportStructure;
2 |
3 | {$mode delphi}
4 |
5 | interface
6 |
7 | uses
8 | Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, StdCtrls,
9 | EditBtn, USystem, SpecializedList, USqlDatabase, SpecializedDictionary;
10 |
11 | type
12 |
13 | { TSQLTable }
14 |
15 | TSQLTable = class
16 | Table: TDictionaryStringString;
17 | Columns: TDbRows;
18 | function ColumnByName(Name: string): Integer;
19 | constructor Create;
20 | destructor Destroy; override;
21 | end;
22 |
23 | { TImportStructureForm }
24 |
25 | TImportStructureForm = class(TForm)
26 | Button1: TButton;
27 | EditSchema: TEdit;
28 | EditHost: TEdit;
29 | EditUser: TEdit;
30 | EditPassword: TEdit;
31 | Label1: TLabel;
32 | Label2: TLabel;
33 | Label3: TLabel;
34 | Label4: TLabel;
35 | Memo1: TMemo;
36 | procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
37 | procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
38 | procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
39 | procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
40 | private
41 | function ObjectIdByName(Name: string): Integer;
42 | { private declarations }
43 | public
44 | SQLTables: TListObject; // TListObject<TSQLTable>
45 | end;
46 |
47 | var
48 | ImportStructureForm: TImportStructureForm;
49 |
50 | implementation
51 |
52 | uses
53 | UCore, UFormMain, UFormMenu;
54 |
55 | { TSQLTable }
56 |
57 | function TSQLTable.ColumnByName(Name: string): Integer;
58 | var
59 | I: Integer;
60 | begin
61 | I := 0;
62 | while (I < Columns.Count) and (Columns[I].Values['COLUMN_NAME'] <> Name) do Inc(I);
63 | if I < Columns.Count then Result := I
64 | else Result := -1;
65 | end;
66 |
67 | constructor TSQLTable.Create;
68 | begin
69 | Columns := TDbRows.Create;
70 | Table := TDictionaryStringString.Create;
71 | end;
72 |
73 | destructor TSQLTable.Destroy;
74 | begin
75 | Columns.Free;
76 | Table.Free;
77 | inherited Destroy;
78 | end;
79 |
80 | {$R *.lfm}
81 |
82 | { TImportStructureForm }
83 |
84 | function TImportStructureForm.ObjectIdByName(Name: string): Integer;
85 | var
86 | I: Integer;
87 | begin
88 | I := 0;
89 | while (I < SQLTables.Count) and (TSQLTable(SQLTables[I]).Table.Items[0].Value <> Name) do Inc(I);
90 | if I < SQLTables.Count then Result := I
91 | else Result := -1;
92 | end;
93 |
94 | procedure TImportStructureForm.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
95 | begin
96 | EditHost.Text := Core.System.Client.Host;
97 | EditUser.Text := Core.System.Client.User;
98 | EditSchema.Text := Core.System.Client.Schema;
99 | end;
100 |
101 | procedure TImportStructureForm.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
102 | var
103 | Database: TSqlDatabase;
104 | DbRows: TDbRows;
105 | DbRows2: TDbRows;
106 | T, C: Integer;
107 | TableName: string;
108 | PropertyName: string;
109 | PropType: string;
110 | GroupId: Integer;
111 | ObjectId: Integer;
112 | PropertyId: Integer;
113 | NewTable: TSQLTable;
114 | RefObjectIndex: Integer;
115 | RefPropertyId: Integer;
116 | begin
117 | try
118 | Database := TSqlDatabase.Create(nil);
119 | DbRows := TDbRows.Create;
120 | DbRows2 := TDbRows.Create;
121 | Database.HostName := EditHost.Text;
122 | Database.Database := EditSchema.Text;
123 | Database.UserName := EditUser.Text;
124 | Database.Password := EditPassword.Text;
125 | Database.Connect;
126 |
127 | SQLTables.Clear;
128 | GroupId := Core.System.AddMenu(Database.Database, 0);
129 | Database.Query(DbRows, 'SHOW TABLES');
130 | for T := 0 to DbRows.Count - 1 do begin
131 | NewTable := TSQLTable(SQLTables.AddNew(TSQLTable.Create));
132 | NewTable.Table.Assign(DbRows[T]);
133 | TableName := DbRows[T].Items[0].Value;
134 | Memo1.Lines.Add('Create object "' + TableName + '"');
135 | NewTable.Table.Add('ObjId', IntToStr(Core.System.AddObject(TableName, TableName, Database.Database)));
136 | end;
137 |
138 | for T := 0 to SQLTables.Count - 1 do
139 | with TSQLTable(SQLTables[T]) do begin
140 | TableName := Table.Items[0].Value;
141 | Database.Query(Columns, 'SELECT `TCOL`.`DATA_TYPE`, `TCOL`.`COLUMN_NAME`, ' +
143 | ' `TC`.`CONSTRAINT_TYPE` ' +
144 | ' FROM `information_schema`.`COLUMNS` AS `TCOL`' +
145 | ' LEFT JOIN `information_schema`.`KEY_COLUMN_USAGE` AS `KCU` ON ' +
147 | ' (`KCU`.`TABLE_NAME` = `TCOL`.`TABLE_NAME`) AND ' +
148 | ' (`KCU`.`COLUMN_NAME` = `TCOL`.`COLUMN_NAME`) ' +
149 | ' LEFT JOIN `information_schema`.`TABLE_CONSTRAINTS` AS `TC` ON' +
151 | ' (`KCU`.`TABLE_NAME` = `TC`.`TABLE_NAME`) AND ' +
153 | ' WHERE ' +
154 | '(`TCOL`.`TABLE_SCHEMA` = "' + Database.Database + '") AND ' +
155 | '(`TCOL`.`TABLE_NAME` = "' + TableName + '")');
156 | Memo1.Lines.Add('Add properies for object "' + TableName + '"');
157 | ObjectId := StrToInt(Table.Values['ObjId']);
158 | for C := 0 to Columns.Count - 1 do begin
159 | PropertyName := Columns[C].Values['COLUMN_NAME'];
160 | PropType := Columns[C].Values['DATA_TYPE'];
161 | if Columns[C].Values['CONSTRAINT_TYPE'] = 'FOREIGN KEY' then begin
162 | RefObjectIndex := ObjectIdByName(Columns[C].Values['REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME']);
163 | PropertyId := Core.System.AddPropertyRelationOne(ObjectId, PropertyName, PropertyName,
164 | True, StrToInt(TSQLTable(SQLTables[RefObjectIndex]).Table.Values['ObjId']));
165 | end else
166 | if PropType = 'int' then
167 | PropertyId := Core.System.AddPropertyNumber(ObjectId, PropertyName, PropertyName, True);
168 | if PropType = 'varchar' then
169 | PropertyId := Core.System.AddPropertyString(ObjectId, PropertyName, PropertyName, True);
170 | if PropType = 'float' then
171 | PropertyId := Core.System.AddPropertyFloat(ObjectId, PropertyName, PropertyName, True);
172 | if PropType = 'datetime' then
173 | PropertyId := Core.System.AddPropertyDateTime(ObjectId, PropertyName, PropertyName, True);
174 | Columns[C].Add('Id', IntToStr(PropertyId));
175 | Memo1.Lines.Add('Create property "' + PropertyName + '" of type ' + PropType + '"');
176 | //Memo1.Lines.Add(Columns[C].Values['CONSTRAINT_TYPE']);
177 | //TSQLTable(SQLTables[T]).Columns.Add();
178 | end;
179 | end;
180 |
181 | for T := 0 to SQLTables.Count - 1 do
182 | with TSQLTable(SQLTables[T]) do begin
183 | TableName := Table.Items[0].Value;
184 | ObjectId := StrToInt(Table.Values['ObjId']);
185 | for C := 0 to Columns.Count - 1 do begin
186 | PropertyName := Columns[C].Values['COLUMN_NAME'];
187 | PropType := Columns[C].Values['DATA_TYPE'];
188 | if Columns[C].Values['CONSTRAINT_TYPE'] = 'FOREIGN KEY' then begin
189 | Memo1.Lines.Add('Add relation 1:n for "' + TableName + '.' + PropertyName + '"');
190 | RefObjectIndex := ObjectIdByName(Columns[C].Values['REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME']);
191 |
192 | RefPropertyId := TSQLTable(SQLTables[T]).ColumnByName(Columns[C].Values['COLUMN_NAME']);
193 | RefPropertyId := StrToInt(TSQLTable(SQLTables[T]).Columns[RefPropertyId].Values['Id']);
194 | PropertyId := Core.System.AddPropertyRelationMany(StrToInt(TSQLTable(SQLTables[RefObjectIndex]).Table.Values['ObjId']), TableName, TableName,
195 | True, RefPropertyId);
196 | end;
197 | end;
198 | end;
199 | finally
200 | DbRows2.Free;
201 | DbRows.Free;
202 | Database.Free;
203 | FormMenu.LoadTree;
204 | end;
205 | end;
206 |
207 | procedure TImportStructureForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
208 | begin
209 | SQLTables := TListObject.Create;
210 | end;
211 |
212 | procedure TImportStructureForm.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
213 | begin
214 | SQLTables.Free;
215 | end;
216 |
217 | end.
218 |