Changeset 514 for BigInt

Apr 26, 2018, 1:07:22 PM (7 years ago)
  • Modified: Updated BigInt classes for Int128 a UInt128.
4 edited


  • BigInt/Int128Demo.lpi

    r505 r514  
    5656      <UnitOutputDirectory Value="lib\$(TargetCPU)-$(TargetOS)"/>
    5757    </SearchPaths>
     58    <Parsing>
     59      <SyntaxOptions>
     60        <IncludeAssertionCode Value="True"/>
     61      </SyntaxOptions>
     62    </Parsing>
     63    <CodeGeneration>
     64      <Checks>
     65        <IOChecks Value="True"/>
     66        <RangeChecks Value="True"/>
     67        <OverflowChecks Value="True"/>
     68        <StackChecks Value="True"/>
     69      </Checks>
     70      <VerifyObjMethodCallValidity Value="True"/>
     71    </CodeGeneration>
    5872    <Linking>
    5973      <Options>
  • BigInt/UFormMain.lfm

    r505 r514  
    11object FormMain: TFormMain
    2   Left = 609
    3   Height = 300
    4   Top = 492
    5   Width = 400
    6   Caption = 'FormMain'
    7   ClientHeight = 300
    8   ClientWidth = 400
     2  Left = 463
     3  Height = 457
     4  Top = 335
     5  Width = 810
     6  Caption = 'BigInt test'
     7  ClientHeight = 457
     8  ClientWidth = 810
    99  DesignTimePPI = 120
    1010  OnShow = FormShow
    11   LCLVersion = ''
    12   object Memo1: TMemo
    13     Left = 16
    14     Height = 249
    15     Top = 40
    16     Width = 376
    17     Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
     11  LCLVersion = ''
     12  object ListView1: TListView
     13    Left = 0
     14    Height = 457
     15    Top = 0
     16    Width = 810
     17    Align = alClient
     18    Columns = <   
     19      item
     20        Caption = 'Test'
     21        Width = 200
     22      end   
     23      item
     24        Caption = 'Result'
     25        Width = 100
     26      end   
     27      item
     28        Caption = 'Value'
     29        Width = 100
     30      end>
    1831    ReadOnly = True
    19     ScrollBars = ssAutoBoth
     32    RowSelect = True
    2033    TabOrder = 0
     34    ViewStyle = vsReport
    2135  end
  • BigInt/UFormMain.pas

    r505 r514  
    11unit UFormMain;
    3 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
     3{$mode delphi}{$H+}
    8   Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, StdCtrls, UInt128;
     8  Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, StdCtrls,
     9  ComCtrls, UInt128;
    1415  TFormMain = class(TForm)
    15     Memo1: TMemo;
     16    ListView1: TListView;
    1617    procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
    1718  private
     19    procedure TestInt128;
    1921  public
     22    procedure AddTest(Name: string; Result: Boolean; Value: string);
    2123  end;
    3032{ TFormMain }
    32 procedure TFormMain.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
     34procedure TFormMain.TestInt128;
    3436  A, B, C: Int128;
    35   X: Int64;
    37   A := 10;
     38  ListView1.Items.Clear;
     39  A := 123456789;
     40  AddTest('IntToHex(123456789)', IntToHex(A, 16) = '00000000075BCD15', IntToHex(A, 16));
     41  AddTest('IntToStr(123456789)', IntToStr(A) = '123456789', IntToStr(A));
     42  A := 21;
     43  B := 33;
     44  C := A + B;
     45  AddTest(IntToStr(A) + ' + ' + IntToStr(B), C = 54, IntToStr(C));
     46  C := A * B;
     47  AddTest(IntToStr(A) + ' * ' + IntToStr(B), C = 693, IntToStr(C));
     48  A := 30;
    3849  B := 10;
    39   C := A + B;
    40   X := $12345678;
    41   Memo1.Lines.Add('X: ' + IntToHex(X, 8));
    42   Memo1.Lines.Add(IntToStr(C));
    43   Memo1.Lines.Add(IntToHex(C, 0));
     50  C := A div B;
     51  AddTest(IntToStr(A) + ' div ' + IntToStr(B), C = 3, IntToStr(C));
     52  A := $1234567812345678;
     53  B := 31;
     54  C := A shr B;
     55  AddTest(IntToStr(A) + ' shr ' + IntToStr(B), C = 610839792, IntToStr(C));
     56  A := 100000000000;
     57  C := -A;
     58  AddTest('-' + IntToStr(A), C = -100000000000, IntToStr(C));
     61procedure TFormMain.AddTest(Name: string; Result: Boolean; Value: string);
     63  ListItem: TListItem;
     65  ListItem := ListView1.Items.Add;
     66  ListItem.Caption := Name;
     67  if Result then ListItem.SubItems.Add('Passed')
     68    else ListItem.SubItems.Add('Failed');
     69  ListItem.SubItems.Add(Value);
     72procedure TFormMain.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
     74  ListView1.Items.Clear;
     75  TestInt128;
  • BigInt/UInt128.pas

    r505 r514  
     12  { UInt128 }
     14  UInt128 = packed record
     15    procedure SetZero;
     16    procedure SetOne;
     17    procedure SetMinimum;
     18    procedure SetMaximum;
     19    function IsZero: Boolean;
     20    function IsOne: Boolean;
     21    function IsMinimum: Boolean;
     22    function IsMaximum: Boolean;
     23    class function Min(A, B: UInt128): UInt128; static;
     24    class function Max(A, B: UInt128): UInt128; static;
     25    class function Zero: UInt128; static;
     26    class function One: UInt128; static;
     27    class function Minimum: UInt128; static;
     28    class function Maximum: UInt128; static;
     29    class function Compare(A, B: UInt128): Int8; static;
     30    class procedure IntDivMod(A, B: UInt128; var Q, R: UInt128); static;
     31    class operator Inc(A: UInt128): UInt128;
     32    class operator Dec(A: UInt128): UInt128;
     33    class operator Implicit(A: ShortInt): UInt128;
     34    class operator Implicit(A: Byte): UInt128;
     35    class operator Implicit(A: UInt128): Byte;
     36    class operator Implicit(A: UInt128): LongWord;
     37    class operator Implicit(A: UInt128): ShortInt;
     38    class operator BitwiseXor(A, B: UInt128): UInt128;
     39    class operator BitwiseAnd(A, B: UInt128): UInt128;
     40    class operator BitwiseOr(A, B: UInt128): UInt128;
     41    class operator Add(A, B: UInt128): UInt128;
     42    class operator Subtract(A, B: UInt128): UInt128;
     43    class operator Equal(A, B: UInt128): Boolean;
     44    class operator LessThan(A, B: UInt128): Boolean;
     45    class operator LessThanOrEqual(A, B: UInt128): Boolean;
     46    class operator GreaterThan(A, B: UInt128): Boolean;
     47    class operator GreaterThanOrEqual(A, B: UInt128): Boolean;
     48    class operator Multiply(A, B: UInt128): UInt128;
     49    class operator IntDivide(A, B: UInt128): UInt128;
     50    class operator Modulus(A, B: UInt128): UInt128;
     51    class operator LeftShift(A, B: UInt128): UInt128;
     52    class operator RightShift(A, B: UInt128): UInt128;
     53    case Integer of
     54      0: (Bytes: array[0..15] of Byte);
     55      1: (Words: array[0..7] of Word);
     56      2: (LongWords: array[0..3] of LongWord);
     57      3: (QWords: array[0..1] of QWord);
     58  end;
     59  PUInt128 = ^UInt128;
    1161  { Int128 }
    13   Int128 = record
    14     Low: Int64;
    15     High: Int64;
    16     class operator Add(const A, B: Int128): Int128;
    17     class operator Subtract(const A, B: Int128): Int128;
    18     class operator Implicit(const A: Int64): Int128; overload;
    19     class operator Implicit(const A: UInt64): Int128; overload;
    20     class operator Implicit(const A: ShortInt): Int128; overload;
    21     class operator Implicit(const A: Int128): Int64; overload;
    22     class operator Implicit(const A: Int128): UInt64; overload;
    23     class operator Implicit(const A: Int128): Integer; overload;
    24     class operator Implicit(const A: Int128): ShortInt; overload;
    25     class operator Multiply(const A, B: Int128): Int128;
    26     class operator IntDivide(const A, B: Int128): Int128;
    27     class operator Divide(const A, B: Int128): Int128;
    28     class operator Modulus(const A, B: Int128): Int128;
    29     class operator LeftShift(const A: Int128; B: Byte): Int128;
    30     class operator RightShift(const A: Int128; B: Byte): Int128;
    31     class operator BitwiseAnd(const A, B: Int128): Int128;
    32     class operator BitwiseOr(const A, B: Int128): Int128;
    33     class operator LogicalAnd(const A: Boolean; B: Int128): Int128;
    34     class operator LogicalOr(const A: Boolean; B: Int128): Int128;
    35     class operator Equal(const A, B: Int128): Boolean;
    36     class operator NotEqual(const A, B: Int128): Boolean;
    37     class operator GreaterThan(const A, B: Int128): Boolean;
    38     class operator LessThan(const A, B: Int128): Boolean;
    39   end;
    41   UInt128 = record
    42     Low: UInt64;
    43     High: UInt64;
    44   end;
    46 function IntToStr(Value: Int128): string;
    47 function IntToHex(Value: Int128; Digits: integer): string;
     63  Int128 = packed record
     64    procedure SetZero;
     65    procedure SetOne;
     66    procedure SetMinusOne;
     67    procedure SetMinimum;
     68    procedure SetMaximum;
     69    function IsZero: Boolean;
     70    function IsOne: Boolean;
     71    function IsMinusOne: Boolean;
     72    function IsMinimum: Boolean;
     73    function IsMaximum: Boolean;
     74    function IsNegative: Boolean;
     75    function IsPositive: Boolean;
     76    function Abs: Int128;
     77    function Sign: Int8;
     78    class function Min(A, B: Int128): Int128; static;
     79    class function Max(A, B: Int128): Int128; static;
     80    class function Zero: Int128; static;
     81    class function One: Int128; static;
     82    class function MinusOne: Int128; static;
     83    class function Minimum: Int128; static;
     84    class function Maximum: Int128; static;
     85    class function Compare(A, B: Int128): Int8; static;
     86    class procedure IntDivMod(A, B: Int128; var Q, R: Int128); static;
     87    class operator Inc(A: Int128): Int128;
     88    class operator Dec(A: Int128): Int128;
     89    class operator Implicit(A: ShortInt): Int128;
     90    class operator Implicit(A: Byte): Int128;
     91    class operator Implicit(A: Int64): Int128;
     92    class operator Implicit(A: UInt128): Int128;
     93    class operator Implicit(A: Int128): ShortInt;
     94    class operator Implicit(A: Int128): Byte;
     95    class operator Implicit(A: Int128): LongWord;
     96    class operator Implicit(A: Int128): UInt128;
     97    class operator BitwiseXor(A, B: Int128): Int128;
     98    class operator BitwiseAnd(A, B: Int128): Int128;
     99    class operator BitwiseOr(A, B: Int128): Int128;
     100    class operator Add(A, B: Int128): Int128;
     101    class operator Subtract(A, B: Int128): Int128;
     102    class operator Equal(A, B: Int128): Boolean;
     103    class operator LessThan(A, B: Int128): Boolean;
     104    class operator LessThanOrEqual(A, B: Int128): Boolean;
     105    class operator GreaterThan(A, B: Int128): Boolean;
     106    class operator GreaterThanOrEqual(A, B: Int128): Boolean;
     107    class operator Negative(A: Int128): Int128;
     108    class operator Multiply(A, B: Int128): Int128;
     109    class operator IntDivide(A, B: Int128): Int128;
     110    class operator Modulus(A, B: Int128): Int128;
     111    class operator LeftShift(A, B: Int128): Int128;
     112    class operator RightShift(A, B: Int128): Int128;
     113    case Integer of
     114      0: (Bytes: array[0..15] of Byte);
     115      1: (ShortInts: array[0..15] of ShortInt);
     116      2: (Words: array[0..7] of Word);
     117      3: (SmallInts: array[0..7] of SmallInt);
     118      4: (LongWords: array[0..3] of LongWord);
     119      5: (LongInts: array[0..3] of LongInt);
     120      6: (QWords: array[0..1] of QWord);
     121      7: (Int64s: array[0..1] of Int64);
     122  end;
     123  PInt128 = ^Int128;
     125function IntToStr(Value: Int128): string; overload;
     126function IntToStr(Value: UInt128): string; overload;
     127function IntToHex(Value: Int128; Digits: integer): string; overload;
     128function IntToHex(Value: UInt128; Digits: integer): string; overload;
    50135   HexDigits: array[0..15] of Char = '0123456789ABCDEF';
    52 resourcestring
    53   SRangeCheckError = 'Range check error';
    56 implementation
    58 function IntToStr(Value: Int128): string;
    59 begin
    60   Result := '';
    61   while Value > 0 do begin
    62     Result := IntToStr(Value mod 10) + Result;
    63     Value := Value div 10;
    64   end;
     137// Raise errors using Error function in System.pas
     138{$IFOPT Q+}
     139procedure RaiseOverflowError;
     141  Error(reIntOverflow);
     145{$IFOPT R+}
     146procedure RaiseRangeError;
     148  Error(reRangeError);
     151procedure RaiseDivByZeroError;
     153  Error(reDivByZero);
     174function IntToHex(Value: UInt128; Digits: integer): string;
     176  I: Integer;
     178  if Digits = 0 then
     179    Digits := 1;
     180  SetLength(Result, Digits);
     181  for I := 0 to Digits - 1 do
     182  begin
     183    Result[Digits - I] := HexDigits[Value and 15];
     184    Value := Value shr 4;
     185  end ;
     186  while Value <> 0 do begin
     187    Result := HexDigits[Value and 15] + Result;
     188    Value := Value shr 4;
     189  end;
     192function IntToStr(Value: Int128): string;
     194  Result := '';
     195  if Value < 0 then begin
     196    Value := -Value;
     197    while Value > 9 do begin
     198      Result := Chr(Ord('0') + (Value mod 10)) + Result;
     199      Value := Value div 10;
     200    end;
     201    Result := '-' + Chr(Ord('0') + (Value mod 10)) + Result;
     202  end else begin
     203    while Value > 9 do begin
     204      Result := Chr(Ord('0') + (Value mod 10)) + Result;
     205      Value := Value div 10;
     206    end;
     207    Result := Chr(Ord('0') + Value) + Result;
     208  end;
     211function IntToStr(Value: UInt128): string;
     213  Result := '';
     214  while Value < 9 do begin
     215    Result := Chr(Ord('0') + (Value mod 10)) + Result;
     216    Value := Value div 10;
     217  end;
     218  Result := Chr(Ord('0') + (Value mod 10)) + Result;
     221{ UInt128 }
     223procedure UInt128.SetZero;
     225  QWords[0] := 0;
     226  QWords[1] := 0;
     229procedure UInt128.SetOne;
     231  QWords[0] := 1;
     232  QWords[1] := 0;
     235procedure UInt128.SetMinimum;
     237  SetZero;
     240procedure UInt128.SetMaximum;
     242  LongWords[0] := $ffffffff;
     243  LongWords[1] := $ffffffff;
     244  LongWords[2] := $ffffffff;
     245  LongWords[3] := $ffffffff;
     248function UInt128.IsZero: Boolean;
     250  Result := Self = UInt128.Zero;
     253function UInt128.IsOne: Boolean;
     255  Result := Self = UInt128.One;
     258function UInt128.IsMinimum: Boolean;
     260  Result := Self = UInt128.Minimum;
     263function UInt128.IsMaximum: Boolean;
     265  Result := Self = UInt128.Maximum;
     268class function UInt128.Min(A, B: UInt128): UInt128;
     270  if A < B then Result := A else Result := B;
     273class function UInt128.Max(A, B: UInt128): UInt128;
     275  if A > B then Result := A else Result := B;
     278class function UInt128.Zero: UInt128;
     280  Result.SetZero;
     283class function UInt128.One: UInt128;
     285  Result.SetOne;
     288class function UInt128.Minimum: UInt128;
     290  Result.SetMinimum;
     293class function UInt128.Maximum: UInt128;
     295  Result.SetMaximum;
     298class function UInt128.Compare(A, B: UInt128): Int8;
     300  C, D: LongWord;
     302  C := A.LongWords[3];
     303  D := B.LongWords[3];
     304  if C = D then
     305    begin
     306      C := A.LongWords[2];
     307      D := B.LongWords[2];
     308      if C = D then
     309        begin
     310          C := A.LongWords[1];
     311          D := B.LongWords[1];
     312          if C = D then
     313            begin
     314              C := A.LongWords[0];
     315              D := B.LongWords[0];
     316            end;
     317        end;
     318    end;
     319  if C > D then
     320    Result := 1 else
     321  if C < D then
     322    Result := -1
     323  else
     324    Result := 0;
     327class operator UInt128.Implicit(A: ShortInt): UInt128;
     329  {$IFOPT R+}
     330  if A < 0 then
     331    RaiseRangeError;
     332  {$ENDIF}
     333  Result.SetZero;
     334  Result.Bytes[0] := A;
     337class operator UInt128.Implicit(A: Byte): UInt128;
     339  Result.SetZero;
     340  Result.Bytes[0] := A;
     343class operator UInt128.Implicit(A: UInt128): Byte;
     345  Result := A.Bytes[0];
     348class operator UInt128.Implicit(A: UInt128): LongWord;
     350  Result := A.LongWords[0];
     353class operator UInt128.Implicit(A: UInt128): ShortInt;
     355  {$IFOPT R+}
     356  if not (A <= High(ShortInt)) then
     357    RaiseRangeError;
     358  {$ENDIF}
     359  Result := A.Bytes[0];
     362class operator UInt128.BitwiseXor(A, B: UInt128): UInt128;
     364  Result.LongWords[0] := A.LongWords[0] xor B.LongWords[0];
     365  Result.LongWords[1] := A.LongWords[1] xor B.LongWords[1];
     368class operator UInt128.BitwiseAnd(A, B: UInt128): UInt128;
     370  Result.LongWords[0] := A.LongWords[0] and B.LongWords[0];
     371  Result.LongWords[1] := A.LongWords[1] and B.LongWords[1];
     374class operator UInt128.BitwiseOr(A, B: UInt128): UInt128;
     376  Result.LongWords[0] := A.LongWords[0] or B.LongWords[0];
     377  Result.LongWords[1] := A.LongWords[1] or B.LongWords[1];
     380class operator UInt128.Add(A, B: UInt128): UInt128;
     382  C: LongWord;
     383  D: Integer;
     385  C := LongWord(A.Words[0]) + B.Words[0];
     386  Result.Words[0] := Word(C and $FFFF);
     388  for D := 1 to 7 do begin
     389    C := C shr 16;
     390    Inc(C, A.Words[D]);
     391    Inc(C, B.Words[D]);
     392    Result.Words[D] := Word(C and $FFFF);
     393  end;
     395  {$IFOPT Q+}
     396  C := C shr 16;
     397  if C > 0 then RaiseOverflowError;
     398  {$ENDIF}
     401class operator UInt128.Subtract(A, B: UInt128): UInt128;
     403  C, D: Integer;
     405  C := A.Words[0];
     406  Dec(C, B.Words[0]);
     407  Result.Words[0] := Word(C);
     409  for D := 1 to 7 do
     410    begin
     411      if C < 0 then C := -1 else C := 0;
     412      Inc(C, A.Words[D]);
     413      Dec(C, B.Words[D]);
     414      Result.Words[D] := Word(C);
     415    end;
     417  {$IFOPT Q+}
     418  if C < 0 then RaiseOverflowError;
     419  {$ENDIF}
     422class operator UInt128.Equal(A, B: UInt128): Boolean;
     424  Result := (A.LongWords[0] = B.LongWords[0]) and
     425    (A.LongWords[1] = B.LongWords[1]);
     428class operator UInt128.LessThan(A, B: UInt128): Boolean;
     430  G: Int8;
     432  G := Compare(A, B);
     433  Result := G = -1;
     436class operator UInt128.LessThanOrEqual(A, B: UInt128): Boolean;
     438  Result := not (A > B);
     441class operator UInt128.GreaterThan(A, B: UInt128): Boolean;
     443  Result := Compare(A, B) = 1;
     446class operator UInt128.GreaterThanOrEqual(A, B: UInt128): Boolean;
     448  Result := not (A < B);
     451class operator UInt128.Multiply(A, B: UInt128): UInt128;
     453  C : Int64;
     455  C := LongWord(A.Words[0]) * B.Words[0];
     456  Result.Words[0] := Word(C);
     458  C := C shr 16;
     459  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[0]) * B.Words[1]);
     460  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[1]) * B.Words[0]);
     461  Result.Words[1] := Word(C);
     463  C := C shr 16;
     464  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[0]) * B.Words[2]);
     465  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[1]) * B.Words[1]);
     466  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[2]) * B.Words[0]);
     467  Result.Words[2] := Word(C);
     469  C := C shr 16;
     470  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[0]) * B.Words[3]);
     471  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[1]) * B.Words[2]);
     472  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[2]) * B.Words[1]);
     473  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[3]) * B.Words[0]);
     474  Result.Words[3] := Word(C);
     476  C := C shr 16;
     477  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[0]) * B.Words[4]);
     478  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[1]) * B.Words[3]);
     479  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[2]) * B.Words[2]);
     480  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[3]) * B.Words[1]);
     481  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[4]) * B.Words[0]);
     482  Result.Words[4] := Word(C);
     484  C := C shr 16;
     485  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[0]) * B.Words[5]);
     486  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[1]) * B.Words[4]);
     487  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[2]) * B.Words[3]);
     488  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[3]) * B.Words[2]);
     489  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[4]) * B.Words[1]);
     490  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[5]) * B.Words[0]);
     491  Result.Words[5] := Word(C);
     493  C := C shr 16;
     494  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[0]) * B.Words[6]);
     495  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[1]) * B.Words[5]);
     496  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[2]) * B.Words[4]);
     497  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[3]) * B.Words[3]);
     498  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[4]) * B.Words[2]);
     499  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[5]) * B.Words[1]);
     500  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[6]) * B.Words[0]);
     501  Result.Words[6] := Word(C);
     503  C := C shr 16;
     504  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[0]) * B.Words[7]);
     505  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[1]) * B.Words[6]);
     506  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[2]) * B.Words[5]);
     507  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[3]) * B.Words[4]);
     508  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[4]) * B.Words[3]);
     509  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[5]) * B.Words[2]);
     510  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[6]) * B.Words[1]);
     511  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[7]) * B.Words[0]);
     512  Result.Words[7] := Word(C);
     514  {$IFOPT Q+}
     515  C := C shr 16;
     516  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[1]) * B.Words[7]);
     517  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[2]) * B.Words[6]);
     518  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[3]) * B.Words[5]);
     519  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[4]) * B.Words[4]);
     520  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[5]) * B.Words[3]);
     521  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[6]) * B.Words[2]);
     522  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[7]) * B.Words[1]);
     523  if C > 0 then
     524    RaiseOverflowError;
     526  C := C shr 16;
     527  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[2]) * B.Words[7]);
     528  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[3]) * B.Words[6]);
     529  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[4]) * B.Words[5]);
     530  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[5]) * B.Words[4]);
     531  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[6]) * B.Words[3]);
     532  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[7]) * B.Words[2]);
     533  if C > 0 then
     534    RaiseOverflowError;
     536  C := C shr 16;
     537  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[3]) * B.Words[7]);
     538  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[4]) * B.Words[6]);
     539  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[5]) * B.Words[5]);
     540  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[6]) * B.Words[4]);
     541  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[7]) * B.Words[3]);
     542  if C > 0 then
     543    RaiseOverflowError;
     545  C := C shr 16;
     546  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[4]) * B.Words[7]);
     547  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[5]) * B.Words[6]);
     548  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[6]) * B.Words[5]);
     549  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[7]) * B.Words[4]);
     550  if C > 0 then
     551    RaiseOverflowError;
     553  C := C shr 16;
     554  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[5]) * B.Words[7]);
     555  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[6]) * B.Words[6]);
     556  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[7]) * B.Words[5]);
     557  if C > 0 then
     558    RaiseOverflowError;
     560  C := C shr 16;
     561  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[6]) * B.Words[7]);
     562  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[7]) * B.Words[6]);
     563  if C > 0 then
     564    RaiseOverflowError;
     566  C := C shr 16;
     567  Inc(C, LongWord(A.Words[7]) * B.Words[7]);
     568  if C > 0 then
     569    RaiseOverflowError;
     570  {$ENDIF}
     573class operator UInt128.IntDivide(A, B: UInt128): UInt128;
     575  M: UInt128;
     577  IntDivMod(A, B, Result, M);
     580class procedure UInt128.IntDivMod(A, B: UInt128; var Q, R: UInt128);
     582  C: Integer;
     583  D: UInt128;
     585  // Handle special cases
     586  if B.IsZero then begin // B = 0
     587    RaiseDivByZeroError;
     588  end else
     589  if B.IsOne then begin// B = 1
     590    Q := A;
     591    R.SetZero;
     592    Exit;
     593  end else
     594  if A.IsZero then begin // A = 0
     595    Q.SetZero;
     596    R.SetZero;
     597    Exit;
     598  end;
     599  C := UInt128.Compare(A, B);
     600  if C < 0 then begin // A < B
     601    R := A;
     602    Q.SetZero;
     603    Exit;
     604  end else
     605  if C = 0 then begin // A = B
     606    Q.SetOne;
     607    R.SetZero;
     608    Exit;
     609  end;
     610  // Divide using "restoring radix two" division
     611  D := A;
     612  R.SetZero; // remainder (128 bits)
     613  Q.SetZero; // quotient (128 bits)
     614  for C := 0 to 127 do begin
     615    // Shift high bit of dividend D into low bit of remainder R
     616    R := R shl 1;
     617    if D.LongWords[3] and $80000000 <> 0 then
     618      R.LongWords[0] := R.LongWords[0] or 1;
     619    D := D shl 1;
     620    // Shift quotient
     621    Q := Q shl 1;
     622    // Subtract divisor from remainder if large enough
     623    if UInt128.Compare(R, B) >= 0 then begin
     624      R := R - B;
     625      // Set result bit in quotient
     626      Q.LongWords[0] := Q.LongWords[0] or 1;
     627    end;
     628  end;
     631class operator UInt128.Inc(A: UInt128): UInt128;
     633  C: LongWord;
     634  D: Integer;
     636  C := A.Words[0];
     637  Inc(C);
     638  Result.Words[0] := Word(C and $FFFF);
     640  C := C shr 16;
     641  if C = 0 then Exit;
     642  Inc(C, A.Words[1]);
     643  Result.Words[1] := Word(C and $FFFF);
     645  for D := 2 to 7 do begin
     646    C := C shr 16;
     647    if C = 0 then Exit;
     648    Inc(C, A.Words[D]);
     649    Result.Words[D] := Word(C and $FFFF);
     650  end;
     652  {$IFOPT Q+}
     653  C := C shr 16;
     654  if C > 0 then RaiseOverflowError;
     655  {$ENDIF}
     658class operator UInt128.Dec(A: UInt128): UInt128;
     660  Result := A - 1;
     663class operator UInt128.Modulus(A, B: UInt128): UInt128;
     665  D: UInt128;
     667  IntDivMod(A, B, D, Result);
     670class operator UInt128.LeftShift(A, B: UInt128): UInt128;
     672  C, D : Byte;
     674  if B = 0 then begin
     675    Exit;
     676  end else
     677  if B = 1 then begin
     678    Result.LongWords[3] := (A.LongWords[3] shl 1) or (A.LongWords[2] shr 31);
     679    Result.LongWords[2] := (A.LongWords[2] shl 1) or (A.LongWords[1] shr 31);
     680    Result.LongWords[1] := (A.LongWords[1] shl 1) or (A.LongWords[0] shr 31);
     681    Result.LongWords[0] := (A.LongWords[0] shl 1);
     682  end else
     683  if B >= 128 then begin
     684    A.SetZero;
     685  end else
     686  if B < 32 then begin // 1 <= B <= 31
     687    C := 32 - B;
     688    Result.LongWords[3] := (A.LongWords[3] shl B) or (A.LongWords[2] shr C);
     689    Result.LongWords[2] := (A.LongWords[2] shl B) or (A.LongWords[1] shr C);
     690    Result.LongWords[1] := (A.LongWords[1] shl B) or (A.LongWords[0] shr C);
     691    Result.LongWords[0] := (A.LongWords[0] shl B);
     692  end else
     693  if B < 64 then begin // 32 <= B <= 63
     694    D := B - 32;
     695    C := 32 - D;
     696    Result.LongWords[3] := (A.LongWords[2] shl D) or (A.LongWords[1] shr C);
     697    Result.LongWords[2] := (A.LongWords[1] shl D) or (A.LongWords[0] shr C);
     698    Result.LongWords[1] := (A.LongWords[0] shl D);
     699    Result.LongWords[0] := 0;
     700  end else
     701  if B < 96 then begin // 64 <= B <= 95
     702    D := B - 64;
     703    C := 32 - D;
     704    Result.LongWords[3] := (A.LongWords[1] shl D) or (A.LongWords[0] shr C);
     705    Result.LongWords[2] := (A.LongWords[0] shl D);
     706    Result.LongWords[1] := 0;
     707    Result.LongWords[0] := 0;
     708  end else begin          // 96 <= B <= 127
     709    D := B - 96;
     710    Result.LongWords[3] := (A.LongWords[0] shl D);
     711    Result.LongWords[2] := 0;
     712    Result.LongWords[1] := 0;
     713    Result.LongWords[0] := 0;
     714  end;
     717class operator UInt128.RightShift(A, B: UInt128): UInt128;
     719  C, D : Byte;
     721  if B = 0 then begin
     722    Exit;
     723  end else
     724  if B = 1 then begin
     725    Result.LongWords[0] := (A.LongWords[0] shr 1) or (A.LongWords[1] shl 31);
     726    Result.LongWords[1] := (A.LongWords[1] shr 1) or (A.LongWords[2] shl 31);
     727    Result.LongWords[2] := (A.LongWords[2] shr 1) or (A.LongWords[3] shl 31);
     728    Result.LongWords[3] := (A.LongWords[3] shr 1);
     729  end else
     730  if B >= 128 then begin
     731    A.SetZero;
     732  end else
     733  if B < 32 then begin // 1 <= B <= 31
     734    C := 32 - B;
     735    Result.LongWords[0] := (A.LongWords[0] shr B) or (A.LongWords[1] shl C);
     736    Result.LongWords[1] := (A.LongWords[1] shr B) or (A.LongWords[2] shl C);
     737    Result.LongWords[2] := (A.LongWords[2] shr B) or (A.LongWords[3] shl C);
     738    Result.LongWords[3] := (A.LongWords[3] shr B);
     739  end else
     740  if B < 64 then begin // 32 <= B <= 63
     741    D := B - 32;
     742    C := 32 - D;
     743    Result.LongWords[0] := (A.LongWords[1] shr D) or (A.LongWords[2] shl C);
     744    Result.LongWords[1] := (A.LongWords[2] shr D) or (A.LongWords[3] shl C);
     745    Result.LongWords[2] := (A.LongWords[3] shr D);
     746    Result.LongWords[3] := 0;
     747  end else
     748  if B < 96 then begin // 64 <= B <= 95
     749    D := B - 64;
     750    C := 32 - D;
     751    Result.LongWords[0] := (A.LongWords[2] shr D) or (A.LongWords[3] shl C);
     752    Result.LongWords[1] := (A.LongWords[3] shr D);
     753    Result.LongWords[2] := 0;
     754    Result.LongWords[3] := 0;
     755  end else begin           // 96 <= B <= 127
     756    D := B - 96;
     757    Result.LongWords[0] := (A.LongWords[3] shr D);
     758    Result.LongWords[1] := 0;
     759    Result.LongWords[2] := 0;
     760    Result.LongWords[3] := 0;
     761  end;
    85764{ Int128 }
    87 class operator Int128.LogicalAnd(const A: Boolean; B: Int128): Int128;
    88 begin
    90 end;
    92 class operator Int128.LogicalOr(const A: Boolean; B: Int128): Int128;
    93 begin
    95 end;
    97 class operator Int128.Add(const A, B: Int128): Int128;
    98 begin
    99   Result.Low := A.Low + B.Low;
    100   Result.High := A.High + B.High;
    101 end;
    103 class operator Int128.Subtract(const A, B: Int128): Int128;
    104 begin
    105   Result.Low := A.Low - B.Low;
    106   Result.High := A.High - B.High;
    107 end;
    109 class operator Int128.Implicit(const A: Int128): Integer;
    110 begin
    112 end;
    114 class operator Int128.Implicit(const A: Int128): Int64;
    115 begin
    117 end;
    119 class operator Int128.Implicit(const A: Int128): UInt64;
    120 begin
    122 end;
    124 class operator Int128.Implicit(const A: Int128): ShortInt;
    125 begin
    126   if (A.Low <= System.High(ShortInt)) and (A.Low >= System.Low(ShortInt)) then
    127     Result := A.Low
    128     else raise ERangeError.Create(SRangeCheckError);
    129 end;
    131 class operator Int128.Implicit(const A: ShortInt): Int128;
    132 begin
    133   Result.Low := A;
    134   Result.High := 0;
    135 end;
    137 class operator Int128.Implicit(const A: Int64): Int128;
    138 begin
    139   Result.Low := A;
    140   Result.High := 0;
    141 end;
    143 class operator Int128.Implicit(const A: UInt64): Int128;
    144 begin
    145   Result.Low := A;
    146   Result.High := 0;
    147 end;
    149 class operator Int128.Equal(const A, B: Int128): Boolean;
    150 begin
    151   Result := (A.Low = B.Low) and (A.High = B.High);
    152 end;
    154 class operator Int128.NotEqual(const A, B: Int128): Boolean;
    155 begin
    156   Result := not ((A.Low = B.Low) and (A.High = B.High));
    157 end;
    159 class operator Int128.LessThan(const A, B: Int128): Boolean;
    160 begin
    162 end;
    164 class operator Int128.GreaterThan(const A, B: Int128): Boolean;
    165 begin
    167 end;
    169 class operator Int128.LeftShift(const A: Int128; B: Byte): Int128;
    170 begin
    171   if B < 64 then begin
    172     Result.High := (A.High shl B);
    173     Result.High := Result.High or ((A.Low shr (64 - B)) and ((1 shl B) - 1));
    174     Result.Low := A.Low shl B;
     766procedure Int128.SetZero;
     768  QWords[0] := 0;
     769  QWords[1] := 0;
     772procedure Int128.SetOne;
     774  QWords[0] := 1;
     775  QWords[1] := 0;
     778procedure Int128.SetMinusOne;
     780  LongWords[0] := $ffffffff;
     781  LongWords[1] := $ffffffff;
     782  LongWords[2] := $ffffffff;
     783  LongWords[3] := $ffffffff;
     786procedure Int128.SetMinimum;
     788  LongWords[0] := 0;
     789  LongWords[1] := 0;
     790  LongWords[2] := 0;
     791  LongWords[3] := $80000000;
     794procedure Int128.SetMaximum;
     796  QWords[0] := 0;
     797  QWords[1] := $7fffffffffffffff;
     800function Int128.IsNegative: Boolean;
     802  Result := (LongWords[3] and $80000000) <> 0;
     805function Int128.IsPositive: Boolean;
     807  Result := (LongWords[3] and $80000000) = 0;
     810function Int128.IsZero: Boolean;
     812  Result := Self = Int128.Zero;
     815function Int128.IsOne: Boolean;
     817  Result := Self = Int128.One;
     820function Int128.IsMinusOne: Boolean;
     822  Result := Self = Int128.MinusOne;
     825function Int128.IsMinimum: Boolean;
     827  Result := Self = Minimum;
     830function Int128.IsMaximum: Boolean;
     832  Result := Self = Maximum;
     835class function Int128.Zero: Int128;
     837  Result.SetZero;
     840class function Int128.One: Int128;
     842  Result.SetOne;
     845class function Int128.MinusOne: Int128;
     847  Result.SetMinusOne;
     850class function Int128.Minimum: Int128;
     852  Result.SetMinimum;
     855class function Int128.Maximum: Int128;
     857  Result.SetMaximum;
     860function Int128.Abs: Int128;
     862  if Self < 0 then Result := -Self
     863    else Result := Self;
     866function Int128.Sign: Int8;
     868  if IsZero then Result := 0
     869  else if (LongWords[3] and $80000000) = 1 then Result := 1
     870  else Result := 1;
     873class function Int128.Min(A, B: Int128): Int128;
     875  if A < B then Result := A else Result := B;
     878class function Int128.Max(A, B: Int128): Int128;
     880  if A > B then Result := A else Result := B;
     883class operator Int128.Implicit(A: ShortInt): Int128;
     885  if A < 0 then begin
     886    Result.SetMinusOne;
     887    Result.ShortInts[0] := A;
    175888  end else begin
    176     Result.High := A.High shl (B - 64);
    177     Result.Low := 0;
    178   end;
    179 end;
    181 class operator Int128.RightShift(const A: Int128; B: Byte): Int128;
    182 begin
    183   if B < 64 then begin
    184     Result.Low := (A.Low shr B);
    185     Result.Low := Result.Low or (A.High and ((1 shl B) - 1)) shl (64 - B);
    186     Result.High := A.High shr B;
    187   end else begin
    188     Result.Low := A.High shr (B - 64);
    189     Result.High := 0;
    190   end;
    191 end;
    193 class operator Int128.BitwiseAnd(const A, B: Int128): Int128;
    194 begin
    195   Result.Low := A.Low and B.Low;
    196   Result.High := A.High and B.High;
    197 end;
    199 class operator Int128.BitwiseOr(const A, B: Int128): Int128;
    200 begin
    201   Result.Low := A.Low or B.Low;
    202   Result.High := A.High or B.High;
    203 end;
    205 class operator Int128.Divide(const A, B: Int128): Int128;
    206 begin
    207 end;
    209 class operator Int128.IntDivide(const A, B: Int128): Int128;
    210 begin
    211 end;
    213 class operator Int128.Multiply(const A, B: Int128): Int128;
    214 begin
    215 end;
    217 class operator Int128.Modulus(const A, B: Int128): Int128;
    218 begin
     889    Result.SetZero;
     890    Result.ShortInts[0] := A;
     891  end;
     894class operator Int128.Implicit(A: Byte): Int128;
     896  Result.SetZero;
     897  Result.Bytes[0] := A;
     900class operator Int128.Implicit(A: Int64): Int128;
     902  Result.Int64s[0] := A;
     903  if A < 0 then Result.Int64s[1] := -1
     904    else Result.Int64s[1] := 0;
     907class operator Int128.Implicit(A: Int128): Byte;
     909  {$IFOPT R+}
     910  if not ((A <= High(Byte)) and (A >= Low(Byte))) then
     911    RaiseRangeError;
     912  {$ENDIF}
     913  Result := A.Bytes[0];
     916class operator Int128.Implicit(A: Int128): LongWord;
     918  Result := A.LongWords[0];
     921class operator Int128.Implicit(A: Int128): UInt128;
     923  {$IFOPT R+}
     924  if A.IsNegative then
     925    RaiseRangeError;
     926  {$ENDIF}
     927  Result.QWords[0] := A.QWords[0];
     928  Result.QWords[1] := A.QWords[1];
     931class operator Int128.Implicit(A: UInt128): Int128;
     933  {$IFOPT R+}
     934  if A.LongWords[3] and $80000000 <> 0 then
     935    RaiseRangeError;
     936  {$ENDIF}
     937  Result.LongWords[0] := A.LongWords[0];
     938  Result.LongWords[1] := A.LongWords[1];
     939  Result.LongWords[2] := A.LongWords[2];
     940  Result.LongWords[3] := A.LongWords[3];
     943class operator Int128.Implicit(A: Int128): ShortInt;
     945  {$IFOPT R+}
     946  if not ((A <= High(ShortInt)) and (A >= Low(ShortInt))) then
     947    RaiseRangeError;
     948  {$ENDIF}
     949  Result := A.ShortInts[0];
     952class operator Int128.BitwiseXor(A, B: Int128): Int128;
     954  Result.QWords[0] := A.QWords[0] xor B.QWords[0];
     955  Result.QWords[1] := A.QWords[1] xor B.QWords[1];
     958class operator Int128.BitwiseAnd(A, B: Int128): Int128;
     960  Result.QWords[0] := A.QWords[0] and B.QWords[0];
     961  Result.QWords[1] := A.QWords[1] and B.QWords[1];
     964class operator Int128.BitwiseOr(A, B: Int128): Int128;
     966  Result.QWords[0] := A.QWords[0] or B.QWords[0];
     967  Result.QWords[1] := A.QWords[1] or B.QWords[1];
     970class function Int128.Compare(A, B: Int128): Int8;
     972  P, Q : Boolean;
     974  P := A.LongWords[3] and $80000000 <> 0;
     975  Q := B.LongWords[3] and $80000000 <> 0;
     976  if P <> Q then
     977    if P then
     978      Result := -1
     979    else
     980      Result := 1
     981  else
     982    if A.LongWords[3] < B.LongWords[3] then
     983      Result := -1 else
     984    if A.LongWords[3] > B.LongWords[3] then
     985      Result := 1 else
     986    if A.LongWords[2] < B.LongWords[2] then
     987      Result := -1 else
     988    if A.LongWords[2] > B.LongWords[2] then
     989      Result := 1 else
     990    if A.LongWords[1] < B.LongWords[1] then
     991      Result := -1 else
     992    if A.LongWords[1] > B.LongWords[1] then
     993      Result := 1 else
     994    if A.LongWords[0] < B.LongWords[0] then
     995      Result := -1 else
     996    if A.LongWords[0] > B.LongWords[0] then
     997      Result := 1
     998    else
     999      Result := 0;
     1002class procedure Int128.IntDivMod(A, B: Int128; var Q, R: Int128);
     1004  C, T: UInt128;
     1005  D, E: UInt128;
     1007  C := A.Abs;
     1008  D := B.Abs;
     1009  UInt128.IntDivMod(C, D, T, E);
     1010  if not (A.IsNegative xor B.IsNegative) then Q := T
     1011    else Q := -Int128(T);
     1012  R := E;
     1015class operator Int128.Inc(A: Int128): Int128;
     1017  Result := A + 1;
     1020class operator Int128.Dec(A: Int128): Int128;
     1022  Result := A - 1;
     1025class operator Int128.Add(A, B: Int128): Int128;
     1027  {$IFOPT Q+}
     1028  D, E : Boolean;
     1029  {$ENDIF}
     1031  {$IFOPT Q+}
     1032  D := A.LongWords[3] and $80000000 = 0;
     1033  E := B.LongWords[3] and $80000000 = 0;
     1034  {$ENDIF}
     1036  Result.QWords[0] := A.QWords[0] + B.QWords[0];
     1037  Result.QWords[1] := A.QWords[1] + B.QWords[1];
     1038  if ((A.QWords[0] shr 63) = 1) and ((B.QWords[0] shr 63) = 1) then
     1039    Result.QWords[1] := Result.QWords[1] + 1;
     1041  {$IFOPT Q+}
     1042  // Check overflow
     1043  if A.LongWords[3] and $80000000 <> 0 then
     1044    begin
     1045      if D and not E then
     1046        RaiseOverflowError;
     1047    end
     1048  else
     1049    if not D and E then
     1050      RaiseOverflowError;
     1051  {$ENDIF}
     1054class operator Int128.Subtract(A, B: Int128): Int128;
     1056  {$IFOPT Q+}
     1057  D, E : Boolean;
     1058  {$ENDIF}
     1060  {$IFOPT Q+}
     1061  D := A.LongWords[3] and $80000000 = 0;
     1062  E := B.LongWords[3] and $80000000 = 0;
     1063  {$ENDIF}
     1065  Result.QWords[0] := A.QWords[0] - B.QWords[0];
     1066  Result.QWords[1] := A.QWords[1] - B.QWords[1];
     1067  if ((A.QWords[0] shr 63) = 1) and ((B.QWords[0] shr 63) = 1) then
     1068    Result.QWords[1] := Result.QWords[1] - 1;
     1070  {$IFOPT Q+}
     1071  // Check overflow
     1072  if A.LongWords[3] and $80000000 <> 0 then
     1073    begin
     1074      if D and not E then
     1075        RaiseOverflowError;
     1076    end
     1077  else
     1078    if not D and E then
     1079      RaiseOverflowError;
     1080  {$ENDIF}
     1083class operator Int128.Equal(A, B: Int128): Boolean;
     1085  Result := (A.QWords[0] = B.QWords[0]) and (A.QWords[1] = B.QWords[1]);
     1088class operator Int128.LessThan(A, B: Int128): Boolean;
     1090  G: Int8;
     1092  G := Compare(A, B);
     1093  Result := G = -1;
     1096class operator Int128.LessThanOrEqual(A, B: Int128): Boolean;
     1098  Result := not (A > B);
     1101class operator Int128.GreaterThan(A, B: Int128): Boolean;
     1103  Result := Compare(A, B) = 1;
     1106class operator Int128.GreaterThanOrEqual(A, B: Int128): Boolean;
     1108  Result := not (A < B);
     1111class operator Int128.Negative(A: Int128): Int128;
     1113  Result := (A xor Int128.MinusOne) + 1;
     1116class operator Int128.Multiply(A, B: Int128): Int128;
     1118  Result := 0;
     1119  while B.Abs > 0 do begin
     1120    Result := Result + A;
     1121    B := B - 1;
     1122  end;
     1123  if B.Sign = -1 then Result := -Result;
     1126class operator Int128.IntDivide(A, B: Int128): Int128;
     1128  M: Int128;
     1130  IntDivMod(A, B, Result, M);
     1133class operator Int128.Modulus(A, B: Int128): Int128;
     1135  D: Int128;
     1137  IntDivMod(A, B, D, Result);
     1140class operator Int128.LeftShift(A, B: Int128): Int128;
     1142  C, D: Byte;
     1144  if B = 0 then begin
     1145    Result := A;
     1146  end else
     1147  if B = 1 then begin
     1148    Result.LongWords[3] := (A.LongWords[3] shl 1) or (A.LongWords[2] shr 31);
     1149    Result.LongWords[2] := (A.LongWords[2] shl 1) or (A.LongWords[1] shr 31);
     1150    Result.LongWords[1] := (A.LongWords[1] shl 1) or (A.LongWords[0] shr 31);
     1151    Result.LongWords[0] := (A.LongWords[0] shl 1);
     1152  end else
     1153  if B >= 128 then begin
     1154    Result.SetZero;
     1155  end else
     1156  if B < 32 then begin // 1 <= B <= 31
     1157    C := 32 - B;
     1158    Result.LongWords[3] := (A.LongWords[3] shl B) or (A.LongWords[2] shr C);
     1159    Result.LongWords[2] := (A.LongWords[2] shl B) or (A.LongWords[1] shr C);
     1160    Result.LongWords[1] := (A.LongWords[1] shl B) or (A.LongWords[0] shr C);
     1161    Result.LongWords[0] := (A.LongWords[0] shl B);
     1162  end else
     1163  if B < 64 then begin // 32 <= B <= 63
     1164    D := B - 32;
     1165    C := 32 - D;
     1166    Result.LongWords[3] := (A.LongWords[2] shl D) or (A.LongWords[1] shr C);
     1167    Result.LongWords[2] := (A.LongWords[1] shl D) or (A.LongWords[0] shr C);
     1168    Result.LongWords[1] := (A.LongWords[0] shl D);
     1169    Result.LongWords[0] := 0;
     1170  end else
     1171  if B < 96 then begin // 64 <= B <= 95
     1172    D := B - 64;
     1173    C := 32 - D;
     1174    Result.LongWords[3] := (A.LongWords[1] shl D) or (A.LongWords[0] shr C);
     1175    Result.LongWords[2] := (A.LongWords[0] shl D);
     1176    Result.LongWords[1] := 0;
     1177    Result.LongWords[0] := 0;
     1178  end else begin  // 96 <= B <= 127
     1179    D := B - 96;
     1180    Result.LongWords[3] := (A.LongWords[0] shl D);
     1181    Result.LongWords[2] := 0;
     1182    Result.LongWords[1] := 0;
     1183    Result.LongWords[0] := 0;
     1184  end;
     1187class operator Int128.RightShift(A, B: Int128): Int128;
     1189  C, D: Byte;
     1191  if B = 0 then begin
     1192    Result := A;
     1193  end else
     1194  if B = 1 then begin
     1195    Result.LongWords[0] := (A.LongWords[0] shr 1) or (A.LongWords[1] shl 31);
     1196    Result.LongWords[1] := (A.LongWords[1] shr 1) or (A.LongWords[2] shl 31);
     1197    Result.LongWords[2] := (A.LongWords[2] shr 1) or (A.LongWords[3] shl 31);
     1198    Result.LongWords[3] := (A.LongWords[3] shr 1);
     1199  end else
     1200  if B >= 128 then begin
     1201    Result.SetZero;
     1202  end else
     1203  if B < 32 then begin // 1 <= B <= 31
     1204    C := 32 - B;
     1205    Result.LongWords[0] := (A.LongWords[0] shr Byte(B)) or (A.LongWords[1] shl C);
     1206    Result.LongWords[1] := (A.LongWords[1] shr Byte(B)) or (A.LongWords[2] shl C);
     1207    Result.LongWords[2] := (A.LongWords[2] shr Byte(B)) or (A.LongWords[3] shl C);
     1208    Result.LongWords[3] := (A.LongWords[3] shr Byte(B));
     1209  end else
     1210  if B < 64 then begin // 32 <= B <= 63
     1211    D := B - 32;
     1212    C := 32 - D;
     1213    Result.LongWords[0] := (A.LongWords[1] shr Byte(D)) or (A.LongWords[2] shl C);
     1214    Result.LongWords[1] := (A.LongWords[2] shr Byte(D)) or (A.LongWords[3] shl C);
     1215    Result.LongWords[2] := (A.LongWords[3] shr Byte(D));
     1216    Result.LongWords[3] := 0;
     1217  end else
     1218  if B < 96 then begin // 64 <= B <= 95
     1219    D := B - 64;
     1220    C := 32 - D;
     1221    Result.LongWords[0] := (A.LongWords[2] shr Byte(D)) or (A.LongWords[3] shl C);
     1222    Result.LongWords[1] := (A.LongWords[3] shr Byte(D));
     1223    Result.LongWords[2] := 0;
     1224    Result.LongWords[3] := 0;
     1225  end else begin           // 96 <= B <= 127
     1226    D := B - 96;
     1227    Result.LongWords[0] := (A.LongWords[3] shr Byte(D));
     1228    Result.LongWords[1] := 0;
     1229    Result.LongWords[2] := 0;
     1230    Result.LongWords[3] := 0;
     1231  end;
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