1 | unit CommPin;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | Classes, SpecializedList;
7 |
8 | type
9 | TCommPin = class;
10 | TCommNode = class;
11 |
12 | TDataDiretion = (ddReceive, ddSend);
13 | TOnLogDataEvent = procedure (Stream: TListByte; Direction: TDataDiretion) of object;
14 | TOnStreamEvent = procedure (Sender: TCommPin; Stream: TListByte) of object;
15 | TOnSetStatus = procedure (Sender: TCommPin; Status: Integer) of object;
16 |
17 | { TCommPin }
18 |
19 | TCommPin = class
20 | private
21 | FOnLogData: TOnLogDataEvent;
22 | FOnReceive: TOnStreamEvent;
23 | FDataTxCount: Integer;
24 | FDataRxCount: Integer;
25 | FFrameTxCount: Integer;
26 | FFrameRxCount: Integer;
27 | FOnSetStatus: TOnSetStatus;
28 | FRemotePin: TCommPin;
29 | FStatus: Integer;
30 | function GetConnected: Boolean;
31 | procedure SetRemotePin(AValue: TCommPin);
32 | procedure SetStatus(AValue: Integer);
33 | protected
34 | procedure Receive(Stream: TListByte);
35 | procedure ReceiveStatus(AValue: Integer);
36 | public
37 | Node: TCommNode;
38 | constructor Create;
39 | destructor Destroy; override;
40 | procedure Connect(Pin: TCommPin);
41 | procedure Disconnect;
42 | procedure Send(Stream: TListByte);
43 | procedure ResetCounters;
44 | property RemotePin: TCommPin read FRemotePin write SetRemotePin;
45 | property Connected: Boolean read GetConnected;
46 | property OnLogData: TOnLogDataEvent read FOnLogData write FOnLogData;
47 | property DataTxCount: Integer read FDataTxCount;
48 | property DataRxCount: Integer read FDataRxCount;
49 | property FrameTxCount: Integer read FFrameTxCount;
50 | property FrameRxCount: Integer read FFrameRxCount;
51 | property Status: Integer read FStatus write SetStatus; // Used for general status bits such as parity bit
52 | property OnReceive: TOnStreamEvent read FOnReceive write FOnReceive;
53 | property OnSetSatus: TOnSetStatus read FOnSetStatus write FOnSetStatus;
54 | end;
55 |
56 | { TCommNode }
57 |
58 | TCommNode = class(TComponent)
59 | private
60 | protected
61 | FActive: Boolean;
62 | procedure SetActive(const AValue: Boolean); virtual;
63 | public
64 | property Active: Boolean read FActive write SetActive;
65 | end;
66 |
67 | { TCommNodeSimple }
68 |
69 | TCommNodeSimple = class(TCommNode)
70 | public
71 | Pin: TCommPin;
72 | constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
73 | destructor Destroy; override;
74 | end;
75 |
76 |
77 | implementation
78 |
79 | { TCommNodeSimple }
80 |
81 | constructor TCommNodeSimple.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
82 | begin
83 | inherited;
84 | Pin := TCommPin.Create;
85 | end;
86 |
87 | destructor TCommNodeSimple.Destroy;
88 | begin
89 | Pin.Free;
90 | inherited;
91 | end;
92 |
93 | { TCommNode }
94 |
95 | procedure TCommNode.SetActive(const AValue: Boolean);
96 | begin
97 | if FActive = AValue then Exit;
98 | FActive := AValue;
99 | end;
100 |
101 | { TCommPin }
102 |
103 | procedure TCommPin.Connect(Pin: TCommPin);
104 | begin
105 | RemotePin := Pin;
106 | end;
107 |
108 | destructor TCommPin.Destroy;
109 | begin
110 | Disconnect;
111 | inherited;
112 | end;
113 |
114 | procedure TCommPin.Disconnect;
115 | begin
116 | RemotePin := nil;
117 | end;
118 |
119 | function TCommPin.GetConnected: Boolean;
120 | begin
121 | Result := Assigned(RemotePin);
122 | end;
123 |
124 | procedure TCommPin.SetRemotePin(AValue: TCommPin);
125 | begin
126 | if FRemotePin = AValue then Exit;
127 | if Assigned(FRemotePin) then
128 | FRemotePin.FRemotePin := nil;
129 | FRemotePin := AValue;
130 | if Assigned(FRemotePin) then begin
131 | FRemotePin.RemotePin := Self;
132 | FRemotePin.ReceiveStatus(FStatus);
133 | end;
134 | end;
135 |
136 | procedure TCommPin.SetStatus(AValue: Integer);
137 | begin
138 | FStatus := AValue;
139 | if Assigned(RemotePin) then RemotePin.ReceiveStatus(AValue);
140 | end;
141 |
142 | constructor TCommPin.Create;
143 | begin
144 | FRemotePin := nil;
145 | FStatus := 0;
146 | ResetCounters;
147 | end;
148 |
149 | procedure TCommPin.Receive(Stream: TListByte);
150 | begin
151 | Inc(FDataRxCount, Stream.Count);
152 | Inc(FFrameRxCount);
153 | if Assigned(FOnLogData) then FOnLogData(Stream, ddReceive);
154 | if Assigned(FOnReceive) then FOnReceive(Self, Stream);
155 | end;
156 |
157 | procedure TCommPin.ReceiveStatus(AValue: Integer);
158 | begin
159 | if Assigned(FOnSetStatus) then FOnSetStatus(Self, AValue);
160 | end;
161 |
162 | procedure TCommPin.ResetCounters;
163 | begin
164 | FDataTxCount := 0;
165 | FDataRxCount := 0;
166 | FFrameTxCount := 0;
167 | FFrameRxCount := 0;
168 | end;
169 |
170 | procedure TCommPin.Send(Stream: TListByte);
171 | begin
172 | Inc(FDataTxCount, Stream.Count);
173 | Inc(FFrameTxCount);
174 | if Assigned(FOnLogData) then FOnLogData(Stream, ddSend);
175 | if Assigned(RemotePin) then RemotePin.Receive(Stream);
176 | end;
177 |
178 | end.