1 | {$INCLUDE Switches.inc}
4 | unit Database;
5 |
6 | interface
7 |
8 | uses
9 | SysUtils, Protocol, CmdList, Map;
10 |
11 | const
12 | // additional test flags
13 | //{$DEFINE FastContact} { extra small world with railroad everywhere }
14 |
15 | neumax = 4096;
16 | necmax = 1024;
17 | nemmax = 1024;
18 |
19 | lNoObserve = 0;
20 | lObserveUnhidden = 1;
21 | lObserveAll = 2;
22 | lObserveSuper = 3; // observe levels
23 |
24 | TerrType_Canalable = [fGrass, fDesert, fPrairie, fTundra, fSwamp,
25 | fForest, fHills];
26 |
27 | nStartUn = 1;
28 | StartUn: array [0 .. nStartUn - 1] of Integer = (0); // mix of start units
29 |
30 | CityOwnTile = 13;
31 |
32 | type
33 | TGameMode = (moLoading_Fast, moLoading, moMovie, moPlaying);
34 |
35 | var
36 | GAlive: Integer; { players alive; bitset of 1 shl p }
37 | GWatching: Integer;
38 | GInitialized: Integer;
39 | GAI: Integer;
40 | RND: Integer; { world map randseed }
41 | lx: Integer;
42 | ly: Integer;
43 | MapSize: Integer; // = lx*ly
44 | LandMass: Integer;
45 | {$IFOPT O-}InvalidTreatyMap, {$ENDIF}
46 | SaveMapCenterLoc: Integer;
47 | PeaceEnded: Integer;
48 | GTurn: Integer; { current turn }
49 | GTestFlags: Integer;
50 | Mode: TGameMode;
51 | GWonder: array [0 .. nWonder - 1] of TWonderInfo;
52 | ServerVersion: array [0 .. nPl - 1] of Integer;
53 | ProcessClientData: array [0 .. nPl - 1] of Boolean;
54 | CL: TCmdList;
55 | {$IFDEF TEXTLOG}CmdInfo: string;
56 | TextLog: TextFile; {$ENDIF}
57 | {$IFDEF LOADPERF}time_total, time_total0, time_x0, time_x1, time_a, time_b, time_c: int64; {$ENDIF}
58 | // map data
59 | RealMap: array [0 .. lxmax * lymax - 1] of Cardinal;
60 | Continent: array [0 .. lxmax * lymax - 1] of Integer;
61 | { continent id for each tile }
62 | Occupant: array [0 .. lxmax * lymax - 1] of ShortInt;
63 | { occupying player for each tile }
64 | ZoCMap: array [0 .. lxmax * lymax - 1] of ShortInt;
65 | ObserveLevel: array [0 .. lxmax * lymax - 1] of Cardinal;
66 | { Observe Level of player p in bits 2*p and 2*p+1 }
67 | UsedByCity: array [0 .. lxmax * lymax - 1] of Integer;
68 | { location of exploiting city for
69 | each tile, =-1 if not exploited }
70 |
71 | // player data
72 | RW: array [0 .. nPl - 1] of TPlayerContext; { player data }
73 | Difficulty: array [0 .. nPl - 1] of Integer;
74 | GShip: array [0 .. nPl - 1] of TShipInfo;
75 | ResourceMask: array [0 .. nPl - 1] of Cardinal;
76 | Founded: array [0 .. nPl - 1] of Integer; { number of cities founded }
77 | TerritoryCount: array [0 .. nPl] of Integer;
78 | LastValidStat, Researched, Discovered, // number of tiles discovered
79 | GrWallContinent: array [0 .. nPl - 1] of Integer;
80 | RWemix: array [0 .. nPl - 1, 0 .. nPl - 1, 0 .. nmmax - 1] of SmallInt;
81 | // [p1,p2,mix] -> index of p2's model mix in p1's enemy model list
82 | Destroyed: array [0 .. nPl - 1, 0 .. nPl - 1, 0 .. nmmax - 1] of SmallInt;
83 | // [p1,p2,mix] -> number of p2's units with model mix that p1 has destroyed
84 | nTech: array [0 .. nPl - 1] of Integer; { number of known techs }
85 | // NewContact: array[0..nPl-1,0..nPl-1] of boolean;
86 |
87 | type
88 | TVicinity8Loc = array [0 .. 7] of Integer;
89 | TVicinity21Loc = array [0 .. 27] of Integer;
90 |
91 | procedure MaskD(var X: array of Cardinal; Count, Mask: Cardinal);
92 | procedure IntServer(Command, Player, Subject: Integer; var Data);
93 | procedure CompactLists(P: Integer);
94 | procedure ClearTestFlags(ClearFlags: Integer);
95 | procedure SetTestFlags(P, SetFlags: Integer);
96 |
97 | // Tech Related Functions
98 | function TechBaseCost(nTech, diff: Integer): Integer;
99 | function TechCost(P: Integer): Integer;
100 | procedure CalculateModel(var M: TModel);
101 | procedure CheckSpecialModels(P, pre: Integer);
102 | procedure EnableDevModel(P: Integer);
103 | procedure SeeTech(P, ad: Integer);
104 | procedure DiscoverTech(P, ad: Integer);
105 | procedure CheckExpiration(Wonder: Integer);
106 |
107 | // Location Navigation
108 | function dLoc(Loc, dx, dy: Integer): Integer;
109 | procedure dxdy(Loc0, Loc1: Integer; var dx, dy: Integer);
110 | function Distance(Loc0, Loc1: Integer): Integer;
111 | procedure V8_to_Loc(Loc0: Integer; var VicinityLoc: TVicinity8Loc);
112 | procedure V21_to_Loc(Loc0: Integer; var VicinityLoc: TVicinity21Loc);
113 |
114 | // Game Initialization
115 | procedure InitRandomGame;
116 | procedure InitMapGame(Human: Integer);
117 | procedure ReleaseGame;
118 |
119 | // Map Editor
120 | function MapGeneratorAvailable: Boolean;
121 | procedure CreateElevation;
122 | procedure CreateMap(Preview: Boolean);
123 | procedure InitMapEditor;
124 | procedure ReleaseMapEditor;
125 | procedure EditTile(Loc, NewTile: Integer);
126 |
127 | // Map Revealing
128 | function GetTileInfo(P, cix, Loc: Integer; var Info: TTileInfo): Integer;
129 | procedure Strongest(Loc: Integer; var uix, Strength, Bonus, Cnt: Integer);
130 | function UnitSpeed(P, mix, Health: Integer): Integer;
131 | procedure GetUnitReport(P, uix: Integer; var UnitReport: TUnitReport);
132 | procedure SearchCity(Loc: Integer; var P, cix: Integer);
133 | procedure TellAboutModel(P, taOwner, tamix: Integer);
134 | function emixSafe(P, taOwner, tamix: Integer): Integer;
135 | function Discover9(Loc, P, Level: Integer;
136 | TellAllied, EnableContact: Boolean): Boolean;
137 | function Discover21(Loc, P, AdjacentLevel: Integer;
138 | TellAllied, EnableContact: Boolean): Boolean;
139 | procedure DiscoverAll(P, Level: Integer);
140 | procedure DiscoverViewAreas(P: Integer);
141 | function GetUnitStack(P, Loc: Integer): Integer;
142 | procedure UpdateUnitMap(Loc: Integer; CityChange: Boolean = False);
143 | procedure RecalcV8ZoC(P, Loc: Integer);
144 | procedure RecalcMapZoC(P: Integer);
145 | procedure RecalcPeaceMap(P: Integer);
146 |
147 | // Territory Calculation
148 | procedure CheckBorders(OriginLoc: Integer; PlayerLosingCity: Integer = -1);
149 | procedure LogCheckBorders(P, cix: Integer; PlayerLosingCity: Integer = -1);
150 |
151 | // Map Processing
152 | procedure CreateUnit(P, mix: Integer);
153 | procedure FreeUnit(P, uix: Integer);
154 | procedure PlaceUnit(P, uix: Integer);
155 | procedure RemoveUnit(P, uix: Integer; Enemy: Integer = -1);
156 | procedure RemoveUnit_UpdateMap(P, uix: Integer);
157 | procedure RemoveAllUnits(P, Loc: Integer; Enemy: Integer = -1);
158 | procedure RemoveDomainUnits(D, P, Loc: Integer);
159 | procedure FoundCity(P, FoundLoc: Integer);
160 | procedure DestroyCity(P, cix: Integer; SaveUnits: Boolean);
161 | procedure ChangeCityOwner(pOld, cixOld, pNew: Integer);
162 | procedure CompleteJob(P, Loc, Job: Integer);
163 |
164 | // Diplomacy
165 | procedure IntroduceEnemy(p1, p2: Integer);
166 | procedure GiveCivilReport(P, pAbout: Integer);
167 | procedure GiveMilReport(P, pAbout: Integer);
168 | procedure ShowPrice(pSender, pTarget, Price: Integer);
169 | function PayPrice(pSender, pTarget, Price: Integer; execute: Boolean): Boolean;
170 | procedure CancelTreaty(P, pWith: Integer; DecreaseCredibility: Boolean = True);
171 | function DoSpyMission(P, pCity, cix, Mission: Integer): Cardinal;
172 |
173 |
174 | implementation
175 |
176 | uses
177 | {$IFDEF LOADPERF}SysUtils, Windows, {$ENDIF}
178 | {$IFDEF TEXTLOG}SysUtils, {$ENDIF}
179 | IPQ;
180 |
181 | var
182 | UnBuilt: array [0 .. nPl - 1] of Integer; { number of units built }
183 |
184 | procedure MaskD(var X: array of Cardinal; Count, Mask: Cardinal);
185 | var
186 | I: Integer;
187 | begin
188 | for I := 0 to Count - 1 do
189 | X[I] := X[I] and Mask;
190 | end;
191 |
192 | procedure CompactLists(P: Integer);
193 | var
194 | uix, uix1, cix: Integer;
195 | {$IFOPT O-}V21: Integer;
196 | Radius: TVicinity21Loc; {$ENDIF}
197 | begin
198 | with RW[P] do
199 | begin
200 | // compact unit list
201 | uix := 0;
202 | while uix < nUn do
203 | if Un[uix].Loc < 0 then
204 | begin
205 | Dec(nUn);
206 | Un[uix] := Un[nUn]; { replace removed unit by last }
207 | if (Un[uix].TroopLoad > 0) or (Un[uix].AirLoad > 0) then
208 | for uix1 := 0 to nUn - 1 do
209 | if Un[uix1].Master = nUn then
210 | Un[uix1].Master := uix;
211 | // index of last unit changes
212 | end
213 | else
214 | Inc(uix);
215 |
216 | // compact city list
217 | cix := 0;
218 | while cix < nCity do
219 | if City[cix].Loc < 0 then
220 | begin
221 | Dec(nCity);
222 | City[cix] := City[nCity]; { replace city by last }
223 | for uix1 := 0 to nUn - 1 do
224 | if Un[uix1].Home = nCity then
225 | Un[uix1].Home := cix;
226 | { index of last city changes }
227 | end
228 | else
229 | Inc(cix);
230 |
231 | // compact enemy city list
232 | cix := 0;
233 | while cix < nEnemyCity do
234 | if EnemyCity[cix].Loc < 0 then
235 | begin
236 | Dec(nEnemyCity);
237 | EnemyCity[cix] := EnemyCity[nEnemyCity]; { replace city by last }
238 | end
239 | else
240 | Inc(cix);
241 |
242 | {$IFOPT O-}
243 | for cix := 0 to nCity - 1 do
244 | with City[cix] do
245 | begin
246 | V21_to_Loc(Loc, Radius);
247 | for V21 := 1 to 26 do
248 | if Tiles and (1 shl V21) <> 0 then
249 | Assert(UsedByCity[Radius[V21]] = Loc);
250 | end;
251 | {$ENDIF}
252 | end;
253 | end;
254 |
255 | {
256 | Tech Related Functions
257 | ____________________________________________________________________
258 | }
259 | function TechBaseCost(nTech, diff: Integer): Integer;
260 | var
261 | c0: Single;
262 | begin
263 | c0 := TechFormula_M[diff] * (nTech + 4) *
264 | Exp((nTech + 4) / TechFormula_D[diff]);
265 | if c0 >= $10000000 then
266 | Result := $10000000
267 | else
268 | Result := Trunc(c0);
269 | end;
270 |
271 | function TechCost(P: Integer): Integer;
272 | begin
273 | with RW[P] do
274 | begin
275 | Result := TechBaseCost(nTech[P], Difficulty[P]);
276 | if ResearchTech >= 0 then
277 | if (ResearchTech = adMilitary) or (Tech[ResearchTech] = tsSeen) then
278 | Result := Result shr 1
279 | else if ResearchTech in FutureTech then
280 | if Government = gFuture then
281 | Result := Result * 2
282 | else
283 | Result := Result * 4;
284 | end;
285 | end;
286 |
287 | procedure SetModelFlags(var M: TModel);
288 | begin
289 | M.Flags := 0;
290 | if (M.Domain = dGround) and (M.Kind <> mkDiplomat) then
291 | M.Flags := M.Flags or mdZOC;
292 | if (M.Kind = mkDiplomat) or (M.Attack + M.Cap[mcBombs] = 0) then
293 | M.Flags := M.Flags or mdCivil;
294 | if (M.Cap[mcOver] > 0) or (M.Domain = dSea) and (M.Weight >= 6) then
295 | M.Flags := M.Flags or mdDoubleSupport;
296 | end;
297 |
298 | procedure CalculateModel(var M: TModel);
299 | { calculate attack, defense, cost... of a model by features }
300 | var
301 | I: Integer;
302 | begin
303 | with M do
304 | begin
305 | Attack := (Cap[mcOffense] + Cap[mcOver]) * MStrength;
306 | Defense := (Cap[mcDefense] + Cap[mcOver]) * MStrength;
307 | case Domain of
308 | dGround:
309 | Speed := 150 + Cap[mcMob] * 50;
310 | dSea:
311 | begin
312 | Speed := 350 + 200 * Cap[mcNP] + 200 * Cap[mcTurbines];
313 | if Cap[mcNP] = 0 then
314 | Inc(Speed, 100 * Cap[mcSE]);
315 | end;
316 | dAir:
317 | Speed := 850 + 400 * Cap[mcJet];
318 | end;
319 | Cost := 0;
320 | for I := 0 to nFeature - 1 do
321 | if 1 shl Domain and Feature[I].Domains <> 0 then
322 | Inc(Cost, Cap[I] * Feature[I].Cost);
323 | Cost := Cost * MCost;
324 | Weight := 0;
325 | for I := 0 to nFeature - 1 do
326 | if 1 shl Domain and Feature[I].Domains <> 0 then
327 | if (Domain = dGround) and (I = mcDefense) then
328 | Inc(Weight, Cap[I] * 2)
329 | else
330 | Inc(Weight, Cap[I] * Feature[I].Weight);
331 | end;
332 | SetModelFlags(M);
333 | end;
334 |
335 | procedure CheckSpecialModels(P, pre: Integer);
336 | var
337 | I, mix1: Integer;
338 | HasAlready: Boolean;
339 | begin
340 | for I := 0 to nSpecialModel -
341 | 1 do { check whether new special model available }
342 | if (SpecialModelPreq[I] = pre) and (RW[P].nModel < nmmax) then
343 | begin
344 | HasAlready := False;
345 | for mix1 := 0 to RW[P].nModel - 1 do
346 | if (RW[P].Model[mix1].Kind = SpecialModel[I].Kind) and
347 | (RW[P].Model[mix1].Attack = SpecialModel[I].Attack) and
348 | (RW[P].Model[mix1].Speed = SpecialModel[I].Speed) then
349 | HasAlready := True;
350 | if not HasAlready then
351 | begin
352 | RW[P].Model[RW[P].nModel] := SpecialModel[I];
353 | SetModelFlags(RW[P].Model[RW[P].nModel]);
354 | with RW[P].Model[RW[P].nModel] do
355 | begin
356 | Status := 0;
357 | SavedStatus := 0;
358 | IntroTurn := GTurn;
359 | Built := 0;
360 | Lost := 0;
361 | ID := P shl 12 + RW[P].nModel;
362 | if (Kind = mkSpecial_Boat) and (ServerVersion[P] < $000EF0) then
363 | Speed := 350; // old longboat
364 | end;
365 | Inc(RW[P].nModel);
366 | end;
367 | end;
368 | end;
369 |
370 | procedure EnableDevModel(P: Integer);
371 | begin
372 | with RW[P] do
373 | if nModel < nmmax then
374 | begin
375 | Model[nModel] := DevModel;
376 | with Model[nModel] do
377 | begin
378 | Status := 0;
379 | SavedStatus := 0;
380 | IntroTurn := GTurn;
381 | Built := 0;
382 | Lost := 0;
383 | ID := P shl 12 + nModel;
384 | end;
385 | Inc(nModel);
386 | Inc(Researched[P]);
387 | end;
388 | end;
389 |
390 | procedure SeeTech(P, ad: Integer);
391 | begin
392 | {$IFDEF TEXTLOG}CmdInfo := CmdInfo + Format(' P%d:A%d', [P, ad]); {$ENDIF}
393 | RW[P].Tech[ad] := tsSeen;
394 | // inc(nTech[p]);
395 | Inc(Researched[P]);
396 | end;
397 |
398 | procedure FreeSlaves;
399 | var
400 | p1, uix: Integer;
401 | begin
402 | for p1 := 0 to nPl - 1 do
403 | if (GAlive and (1 shl p1) <> 0) then
404 | for uix := 0 to RW[p1].nUn - 1 do
405 | if RW[p1].Model[RW[p1].Un[uix].mix].Kind = mkSlaves then
406 | RW[p1].Un[uix].Job := jNone;
407 | end;
408 |
409 | procedure DiscoverTech(P, ad: Integer);
410 |
411 | procedure TellAboutKeyTech(P, Source: Integer);
412 | var
413 | I, p1: Integer;
414 | begin
415 | for I := 1 to 3 do
416 | if ad = AgePreq[I] then
417 | for p1 := 0 to nPl - 1 do
418 | if (p1 <> P) and ((GAlive or GWatching) and (1 shl p1) <> 0) then
419 | RW[p1].EnemyReport[P].Tech[ad] := Source;
420 | end;
421 |
422 | var
423 | I: Integer;
424 | begin
425 | if ad in FutureTech then
426 | begin
427 | if RW[P].Tech[ad] < tsApplicable then
428 | RW[P].Tech[ad] := 1
429 | else
430 | Inc(RW[P].Tech[ad]);
431 | if ad <> futResearchTechnology then
432 | Inc(nTech[P], 2);
433 | Inc(Researched[P], 8);
434 | Exit;
435 | end;
436 |
437 | if RW[P].Tech[ad] = tsSeen then
438 | begin
439 | Inc(nTech[P]);
440 | Inc(Researched[P]);
441 | end
442 | else
443 | begin
444 | Inc(nTech[P], 2);
445 | Inc(Researched[P], 2);
446 | end;
447 | RW[P].Tech[ad] := tsResearched;
448 | TellAboutKeyTech(P, tsResearched);
449 | CheckSpecialModels(P, ad);
450 | if ad = adScience then
451 | ResourceMask[P] := ResourceMask[P] or fSpecial2;
452 | if ad = adMassProduction then
453 | ResourceMask[P] := ResourceMask[P] or fModern;
454 |
455 | for I := 0 to nWonder - 1 do { check whether wonders expired }
456 | if (GWonder[I].EffectiveOwner <> GWonder[woEiffel].EffectiveOwner) and
457 | (Imp[I].Expiration = ad) then
458 | begin
459 | GWonder[I].EffectiveOwner := -1;
460 | if I = woPyramids then
461 | FreeSlaves;
462 | end;
463 | end;
464 |
465 | procedure CheckExpiration(Wonder: Integer);
466 | // GWonder[Wonder].EffectiveOwner must be set before!
467 | var
468 | P: Integer;
469 | begin
470 | if (Imp[Wonder].Expiration >= 0) and
471 | (GWonder[woEiffel].EffectiveOwner <> GWonder[Wonder].EffectiveOwner) then
472 | for P := 0 to nPl - 1 do // check if already expired
473 | if (1 shl P and GAlive <> 0) and
474 | (RW[P].Tech[Imp[Wonder].Expiration] >= tsApplicable) then
475 | begin
476 | GWonder[Wonder].EffectiveOwner := -1;
477 | if Wonder = woPyramids then
478 | FreeSlaves;
479 | end;
480 | end;
481 |
482 | {
483 | Location Navigation
484 | ____________________________________________________________________
485 | }
486 | function dLoc(Loc, dx, dy: Integer): Integer;
487 | { relative location, dx in hor and dy in ver direction from Loc }
488 | var
489 | y0: Integer;
490 | begin
491 | if not (Loc >= 0) and (Loc < MapSize) and (dx + lx >= 0) then
492 | raise Exception.Create('Relative location error');
493 | Assert((Loc >= 0) and (Loc < MapSize) and (dx + lx >= 0));
494 | y0 := Loc div lx;
495 | Result := (Loc + (dx + y0 and 1 + lx + lx) shr 1) mod lx + lx * (y0 + dy);
496 | if (Result < 0) or (Result >= MapSize) then
497 | Result := -1;
498 | end;
499 |
500 | procedure dxdy(Loc0, Loc1: Integer; var dx, dy: Integer);
501 | begin
502 | dx := ((Loc1 mod lx * 2 + Loc1 div lx and 1) -
503 | (Loc0 mod lx * 2 + Loc0 div lx and 1) + 3 * lx) mod (2 * lx) - lx;
504 | dy := Loc1 div lx - Loc0 div lx;
505 | end;
506 |
507 | function Distance(Loc0, Loc1: Integer): Integer;
508 | var
509 | dx, dy: Integer;
510 | begin
511 | dxdy(Loc0, Loc1, dx, dy);
512 | dx := Abs(dx);
513 | dy := Abs(dy);
514 | Result := dx + dy + Abs(dx - dy) shr 1;
515 | end;
516 |
517 | procedure V8_to_Loc(Loc0: Integer; var VicinityLoc: TVicinity8Loc);
518 | var
519 | x0, y0, lx0: Integer;
520 | begin
521 | lx0 := lx; // put in register!
522 | y0 := Loc0 div lx0;
523 | x0 := Loc0 - y0 * lx0; // Loc0 mod lx;
524 | y0 := y0 and 1;
525 | VicinityLoc[1] := Loc0 + lx0 * 2;
526 | VicinityLoc[3] := Loc0 - 1;
527 | VicinityLoc[5] := Loc0 - lx0 * 2;
528 | VicinityLoc[7] := Loc0 + 1;
529 | Inc(Loc0, y0);
530 | VicinityLoc[0] := Loc0 + lx0;
531 | VicinityLoc[2] := Loc0 + lx0 - 1;
532 | VicinityLoc[4] := Loc0 - lx0 - 1;
533 | VicinityLoc[6] := Loc0 - lx0;
534 |
535 | // world is round!
536 | if x0 < lx0 - 1 then
537 | begin
538 | if x0 = 0 then
539 | begin
540 | Inc(VicinityLoc[3], lx0);
541 | if y0 = 0 then
542 | begin
543 | Inc(VicinityLoc[2], lx0);
544 | Inc(VicinityLoc[4], lx0);
545 | end;
546 | end;
547 | end
548 | else
549 | begin
550 | Dec(VicinityLoc[7], lx0);
551 | if y0 = 1 then
552 | begin
553 | Dec(VicinityLoc[0], lx0);
554 | Dec(VicinityLoc[6], lx0);
555 | end;
556 | end;
557 | end;
558 |
559 | procedure V21_to_Loc(Loc0: Integer; var VicinityLoc: TVicinity21Loc);
560 | var
561 | dx, dy, Bit, y0, xComp, yComp, xComp0, xCompSwitch: Integer;
562 | Dst: ^Integer;
563 | begin
564 | y0 := Loc0 div lx;
565 | xComp0 := Loc0 - y0 * lx - 1; // Loc0 mod lx -1
566 | xCompSwitch := xComp0 - 1 + y0 and 1;
567 | if xComp0 < 0 then
568 | Inc(xComp0, lx);
569 | if xCompSwitch < 0 then
570 | Inc(xCompSwitch, lx);
571 | xCompSwitch := xCompSwitch xor xComp0;
572 | yComp := lx * (y0 - 3);
573 | Dst := @VicinityLoc;
574 | Bit := 1;
575 | for dy := 0 to 6 do
576 | begin
577 | xComp0 := xComp0 xor xCompSwitch;
578 | xComp := xComp0;
579 | for dx := 0 to 3 do
580 | begin
581 | if Bit and $67F7F76 <> 0 then
582 | Dst^ := xComp + yComp
583 | else
584 | Dst^ := -1;
585 | Inc(xComp);
586 | if xComp >= lx then
587 | Dec(xComp, lx);
588 | Inc(Dst);
589 | Bit := Bit shl 1;
590 | end;
591 | Inc(yComp, lx);
592 | end;
593 | end;
594 |
595 | {
596 | Map Creation
597 | ____________________________________________________________________
598 | }
599 | var
600 | Primitive: Integer;
601 | StartLoc, StartLoc2: array [0 .. nPl - 1] of Integer; { starting coordinates }
602 | Elevation: array [0 .. lxmax * lymax - 1] of Byte; { map elevation }
603 | ElCount: array [Byte] of Integer; { count of elevation occurance }
604 |
605 | procedure CalculatePrimitive;
606 | var
607 | I, J: Integer;
608 | begin
609 | Primitive := 1;
610 | I := 2;
611 | while I * I <= MapSize + 1 do // test whether prime
612 | begin
613 | if (MapSize + 1) mod I = 0 then
614 | Primitive := 0;
615 | Inc(I);
616 | end;
617 |
618 | if Primitive > 0 then
619 | repeat
620 | Inc(Primitive);
621 | I := 1;
622 | J := 0;
623 | repeat
624 | Inc(J);
625 | I := I * Primitive mod (MapSize + 1);
626 | until (I = 1) or (J = MapSize + 1);
627 | until J = MapSize;
628 | end;
629 |
630 | function MapGeneratorAvailable: Boolean;
631 | begin
632 | Result := (Primitive > 0) and (lx >= 20) and (ly >= 40);
633 | end;
634 |
635 | procedure CreateElevation;
636 | const
637 | D = 64;
638 | Smooth = 0.049; { causes low amplitude of short waves }
639 | Detail = 0.095; { causes short period of short waves }
640 | Merge = 5; { elevation merging range at the connection line of the
641 | round world,in relation to lx }
642 |
643 | var
644 | sa, ca, f1, f2: array [1 .. D] of Single;
645 | imerge, X, Y: Integer;
646 | V, maxv: Single;
647 |
648 | function Value(X, Y: Integer): Single; { elevation formula }
649 | var
650 | I: Integer;
651 | begin
652 | Result := 0;
653 | for I := 1 to D do
654 | Result := Result + Sin(f1[I] * ((X * 2 + Y and 1) * sa[I] + Y * 1.5 *
655 | ca[I])) * f2[I];
656 | { x values effectively multiplied with 2 to get 2 horizantal periods
657 | of the prime waves }
658 | end;
659 |
660 | begin
661 | for X := 1 to D do { prepare formula parameters }
662 | begin
663 | {$IFNDEF SCR} if X = 1 then
664 | V := Pi / 2 { first wave goes horizontal }
665 | else {$ENDIF} V := DelphiRandom * 2 * Pi;
666 | sa[X] := Sin(V) / lx;
667 | ca[X] := Cos(V) / ly;
668 | f1[X] := 2 * Pi * Exp(Detail * (X - 1));
669 | f2[X] := Exp(-X * Smooth);
670 | end;
671 |
672 | imerge := 2 * lx div Merge;
673 | FillChar(ElCount, SizeOf(ElCount), 0);
674 | maxv := 0;
675 | for X := 0 to lx - 1 do
676 | for Y := 0 to ly - 1 do
677 | begin
678 | V := Value(X, Y);
679 | if X * 2 < imerge then
680 | V := (X * 2 * V + (imerge - X * 2) * Value(X + lx, Y)) / imerge;
681 | V := V - Sqr(Sqr(2 * Y / ly - 1)); { soft cut at poles }
682 | if V > maxv then
683 | maxv := V;
684 |
685 | if V < -4 then
686 | Elevation[X + lx * Y] := 0
687 | else if V > 8.75 then
688 | Elevation[X + lx * Y] := 255
689 | else
690 | Elevation[X + lx * Y] := Round((V + 4) * 20);
691 | Inc(ElCount[Elevation[X + lx * Y]]);
692 | end;
693 | end;
694 |
695 | procedure FindContinents;
696 |
697 | procedure ReplaceCont(A, B, Stop: Integer);
698 | { replace continent name a by b }
699 | // make sure always continent[loc]<=loc
700 | var
701 | I: Integer;
702 | begin
703 | if A < B then
704 | begin
705 | I := A;
706 | A := B;
707 | B := I;
708 | end;
709 | if A > B then
710 | for I := A to Stop do
711 | if Continent[I] = A then
712 | Continent[I] := B;
713 | end;
714 |
715 | var
716 | X, Y, Loc, Wrong: Integer;
717 | begin
718 | for Y := 1 to ly - 2 do
719 | for X := 0 to lx - 1 do
720 | begin
721 | Loc := X + lx * Y;
722 | Continent[Loc] := -1;
723 | if RealMap[Loc] and fTerrain >= fGrass then
724 | begin
725 | if (Y - 2 >= 1) and (RealMap[Loc - 2 * lx] and fTerrain >= fGrass) then
726 | Continent[Loc] := Continent[Loc - 2 * lx];
727 | if (X - 1 + Y and 1 >= 0) and (Y - 1 >= 1) and
728 | (RealMap[Loc - 1 + Y and 1 - lx] and fTerrain >= fGrass) then
729 | Continent[Loc] := Continent[Loc - 1 + Y and 1 - lx];
730 | if (X + Y and 1 < lx) and (Y - 1 >= 1) and
731 | (RealMap[Loc + Y and 1 - lx] and fTerrain >= fGrass) then
732 | Continent[Loc] := Continent[Loc + Y and 1 - lx];
733 | if (X - 1 >= 0) and (RealMap[Loc - 1] and fTerrain >= fGrass) then
734 | if Continent[Loc] = -1 then
735 | Continent[Loc] := Continent[Loc - 1]
736 | else
737 | ReplaceCont(Continent[Loc - 1], Continent[Loc], Loc);
738 | if Continent[Loc] = -1 then
739 | Continent[Loc] := Loc;
740 | end;
741 | end;
742 |
743 | { connect continents due to round earth }
744 | for Y := 1 to ly - 2 do
745 | if RealMap[lx * Y] and fTerrain >= fGrass then
746 | begin
747 | Wrong := -1;
748 | if RealMap[lx - 1 + lx * Y] and fTerrain >= fGrass then
749 | Wrong := Continent[lx - 1 + lx * Y];
750 | if (Y and 1 = 0) and (Y - 1 >= 1) and
751 | (RealMap[lx - 1 + lx * (Y - 1)] and fTerrain >= fGrass) then
752 | Wrong := Continent[lx - 1 + lx * (Y - 1)];
753 | if (Y and 1 = 0) and (Y + 1 < ly - 1) and
754 | (RealMap[lx - 1 + lx * (Y + 1)] and fTerrain >= fGrass) then
755 | Wrong := Continent[lx - 1 + lx * (Y + 1)];
756 | if Wrong >= 0 then
757 | ReplaceCont(Wrong, Continent[lx * Y], MapSize - 1);
758 | end;
759 | end;
760 |
761 | procedure RarePositions;
762 | // distribute rare resources
763 | // must be done after FindContinents
764 | var
765 | I, J, Cnt, X, Y, dx, dy, Loc0, Loc1, xworst, yworst, TotalRare, RareMaxWater,
766 | RareType, iBest, jbest, MinDist, xBlock, yBlock, V8: Integer;
767 | AreaCount, RareByArea, RareAdjacent: array [0 .. 7, 0 .. 4] of Integer;
768 | RareLoc: array [0 .. 11] of Integer;
769 | Dist: array [0 .. 11, 0 .. 11] of Integer;
770 | Adjacent: TVicinity8Loc;
771 | begin
772 | RareMaxWater := 0;
773 | repeat
774 | FillChar(AreaCount, SizeOf(AreaCount), 0);
775 | for Y := 1 to ly - 2 do
776 | begin
777 | yBlock := Y * 5 div ly;
778 | if yBlock = (Y + 1) * 5 div ly then
779 | for X := 0 to lx - 1 do
780 | begin
781 | xBlock := X * 8 div lx;
782 | if xBlock = (X + 1) * 8 div lx then
783 | begin
784 | Loc0 := X + lx * Y;
785 | if RealMap[Loc0] and fTerrain >= fGrass then
786 | begin
787 | Cnt := 0;
788 | V8_to_Loc(Loc0, Adjacent);
789 | for V8 := 0 to 7 do
790 | begin
791 | Loc1 := Adjacent[V8];
792 | if (Loc1 >= 0) and (Loc1 < MapSize) and
793 | (RealMap[Loc1] and fTerrain < fGrass) then
794 | Inc(Cnt); // count adjacent water
795 | end;
796 | if Cnt <= RareMaxWater then // inner land
797 | begin
798 | Inc(AreaCount[xBlock, yBlock]);
799 | if DelphiRandom(AreaCount[xBlock, yBlock]) = 0 then
800 | RareByArea[xBlock, yBlock] := Loc0;
801 | end;
802 | end;
803 | end;
804 | end;
805 | end;
806 | TotalRare := 0;
807 | for X := 0 to 7 do
808 | for Y := 0 to 4 do
809 | if AreaCount[X, Y] > 0 then
810 | Inc(TotalRare);
811 | Inc(RareMaxWater);
812 | until TotalRare >= 12;
813 |
814 | while TotalRare > 12 do
815 | begin // remove rarebyarea resources too close to each other
816 | FillChar(RareAdjacent, SizeOf(RareAdjacent), 0);
817 | for X := 0 to 7 do
818 | for Y := 0 to 4 do
819 | if AreaCount[X, Y] > 0 then
820 | begin
821 | if (AreaCount[(X + 1) mod 8, Y] > 0) and
822 | (Continent[RareByArea[X, Y]] = Continent
823 | [RareByArea[(X + 1) mod 8, Y]]) then
824 | begin
825 | Inc(RareAdjacent[X, Y]);
826 | Inc(RareAdjacent[(X + 1) mod 8, Y]);
827 | end;
828 | if Y < 4 then
829 | begin
830 | if (AreaCount[X, Y + 1] > 0) and
831 | (Continent[RareByArea[X, Y]] = Continent[RareByArea[X, Y + 1]])
832 | then
833 | begin
834 | Inc(RareAdjacent[X, Y]);
835 | Inc(RareAdjacent[X, Y + 1]);
836 | end;
837 | if (AreaCount[(X + 1) mod 8, Y + 1] > 0) and
838 | (Continent[RareByArea[X, Y]] = Continent[RareByArea[(X + 1) mod 8,
839 | Y + 1]]) then
840 | begin
841 | Inc(RareAdjacent[X, Y]);
842 | Inc(RareAdjacent[(X + 1) mod 8, Y + 1]);
843 | end;
844 | if (AreaCount[(X + 7) mod 8, Y + 1] > 0) and
845 | (Continent[RareByArea[X, Y]] = Continent[RareByArea[(X + 7) mod 8,
846 | Y + 1]]) then
847 | begin
848 | Inc(RareAdjacent[X, Y]);
849 | Inc(RareAdjacent[(X + 7) mod 8, Y + 1]);
850 | end;
851 | end;
852 | end;
853 | xworst := 0;
854 | yworst := 0;
855 | Cnt := 0;
856 | for X := 0 to 7 do
857 | for Y := 0 to 4 do
858 | if AreaCount[X, Y] > 0 then
859 | begin
860 | if (Cnt = 0) or (RareAdjacent[X, Y] > RareAdjacent[xworst, yworst])
861 | then
862 | begin
863 | xworst := X;
864 | yworst := Y;
865 | Cnt := 1;
866 | end
867 | else if (RareAdjacent[X, Y] = RareAdjacent[xworst, yworst]) then
868 | begin
869 | Inc(Cnt);
870 | if DelphiRandom(Cnt) = 0 then
871 | begin
872 | xworst := X;
873 | yworst := Y;
874 | end;
875 | end;
876 | end;
877 | AreaCount[xworst, yworst] := 0;
878 | Dec(TotalRare);
879 | end;
880 |
881 | Cnt := 0;
882 | for X := 0 to 7 do
883 | for Y := 0 to 4 do
884 | if AreaCount[X, Y] > 0 then
885 | begin
886 | RareLoc[Cnt] := RareByArea[X, Y];
887 | Inc(Cnt);
888 | end;
889 | for I := 0 to 11 do
890 | begin
891 | RealMap[RareLoc[I]] := RealMap[RareLoc[I]] and not (fTerrain or fSpecial) or
892 | (fDesert or fDeadLands);
893 | for dy := -1 to 1 do
894 | for dx := -1 to 1 do
895 | if (dx + dy) and 1 = 0 then
896 | begin
897 | Loc1 := dLoc(RareLoc[I], dx, dy);
898 | if (Loc1 >= 0) and (RealMap[Loc1] and fTerrain = fMountains) then
899 | RealMap[Loc1] := RealMap[Loc1] and not fTerrain or fHills;
900 | end;
901 | end;
902 | for I := 0 to 11 do
903 | for J := 0 to 11 do
904 | Dist[I, J] := Distance(RareLoc[I], RareLoc[J]);
905 |
906 | ibest := 0;
907 | jbest := 0;
908 | MinDist := Distance(0, MapSize - lx shr 1) shr 1;
909 | for RareType := 1 to 3 do
910 | begin
911 | Cnt := 0;
912 | for I := 0 to 11 do
913 | if RareLoc[I] >= 0 then
914 | for J := 0 to 11 do
915 | if RareLoc[J] >= 0 then
916 | if (Cnt > 0) and (Dist[iBest, jbest] >= MinDist) then
917 | begin
918 | if Dist[I, J] >= MinDist then
919 | begin
920 | Inc(Cnt);
921 | if DelphiRandom(Cnt) = 0 then
922 | begin
923 | iBest := I;
924 | jbest := J;
925 | end;
926 | end;
927 | end
928 | else if (Cnt = 0) or (Dist[I, J] > Dist[iBest, jbest]) then
929 | begin
930 | iBest := I;
931 | jbest := J;
932 | Cnt := 1;
933 | end;
934 | RealMap[RareLoc[iBest]] := RealMap[RareLoc[iBest]] or
935 | Cardinal(RareType) shl 25;
936 | RealMap[RareLoc[jbest]] := RealMap[RareLoc[jbest]] or
937 | Cardinal(RareType) shl 25;
938 | RareLoc[iBest] := -1;
939 | RareLoc[jbest] := -1;
940 | end;
941 | end;
942 |
943 | function CheckShore(Loc: Integer): Boolean;
944 | var
945 | Loc1, OldTile, V21: Integer;
946 | Radius: TVicinity21Loc;
947 | begin
948 | Result := False;
949 | OldTile := RealMap[Loc];
950 | if OldTile and fTerrain < fGrass then
951 | begin
952 | RealMap[Loc] := RealMap[Loc] and not fTerrain or fOcean;
953 | V21_to_Loc(Loc, Radius);
954 | for V21 := 1 to 26 do
955 | begin
956 | Loc1 := Radius[V21];
957 | if (Loc1 >= 0) and (Loc1 < MapSize) and
958 | (RealMap[Loc1] and fTerrain >= fGrass) and
959 | (RealMap[Loc1] and fTerrain <> fArctic) then
960 | RealMap[Loc] := RealMap[Loc] and not fTerrain or fShore;
961 | end;
962 | if (RealMap[Loc] xor Cardinal(OldTile)) and fTerrain <> 0 then
963 | Result := True;
964 | end;
965 | end;
966 |
967 | function ActualSpecialTile(Loc: Integer): Cardinal;
968 | begin
969 | Result := SpecialTile(Loc, RealMap[Loc] and fTerrain, lx);
970 | end;
971 |
972 | procedure CreateMap(Preview: Boolean);
973 | const
974 | ShHiHills = 6; { of land }
975 | ShMountains = 6; { of land }
976 | ShRandHills = 12; { of land }
977 | ShTestRiver = 40;
978 | ShSwamp = 25; { of grassland }
979 | MinRivLen = 3;
980 | Unification = 70;
981 | HotUnification = 50; // min. 25
982 |
983 | Zone: array [0 .. 3, 2 .. 9] of Single = { terrain distribution }
984 | ((0.25, 0, 0, 0.4, 0, 0, 0, 0.35), (0.55, 0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.35),
985 | (0.4, 0, 0.35, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.25), (0, 0.7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.3));
986 | { Grs Dst Pra Tun - - - For }
987 |
988 | function RndLow(Y: Integer): Cardinal;
989 | { random lowland appropriate to climate }
990 | var
991 | z0, I: Integer;
992 | P, p0, ZPlus: Single;
993 | begin
994 | if ly - 1 - Y > Y then
995 | begin
996 | z0 := 6 * Y div ly;
997 | ZPlus := 6 * Y / ly - z0;
998 | end
999 | else
1000 | begin
1001 | z0 := 6 * (ly - 1 - Y) div ly;
1002 | ZPlus := 6 * (ly - 1 - Y) / ly - z0;
1003 | end;
1004 | p0 := 1;
1005 | for I := 2 to 9 do
1006 | begin
1007 | P := Zone[z0, I] * (1 - ZPlus) + Zone[z0 + 1, I] * ZPlus;
1008 | { weight between zones z0 and z0+1 }
1009 | if DelphiRandom * p0 < P then
1010 | begin
1011 | RndLow := I;
1012 | Break;
1013 | end;
1014 | p0 := p0 - P;
1015 | end;
1016 | end;
1017 |
1018 | function RunRiver(Loc0: Integer): Integer;
1019 | { runs river from start point Loc0; return value: length }
1020 | var
1021 | Dir, T, Loc, Loc1, Cost: Integer;
1022 | Q: TIPQ;
1023 | From: array [0 .. lxmax * lymax - 1] of Integer;
1024 | Time: array [0 .. lxmax * lymax - 1] of Integer;
1025 | OneTileLake: Boolean;
1026 | begin
1027 | FillChar(Time, SizeOf(Time), 255); { -1 }
1028 | Q := TIPQ.Create(MapSize);
1029 | Q.Put(Loc0, 0);
1030 | while Q.Get(Loc, T) and (RealMap[Loc] and fRiver = 0) do
1031 | begin
1032 | if (RealMap[Loc] and fTerrain < fGrass) then
1033 | begin
1034 | OneTileLake := True;
1035 | for Dir := 0 to 3 do
1036 | begin
1037 | Loc1 := dLoc(Loc, Dir and 1 * 2 - 1, Dir shr 1 * 2 - 1);
1038 | if (Loc1 >= 0) and (RealMap[Loc1] and fTerrain < fGrass) then begin
1039 | OneTileLake := False;
1040 | Break;
1041 | end;
1042 | end;
1043 | if not OneTileLake then
1044 | Break;
1045 | end;
1046 | Time[Loc] := T;
1047 | for Dir := 0 to 3 do
1048 | begin
1049 | Loc1 := dLoc(Loc, Dir and 1 * 2 - 1, Dir shr 1 * 2 - 1);
1050 | if (Loc1 >= lx) and (Loc1 < lx * (ly - 1)) and (Time[Loc1] < 0) then
1051 | begin
1052 | if RealMap[Loc1] and fRiver = 0 then
1053 | begin
1054 | Cost := Elevation[Loc1] - Elevation[Loc];
1055 | if Cost < 0 then
1056 | Cost := 0;
1057 | end
1058 | else
1059 | Cost := 0;
1060 | if Q.Put(Loc1, T + Cost shl 8 + 1) then
1061 | From[Loc1] := Loc;
1062 | end;
1063 | end;
1064 | end;
1065 | Loc1 := Loc;
1066 | Result := 0;
1067 | while Loc <> Loc0 do
1068 | begin
1069 | Loc := From[Loc];
1070 | Inc(Result);
1071 | end;
1072 | if (Result > 1) and ((Result >= MinRivLen) or
1073 | (RealMap[Loc1] and fTerrain >= fGrass)) then
1074 | begin
1075 | Loc := Loc1;
1076 | while Loc <> Loc0 do
1077 | begin
1078 | Loc := From[Loc];
1079 | if RealMap[Loc] and fTerrain in [fHills, fMountains] then
1080 | RealMap[Loc] := fGrass or fRiver
1081 | else if RealMap[Loc] and fTerrain >= fGrass then
1082 | RealMap[Loc] := RealMap[Loc] or fRiver;
1083 | end;
1084 | end
1085 | else
1086 | Result := 0;
1087 | FreeAndNil(Q);
1088 | end;
1089 |
1090 | var
1091 | X, Y, N, Dir, Plus, Count, Loc0, Loc1, bLand, bHills, bMountains, V8: Integer;
1092 | CopyFrom: array [0 .. lxmax * lymax - 1] of Integer;
1093 | Adjacent: TVicinity8Loc;
1094 |
1095 | begin
1096 | FillChar(RealMap, MapSize * SizeOf(Cardinal), 0);
1097 | Plus := 0;
1098 | bMountains := 256;
1099 | while Plus < MapSize * LandMass * ShMountains div 10000 do
1100 | begin
1101 | Dec(bMountains);
1102 | Inc(Plus, ElCount[bMountains]);
1103 | end;
1104 | Count := Plus;
1105 | Plus := 0;
1106 | bHills := bMountains;
1107 | while Plus < MapSize * LandMass * ShHiHills div 10000 do
1108 | begin
1109 | Dec(bHills);
1110 | Inc(Plus, ElCount[bHills]);
1111 | end;
1112 | Inc(Count, Plus);
1113 | bLand := bHills;
1114 | while Count < MapSize * LandMass div 100 do
1115 | begin
1116 | Dec(bLand);
1117 | Inc(Count, ElCount[bLand]);
1118 | end;
1119 |
1120 | for Loc0 := lx to lx * (ly - 1) - 1 do
1121 | if Elevation[Loc0] >= bMountains then
1122 | RealMap[Loc0] := fMountains
1123 | else if Elevation[Loc0] >= bHills then
1124 | RealMap[Loc0] := fHills
1125 | else if Elevation[Loc0] >= bLand then
1126 | RealMap[Loc0] := fGrass;
1127 |
1128 | // remove one-tile islands
1129 | for Loc0 := 0 to MapSize - 1 do
1130 | if RealMap[Loc0] >= fGrass then
1131 | begin
1132 | Count := 0;
1133 | V8_to_Loc(Loc0, Adjacent);
1134 | for V8 := 0 to 7 do
1135 | begin
1136 | Loc1 := Adjacent[V8];
1137 | if (Loc1 < 0) or (Loc1 >= MapSize) or
1138 | (RealMap[Loc1] and fTerrain < fGrass) or
1139 | (RealMap[Loc1] and fTerrain = fArctic) then
1140 | Inc(Count); // count adjacent water
1141 | end;
1142 | if Count = 8 then
1143 | RealMap[Loc0] := fOcean;
1144 | end;
1145 |
1146 | if not Preview then
1147 | begin
1148 | Plus := 36 * 56 * 20 * ShTestRiver div (LandMass * 100);
1149 | if Plus > MapSize then
1150 | Plus := MapSize;
1151 | Loc0 := DelphiRandom(MapSize);
1152 | for N := 0 to Plus - 1 do
1153 | begin
1154 | if (RealMap[Loc0] and fTerrain >= fGrass) and (Loc0 >= lx) and
1155 | (Loc0 < MapSize - lx) then
1156 | RunRiver(Loc0);
1157 | Loc0 := (Loc0 + 1) * Primitive mod (MapSize + 1) - 1;
1158 | end;
1159 | end;
1160 |
1161 | for Loc0 := 0 to MapSize - 1 do
1162 | if (RealMap[Loc0] = fGrass) and (DelphiRandom(100) < ShRandHills) then
1163 | RealMap[Loc0] := RealMap[Loc0] or fHills;
1164 |
1165 | // make terrain types coherent
1166 | for Loc0 := 0 to MapSize - 1 do
1167 | CopyFrom[Loc0] := Loc0;
1168 |
1169 | for N := 0 to Unification * MapSize div 100 do
1170 | begin
1171 | Y := DelphiRandom(ly);
1172 | if Abs(Y - (ly shr 1)) > ly div 4 + DelphiRandom(ly * HotUnification div 100) then
1173 | if Y < ly shr 1 then
1174 | Y := ly shr 1 - Y
1175 | else
1176 | Y := 3 * ly shr 1 - Y;
1177 | Loc0 := lx * Y + DelphiRandom(lx);
1178 | if RealMap[Loc0] and fTerrain = fGrass then
1179 | begin
1180 | Dir := DelphiRandom(4);
1181 | Loc1 := dLoc(Loc0, Dir and 1 * 2 - 1, Dir shr 1 * 2 - 1);
1182 | if (Loc1 >= 0) and (RealMap[Loc1] and fTerrain = fGrass) then
1183 | begin
1184 | while CopyFrom[Loc0] <> Loc0 do
1185 | Loc0 := CopyFrom[Loc0];
1186 | while CopyFrom[Loc1] <> Loc1 do
1187 | Loc1 := CopyFrom[Loc1];
1188 | if Loc1 < Loc0 then
1189 | CopyFrom[Loc0] := Loc1
1190 | else
1191 | CopyFrom[Loc1] := Loc0;
1192 | end;
1193 | end;
1194 | end;
1195 |
1196 | for Loc0 := 0 to MapSize - 1 do
1197 | if (RealMap[Loc0] and fTerrain = fGrass) and (CopyFrom[Loc0] = Loc0) then
1198 | RealMap[Loc0] := RealMap[Loc0] and not fTerrain or RndLow(Loc0 div lx);
1199 |
1200 | for Loc0 := 0 to MapSize - 1 do
1201 | if RealMap[Loc0] and fTerrain = fGrass then
1202 | begin
1203 | Loc1 := Loc0;
1204 | while CopyFrom[Loc1] <> Loc1 do
1205 | Loc1 := CopyFrom[Loc1];
1206 | RealMap[Loc0] := RealMap[Loc0] and not fTerrain or
1207 | RealMap[Loc1] and fTerrain;
1208 | end;
1209 |
1210 | for Loc0 := 0 to MapSize - 1 do
1211 | if RealMap[Loc0] and fTerrain = fGrass then
1212 | begin // change grassland to swamp
1213 | if DelphiRandom(100) < ShSwamp then
1214 | RealMap[Loc0] := RealMap[Loc0] and not fTerrain or fSwamp;
1215 | end;
1216 |
1217 | for Loc0 := 0 to MapSize - 1 do // change desert to prairie 1
1218 | if RealMap[Loc0] and fTerrain = fDesert then
1219 | begin
1220 | if RealMap[Loc0] and fRiver <> 0 then
1221 | Count := 5
1222 | else
1223 | begin
1224 | Count := 0;
1225 | for Dir := 0 to 3 do
1226 | begin
1227 | Loc1 := dLoc(Loc0, Dir and 1 * 2 - 1, Dir shr 1 * 2 - 1);
1228 | if Loc1 >= 0 then
1229 | if RealMap[Loc1] and fTerrain < fGrass then
1230 | Inc(Count, 2);
1231 | end;
1232 | end;
1233 | if Count >= 4 then
1234 | RealMap[Loc0] := RealMap[Loc0] and not fTerrain or fPrairie;
1235 | end;
1236 |
1237 | for Loc0 := 0 to MapSize - 1 do // change desert to prairie 2
1238 | if RealMap[Loc0] and fTerrain = fDesert then
1239 | begin
1240 | Count := 0;
1241 | for Dir := 0 to 3 do
1242 | begin
1243 | Loc1 := dLoc(Loc0, Dir and 1 * 2 - 1, Dir shr 1 * 2 - 1);
1244 | if Loc1 >= 0 then
1245 | if RealMap[Loc1] and fTerrain <> fDesert then
1246 | Inc(Count);
1247 | end;
1248 | if Count >= 4 then
1249 | RealMap[Loc0] := RealMap[Loc0] and not fTerrain or fPrairie;
1250 | end;
1251 |
1252 | for Loc0 := 0 to MapSize - 1 do
1253 | CheckShore(Loc0); // change ocean to shore
1254 | for X := 0 to lx - 1 do
1255 | begin
1256 | RealMap[X + lx * 0] := fArctic;
1257 | if RealMap[X + lx * 1] >= fGrass then
1258 | RealMap[X + lx * 1] := RealMap[X + lx * 1] and not fTerrain or fTundra;
1259 | if RealMap[X + lx * (ly - 2)] >= fGrass then
1260 | RealMap[X + lx * (ly - 2)] := RealMap[X + lx * (ly - 2)] and
1261 | not fTerrain or fTundra;
1262 | RealMap[X + lx * (ly - 1)] := fArctic;
1263 | end;
1264 |
1265 | for Loc0 := 0 to MapSize - 1 do // define special terrain tiles
1266 | RealMap[Loc0] := RealMap[Loc0] or ActualSpecialTile(Loc0) shl 5 or
1267 | ($F shl 27);
1268 |
1269 | if not Preview then
1270 | begin
1271 | FindContinents;
1272 | RarePositions;
1273 | end;
1274 | end;
1275 |
1276 | procedure StartPositions;
1277 | // define nation start positions
1278 | // must be done after FindContinents
1279 |
1280 | var
1281 | CountGood: (cgBest, cgFlat, cgLand);
1282 |
1283 | function IsGoodTile(Loc: Integer): Boolean;
1284 | var
1285 | xLoc, yLoc: Integer;
1286 | begin
1287 | xLoc := Loc mod lx;
1288 | yLoc := Loc div lx;
1289 | if RealMap[Loc] and fDeadLands <> 0 then
1290 | Result := False
1291 | else
1292 | case CountGood of
1293 | cgBest:
1294 | Result := (RealMap[Loc] and fTerrain in [fGrass, fPrairie, fTundra,
1295 | fSwamp, fForest]) and Odd((lymax + xLoc - yLoc shr 1) shr 1 + xLoc +
1296 | (yLoc + 1) shr 1);
1297 | cgFlat:
1298 | Result := (RealMap[Loc] and fTerrain in [fGrass, fPrairie, fTundra,
1299 | fSwamp, fForest]);
1300 | cgLand:
1301 | Result := RealMap[Loc] and fTerrain >= fGrass;
1302 | end;
1303 | end;
1304 |
1305 | const
1306 | MaxCityLoc = 64;
1307 |
1308 | var
1309 | p1, p2, nAlive, C, Loc, Loc1, CntGood, CntGoodGrass, MinDist, I, J, N,
1310 | nsc, V21, V8, BestDist, TestDist, MinGood, nIrrLoc,
1311 | FineDistSQR, nRest: Integer;
1312 | ccount: array [0 .. lxmax * lymax - 1] of Word;
1313 | sc, StartLoc0, sccount: array [1 .. nPl] of Integer;
1314 | TestStartLoc: array [0 .. nPl - 1] of Integer;
1315 | CityLoc: array [1 .. nPl, 0 .. MaxCityLoc - 1] of Integer;
1316 | nCityLoc: array [1 .. nPl] of Integer;
1317 | RestLoc: array [0 .. MaxCityLoc - 1] of Integer;
1318 | IrrLoc: array [0 .. 20] of Integer;
1319 | Radius: TVicinity21Loc;
1320 | Adjacent: TVicinity8Loc;
1321 | Ok: Boolean;
1322 |
1323 | begin
1324 | nAlive := 0;
1325 | for p1 := 0 to nPl - 1 do
1326 | if 1 shl p1 and GAlive <> 0 then
1327 | Inc(nAlive);
1328 | if nAlive = 0 then
1329 | Exit;
1330 |
1331 | { count good tiles }
1332 | FillChar(ccount, MapSize * 2, 0);
1333 | for Loc := 0 to MapSize - 1 do
1334 | if RealMap[Loc] and fTerrain = fGrass then
1335 | if ActualSpecialTile(Loc) = 1 then
1336 | Inc(ccount[Continent[Loc]], 3)
1337 | else
1338 | Inc(ccount[Continent[Loc]], 2)
1339 | else if RealMap[Loc] and fTerrain in [fPrairie, fSwamp, fForest, fHills]
1340 | then
1341 | Inc(ccount[Continent[Loc]]);
1342 |
1343 | Loc := 0;
1344 | while ccount[Loc] > 0 do
1345 | Inc(Loc);
1346 | for I := 1 to nAlive do
1347 | begin
1348 | sc[I] := Loc;
1349 | sccount[I] := 1
1350 | end;
1351 | { init with zero size start continents, then search bigger ones }
1352 | for Loc := 0 to MapSize - 1 do
1353 | if ccount[Loc] > 0 then
1354 | begin // search biggest continents
1355 | p1 := nAlive + 1;
1356 | while (p1 > 1) and (ccount[Loc] > ccount[sc[p1 - 1]]) do
1357 | begin
1358 | if p1 < nAlive + 1 then
1359 | sc[p1] := sc[p1 - 1];
1360 | Dec(p1);
1361 | end;
1362 | if p1 < nAlive + 1 then
1363 | sc[p1] := Loc;
1364 | end;
1365 | nsc := nAlive;
1366 | repeat
1367 | C := 1; // search least crowded continent after smallest
1368 | for I := 2 to nsc - 1 do
1369 | if ccount[sc[I]] * (2 * sccount[C] + 1) > ccount[sc[C]] *
1370 | (2 * sccount[I] + 1) then
1371 | C := I;
1372 | if ccount[sc[nsc]] * (2 * sccount[C] + 1) > ccount[sc[C]] then
1373 | Break; // even least crowded continent is more crowded than smallest
1374 | Inc(sccount[C]);
1375 | Dec(nsc);
1376 | until sccount[nsc] > 1;
1377 |
1378 | MinGood := 7;
1379 | CountGood := cgBest;
1380 | repeat
1381 | Dec(MinGood);
1382 | if (MinGood = 3) and (CountGood < cgLand) then // too demanding!
1383 | begin
1384 | Inc(CountGood);
1385 | MinGood := 6;
1386 | end;
1387 | FillChar(nCityLoc, SizeOf(nCityLoc), 0);
1388 | Loc := DelphiRandom(MapSize);
1389 | for I := 0 to MapSize - 1 do
1390 | begin
1391 | if ((Loc >= 4 * lx) and (Loc < MapSize - 4 * lx) or (CountGood >= cgLand))
1392 | and IsGoodTile(Loc) then
1393 | begin
1394 | C := nsc;
1395 | while (C > 0) and (Continent[Loc] <> sc[C]) do
1396 | Dec(C);
1397 | if (C > 0) and (nCityLoc[C] < MaxCityLoc) then
1398 | begin
1399 | CntGood := 1;
1400 | V21_to_Loc(Loc, Radius);
1401 | for V21 := 1 to 26 do
1402 | if V21 <> CityOwnTile then
1403 | begin
1404 | Loc1 := Radius[V21];
1405 | if (Loc1 >= 0) and (Loc1 < MapSize) and IsGoodTile(Loc1) then
1406 | Inc(CntGood);
1407 | end;
1408 | if CntGood >= MinGood then
1409 | begin
1410 | CityLoc[C, nCityLoc[C]] := Loc;
1411 | Inc(nCityLoc[C]);
1412 | end;
1413 | end;
1414 | end;
1415 | Loc := (Loc + 1) * Primitive mod (MapSize + 1) - 1;
1416 | end;
1417 |
1418 | Ok := True;
1419 | for C := 1 to nsc do
1420 | if nCityLoc[C] < sccount[C] * (8 - MinGood) div (7 - MinGood) then begin
1421 | Ok := False;
1422 | Break;
1423 | end;
1424 | until Ok;
1425 |
1426 | FineDistSQR := MapSize * LandMass * 9 div (nAlive * 100);
1427 | p1 := 1;
1428 | for C := 1 to nsc do
1429 | begin // for all start continents
1430 | if sccount[C] = 1 then
1431 | StartLoc0[p1] := CityLoc[C, DelphiRandom(nCityLoc[C])]
1432 | else
1433 | begin
1434 | BestDist := 0;
1435 | N := 1 shl sccount[C] * 32; // number of tries to find good distribution
1436 | if N > 1 shl 12 then
1437 | N := 1 shl 12;
1438 | while (N > 0) and (BestDist * BestDist < FineDistSQR) do
1439 | begin
1440 | MinDist := MaxInt;
1441 | nRest := nCityLoc[C];
1442 | for I := 0 to nRest - 1 do
1443 | RestLoc[I] := CityLoc[C, I];
1444 | for I := 0 to sccount[C] - 1 do
1445 | begin
1446 | if nRest = 0 then
1447 | Break;
1448 | J := DelphiRandom(nRest);
1449 | TestStartLoc[I] := RestLoc[J];
1450 | RestLoc[J] := RestLoc[nRest - 1];
1451 | Dec(nRest);
1452 | for J := 0 to I - 1 do
1453 | begin
1454 | TestDist := Distance(TestStartLoc[I], TestStartLoc[J]);
1455 | if TestDist < MinDist then
1456 | MinDist := TestDist;
1457 | end;
1458 | if I = sccount[C] - 1 then
1459 | begin
1460 | Assert(MinDist > BestDist);
1461 | BestDist := MinDist;
1462 | for J := 0 to sccount[C] - 1 do
1463 | StartLoc0[p1 + J] := TestStartLoc[J];
1464 | end
1465 | else if BestDist > 0 then
1466 | begin
1467 | J := 0;
1468 | while J < nRest do
1469 | begin // remove all locs from rest which have too little distance to this one
1470 | TestDist := Distance(TestStartLoc[I], RestLoc[J]);
1471 | if TestDist <= BestDist then
1472 | begin
1473 | RestLoc[J] := RestLoc[nRest - 1];
1474 | Dec(nRest);
1475 | end
1476 | else
1477 | Inc(J);
1478 | end;
1479 | end;
1480 | end;
1481 | Dec(N)
1482 | end;
1483 | end;
1484 | p1 := p1 + sccount[C];
1485 | end;
1486 |
1487 | // make start locs fertile
1488 | for p1 := 1 to nAlive do
1489 | begin
1490 | RealMap[StartLoc0[p1]] := RealMap[StartLoc0[p1]] and
1491 | not (fTerrain or fSpecial) or fGrass or fSpecial1;
1492 | CntGood := 1;
1493 | CntGoodGrass := 1;
1494 | V21_to_Loc(StartLoc0[p1], Radius);
1495 | for V21 := 1 to 26 do
1496 | if V21 <> CityOwnTile then
1497 | begin
1498 | Loc1 := Radius[V21];
1499 | if (Loc1 >= 0) and (Loc1 < MapSize) and IsGoodTile(Loc1) then
1500 | if RealMap[Loc1] and fTerrain = fGrass then
1501 | Inc(CntGoodGrass)
1502 | else
1503 | Inc(CntGood);
1504 | end;
1505 | for V21 := 1 to 26 do
1506 | if V21 <> CityOwnTile then
1507 | begin
1508 | Loc1 := Radius[V21];
1509 | if (Loc1 >= 0) and (Loc1 < MapSize) and
1510 | (RealMap[Loc1] and fDeadLands = 0) then
1511 | if IsGoodTile(Loc1) and (DelphiRandom(CntGood) < MinGood - CntGoodGrass + 1)
1512 | then
1513 | begin
1514 | RealMap[Loc1] := RealMap[Loc1] and not (fTerrain or fSpecial)
1515 | or fGrass;
1516 | RealMap[Loc1] := RealMap[Loc1] or ActualSpecialTile(Loc1) shl 5;
1517 | end
1518 | else if RealMap[Loc1] and fTerrain = fDesert then
1519 | RealMap[Loc1] := RealMap[Loc1] and not fTerrain or fPrairie
1520 | else if (RealMap[Loc1] and fTerrain in [fPrairie, fTundra, fSwamp])
1521 | and (DelphiRandom(2) = 0) then
1522 | RealMap[Loc1] := RealMap[Loc1] and not fTerrain or fForest;
1523 | end;
1524 |
1525 | // first irrigation
1526 | nIrrLoc := 0;
1527 | for V21 := 1 to 26 do
1528 | if V21 <> CityOwnTile then
1529 | begin
1530 | Loc1 := Radius[V21];
1531 | if (Loc1 >= 0) and (Loc1 < MapSize) and
1532 | (RealMap[Loc1] and (fTerrain or fSpecial) = fGrass or fSpecial1) then
1533 | begin
1534 | IrrLoc[nIrrLoc] := Loc1;
1535 | Inc(nIrrLoc);
1536 | end;
1537 | end;
1538 | I := 2;
1539 | if I > nIrrLoc then
1540 | I := nIrrLoc;
1541 | while I > 0 do
1542 | begin
1543 | J := DelphiRandom(nIrrLoc);
1544 | RealMap[IrrLoc[J]] := RealMap[IrrLoc[J]] or tiIrrigation;
1545 | IrrLoc[J] := IrrLoc[nIrrLoc - 1];
1546 | Dec(nIrrLoc);
1547 | Dec(I);
1548 | end;
1549 | end;
1550 |
1551 | StartLoc[0] := 0;
1552 | for p1 := 0 to nPl - 1 do
1553 | if 1 shl p1 and GAlive <> 0 then
1554 | begin
1555 | repeat
1556 | I := DelphiRandom(nAlive) + 1
1557 | until StartLoc0[I] >= 0;
1558 | StartLoc[p1] := StartLoc0[I];
1559 | StartLoc0[I] := -1
1560 | end;
1561 | SaveMapCenterLoc := StartLoc[0];
1562 |
1563 | // second unit starting position
1564 | for p1 := 0 to nPl - 1 do
1565 | if 1 shl p1 and GAlive <> 0 then
1566 | begin
1567 | StartLoc2[p1] := StartLoc[p1];
1568 | V8_to_Loc(StartLoc[p1], Adjacent);
1569 | for V8 := 0 to 7 do
1570 | begin
1571 | Loc1 := Adjacent[V8];
1572 | for p2 := 0 to nPl - 1 do
1573 | if (1 shl p2 and GAlive <> 0) and (StartLoc[p2] = Loc1) then
1574 | Loc1 := -1;
1575 | for p2 := 0 to p1 - 1 do
1576 | if (1 shl p2 and GAlive <> 0) and (StartLoc2[p2] = Loc1) then
1577 | Loc1 := -1;
1578 | if (Loc1 < 0) or (Loc1 >= MapSize) or
1579 | (RealMap[Loc1] and fTerrain in [fOcean, fShore, fDesert, fArctic,
1580 | fMountains]) or (RealMap[Loc1] and fDeadLands <> 0) then
1581 | TestDist := -1
1582 | else if RealMap[Loc1] and fTerrain = fGrass then
1583 | TestDist := 2
1584 | else if Terrain[RealMap[Loc1] and fTerrain].IrrEff > 0 then
1585 | TestDist := 1
1586 | else
1587 | TestDist := 0;
1588 | if (StartLoc2[p1] = StartLoc[p1]) or (TestDist > BestDist) then
1589 | begin
1590 | StartLoc2[p1] := Loc1;
1591 | BestDist := TestDist;
1592 | N := 1;
1593 | end
1594 | else if TestDist = BestDist then
1595 | begin
1596 | Inc(N);
1597 | if DelphiRandom(N) = 0 then
1598 | StartLoc2[p1] := Loc1;
1599 | end;
1600 | end;
1601 | end;
1602 | end;
1603 |
1604 | procedure PredefinedStartPositions(Human: Integer);
1605 | // use predefined nation start positions
1606 | var
1607 | I, p1, Loc1, nAlive, nStartLoc0, nPrefStartLoc0, imax: Integer;
1608 | StartLoc0: array [0 .. lxmax * lymax - 1] of Integer;
1609 | IsHuman: Boolean;
1610 | begin
1611 | nAlive := 0;
1612 | for p1 := 0 to nPl - 1 do
1613 | if 1 shl p1 and GAlive <> 0 then
1614 | Inc(nAlive);
1615 | if nAlive = 0 then
1616 | Exit;
1617 |
1618 | for I := 0 to Length(StartLoc0) - 1 do
1619 | StartLoc0[I] := 0;
1620 |
1621 | // calculate starting positions
1622 | nStartLoc0 := 0;
1623 | nPrefStartLoc0 := 0;
1624 | for Loc1 := 0 to MapSize - 1 do
1625 | if RealMap[Loc1] and fPrefStartPos <> 0 then
1626 | begin
1627 | StartLoc0[nStartLoc0] := StartLoc0[nPrefStartLoc0];
1628 | StartLoc0[nPrefStartLoc0] := Loc1;
1629 | Inc(nPrefStartLoc0);
1630 | Inc(nStartLoc0);
1631 | RealMap[Loc1] := RealMap[Loc1] and not fPrefStartPos;
1632 | end
1633 | else if RealMap[Loc1] and fStartPos <> 0 then
1634 | begin
1635 | StartLoc0[nStartLoc0] := Loc1;
1636 | Inc(nStartLoc0);
1637 | RealMap[Loc1] := RealMap[Loc1] and not fStartPos;
1638 | end;
1639 | Assert(nStartLoc0 >= nAlive);
1640 |
1641 | StartLoc[0] := 0;
1642 | for IsHuman := True downto False do
1643 | for p1 := 0 to nPl - 1 do
1644 | if (1 shl p1 and GAlive <> 0) and ((1 shl p1 and Human <> 0) = IsHuman)
1645 | then
1646 | begin
1647 | Dec(nStartLoc0);
1648 | imax := nStartLoc0;
1649 | if nPrefStartLoc0 > 0 then
1650 | begin
1651 | Dec(nPrefStartLoc0);
1652 | imax := nPrefStartLoc0;
1653 | end;
1654 | I := DelphiRandom(imax + 1);
1655 | StartLoc[p1] := StartLoc0[I];
1656 | StartLoc2[p1] := StartLoc0[I];
1657 | StartLoc0[I] := StartLoc0[imax];
1658 | StartLoc0[imax] := StartLoc0[nStartLoc0];
1659 | end;
1660 | SaveMapCenterLoc := StartLoc[0];
1661 | end;
1662 |
1663 | procedure InitGame;
1664 | var
1665 | I, P, p1, uix, Loc1: Integer;
1666 | begin
1667 | {$IFDEF FastContact}
1668 | { Railroad everywhere }
1669 | for Loc1 := 0 to MapSize - 1 do
1670 | if RealMap[Loc1] and fTerrain >= fGrass then
1671 | RealMap[Loc1] := RealMap[Loc1] or fRR;
1672 | {$ENDIF}
1673 |
1674 | { !!!for Loc1:=0 to MapSize-1 do
1675 | if RealMap[Loc1] and fterrain>=fGrass then
1676 | if Delphirandom(3)=0 then RealMap[Loc1]:=RealMap[Loc1] or fRoad
1677 | else if Delphirandom(3)=0 then RealMap[Loc1]:=RealMap[Loc1] or fRR;}
1678 | {random Road and Railroad }
1679 | { !!!for Loc1:=0 to MapSize-1 do
1680 | if (RealMap[Loc1] and fterrain>=fGrass) and (Delphirandom(20)=0) then
1681 | RealMap[Loc1]:=RealMap[Loc1] or fPoll; }
1682 |
1683 | FillChar(Occupant, MapSize, Byte(-1));
1684 | FillChar(ZoCMap, MapSize, 0);
1685 | FillChar(ObserveLevel, MapSize * 4, 0);
1686 | FillChar(UsedByCity, MapSize * 4, Byte(-1));
1687 | GTestFlags := 0;
1688 | GInitialized := GAlive or GWatching;
1689 | for P := 0 to nPl - 1 do
1690 | if 1 shl P and GInitialized <> 0 then
1691 | with RW[P] do
1692 | begin
1693 | Researched[P] := 0;
1694 | Discovered[P] := 0;
1695 | TerritoryCount[P] := 0;
1696 | nTech[P] := 0;
1697 | if Difficulty[P] = 0 then
1698 | ResourceMask[P] := $FFFFFFFF
1699 | else
1700 | ResourceMask[P] := $FFFFFFFF and not (fSpecial2 or fModern);
1701 | GrWallContinent[P] := -1;
1702 |
1703 | GetMem(Map, 4 * MapSize);
1704 | GetMem(MapObservedLast, 2 * MapSize);
1705 | FillChar(MapObservedLast^, 2 * MapSize, Byte(-1));
1706 | GetMem(Territory, MapSize);
1707 | FillChar(Territory^, MapSize, $FF);
1708 | GetMem(Un, numax * SizeOf(TUn));
1709 | GetMem(Model, (nmmax + 1) * SizeOf(TModel));
1710 | // draft needs one model behind last
1711 | GetMem(City, ncmax * SizeOf(TCity));
1712 | GetMem(EnemyUn, neumax * SizeOf(TUnitInfo));
1713 | GetMem(EnemyCity, necmax * SizeOf(TCityInfo));
1714 | GetMem(EnemyModel, nemmax * SizeOf(TModelInfo));
1715 | for p1 := 0 to nPl - 1 do
1716 | begin
1717 | if 1 shl p1 and GInitialized <> 0 then
1718 | begin
1719 | FillChar(RWemix[P, p1], SizeOf(RWemix[P, p1]), 255); { -1 }
1720 | FillChar(Destroyed[P, p1], SizeOf(Destroyed[P, p1]), 0);
1721 | end;
1722 | Attitude[p1] := atNeutral;
1723 | Treaty[p1] := trNoContact;
1724 | LastCancelTreaty[p1] := -CancelTreatyTurns - 1;
1725 | EvaStart[p1] := -PeaceEvaTurns - 1;
1726 | Tribute[p1] := 0;
1727 | TributePaid[p1] := 0;
1728 | if (p1 <> P) and (1 shl p1 and GAlive <> 0) then
1729 | begin // initialize enemy report
1730 | GetMem(EnemyReport[p1], SizeOf(TEnemyReport) - 2 *
1731 | (INFIN + 1 - nmmax));
1732 | FillChar(EnemyReport[p1].Tech, nAdv, Byte(tsNA));
1733 | EnemyReport[p1].TurnOfContact := -1;
1734 | EnemyReport[p1].TurnOfCivilReport := -1;
1735 | EnemyReport[p1].TurnOfMilReport := -1;
1736 | EnemyReport[p1].Attitude := atNeutral;
1737 | EnemyReport[p1].Government := gDespotism;
1738 | if 1 shl P and GAlive = 0 then
1739 | Treaty[p1] := trNone // supervisor
1740 | end
1741 | else
1742 | EnemyReport[p1] := nil;
1743 | end;
1744 | TestFlags := GTestFlags;
1745 | Credibility := InitialCredibility;
1746 | MaxCredibility := 100;
1747 | nUn := 0;
1748 | nModel := 0;
1749 | nCity := 0;
1750 | nEnemyUn := 0;
1751 | nEnemyCity := 0;
1752 | nEnemyModel := 0;
1753 | for Loc1 := 0 to MapSize - 1 do
1754 | Map[Loc1] := fUNKNOWN;
1755 | FillChar(Tech, nAdv, Byte(tsNA));
1756 | FillChar(NatBuilt, SizeOf(NatBuilt), 0);
1757 | end;
1758 |
1759 | // create initial models and units
1760 | for P := 0 to nPl - 1 do
1761 | if (1 shl P and GAlive <> 0) then
1762 | with RW[P] do
1763 | begin
1764 | nModel := 0;
1765 | for I := 0 to nSpecialModel - 1 do
1766 | if SpecialModelPreq[I] = preNone then
1767 | begin
1768 | Model[nModel] := SpecialModel[I];
1769 | Model[nModel].Status := 0;
1770 | Model[nModel].IntroTurn := 0;
1771 | Model[nModel].Built := 0;
1772 | Model[nModel].Lost := 0;
1773 | Model[nModel].ID := P shl 12 + nModel;
1774 | SetModelFlags(Model[nModel]);
1775 | Inc(nModel);
1776 | end;
1777 | nUn := 0;
1778 | UnBuilt[P] := 0;
1779 | for uix := 0 to nStartUn - 1 do
1780 | begin
1781 | CreateUnit(P, StartUn[uix]);
1782 | Dec(Model[StartUn[uix]].Built);
1783 | Un[uix].Loc := StartLoc2[P];
1784 | PlaceUnit(P, uix);
1785 | end;
1786 | FoundCity(P, StartLoc[P]); // capital
1787 | Founded[P] := 1;
1788 | with City[0] do
1789 | begin
1790 | ID := P shl 12;
1791 | Flags := chFounded;
1792 | end;
1793 | end;
1794 |
1795 | TerritoryCount[nPl] := MapSize;
1796 | // FillChar(NewContact, SizeOf(NewContact), False);
1797 | end;
1798 |
1799 | procedure InitRandomGame;
1800 | begin
1801 | DelphiRandSeed := RND;
1802 | CalculatePrimitive;
1803 | CreateElevation;
1804 | CreateMap(False);
1805 | StartPositions;
1806 | InitGame;
1807 | end;
1808 |
1809 | procedure InitMapGame(Human: Integer);
1810 | begin
1811 | DelphiRandSeed := RND;
1812 | FindContinents;
1813 | PredefinedStartPositions(Human);
1814 | InitGame;
1815 | end;
1816 |
1817 | procedure ReleaseGame;
1818 | var
1819 | p1, p2: Integer;
1820 | begin
1821 | for p1 := 0 to nPl - 1 do
1822 | if 1 shl p1 and GInitialized <> 0 then
1823 | begin
1824 | for p2 := 0 to nPl - 1 do
1825 | if RW[p1].EnemyReport[p2] <> nil then
1826 | FreeMem(RW[p1].EnemyReport[p2]);
1827 | FreeMem(RW[p1].EnemyUn);
1828 | FreeMem(RW[p1].EnemyCity);
1829 | FreeMem(RW[p1].EnemyModel);
1830 | FreeMem(RW[p1].Un);
1831 | FreeMem(RW[p1].City);
1832 | FreeMem(RW[p1].Model);
1833 | FreeMem(RW[p1].Territory);
1834 | FreeMem(RW[p1].MapObservedLast);
1835 | FreeMem(RW[p1].Map);
1836 | end;
1837 | end;
1838 |
1839 | procedure InitMapEditor;
1840 | var
1841 | p1: Integer;
1842 | begin
1843 | CalculatePrimitive;
1844 | FillChar(Occupant, MapSize, Byte(-1));
1845 | FillChar(ObserveLevel, MapSize * 4, 0);
1846 | with RW[0] do
1847 | begin
1848 | ResourceMask[0] := $FFFFFFFF;
1849 | GetMem(Map, 4 * MapSize);
1850 | GetMem(MapObservedLast, 2 * MapSize);
1851 | FillChar(MapObservedLast^, 2 * MapSize, Byte(-1));
1852 | GetMem(Territory, MapSize);
1853 | FillChar(Territory^, MapSize, $FF);
1854 | Un := nil;
1855 | Model := nil;
1856 | City := nil;
1857 | EnemyUn := nil;
1858 | EnemyCity := nil;
1859 | EnemyModel := nil;
1860 | for p1 := 0 to nPl - 1 do
1861 | EnemyReport[p1] := nil;
1862 | nUn := 0;
1863 | nModel := 0;
1864 | nCity := 0;
1865 | nEnemyUn := 0;
1866 | nEnemyCity := 0;
1867 | nEnemyModel := 0;
1868 | end;
1869 | end;
1870 |
1871 | procedure ReleaseMapEditor;
1872 | begin
1873 | FreeMem(RW[0].Territory);
1874 | FreeMem(RW[0].MapObservedLast);
1875 | FreeMem(RW[0].Map);
1876 | end;
1877 |
1878 | procedure EditTile(Loc, NewTile: Integer);
1879 | var
1880 | Loc1, V21: Integer;
1881 | Radius: TVicinity21Loc;
1882 | begin
1883 | if NewTile and fDeadLands <> 0 then
1884 | NewTile := NewTile and (fDeadLands or fModern or fRiver) or fDesert;
1885 | case NewTile and fTerrain of
1886 | fOcean, fShore:
1887 | NewTile := NewTile and (fTerrain or fSpecial);
1888 | fMountains, fArctic:
1889 | NewTile := NewTile and not fRiver;
1890 | end;
1891 | with Terrain[NewTile and fTerrain] do
1892 | if (ClearTerrain >= 0) or (AfforestTerrain >= 0) or (TransTerrain >= 0) then
1893 | NewTile := NewTile or fSpecial;
1894 | // only automatic special resources for transformable tiles
1895 | if NewTile and fRR <> 0 then
1896 | NewTile := NewTile and not fRoad;
1897 | if not ((NewTile and fTerrain) in TerrType_Canalable) then
1898 | NewTile := NewTile and not fCanal;
1899 | if Terrain[NewTile and fTerrain].IrrEff = 0 then
1900 | begin
1901 | NewTile := NewTile and not (fPrefStartPos or fStartPos);
1902 | if (NewTile and fTerImp = tiIrrigation) or (NewTile and fTerImp = tiFarm)
1903 | then
1904 | NewTile := NewTile and not fTerImp;
1905 | end;
1906 | if (Terrain[NewTile and fTerrain].MineEff = 0) and
1907 | (NewTile and fTerImp = tiMine) then
1908 | NewTile := NewTile and not fTerImp;
1909 |
1910 | RealMap[Loc] := NewTile;
1911 | if NewTile and fSpecial = fSpecial then
1912 | // standard special resource distribution
1913 | RealMap[Loc] := RealMap[Loc] and not fSpecial or
1914 | ActualSpecialTile(Loc) shl 5;
1915 |
1916 | // automatic shore tiles
1917 | V21_to_Loc(Loc, Radius);
1918 | for V21 := 1 to 26 do
1919 | begin
1920 | Loc1 := Radius[V21];
1921 | if (Loc1 >= 0) and (Loc1 < MapSize) then
1922 | begin
1923 | if CheckShore(Loc1) then
1924 | RealMap[Loc1] := RealMap[Loc1] and not fSpecial or
1925 | ActualSpecialTile(Loc1) shl 5;
1926 | RealMap[Loc1] := RealMap[Loc1] or ($F shl 27);
1927 | RW[0].Map[Loc1] := RealMap[Loc1] and $07FFFFFF or fObserved;
1928 | end;
1929 | end;
1930 | // RealMap[Loc] := RealMap[Loc] and not fSpecial;
1931 | // RW[0].Map[Loc] := RealMap[Loc] or fObserved;
1932 | end;
1933 |
1934 | {
1935 | Map Revealing
1936 | ____________________________________________________________________
1937 | }
1938 | function GetTileInfo(P, cix, Loc: Integer; var Info: TTileInfo): Integer;
1939 | // cix>=0 - known city index of player p -- only core internal!
1940 | // cix=-1 - search city, player unknown, only if permission for p
1941 | // cix=-2 - don't search city, don't calculate city benefits, just government of player p
1942 | var
1943 | p0, Tile, Special: Integer;
1944 | begin
1945 | with Info do
1946 | begin
1947 | p0 := P;
1948 | if cix >= 0 then
1949 | Tile := RealMap[Loc]
1950 | else
1951 | begin
1952 | Tile := RW[P].Map[Loc];
1953 | if Tile and fTerrain = fUNKNOWN then
1954 | begin
1955 | Result := eNoPreq;
1956 | Exit;
1957 | end;
1958 | end;
1959 |
1960 | if (cix = -1) and (UsedByCity[Loc] >= 0) then
1961 | begin // search exploiting player and city
1962 | SearchCity(UsedByCity[Loc], P, cix);
1963 | if not ((P = p0) or (ObserveLevel[UsedByCity[Loc]] shr (2 * p0) and
1964 | 3 = lObserveSuper)) then
1965 | cix := -1
1966 | end;
1967 | if cix = -1 then
1968 | begin
1969 | Result := eInvalid;
1970 | Exit;
1971 | end; // no city found here
1972 |
1973 | Special := Tile and fSpecial and ResourceMask[P] shr 5;
1974 | with Terrain[Tile and fTerrain] do
1975 | begin
1976 | Food := FoodRes[Special];
1977 | Prod := ProdRes[Special];
1978 | Trade := TradeRes[Special];
1979 | if (Special > 0) and (Tile and fTerrain <> fGrass) and
1980 | (RW[P].NatBuilt[imSpacePort] > 0) then
1981 | begin // GeoSat effect
1982 | Food := 2 * Food - FoodRes[0];
1983 | Prod := 2 * Prod - ProdRes[0];
1984 | Trade := 2 * Trade - TradeRes[0];
1985 | end;
1986 |
1987 | if (Tile and fTerImp = tiIrrigation) or (Tile and fTerImp = tiFarm) or
1988 | (Tile and fCity <> 0) then
1989 | Inc(Food, IrrEff); { irrigation effect }
1990 | if Tile and fTerImp = tiMine then
1991 | Inc(Prod, MineEff); { mining effect }
1992 | if (Tile and fRiver <> 0) and (RW[P].Tech[adMapMaking] >= tsApplicable)
1993 | then
1994 | Inc(Trade); { river effect }
1995 | if (Tile and (fRoad or fRR) <> 0) and (MoveCost = 1) and
1996 | (RW[P].Tech[adWheel] >= tsApplicable) then
1997 | Inc(Trade); { road effect }
1998 | if (Tile and (fRR or fCity) <> 0) and
1999 | (RW[P].Tech[adRailroad] >= tsApplicable) then
2000 | Inc(Prod, Prod shr 1); { railroad effect }
2001 |
2002 | ExplCity := -1;
2003 | if (cix >= 0) and (P = p0) then
2004 | ExplCity := cix;
2005 | if cix >= 0 then
2006 | if Tile and fTerrain >= fGrass then
2007 | begin
2008 | if ((Tile and fTerImp = tiFarm) or (Tile and fCity <> 0)) and
2009 | (RW[P].City[cix].Built[imSupermarket] > 0) then
2010 | Inc(Food, Food shr 1); { farmland effect }
2011 | if (Tile and (fRoad or fRR) <> 0) and (MoveCost = 1) and
2012 | (RW[P].City[cix].Built[imHighways] > 0) then
2013 | Inc(Trade, 1); { superhighway effect }
2014 | end
2015 | else
2016 | begin
2017 | if RW[P].City[cix].Built[imHarbor] > 0 then
2018 | Inc(Food); { harbour effect }
2019 | if RW[P].City[cix].Built[imPlatform] > 0 then
2020 | Inc(Prod); { oil platform effect }
2021 | if GWonder[woLighthouse].EffectiveOwner = P then
2022 | Inc(Prod);
2023 | end;
2024 | end;
2025 |
2026 | { good government influence }
2027 | if (RW[P].Government in [gRepublic, gDemocracy, gFuture]) and (Trade > 0)
2028 | then
2029 | Inc(Trade);
2030 | if (RW[P].Government = gCommunism) and (Prod > 1) then
2031 | Inc(Prod);
2032 |
2033 | if RW[P].Government in [gAnarchy, gDespotism] then
2034 | begin { bad government influence }
2035 | if Food > 3 then
2036 | Food := 3;
2037 | if Prod > 2 then
2038 | Prod := 2;
2039 | if Trade > 2 then
2040 | Trade := 2;
2041 | end;
2042 |
2043 | if Tile and (fTerrain or fPoll) > fPoll then
2044 | begin { pollution - decrease ressources }
2045 | Dec(Food, Food shr 1);
2046 | Dec(Prod, Prod shr 1);
2047 | Dec(Trade, Trade shr 1);
2048 | end;
2049 |
2050 | if Tile and fCity <> 0 then
2051 | Trade := 0
2052 | else if (cix >= 0) and (RW[P].City[cix].Built[imCourt] + RW[P].City[cix]
2053 | .Built[imPalace] = 0) then
2054 | if RW[P].City[cix].Built[imTownHall] = 0 then
2055 | Trade := 0
2056 | else if Trade > 3 then
2057 | Trade := 3;
2058 | end;
2059 | Result := eOK;
2060 | end;
2061 |
2062 | procedure Strongest(Loc: Integer; var uix, Strength, Bonus, Cnt: Integer);
2063 | { find strongest defender at Loc }
2064 | var
2065 | Defender, uix1, Det, Cost, TestStrength, TestBonus, TestDet, TestCost,
2066 | Domain: Integer;
2067 | PUn: ^TUn;
2068 | PModel: ^TModel;
2069 | begin
2070 | Defender := Occupant[Loc];
2071 | Cost := 0;
2072 | Cnt := 0;
2073 | Det := -1;
2074 | for uix1 := 0 to RW[Defender].nUn - 1 do
2075 | begin
2076 | PUn := @RW[Defender].Un[uix1];
2077 | PModel := @RW[Defender].Model[PUn.mix];
2078 | if PModel.Kind = mkSpecial_Glider then
2079 | Domain := dGround
2080 | else
2081 | Domain := PModel.Domain;
2082 | if PUn.Loc = Loc then
2083 | begin
2084 | Inc(Cnt);
2085 | if PUn.Master < 0 then
2086 | begin
2087 | if Domain < dSea then
2088 | begin
2089 | TestBonus := Terrain[RealMap[Loc] and fTerrain].Defense;
2090 | if RealMap[Loc] and fTerImp = tiFort then
2091 | Inc(TestBonus, 4);
2092 | if PUn.Flags and unFortified <> 0 then
2093 | Inc(TestBonus, 2);
2094 | if (PModel.Kind = mkSpecial_TownGuard) and
2095 | (RealMap[Loc] and fCity <> 0) then
2096 | Inc(TestBonus, 4);
2097 | end
2098 | else
2099 | TestBonus := 4;
2100 | Inc(TestBonus, PUn.exp div ExpCost);
2101 | TestStrength := PModel.Defense * TestBonus * PUn.Health;
2102 | if (Domain = dAir) and ((RealMap[Loc] and fCity <> 0) or
2103 | (RealMap[Loc] and fTerImp = tiBase)) then
2104 | TestStrength := 0;
2105 | if (Domain = dSea) and (RealMap[Loc] and fTerrain >= fGrass) then
2106 | TestStrength := TestStrength shr 1;
2107 | TestDet := TestStrength;
2108 | if PModel.Cap[mcStealth] > 0 then
2109 | else if PModel.Cap[mcSub] > 0 then
2110 | Inc(TestDet, 1 shl 28)
2111 | else if (Domain = dGround) and (PModel.Cap[mcFanatic] > 0) and
2112 | not (RW[Defender].Government in [gRepublic, gDemocracy, gFuture]) then
2113 | Inc(TestDet, 4 shl 28) // fanatic ground units always defend
2114 | else if PModel.Flags and mdZOC <> 0 then
2115 | Inc(TestDet, 3 shl 28)
2116 | else
2117 | Inc(TestDet, 2 shl 28);
2118 | TestCost := RW[Defender].Model[PUn.mix].Cost;
2119 | if (TestDet > Det) or (TestDet = Det) and (TestCost < Cost) then
2120 | begin
2121 | uix := uix1;
2122 | Strength := TestStrength;
2123 | Bonus := TestBonus;
2124 | Det := TestDet;
2125 | Cost := TestCost;
2126 | end;
2127 | end;
2128 | end;
2129 | end;
2130 | end;
2131 |
2132 | function UnitSpeed(P, mix, Health: Integer): Integer;
2133 | begin
2134 | with RW[P].Model[mix] do
2135 | begin
2136 | Result := Speed;
2137 | if Domain = dSea then
2138 | begin
2139 | if GWonder[woMagellan].EffectiveOwner = P then
2140 | Inc(Result, 200);
2141 | if Health < 100 then
2142 | Result := ((Result - 250) * Health div 5000) * 50 + 250;
2143 | end;
2144 | end;
2145 | end;
2146 |
2147 | procedure GetUnitReport(P, uix: Integer; var UnitReport: TUnitReport);
2148 | var
2149 | TerrOwner: Integer;
2150 | PModel: ^TModel;
2151 | begin
2152 | UnitReport.FoodSupport := 0;
2153 | UnitReport.ProdSupport := 0;
2154 | UnitReport.ReportFlags := 0;
2155 | if RW[P].Government <> gAnarchy then
2156 | with RW[P].Un[uix] do
2157 | begin
2158 | PModel := @RW[P].Model[mix];
2159 | if (PModel.Kind = mkSettler)
2160 | { and (GWonder[woFreeSettlers].EffectiveOwner<>p) } then
2161 | UnitReport.FoodSupport := SettlerFood[RW[P].Government]
2162 | else if Flags and unConscripts <> 0 then
2163 | UnitReport.FoodSupport := 1;
2164 |
2165 | if RW[P].Government <> gFundamentalism then
2166 | begin
2167 | if GTestFlags and tfImmImprove = 0 then
2168 | begin
2169 | if PModel.Flags and mdDoubleSupport <> 0 then
2170 | UnitReport.ProdSupport := 2
2171 | else
2172 | UnitReport.ProdSupport := 1;
2173 | if PModel.Kind = mkSpecial_TownGuard then
2174 | UnitReport.ReportFlags := UnitReport.ReportFlags or
2175 | urfAlwaysSupport;
2176 | end;
2177 | if PModel.Flags and mdCivil = 0 then
2178 | begin
2179 | TerrOwner := RealMap[Loc] shr 27;
2180 | case RW[P].Government of
2181 | gRepublic, gFuture:
2182 | if (TerrOwner <> P) and (TerrOwner < nPl) and
2183 | (RW[P].Treaty[TerrOwner] < trAlliance) then
2184 | UnitReport.ReportFlags := UnitReport.ReportFlags or urfDeployed;
2185 | gDemocracy:
2186 | if (TerrOwner >= nPl) or (TerrOwner <> P) and
2187 | (RW[P].Treaty[TerrOwner] < trAlliance) then
2188 | UnitReport.ReportFlags := UnitReport.ReportFlags or urfDeployed;
2189 | end;
2190 | end;
2191 | end;
2192 | end;
2193 | end;
2194 |
2195 | procedure SearchCity(Loc: Integer; var P, cix: Integer);
2196 | // set p to supposed owner before call
2197 | var
2198 | I: Integer;
2199 | begin
2200 | if RealMap[Loc] < nPl shl 27 then
2201 | P := RealMap[Loc] shr 27;
2202 | for I := 0 to nPl - 1 do
2203 | begin
2204 | if 1 shl P and GAlive <> 0 then
2205 | with RW[P] do
2206 | begin
2207 | cix := nCity - 1;
2208 | while (cix >= 0) and (City[cix].Loc <> Loc) do
2209 | Dec(cix);
2210 | if cix >= 0 then
2211 | Exit;
2212 | end;
2213 | Assert(I < nPl - 1);
2214 | P := (P + 1) mod nPl;
2215 | end;
2216 | end;
2217 |
2218 | procedure MakeCityInfo(P, cix: Integer; var ci: TCityInfo);
2219 | begin
2220 | Assert((P >= 0) and (P < nPl));
2221 | Assert((cix >= 0) and (cix < RW[P].nCity));
2222 | with RW[P].City[cix] do
2223 | begin
2224 | ci.Loc := Loc;
2225 | ci.ID := ID;
2226 | ci.Owner := P;
2227 | ci.Size := Size;
2228 | ci.Flags := 0;
2229 | if Built[imPalace] > 0 then
2230 | Inc(ci.Flags, ciCapital);
2231 | if (Built[imWalls] > 0) or (Continent[Loc] = GrWallContinent[P]) then
2232 | Inc(ci.Flags, ciWalled);
2233 | if Built[imCoastalFort] > 0 then
2234 | Inc(ci.Flags, ciCoastalFort);
2235 | if Built[imMissileBat] > 0 then
2236 | Inc(ci.Flags, ciMissileBat);
2237 | if Built[imBunker] > 0 then
2238 | Inc(ci.Flags, ciBunker);
2239 | if Built[imSpacePort] > 0 then
2240 | Inc(ci.Flags, ciSpacePort);
2241 | end;
2242 | end;
2243 |
2244 | procedure TellAboutModel(P, taOwner, tamix: Integer);
2245 | var
2246 | I: Integer;
2247 | begin
2248 | if (P = taOwner) or (Mode < moPlaying) then
2249 | Exit;
2250 | I := 0;
2251 | while (I < RW[P].nEnemyModel) and ((RW[P].EnemyModel[I].Owner <> taOwner) or
2252 | (RW[P].EnemyModel[I].mix <> tamix)) do
2253 | Inc(I);
2254 | if I = RW[P].nEnemyModel then
2255 | IntServer(sIntTellAboutModel + P shl 4, taOwner, tamix, nil^);
2256 | end;
2257 |
2258 | function emixSafe(P, taOwner, tamix: Integer): Integer;
2259 | begin
2260 | Result := RWemix[P, taOwner, tamix];
2261 | if Result < 0 then
2262 | begin // sIntTellAboutModel comes too late
2263 | Assert(Mode = moMovie);
2264 | Result := $FFFF;
2265 | end;
2266 | end;
2267 |
2268 | procedure IntroduceEnemy(p1, p2: Integer);
2269 | begin
2270 | RW[p1].Treaty[p2] := trNone;
2271 | RW[p2].Treaty[p1] := trNone;
2272 | end;
2273 |
2274 | function DiscoverTile(Loc, P, pTell, Level: Integer; EnableContact: Boolean;
2275 | euix: Integer = -2): Boolean;
2276 | // euix = -2: full discover
2277 | // euix = -1: unit and city only, append units in EnemyUn
2278 | // euix >= 0: unit and city only, replace EnemyUn[euix]
2279 |
2280 | procedure SetContact(p1, p2: Integer);
2281 | begin
2282 | if (Mode < moPlaying) or (p1 = p2) or (RW[p1].Treaty[p2] > trNoContact) then
2283 | Exit;
2284 | IntServer(sIntTellAboutNation, p1, p2, nil^);
2285 | // NewContact[p1, p2] := True
2286 | end;
2287 |
2288 | var
2289 | I, uix, cix, TerrOwner, TerrOwnerTreaty, Strength, Bonus, Cnt, pFoundCity,
2290 | cixFoundCity, MinLevel, Loc1, V8: Integer;
2291 | Tile, AddFlags: Cardinal;
2292 | Adjacent: TVicinity8Loc;
2293 | unx: ^TUn;
2294 | mox: ^TModel;
2295 | begin
2296 | Result := False;
2297 | with RW[pTell] do
2298 | begin
2299 | Tile := RealMap[Loc] and ResourceMask[pTell];
2300 | if Mode = moLoading_Fast then
2301 | AddFlags := 0 // don't discover units
2302 | else
2303 | begin
2304 | AddFlags := Map[Loc] and fInEnemyZoC // always preserve this flag!
2305 | or fObserved;
2306 | if Level = lObserveSuper then
2307 | AddFlags := AddFlags or fSpiedOut;
2308 | if (GrWallContinent[pTell] >= 0) and
2309 | (Continent[Loc] = GrWallContinent[pTell]) then
2310 | AddFlags := AddFlags or fGrWall;
2311 | if (Mode = moPlaying) and ((Tile and (nPl shl 27) <> nPl shl 27) and
2312 | (pTell = P)) then
2313 | begin // set fPeace flag?
2314 | TerrOwner := Tile shr 27;
2315 | if TerrOwner <> pTell then
2316 | begin
2317 | TerrOwnerTreaty := RW[pTell].Treaty[TerrOwner];
2318 | if 1 shl TerrOwnerTreaty and
2319 | (1 shl trPeace or 1 shl TrFriendlyContact) <> 0 then
2320 | AddFlags := AddFlags or fPeace;
2321 | end;
2322 | end;
2323 |
2324 | if Occupant[Loc] >= 0 then
2325 | if Occupant[Loc] = pTell then
2326 | begin
2327 | AddFlags := AddFlags or (fOwned or fUnit);
2328 | if ZoCMap[Loc] > 0 then
2329 | AddFlags := AddFlags or fOwnZoCUnit;
2330 | // Level:=lObserveSuper // always see own units
2331 | end
2332 | else if Map[Loc] and fUnit <> 0 then
2333 | AddFlags := AddFlags or fUnit
2334 | else
2335 | begin
2336 | Strongest(Loc, uix, Strength, Bonus, Cnt);
2337 | unx := @RW[Occupant[Loc]].Un[uix];
2338 | mox := @RW[Occupant[Loc]].Model[unx.mix];
2339 | Assert((ZoCMap[Loc] <> 0) = (mox.Flags and mdZOC <> 0));
2340 | if (mox.Cap[mcStealth] > 0) and (Tile and fCity = 0) and
2341 | (Tile and fTerImp <> tiBase) then
2342 | MinLevel := lObserveSuper
2343 | else if (mox.Cap[mcSub] > 0) and (Tile and fTerrain < fGrass) then
2344 | MinLevel := lObserveAll
2345 | else
2346 | MinLevel := lObserveUnhidden;
2347 | if Level >= MinLevel then
2348 | begin
2349 | AddFlags := AddFlags or fUnit;
2350 | if euix >= 0 then
2351 | uix := euix
2352 | else
2353 | begin
2354 | uix := nEnemyUn;
2355 | Inc(nEnemyUn);
2356 | Assert(nEnemyUn < neumax);
2357 | end;
2358 | MakeUnitInfo(Occupant[Loc], unx^, EnemyUn[uix]);
2359 | if Cnt > 1 then
2360 | EnemyUn[uix].Flags := EnemyUn[uix].Flags or unMulti;
2361 | if (mox.Flags and mdZOC <> 0) and (pTell = P) and
2362 | (Treaty[Occupant[Loc]] < trAlliance) then
2363 | begin // set fInEnemyZoC flags of surrounding tiles
2364 | V8_to_Loc(Loc, Adjacent);
2365 | for V8 := 0 to 7 do
2366 | begin
2367 | Loc1 := Adjacent[V8];
2368 | if (Loc1 >= 0) and (Loc1 < MapSize) then
2369 | Map[Loc1] := Map[Loc1] or fInEnemyZoC
2370 | end;
2371 | end;
2372 | if EnableContact and (mox.Domain = dGround) then
2373 | SetContact(pTell, Occupant[Loc]);
2374 | if Mode >= moMovie then
2375 | begin
2376 | TellAboutModel(pTell, Occupant[Loc], unx.mix);
2377 | EnemyUn[uix].emix := emixSafe(pTell, Occupant[Loc], unx.mix);
2378 | end;
2379 | // Level:=lObserveSuper; // don't discover unit twice
2380 | if (pTell = P) and
2381 | ((Tile and fCity = 0) or (1 shl pTell and GAI <> 0)) then
2382 | Result := True;
2383 | end
2384 | else
2385 | AddFlags := AddFlags or Map[Loc] and (fStealthUnit or fHiddenUnit);
2386 | end;
2387 | end; // if Mode>moLoading_Fast
2388 |
2389 | if Tile and fCity <> 0 then
2390 | if ObserveLevel[Loc] shr (2 * pTell) and 3 > 0 then
2391 | AddFlags := AddFlags or Map[Loc] and fOwned
2392 | else
2393 | begin
2394 | pFoundCity := Tile shr 27;
2395 | if pFoundCity = pTell then
2396 | AddFlags := AddFlags or fOwned
2397 | else
2398 | begin
2399 | if EnableContact then
2400 | SetContact(pTell, pFoundCity);
2401 | cixFoundCity := RW[pFoundCity].nCity - 1;
2402 | while (cixFoundCity >= 0) and
2403 | (RW[pFoundCity].City[cixFoundCity].Loc <> Loc) do
2404 | Dec(cixFoundCity);
2405 | Assert(cixFoundCity >= 0);
2406 | I := 0;
2407 | while (I < nEnemyCity) and (EnemyCity[I].Loc <> Loc) do
2408 | Inc(I);
2409 | if I = nEnemyCity then
2410 | begin
2411 | Inc(nEnemyCity);
2412 | Assert(nEnemyCity < necmax);
2413 | EnemyCity[I].Status := 0;
2414 | EnemyCity[I].SavedStatus := 0;
2415 | if pTell = P then
2416 | Result := True;
2417 | end;
2418 | MakeCityInfo(pFoundCity, cixFoundCity, EnemyCity[I]);
2419 | end;
2420 | end
2421 | else if Map[Loc] and fCity <> 0 then // remove enemycity
2422 | for cix := 0 to nEnemyCity - 1 do
2423 | if EnemyCity[cix].Loc = Loc then
2424 | EnemyCity[cix].Loc := -1;
2425 |
2426 | if Map[Loc] and fTerrain = fUNKNOWN then
2427 | Inc(Discovered[pTell]);
2428 | if euix >= -1 then
2429 | Map[Loc] := Map[Loc] and not (fUnit or fCity or fOwned or fOwnZoCUnit) or
2430 | (Tile and $07FFFFFF or AddFlags) and
2431 | (fUnit or fCity or fOwned or fOwnZoCUnit)
2432 | else
2433 | begin
2434 | Map[Loc] := Tile and $07FFFFFF or AddFlags;
2435 | if Tile and $78000000 = $78000000 then
2436 | Territory[Loc] := -1
2437 | else
2438 | Territory[Loc] := Tile shr 27;
2439 | MapObservedLast[Loc] := GTurn
2440 | end;
2441 | ObserveLevel[Loc] := ObserveLevel[Loc] and not (3 shl (2 * pTell)) or
2442 | Cardinal(Level) shl (2 * pTell);
2443 | end;
2444 | end;
2445 |
2446 | function Discover9(Loc, P, Level: Integer;
2447 | TellAllied, EnableContact: Boolean): Boolean;
2448 | var
2449 | V9, Loc1, pTell, OldLevel: Integer;
2450 | Radius: TVicinity8Loc;
2451 | begin
2452 | Assert((Mode > moLoading_Fast) or (RW[P].nEnemyUn = 0));
2453 | Result := False;
2454 | V8_to_Loc(Loc, Radius);
2455 | for V9 := 0 to 8 do
2456 | begin
2457 | if V9 = 8 then
2458 | Loc1 := Loc
2459 | else
2460 | Loc1 := Radius[V9];
2461 | if (Loc1 >= 0) and (Loc1 < MapSize) then
2462 | if TellAllied then
2463 | begin
2464 | for pTell := 0 to nPl - 1 do
2465 | if (pTell = P) or (1 shl pTell and GAlive <> 0) and
2466 | (RW[P].Treaty[pTell] = trAlliance) then
2467 | begin
2468 | OldLevel := ObserveLevel[Loc1] shr (2 * pTell) and 3;
2469 | if Level > OldLevel then
2470 | Result := DiscoverTile(Loc1, P, pTell, Level, EnableContact)
2471 | or Result;
2472 | end;
2473 | end
2474 | else
2475 | begin
2476 | OldLevel := ObserveLevel[Loc1] shr (2 * P) and 3;
2477 | if Level > OldLevel then
2478 | Result := DiscoverTile(Loc1, P, P, Level, EnableContact) or Result;
2479 | end;
2480 | end;
2481 | end;
2482 |
2483 | function Discover21(Loc, P, AdjacentLevel: Integer;
2484 | TellAllied, EnableContact: Boolean): Boolean;
2485 | var
2486 | V21, Loc1, pTell, Level, OldLevel, AdjacentFlags: Integer;
2487 | Radius: TVicinity21Loc;
2488 | begin
2489 | Assert((Mode > moLoading_Fast) or (RW[P].nEnemyUn = 0));
2490 | Result := False;
2491 | AdjacentFlags := $00267620 shr 1;
2492 | V21_to_Loc(Loc, Radius);
2493 | for V21 := 1 to 26 do
2494 | begin
2495 | Loc1 := Radius[V21];
2496 | if (Loc1 >= 0) and (Loc1 < MapSize) then
2497 | begin
2498 | if AdjacentFlags and 1 <> 0 then
2499 | Level := AdjacentLevel
2500 | else
2501 | Level := lObserveUnhidden;
2502 | if TellAllied then
2503 | begin
2504 | for pTell := 0 to nPl - 1 do
2505 | if (pTell = P) or (1 shl pTell and GAlive <> 0) and
2506 | (RW[P].Treaty[pTell] = trAlliance) then
2507 | begin
2508 | OldLevel := ObserveLevel[Loc1] shr (2 * pTell) and 3;
2509 | if Level > OldLevel then
2510 | Result := DiscoverTile(Loc1, P, pTell, Level, EnableContact)
2511 | or Result;
2512 | end;
2513 | end
2514 | else
2515 | begin
2516 | OldLevel := ObserveLevel[Loc1] shr (2 * P) and 3;
2517 | if Level > OldLevel then
2518 | Result := DiscoverTile(Loc1, P, P, Level, EnableContact) or Result;
2519 | end;
2520 | end;
2521 | AdjacentFlags := AdjacentFlags shr 1;
2522 | end;
2523 | end;
2524 |
2525 | procedure DiscoverAll(P, Level: Integer);
2526 | { player p discovers complete playground (for supervisor) }
2527 | var
2528 | Loc, OldLevel: Integer;
2529 | begin
2530 | Assert((Mode > moLoading_Fast) or (RW[P].nEnemyUn = 0));
2531 | for Loc := 0 to MapSize - 1 do
2532 | begin
2533 | OldLevel := ObserveLevel[Loc] shr (2 * P) and 3;
2534 | if Level > OldLevel then
2535 | DiscoverTile(Loc, P, P, Level, False);
2536 | end;
2537 | end;
2538 |
2539 | procedure DiscoverViewAreas(P: Integer);
2540 | var
2541 | pTell, uix, cix, ecix, Loc, RealOwner: Integer;
2542 | PModel: ^TModel;
2543 | begin // discover unit and city view areas
2544 | for pTell := 0 to nPl - 1 do
2545 | if (pTell = P) or (RW[P].Treaty[pTell] = trAlliance) then
2546 | begin
2547 | for uix := 0 to RW[pTell].nUn - 1 do
2548 | with RW[pTell].Un[uix] do
2549 | if (Loc >= 0) and (Master < 0) and (RealMap[Loc] and fCity = 0) then
2550 | begin
2551 | PModel := @RW[pTell].Model[mix];
2552 | if (PModel.Kind = mkDiplomat) or (PModel.Cap[mcSpy] > 0) then
2553 | Discover21(Loc, P, lObserveSuper, False, True)
2554 | else if (PModel.Cap[mcRadar] + PModel.Cap[mcCarrier] > 0) or
2555 | (PModel.Domain = dAir) then
2556 | Discover21(Loc, P, lObserveAll, False, False)
2557 | else if (RealMap[Loc] and fTerrain = fMountains) or
2558 | (RealMap[Loc] and fTerImp = tiFort) or
2559 | (RealMap[Loc] and fTerImp = tiBase) or (PModel.Cap[mcAcademy] > 0)
2560 | then
2561 | Discover21(Loc, P, lObserveUnhidden, False,
2562 | PModel.Domain = dGround)
2563 | else
2564 | Discover9(Loc, P, lObserveUnhidden, False,
2565 | PModel.Domain = dGround);
2566 | end;
2567 | for cix := 0 to RW[pTell].nCity - 1 do
2568 | if RW[pTell].City[cix].Loc >= 0 then
2569 | Discover21(RW[pTell].City[cix].Loc, P, lObserveUnhidden, False, True);
2570 | for ecix := 0 to RW[pTell].nEnemyCity - 1 do
2571 | begin // players know territory, so no use in hiding city owner
2572 | Loc := RW[pTell].EnemyCity[ecix].Loc;
2573 | if Loc >= 0 then
2574 | begin
2575 | RealOwner := (RealMap[Loc] shr 27) and $F;
2576 | if RealOwner < nPl then
2577 | RW[pTell].EnemyCity[ecix].Owner := RealOwner
2578 | else
2579 | begin
2580 | RW[pTell].EnemyCity[ecix].Loc := -1;
2581 | RW[pTell].Map[Loc] := RW[pTell].Map[Loc] and not fCity;
2582 | end;
2583 | end;
2584 | end;
2585 | end;
2586 | end;
2587 |
2588 | function GetUnitStack(P, Loc: Integer): Integer;
2589 | var
2590 | uix: Integer;
2591 | unx: ^TUn;
2592 | begin
2593 | Result := 0;
2594 | if Occupant[Loc] < 0 then
2595 | Exit;
2596 | for uix := 0 to RW[Occupant[Loc]].nUn - 1 do
2597 | begin
2598 | unx := @RW[Occupant[Loc]].Un[uix];
2599 | if unx.Loc = Loc then
2600 | begin
2601 | MakeUnitInfo(Occupant[Loc], unx^, RW[P].EnemyUn[RW[P].nEnemyUn + Result]);
2602 | TellAboutModel(P, Occupant[Loc], unx.mix);
2603 | RW[P].EnemyUn[RW[P].nEnemyUn + Result].emix :=
2604 | RWemix[P, Occupant[Loc], unx.mix];
2605 | Inc(Result);
2606 | end;
2607 | end;
2608 | end;
2609 |
2610 | procedure UpdateUnitMap(Loc: Integer; CityChange: Boolean = False);
2611 | // update maps and enemy units of all players after unit change
2612 | var
2613 | P, euix, OldLevel: Integer;
2614 | AddFlags, ClearFlags: Cardinal;
2615 | begin
2616 | if (Mode = moLoading_Fast) and not CityChange then
2617 | Exit;
2618 | for P := 0 to nPl - 1 do
2619 | if 1 shl P and (GAlive or GWatching) <> 0 then
2620 | begin
2621 | OldLevel := ObserveLevel[Loc] shr (2 * P) and 3;
2622 | if OldLevel > lNoObserve then
2623 | begin
2624 | if RW[P].Map[Loc] and (fUnit or fOwned) = fUnit then
2625 | begin
2626 | // replace unit located here in EnemyUn
2627 | // do not just set loc:=-1 because total number would be unlimited
2628 | euix := RW[P].nEnemyUn - 1;
2629 | while euix >= 0 do
2630 | begin
2631 | if RW[P].EnemyUn[euix].Loc = Loc then
2632 | begin
2633 | RW[P].EnemyUn[euix].Loc := -1;
2634 | Break;
2635 | end;
2636 | Dec(euix);
2637 | end;
2638 | RW[P].Map[Loc] := RW[P].Map[Loc] and not fUnit
2639 | end
2640 | else
2641 | begin // look for empty slot in EnemyUn
2642 | euix := RW[P].nEnemyUn - 1;
2643 | while (euix >= 0) and (RW[P].EnemyUn[euix].Loc >= 0) do
2644 | Dec(euix);
2645 | end;
2646 | if (Occupant[Loc] < 0) and not CityChange then
2647 | begin // calling DiscoverTile not necessary, only clear map flags
2648 | ClearFlags := fUnit or fHiddenUnit or fStealthUnit or fOwnZoCUnit;
2649 | if RealMap[Loc] and fCity = 0 then
2650 | ClearFlags := ClearFlags or fOwned;
2651 | RW[P].Map[Loc] := RW[P].Map[Loc] and not ClearFlags;
2652 | end
2653 | else if (Occupant[Loc] <> P) or CityChange then
2654 | begin // city or enemy unit update necessary, call DiscoverTile
2655 | ObserveLevel[Loc] := ObserveLevel[Loc] and not (3 shl (2 * P));
2656 | DiscoverTile(Loc, P, P, OldLevel, False, euix);
2657 | end
2658 | else { if (Occupant[Loc]=p) and not CityChange then }
2659 | begin // calling DiscoverTile not necessary, only set map flags
2660 | ClearFlags := 0;
2661 | AddFlags := fUnit or fOwned;
2662 | if ZoCMap[Loc] > 0 then
2663 | AddFlags := AddFlags or fOwnZoCUnit
2664 | else
2665 | ClearFlags := ClearFlags or fOwnZoCUnit;
2666 | RW[P].Map[Loc] := RW[P].Map[Loc] and not ClearFlags or AddFlags;
2667 | end;
2668 | end;
2669 | end;
2670 | end;
2671 |
2672 | procedure RecalcV8ZoC(P, Loc: Integer);
2673 | // recalculate fInEnemyZoC flags around single tile
2674 | var
2675 | V8, V8V8, Loc1, Loc2, p1, ObserveMask: Integer;
2676 | Tile1: ^Cardinal;
2677 | Adjacent, AdjacentAdjacent: TVicinity8Loc;
2678 | begin
2679 | if Mode = moLoading_Fast then
2680 | Exit;
2681 | ObserveMask := 3 shl (2 * P);
2682 | V8_to_Loc(Loc, Adjacent);
2683 | for V8 := 0 to 7 do
2684 | begin
2685 | Loc1 := Adjacent[V8];
2686 | if (Loc1 >= 0) and (Loc1 < MapSize) then
2687 | begin
2688 | Tile1 := @RW[P].Map[Loc1];
2689 | Tile1^ := Tile1^ and not fInEnemyZoC;
2690 | V8_to_Loc(Loc1, AdjacentAdjacent);
2691 | for V8V8 := 0 to 7 do
2692 | begin
2693 | Loc2 := AdjacentAdjacent[V8V8];
2694 | if (Loc2 >= 0) and (Loc2 < MapSize) and (ZoCMap[Loc2] > 0) and
2695 | (ObserveLevel[Loc2] and ObserveMask <> 0) then
2696 | begin
2697 | p1 := Occupant[Loc2];
2698 | Assert(p1 <> nPl);
2699 | if (p1 <> P) and (RW[P].Treaty[p1] < trAlliance) then
2700 | begin
2701 | Tile1^ := Tile1^ or fInEnemyZoC;
2702 | Break;
2703 | end;
2704 | end;
2705 | end;
2706 | end;
2707 | end;
2708 | end;
2709 |
2710 | procedure RecalcMapZoC(P: Integer);
2711 | // recalculate fInEnemyZoC flags for the whole map
2712 | var
2713 | Loc, Loc1, V8, p1, ObserveMask: Integer;
2714 | Adjacent: TVicinity8Loc;
2715 | begin
2716 | if Mode = moLoading_Fast then
2717 | Exit;
2718 | MaskD(RW[P].Map^, MapSize, Cardinal(not Cardinal(fInEnemyZoC)));
2719 | ObserveMask := 3 shl (2 * P);
2720 | for Loc := 0 to MapSize - 1 do
2721 | if (ZoCMap[Loc] > 0) and (ObserveLevel[Loc] and ObserveMask <> 0) then
2722 | begin
2723 | p1 := Occupant[Loc];
2724 | Assert(p1 <> nPl);
2725 | if (p1 <> P) and (RW[P].Treaty[p1] < trAlliance) then
2726 | begin // this non-allied enemy ZoC unit is known to this player -- set flags!
2727 | V8_to_Loc(Loc, Adjacent);
2728 | for V8 := 0 to 7 do
2729 | begin
2730 | Loc1 := Adjacent[V8];
2731 | if (Loc1 >= 0) and (Loc1 < MapSize) then
2732 | RW[P].Map[Loc1] := RW[P].Map[Loc1] or fInEnemyZoC;
2733 | end;
2734 | end;
2735 | end;
2736 | end;
2737 |
2738 | procedure RecalcPeaceMap(P: Integer);
2739 | // recalculate fPeace flags for the whole map
2740 | var
2741 | Loc, p1: Integer;
2742 | PeacePlayer: array [-1 .. nPl - 1] of Boolean;
2743 | begin
2744 | if Mode <> moPlaying then
2745 | Exit;
2746 | MaskD(RW[P].Map^, MapSize, Cardinal(not Cardinal(fPeace)));
2747 | for p1 := -1 to nPl - 1 do
2748 | PeacePlayer[p1] := (p1 >= 0) and (p1 <> P) and (1 shl p1 and GAlive <> 0)
2749 | and (RW[P].Treaty[p1] in [trPeace, TrFriendlyContact]);
2750 | for Loc := 0 to MapSize - 1 do
2751 | if PeacePlayer[RW[P].Territory[Loc]] then
2752 | RW[P].Map[Loc] := RW[P].Map[Loc] or fPeace;
2753 | end;
2754 |
2755 | {
2756 | Territory Calculation
2757 | ____________________________________________________________________
2758 | }
2759 | var
2760 | BorderChanges: array [0 .. sIntExpandTerritory and $F - 1] of Cardinal;
2761 |
2762 | procedure ChangeTerritory(Loc, P: Integer);
2763 | var
2764 | p1: Integer;
2765 | begin
2766 | Assert(P >= 0); // no player's territory indicated by p=nPl
2767 | Dec(TerritoryCount[RealMap[Loc] shr 27]);
2768 | Inc(TerritoryCount[P]);
2769 | RealMap[Loc] := RealMap[Loc] and not ($F shl 27) or Cardinal(P) shl 27;
2770 | if P = $F then
2771 | P := -1;
2772 | for p1 := 0 to nPl - 1 do
2773 | if 1 shl p1 and (GAlive or GWatching) <> 0 then
2774 | if RW[p1].Map[Loc] and fTerrain <> fUNKNOWN then
2775 | begin
2776 | RW[p1].Territory[Loc] := P;
2777 | if (P < nPl) and (P <> p1) and (1 shl P and GAlive <> 0) and
2778 | (RW[p1].Treaty[P] in [trPeace, TrFriendlyContact]) then
2779 | RW[p1].Map[Loc] := RW[p1].Map[Loc] or fPeace
2780 | else
2781 | RW[p1].Map[Loc] := RW[p1].Map[Loc] and not fPeace;
2782 | end;
2783 | end;
2784 |
2785 | procedure ExpandTerritory(OriginLoc: Integer);
2786 | var
2787 | I, dx, dy, dxMax, dyMax, Loc, NewOwner: Integer;
2788 | begin
2789 | if OriginLoc = -1 then
2790 | raise Exception.Create('Location error');
2791 | I := 0;
2792 | dyMax := 0;
2793 | while (dyMax + 1) + (dyMax + 1) shr 1 <= CountryRadius do
2794 | Inc(dyMax);
2795 | for dy := -dyMax to dyMax do
2796 | begin
2797 | dxMax := dy and 1;
2798 | while Abs(dy) + (dxMax + 2) + Abs(Abs(dy) - (dxMax + 2)) shr 1 <=
2799 | CountryRadius do
2800 | Inc(dxMax, 2);
2801 | for dx := -dxMax to dxMax do
2802 | if (dy + dx) and 1 = 0 then
2803 | begin
2804 | NewOwner := BorderChanges[I div 8] shr (I mod 8 * 4) and $F;
2805 | Loc := dLoc(OriginLoc, dx, dy);
2806 | if (Loc >= 0) and (Cardinal(NewOwner) <> RealMap[Loc] shr 27) then
2807 | ChangeTerritory(Loc, NewOwner);
2808 | Inc(I);
2809 | end;
2810 | end;
2811 | end;
2812 |
2813 | procedure CheckBorders(OriginLoc, PlayerLosingCity: Integer);
2814 | // OriginLoc: only changes in CountryRadius around this location possible,
2815 | // -1 for complete map, -2 for double-check (no more changes allowed)
2816 | // PlayerLosingCity: do nothing but remove tiles no longer in reach from this
2817 | // player's territory, -1 for full border recalculation
2818 | var
2819 | I, R, Loc, Loc1, dx, dy, p1, p2, cix, NewDist, dxMax, dyMax, OldOwner, V8: Integer;
2820 | NewOwner: Cardinal;
2821 | Adjacent: TVicinity8Loc;
2822 | AtPeace: array [0 .. nPl, 0 .. nPl] of Boolean;
2823 | Country, FormerCountry, { to who's country a tile belongs }
2824 | Dist, FormerDist, StolenDist: array [0 .. lxmax * lymax - 1] of ShortInt;
2825 | begin
2826 | if PlayerLosingCity >= 0 then
2827 | begin
2828 | for Loc := 0 to MapSize - 1 do
2829 | StolenDist[Loc] := CountryRadius + 1;
2830 | for cix := 0 to RW[PlayerLosingCity].nCity - 1 do
2831 | if RW[PlayerLosingCity].City[cix].Loc >= 0 then
2832 | StolenDist[RW[PlayerLosingCity].City[cix].Loc] := 0;
2833 |
2834 | for R := 1 to CountryRadius shr 1 do
2835 | begin
2836 | Move(StolenDist, FormerDist, MapSize);
2837 | for Loc := 0 to MapSize - 1 do
2838 | if (FormerDist[Loc] <= CountryRadius - 2)
2839 | // use same conditions as below!
2840 | and ((1 shl (RealMap[Loc] and fTerrain)) and
2841 | (1 shl fShore + 1 shl fMountains + 1 shl fArctic) = 0) then
2842 | begin
2843 | V8_to_Loc(Loc, Adjacent);
2844 | for V8 := 0 to 7 do
2845 | begin
2846 | Loc1 := Adjacent[V8];
2847 | NewDist := FormerDist[Loc] + 2 + V8 and 1;
2848 | if (Loc1 >= 0) and (Loc1 < MapSize) and (NewDist < StolenDist[Loc1])
2849 | then
2850 | StolenDist[Loc1] := NewDist;
2851 | end;
2852 | end;
2853 | end;
2854 | end;
2855 |
2856 | FillChar(Country, MapSize, Byte(-1));
2857 | for Loc := 0 to MapSize - 1 do
2858 | Dist[Loc] := CountryRadius + 1;
2859 | for p1 := 0 to nPl - 1 do
2860 | if 1 shl p1 and GAlive <> 0 then
2861 | for cix := 0 to RW[p1].nCity - 1 do
2862 | if RW[p1].City[cix].Loc >= 0 then
2863 | begin
2864 | Country[RW[p1].City[cix].Loc] := p1;
2865 | Dist[RW[p1].City[cix].Loc] := 0;
2866 | end;
2867 |
2868 | for R := 1 to CountryRadius shr 1 do
2869 | begin
2870 | Move(Country, FormerCountry, MapSize);
2871 | Move(Dist, FormerDist, MapSize);
2872 | for Loc := 0 to MapSize - 1 do
2873 | if (FormerDist[Loc] <= CountryRadius - 2) // use same conditions as above!
2874 | and ((1 shl (RealMap[Loc] and fTerrain)) and
2875 | (1 shl fShore + 1 shl fMountains + 1 shl fArctic) = 0) then
2876 | begin
2877 | Assert(FormerCountry[Loc] >= 0);
2878 | V8_to_Loc(Loc, Adjacent);
2879 | for V8 := 0 to 7 do
2880 | begin
2881 | Loc1 := Adjacent[V8];
2882 | NewDist := FormerDist[Loc] + 2 + V8 and 1;
2883 | if (Loc1 >= 0) and (Loc1 < MapSize) and (NewDist < Dist[Loc1]) then
2884 | begin
2885 | Country[Loc1] := FormerCountry[Loc];
2886 | Dist[Loc1] := NewDist;
2887 | end;
2888 | end;
2889 | end;
2890 | end;
2891 |
2892 | FillChar(AtPeace, SizeOf(AtPeace), False);
2893 | for p1 := 0 to nPl - 1 do
2894 | if 1 shl p1 and GAlive <> 0 then
2895 | for p2 := 0 to nPl - 1 do
2896 | if (p2 <> p1) and (1 shl p2 and GAlive <> 0) and
2897 | (RW[p1].Treaty[p2] >= trPeace) then
2898 | AtPeace[p1, p2] := True;
2899 |
2900 | if OriginLoc >= 0 then
2901 | begin // update area only
2902 | I := 0;
2903 | FillChar(BorderChanges, SizeOf(BorderChanges), 0);
2904 | dyMax := 0;
2905 | while (dyMax + 1) + (dyMax + 1) shr 1 <= CountryRadius do
2906 | Inc(dyMax);
2907 | for dy := -dyMax to dyMax do
2908 | begin
2909 | dxMax := dy and 1;
2910 | while Abs(dy) + (dxMax + 2) + Abs(Abs(dy) - (dxMax + 2)) shr 1 <=
2911 | CountryRadius do
2912 | Inc(dxMax, 2);
2913 | for dx := -dxMax to dxMax do
2914 | if (dy + dx) and 1 = 0 then
2915 | begin
2916 | Loc := dLoc(OriginLoc, dx, dy);
2917 | if Loc >= 0 then
2918 | begin
2919 | OldOwner := RealMap[Loc] shr 27;
2920 | NewOwner := Country[Loc] and $F;
2921 | if NewOwner <> OldOwner then
2922 | if AtPeace[NewOwner, OldOwner] and
2923 | not ((OldOwner = PlayerLosingCity) and
2924 | (StolenDist[Loc] > CountryRadius)) then
2925 | NewOwner := OldOwner // peace fixes borders
2926 | else
2927 | ChangeTerritory(Loc, NewOwner);
2928 | BorderChanges[I shr 3] := BorderChanges[I shr 3] or
2929 | ((NewOwner shl ((I and 7) * 4)) and $ffffffff);
2930 | end;
2931 | Inc(I);
2932 | end;
2933 | end;
2934 | end
2935 | else
2936 | for Loc := 0 to MapSize - 1 do // update complete map
2937 | begin
2938 | OldOwner := RealMap[Loc] shr 27;
2939 | NewOwner := Country[Loc] and $F;
2940 | if (NewOwner <> OldOwner) and (not AtPeace[NewOwner, OldOwner] or
2941 | ((OldOwner = PlayerLosingCity) and (StolenDist[Loc] > CountryRadius)))
2942 | then
2943 | begin
2944 | Assert(OriginLoc <> -2); // test if border saving works
2945 | ChangeTerritory(Loc, NewOwner);
2946 | end;
2947 | end;
2948 |
2949 | {$IFOPT O-} if OriginLoc <> -2 then
2950 | CheckBorders(-2); {$ENDIF} // check: single pass should do!
2951 | end;
2952 |
2953 | procedure LogCheckBorders(P, cix, PlayerLosingCity: Integer);
2954 | begin
2955 | CheckBorders(RW[P].City[cix].Loc, PlayerLosingCity);
2956 | IntServer(sIntExpandTerritory, P, cix, BorderChanges);
2957 | end;
2958 |
2959 | {
2960 | Map Processing
2961 | ____________________________________________________________________
2962 | }
2963 |
2964 | procedure CreateUnit(P, mix: Integer);
2965 | begin
2966 | with RW[P] do
2967 | begin
2968 | Un[nUn].mix := mix;
2969 | with Un[nUn] do
2970 | begin
2971 | ID := UnBuilt[P];
2972 | Inc(UnBuilt[P]);
2973 | Status := 0;
2974 | SavedStatus := 0;
2975 | Inc(Model[mix].Built);
2976 | Home := -1;
2977 | Health := 100;
2978 | Flags := 0;
2979 | Movement := 0;
2980 | if Model[mix].Domain = dAir then
2981 | begin
2982 | Fuel := Model[mix].Cap[mcFuel];
2983 | Flags := Flags or unBombsLoaded;
2984 | end;
2985 | Job := jNone;
2986 | exp := ExpCost shr 1;
2987 | TroopLoad := 0;
2988 | AirLoad := 0;
2989 | Master := -1;
2990 | end;
2991 | Inc(nUn);
2992 | end
2993 | end;
2994 |
2995 | procedure FreeUnit(P, uix: Integer);
2996 | // loc or master should be set after call
2997 | // implementation is critical for loading performance, change carefully
2998 | var
2999 | Loc0, uix1: Integer;
3000 | Occ, ZoC: Boolean;
3001 | begin
3002 | with RW[P].Un[uix] do
3003 | begin
3004 | Job := jNone;
3005 | Flags := Flags and not (unFortified or unMountainDelay);
3006 | Loc0 := Loc;
3007 | end;
3008 | if Occupant[Loc0] >= 0 then
3009 | begin
3010 | Assert(Occupant[Loc0] = P);
3011 | Occ := False;
3012 | ZoC := False;
3013 | for uix1 := 0 to RW[P].nUn - 1 do
3014 | with RW[P].Un[uix1] do
3015 | if (Loc = Loc0) and (Master < 0) and (uix1 <> uix) then
3016 | begin
3017 | Occ := True;
3018 | if RW[P].Model[mix].Flags and mdZOC <> 0 then
3019 | begin
3020 | ZoC := True;
3021 | Break;
3022 | end;
3023 | end;
3024 | if not Occ then
3025 | Occupant[Loc0] := -1;
3026 | if not ZoC then
3027 | ZoCMap[Loc0] := 0;
3028 | end;
3029 | end;
3030 |
3031 | procedure PlaceUnit(P, uix: Integer);
3032 | begin
3033 | with RW[P].Un[uix] do
3034 | begin
3035 | Occupant[Loc] := P;
3036 | if RW[P].Model[mix].Flags and mdZOC <> 0 then
3037 | ZoCMap[Loc] := 1;
3038 | end;
3039 | end;
3040 |
3041 | procedure CountLost(P, mix, Enemy: Integer);
3042 | begin
3043 | Inc(RW[P].Model[mix].Lost);
3044 | TellAboutModel(Enemy, P, mix);
3045 | Inc(Destroyed[Enemy, P, mix]);
3046 | end;
3047 |
3048 | procedure RemoveUnit(P, uix: Integer; Enemy: Integer = -1);
3049 | // use enemy only from inside sMoveUnit if attack
3050 | var
3051 | uix1: Integer;
3052 | begin
3053 | with RW[P].Un[uix] do
3054 | begin
3055 | Assert((Loc >= 0) or (RW[P].Model[mix].Kind = mkDiplomat));
3056 | // already freed when spy mission
3057 | if Loc >= 0 then
3058 | FreeUnit(P, uix);
3059 | if Master >= 0 then
3060 | if RW[P].Model[mix].Domain = dAir then
3061 | Dec(RW[P].Un[Master].AirLoad)
3062 | else
3063 | Dec(RW[P].Un[Master].TroopLoad);
3064 | if (TroopLoad > 0) or (AirLoad > 0) then
3065 | for uix1 := 0 to RW[P].nUn - 1 do
3066 | if (RW[P].Un[uix1].Loc >= 0) and (RW[P].Un[uix1].Master = uix) then
3067 | { unit mastered by removed unit -- remove too }
3068 | begin
3069 | RW[P].Un[uix1].Loc := -1;
3070 | if Enemy >= 0 then
3071 | CountLost(P, RW[P].Un[uix1].mix, Enemy);
3072 | end;
3073 | Loc := -1;
3074 | if Enemy >= 0 then
3075 | CountLost(P, mix, Enemy);
3076 | end;
3077 | end;
3078 |
3079 | procedure RemoveUnit_UpdateMap(P, uix: Integer);
3080 | var
3081 | Loc0: Integer;
3082 | begin
3083 | Loc0 := RW[P].Un[uix].Loc;
3084 | RemoveUnit(P, uix);
3085 | if Mode > moLoading_Fast then
3086 | UpdateUnitMap(Loc0);
3087 | end;
3088 |
3089 | procedure RemoveAllUnits(P, Loc: Integer; Enemy: Integer = -1);
3090 | var
3091 | uix: Integer;
3092 | begin
3093 | for uix := 0 to RW[P].nUn - 1 do
3094 | if RW[P].Un[uix].Loc = Loc then
3095 | begin
3096 | if Enemy >= 0 then
3097 | CountLost(P, RW[P].Un[uix].mix, Enemy);
3098 | RW[P].Un[uix].Loc := -1;
3099 | end;
3100 | Occupant[Loc] := -1;
3101 | ZoCMap[Loc] := 0;
3102 | end;
3103 |
3104 | procedure RemoveDomainUnits(D, P, Loc: Integer);
3105 | var
3106 | uix: Integer;
3107 | begin
3108 | for uix := 0 to RW[P].nUn - 1 do
3109 | if (RW[P].Model[RW[P].Un[uix].mix].Domain = D) and (RW[P].Un[uix].Loc = Loc)
3110 | then
3111 | RemoveUnit(P, uix);
3112 | end;
3113 |
3114 | procedure FoundCity(P, FoundLoc: Integer);
3115 | var
3116 | p1, cix1, V21, dx, dy: Integer;
3117 | begin
3118 | if RW[P].nCity = ncmax then
3119 | Exit;
3120 | Inc(RW[P].nCity);
3121 | with RW[P].City[RW[P].nCity - 1] do
3122 | begin
3123 | Size := 2;
3124 | Status := 0;
3125 | SavedStatus := 0;
3126 | FillChar(Built, SizeOf(Built), 0);
3127 | Food := 0;
3128 | Project := cpImp + imTrGoods;
3129 | Prod := 0;
3130 | Project0 := Project;
3131 | Prod0 := 0;
3132 | Pollution := 0;
3133 | N1 := 0;
3134 | Loc := FoundLoc;
3135 | if UsedByCity[FoundLoc] >= 0 then
3136 | begin { central tile is exploited - toggle in exploiting city }
3137 | p1 := P;
3138 | SearchCity(UsedByCity[FoundLoc], p1, cix1);
3139 | dxdy(UsedByCity[FoundLoc], FoundLoc, dx, dy);
3140 | V21 := (dy + 3) shl 2 + (dx + 3) shr 1;
3141 | RW[p1].City[cix1].Tiles := RW[p1].City[cix1].Tiles and not (1 shl V21);
3142 | end;
3143 | Tiles := 1 shl 13; { exploit central tile }
3144 | UsedByCity[FoundLoc] := FoundLoc;
3145 | RealMap[FoundLoc] := RealMap[FoundLoc] and
3146 | (fTerrain or fSpecial or fRiver or nPl shl 27) or fCity;
3147 |
3148 | ChangeTerritory(Loc, P);
3149 | end;
3150 | end;
3151 |
3152 | procedure StealCity(P, cix: Integer; SaveUnits: Boolean);
3153 | var
3154 | I, J, uix1, cix1, nearest: Integer;
3155 | begin
3156 | for I := 0 to nWonder - 1 do
3157 | if RW[P].City[cix].Built[I] = 1 then
3158 | begin
3159 | GWonder[I].EffectiveOwner := -1;
3160 | if I = woPyramids then
3161 | FreeSlaves;
3162 | if I = woEiffel then // deactivate expired wonders
3163 | for J := 0 to nWonder - 1 do
3164 | if GWonder[J].EffectiveOwner = P then
3165 | CheckExpiration(J);
3166 | end;
3167 | for I := nWonder to nImp - 1 do
3168 | if (Imp[I].Kind <> ikCommon) and (RW[P].City[cix].Built[I] > 0) then
3169 | begin { destroy national projects }
3170 | RW[P].NatBuilt[I] := 0;
3171 | if I = imGrWall then
3172 | GrWallContinent[P] := -1;
3173 | end;
3174 |
3175 | for uix1 := 0 to RW[P].nUn - 1 do
3176 | with RW[P].Un[uix1] do
3177 | if (Loc >= 0) and (Home = cix) then
3178 | if SaveUnits then
3179 | begin // support units by nearest other city
3180 | nearest := -1;
3181 | for cix1 := 0 to RW[P].nCity - 1 do
3182 | if (cix1 <> cix) and (RW[P].City[cix1].Loc >= 0) and
3183 | ((nearest < 0) or (Distance(RW[P].City[cix1].Loc, Loc) <
3184 | Distance(RW[P].City[nearest].Loc, Loc))) then
3185 | nearest := cix1;
3186 | Home := nearest;
3187 | end
3188 | else
3189 | RemoveUnit(P, uix1); // destroy supported units
3190 | end;
3191 |
3192 | procedure DestroyCity(P, cix: Integer; SaveUnits: Boolean);
3193 | var
3194 | I, V21: Integer;
3195 | Radius: TVicinity21Loc;
3196 | begin
3197 | StealCity(P, cix, SaveUnits);
3198 | with RW[P].City[cix] do begin
3199 | for I := 0 to nWonder - 1 do
3200 | if Built[I] > 0 then
3201 | GWonder[I].CityID := WonderDestroyed;
3202 | V21_to_Loc(Loc, Radius);
3203 | for V21 := 1 to 26 do
3204 | if 1 shl V21 and Tiles <> 0 then
3205 | UsedByCity[Radius[V21]] := -1;
3206 | RealMap[Loc] := RealMap[Loc] and not fCity;
3207 | Loc := -1;
3208 | end;
3209 | end;
3210 |
3211 | procedure ChangeCityOwner(pOld, cixOld, pNew: Integer);
3212 | var
3213 | I, J, cix1, Loc1, V21: Integer;
3214 | Radius: TVicinity21Loc;
3215 | begin
3216 | Inc(RW[pNew].nCity);
3217 | RW[pNew].City[RW[pNew].nCity - 1] := RW[pOld].City[cixOld];
3218 | StealCity(pOld, cixOld, False);
3219 | RW[pOld].City[cixOld].Loc := -1;
3220 | with RW[pNew].City[(RW[pNew].nCity - 1)] do
3221 | begin
3222 | Food := 0;
3223 | Project := cpImp + imTrGoods;
3224 | Prod := 0;
3225 | Project0 := Project;
3226 | Prod0 := 0;
3227 | Status := 0;
3228 | SavedStatus := 0;
3229 | N1 := 0;
3230 |
3231 | // check for siege
3232 | V21_to_Loc(Loc, Radius);
3233 | for V21 := 1 to 26 do
3234 | if Tiles and (1 shl V21) and not (1 shl CityOwnTile) <> 0 then
3235 | begin
3236 | Loc1 := Radius[V21];
3237 | Assert((Loc1 >= 0) and (Loc1 < MapSize) and (UsedByCity[Loc1] = Loc));
3238 | if (ZoCMap[Loc1] > 0) and (Occupant[Loc1] <> pNew) and
3239 | (RW[pNew].Treaty[Occupant[Loc1]] < trAlliance) then
3240 | begin // tile can't remain exploited
3241 | Tiles := Tiles and not (1 shl V21);
3242 | UsedByCity[Loc1] := -1;
3243 | end;
3244 | // don't check for siege by peace territory here, because territory
3245 | // might not be up to date -- done in turn beginning anyway
3246 | end;
3247 | Built[imTownHall] := 0;
3248 | Built[imCourt] := 0;
3249 | for I := nWonder to nImp - 1 do
3250 | if Imp[I].Kind <> ikCommon then
3251 | Built[I] := 0; { destroy national projects }
3252 | for I := 0 to nWonder - 1 do
3253 | if Built[I] = 1 then
3254 | begin // new wonder owner!
3255 | GWonder[I].EffectiveOwner := pNew;
3256 | if I = woEiffel then // reactivate expired wonders
3257 | begin
3258 | for J := 0 to nWonder - 1 do
3259 | if Imp[J].Expiration >= 0 then
3260 | for cix1 := 0 to (RW[pNew].nCity - 1) do
3261 | if RW[pNew].City[cix1].Built[J] = 1 then
3262 | GWonder[J].EffectiveOwner := pNew;
3263 | end
3264 | else
3265 | CheckExpiration(I);
3266 | case I of
3267 | woLighthouse:
3268 | CheckSpecialModels(pNew, preLighthouse);
3269 | woLeo:
3270 | CheckSpecialModels(pNew, preLeo);
3271 | woPyramids:
3272 | CheckSpecialModels(pNew, preBuilder);
3273 | end;
3274 | end;
3275 |
3276 | // remove city from enemy cities
3277 | // not done by Discover, because fCity still set!
3278 | cix1 := RW[pNew].nEnemyCity - 1;
3279 | while (cix1 >= 0) and (RW[pNew].EnemyCity[cix1].Loc <> Loc) do
3280 | Dec(cix1);
3281 | Assert(cix1 >= 0);
3282 | RW[pNew].EnemyCity[cix1].Loc := -1;
3283 |
3284 | ChangeTerritory(Loc, pNew);
3285 | end;
3286 | end;
3287 |
3288 | procedure CompleteJob(P, Loc, Job: Integer);
3289 | var
3290 | ChangedTerrain, p1: Integer;
3291 | begin
3292 | Assert(Job <> jCity);
3293 | ChangedTerrain := -1;
3294 | case Job of
3295 | jRoad:
3296 | RealMap[Loc] := RealMap[Loc] or fRoad;
3297 | jRR:
3298 | RealMap[Loc] := RealMap[Loc] and not fRoad or fRR;
3299 | jClear:
3300 | begin
3301 | ChangedTerrain := Terrain[RealMap[Loc] and fTerrain].ClearTerrain;
3302 | RealMap[Loc] := RealMap[Loc] and not fTerrain or
3303 | Cardinal(ChangedTerrain);
3304 | RealMap[Loc] := RealMap[Loc] and not (3 shl 5) or
3305 | ActualSpecialTile(Loc) shl 5;
3306 | end;
3307 | jIrr:
3308 | RealMap[Loc] := RealMap[Loc] and not fTerImp or tiIrrigation;
3309 | jFarm:
3310 | RealMap[Loc] := RealMap[Loc] and not fTerImp or tiFarm;
3311 | jAfforest:
3312 | begin
3313 | ChangedTerrain := Terrain[RealMap[Loc] and fTerrain].AfforestTerrain;
3314 | RealMap[Loc] := RealMap[Loc] and not fTerrain or
3315 | Cardinal(ChangedTerrain);
3316 | RealMap[Loc] := RealMap[Loc] and not (3 shl 5) or
3317 | ActualSpecialTile(Loc) shl 5;
3318 | end;
3319 | jMine:
3320 | RealMap[Loc] := RealMap[Loc] and not fTerImp or tiMine;
3321 | jFort:
3322 | RealMap[Loc] := RealMap[Loc] and not fTerImp or tiFort;
3323 | jCanal:
3324 | RealMap[Loc] := RealMap[Loc] or fCanal;
3325 | jTrans:
3326 | begin
3327 | ChangedTerrain := Terrain[RealMap[Loc] and fTerrain].TransTerrain;
3328 | RealMap[Loc] := RealMap[Loc] and not fTerrain or
3329 | Cardinal(ChangedTerrain);
3330 | RealMap[Loc] := RealMap[Loc] and not (3 shl 5) or
3331 | ActualSpecialTile(Loc) shl 5;
3332 | if not (RealMap[Loc] and fTerrain in TerrType_Canalable) then
3333 | begin
3334 | RemoveDomainUnits(dSea, P, Loc);
3335 | RealMap[Loc] := RealMap[Loc] and not fCanal;
3336 | end;
3337 | end;
3338 | jPoll:
3339 | RealMap[Loc] := RealMap[Loc] and not fPoll;
3340 | jBase:
3341 | RealMap[Loc] := RealMap[Loc] and not fTerImp or tiBase;
3342 | jPillage:
3343 | if RealMap[Loc] and fTerImp <> 0 then
3344 | begin
3345 | if RealMap[Loc] and fTerImp = tiBase then
3346 | RemoveDomainUnits(dAir, P, Loc);
3347 | RealMap[Loc] := RealMap[Loc] and not fTerImp
3348 | end
3349 | else if RealMap[Loc] and fCanal <> 0 then
3350 | begin
3351 | RemoveDomainUnits(dSea, P, Loc);
3352 | RealMap[Loc] := RealMap[Loc] and not fCanal
3353 | end
3354 | else if RealMap[Loc] and fRR <> 0 then
3355 | RealMap[Loc] := RealMap[Loc] and not fRR or fRoad
3356 | else if RealMap[Loc] and fRoad <> 0 then
3357 | RealMap[Loc] := RealMap[Loc] and not fRoad;
3358 | end;
3359 | if ChangedTerrain >= 0 then
3360 | begin // remove terrain improvements if not possible on new terrain
3361 | if ((RealMap[Loc] and fTerImp = tiIrrigation) or
3362 | (RealMap[Loc] and fTerImp = tiFarm)) and
3363 | ((Terrain[ChangedTerrain].IrrClearWork = 0) or
3364 | (Terrain[ChangedTerrain].ClearTerrain >= 0)) then
3365 | RealMap[Loc] := RealMap[Loc] and not fTerImp;
3366 | if (RealMap[Loc] and fTerImp = tiMine) and
3367 | ((Terrain[ChangedTerrain].MineAfforestWork = 0) or
3368 | (Terrain[ChangedTerrain].AfforestTerrain >= 0)) then
3369 | RealMap[Loc] := RealMap[Loc] and not fTerImp;
3370 | end;
3371 |
3372 | // update map of all observing players
3373 | if Mode > moLoading_Fast then
3374 | for p1 := 0 to nPl - 1 do
3375 | if (1 shl p1 and (GAlive or GWatching) <> 0) and
3376 | (ObserveLevel[Loc] shr (2 * p1) and 3 > lNoObserve) then
3377 | RW[p1].Map[Loc] := RW[p1].Map[Loc] and
3378 | not (fTerrain or fSpecial or fTerImp or fRoad or fRR or fCanal or
3379 | fPoll) or RealMap[Loc] and (fTerrain or fSpecial or fTerImp or
3380 | fRoad or fRR or fCanal or fPoll);
3381 | end;
3382 |
3383 | {
3384 | Diplomacy
3385 | ____________________________________________________________________
3386 | }
3387 | procedure GiveCivilReport(P, pAbout: Integer);
3388 | begin
3389 | with RW[P].EnemyReport[pAbout]^ do
3390 | begin
3391 | // general info
3392 | TurnOfCivilReport := LastValidStat[pAbout];
3393 | Move(RW[pAbout].Treaty, Treaty, SizeOf(Treaty));
3394 | Government := RW[pAbout].Government;
3395 | Money := RW[pAbout].Money;
3396 |
3397 | // tech info
3398 | ResearchTech := RW[pAbout].ResearchTech;
3399 | ResearchDone := RW[pAbout].Research * 100 div TechCost(pAbout);
3400 | if ResearchDone > 100 then
3401 | ResearchDone := 100;
3402 | Move(RW[pAbout].Tech, Tech, nAdv);
3403 | end;
3404 | end;
3405 |
3406 | procedure GiveMilReport(P, pAbout: Integer);
3407 | var
3408 | uix, mix: Integer;
3409 | begin
3410 | with RW[P].EnemyReport[pAbout]^ do
3411 | begin
3412 | TurnOfMilReport := LastValidStat[pAbout];
3413 | nModelCounted := RW[pAbout].nModel;
3414 | for mix := 0 to RW[pAbout].nModel - 1 do
3415 | begin
3416 | TellAboutModel(P, pAbout, mix);
3417 | UnCount[mix] := 0
3418 | end;
3419 | for uix := 0 to RW[pAbout].nUn - 1 do
3420 | if RW[pAbout].Un[uix].Loc >= 0 then
3421 | Inc(UnCount[RW[pAbout].Un[uix].mix]);
3422 | end;
3423 | end;
3424 |
3425 | procedure ShowPrice(pSender, pTarget, Price: Integer);
3426 | begin
3427 | case Price and opMask of
3428 | opTech: // + advance
3429 | with RW[pTarget].EnemyReport[pSender]^ do
3430 | if Tech[Price - opTech] < tsApplicable then
3431 | Tech[Price - opTech] := tsApplicable;
3432 | opModel: // + model index
3433 | TellAboutModel(pTarget, pSender, Price - opModel);
3434 | { opCity: // + city ID
3435 | begin
3436 | end; }
3437 | end;
3438 | end;
3439 |
3440 | function CopyCivilReport(pSender, pTarget, pAbout: Integer): Boolean;
3441 | var
3442 | I: Integer;
3443 | rSender, rTarget: ^TEnemyReport;
3444 | begin // copy third nation civil report
3445 | Result := False;
3446 | if RW[pTarget].Treaty[pAbout] = trNoContact then
3447 | IntroduceEnemy(pTarget, pAbout);
3448 | rSender := Pointer(RW[pSender].EnemyReport[pAbout]);
3449 | rTarget := Pointer(RW[pTarget].EnemyReport[pAbout]);
3450 | if rSender.TurnOfCivilReport > rTarget.TurnOfCivilReport then
3451 | begin // only if newer than current information
3452 | rTarget.TurnOfCivilReport := rSender.TurnOfCivilReport;
3453 | rTarget.Treaty := rSender.Treaty;
3454 | rTarget.Government := rSender.Government;
3455 | rTarget.Money := rSender.Money;
3456 | rTarget.ResearchTech := rSender.ResearchTech;
3457 | rTarget.ResearchDone := rSender.ResearchDone;
3458 | Result := True;
3459 | end;
3460 | for I := 0 to nAdv - 1 do
3461 | if rTarget.Tech[I] < rSender.Tech[I] then
3462 | begin
3463 | rTarget.Tech[I] := rSender.Tech[I];
3464 | Result := True;
3465 | end;
3466 | end;
3467 |
3468 | function CopyMilReport(pSender, pTarget, pAbout: Integer): Boolean;
3469 | var
3470 | mix: Integer;
3471 | rSender, rTarget: ^TEnemyReport;
3472 | begin // copy third nation military report
3473 | Result := False;
3474 | if RW[pTarget].Treaty[pAbout] = trNoContact then
3475 | IntroduceEnemy(pTarget, pAbout);
3476 | rSender := Pointer(RW[pSender].EnemyReport[pAbout]);
3477 | rTarget := Pointer(RW[pTarget].EnemyReport[pAbout]);
3478 | if rSender.TurnOfMilReport > rTarget.TurnOfMilReport then
3479 | begin // only if newer than current information
3480 | rTarget.TurnOfMilReport := rSender.TurnOfMilReport;
3481 | rTarget.nModelCounted := rSender.nModelCounted;
3482 | Move(rSender.UnCount, rTarget.UnCount, 2 * rSender.nModelCounted);
3483 | for mix := 0 to rTarget.nModelCounted - 1 do
3484 | TellAboutModel(pTarget, pAbout, mix);
3485 | Result := True;
3486 | end;
3487 | end;
3488 |
3489 | procedure CopyModel(pSender, pTarget, mix: Integer);
3490 | var
3491 | I: Integer;
3492 | miSender, miTarget: TModelInfo;
3493 | Ok: Boolean;
3494 | begin
3495 | // only if target doesn't already have a model like this
3496 | Ok := RW[pTarget].nModel < nmmax;
3497 | MakeModelInfo(pSender, mix, RW[pSender].Model[mix], miSender);
3498 | for I := 0 to RW[pTarget].nModel - 1 do
3499 | begin
3500 | MakeModelInfo(pTarget, I, RW[pTarget].Model[I], miTarget);
3501 | if IsSameModel(miSender, miTarget) then
3502 | Ok := False;
3503 | end;
3504 | if Ok then
3505 | begin
3506 | RW[pTarget].Model[RW[pTarget].nModel] := RW[pSender].Model[mix];
3507 | with RW[pTarget].Model[RW[pTarget].nModel] do
3508 | begin
3509 | IntroTurn := GTurn;
3510 | if Kind = mkSelfDeveloped then
3511 | Kind := mkEnemyDeveloped;
3512 | Status := 0;
3513 | SavedStatus := 0;
3514 | Built := 0;
3515 | Lost := 0;
3516 | end;
3517 | Inc(RW[pTarget].nModel);
3518 | Inc(Researched[pTarget]);
3519 | TellAboutModel(pSender, pTarget, RW[pTarget].nModel - 1);
3520 | end;
3521 | end;
3522 |
3523 | procedure CopyMap(pSender, pTarget: Integer);
3524 | var
3525 | Loc, I, cix: Integer;
3526 | Tile: Cardinal;
3527 | begin
3528 | for Loc := 0 to MapSize - 1 do
3529 | if (RW[pSender].MapObservedLast[Loc] > RW[pTarget].MapObservedLast[Loc])
3530 | then
3531 | begin
3532 | Tile := RW[pSender].Map[Loc];
3533 | if Tile and fCity <> 0 then
3534 | begin
3535 | I := 0;
3536 | while (I < RW[pTarget].nEnemyCity) and
3537 | (RW[pTarget].EnemyCity[I].Loc <> Loc) do
3538 | Inc(I);
3539 | if I = RW[pTarget].nEnemyCity then
3540 | begin
3541 | Inc(RW[pTarget].nEnemyCity);
3542 | Assert(RW[pTarget].nEnemyCity < necmax);
3543 | RW[pTarget].EnemyCity[I].Status := 0;
3544 | RW[pTarget].EnemyCity[I].SavedStatus := 0;
3545 | end;
3546 | if Tile and fOwned <> 0 then
3547 | begin // city owned by sender -- create new info
3548 | cix := RW[pSender].nCity - 1;
3549 | while (cix >= 0) and (RW[pSender].City[cix].Loc <> Loc) do
3550 | Dec(cix);
3551 | MakeCityInfo(pSender, cix, RW[pTarget].EnemyCity[I]);
3552 | end
3553 | else // city not owned by sender -- copy old info
3554 | begin
3555 | cix := RW[pSender].nEnemyCity - 1;
3556 | while (cix >= 0) and (RW[pSender].EnemyCity[cix].Loc <> Loc) do
3557 | Dec(cix);
3558 | RW[pTarget].EnemyCity[I] := RW[pSender].EnemyCity[cix];
3559 | end;
3560 | end
3561 | else if RW[pTarget].Map[Loc] and fCity <> 0 then // remove enemycity
3562 | for cix := 0 to RW[pTarget].nEnemyCity - 1 do
3563 | if RW[pTarget].EnemyCity[cix].Loc = Loc then
3564 | RW[pTarget].EnemyCity[cix].Loc := -1;
3565 |
3566 | Tile := Tile and (not (fSpecial or fModern) or ResourceMask[pTarget]);
3567 | Tile := Tile or (RW[pTarget].Map[Loc] and fModern);
3568 | if (Tile and fTerrain = RW[pTarget].Map[Loc] and fTerrain) then
3569 | Tile := Tile or (RW[pTarget].Map[Loc] and fSpecial);
3570 |
3571 | if RW[pTarget].Map[Loc] and fTerrain = fUNKNOWN then
3572 | Inc(Discovered[pTarget]);
3573 | RW[pTarget].Map[Loc] := RW[pTarget].Map[Loc] and fInEnemyZoC
3574 | // always preserve this flag!
3575 | or Tile and not (fUnit or fHiddenUnit or fStealthUnit or fObserved or
3576 | fSpiedOut or fOwned or fInEnemyZoC or fOwnZoCUnit or fPeace or fGrWall);
3577 | if RW[pSender].Territory[Loc] <> RW[pTarget].Territory[Loc] then
3578 | begin
3579 | RW[pTarget].Territory[Loc] := RW[pSender].Territory[Loc];
3580 | { if RW[pTarget].BorderHelper<>nil then
3581 | RW[pTarget].BorderHelper[Loc]:=0; }
3582 | end;
3583 | RW[pTarget].Territory[Loc] := RW[pSender].Territory[Loc];
3584 | RW[pTarget].MapObservedLast[Loc] := RW[pSender].MapObservedLast[Loc];
3585 | end;
3586 | end;
3587 |
3588 | function PayPrice(pSender, pTarget, Price: Integer; execute: Boolean): Boolean;
3589 | var
3590 | pSubject, I, N, NewTreaty: Integer;
3591 | begin
3592 | Result := True;
3593 | case Price and opMask of
3594 | opCivilReport: // + turn + concerned player shl 16
3595 | begin
3596 | pSubject := Price shr 16 and $F;
3597 | if pTarget = pSubject then
3598 | Result := False
3599 | else if pSender = pSubject then
3600 | begin
3601 | if execute then
3602 | GiveCivilReport(pTarget, pSender);
3603 | end
3604 | else if RW[pSender].EnemyReport[pSubject].TurnOfCivilReport < 0 then
3605 | Result := False
3606 | else if execute then
3607 | CopyCivilReport(pSender, pTarget, pSubject);
3608 | end;
3609 | opMilReport: // + turn + concerned player shl 16
3610 | begin
3611 | pSubject := Price shr 16 and $F;
3612 | if pTarget = pSubject then
3613 | Result := False
3614 | else if pSender = pSubject then
3615 | begin
3616 | if execute then
3617 | GiveMilReport(pTarget, pSender);
3618 | end
3619 | else if RW[pSender].EnemyReport[pSubject].TurnOfMilReport < 0 then
3620 | Result := False
3621 | else if execute then
3622 | CopyMilReport(pSender, pTarget, pSubject);
3623 | end;
3624 | opMap:
3625 | if execute then
3626 | begin
3627 | CopyMap(pSender, pTarget);
3628 | RecalcPeaceMap(pTarget);
3629 | end;
3630 | opTreaty .. opTreaty + trAlliance: // + nation treaty
3631 | begin
3632 | if Price - opTreaty = RW[pSender].Treaty[pTarget] - 1 then
3633 | begin // agreed treaty end
3634 | if execute then
3635 | CancelTreaty(pSender, pTarget, False);
3636 | end
3637 | else
3638 | begin
3639 | NewTreaty := -1;
3640 | if Price - opTreaty = RW[pSender].Treaty[pTarget] + 1 then
3641 | NewTreaty := Price - opTreaty
3642 | else if (RW[pSender].Treaty[pTarget] = trNone) and
3643 | (Price - opTreaty = trPeace) then
3644 | NewTreaty := trPeace;
3645 | if NewTreaty < 0 then
3646 | Result := False
3647 | else if execute then
3648 | begin
3649 | Assert(NewTreaty > RW[pSender].Treaty[pTarget]);
3650 | RW[pSender].Treaty[pTarget] := NewTreaty;
3651 | RW[pTarget].Treaty[pSender] := NewTreaty;
3652 | if NewTreaty >= TrFriendlyContact then
3653 | begin
3654 | GiveCivilReport(pTarget, pSender);
3655 | GiveCivilReport(pSender, pTarget);
3656 | end;
3657 | if NewTreaty = trAlliance then
3658 | begin
3659 | GiveMilReport(pTarget, pSender);
3660 | GiveMilReport(pSender, pTarget);
3661 | CopyMap(pSender, pTarget);
3662 | CopyMap(pTarget, pSender);
3663 | RecalcMapZoC(pSender);
3664 | RecalcMapZoC(pTarget);
3665 | end;
3666 | if not (NewTreaty in [trPeace, TrFriendlyContact]) then
3667 | begin
3668 | RW[pSender].EvaStart[pTarget] := -PeaceEvaTurns - 1;
3669 | RW[pTarget].EvaStart[pSender] := -PeaceEvaTurns - 1;
3670 | end;
3671 | RecalcPeaceMap(pSender);
3672 | RecalcPeaceMap(pTarget);
3673 | end;
3674 | end;
3675 | end;
3676 | opShipParts: // + number + part type shl 16
3677 | begin
3678 | N := Price and $FFFF; // number
3679 | I := Price shr 16 and $F; // type
3680 | if (I < nShipPart) and (GShip[pSender].Parts[I] >= N) then
3681 | begin
3682 | if execute then
3683 | begin
3684 | Dec(GShip[pSender].Parts[I], N);
3685 | RW[pSender].Ship[pSender].Parts[I] := GShip[pSender].Parts[I];
3686 | RW[pTarget].Ship[pSender].Parts[I] := GShip[pSender].Parts[I];
3687 | if RW[pTarget].NatBuilt[imSpacePort] > 0 then
3688 | begin // space ship control requires space port
3689 | Inc(GShip[pTarget].Parts[I], N);
3690 | RW[pSender].Ship[pTarget].Parts[I] := GShip[pTarget].Parts[I];
3691 | RW[pTarget].Ship[pTarget].Parts[I] := GShip[pTarget].Parts[I];
3692 | end;
3693 | end;
3694 | end
3695 | else
3696 | Result := False;
3697 | end;
3698 | opMoney: // + value
3699 | if (Price - opMoney <= MaxMoneyPrice) and
3700 | (RW[pSender].Money >= Price - opMoney) then
3701 | begin
3702 | if execute then
3703 | begin
3704 | Dec(RW[pSender].Money, Price - opMoney);
3705 | Inc(RW[pTarget].Money, Price - opMoney);
3706 | end;
3707 | end
3708 | else
3709 | Result := False;
3710 | opTribute: // + value
3711 | if execute then
3712 | begin
3713 | end;
3714 | opTech: // + advance
3715 | if RW[pSender].Tech[Price - opTech] >= tsApplicable then
3716 | begin
3717 | if execute and (RW[pTarget].Tech[Price - opTech] = tsNA) then
3718 | begin
3719 | SeeTech(pTarget, Price - opTech);
3720 | RW[pSender].EnemyReport[pTarget].Tech[Price - opTech] := tsSeen;
3721 | end;
3722 | end
3723 | else
3724 | Result := False;
3725 | opAllTech:
3726 | if execute then
3727 | for I := 0 to nAdv - 1 do
3728 | if (RW[pSender].Tech[I] >= tsApplicable) and
3729 | (RW[pTarget].Tech[I] = tsNA) then
3730 | begin
3731 | SeeTech(pTarget, I);
3732 | RW[pSender].EnemyReport[pTarget].Tech[I] := tsSeen;
3733 | RW[pTarget].EnemyReport[pSender].Tech[I] := tsApplicable;
3734 | end;
3735 | opModel: // + model index
3736 | if Price - opModel < RW[pSender].nModel then
3737 | begin
3738 | if execute then
3739 | CopyModel(pSender, pTarget, Price - opModel);
3740 | end
3741 | else
3742 | Result := False;
3743 | opAllModel:
3744 | if execute then
3745 | for I := 0 to RW[pSender].nModel - 1 do
3746 | begin
3747 | TellAboutModel(pTarget, pSender, I);
3748 | CopyModel(pSender, pTarget, I);
3749 | end;
3750 | { opCity: // + city ID
3751 | begin
3752 | Result:=False
3753 | end; }
3754 | end;
3755 | end;
3756 |
3757 | procedure CancelTreaty(P, pWith: Integer; DecreaseCredibility: Boolean);
3758 | // side effect: PeaceEnded := bitarray of players with which peace treaty was canceled
3759 | var
3760 | p1, OldTreaty: Integer;
3761 | begin
3762 | OldTreaty := RW[P].Treaty[pWith];
3763 | PeaceEnded := 0;
3764 | if OldTreaty >= trPeace then
3765 | RW[P].LastCancelTreaty[pWith] := GTurn;
3766 | if DecreaseCredibility then
3767 | begin
3768 | case OldTreaty of
3769 | trPeace:
3770 | begin
3771 | RW[P].Credibility := RW[P].Credibility shr 1;
3772 | if RW[P].MaxCredibility > 0 then
3773 | Dec(RW[P].MaxCredibility, 10);
3774 | if RW[P].Credibility > RW[P].MaxCredibility then
3775 | RW[P].Credibility := RW[P].MaxCredibility;
3776 | end;
3777 | trAlliance:
3778 | RW[P].Credibility := RW[P].Credibility * 3 div 4;
3779 | end;
3780 | RW[pWith].EnemyReport[P].Credibility := RW[P].Credibility;
3781 | end;
3782 |
3783 | if OldTreaty = trPeace then
3784 | begin
3785 | for p1 := 0 to nPl - 1 do
3786 | if (p1 = pWith) or DecreaseCredibility and (p1 <> P) and
3787 | (RW[pWith].Treaty[p1] = trAlliance) and (RW[P].Treaty[p1] >= trPeace)
3788 | then
3789 | begin
3790 | RW[P].Treaty[p1] := trNone;
3791 | RW[p1].Treaty[P] := trNone;
3792 | RW[P].EvaStart[p1] := -PeaceEvaTurns - 1;
3793 | RW[p1].EvaStart[P] := -PeaceEvaTurns - 1;
3794 | Inc(PeaceEnded, 1 shl p1);
3795 | end;
3796 | CheckBorders(-1);
3797 | if (Mode > moLoading_Fast) and (PeaceEnded > 0) then
3798 | RecalcMapZoC(P);
3799 | end
3800 | else
3801 | begin
3802 | RW[P].Treaty[pWith] := OldTreaty - 1;
3803 | RW[pWith].Treaty[P] := OldTreaty - 1;
3804 | if OldTreaty = TrFriendlyContact then
3805 | begin // necessary for loading
3806 | GiveCivilReport(P, pWith);
3807 | GiveCivilReport(pWith, P);
3808 | end
3809 | else if OldTreaty = trAlliance then
3810 | begin // necessary for loading
3811 | GiveMilReport(P, pWith);
3812 | GiveMilReport(pWith, P);
3813 | end;
3814 | if (Mode > moLoading_Fast) and (OldTreaty = trAlliance) then
3815 | begin
3816 | RecalcMapZoC(P);
3817 | RecalcMapZoC(pWith);
3818 | end;
3819 | end;
3820 | if OldTreaty in [trPeace, trAlliance] then
3821 | begin
3822 | RecalcPeaceMap(P);
3823 | RecalcPeaceMap(pWith);
3824 | end;
3825 | end;
3826 |
3827 | function DoSpyMission(P, pCity, cix, Mission: Integer): Cardinal;
3828 | var
3829 | p1: Integer;
3830 | begin
3831 | Result := 0;
3832 | case Mission of
3833 | smSabotageProd:
3834 | RW[pCity].City[cix].Flags := RW[pCity].City[cix].Flags or
3835 | chProductionSabotaged;
3836 | smStealMap:
3837 | begin
3838 | CopyMap(pCity, P);
3839 | RecalcPeaceMap(P);
3840 | end;
3841 | smStealCivilReport:
3842 | begin
3843 | if RW[P].Treaty[pCity] = trNoContact then
3844 | IntroduceEnemy(P, pCity);
3845 | GiveCivilReport(P, pCity);
3846 | end;
3847 | smStealMilReport:
3848 | begin
3849 | if RW[P].Treaty[pCity] = trNoContact then
3850 | IntroduceEnemy(P, pCity);
3851 | GiveMilReport(P, pCity);
3852 | end;
3853 | smStealForeignReports:
3854 | begin
3855 | for p1 := 0 to nPl - 1 do
3856 | if (p1 <> P) and (p1 <> pCity) and (RW[pCity].EnemyReport[p1] <> nil)
3857 | then
3858 | begin
3859 | if RW[pCity].EnemyReport[p1].TurnOfCivilReport >= 0 then
3860 | if CopyCivilReport(pCity, P, p1) then
3861 | Result := Result or (1 shl (2 * p1));
3862 | if RW[pCity].EnemyReport[p1].TurnOfMilReport >= 0 then
3863 | if CopyMilReport(pCity, P, p1) then
3864 | Result := Result or (2 shl (2 * p1));
3865 | end;
3866 | end;
3867 | end;
3868 | end;
3869 |
3870 | {
3871 | Test Flags
3872 | ____________________________________________________________________
3873 | }
3874 | procedure ClearTestFlags(ClearFlags: Integer);
3875 | var
3876 | p1: Integer;
3877 | begin
3878 | GTestFlags := GTestFlags and (not ClearFlags or tfTested or tfAllTechs or
3879 | tfAllContact);
3880 | for p1 := 0 to nPl - 1 do
3881 | if 1 shl p1 and (GAlive or GWatching) <> 0 then
3882 | RW[p1].TestFlags := GTestFlags;
3883 | end;
3884 |
3885 | procedure SetTestFlags(P, SetFlags: Integer);
3886 | var
3887 | I, p1, p2, MoreFlags: Integer;
3888 | begin
3889 | MoreFlags := SetFlags and not GTestFlags;
3890 | GTestFlags := GTestFlags or (SetFlags and $7FF);
3891 | for p1 := 0 to nPl - 1 do
3892 | if 1 shl p1 and (GAlive or GWatching) <> 0 then
3893 | RW[p1].TestFlags := GTestFlags;
3894 |
3895 | if MoreFlags and (tfUncover or tfAllContact) <> 0 then
3896 | for p1 := 0 to nPl - 2 do
3897 | if 1 shl p1 and GAlive <> 0 then
3898 | for p2 := p1 + 1 to nPl - 1 do
3899 | if 1 shl p2 and GAlive <> 0 then
3900 | begin // make p1 and p2 know each other
3901 | if RW[p1].Treaty[p2] = trNoContact then
3902 | IntroduceEnemy(p1, p2);
3903 | end;
3904 |
3905 | if MoreFlags and tfAllTechs <> 0 then
3906 | for p1 := 0 to nPl - 1 do
3907 | begin
3908 | ResourceMask[p1] := $FFFFFFFF;
3909 | if 1 shl p1 and GAlive <> 0 then
3910 | begin
3911 | for I := 0 to nAdv - 1 do // give all techs to player p1
3912 | if not (I in FutureTech) and (RW[p1].Tech[I] < tsApplicable) then
3913 | begin
3914 | RW[p1].Tech[I] := tsCheat;
3915 | CheckSpecialModels(p1, I);
3916 | end;
3917 | for p2 := 0 to nPl - 1 do
3918 | if (p2 <> p1) and (1 shl p2 and (GAlive or GWatching) <> 0) then
3919 | for I := 1 to 3 do
3920 | if RW[p2].EnemyReport[p1].Tech[AgePreq[I]] < tsApplicable then
3921 | RW[p2].EnemyReport[p1].Tech[AgePreq[I]] := tsCheat;
3922 | end;
3923 | end;
3924 |
3925 | if MoreFlags and tfUncover <> 0 then
3926 | begin
3927 | DiscoverAll(P, lObserveSuper);
3928 | for p1 := 0 to nPl - 1 do
3929 | if 1 shl p1 and GAlive <> 0 then
3930 | begin
3931 | ResourceMask[p1] := $FFFFFFFF;
3932 | if p1 <> P then
3933 | begin
3934 | GiveCivilReport(P, p1);
3935 | GiveMilReport(P, p1);
3936 | end;
3937 | end;
3938 | end;
3939 | end;
3940 |
3941 | {
3942 | Internal Command Processing
3943 | ____________________________________________________________________
3944 | }
3945 | procedure IntServer(Command, Player, Subject: Integer; var Data);
3946 | var
3947 | I, p1: Integer;
3948 | begin
3949 | if Mode = moPlaying then
3950 | CL.Put(Command, Player, Subject, @Data);
3951 |
3952 | case Command of
3953 |
3954 | sIntTellAboutNation:
3955 | begin
3956 | {$IFDEF TEXTLOG}CmdInfo := Format('IntTellAboutNation P%d+P%d', [Player, Subject]); {$ENDIF}
3957 | Assert((Player >= 0) and (Player < nPl) and (Subject >= 0) and
3958 | (Subject < nPl));
3959 | IntroduceEnemy(Player, Subject);
3960 | end;
3961 |
3962 | sIntHaveContact:
3963 | begin
3964 | {$IFDEF TEXTLOG}CmdInfo := Format('IntHaveContact P%d+P%d', [Player, Subject]); {$ENDIF}
3965 | Assert(RW[Player].Treaty[Subject] > trNoContact);
3966 | RW[Player].EnemyReport[Subject].TurnOfContact := GTurn;
3967 | RW[Subject].EnemyReport[Player].TurnOfContact := GTurn;
3968 | end;
3969 |
3970 | sIntCancelTreaty:
3971 | begin
3972 | {$IFDEF TEXTLOG}CmdInfo := Format('IntCancelTreaty P%d with P%d', [Player, Subject]); {$ENDIF}
3973 | CancelTreaty(Player, Subject);
3974 | end;
3975 |
3976 | (* sIntChoosePeace:
3977 | begin
3978 | {$IFDEF TEXTLOG}CmdInfo:=Format('IntChoosePeace P%d+P%d', [Player,Subject]);{$ENDIF}
3979 | RW[Player].Treaty[Subject]:=trPeace;
3980 | RW[Subject].Treaty[Player]:=trPeace;
3981 | end; *)
3982 |
3983 | sIntTellAboutModel .. sIntTellAboutModel + (nPl - 1) shl 4:
3984 | begin
3985 | p1 := (Command - sIntTellAboutModel) shr 4; // told player
3986 | {$IFDEF TEXTLOG}CmdInfo := Format('IntTellAboutModel P%d about P%d Mod%d', [p1, Player, Subject]); {$ENDIF}
3987 | Assert((Player >= 0) and (Player < nPl));
3988 | Assert((Subject >= 0) and (Subject < RW[Player].nModel));
3989 | MakeModelInfo(Player, Subject, RW[Player].Model[Subject],
3990 | RW[p1].EnemyModel[RW[p1].nEnemyModel]);
3991 | RWemix[p1, Player, Subject] := RW[p1].nEnemyModel;
3992 | Inc(RW[p1].nEnemyModel);
3993 | Assert(RW[p1].nEnemyModel < nemmax);
3994 | end;
3995 |
3996 | sIntDiscoverZOC:
3997 | begin
3998 | {$IFDEF TEXTLOG}CmdInfo := Format('IntDiscoverZOC P%d Loc%d', [Player, Integer(Data)]); {$ENDIF}
3999 | Discover9(Integer(Data), Player, lObserveUnhidden, True, False);
4000 | end;
4001 |
4002 | sIntExpandTerritory:
4003 | if Mode < moPlaying then
4004 | begin
4005 | {$IFDEF TEXTLOG}CmdInfo := Format('IntExpandTerritory P%d Loc%d', [Player, RW[Player].City[Subject].Loc]); {$ENDIF}
4006 | Move(Data, BorderChanges, SizeOf(BorderChanges));
4007 | ExpandTerritory(RW[Player].City[Subject].Loc);
4008 | end;
4009 |
4010 | sIntBuyMaterial:
4011 | with RW[Player].City[Subject] do
4012 | begin
4013 | {$IFDEF TEXTLOG}CmdInfo := Format('IntBuyMaterial P%d Loc%d Cost%d', [Player, Loc, Integer(Data)]); {$ENDIF}
4014 | Dec(RW[Player].Money, Integer(Data));
4015 | if (GWonder[woMich].EffectiveOwner = Player) and (Project and cpImp <> 0)
4016 | then
4017 | Inc(Prod, Integer(Data) div 2)
4018 | else
4019 | Inc(Prod, Integer(Data) div 4);
4020 | if Project0 and not cpAuto <> Project and not cpAuto then
4021 | Project0 := Project;
4022 | Prod0 := Prod;
4023 | end;
4024 |
4025 | sIntPayPrices .. sIntPayPrices + 12:
4026 | begin
4027 | {$IFDEF TEXTLOG}CmdInfo := Format('IntPayPrices P%d+P%d', [Player, Subject]); {$ENDIF}
4028 | for I := 0 to TOffer(Data).nDeliver - 1 do
4029 | PayPrice(Player, Subject, TOffer(Data).Price[I], True);
4030 | for I := 0 to TOffer(Data).nCost - 1 do
4031 | PayPrice(Subject, Player, TOffer(Data).Price[TOffer(Data).nDeliver
4032 | + I], True);
4033 | for I := 0 to TOffer(Data).nDeliver + TOffer(Data).nCost - 1 do
4034 | if TOffer(Data).Price[I] = opTreaty + trAlliance then
4035 | begin // add view area of allied player
4036 | DiscoverViewAreas(Player);
4037 | DiscoverViewAreas(Subject);
4038 | Break;
4039 | end;
4040 | end;
4041 |
4042 | sIntSetDevModel:
4043 | if Mode < moPlaying then
4044 | Move(Data, RW[Player].DevModel.Kind, sIntSetDevModel and $F * 4);
4045 |
4046 | sIntSetModelStatus:
4047 | if ProcessClientData[Player] then
4048 | begin
4049 | {$IFDEF TEXTLOG}CmdInfo := Format('IntSetModelStatus P%d', [Player]);
4050 | {$ENDIF}
4051 | RW[Player].Model[Subject].Status := Integer(Data);
4052 | end;
4053 |
4054 | sIntSetUnitStatus:
4055 | if ProcessClientData[Player] then
4056 | begin
4057 | {$IFDEF TEXTLOG}CmdInfo := Format('IntSetUnitStatus P%d', [Player]);
4058 | {$ENDIF}
4059 | RW[Player].Un[Subject].Status := Integer(Data);
4060 | end;
4061 |
4062 | sIntSetCityStatus:
4063 | if ProcessClientData[Player] then
4064 | begin
4065 | {$IFDEF TEXTLOG}CmdInfo := Format('IntSetCityStatus P%d', [Player]);
4066 | {$ENDIF}
4067 | RW[Player].City[Subject].Status := Integer(Data);
4068 | end;
4069 |
4070 | sIntSetECityStatus:
4071 | if ProcessClientData[Player] then
4072 | begin
4073 | {$IFDEF TEXTLOG}CmdInfo := Format('IntSetECityStatus P%d', [Player]);
4074 | {$ENDIF}
4075 | RW[Player].EnemyCity[Subject].Status := Integer(Data);
4076 | end;
4077 | end;
4078 | end;
4079 |
4080 | end.