- Timestamp:
- Jan 17, 2025, 8:00:49 AM (5 weeks ago)
- Location:
- Common
- Files:
- 2 added
- 33 edited
- Unmodified
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- Removed
r566 r584 1 1 object FormAbout: TFormAbout 2 2 Left = 624 3 Height = 4023 Height = 397 4 4 Top = 622 5 Width = 7 025 Width = 714 6 6 Caption = 'About' 7 ClientHeight = 4028 ClientWidth = 7 027 ClientHeight = 397 8 ClientWidth = 714 9 9 DesignTimePPI = 144 10 10 OnShow = FormShow 11 11 Position = poScreenCenter 12 LCLVersion = ''12 LCLVersion = '' 13 13 object LabelDescription: TLabel 14 14 Left = 30 15 15 Height = 26 16 16 Top = 135 17 Width = 6 4217 Width = 654 18 18 Align = alTop 19 19 BorderSpacing.Left = 30 … … 29 29 Height = 26 30 30 Top = 191 31 Width = 6 4231 Width = 654 32 32 Align = alTop 33 33 BorderSpacing.Around = 30 … … 40 40 Height = 135 41 41 Top = 0 42 Width = 7 0242 Width = 714 43 43 Align = alTop 44 44 BevelOuter = bvNone 45 45 ClientHeight = 135 46 ClientWidth = 7 0246 ClientWidth = 714 47 47 FullRepaint = False 48 48 ParentFont = False … … 52 52 Height = 84 53 53 Top = 20 54 Width = 5 6454 Width = 576 55 55 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight] 56 56 AutoSize = False … … 74 74 Left = 0 75 75 Height = 75 76 Top = 32 777 Width = 7 0276 Top = 322 77 Width = 714 78 78 Align = alBottom 79 79 BevelOuter = bvNone 80 80 ClientHeight = 75 81 ClientWidth = 7 0281 ClientWidth = 714 82 82 TabOrder = 1 83 83 object ButtonHomePage: TButton … … 88 88 Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom] 89 89 Caption = 'Home page' 90 OnClick = ButtonHomePageClick91 90 ParentFont = False 92 91 TabOrder = 0 92 OnClick = ButtonHomePageClick 93 93 end 94 94 object ButtonClose: TButton 95 Left = 5 3195 Left = 543 96 96 Height = 38 97 97 Top = 24 -
r583 r584 1 1 object FormItem: TFormItem 2 Left = 10403 Height = 3974 Top = 5405 Width = 4692 Left = 441 3 Height = 446 4 Top = 395 5 Width = 577 6 6 Caption = 'Item' 7 ClientHeight = 3978 ClientWidth = 4697 ClientHeight = 446 8 ClientWidth = 577 9 9 DesignTimePPI = 144 10 10 OnCreate = FormCreate 11 11 OnDestroy = FormDestroy 12 LCLVersion = '3. 4.0.0'12 LCLVersion = '' 13 13 object ButtonOk: TButton 14 Left = 3 4414 Left = 332 15 15 Height = 38 16 Top = 35316 Top = 402 17 17 Width = 113 18 18 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom] … … 24 24 end 25 25 object ButtonCancel: TButton 26 Left = 20826 Left = 456 27 27 Height = 38 28 Top = 35328 Top = 402 29 29 Width = 113 30 30 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom] … … 36 36 object ScrollBox1: TScrollBox 37 37 Left = 8 38 Height = 3 3438 Height = 383 39 39 Top = 8 40 Width = 45340 Width = 561 41 41 HorzScrollBar.Page = 1 42 42 VertScrollBar.Page = 1 -
r583 r584 176 176 if DataType = dtString then begin 177 177 NewControl := TEdit.Create(nil); 178 NewControl.Width := Scale96ToScreen( 300);178 NewControl.Width := Scale96ToScreen(200); 179 179 end else 180 180 if DataType = dtColor then begin -
r580 r584 11 11 OnDestroy = FormDestroy 12 12 OnShow = FormShow 13 LCLVersion = '3. 4.0.0'13 LCLVersion = '' 14 14 object ListView1: TListView 15 Left = 5 16 Height = 319 17 Top = 5 18 Width = 694 19 Align = alClient 20 BorderSpacing.Around = 5 15 Left = 10 16 Height = 262 17 Top = 10 18 Width = 684 19 Align = alTop 20 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom] 21 BorderSpacing.Around = 10 21 22 Columns = < 22 23 item … … 42 43 OnKeyPress = ListView1KeyPress 43 44 end 45 object ButtonClose: TButton 46 Left = 581 47 Height = 37 48 Top = 284 49 Width = 113 50 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom] 51 Caption = 'Close' 52 ModalResult = 11 53 TabOrder = 1 54 OnClick = ButtonCloseClick 55 end 44 56 object PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu 45 57 Left = 408 … … 55 67 Column = 0 56 68 Order = soNone 57 Left = 2 0058 Top = 1 6069 Left = 221 70 Top = 144 59 71 end 60 72 end -
r580 r584 4 4 {"hash":98585447,"name":"tformkeyshortcuts.listview1.columns[1].caption","sourcebytes":[87,105,110,100,111,119],"value":"Window"}, 5 5 {"hash":258584404,"name":"tformkeyshortcuts.listview1.columns[2].caption","sourcebytes":[83,104,111,114,116,99,117,116],"value":"Shortcut"}, 6 {"hash":4863637,"name":"tformkeyshortcuts.buttonclose.caption","sourcebytes":[67,108,111,115,101],"value":"Close"}, 6 7 {"hash":216771813,"name":"tformkeyshortcuts.menuitem1.caption","sourcebytes":[69,120,101,99,117,116,101],"value":"Execute"} 7 8 ]} -
r580 r584 13 13 14 14 TFormKeyShortcuts = class(TFormEx) 15 ButtonClose: TButton; 15 16 ListView1: TListView; 16 17 ListViewSort1: TListViewSort; 17 18 MenuItem1: TMenuItem; 18 19 PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu; 20 procedure ButtonCloseClick(Sender: TObject); 19 21 procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); 20 22 procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); … … 25 27 procedure MenuItem1Click(Sender: TObject); 26 28 private 27 function GetImage List: TCustomImageList;28 procedure SetImage List(AValue: TCustomImageList);29 function GetImages: TCustomImageList; 30 procedure SetImages(AValue: TCustomImageList); 29 31 public 30 32 SourceComponents: TObjectList<TComponent>; 31 33 MainForm: TForm; 32 34 procedure LoadFromComponent(C: TComponent); 33 property Image List: TCustomImageList read GetImageList write SetImageList;35 property Images: TCustomImageList read GetImages write SetImages; 34 36 end; 35 37 … … 49 51 SShortcut = 'Shortcut'; 50 52 SKeyShortcuts = 'Key shortcuts'; 53 SClose = 'Close'; 51 54 52 55 { TFormKeyShortcuts } … … 105 108 end; 106 109 110 procedure TFormKeyShortcuts.ButtonCloseClick(Sender: TObject); 111 begin 112 Close; 113 end; 114 107 115 procedure TFormKeyShortcuts.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); 108 116 begin … … 116 124 end; 117 125 118 function TFormKeyShortcuts.GetImage List: TCustomImageList;126 function TFormKeyShortcuts.GetImages: TCustomImageList; 119 127 begin 120 128 Result := ListView1.SmallImages; 121 129 end; 122 130 123 procedure TFormKeyShortcuts.SetImage List(AValue: TCustomImageList);131 procedure TFormKeyShortcuts.SetImages(AValue: TCustomImageList); 124 132 begin 125 133 ListView1.SmallImages := AValue; -
r583 r584 1 1 object FormList: TFormList 2 2 Left = 1040 3 Height = 3 003 Height = 360 4 4 Top = 540 5 Width = 4 005 Width = 480 6 6 Caption = 'List' 7 ClientHeight = 3 008 ClientWidth = 4 009 DesignTimePPI = 1 207 ClientHeight = 360 8 ClientWidth = 480 9 DesignTimePPI = 144 10 10 OnCreate = FormCreate 11 11 OnDestroy = FormDestroy … … 14 14 object ListView1: TListView 15 15 Left = 0 16 Height = 26816 Height = 322 17 17 Top = 0 18 Width = 4 0018 Width = 480 19 19 Align = alClient 20 20 Columns = < 21 21 item 22 22 Caption = 'Name' 23 Width = 38923 Width = 467 24 24 end> 25 25 MultiSelect = True … … 40 40 object ToolBar1: TToolBar 41 41 Left = 0 42 Top = 268 43 Width = 400 42 Height = 38 43 Top = 322 44 Width = 480 44 45 Align = alBottom 45 46 ParentFont = False … … 53 54 end 54 55 object ToolButton2: TToolButton 55 Left = 3 056 Left = 36 56 57 Top = 2 57 58 Action = AModify 58 59 end 59 60 object ToolButton3: TToolButton 60 Left = 5961 Left = 71 61 62 Top = 2 62 63 Action = ARemove 63 64 end 64 65 object ToolButton4: TToolButton 65 Left = 8866 Left = 106 66 67 Top = 2 67 68 Action = AClone … … 69 70 end 70 71 object ActionList1: TActionList 71 Left = 17472 Top = 1 3372 Left = 209 73 Top = 160 73 74 object AAdd: TAction 74 75 Caption = 'Add' … … 101 102 end 102 103 object PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu 103 Left = 294104 Top = 1 33104 Left = 353 105 Top = 160 105 106 object MenuItem1: TMenuItem 106 107 Action = AAdd -
r583 r584 72 72 SRemoveItems = 'Remove items'; 73 73 SRemoveItemsQuery = 'Do you want to remove selected items?'; 74 SNew = 'New';75 74 76 75 { TFormList } … … 129 128 FormItem := TFormItem.Create(Self); 130 129 try 131 TempEntry.Name := FList.GetNextAvailableName( SNew + ' ' + LowerCase(List.GetName));130 TempEntry.Name := FList.GetNextAvailableName(List.GetName); 132 131 FormItem.Item := TempEntry; 133 132 if FormItem.ShowModal = mrOk then begin … … 204 203 ItemFields: TItemFields; 205 204 ItemField: TItemField; 205 DrawRect: TRect; 206 206 begin 207 207 ItemFields := TItem(Item.Data).GetFields; 208 208 try 209 209 ItemField := ItemFields[SubItem]; 210 if ItemField.DataType = dtColor then211 with ListView1.Canvas dobegin210 with ListView1.Canvas do 211 if ItemField.DataType = dtColor then begin 212 212 Brush.Color := TItem(Item.Data).GetValueColor(ItemField.Index); 213 213 Brush.Style := bsSolid; 214 FillRect(Item.DisplayRectSubItem(SubItem, drBounds)); 215 end; 214 DrawRect := Item.DisplayRectSubItem(SubItem, drBounds); 215 {$IFDEF LCLQT5} 216 // TODO: Wrong rectangle width on Qt5 217 if DrawRect.Width > ListView1.Columns[SubItem].Width then 218 DrawRect.Width := ListView1.Columns[SubItem].Width; 219 {$ENDIF} 220 FillRect(DrawRect); 221 end; 216 222 finally 217 223 ItemFields.Free; -
r566 r584 8 8 ClientWidth = 865 9 9 DesignTimePPI = 144 10 LCLVersion = '' 10 OnShow = FormShow 11 LCLVersion = '' 11 12 object MemoLog: TMemo 12 13 Left = 8 13 Height = 50514 Height = 464 14 15 Top = 8 15 16 Width = 849 16 Align = alClient 17 Align = alTop 18 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom] 17 19 BorderSpacing.Around = 8 18 20 ReadOnly = True … … 20 22 TabOrder = 0 21 23 end 24 object ButtonRun: TButton 25 Left = 616 26 Height = 37 27 Top = 480 28 Width = 112 29 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom] 30 Caption = 'Run' 31 TabOrder = 1 32 OnClick = ButtonRunClick 33 end 34 object ButtonClose: TButton 35 Left = 745 36 Height = 37 37 Top = 480 38 Width = 112 39 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom] 40 Caption = 'Close' 41 ModalResult = 11 42 TabOrder = 2 43 OnClick = ButtonRunClick 44 end 22 45 end -
r566 r584 1 1 {"version":1,"strings":[ 2 {"hash":371876,"name":"tformtest.caption","sourcebytes":[84,101,115,116],"value":"Test"} 2 {"hash":371876,"name":"tformtest.caption","sourcebytes":[84,101,115,116],"value":"Test"}, 3 {"hash":22974,"name":"tformtest.buttonrun.caption","sourcebytes":[82,117,110],"value":"Run"}, 4 {"hash":4863637,"name":"tformtest.buttonclose.caption","sourcebytes":[67,108,111,115,101],"value":"Close"} 3 5 ]} -
r566 r584 4 4 5 5 uses 6 Classes, SysUtils, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, StdCtrls, FormEx; 6 Classes, SysUtils, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, StdCtrls, FormEx, 7 TestCase; 7 8 8 9 type … … 11 12 12 13 TFormTest = class(TFormEx) 14 ButtonRun: TButton; 15 ButtonClose: TButton; 13 16 MemoLog: TMemo; 17 procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); 18 procedure ButtonRunClick(Sender: TObject); 19 private 20 FTestCase: TTestCase; 21 procedure SetTestCase(AValue: TTestCase); 22 public 23 property TestCase: TTestCase read FTestCase write SetTestCase; 14 24 end; 15 25 … … 19 29 {$R *.lfm} 20 30 31 { TFormTest } 32 33 procedure TFormTest.FormShow(Sender: TObject); 34 begin 35 if Assigned(FTestCase) then MemoLog.Text := FTestCase.Log; 36 end; 37 38 procedure TFormTest.SetTestCase(AValue: TTestCase); 39 begin 40 if FTestCase = AValue then Exit; 41 FTestCase := AValue; 42 end; 43 44 procedure TFormTest.ButtonRunClick(Sender: TObject); 45 begin 46 if Assigned(FTestCase) then begin 47 FTestCase.Run; 48 MemoLog.Text := FTestCase.Log; 49 end; 50 end; 51 21 52 end. 22 53 -
r566 r584 9 9 DesignTimePPI = 144 10 10 OnShow = FormShow 11 LCLVersion = ''11 LCLVersion = '' 12 12 object ListViewTestCases: TListView 13 13 Left = 19 … … 36 36 end 37 37 object ButtonRun: TButton 38 Left = 94538 Left = 816 39 39 Height = 37 40 40 Top = 585 … … 42 42 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom] 43 43 Caption = 'Run' 44 TabOrder = 1 44 45 OnClick = ButtonRunClick 45 TabOrder = 146 46 end 47 47 object LabelResult: TLabel … … 53 53 Caption = ' ' 54 54 ParentColor = False 55 end 56 object ButtonClose: TButton 57 Left = 945 58 Height = 37 59 Top = 585 60 Width = 112 61 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom] 62 Caption = 'Close' 63 ModalResult = 11 64 TabOrder = 2 65 OnClick = ButtonRunClick 55 66 end 56 67 object ActionList1: TActionList -
r566 r584 5 5 {"hash":22974,"name":"tformtests.buttonrun.caption","sourcebytes":[82,117,110],"value":"Run"}, 6 6 {"hash":8736,"name":"tformtests.labelresult.caption","sourcebytes":[32,32,32],"value":" "}, 7 {"hash":4863637,"name":"tformtests.buttonclose.caption","sourcebytes":[67,108,111,115,101],"value":"Close"}, 7 8 {"hash":368487,"name":"tformtests.ashow.caption","sourcebytes":[83,104,111,119],"value":"Show"}, 8 9 {"hash":22974,"name":"tformtests.arun.caption","sourcebytes":[82,117,110],"value":"Run"} -
r566 r584 16 16 ActionList1: TActionList; 17 17 ButtonRun: TButton; 18 ButtonClose: TButton; 18 19 LabelResult: TLabel; 19 20 ListViewTestCases: TListView; … … 119 120 with TFormTest.Create(nil) do 120 121 try 121 MemoLog.Text := TTestCase(ListViewTestCases.Selected.Data).Log;122 TestCase := TTestCase(ListViewTestCases.Selected.Data); 122 123 ShowModal; 124 ReloadList; 123 125 finally 124 126 Free; -
r583 r584 83 83 public 84 84 type 85 TAddEvent = function 85 TAddEvent = function(constref AValue: TItem): SizeInt of object; 86 86 TGetCountEvent = function: SizeInt of object; 87 87 TSetItemEvent = procedure(Index: SizeInt; AValue: TItem) of object; 88 TGetNameEvent = procedure 88 TGetNameEvent = procedure(out Name: string) of object; 89 89 TGetItemEvent = function(Index: SizeInt): TItem of object; 90 90 TGetItemFieldsEvent = function: TItemFields of object; 91 91 TRemoveEvent = function(constref AValue: TItem): SizeInt of object; 92 TGetNextAvailableNameEvent = procedure 92 TGetNextAvailableNameEvent = procedure(Name: string; out NewName: string) of object; 93 93 TCreateItemEvent = function(Name: string = ''): TItem of object; 94 TFindByIdEvent = function(Id: Integer): TItem of object; 94 95 private 95 96 FOnAdd: TAddEvent; 96 97 FOnCreateItem: TCreateItemEvent; 98 FOnFindById: TFindByIdEvent; 97 99 FOnGetCount: TGetCountEvent; 98 100 FOnGetItem: TGetItemEvent; … … 112 114 function GetNextAvailableName(Name: string): string; 113 115 function GetItemFields: TItemFields; 116 function FindById(Id: Integer): TItem; 114 117 property Count: SizeInt read GetCount; 115 118 property Items[Index: SizeInt]: TItem read GetItem write SetItem; default; … … 125 128 property OnCreateItem: TCreateItemEvent read FOnCreateItem 126 129 write FOnCreateItem; 130 property OnFindById: TFindByIdEvent read FOnFindById 131 write FOnFindById; 127 132 end; 128 133 … … 133 138 FBaseItemList: TBaseItemList; 134 139 procedure RecalculateNewId(Reset: Boolean); 135 procedure RecalculateItemsId;136 140 function BaseGetItem(Index: SizeInt): TItem; 137 141 procedure BaseSetItem(Index: SizeInt; AValue: TItem); … … 142 146 function BaseGetItemFields: TItemFields; 143 147 function BaseCreateItem(Name: string = ''): TItem; 148 function BaseFindById(Id: Integer): TItem; 144 149 procedure BaseGetNextAvailableName(Name: string; out NewName: string); 145 150 public 146 151 NewId: Integer; 152 procedure RecalculateItemsId; 147 153 function CreateItem(Name: string = ''): T; virtual; 148 154 function IncrementName(Name: string): string; … … 245 251 end; 246 252 253 function TItemList<T>.BaseFindById(Id: Integer): TItem; 254 begin 255 Result := FindById(Id); 256 end; 257 247 258 procedure TItemList<T>.LoadFromNode(Node: TDOMNode); 248 259 var … … 265 276 NewNode2: TDOMNode; 266 277 begin 267 RecalculateItemsId;268 278 for I := 0 to Count - 1 do 269 279 with TItem(Items[I]) do begin … … 287 297 FBaseItemList.OnGetNextAvailableName := BaseGetNextAvailableName; 288 298 FBaseItemList.OnGetName := BaseGetName; 299 FBaseItemList.OnFindById := BaseFindById; 289 300 NewId := 1; 290 301 end; … … 368 379 NewName: string); 369 380 begin 370 NewName := Name ;381 NewName := Name + ' 1'; 371 382 while Assigned(FindByName(NewName)) do 372 383 NewName := IncrementName(NewName); … … 484 495 ReadId: Integer; 485 496 ReferenceList: TBaseItemList; 497 RefItem: TItem; 486 498 begin 487 499 if Field.DataType = dtString then begin … … 503 515 ReadId := ReadInteger(Node, Field.SysName, 0); 504 516 ReferenceList := GetReferenceList(Field.Index); 505 if (ReadId > 0) and Assigned(ReferenceList) then 506 SetValueReference(Field.Index, TItem(ReferenceList[ReadId])); 517 if (ReadId > 0) and Assigned(ReferenceList) then begin 518 RefItem := ReferenceList.FindById(ReadId); 519 if Assigned(RefItem) then 520 SetValueReference(Field.Index, RefItem) 521 else raise Exception.Create('Reference id ' + IntToStr(ReadId) + ' not found.'); 522 end; 507 523 end else 508 524 raise Exception.Create(Format(SUnsupportedDataType, [DataTypeStr[Field.DataType]])); … … 818 834 end; 819 835 836 function TBaseItemList.FindById(Id: Integer): TItem; 837 begin 838 if Assigned(FOnFindById) then Result := FOnFindById(Id) 839 else raise Exception.Create('Undefined FindById handler'); 840 end; 841 820 842 end. 821 843 -
r578 r584 16 16 msgid "Excution error: %s (exit code: %d)" 17 17 msgstr "Chyba vykonání: %s (návratový kód: %d)" 18 -
r565 r584 21 21 msgid "Data file" 22 22 msgstr "Datový soubor" 23 -
r565 r584 16 16 msgid "Filename not defined" 17 17 msgstr "Neurčen soubor" 18 -
r565 r584 16 16 msgid "Directory not found" 17 17 msgstr "Adresář nenalezen" 18 -
r583 r584 34 34 msgid "Version" 35 35 msgstr "Verze" 36 -
r580 r584 10 10 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" 11 11 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" 12 "X-Generator: Poedit 3. 4.2\n"12 "X-Generator: Poedit 3.5\n" 13 13 14 14 #: formkeyshortcuts.saction 15 15 msgid "Action" 16 16 msgstr "Akce" 17 18 #: formkeyshortcuts.sclose 19 msgid "Close" 20 msgstr "Zavřít" 17 21 18 22 #: formkeyshortcuts.sexecute -
r580 r584 4 4 #: formkeyshortcuts.saction 5 5 msgid "Action" 6 msgstr "" 7 8 #: formkeyshortcuts.sclose 9 msgid "Close" 6 10 msgstr "" 7 11 -
r583 r584 1 1 msgid "" 2 2 msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" 3 4 #: formlist.snew5 msgid "New"6 msgstr ""7 3 8 4 #: formlist.sremoveitems -
r565 r584 43 43 msgid "Total estimated time: %s" 44 44 msgstr "Celkový odhadovaný čas: %s" 45 -
r571 r584 21 21 msgid "Wrong bitmap size [width: %d, height: %d]" 22 22 msgstr "Špatná velikost bitové mapy [šířka: %d, výška: %d]" 23 -
r565 r584 21 21 msgid "Unknown object for release from pool" 22 22 msgstr "Neznýmý objekt pro uvolnění ze zásobníku" 23 -
r565 r584 16 16 msgid "WaitFor error" 17 17 msgstr "Chyba WaitFor" 18 -
r565 r584 17 17 msgid "Wrong DPI [%d,%d]" 18 18 msgstr "Chybné DPI [%d,%d]" 19 -
r571 r584 15 15 msgid "Unsupported format" 16 16 msgstr "Nepodporovaný formát" 17 -
r565 r584 26 26 msgid "Passed" 27 27 msgstr "Prošlo" 28 -
r565 r584 17 17 msgid "Current thread ID %d not found in virtual thread list." 18 18 msgstr "Aktuální vlákno ID %d nenalezeno v seznamu virtuálních vláken." 19 -
r571 r584 291 291 ThreadListLock.Release; 292 292 end; 293 F Thread.Free;293 FreeAndNil(FThread); 294 294 inherited; 295 295 end; … … 362 362 finalization 363 363 364 ThreadList.Free;365 ThreadListLock.Free;364 FreeAndNil(ThreadList); 365 FreeAndNil(ThreadListLock); 366 366 367 367 end. -
r566 r584 322 322 Result[I] := StringReplace(Result[I], '/', DirectorySeparator, [rfReplaceAll]); 323 323 Result[I] := StringReplace(Result[I], '\', DirectorySeparator, [rfReplaceAll]); 324 if Copy(Result[I], 1, 1) <> DirectorySeparatorthen324 if (Copy(Result[I], 1, 1) <> DirectorySeparator) and (Copy(Result[I], 2, 2) <> ':\') then 325 325 Result[I] := ExtractFileDir(Application.ExeName) + 326 326 DirectorySeparator + Result[I];
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.