1 | unit CommHub;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | Classes, SysUtils, Contnrs, CommPin, SpecializedList;
7 |
8 | type
9 | TCommHub = class;
10 |
11 | { TPinList }
12 |
13 | TPinList = class(TObjectList)
14 | Hub: TCommHub;
15 | function Add(AObject: TObject): Integer;
16 | function AddNew: TCommPin;
17 | function Extract(Item: TObject): TObject;
18 | procedure Insert(Index: Integer; AObject: TObject);
19 | end;
20 |
21 | { TCommHub }
22 |
23 | TCommHub = class(TCommNode)
24 | private
25 | FPins: TPinList;
26 | procedure Receive(Sender: TCommPin; Stream: TListByte);
27 | procedure SetStatus(Sender: TCommPin; Status: Integer);
28 | public
29 | constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
30 | destructor Destroy; override;
31 | property Pins: TPinList read FPins write FPins;
32 | end;
33 |
34 | implementation
35 |
36 | { TPinList }
37 |
38 | function TPinList.Add(AObject: TObject): Integer;
39 | begin
40 | Result := inherited Add(AObject);
41 | TCommPin(AObject).OnReceive := Hub.Receive;
42 | TCommPin(AObject).OnSetSatus := Hub.SetStatus;
43 | end;
44 |
45 | function TPinList.AddNew: TCommPin;
46 | begin
47 | Result := TCommPin(Items[Add(TCommPin.Create)]);
48 | Result.Node := Hub;
49 | end;
50 |
51 | function TPinList.Extract(Item: TObject): TObject;
52 | begin
53 | TCommPin(Item).OnReceive := nil;
54 | TCommPin(Item).OnSetSatus := nil;
55 | Result := inherited Extract(Item);
56 | end;
57 |
58 | procedure TPinList.Insert(Index: Integer; AObject: TObject);
59 | begin
60 | inherited Insert(Index, AObject);
61 | TCommPin(AObject).OnReceive := Hub.Receive;
62 | TCommPin(AObject).OnSetSatus := Hub.SetStatus;
63 | end;
64 |
65 | { TCommHub }
66 |
67 | procedure TCommHub.Receive(Sender: TCommPin; Stream: TListByte);
68 | var
69 | I: Integer;
70 | begin
71 | if FActive then begin
72 | // Broadcast received packet to all other pins
73 | for I := 0 to FPins.Count - 1 do
74 | if Sender <> FPins[I] then
75 | TCommPin(FPins[I]).Send(Stream);
76 | end;
77 | end;
78 |
79 | procedure TCommHub.SetStatus(Sender: TCommPin; Status: Integer);
80 | var
81 | I: Integer;
82 | begin
83 | if FActive then begin
84 | // Broadcast received packet to all other pins
85 | for I := 0 to FPins.Count - 1 do
86 | if Sender <> FPins[I] then
87 | TCommPin(FPins[I]).Status := Status;
88 | end;
89 | end;
90 |
91 | constructor TCommHub.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
92 | begin
93 | inherited;
94 | FPins := TPinList.Create;
95 | FPins.Hub := Self;
96 | end;
97 |
98 | destructor TCommHub.Destroy;
99 | begin
100 | Active := False;
101 | FreeAndNil(FPins);
102 | inherited;
103 | end;
104 |
105 | end.
106 |