Changeset 371 for Common

Jun 1, 2012, 10:15:16 AM (12 years ago)
2 edited


  • Common/UJobProgressView.lfm

    r368 r371  
    11object FormJobProgressView: TFormJobProgressView
    2   Left = 466
    3   Height = 248
    4   Top = 251
    5   Width = 330
     2  Left = 467
     3  Height = 246
     4  Top = 252
     5  Width = 328
    66  BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu]
    7   ClientHeight = 248
    8   ClientWidth = 330
     7  ClientHeight = 246
     8  ClientWidth = 328
    99  Font.Height = -11
    1010  Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
    1919    Height = 24
    2020    Top = 0
    21     Width = 330
     21    Width = 328
    2222    Align = alTop
    2323    BevelOuter = bvNone
    2424    ClientHeight = 24
    25     ClientWidth = 330
     25    ClientWidth = 328
    2626    FullRepaint = False
    2727    TabOrder = 0
    4141  object PanelLog: TPanel
    4242    Left = 0
    43     Height = 124
     43    Height = 122
    4444    Top = 124
    45     Width = 330
     45    Width = 328
    4646    Align = alClient
    4747    BevelOuter = bvSpace
    48     ClientHeight = 124
    49     ClientWidth = 330
     48    ClientHeight = 122
     49    ClientWidth = 328
    5050    TabOrder = 1
    5151    object MemoLog: TMemo
    5252      Left = 8
    53       Height = 108
     53      Height = 106
    5454      Top = 8
    55       Width = 314
     55      Width = 312
    5656      Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
    5757      ReadOnly = True
    6464    Height = 38
    6565    Top = 50
    66     Width = 330
     66    Width = 328
    6767    Align = alTop
    6868    BevelOuter = bvNone
    6969    ClientHeight = 38
    70     ClientWidth = 330
     70    ClientWidth = 328
    7171    TabOrder = 2
    7272    object ProgressBarPart: TProgressBar
    7474      Height = 17
    7575      Top = 16
    76       Width = 314
     76      Width = 312
    7777      Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
    7878      TabOrder = 0
    9191    Height = 26
    9292    Top = 24
    93     Width = 330
     93    Width = 328
    9494    Align = alTop
    9595    BevelOuter = bvNone
    9696    ClientHeight = 26
    97     ClientWidth = 330
     97    ClientWidth = 328
    9898    FullRepaint = False
    9999    TabOrder = 3
    102102      Height = 16
    103103      Top = 5
    104       Width = 314
     104      Width = 312
    105105      Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
    106106      AutoWidthLastColumn = True
    109109      Columns = <     
    110110        item
    111           Width = 314
     111          Width = 312
    112112        end>
    113113      OwnerData = True
    124124    Height = 36
    125125    Top = 88
    126     Width = 330
     126    Width = 328
    127127    Align = alTop
    128128    BevelOuter = bvNone
    129129    ClientHeight = 36
    130     ClientWidth = 330
     130    ClientWidth = 328
    131131    TabOrder = 4
    132132    object LabelEstimatedTimeTotal: TLabel
    142142      Height = 16
    143143      Top = 16
    144       Width = 314
     144      Width = 312
    145145      Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
    146146      TabOrder = 0
  • Common/URegistry.pas

    r328 r371  
    8   Registry;
     8  Classes, Registry;
     12  { TRegistryEx }
    1114  TRegistryEx = class(TRegistry)
    1215  private
    1821    function ReadFloatWithDefault(const Name: string;
    1922      DefaultValue: Double): Double;
     23    function DeleteKeyRecursive(const Key: string): Boolean;
    2024  end;
     60function TRegistryEx.DeleteKeyRecursive(const Key: string): Boolean;
     62  SubKeys: TStringList;
     63  I: Integer;
     65  try
     66    SubKeys := TStringList.Create;
     67    if OpenKey(Key, False) and HasSubKeys then begin
     68      GetKeyNames(SubKeys);
     69      for I := 0 to SubKeys.Count - 1 do
     70        DeleteKeyRecursive(Key + '\' + SubKeys[I]);
     71    end;
     72    Result := DeleteKey(Key);
     73  finally
     74    SubKeys.Free;
     75  end;
    5678function TRegistryEx.ReadBoolWithDefault(const Name: string;
    5779  DefaultValue: Boolean): Boolean;
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