source: trunk/Packages/CoolDocking/Demo/IDE/UMainForm.lfm

Last change on this file was 73, checked in by chronos, 12 years ago
  • Modified: Packages are now stored as uncomporessed and are linked with relative path to project.
File size: 8.7 KB
1object MainForm: TMainForm
2 Left = 217
3 Height = 419
4 Top = 123
5 Width = 536
6 Caption = 'CoolDocking Demo IDE'
7 ClientHeight = 400
8 ClientWidth = 536
9 Menu = MainMenu1
10 OnClose = FormClose
11 OnShow = FormShow
12 LCLVersion = '0.9.31'
13 object DockPanel: TPanel
14 Left = 0
15 Height = 374
16 Top = 26
17 Width = 536
18 Align = alClient
19 BevelOuter = bvNone
20 ParentColor = False
21 TabOrder = 0
22 end
23 object ToolBar1: TToolBar
24 Left = 0
25 Height = 26
26 Top = 0
27 Width = 536
28 Caption = 'ToolBar1'
29 Images = ImageList1
30 ParentShowHint = False
31 ShowHint = True
32 TabOrder = 1
33 object ComboBox1: TComboBox
34 Left = 44
35 Height = 21
36 Top = 2
37 Width = 100
38 Align = alLeft
39 ItemHeight = 13
40 OnSelect = ComboBox1Select
41 TabOrder = 0
42 end
43 object ToolButton1: TToolButton
44 Left = 144
45 Top = 2
46 Action = ADesktopSave
47 end
48 object Label1: TLabel
49 Left = 1
50 Height = 24
51 Top = 2
52 Width = 43
53 Align = alLeft
54 Caption = 'Layouts:'
55 Layout = tlCenter
56 ParentColor = False
57 end
58 end
59 object MainMenu1: TMainMenu
60 left = 166
61 top = 72
62 object MenuItem1: TMenuItem
63 Caption = 'File'
64 object MenuItem23: TMenuItem
65 Action = ANewFile
66 end
67 object MenuItem24: TMenuItem
68 Action = AExit
69 end
70 end
71 object MenuItem4: TMenuItem
72 Caption = 'Edit'
73 end
74 object MenuItem3: TMenuItem
75 Caption = 'Search'
76 end
77 object MenuItem2: TMenuItem
78 Caption = 'View'
79 object MenuItem7: TMenuItem
80 Action = AViewProjectManager
81 end
82 object MenuItem8: TMenuItem
83 Action = AViewToolPalette
84 end
85 object MenuItem12: TMenuItem
86 Action = AViewObjectInspector
87 end
88 object MenuItem14: TMenuItem
89 Action = AViewStructure
90 end
91 object MenuItem15: TMenuItem
92 Action = AViewMessages
93 end
94 object MenuItem16: TMenuItem
95 Caption = 'Debug Windows'
96 object MenuItem17: TMenuItem
97 Action = AViewCallStack
98 end
99 object MenuItem18: TMenuItem
100 Action = AViewLocalVariables
101 end
102 object MenuItem20: TMenuItem
103 Action = AViewWatchList
104 end
105 object MenuItem21: TMenuItem
106 Action = AViewThreadStatus
107 end
108 end
109 object MenuItem19: TMenuItem
110 Action = AViewToDoList
111 end
112 end
113 object MenuItem5: TMenuItem
114 Caption = 'Project'
115 end
116 object MenuItem6: TMenuItem
117 Caption = 'Run'
118 end
119 object MenuItem25: TMenuItem
120 Caption = 'Docking'
121 object MenuItem26: TMenuItem
122 Action = ACustomizeDocking
123 end
124 object MenuItem27: TMenuItem
125 Action = AViewWindowList
126 end
127 object MenuItem13: TMenuItem
128 Action = ADesktopSave
129 end
130 object MenuItem22: TMenuItem
131 Action = AViewComponentTree
132 end
133 object MenuItem28: TMenuItem
134 Action = AResetDefaultLayout
135 end
136 end
137 object MenuItem11: TMenuItem
138 Caption = 'Tools'
139 end
140 object MenuItem10: TMenuItem
141 Caption = 'Window'
142 end
143 object MenuItem9: TMenuItem
144 Caption = 'Help'
145 end
146 end
147 object ActionList1: TActionList
148 Images = ImageList1
149 left = 284
150 top = 72
151 object AViewToolPalette: TAction
152 Caption = 'Tool Palette'
153 OnExecute = AViewToolPaletteExecute
154 ShortCut = 49232
155 end
156 object AViewProjectManager: TAction
157 Caption = 'Project Manager'
158 OnExecute = AViewProjectManagerExecute
159 ShortCut = 49274
160 end
161 object AViewObjectInspector: TAction
162 Caption = 'Object Inspector'
163 OnExecute = AViewObjectInspectorExecute
164 ShortCut = 122
165 end
166 object AViewWindowList: TAction
167 Caption = 'Window List...'
168 OnExecute = AViewWindowListExecute
169 ShortCut = 32816
170 end
171 object AViewStructure: TAction
172 Caption = 'Structure'
173 OnExecute = AViewStructureExecute
174 ShortCut = 49274
175 end
176 object AViewMessages: TAction
177 Caption = 'Messages'
178 OnExecute = AViewMessagesExecute
179 end
180 object AViewCallStack: TAction
181 Caption = 'Call Stack'
182 OnExecute = AViewCallStackExecute
183 end
184 object AViewLocalVariables: TAction
185 Caption = 'Local Variables'
186 OnExecute = AViewLocalVariablesExecute
187 end
188 object AViewToDoList: TAction
189 Caption = 'To-Do List'
190 OnExecute = AViewToDoListExecute
191 end
192 object AViewWatchList: TAction
193 Caption = 'Watch List'
194 OnExecute = AViewWatchListExecute
195 end
196 object AViewThreadStatus: TAction
197 Caption = 'Thread Status'
198 OnExecute = AViewThreadStatusExecute
199 end
200 object ADesktopSave: TAction
201 Caption = 'Desktop Save'
202 Hint = 'Save current desktop'
203 ImageIndex = 0
204 OnExecute = ADesktopSaveExecute
205 end
206 object ACustomizeDocking: TAction
207 Caption = 'Customize Docking...'
208 OnExecute = ACustomizeDockingExecute
209 end
210 object ANewFile: TAction
211 Caption = 'New file'
212 OnExecute = ANewFileExecute
213 end
214 object AExit: TAction
215 Caption = 'Exit'
216 OnExecute = AExitExecute
217 end
218 object AViewComponentTree: TAction
219 Caption = 'Component Tree'
220 OnExecute = AViewComponentTreeExecute
221 end
222 object AResetDefaultLayout: TAction
223 Caption = 'Reset default layout'
224 OnExecute = AResetDefaultLayoutExecute
225 end
226 end
227 object CoolDockMaster1: TCDMaster
228 Customize = CoolDockCustomize1
229 TabsEnabled = False
230 DefaultTabsPos = hpAuto
231 DefaultHeaderPos = hpAuto
232 DefaultMoveSpeed = 0
233 ShowIcons = False
234 left = 166
235 top = 126
236 end
237 object CoolDockWindowList1: TCDWindowList
238 left = 168
239 top = 176
240 end
241 object CoolDockClient1: TCDClient
242 Master = CoolDockMaster1
243 Panel = DockPanel
244 Dockable = False
245 Floatable = False
246 left = 284
247 top = 127
248 end
249 object ImageList1: TImageList
250 left = 362
251 top = 72
252 Bitmap = {
253 4C69010000001000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
254 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
255 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000FF000000FF000000FF0000
256 00FF000000FF000000FF000000FF000000FF000000FF000000FF000000FF0000
257 00FF000000FF000000FF0000000000000000000000FF008484FF000000FFFFFF
259 00FFFFFFFFFF000000FF0000000000000000000000FF008484FF000000FFFFFF
261 00FF000000FF000000FF0000000000000000000000FF008484FF000000FFFFFF
263 00FF008484FF000000FF0000000000000000000000FF008484FF000000FFFFFF
265 00FF008484FF000000FF0000000000000000000000FF008484FF000000FFFFFF
267 00FF008484FF000000FF0000000000000000000000FF008484FF000000FFFFFF
269 00FF008484FF000000FF0000000000000000000000FF008484FF008484FF0000
270 00FF000000FF000000FF000000FF000000FF000000FF000000FF000000FF0084
271 84FF008484FF000000FF0000000000000000000000FF008484FF008484FF0084
272 84FF008484FF008484FF008484FF008484FF008484FF008484FF008484FF0084
273 84FF008484FF000000FF0000000000000000000000FF008484FF008484FF0000
274 00FF000000FF000000FF000000FF000000FF000000FF000000FF000000FF0000
275 00FF008484FF000000FF0000000000000000000000FF008484FF008484FF0000
276 00FF000000FF000000FF000000FF000000FF000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0000
277 00FF008484FF000000FF0000000000000000000000FF008484FF008484FF0000
278 00FF000000FF000000FF000000FF000000FF000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0000
279 00FF008484FF000000FF0000000000000000000000FF008484FF008484FF0000
280 00FF000000FF000000FF000000FF000000FF000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0000
281 00FF008484FF000000FF000000000000000000000000000000FF000000FF0000
282 00FF000000FF000000FF000000FF000000FF000000FF000000FF000000FF0000
283 00FF000000FF000000FF00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
284 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
285 0000000000000000000000000000
286 }
287 end
288 object CoolDockCustomize1: TCDCustomize
289 Master = CoolDockMaster1
290 LayoutList = CoolDockLayoutList1
291 left = 284
292 top = 179
293 end
294 object CoolDockLayoutList1: TCDLayoutList
295 left = 284
296 top = 232
297 end
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