Changeset 194 for Docking/CoolDocking

Mar 11, 2011, 1:00:06 PM (14 years ago)
  • Removed: UCDClientPanel replaced by TCDManagerItem and it's descendend.
1 deleted
13 edited


  • Docking/CoolDocking/CoolDocking.lpk

    r193 r194  
    2727    <License Value="GNU/GPL"/>
    2828    <Version Minor="3"/>
    29     <Files Count="16">
     29    <Files Count="15">
    3030      <Item1>
    3131        <Filename Value="UCDClient.pas"/>
    6363      </Item8>
    6464      <Item9>
    65         <Filename Value="UCDClientPanel.pas"/>
    66         <UnitName Value="UCDClientPanel"/>
     65        <Filename Value="UCDPopupMenu.pas"/>
     66        <UnitName Value="UCDPopupMenu"/>
    6767      </Item9>
    6868      <Item10>
    69         <Filename Value="UCDPopupMenu.pas"/>
    70         <UnitName Value="UCDPopupMenu"/>
    71       </Item10>
    72       <Item11>
    7369        <Filename Value="UCDLayout.pas"/>
    7470        <HasRegisterProc Value="True"/>
    7571        <UnitName Value="UCDLayout"/>
     72      </Item10>
     73      <Item11>
     74        <Filename Value="URectangle.pas"/>
     75        <UnitName Value="URectangle"/>
    7676      </Item11>
    7777      <Item12>
    78         <Filename Value="URectangle.pas"/>
    79         <UnitName Value="URectangle"/>
     78        <Filename Value="UCDCommon.pas"/>
     79        <UnitName Value="UCDCommon"/>
    8080      </Item12>
    8181      <Item13>
    82         <Filename Value="UCDCommon.pas"/>
    83         <UnitName Value="UCDCommon"/>
     82        <Filename Value="UCDManager.pas"/>
     83        <UnitName Value="UCDManager"/>
    8484      </Item13>
    8585      <Item14>
    86         <Filename Value="UCDManager.pas"/>
    87         <UnitName Value="UCDManager"/>
     86        <Filename Value="UCDConjoinForm.pas"/>
     87        <UnitName Value="UCDConjoinForm"/>
    8888      </Item14>
    8989      <Item15>
    90         <Filename Value="UCDConjoinForm.pas"/>
    91         <UnitName Value="UCDConjoinForm"/>
    92       </Item15>
    93       <Item16>
    9490        <Filename Value="UCDMaster.pas"/>
    9591        <HasRegisterProc Value="True"/>
    9692        <UnitName Value="UCDMaster"/>
    97       </Item16>
     93      </Item15>
    9894    </Files>
    9995    <i18n>
  • Docking/CoolDocking/CoolDocking.pas

    r192 r194  
    1010  UCDClient, UCDCustomize, UCDWindowList, UCDManagerTabs, UCDManagerRegions,
    11   UCDManagerTabsPopup, UCDManagerRegionsPopup, UCDClientPanel, UCDPopupMenu,
    12   UCDLayout, URectangle, UCDCommon, UCDManager, UCDConjoinForm, UCDMaster,
     11  UCDManagerTabsPopup, UCDManagerRegionsPopup, UCDPopupMenu, UCDLayout,
     12  URectangle, UCDCommon, UCDManager, UCDConjoinForm, UCDMaster,
    1313  LazarusPackageIntf;
  • Docking/CoolDocking/Demo/IDE/IDE.lpi

    r193 r194  
    4343      </Item3>
    4444    </RequiredPackages>
    45     <Units Count="63">
     45    <Units Count="66">
    4646      <Unit0>
    4747        <Filename Value="IDE.lpr"/>
    5151        <TopLine Value="1"/>
    5252        <CursorPos X="1" Y="1"/>
    53         <UsageCount Value="131"/>
     53        <UsageCount Value="134"/>
    5454      </Unit0>
    5555      <Unit1>
    6262        <TopLine Value="1"/>
    6363        <CursorPos X="18" Y="3"/>
    64         <UsageCount Value="131"/>
     64        <UsageCount Value="134"/>
    6565      </Unit1>
    6666      <Unit2>
    7373        <TopLine Value="1"/>
    7474        <CursorPos X="31" Y="17"/>
    75         <UsageCount Value="131"/>
     75        <UsageCount Value="134"/>
    7676      </Unit2>
    7777      <Unit3>
    8484        <TopLine Value="4"/>
    8585        <CursorPos X="37" Y="17"/>
    86         <UsageCount Value="131"/>
     86        <UsageCount Value="134"/>
    8787      </Unit3>
    8888      <Unit4>
    9595        <TopLine Value="4"/>
    9696        <CursorPos X="37" Y="17"/>
    97         <UsageCount Value="131"/>
     97        <UsageCount Value="134"/>
    9898      </Unit4>
    9999      <Unit5>
    113113        <TopLine Value="4"/>
    114114        <CursorPos X="24" Y="17"/>
    115         <UsageCount Value="131"/>
     115        <UsageCount Value="134"/>
    116116      </Unit6>
    117117      <Unit7>
    120120        <TopLine Value="941"/>
    121121        <CursorPos X="1" Y="954"/>
    122         <UsageCount Value="59"/>
     122        <UsageCount Value="58"/>
    123123      </Unit7>
    124124      <Unit8>
    131131        <TopLine Value="4"/>
    132132        <CursorPos X="25" Y="17"/>
    133         <UsageCount Value="131"/>
     133        <UsageCount Value="134"/>
    134134      </Unit8>
    135135      <Unit9>
    142142        <TopLine Value="3"/>
    143143        <CursorPos X="37" Y="16"/>
    144         <UsageCount Value="131"/>
     144        <UsageCount Value="134"/>
    145145      </Unit9>
    146146      <Unit10>
    153153        <TopLine Value="5"/>
    154154        <CursorPos X="37" Y="18"/>
    155         <UsageCount Value="131"/>
     155        <UsageCount Value="134"/>
    156156      </Unit10>
    157157      <Unit11>
    164164        <TopLine Value="4"/>
    165165        <CursorPos X="26" Y="17"/>
    166         <UsageCount Value="131"/>
     166        <UsageCount Value="134"/>
    167167      </Unit11>
    168168      <Unit12>
    175175        <TopLine Value="5"/>
    176176        <CursorPos X="37" Y="18"/>
    177         <UsageCount Value="131"/>
     177        <UsageCount Value="134"/>
    178178      </Unit12>
    179179      <Unit13>
    186186        <TopLine Value="4"/>
    187187        <CursorPos X="37" Y="17"/>
    188         <UsageCount Value="131"/>
     188        <UsageCount Value="134"/>
    189189      </Unit13>
    190190      <Unit14>
    197197        <TopLine Value="6"/>
    198198        <CursorPos X="75" Y="7"/>
    199         <UsageCount Value="129"/>
     199        <UsageCount Value="132"/>
    200200      </Unit14>
    201201      <Unit15>
    204204        <EditorIndex Value="0"/>
    205205        <WindowIndex Value="0"/>
    206         <TopLine Value="81"/>
    207         <CursorPos X="1" Y="97"/>
    208         <UsageCount Value="64"/>
     206        <TopLine Value="1"/>
     207        <CursorPos X="14" Y="13"/>
     208        <UsageCount Value="66"/>
    209209        <Loaded Value="True"/>
    210210      </Unit15>
    219219      <Unit17>
    220220        <Filename Value="E:\Projekty2\FreePascalManager\trunk\Instance\1\FPC\rtl\objpas\classes\"/>
    221         <WindowIndex Value="0"/>
    222         <TopLine Value="376"/>
    223         <CursorPos X="41" Y="389"/>
     221        <EditorIndex Value="9"/>
     222        <WindowIndex Value="0"/>
     223        <TopLine Value="1524"/>
     224        <CursorPos X="5" Y="1537"/>
    224225        <UsageCount Value="36"/>
     226        <Loaded Value="True"/>
    225227      </Unit17>
    226228      <Unit18>
    230232        <TopLine Value="274"/>
    231233        <CursorPos X="10" Y="287"/>
    232         <UsageCount Value="14"/>
     234        <UsageCount Value="13"/>
    233235      </Unit18>
    234236      <Unit19>
    237239        <TopLine Value="220"/>
    238240        <CursorPos X="16" Y="233"/>
    239         <UsageCount Value="4"/>
     241        <UsageCount Value="3"/>
    240242      </Unit19>
    241243      <Unit20>
    253255        <TopLine Value="34"/>
    254256        <CursorPos X="11" Y="47"/>
    255         <UsageCount Value="4"/>
     257        <UsageCount Value="3"/>
    256258      </Unit21>
    257259      <Unit22>
    280282        <TopLine Value="835"/>
    281283        <CursorPos X="3" Y="837"/>
    282         <UsageCount Value="1"/>
     284        <UsageCount Value="0"/>
    283285      </Unit24>
    284286      <Unit25>
    287289        <TopLine Value="913"/>
    288290        <CursorPos X="1" Y="930"/>
    289         <UsageCount Value="27"/>
     291        <UsageCount Value="26"/>
    290292      </Unit25>
    291293      <Unit26>
    294296        <TopLine Value="91"/>
    295297        <CursorPos X="1" Y="104"/>
    296         <UsageCount Value="10"/>
     298        <UsageCount Value="9"/>
    297299      </Unit26>
    298300      <Unit27>
    301303        <TopLine Value="239"/>
    302304        <CursorPos X="1" Y="252"/>
    303         <UsageCount Value="5"/>
     305        <UsageCount Value="4"/>
    304306      </Unit27>
    305307      <Unit28>
    323325        <TopLine Value="751"/>
    324326        <CursorPos X="1" Y="764"/>
    325         <UsageCount Value="25"/>
     327        <UsageCount Value="24"/>
    326328      </Unit30>
    327329      <Unit31>
    331333        <ResourceBaseClass Value="Form"/>
    332334        <UnitName Value="UCDCustomize"/>
    333         <WindowIndex Value="0"/>
    334         <TopLine Value="2"/>
    335         <CursorPos X="36" Y="15"/>
     335        <IsVisibleTab Value="True"/>
     336        <EditorIndex Value="5"/>
     337        <WindowIndex Value="0"/>
     338        <TopLine Value="1"/>
     339        <CursorPos X="61" Y="9"/>
    336340        <UsageCount Value="50"/>
     341        <Loaded Value="True"/>
    337342      </Unit31>
    338343      <Unit32>
    339344        <Filename Value="..\..\UCDCommon.pas"/>
    340345        <UnitName Value="UCDCommon"/>
    341         <EditorIndex Value="8"/>
    342346        <WindowIndex Value="0"/>
    343347        <TopLine Value="1"/>
    344348        <CursorPos X="1" Y="1"/>
    345349        <UsageCount Value="55"/>
    346         <Loaded Value="True"/>
    347350      </Unit32>
    348351      <Unit33>
    351354        <EditorIndex Value="3"/>
    352355        <WindowIndex Value="0"/>
    353         <TopLine Value="31"/>
    354         <CursorPos X="38" Y="9"/>
    355         <UsageCount Value="49"/>
     356        <TopLine Value="255"/>
     357        <CursorPos X="27" Y="268"/>
     358        <UsageCount Value="51"/>
    356359        <Loaded Value="True"/>
    357360      </Unit33>
    362365        <TopLine Value="503"/>
    363366        <CursorPos X="10" Y="516"/>
    364         <UsageCount Value="21"/>
     367        <UsageCount Value="20"/>
    365368      </Unit34>
    366369      <Unit35>
    369372        <TopLine Value="539"/>
    370373        <CursorPos X="3" Y="544"/>
    371         <UsageCount Value="4"/>
     374        <UsageCount Value="3"/>
    372375      </Unit35>
    373376      <Unit36>
    376379        <TopLine Value="224"/>
    377380        <CursorPos X="29" Y="238"/>
    378         <UsageCount Value="6"/>
     381        <UsageCount Value="5"/>
    379382      </Unit36>
    380383      <Unit37>
    383386        <TopLine Value="514"/>
    384387        <CursorPos X="60" Y="523"/>
    385         <UsageCount Value="11"/>
     388        <UsageCount Value="10"/>
    386389      </Unit37>
    387390      <Unit38>
    390393        <TopLine Value="79"/>
    391394        <CursorPos X="14" Y="82"/>
    392         <UsageCount Value="5"/>
     395        <UsageCount Value="4"/>
    393396      </Unit38>
    394397      <Unit39>
    398401        <TopLine Value="32"/>
    399402        <CursorPos X="20" Y="45"/>
    400         <UsageCount Value="29"/>
     403        <UsageCount Value="28"/>
    401404      </Unit39>
    402405      <Unit40>
    406409        <TopLine Value="1"/>
    407410        <CursorPos X="24" Y="16"/>
    408         <UsageCount Value="37"/>
     411        <UsageCount Value="36"/>
    409412      </Unit40>
    410413      <Unit41>
    411414        <Filename Value="..\..\UCDClientPanel.pas"/>
    412415        <UnitName Value="UCDClientPanel"/>
    413         <EditorIndex Value="4"/>
    414         <WindowIndex Value="0"/>
    415         <TopLine Value="75"/>
    416         <CursorPos X="54" Y="81"/>
    417         <UsageCount Value="38"/>
    418         <Loaded Value="True"/>
     416        <WindowIndex Value="0"/>
     417        <TopLine Value="1"/>
     418        <CursorPos X="5" Y="11"/>
     419        <UsageCount Value="39"/>
    419420      </Unit41>
    420421      <Unit42>
    424425        <TopLine Value="1531"/>
    425426        <CursorPos X="33" Y="1544"/>
    426         <UsageCount Value="5"/>
     427        <UsageCount Value="4"/>
    427428      </Unit42>
    428429      <Unit43>
    429430        <Filename Value="..\..\Managers\UCDManagerTabs.pas"/>
    430431        <UnitName Value="UCDManagerTabs"/>
    431         <EditorIndex Value="9"/>
    432         <WindowIndex Value="0"/>
    433         <TopLine Value="262"/>
    434         <CursorPos X="13" Y="264"/>
    435         <UsageCount Value="37"/>
     432        <EditorIndex Value="11"/>
     433        <WindowIndex Value="0"/>
     434        <TopLine Value="6"/>
     435        <CursorPos X="3" Y="19"/>
     436        <UsageCount Value="39"/>
    436437        <Loaded Value="True"/>
    437438      </Unit43>
    442443        <TopLine Value="45"/>
    443444        <CursorPos X="28" Y="558"/>
    444         <UsageCount Value="5"/>
     445        <UsageCount Value="4"/>
    445446      </Unit44>
    446447      <Unit45>
    450451        <TopLine Value="344"/>
    451452        <CursorPos X="1" Y="357"/>
    452         <UsageCount Value="5"/>
     453        <UsageCount Value="4"/>
    453454      </Unit45>
    454455      <Unit46>
    457458        <TopLine Value="2403"/>
    458459        <CursorPos X="74" Y="2413"/>
    459         <UsageCount Value="5"/>
     460        <UsageCount Value="4"/>
    460461      </Unit46>
    461462      <Unit47>
    462463        <Filename Value="..\..\Managers\UCDManagerRegions.pas"/>
    463464        <UnitName Value="UCDManagerRegions"/>
    464         <EditorIndex Value="6"/>
    465         <WindowIndex Value="0"/>
    466         <TopLine Value="17"/>
    467         <CursorPos X="15" Y="30"/>
    468         <UsageCount Value="36"/>
     465        <EditorIndex Value="7"/>
     466        <WindowIndex Value="0"/>
     467        <TopLine Value="259"/>
     468        <CursorPos X="12" Y="272"/>
     469        <UsageCount Value="38"/>
    469470        <Loaded Value="True"/>
    470471      </Unit47>
    474475        <EditorIndex Value="2"/>
    475476        <WindowIndex Value="0"/>
    476         <TopLine Value="176"/>
    477         <CursorPos X="4" Y="189"/>
    478         <UsageCount Value="27"/>
     477        <TopLine Value="190"/>
     478        <CursorPos X="3" Y="202"/>
     479        <UsageCount Value="29"/>
    479480        <Loaded Value="True"/>
    480481      </Unit48>
    484485        <TopLine Value="762"/>
    485486        <CursorPos X="1" Y="775"/>
    486         <UsageCount Value="26"/>
     487        <UsageCount Value="25"/>
    487488      </Unit49>
    488489      <Unit50>
    491492        <TopLine Value="148"/>
    492493        <CursorPos X="32" Y="160"/>
    493         <UsageCount Value="26"/>
     494        <UsageCount Value="25"/>
    494495      </Unit50>
    495496      <Unit51>
    498499        <TopLine Value="53"/>
    499500        <CursorPos X="11" Y="66"/>
    500         <UsageCount Value="26"/>
     501        <UsageCount Value="25"/>
    501502      </Unit51>
    502503      <Unit52>
    505506        <TopLine Value="141"/>
    506507        <CursorPos X="3" Y="143"/>
    507         <UsageCount Value="26"/>
     508        <UsageCount Value="25"/>
    508509      </Unit52>
    509510      <Unit53>
    512513        <TopLine Value="2"/>
    513514        <CursorPos X="40" Y="3"/>
    514         <UsageCount Value="25"/>
     515        <UsageCount Value="24"/>
    515516        <DefaultSyntaxHighlighter Value="None"/>
    516517      </Unit53>
    525526        <TopLine Value="23"/>
    526527        <CursorPos X="15" Y="24"/>
    527         <UsageCount Value="32"/>
     528        <UsageCount Value="35"/>
    528529      </Unit54>
    529530      <Unit55>
    530531        <Filename Value="..\..\Managers\UCDManagerRegionsPopup.pas"/>
    531532        <UnitName Value="UCDManagerRegionsPopup"/>
    532         <EditorIndex Value="5"/>
    533         <WindowIndex Value="0"/>
    534         <TopLine Value="8"/>
    535         <CursorPos X="4" Y="29"/>
    536         <UsageCount Value="11"/>
     533        <EditorIndex Value="6"/>
     534        <WindowIndex Value="0"/>
     535        <TopLine Value="14"/>
     536        <CursorPos X="25" Y="27"/>
     537        <UsageCount Value="13"/>
    537538        <Loaded Value="True"/>
    538539      </Unit55>
    548549        <Filename Value="..\..\UCDManager.pas"/>
    549550        <UnitName Value="UCDManager"/>
    550         <IsVisibleTab Value="True"/>
    551         <EditorIndex Value="7"/>
    552         <WindowIndex Value="0"/>
    553         <TopLine Value="167"/>
    554         <CursorPos X="1" Y="180"/>
    555         <UsageCount Value="12"/>
     551        <EditorIndex Value="8"/>
     552        <WindowIndex Value="0"/>
     553        <TopLine Value="567"/>
     554        <CursorPos X="14" Y="586"/>
     555        <UsageCount Value="14"/>
    556556        <Loaded Value="True"/>
    557557      </Unit57>
    561561        <EditorIndex Value="1"/>
    562562        <WindowIndex Value="0"/>
    563         <TopLine Value="32"/>
    564         <CursorPos X="30" Y="34"/>
    565         <UsageCount Value="11"/>
     563        <TopLine Value="1"/>
     564        <CursorPos X="31" Y="8"/>
     565        <UsageCount Value="13"/>
    566566        <Loaded Value="True"/>
    567567      </Unit58>
    572572        <TopLine Value="1129"/>
    573573        <CursorPos X="3" Y="1142"/>
    574         <UsageCount Value="10"/>
     574        <UsageCount Value="9"/>
    575575      </Unit59>
    576576      <Unit60>
    577577        <Filename Value="..\..\UCDMaster.pas"/>
    578578        <UnitName Value="UCDMaster"/>
    579         <WindowIndex Value="0"/>
    580         <TopLine Value="1"/>
    581         <CursorPos X="33" Y="8"/>
     579        <EditorIndex Value="4"/>
     580        <WindowIndex Value="0"/>
     581        <TopLine Value="2"/>
     582        <CursorPos X="38" Y="8"/>
    582583        <UsageCount Value="11"/>
     584        <Loaded Value="True"/>
    583585      </Unit60>
    584586      <Unit61>
    588590        <TopLine Value="1"/>
    589591        <CursorPos X="1" Y="1"/>
    590         <UsageCount Value="10"/>
     592        <UsageCount Value="9"/>
    591593      </Unit61>
    592594      <Unit62>
    598600        <UsageCount Value="11"/>
    599601      </Unit62>
     602      <Unit63>
     603        <Filename Value="E:\Projekty2\FreePascalManager\trunk\Instance\1\Lazarus\lcl\include\"/>
     604        <WindowIndex Value="0"/>
     605        <TopLine Value="679"/>
     606        <CursorPos X="1" Y="692"/>
     607        <UsageCount Value="10"/>
     608      </Unit63>
     609      <Unit64>
     610        <Filename Value="E:\Projekty2\FreePascalManager\trunk\Instance\1\Lazarus\lcl\include\"/>
     611        <WindowIndex Value="0"/>
     612        <TopLine Value="64"/>
     613        <CursorPos X="26" Y="74"/>
     614        <UsageCount Value="10"/>
     615      </Unit64>
     616      <Unit65>
     617        <Filename Value="E:\Projekty2\FreePascalManager\trunk\Instance\1\Lazarus\lcl\lcltype.pp"/>
     618        <UnitName Value="LCLType"/>
     619        <EditorIndex Value="10"/>
     620        <WindowIndex Value="0"/>
     621        <TopLine Value="114"/>
     622        <CursorPos X="3" Y="127"/>
     623        <UsageCount Value="11"/>
     624        <Loaded Value="True"/>
     625      </Unit65>
    600626    </Units>
    601627    <JumpHistory Count="30" HistoryIndex="29">
    602628      <Position1>
    603         <Filename Value="..\..\UCDManager.pas"/>
    604         <Caret Line="115" Column="1" TopLine="102"/>
     629        <Filename Value="..\..\Managers\UCDManagerTabsPopup.pas"/>
     630        <Caret Line="11" Column="5" TopLine="1"/>
    605631      </Position1>
    606632      <Position2>
    607633        <Filename Value="..\..\UCDManager.pas"/>
    608         <Caret Line="124" Column="1" TopLine="103"/>
     634        <Caret Line="34" Column="3" TopLine="27"/>
    609635      </Position2>
    610636      <Position3>
    611637        <Filename Value="..\..\UCDManager.pas"/>
    612         <Caret Line="116" Column="1" TopLine="103"/>
     638        <Caret Line="129" Column="5" TopLine="116"/>
    613639      </Position3>
    614640      <Position4>
    615641        <Filename Value="..\..\UCDManager.pas"/>
    616         <Caret Line="118" Column="1" TopLine="103"/>
     642        <Caret Line="46" Column="15" TopLine="33"/>
    617643      </Position4>
    618644      <Position5>
    619645        <Filename Value="..\..\UCDManager.pas"/>
    620         <Caret Line="119" Column="1" TopLine="103"/>
     646        <Caret Line="139" Column="9" TopLine="116"/>
    621647      </Position5>
    622648      <Position6>
    623649        <Filename Value="..\..\UCDManager.pas"/>
    624         <Caret Line="121" Column="1" TopLine="103"/>
     650        <Caret Line="144" Column="5" TopLine="131"/>
    625651      </Position6>
    626652      <Position7>
    627653        <Filename Value="..\..\UCDManager.pas"/>
    628         <Caret Line="122" Column="1" TopLine="103"/>
     654        <Caret Line="147" Column="5" TopLine="134"/>
    629655      </Position7>
    630656      <Position8>
    631657        <Filename Value="..\..\UCDManager.pas"/>
    632         <Caret Line="123" Column="1" TopLine="103"/>
     658        <Caret Line="149" Column="5" TopLine="135"/>
    633659      </Position8>
    634660      <Position9>
    635661        <Filename Value="..\..\UCDManager.pas"/>
    636         <Caret Line="124" Column="1" TopLine="103"/>
     662        <Caret Line="153" Column="33" TopLine="140"/>
    637663      </Position9>
    638664      <Position10>
    639         <Filename Value="..\..\Managers\UCDManagerRegions.pas"/>
    640         <Caret Line="141" Column="1" TopLine="128"/>
     665        <Filename Value="..\..\UCDManager.pas"/>
     666        <Caret Line="155" Column="18" TopLine="142"/>
    641667      </Position10>
    642668      <Position11>
    643         <Filename Value="..\..\Managers\UCDManagerRegions.pas"/>
    644         <Caret Line="144" Column="1" TopLine="128"/>
     669        <Filename Value="..\..\UCDManager.pas"/>
     670        <Caret Line="13" Column="20" TopLine="1"/>
    645671      </Position11>
    646672      <Position12>
    647         <Filename Value="..\..\Managers\UCDManagerRegions.pas"/>
    648         <Caret Line="152" Column="1" TopLine="131"/>
     673        <Filename Value="..\..\UCDManager.pas"/>
     674        <Caret Line="157" Column="10" TopLine="149"/>
    649675      </Position12>
    650676      <Position13>
    651         <Filename Value="..\..\UCDClient.pas"/>
    652         <Caret Line="97" Column="1" TopLine="81"/>
     677        <Filename Value="..\..\UCDManager.pas"/>
     678        <Caret Line="162" Column="16" TopLine="149"/>
    653679      </Position13>
    654680      <Position14>
    655         <Filename Value="..\..\UCDConjoinForm.pas"/>
    656         <Caret Line="55" Column="1" TopLine="49"/>
     681        <Filename Value="..\..\UCDManager.pas"/>
     682        <Caret Line="175" Column="9" TopLine="158"/>
    657683      </Position14>
    658684      <Position15>
    659         <Filename Value="..\..\UCDConjoinForm.pas"/>
    660         <Caret Line="57" Column="1" TopLine="49"/>
     685        <Filename Value="..\..\UCDManager.pas"/>
     686        <Caret Line="183" Column="5" TopLine="170"/>
    661687      </Position15>
    662688      <Position16>
    663         <Filename Value="..\..\UCDConjoinForm.pas"/>
    664         <Caret Line="58" Column="1" TopLine="49"/>
     689        <Filename Value="..\..\UCDManager.pas"/>
     690        <Caret Line="187" Column="7" TopLine="174"/>
    665691      </Position16>
    666692      <Position17>
    667         <Filename Value="..\..\UCDConjoinForm.pas"/>
    668         <Caret Line="59" Column="1" TopLine="49"/>
     693        <Filename Value="..\..\UCDManager.pas"/>
     694        <Caret Line="188" Column="7" TopLine="174"/>
    669695      </Position17>
    670696      <Position18>
    671697        <Filename Value="..\..\UCDManager.pas"/>
    672         <Caret Line="299" Column="1" TopLine="286"/>
     698        <Caret Line="216" Column="17" TopLine="203"/>
    673699      </Position18>
    674700      <Position19>
    675701        <Filename Value="..\..\UCDManager.pas"/>
    676         <Caret Line="300" Column="15" TopLine="286"/>
     702        <Caret Line="217" Column="21" TopLine="204"/>
    677703      </Position19>
    678704      <Position20>
    679705        <Filename Value="..\..\UCDManager.pas"/>
    680         <Caret Line="296" Column="30" TopLine="283"/>
     706        <Caret Line="232" Column="8" TopLine="208"/>
    681707      </Position20>
    682708      <Position21>
    683         <Filename Value="..\..\UCDConjoinForm.pas"/>
    684         <Caret Line="34" Column="30" TopLine="32"/>
     709        <Filename Value="..\..\UCDManager.pas"/>
     710        <Caret Line="317" Column="31" TopLine="304"/>
    685711      </Position21>
    686712      <Position22>
    687713        <Filename Value="..\..\UCDManager.pas"/>
    688         <Caret Line="73" Column="43" TopLine="60"/>
     714        <Caret Line="339" Column="61" TopLine="326"/>
    689715      </Position22>
    690716      <Position23>
    691         <Filename Value="..\..\Managers\UCDManagerTabs.pas"/>
    692         <Caret Line="15" Column="33" TopLine="11"/>
     717        <Filename Value="..\..\UCDManager.pas"/>
     718        <Caret Line="391" Column="3" TopLine="388"/>
    693719      </Position23>
    694720      <Position24>
    695         <Filename Value="..\..\UCDManager.pas"/>
    696         <Caret Line="44" Column="15" TopLine="31"/>
     721        <Filename Value="..\..\UCDPopupMenu.pas"/>
     722        <Caret Line="8" Column="55" TopLine="1"/>
    697723      </Position24>
    698724      <Position25>
    699         <Filename Value="..\..\UCDManager.pas"/>
    700         <Caret Line="166" Column="3" TopLine="164"/>
     725        <Filename Value="..\..\UCDPopupMenu.pas"/>
     726        <Caret Line="171" Column="22" TopLine="158"/>
    701727      </Position25>
    702728      <Position26>
    703         <Filename Value="..\..\UCDManager.pas"/>
    704         <Caret Line="116" Column="1" TopLine="103"/>
     729        <Filename Value="..\..\UCDPopupMenu.pas"/>
     730        <Caret Line="190" Column="25" TopLine="177"/>
    705731      </Position26>
    706732      <Position27>
    707         <Filename Value="..\..\UCDManager.pas"/>
    708         <Caret Line="180" Column="1" TopLine="167"/>
     733        <Filename Value="..\..\UCDPopupMenu.pas"/>
     734        <Caret Line="192" Column="18" TopLine="179"/>
    709735      </Position27>
    710736      <Position28>
    711         <Filename Value="..\..\UCDManager.pas"/>
    712         <Caret Line="181" Column="1" TopLine="167"/>
     737        <Filename Value="..\..\UCDMaster.pas"/>
     738        <Caret Line="8" Column="31" TopLine="1"/>
    713739      </Position28>
    714740      <Position29>
    715         <Filename Value="..\..\UCDManager.pas"/>
    716         <Caret Line="183" Column="1" TopLine="167"/>
     741        <Filename Value="..\..\UCDCustomize.pas"/>
     742        <Caret Line="15" Column="36" TopLine="2"/>
    717743      </Position29>
    718744      <Position30>
    719         <Filename Value="..\..\UCDManager.pas"/>
    720         <Caret Line="184" Column="1" TopLine="167"/>
     745        <Filename Value="..\..\UCDCustomize.pas"/>
     746        <Caret Line="66" Column="23" TopLine="53"/>
    721747      </Position30>
    722748    </JumpHistory>
    747773      <Item1>
    748774        <Source Value="..\..\UCDManager.pas"/>
    749         <Line Value="319"/>
     775        <Line Value="454"/>
    750776      </Item1>
    751777    </BreakPoints>
  • Docking/CoolDocking/Managers/UCDManagerRegions.pas

    r193 r194  
    88  Classes, SysUtils, Controls, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, Forms,
    9   Graphics, Contnrs, Buttons, UCDClientPanel, UCDCommon, UCDManager;
     9  Graphics, Contnrs, Buttons, UCDCommon, UCDManager,
     10  LCLType, LMessages;
    12   TCDStyleRegionsPanel = class(TPanel)
     14  { TCDManagerRegionsItem }
     16  TCDManagerRegionsItem = class(TCDManagerItem)
     17    Panel: TPanel;
     18    Splitter: TSplitter;
     19    ClientAreaPanel: TPanel;
     20    constructor Create;
    1421  end;
    1825  TCDManagerRegions = class(TCDManager)
    1926  private
     27    FDockItems: TObjectList; // TList<TCDManagerRegionsItem>
    2028    function GetDirection(InsertAt: TAlign): TCDDirection;
    2129  public
    2230    FDockDirection: TCDDirection;
    2331    //Panels: TObjectList; // TObjectList<TCDStyleRegionsPanel>
     32    function FindControlInPanels(Control: TControl): TCDManagerItem; override;
    2433    procedure InsertControlPanel(Control: TControl; InsertAt: TAlign;
    2534      DropCtl: TControl); override;
    2736    constructor Create(ADockSite: TWinControl);
    2837    destructor Destroy; override;
     38    procedure PaintSite(DC: HDC); override;
    2939    procedure UpdateClientSize; override;
    3040    procedure DoSetVisible(const AValue: Boolean); override;
    3242    property DockDirection: TCDDirection read FDockDirection
    3343      write FDockDirection;
     44    property DockItems: TObjectList read FDockItems write FDockItems;
    3445  end;
    3950  UCDClient, UCDConjoinForm;
     52{ TCDManagerRegionsItem }
     54constructor TCDManagerRegionsItem.Create;
     56  Panel := TPanel.Create(nil);
     58  ClientAreaPanel := TPanel.Create(Panel);
     59  with ClientAreaPanel do begin
     60    Parent := Panel;
     61    Visible := True;
     62    DockSite := True;
     63    UseDockManager := True;
     64    Align := alClient;
     65    BevelInner := bvNone;
     66    BevelOuter := bvNone;
     67    //Color := clGreen;
     68  end;
     69  Splitter := TSplitter.Create(Panel);
     70  with Splitter do begin
     71    Parent := Panel;
     72    //Color := clRed;
     73  end;
     90function TCDManagerRegions.FindControlInPanels(Control: TControl
     91  ): TCDManagerItem;
     93  I: Integer;
     95  I := 0;
     96  while (I < FDockItems.Count) and
     97    (TCDManagerItem(FDockItems[I]).Control <> Control) do Inc(I);
     98  if I < FDockItems.Count then Result := TCDManagerItem(FDockItems[I])
     99    else Result := nil;
    55102procedure TCDManagerRegions.InsertControlPanel(Control: TControl; InsertAt: TAlign;
    56103  DropCtl: TControl);
    58   NewPanel: TCDClientPanel;
     105  NewPanel: TCDManagerRegionsItem;
    59106  I: Integer;
    60107  NewDirection: TCDDirection;
    85132    end;
    87     NewPanel := TCDClientPanel.Create(nil);
     134    NewPanel := TCDManagerRegionsItem.Create;
    88135    with NewPanel do begin
    89       Parent := Self.DockSite;
    90       OwnerDockManager := Self;
     136      Panel.Parent := Self.DockSite;
     137      Manager := Self;
    91138      if DockStyle = dsList then Visible := True;
    92139      Header.PopupMenu := Self.PopupMenu;
    101148    Control.Align := alClient;
    102149    if (InsertAt = alTop) or (InsertAt = alLeft) then
    103       DockPanels.Insert(0, NewPanel)
    104       else DockPanels.Add(NewPanel);
     150      DockItems.Insert(0, NewPanel)
     151      else DockItems.Add(NewPanel);
    105152  end;
    106153  UpdateClientSize;
    109156procedure TCDManagerRegions.RemoveControl(Control: TControl);
    111   ClientPanel: TCDClientPanel;
     158  ClientPanel: TCDManagerItem;
    112159  ClientCount: Integer;
    115162  Control.RemoveHandlerOnVisibleChanged(ClientPanel.VisibleChange);
    117   DockPanels.Remove(ClientPanel);
    118   ClientCount := DockPanels.Count;
     164  DockItems.Remove(ClientPanel);
     165  ClientCount := DockItems.Count;
    120167  //if TCDManager(Manager).DockSite.DockClientCount = 2 then FDockDirection := ddNone;
    124171    with TCDConjoinForm(Self.DockSite) do begin
    125172      if Assigned(Parent) then begin
    126         TCDClientPanel(DockPanels[0]).Control.ManualDock(HostDockSite);
    127       end else TCDClientPanel(DockPanels[0]).Control.ManualFloat(Rect(Left, Top, Left + Width, Top + Height));
     173        TCDManagerItem(DockItems[0]).Control.ManualDock(HostDockSite);
     174      end else TCDManagerItem(DockItems[0]).Control.ManualFloat(Rect(Left, Top, Left + Width, Top + Height));
    128175      ManualFloat(Rect(Left, Top, Left + Width, Top + Height));
    129176      Free;
    140187  inherited;
    141188  FDockStyle := dsList;
    142   //Panels := TObjectList.Create;
    144   for I := 0 to DockPanels.Count - 1 do begin
    145     if Assigned(TCDClientPanel(DockPanels[I]).Splitter) then
    146       TCDClientPanel(DockPanels[I]).Splitter.Visible := True;
    147     TCDClientPanel(DockPanels[I]).Visible := True;
    148     TCDClientPanel(DockPanels[I]).ClientAreaPanel.Parent := TCDClientPanel(DockPanels[I]);
    149     TCDClientPanel(DockPanels[I]).ClientAreaPanel.Visible := True;
    150     TCDClientPanel(DockPanels[I]).Control.Visible := True;
     189  FDockItems := TObjectList.Create;
     191  for I := 0 to DockItems.Count - 1 do begin
     192    if Assigned(TCDManagerRegionsItem(DockItems[I]).Splitter) then
     193    with TCDManagerRegionsItem(DockItems[I]) do begin
     194      Splitter.Visible := True;
     195      Panel.Visible := True;
     196      ClientAreaPanel.Parent := TCDManagerRegionsItem(DockItems[I]).Panel;
     197      ClientAreaPanel.Visible := True;
     198      Control.Visible := True;
     199    end;
    151200  end;
    154203destructor TCDManagerRegions.Destroy;
    156   //Panels.Free;
     205  FDockItems.Free;
    157206  inherited Destroy;
     209procedure TCDManagerRegions.PaintSite(DC: HDC);
     211  I: Integer;
     213  inherited PaintSite(DC);
     214  for I := 0 to FDockItems.Count - 1 do
     215    with TCDManagerRegionsItem(FDockItems[I]) do begin
     216      Panel.Invalidate;
     217    end;
    171231  SplitterLeft := 0;
    172232  SplitterTop := 0;
    173   for I := 0 to DockPanels.Count - 1 do
    174   with TCDClientPanel(DockPanels[I]) do begin
    175     Left := SplitterLeft;
    176     Top := SplitterTop;
    177     Height := Self.DockSite.Height div
     233  for I := 0 to DockItems.Count - 1 do
     234  with TCDManagerRegionsItem(DockItems[I]) do begin
     235    Panel.Left := SplitterLeft;
     236    Panel.Top := SplitterTop;
     237    Panel.Height := Self.DockSite.Height div
    178238      Self.DockSite.DockClientCount;
    179     Width := Self.DockSite.Width div
    180       SElf.DockSite.DockClientCount;
     239    Panel.Width := Self.DockSite.Width div
     240      Self.DockSite.DockClientCount;
    181241    //TCDClientPanel(FDockPanels[I]).DockPanelPaint(Self);
    182     if I < (DockPanels.Count - 1) then Align := BaseAlign
    183       else Align := alClient;
    185     Inc(SplitterLeft, Width);
    186     Inc(SplitterTop, Height);
     242    if I < (DockItems.Count - 1) then Panel.Align := BaseAlign
     243      else Panel.Align := alClient;
     245    Inc(SplitterLeft, Panel.Width);
     246    Inc(SplitterTop, Panel.Height);
    187247    Splitter.Left := SplitterLeft;
    188248    Splitter.Top := SplitterTop;
    189     Splitter.Parent := SElf.DockSite;
     249    Splitter.Parent := Self.DockSite;
    190250    Splitter.Align := BaseAlign;
    191     Splitter.Visible := I < (DockPanels.Count - 1);
     251    Splitter.Visible := I < (DockItems.Count - 1);
    192252    Inc(SplitterLeft, Splitter.Width);
    193253    Inc(SplitterTop, Splitter.Height);
    195     DockPanelPaint(Self);
    196     if I < (DockPanels.Count - 1) then begin
    197       if DockDirection = ddHorizontal then Align := alLeft
    198         else Align := alTop;
    199     end else Align := alClient;
     255    Paint(Self);
     256    if I < (DockItems.Count - 1) then begin
     257      if DockDirection = ddHorizontal then Panel.Align := alLeft
     258        else Panel.Align := alTop;
     259    end else Panel.Align := alClient;
    200260  end;
    207267  inherited;
    208   for I := 0 to DockPanels.Count - 1 do
     268  for I := 0 to DockItems.Count - 1 do
    210270        //Show;
    211271        //ShowMessage(IntToStr(Control.Tag));
    212       with TCDClientPanel(DockPanels[I]) do begin
     272      with TCDManagerRegionsItem(DockItems[I]) do begin
    213273        if AValue and (not Control.Visible) and (Control.Tag = Integer(dhtTemporal))  then begin
    214274          Control.Show;
  • Docking/CoolDocking/Managers/UCDManagerRegionsPopup.pas

    r193 r194  
    12   { TCDStylePopupRegions }
     12  { TCDManagerPopupRegionsItem }
    14   TCDStylePopupRegions = class(TCDManagerRegions)
     14  TCDManagerPopupRegionsItem = class(TCDManagerRegionsItem)
     15  private
     16    FAutoHide: Boolean;
     17    function GetAutoHideEnabled: Boolean;
     18    procedure SetAutoHide(const AValue: Boolean);
     19    procedure SetAutoHideEnabled(const AValue: Boolean);
     20  public
     21    property AutoHideEnabled: Boolean read GetAutoHideEnabled
     22      write SetAutoHideEnabled;
     23  end;
     25  { TCDManagerPopupRegions }
     27  TCDManagerPopupRegions = class(TCDManagerRegions)
    1528    constructor Create(ADockSite: TWinControl);
    1629  end;
    2235  UCDClient;
    24 { TCDStylePopupRegions }
     37{ TCDManagerPopupRegionsItem }
    26 constructor TCDStylePopupRegions.Create(ADockSite: TWinControl);
     39function TCDManagerPopupRegionsItem.GetAutoHideEnabled: Boolean;
     44procedure TCDManagerPopupRegionsItem.SetAutoHide(const AValue: Boolean);
     49procedure TCDManagerPopupRegionsItem.SetAutoHideEnabled(const AValue: Boolean);
     54{ TCDManagerPopupRegions }
     56constructor TCDManagerPopupRegions.Create(ADockSite: TWinControl);
    2858  inherited;
  • Docking/CoolDocking/Managers/UCDManagerTabs.pas

    r193 r194  
    8   Classes, Controls, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, SysUtils, Dialogs,
    9   Menus, Forms, UCDClientPanel, UCDCommon, UCDManager;
     8  Classes, Controls, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, SysUtils, Dialogs, Contnrs,
     9  Menus, Forms, UCDCommon, UCDManager,
     10  LCLType, LMessages, Graphics;
     13  TCDManagerTabsITem = class(TCDManagerItem)
     15  end;
    1317  { TCDManagerTabs }
    2024    PageControl: TPageControl;
    2125    TabImageList: TImageList;
     26    FDockItems: TObjectList; // TList<TCDManagerRegionsItem>
    2227    procedure TabControlMouseLeave(Sender: TObject);
    2328    procedure TabControlChange(Sender: TObject);
    3136  private
    3237    FTabsPos: THeaderPos;
     38    function FindControlInPanels(Control: TControl): TCDManagerItem; override;
    3339    procedure InsertControlNoUpdate(AControl: TControl; InsertAt: TAlign);
    3440    procedure RemoveControl(Control: TControl); override;
    3541  public
    3642    constructor Create(ADockSite: TWinControl);
     43    destructor Destroy; override;
     44    procedure PaintSite(DC: HDC); override;
    3745    procedure DoSetVisible(const AValue: Boolean); override;
    38     destructor Destroy; override;
    3946    procedure ChangeVisible(Control: TWinControl; Visible: Boolean); override;
    4047    procedure Switch(Index: Integer); override;
    4249    procedure PopupMenuTabCloseClick(Sender: TObject);
    4350    property TabsPos: THeaderPos read FTabsPos write SetTabsPos;
     51    property DockItems: TObjectList read FDockItems write FDockItems;
    4452  end;
    5159{ TCDManagerTabs }
     61function TCDManagerTabs.FindControlInPanels(Control: TControl
     62  ): TCDManagerItem;
     64  I: Integer;
     66  I := 0;
     67  while (I < FDockItems.Count) and
     68    (TCDManagerItem(FDockItems[I]).Control <> Control) do Inc(I);
     69  if I < FDockItems.Count then Result := TCDManagerItem(FDockItems[I])
     70    else Result := nil;
    5373procedure TCDManagerTabs.PopupMenuTabCloseClick(Sender: TObject);
    5575  if Assigned(PageControl.ActivePage) then
    56     TCDClientPanel(DockPanels[PageControl.TabIndex]).Control.Hide;
     76    TCDManagerItem(DockItems[PageControl.TabIndex]).Control.Hide;
    6181  if MouseDown then
    6282  if Assigned(PageControl.ActivePage) then begin
    63     TCDClientPanel(DockPanels[PageControl.TabIndex]).ClientAreaPanel.DockSite := False;
    64     DragManager.DragStart(TCDClientPanel(DockPanels[PageControl.TabIndex]).Control, False, 1);
     83    //TCDManagerItem(DockItems[PageControl.TabIndex]).ClientAreaPanel.DockSite := False;
     84    DragManager.DragStart(TCDManagerItem(DockItems[PageControl.TabIndex]).Control, False, 1);
    6585  end;
    6686  MouseDown := False;
    7393  // Hide all clients
    74   for I := 0 to DockPanels.Count - 1 do
    75     if TCDClientPanel(DockPanels[I]).Control.Visible
     94  for I := 0 to DockItems.Count - 1 do
     95    if TCDManagerItem(DockItems[I]).Control.Visible
    7696    //and (PageControl.TabIndex <> I)
    7797    then
    7898    begin
    79       TCDClientPanel(DockPanels[I]).Control.Tag := Integer(dhtTemporal);
    80       TCDClientPanel(DockPanels[I]).Control.Hide;
    81       TCDClientPanel(DockPanels[I]).ClientAreaPanel.Hide;
    82       TCDClientPanel(DockPanels[I]).ClientAreaPanel.Parent := PageControl.Pages[I];
     99      TCDManagerItem(DockItems[I]).Control.Tag := Integer(dhtTemporal);
     100      TCDManagerItem(DockItems[I]).Control.Hide;
     101      //TCDClientPanel(DockItems[I]).ClientAreaPanel.Hide;
     102      //TCDClientPanel(DockItems[I]).ClientAreaPanel.Parent := PageControl.Pages[I];
    83103      //TCDClientPanel(DockPanels[I]).ClientAreaPanel.Parent := DockSite;
    84       TCDClientPanel(DockPanels[I]).Control.Align := alClient;
     104      TCDManagerItem(DockItems[I]).Control.Align := alClient;
    85105      //TCDClientPanel(DockPanels[I]).Control.Parent :=
    86106      //  TCDClientPanel(DockPanels[I]).ClientAreaPanel;
    87107      //ShowMessage(TCDClientPanel(DockPanels[I]).Control.ClassName);
    88       Application.ProcessMessages;
     108      //Application.ProcessMessages;
    90110      // Workaround for "Cannot focus" error
    91       TForm(TCDClientPanel(DockPanels[I]).Control).ActiveControl := nil;
     111      TForm(TCDManagerItem(DockItems[I]).Control).ActiveControl := nil;
    92112    end;
    94114  // Show selected
    95   if (PageControl.TabIndex <> -1) and (DockPanels.Count > PageControl.TabIndex)
     115  if (PageControl.TabIndex <> -1) and (DockItems.Count > PageControl.TabIndex)
    96116//  and not TCDClientPanel(DockPanels[PageControl.TabIndex]).Control.Visible
    97117  then begin
    98     with TCDClientPanel(DockPanels[PageControl.TabIndex]), ClientAreaPanel do begin
     118    with TCDManagerItem(DockItems[PageControl.TabIndex]) do begin
    99119      Control.Show;
    100120      (*AutoHide.Enable := True;
    145165  inherited;
    146166  FDockStyle := dsTabs;
     167  FDockItems := TObjectList.Create;
    147169  TabImageList := TImageList.Create(ADockSite); //FDockSite);
    148170  with TabImageList do begin
    173195  PageControl.Visible := True;
    174196  //TabImageList.Clear;
    175   for I := 0 to DockPanels.Count - 1 do
    176     Self.InsertControlNoUpdate(TCDClientPanel(DockPanels[I]).Control, alNone);
     197  for I := 0 to DockItems.Count - 1 do
     198    Self.InsertControlNoUpdate(TCDManagerItem(DockItems[I]).Control, alNone);
    177199  TabControlChange(Self);
    180202destructor TCDManagerTabs.Destroy;
     204  FDockItems.Free;
    182205  PageControl.Free;
    183206  TabImageList.Free;
     210procedure TCDManagerTabs.PaintSite(DC: HDC);
     212  I: Integer;
     214  inherited PaintSite(DC);
     215  PageControl.Invalidate;
    187218procedure TCDManagerTabs.Switch(Index: Integer);
    194225  NewTabSheet: TTabSheet;
    195   NewPanel: TCDClientPanel;
     226  NewPanel: TCDManagerTabsItem;
    197228  inherited;
    198229  begin
    199     NewPanel := TCDClientPanel.Create(nil);
     230    NewPanel := TCDManagerTabsItem.Create;
    200231    with NewPanel do begin
    201       Parent := Self.DockSite;
    202       OwnerDockManager := Self;
     232      //Panel.Parent := Self.DockSite;
     233      Manager := Self;
    203234      if DockStyle = dsList then Visible := True;
    204       Align := alClient;
     235      //Align := alClient;
    205236      Header.PopupMenu := Self.PopupMenu;
    206237      //PopupMenu.Parent := Self.DockSite;
    211242    NewPanel.Control := AControl;
    212243    AControl.AddHandlerOnVisibleChanged(NewPanel.VisibleChange);
    213     AControl.Parent := NewPanel.ClientAreaPanel;
     244    //AControl.Parent := NewPanel.ClientAreaPanel;
    214245    AControl.Align := alClient;
    215246    if (InsertAt = alTop) or (InsertAt = alLeft) then
    216       DockPanels.Insert(0, NewPanel)
    217       else DockPanels.Add(NewPanel);
     247      DockItems.Insert(0, NewPanel)
     248      else DockItems.Add(NewPanel);
    219250  end;
    225256    NewTabSheet.ImageIndex := TabImageList.Count;
    226257    TabImageList.Add(NewPanel.Header.Icon.Picture.Bitmap, nil);
    227     if Assigned(NewPanel.Splitter) then
    228       NewPanel.Splitter.Visible := False;
    229     NewPanel.ClientAreaPanel.Visible := False;
    230     NewPanel.Visible := False;
     258//    if Assigned(NewPanel.Splitter) then
     259//      NewPanel.Splitter.Visible := False;
     260//    NewPanel.ClientAreaPanel.Visible := False;
     261//    NewPanel.Visible := False;
    231262    //NewPanel.Parent := NewTabSheet;
    232263  end;
    254285  inherited UpdateClientSize;
    255   for I := 0 to DockPanels.Count - 1 do begin
     286  for I := 0 to DockItems.Count - 1 do begin
    256287    //TCDClientPanel(DockPanels[I]).ClientAreaPanel.Width := DockSite.Width;
    257288    //TCDClientPanel(DockPanels[I]).ClientAreaPanel.Height := DockSite.Height - PageControl.Height;
    264295  inherited;
    265     if (PageControl.TabIndex >= 0) and (PageControl.TabIndex < DockPanels.Count) then
    266       with TCDClientPanel(DockPanels[PageControl.TabIndex]) do begin
     296    if (PageControl.TabIndex >= 0) and (PageControl.TabIndex < DockItems.Count) then
     297      with TCDManagerItem(DockItems[PageControl.TabIndex]) do begin
    267298        //Show;
    268299        //ShowMessage(IntToStr(Control.Tag));
    294325        //TabImageList.Delete(PageControl.Tabs.IndexOf(Control.Caption));
    296         I := DockPanels.IndexOf(FindControlInPanels(Control));
     327        I := DockItems.IndexOf(FindControlInPanels(Control));
    297328        if Control.Tag = Integer(dhtPermanent) then
    298329        if I <> -1 then
    308339    begin
    309340//      if Control.Tag = 0 then begin
    310         I := DockPanels.IndexOf(FindControlInPanels(Control));
     341        I := DockItems.IndexOf(FindControlInPanels(Control));
    311342        //if  then
    312343        if I <> -1 then
  • Docking/CoolDocking/Managers/UCDManagerTabsPopup.pas

    r193 r194  
    88  Classes, Controls, SysUtils, ComCtrls, ExtCtrls, UCDCommon,
    9   UCDManagerTabs, UCDClientPanel;
     9  UCDManagerTabs;
    3838  end;
     40  { TCDManagerTabsPopupItem }
     42  TCDManagerTabsPopupItem = class
     43    constructor Create;
     44  end;
    4046  { TCDStylePopupTabs }
    4248  TCDStylePopupTabs = class(TCDManagerTabs)
     49  public
    4350    TabControl: TTabControl;
    4451    TabImageList: TImageList;
     52    AutoHideEnabled: Boolean;
    4553    AutoHide: TCDAutoHide;
    4654    procedure TabControlMouseLeave(Sender: TObject);
    6169  UCDClient;
     71{ TCDManagerTabsPopupItem }
     73constructor TCDManagerTabsPopupItem.Create;
    6377{ TCDAutoHide }
  • Docking/CoolDocking/UCDClient.pas

    r193 r194  
    1111  Buttons, ExtCtrls, Contnrs, Forms, ComCtrls, Dialogs, Menus, FileUtil,
    1212  UCDCustomize, DOM, XMLWrite, XMLRead, UCDCommon,
    13   DateUtils, UCDClientPanel, UCDPopupMenu, UCDManager;
     13  DateUtils, UCDPopupMenu, UCDManager;
  • Docking/CoolDocking/UCDConjoinForm.pas

    r189 r194  
    8   Classes, SysUtils, UCDCommon, UCDClientPanel;
     8  Classes, SysUtils, UCDCommon;
    4141  TCDManager(DockManager).Visible := False;
    42   // Hide all docked childs
    43   with TCDManager(DockManager) do
    44   for I := 0 to DockPanels.Count - 1 do
    45     if Assigned(TCDClientPanel(DockPanels[I]).Control) then begin
    46       TCDClientPanel(DockPanels[I]).Control.Tag := Integer(dhtTemporal);
    47       TCDClientPanel(DockPanels[I]).Control.Hide;
    48     end;
  • Docking/CoolDocking/UCDCustomize.pas

    r192 r194  
    88  Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, LResources, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs,
    9   ComCtrls, StdCtrls, Spin, UCDLayout, UCDCommon;
     9  ComCtrls, StdCtrls, Spin, UCDLayout, UCDCommon, UCDManager;
    66   UCDClient, UCDMaster, UCDClientPanel;
     66  UCDClient, UCDMaster;
  • Docking/CoolDocking/UCDManager.pas

    r193 r194  
    11unit UCDManager;
    3 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
     3{$mode Delphi}{$H+}
    8   Classes, SysUtils, UCDCommon, Controls, Contnrs, UCDClientPanel,
    9   UCDPopupMenu, LCLType, LMessages, Graphics,
     8  Classes, SysUtils, UCDCommon, Controls, Contnrs,
     9  UCDPopupMenu, LCLType, LMessages, Graphics, Buttons,
    1010  UCDConjoinForm, Menus, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Forms;
     13  GrabberSize = 22;
    13   { TCoolDockPanels }
    15   // TCoolDockPanels = TObjectList<TCDClientPanel>
    16   TCDPanels = class(TObjectList)
     16  THeaderPos = (hpAuto, hpLeft, hpTop, hpRight, hpBottom);
     18  TCDManager = class;
     19  TCDManagerItem = class;
     21  TCDHeader = class(TPanel)
     22  private
     23    procedure CloseButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
     24    procedure DrawGrabber(Canvas: TCanvas; AControl: TControl);
     25  public
     26    CloseButton: TSpeedButton;
     27    Title: TLabel;
     28    Icon: TImage;
     29    ManagerItem: TCDManagerItem;
     30    Shape: TShape;
     31    constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
    1732    destructor Destroy; override;
     33  end;
     35  { TCDManagerItem }
     37  TCDManagerItem = class
     38  private
     39    FHeaderPos: THeaderPos;
     40    FShowHeader: Boolean;
     41    procedure DockPanelMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
     42      Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
     43    procedure ResizeExecute(Sender: TObject);
     44    procedure SetHeaderPos(const AValue: THeaderPos);
     45  public
     46    Header: TCDHeader;
     47    Control: TControl;
     48    Manager: TCDManager;
     49    procedure Paint(Sender: TObject); virtual;
     50    procedure VisibleChange(Sender: TObject); virtual;
     51    constructor Create;
     52    destructor Destroy; override;
     53    property ShowHeader: Boolean read FShowHeader write FShowHeader;
     54    property HeaderPos: THeaderPos read FHeaderPos write SetHeaderPos;
    1855  end;
    2360  private
    2461    FDockSite: TWinControl;
    25     FDockPanels: TCDPanels;
    2662    function GetDockSite: TWinControl;
    2763    function GetHeaderPos: THeaderPos;
    65101    function AutoFreeByControl: Boolean; override;
    67     function FindControlInPanels(Control: TControl): TCDClientPanel;
     103    function FindControlInPanels(Control: TControl): TCDManagerItem; virtual;
    68104    function CreateContainer(InsertAt: TAlign): TCDConjoinForm;
    69     property DockPanels: TCDPanels read FDockPanels write FDockPanels;
    70105    property DockStyle: TCDStyleType read FDockStyle write SetDockStyle;
    71106    property MoveDuration: Integer read GetMoveDuration write SetMoveDuration;
    81116  UCDManagerRegions, UCDManagerTabs, UCDManagerRegionsPopup, UCDManagerTabsPopup;
     118{ TCDManagerItem }
     120procedure TCDManagerItem.SetHeaderPos(const AValue: THeaderPos);
     122  if FHeaderPos=AValue then exit;
     123  FHeaderPos:=AValue;
     124  Paint(Self);
     127procedure TCDManagerItem.Paint(Sender: TObject);
     129  I: Integer;
     130  R: TRect;
     132(*  if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
     133  if Assigned(Control) then begin
     134    R := Control.ClientRect;
     135    Canvas.FillRect(R);
     136    Header.Visible := ShowHeader;
     137    if ShowHeader then begin
     138      if ClientAreaPanel.DockClientCount = 0 then
     139        Header.DrawGrabber(Canvas, Control) else
     140      Header.DrawGrabber(Canvas, ClientAreaPanel);
     141    end;
     142  end;*)
     145constructor TCDManagerItem.Create;
     147  //Paint.OnPaint := Paint;
     148  Header.Shape.OnMouseDown := DockPanelMouseDown;
     149  Header.Title.OnMouseDown := DockPanelMouseDown;
     150  //OnResize := ResizeExecute;
     151  //BevelInner := bvNone;
     152  //BevelOuter := bvNone;
     153  HeaderPos := hpTop;
     155  ShowHeader := True;
     156  Header := TCDHeader.Create(nil);
     157  with Header do begin
     158    Parent := nil;
     159    Visible := ShowHeader;
     160    Align := alTop;
     161    Height := GrabberSize;
     162    ManagerItem := Self;
     163  end;
     166procedure TCDManagerItem.ResizeExecute(Sender: TObject);
     168(*  if Assigned(Control) then begin
     169    Control.Top := GrabberSize;
     170    Control.Left := 0;
     171    Control.Width := Width;
     172    Control.Height := Height - GrabberSize;
     173    //Control.SetBounds(0, GrabberSize, Width - Control.Left,
     174    //  Height - Control.Top);
     175  end;*)
     178procedure TCDManagerItem.DockPanelMouseDown(Sender: TObject;
     179  Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
     181  if Control is TForm then begin
     182    //TForm(Control).SetFocus;
     183    Paint(Self);
     184  end;
     185  if (Button = mbLeft) then begin
     186    //(Control as TWinControl).DockSite := False;
     187    //ClientAreaPanel.DockSite := False;
     188    //(Control as TWinControl).BeginDrag(False, 10);
     189    //DragManager.DragStart(Control, False, 1);
     190  end;
     193destructor TCDManagerItem.Destroy;
     195  if Assigned(Control) then
     196    Control.RemoveHandlerOnVisibleChanged(VisibleChange);
     197  inherited Destroy;
     200procedure TCDManagerItem.VisibleChange(Sender: TObject);
     202  ControlVisible: Boolean;
     203  Temp: TControl;
     204  Temp2: TControl;
     206{  Temp := TControl(Sender);
     207  if Assigned(Control) then
     208  begin
     209    ControlVisible := TControl(Sender).Visible;
     210    (*if Assigned(ClientAreaPanel) then
     211      ClientAreaPanel.Visible := ControlVisible;
     212    if Assigned(Splitter) then
     213      Splitter.Visible := ControlVisible;
     214      *)
     215//    if Assigned(TCDManager(OwnerDockManager).DockStyleHandler) then
     216    if Assigned(Manager) then
     217    with TCDManager(Manager) do
     218    begin
     219      //UpdateClientSize;
     220      if ControlVisible then
     221        Switch(DockItems.IndexOf(FindControlInPanels(TControl(Sender))));
     222      if not (Control is TWinControl) then raise Exception.Create('Not TWinControl');
     223      if not Assigned(Control) then raise Exception.Create('Control not assigned');
     224      ChangeVisible(TWinControl(Control), ControlVisible);
     225      // Show parent control
     226      Temp := TControl(Sender).HostDockSite;
     228      if ControlVisible then
     229        TControl(Sender).HostDockSite.Visible := ControlVisible;
     230    end;
     231    if csDestroying in Control.ComponentState then Control := nil;
     232  end;}
    83235{ TCDManager }
    85237function TCDManager.FindControlInPanels(Control: TControl
    86   ): TCDClientPanel;
    87 var
    88   I: Integer;
    89 begin
    90   I := 0;
    91   while (I < FDockPanels.Count) and
    92     (TCDClientPanel(FDockPanels[I]).Control <> Control) do Inc(I);
    93   if I < FDockPanels.Count then Result := TCDClientPanel(FDockPanels[I])
    94     else Result := nil;
     238  ): TCDManagerItem;
     240  Result := nil;
    119265  FDockSite := ADockSite;
    120   FDockPanels := TCDPanels.Create;
    122267  FDockStyle := dsList; // dsNone
    129274  PopupMenu.Free;
    130   FDockPanels.Free;
    131275  inherited Destroy;
    172316  NewSplitter: TSplitter;
    173   NewDockPanel: TCDClientPanel;
     317  NewDockPanel: TCDManagerItem;
    174318  NewPanel: TPanel;
    175319  I: Integer;
    193337    end;
    194338  end else
    195   if (FDockSite is TCDConjoinForm) or (FDockSite is TPanel) or (FDockSite is TCDClientPanel) then begin
     339  if (FDockSite is TCDConjoinForm) or (FDockSite is TPanel) then begin
    196340    InsertControlPanel(Control, InsertAt, DropCtl);
    197341  end;
    207351procedure TCDManager.PaintSite(DC: HDC);
    208 var
    209   Canvas: TControlCanvas;
    210   Control: TControl;
    211   I: Integer;
    212   R: TRect;
    213 begin
    214   for I := 0 to FDockPanels.Count - 1 do
    215     with TCDClientPanel(FDockPanels[I]) do begin
    216       Invalidate;
    217     end;
    255390procedure TCDManager.RemoveControl(Control: TControl);
    256 var
    257   ClientPanel: TCDClientPanel;
     392//  ClientPanel: TCDClientPanel;
    259394  //DockStyleHandler.RemoveControl(Control);
    322457    if AValue = dsTabs then begin
    323458      NewManager := TCDManagerTabs.Create(FDockSite);
    324       TCDManagerTabs(Self).TabControlChange(Self);
     459      //TCDManagerTabs(Self).TabControlChange(Self);
    325460    end else
    326461    if AValue = dsList then begin
    328463    end else
    329464    if AValue = dsPopupList then begin
    330       NewManager := TCDStylePopupRegions.Create(FDockSite);
     465      NewManager := TCDManagerPopupRegions.Create(FDockSite);
    331466    end else
    332467    if AValue = dsPopupTabs then begin
    336471      NewManager.Assign(TCDManager(DockSite.DockManager));
    337472    DockSite.DockManager := NewManager;
    338   end;
    339   UpdateClientSize;
     473    NewManager.UpdateClientSize;
     474  end;
    381 { TCDPanels }
    383 destructor TCDPanels.Destroy;
    384 var
    385   Temp: Integer;
    386 begin
    387   Temp := Count;
     516{ TCDHeader }
     518constructor TCDHeader.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
     520  inherited Create(TheOwner);
     521  Shape := TShape.Create(Self);
     522  with Shape do begin
     523    Parent := Self;
     524    Anchors := [akRight, akBottom, akLeft, akTop];
     525    Left := 1;
     526    Top := 1;
     527    Width := Self.Width - 2;
     528    Height := Self.Height - 2;
     529    Brush.Style := bsClear;
     530  end;
     531  Title := TLabel.Create(Self);
     532  with Title do begin
     533    Parent := Self;
     534    Visible := True;
     535    Top := 4;
     536    Left := 6;
     537    BevelInner := bvNone;
     538    BevelOuter := bvNone;
     539  end;
     540  CloseButton := TSpeedButton.Create(Self);
     541  with CloseButton do begin
     542    Parent := Self;
     543    Caption := 'X';
     544    Font.Size := 6;
     545    Width := GrabberSize - 8;
     546    Height := GrabberSize - 8;
     547    Anchors := [akRight, akTop];
     548    Left := Self.Width - Width - 4;
     549    Top := 4;
     550    Visible := True;
     551    OnClick := CloseButtonClick;
     552  end;
     553  Icon := TImage.Create(Self);
     554  with Icon do begin
     555    Parent := Self;
     556    Left := 4;
     557    Top := 2;
     558    Visible := True;
     559  end;
     562destructor TCDHeader.Destroy;
    388564  inherited Destroy;
     567procedure TCDHeader.DrawGrabber(Canvas: TCanvas; AControl: TControl);
     569  with Canvas do begin
     570    Brush.Color := clBtnFace;
     571    Pen.Color := clBlack;
     572    //FillRect(0, 0, AControl.Width, GrabberSize);
     574    if (AControl as TWinControl).Focused then
     575      Title.Font.Style := Font.Style + [fsBold]
     576      else Title.Font.Style := Font.Style - [fsBold];
     577    Rectangle(1, 1, AControl.Width - 1, GrabberSize - 1);
     578    if Icon.Picture.Width > 0 then Title.Left := 8 + Icon.Picture.Width
     579      else Title.Left := 6;
     580    Title.Caption := AControl.Caption;
     581  end;
     584procedure TCDHeader.CloseButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
     586  ManagerItem.Control.Hide;
  • Docking/CoolDocking/UCDMaster.pas

    r191 r194  
    8   Classes, SysUtils, UCDCommon, UCDClientPanel;
     8  Classes, SysUtils, UCDCommon, UCDManager;
  • Docking/CoolDocking/UCDPopupMenu.pas

    r193 r194  
    8   Classes, SysUtils, Menus, Forms, Controls, Dialogs, UCDClientPanel,
     8  Classes, SysUtils, Menus, Forms, Controls, Dialogs,
    99  ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, UCDCommon;
    165165  if PopupComponent is TPageControl then
    166166  with TPageControl(PopupComponent) do begin
    167     TForm(TCDClientPanel(TCDManager(Manager).DockPanels[TabIndex]).Control).Close;
    168   end;
    169   if PopupComponent is TCDHeader then
    170   with TCDHeader(PopupComponent) do begin
    171     TForm(ParentClientPanel.Control).Close;
     167    TForm(TCDManagerTabsItem(TCDManagerTabs(Manager).DockItems[TabIndex]).Control).Close;
     168  end;
     169  if PopupComponent is TCDHeader then
     170  with TCDHeader(PopupComponent) do begin
     171    TForm(ManagerItem.Control).Close;
    172172  end;
    180180  if PopupComponent is TPageControl then
    181181  with TPageControl(PopupComponent) do begin
    182     Value := TCDClientPanel(TCDManager(Manager).DockPanels[TabIndex]).Control.Caption;
     182    Value := TCDManagerTabsItem(TCDManagerTabs(Manager).DockItems[TabIndex]).Control.Caption;
    183183    if InputQuery(SRenameWindow, SEnterNewWindowName, False, Value) then begin
    184       TCDClientPanel(TCDManager(Manager).DockPanels[TabIndex]).Control.Caption := Value;
     184      TCDManagerTabsItem(TCDManagerTabs(Manager).DockItems[TabIndex]).Control.Caption := Value;
    185185      Pages[TabIndex].Caption := Value;
    186186    end;
    188188  if PopupComponent is TCDHeader then
    189189  with TCDHeader(PopupComponent) do begin
    190     Value := ParentClientPanel.Control.Caption;
     190    Value := ManagerItem.Control.Caption;
    191191    if InputQuery(SRenameWindow, SEnterNewWindowName, False, Value) then begin
    192       ParentClientPanel.Control.Caption := Value;
     192      ManagerItem.Control.Caption := Value;
    193193      Title.Caption := Value;
    194194    end;
    262262  if PopupComponent is TPageControl then
    263263  with TPageControl(PopupComponent) do begin
    264     Control := TCDClientPanel(TCDManager(Manager).DockPanels[TabIndex]).Control;
    265   end else
    266   if PopupComponent is TCDHeader then
    267   with TCDHeader(PopupComponent) do begin
    268     Control := ParentClientPanel.Control;
     264    Control := TCDManagerTabsItem(TCDManagerTabs(Manager).DockItems[TabIndex]).Control;
     265  end else
     266  if PopupComponent is TCDHeader then
     267  with TCDHeader(PopupComponent) do begin
     268    Control := ManagerItem.Control;
    269269  end else Control := nil;
    270270  if Assigned(Control) then
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.