1 | unit UCommon;
2 |
3 | {$mode delphi}
4 |
5 | interface
6 |
7 | uses
8 | {$ifdef Windows}Windows,{$endif}
9 | {$ifdef Linux}baseunix,{$endif}
10 | Classes, SysUtils, StrUtils, Dialogs, Process, LCLIntf,
11 | FileUtil; //, ShFolder, ShellAPI;
12 |
13 | type
14 | TArrayOfByte = array of Byte;
15 | TArrayOfString = array of string;
16 | TExceptionEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; E: Exception) of object;
17 |
18 | TUserNameFormat = (
19 | unfNameUnknown = 0, // Unknown name type.
20 | unfNameFullyQualifiedDN = 1, // Fully qualified distinguished name
21 | unfNameSamCompatible = 2, // Windows NT® 4.0 account name
22 | unfNameDisplay = 3, // A "friendly" display name
23 | unfNameUniqueId = 6, // GUID string that the IIDFromString function returns
24 | unfNameCanonical = 7, // Complete canonical name
25 | unfNameUserPrincipal = 8, // User principal name
26 | unfNameCanonicalEx = 9,
27 | unfNameServicePrincipal = 10, // Generalized service principal name
28 | unfDNSDomainName = 11);
29 |
30 | TFilterMethodMethod = function (FileName: string): Boolean of object;
31 | var
32 | ExceptionHandler: TExceptionEvent;
33 | DLLHandle1: HModule;
34 |
35 | {$IFDEF Windows}
36 | GetUserNameEx: procedure (NameFormat: DWORD;
37 | lpNameBuffer: LPSTR; nSize: PULONG); stdcall;
38 | {$ENDIF}
39 |
40 | function IntToBin(Data: Int64; Count: Byte): string;
41 | function BinToInt(BinStr: string): Int64;
42 | function TryHexToInt(Data: string; var Value: Integer): Boolean;
43 | function TryBinToInt(Data: string; var Value: Integer): Boolean;
44 | function BinToHexString(Source: AnsiString): string;
45 | //function DelTree(DirName : string): Boolean;
46 | //function GetSpecialFolderPath(Folder: Integer): string;
47 | function BCDToInt(Value: Byte): Byte;
48 | function CompareByteArray(Data1, Data2: TArrayOfByte): Boolean;
49 | function GetUserName: string;
50 | function LoggedOnUserNameEx(Format: TUserNameFormat): string;
51 | function SplitString(var Text: string; Count: Word): string;
52 | function GetBitCount(Variable: QWord; MaxIndex: Integer): Integer;
53 | function GetBit(Variable: QWord; Index: Byte): Boolean;
54 | procedure SetBit(var Variable: Int64; Index: Byte; State: Boolean); overload;
55 | procedure SetBit(var Variable: QWord; Index: Byte; State: Boolean); overload;
56 | procedure SetBit(var Variable: Cardinal; Index: Byte; State: Boolean); overload;
57 | procedure SetBit(var Variable: Word; Index: Byte; State: Boolean); overload;
58 | function AddLeadingZeroes(const aNumber, Length : integer) : string;
59 | function LastPos(const SubStr: String; const S: String): Integer;
60 | function GenerateNewName(OldName: string): string;
61 | function GetFileFilterItemExt(Filter: string; Index: Integer): string;
62 | procedure FileDialogUpdateFilterFileType(FileDialog: TOpenDialog);
63 | procedure DeleteFiles(APath, AFileSpec: string);
64 | procedure OpenWebPage(URL: string);
65 | procedure OpenFileInShell(FileName: string);
66 | procedure ExecuteProgram(Executable: string; Parameters: array of string);
67 | procedure FreeThenNil(var Obj);
68 | function RemoveQuotes(Text: string): string;
69 | function ComputerName: string;
70 | function OccurenceOfChar(What: Char; Where: string): Integer;
71 | function GetDirCount(Dir: string): Integer;
72 | function MergeArray(A, B: array of string): TArrayOfString;
73 | function LoadFileToStr(const FileName: TFileName): AnsiString;
74 | procedure SearchFiles(AList: TStrings; Dir: string;
75 | FilterMethod: TFilterMethodMethod);
76 |
77 |
78 | implementation
79 |
80 | function BinToInt(BinStr : string) : Int64;
81 | var
82 | i : byte;
83 | RetVar : Int64;
84 | begin
85 | BinStr := UpperCase(BinStr);
86 | if BinStr[length(BinStr)] = 'B' then Delete(BinStr,length(BinStr),1);
87 | RetVar := 0;
88 | for i := 1 to length(BinStr) do begin
89 | if not (BinStr[i] in ['0','1']) then begin
90 | RetVar := 0;
91 | Break;
92 | end;
93 | RetVar := (RetVar shl 1) + (byte(BinStr[i]) and 1) ;
94 | end;
95 |
96 | Result := RetVar;
97 | end;
98 |
99 | function BinToHexString(Source: AnsiString): string;
100 | var
101 | I: Integer;
102 | begin
103 | for I := 1 to Length(Source) do begin
104 | Result := Result + LowerCase(IntToHex(Ord(Source[I]), 2));
105 | end;
106 | end;
107 |
108 |
109 | procedure DeleteFiles(APath, AFileSpec: string);
110 | var
111 | SearchRec: TSearchRec;
112 | Find: Integer;
113 | Path: string;
114 | begin
115 | Path := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(APath);
116 |
117 | Find := FindFirst(Path + AFileSpec, faAnyFile xor faDirectory, SearchRec);
118 | while Find = 0 do begin
119 | DeleteFile(Path + SearchRec.Name);
120 |
121 | Find := SysUtils.FindNext(SearchRec);
122 | end;
123 | FindClose(SearchRec);
124 | end;
125 |
126 |
127 | function GetFileFilterItemExt(Filter: string; Index: Integer): string;
128 | var
129 | List: TStringList;
130 | begin
131 | try
132 | List := TStringList.Create;
133 | List.Text := StringReplace(Filter, '|', #10, [rfReplaceAll]);
134 | Result := List[Index * 2 + 1];
135 | finally
136 | List.Free;
137 | end;
138 | end;
139 |
140 | procedure FileDialogUpdateFilterFileType(FileDialog: TOpenDialog);
141 | var
142 | FileExt: string;
143 | begin
144 | FileExt := GetFileFilterItemExt(FileDialog.Filter, FileDialog.FilterIndex - 1);
145 | Delete(FileExt, 1, 1); // Remove symbol '*'
146 | if FileExt <> '.*' then
147 | FileDialog.FileName := ChangeFileExt(FileDialog.FileName, FileExt)
148 | end;
149 |
150 | function GenerateNewName(OldName: string): string;
151 | var
152 | I: Integer;
153 | Number: Integer;
154 | begin
155 | Number := 1;
156 | // Find number on end
157 | if Length(OldName) > 0 then begin
158 | I := Length(OldName);
159 | while (I > 1) and ((OldName[I] >= '0') and (OldName[I] <= '9')) do Dec(I);
160 | TryStrToInt(Copy(OldName, I + 1, Length(OldName) - I), Number);
161 | Inc(Number)
162 | end;
163 | Result := Copy(OldName, 1, I) + IntToStr(Number);
164 | end;
165 |
166 | (*function DelTree(DirName : string): Boolean;
167 | var
168 | SHFileOpStruct : TSHFileOpStruct;
169 | DirBuf : array [0..255] of char;
170 | begin
171 | DirName := UTF8Decode(DirName);
172 | try
173 | Fillchar(SHFileOpStruct,Sizeof(SHFileOpStruct),0) ;
174 | FillChar(DirBuf, Sizeof(DirBuf), 0 ) ;
175 | StrPCopy(DirBuf, DirName) ;
176 | with SHFileOpStruct do begin
177 | Wnd := 0;
178 | pFrom := @DirBuf;
179 | wFunc := FO_DELETE;
180 | fFlags := FOF_ALLOWUNDO;
181 | fFlags := fFlags or FOF_NOCONFIRMATION;
182 | fFlags := fFlags or FOF_SILENT;
183 | end;
184 | Result := (SHFileOperation(SHFileOpStruct) = 0) ;
185 | except
186 | Result := False;
187 | end;
188 | end;*)
189 |
190 | function LastPos(const SubStr: String; const S: String): Integer;
191 | begin
192 | Result := Pos(ReverseString(SubStr), ReverseString(S));
193 | if (Result <> 0) then
194 | Result := ((Length(S) - Length(SubStr)) + 1) - Result + 1;
195 | end;
196 |
197 | function BCDToInt(Value: Byte): Byte;
198 | begin
199 | Result := (Value shr 4) * 10 + (Value and 15);
200 | end;
201 |
202 | (*function GetSpecialFolderPath(Folder: Integer): string;
203 | const
205 | var
206 | Path: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char;
207 | begin
208 | Result := 'C:\Test';
209 | if SUCCEEDED(SHGetFolderPath(0, Folder, 0, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, @path[0])) then
210 | Result := path
211 | else
212 | Result := '';
213 | end;*)
214 |
215 | function IntToBin(Data: Int64; Count: Byte): string;
216 | var
217 | I: Integer;
218 | begin
219 | Result := '';
220 | for I := 0 to Count - 1 do
221 | Result := IntToStr((Data shr I) and 1) + Result;
222 | end;
223 |
224 | function IntToHex(Data: Cardinal; Count: Byte): string;
225 | const
226 | Chars: array[0..15] of Char = '0123456789ABCDEF';
227 | var
228 | I: Integer;
229 | begin
230 | Result := '';
231 | for I := 0 to Count - 1 do
232 | Result := Result + Chars[(Data shr (I * 4)) and 15];
233 | end;
234 |
235 | function TryHexToInt(Data: string; var Value: Integer): Boolean;
236 | var
237 | I: Integer;
238 | begin
239 | Data := UpperCase(Data);
240 | Result := True;
241 | Value := 0;
242 | for I := 0 to Length(Data) - 1 do begin
243 | if (Data[I + 1] >= '0') and (Data[I + 1] <= '9') then
244 | Value := Value or (Ord(Data[I + 1]) - Ord('0')) shl ((Length(Data) - I - 1) * 4)
245 | else if (Data[I + 1] >= 'A') and (Data[I + 1] <= 'F') then
246 | Value := Value or (Ord(Data[I + 1]) - Ord('A') + 10) shl ((Length(Data) - I - 1) * 4)
247 | else Result := False;
248 | end;
249 | end;
250 |
251 | function TryBinToInt(Data: string; var Value: Integer): Boolean;
252 | var
253 | I: Integer;
254 | begin
255 | Result := True;
256 | Value := 0;
257 | for I := 0 to Length(Data) - 1 do begin
258 | if (Data[I + 1] >= '0') and (Data[I + 1] <= '1') then
259 | Value := Value or (Ord(Data[I + 1]) - Ord('0')) shl ((Length(Data) - I - 1))
260 | else Result := False;
261 | end;
262 | end;
263 |
264 | function CompareByteArray(Data1, Data2: TArrayOfByte): Boolean;
265 | var
266 | I: Integer;
267 | begin
268 | if Length(Data1) = Length(Data2) then begin
269 | Result := True;
270 | for I := 0 to Length(Data1) - 1 do begin
271 | if Data1[I] <> Data2[I] then begin
272 | Result := False;
273 | Break;
274 | end
275 | end;
276 | end else Result := False;
277 | end;
278 |
279 | function Explode(Separator: char; Data: string): TArrayOfString;
280 | begin
281 | SetLength(Result, 0);
282 | while Pos(Separator, Data) > 0 do begin
283 | SetLength(Result, Length(Result) + 1);
284 | Result[High(Result)] := Copy(Data, 1, Pos(Separator, Data) - 1);
285 | Delete(Data, 1, Pos(Separator, Data));
286 | end;
287 | SetLength(Result, Length(Result) + 1);
288 | Result[High(Result)] := Data;
289 | end;
290 |
291 | {$IFDEF Windows}
292 | function GetUserName: string;
293 | const
295 | var
296 | L: LongWord;
297 | begin
299 | SetLength(Result, L);
300 | if Windows.GetUserName(PChar(Result), L) and (L > 0) then begin
301 | SetLength(Result, StrLen(PChar(Result)));
302 | Result := UTF8Encode(Result);
303 | end else Result := '';
304 | end;
305 |
306 | function GetVersionInfo: TOSVersionInfo;
307 | begin
308 | Result.dwOSVersionInfoSize := SizeOf(Result);
309 | if GetVersionEx(Result) then begin
310 | end;
311 | end;
312 | {$endif}
313 |
314 | function ComputerName: string;
315 | {$ifdef mswindows}
316 | const
317 | INFO_BUFFER_SIZE = 32767;
318 | var
319 | Buffer : array[0..INFO_BUFFER_SIZE] of WideChar;
320 | Ret : DWORD;
321 | begin
322 | Ret := INFO_BUFFER_SIZE;
323 | If (GetComputerNameW(@Buffer[0],Ret)) then begin
324 | Result := UTF8Encode(WideString(Buffer));
325 | end
326 | else begin
328 | end;
329 | end;
330 | {$endif}
331 | {$ifdef unix}
332 | var
333 | Name: UtsName;
334 | begin
335 | fpuname(Name);
336 | Result := Name.Nodename;
337 | end;
338 | {$endif}
339 |
340 | {$ifdef windows}
341 | function LoggedOnUserNameEx(Format: TUserNameFormat): string;
342 | const
343 | MaxLength = 1000;
344 | var
345 | UserName: array[0..MaxLength] of Char;
346 | VersionInfo: TOSVersionInfo;
347 | Size: DWORD;
348 | begin
349 | VersionInfo := GetVersionInfo;
350 | if VersionInfo.dwPlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT then begin
351 | Size := MaxLength;
352 | GetUserNameEx(Integer(Format), @UserName, @Size);
353 | //ShowMessage(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));
354 | if GetLastError = 0 then Result := UTF8Encode(UserName)
355 | else Result := GetUserName;
356 | end else Result := GetUserName;
357 | end;
358 | {$ELSE}
359 | function GetUserName: string;
360 | begin
361 | Result := '';
362 | end;
363 |
364 | function LoggedOnUserNameEx(Format: TUserNameFormat): string;
365 | begin
366 | Result := '';
367 | end;
368 |
369 | {$ENDIF}
370 |
371 | function SplitString(var Text: string; Count: Word): string;
372 | begin
373 | Result := Copy(Text, 1, Count);
374 | Delete(Text, 1, Count);
375 | end;
376 |
377 | function GetBitCount(Variable: QWord; MaxIndex: Integer): Integer;
378 | var
379 | I: Integer;
380 | begin
381 | Result := 0;
382 | for I := 0 to MaxIndex - 1 do
383 | if ((Variable shr I) and 1) = 1 then Inc(Result);
384 | end;
385 |
386 | function GetBit(Variable:QWord;Index:Byte):Boolean;
387 | begin
388 | Result := ((Variable shr Index) and 1) = 1;
389 | end;
390 |
391 | procedure SetBit(var Variable: Int64; Index: Byte; State: Boolean);
392 | begin
393 | Variable := (Variable and ((1 shl Index) xor High(QWord))) or (Int64(State) shl Index);
394 | end;
395 |
396 | procedure SetBit(var Variable:QWord;Index:Byte;State:Boolean); overload;
397 | begin
398 | Variable := (Variable and ((1 shl Index) xor High(QWord))) or (QWord(State) shl Index);
399 | end;
400 |
401 | procedure SetBit(var Variable:Cardinal;Index:Byte;State:Boolean); overload;
402 | begin
403 | Variable := (Variable and ((1 shl Index) xor High(Cardinal))) or (Cardinal(State) shl Index);
404 | end;
405 |
406 | procedure SetBit(var Variable:Word;Index:Byte;State:Boolean); overload;
407 | begin
408 | Variable := (Variable and ((1 shl Index) xor High(Word))) or (Word(State) shl Index);
409 | end;
410 |
411 | function AddLeadingZeroes(const aNumber, Length : integer) : string;
412 | begin
413 | Result := SysUtils.Format('%.*d', [Length, aNumber]) ;
414 | end;
415 |
416 | procedure LoadLibraries;
417 | begin
418 | {$IFDEF Windows}
419 | DLLHandle1 := LoadLibrary('secur32.dll');
420 | if DLLHandle1 <> 0 then
421 | begin
422 | @GetUserNameEx := GetProcAddress(DLLHandle1, 'GetUserNameExA');
423 | end;
424 | {$ENDIF}
425 | end;
426 |
427 | procedure FreeLibraries;
428 | begin
429 | {$IFDEF Windows}
430 | if DLLHandle1 <> 0 then FreeLibrary(DLLHandle1);
431 | {$ENDIF}
432 | end;
433 |
434 | procedure ExecuteProgram(Executable: string; Parameters: array of string);
435 | var
436 | Process: TProcess;
437 | I: Integer;
438 | begin
439 | try
440 | Process := TProcess.Create(nil);
441 | Process.Executable := Executable;
442 | for I := 0 to Length(Parameters) - 1 do
443 | Process.Parameters.Add(Parameters[I]);
444 | Process.Options := [poNoConsole];
445 | Process.Execute;
446 | finally
447 | Process.Free;
448 | end;
449 | end;
450 |
451 | procedure FreeThenNil(var Obj);
452 | begin
453 | TObject(Obj).Free;
454 | TObject(Obj) := nil;
455 | end;
456 |
457 | procedure OpenWebPage(URL: string);
458 | begin
459 | OpenURL(URL);
460 | end;
461 |
462 | procedure OpenFileInShell(FileName: string);
463 | begin
464 | ExecuteProgram('cmd.exe', ['/c', 'start', FileName]);
465 | end;
466 |
467 | function RemoveQuotes(Text: string): string;
468 | begin
469 | Result := Text;
470 | if (Pos('"', Text) = 1) and (Text[Length(Text)] = '"') then
471 | Result := Copy(Text, 2, Length(Text) - 2);
472 | end;
473 |
474 | function OccurenceOfChar(What: Char; Where: string): Integer;
475 | var
476 | I: Integer;
477 | begin
478 | Result := 0;
479 | for I := 1 to Length(Where) do
480 | if Where[I] = What then Inc(Result);
481 | end;
482 |
483 | function GetDirCount(Dir: string): Integer;
484 | begin
485 | Result := OccurenceOfChar(DirectorySeparator, Dir);
486 | if Copy(Dir, Length(Dir), 1) = DirectorySeparator then
487 | Dec(Result);
488 | end;
489 |
490 | function MergeArray(A, B: array of string): TArrayOfString;
491 | var
492 | I: Integer;
493 | begin
494 | SetLength(Result, Length(A) + Length(B));
495 | for I := 0 to Length(A) - 1 do
496 | Result[I] := A[I];
497 | for I := 0 to Length(B) - 1 do
498 | Result[Length(A) + I] := B[I];
499 | end;
500 |
501 | function LoadFileToStr(const FileName: TFileName): AnsiString;
502 | var
503 | FileStream: TFileStream;
504 | Read: Integer;
505 | begin
506 | Result := '';
507 | FileStream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead);
508 | try
509 | if FileStream.Size > 0 then begin
510 | SetLength(Result, FileStream.Size);
511 | Read := FileStream.Read(Pointer(Result)^, FileStream.Size);
512 | SetLength(Result, Read);
513 | end;
514 | finally
515 | FileStream.Free;
516 | end;
517 | end;
518 |
519 | function DefaultSearchFilter(const FileName: string): Boolean;
520 | begin
521 | Result := True;
522 | end;
523 |
524 | procedure SearchFiles(AList: TStrings; Dir: string;
525 | FilterMethod: TFilterMethodMethod);
526 | var
527 | SR: TSearchRec;
528 | begin
529 | Dir := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(Dir);
530 | if FindFirst(Dir + '*', faAnyFile, SR) = 0 then
531 | try
532 | repeat
533 | if (SR.Name = '.') or (SR.Name = '..') or not FilterMethod(SR.Name) then Continue;
534 | AList.Add(Dir + SR.Name);
535 | if (SR.Attr and faDirectory) <> 0 then
536 | SearchFiles(AList, Dir + SR.Name, FilterMethod);
537 | until FindNext(SR) <> 0;
538 | finally
539 | FindClose(SR);
540 | end;
541 | end;
542 |
543 |
544 | initialization
545 |
546 | LoadLibraries;
547 |
548 |
549 | finalization
550 |
551 | FreeLibraries;
552 |
553 | end.