1 | unit ProducerASM8051;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
7 | Dialogs, SourceCodePascal, Producer, Generics.Collections;
8 |
9 | type
10 | TMemoryType = (mtProgram, mtData, mtEEPROM);
11 |
12 | TDevice = class
13 | Family: string;
14 | Memory: array[TMemoryType] of Integer;
15 | end;
16 |
17 | TAssemblerLine = class
18 | LabelName: string;
19 | Instruction: string;
20 | Operand1: string;
21 | Operand2: string;
22 | SourceCode: string;
23 | function AsString: string;
24 | end;
25 |
26 | { TProducerAsm8051 }
27 |
28 | TProducerAsm8051 = class(TProducer)
29 | private
30 | procedure AddInstruction(LabelName, Instruction, Operand1,
31 | Operand2: string);
32 | // procedure GenerateCommonBlock(CommonBlock: TCommonBlock; LabelPrefix: string);
33 | procedure GenerateExpression(Expression: TExpression; LabelPrefix: string);
34 | procedure GenerateProgram(ProgramBlock: TProgram);
35 | procedure GenerateModule(Module: TSourceModule);
36 | public
37 | AssemblyCode: TObjectList<TAssemblerLine>;
38 | procedure AssignToStringList(Target: TStringList); override;
39 | procedure Produce(Module: TSourceModule); override;
40 | constructor Create;
41 | destructor Destroy; override;
42 | end;
43 |
44 |
45 | implementation
46 |
47 | { TAssemblerLine }
48 |
49 | function TAssemblerLine.AsString: string;
50 | begin
51 | if LabelName = '' then LabelName := #9 else
52 | LabelName := LabelName + ':'#9;
53 | if Operand2 <> '' then Operand1 := Operand1 + ', ';
54 |
55 | Result := LabelName + Instruction + ' ' + Operand1 + Operand2;
56 | end;
57 |
58 | { TProducerAsm8051 }
59 |
60 | procedure TProducerAsm8051.AddInstruction(LabelName, Instruction, Operand1,
61 | Operand2: string);
62 | var
63 | NewLine: TAssemblerLine;
64 | begin
65 | NewLine := TAssemblerLine.Create;
66 | AssemblyCode.Add(NewLine);
67 | NewLine.LabelName := LabelName;
68 | NewLine.Instruction := Instruction;
69 | NewLine.Operand1 := Operand1;
70 | NewLine.Operand2 := Operand2;
71 | end;
72 |
73 | (*
74 | procedure TCommonBlock.GenerateAssembler(Compiler: TCompiler; LabelPrefix: string);
75 | var
76 | I: Integer;
77 | LabelName: string;
78 | begin
79 | with Compiler do
80 | for I := 0 to Operations.Count - 1 do
81 | with TOperation(Operations[I]) do begin
82 | if Referenced then LabelName := Name + '_L' + IntToStr(I)
83 | else LabelName := '';
84 | case Instruction of
85 | inJump: begin
86 | AddInstruction(LabelName, 'JMP', Name + '_L' + IntToStr(GotoAddress), '');
87 | end;
88 | inConditionalJump: begin
89 | ExpressionTree.GenerateAssembler(Compiler, LabelPrefix + '_L' + IntToStr(GotoAddress));
90 | AddInstruction(LabelName, 'BRCS', Name + '_L' + IntToStr(GotoAddress), '');
91 | end;
92 | inExpressionEvaluation: begin
93 | if LabelName <> '' then AddInstruction(LabelName, '', '', '');
94 | ExpressionTree.GenerateAssembler(Compiler, Name + '_L' + IntToStr(GotoAddress));
95 | end;
96 | inReturn:
97 | AddInstruction(LabelName, 'RET', '', '');
98 | end;
99 | end;
100 | end;
101 | *)
102 |
103 | constructor TProducerAsm8051.Create;
104 | begin
105 | AssemblyCode := TObjectList<TAssemblerLine>.Create;
106 | {$IFDEF Windows}
107 | CompilerPath := 'c:\ASM8051\ASM51.EXE';
108 | {$ENDIF}
109 | end;
110 |
111 | destructor TProducerAsm8051.Destroy;
112 | begin
113 | FreeAndNil(AssemblyCode);
114 | inherited;
115 | end;
116 |
117 | (*
118 | procedure TProducerAsm8051.GenerateCommonBlock(CommonBlock: TCommonBlock; LabelPrefix: string);
119 | var
120 | I: Integer;
121 | LabelName: string;
122 | begin
123 | with CommonBlock do
124 | for I := 0 to Operations.Count - 1 do
125 | with TOperation(Operations[I]) do begin
126 | if Referenced then LabelName := Name + '_L' + IntToStr(I)
127 | else LabelName := '';
128 | case Instruction of
129 | inJump: begin
130 | AddInstruction(LabelName, 'JMP', Name + '_L' + IntToStr(GotoAddress), '');
131 | end;
132 | inConditionalJump: begin
133 | GenerateExpression(ExpressionTree, LabelPrefix + '_L' + IntToStr(GotoAddress));
134 | AddInstruction(LabelName, 'BRCS', Name + '_L' + IntToStr(GotoAddress), '');
135 | end;
136 | inExpressionEvaluation: begin
137 | if LabelName <> '' then AddInstruction(LabelName, '', '', '');
138 | GenerateExpression(ExpressionTree, Name + '_L' + IntToStr(GotoAddress));
139 | end;
140 | inReturn:
141 | AddInstruction(LabelName, 'RET', '', '');
142 | end;
143 | end;
144 | end;
145 | *)
146 |
147 | procedure TProducerAsm8051.GenerateExpression(Expression: TExpression; LabelPrefix: string);
148 | var
149 | I: Integer;
150 | begin
151 | with Expression do
152 | case NodeType of
153 | ntNone: ;
154 | ntVariable: if Assigned(Variable) then AddInstruction('', 'GETVAR', Variable.Name, '');
155 | nTFunction: AddInstruction('', 'CALL', FunctionCall.FunctionRef.Name, '');
156 | ntConstant: AddInstruction('', 'CONST', '', '');
157 | ntOperator: begin
158 | for I := 0 to SubItems.Count - 1 do
159 | GenerateExpression(TExpression(SubItems[I]), LabelPrefix);
160 | if OperatorName = '+' then AddInstruction('', 'ADD', '', '')
161 | else if OperatorName = '-' then AddInstruction('', 'SUB', '', '')
162 | else if OperatorName = '*' then AddInstruction('', 'MUL', '', '')
163 | else if OperatorName = '/' then AddInstruction('', 'DIV', '', '')
164 | else if OperatorName = 'div' then AddInstruction('', 'DIV', '', '')
165 | else if OperatorName = 'mod' then AddInstruction('', 'MOD', '', '')
166 | else if OperatorName = 'xor' then AddInstruction('', 'XOR', '', '')
167 | else if OperatorName = 'or' then AddInstruction('', 'OR', '', '')
168 | else if OperatorName = 'and' then AddInstruction('', 'AND', '', '')
169 | else if OperatorName = 'not' then AddInstruction('', 'NEG', '', '')
170 | else if OperatorName = ':=' then AddInstruction('', 'ST', '', '')
171 | else if OperatorName = '>' then AddInstruction('', 'CP', '', '')
172 | else if OperatorName = '>=' then AddInstruction('', 'CP', '', '')
173 | else if OperatorName = '<' then AddInstruction('', 'CP', '', '')
174 | else if OperatorName = '<=' then AddInstruction('', 'CP', '', '')
175 | else if OperatorName = '=' then AddInstruction('', 'TST', '', '')
176 | else if OperatorName = '<>' then AddInstruction('', 'CP', '', '');
177 | end;
178 | end;
179 | end;
180 |
181 | procedure TProducerAsm8051.GenerateProgram(ProgramBlock: TProgram);
182 | var
183 | I: Integer;
184 | begin
185 | // with ProgramBlock do
186 | // for I := 0 to Modules.Count - 1 do
187 | // GenerateCommonBlock(TSourceModuleTSourceModule(Modules[I]), '');
188 | end;
189 |
190 | procedure TProducerAsm8051.GenerateModule(Module: TSourceModule);
191 | begin
192 | Module.TargetFile := Module.Name + '.asm';
193 | end;
194 |
195 | procedure TProducerAsm8051.AssignToStringList(Target: TStringList);
196 | var
197 | I: Integer;
198 | begin
199 | Target.Clear;
200 | for I := 0 to AssemblyCode.Count - 1 do begin
201 | Target.Add(TAssemblerLine(AssemblyCode[I]).AsString);
202 | end;
203 | end;
204 |
205 | procedure TProducerAsm8051.Produce(Module: TSourceModule);
206 | begin
207 | GenerateModule(Module);
208 | end;
209 |
210 | end.