1 | unit USqlDatabase;
2 |
3 | {$mode Delphi}{$H+}
4 |
5 | // Modified: 2010-12-24
6 |
7 | interface
8 |
9 | uses
10 | SysUtils, Classes, Dialogs, mysql50, TypInfo,
11 | SpecializedDictionary, SpecializedList;
12 |
13 | type
14 | EQueryError = class(Exception);
15 |
20 |
21 | TSetClientCapabilities = set of TClientCapabilities;
22 |
23 | TDbRows = class(TListObject)
24 | private
25 | function GetData(Index: Integer): TDictionaryStringString;
26 | procedure SetData(Index: Integer; const Value: TDictionaryStringString);
27 | public
28 | property Data[Index: Integer]: TDictionaryStringString read GetData write SetData; default;
29 | destructor Destroy; override;
30 | end;
31 |
32 | TSqlDatabase = class
33 | procedure mySQLClient1ConnectError(Sender: TObject; Msg: String);
34 | private
35 | FSession: PMYSQL;
36 | FConnected: Boolean;
37 | FDatabase: string;
38 | function GetConnected: Boolean;
39 | function GetLastErrorMessage: string;
40 | function GetLastErrorNumber: Integer;
41 | function GetCharset: string;
42 | procedure SetDatabase(const Value: string);
43 | public
44 | Hostname: string;
45 | UserName: string;
46 | Password: string;
47 | Encoding: string;
48 | Table: string;
49 | RepeatLastAction: Boolean;
50 | LastQuery: string;
51 | procedure CreateDatabase;
52 | procedure CreateTable(Name: string);
53 | procedure CreateColumn(Table, ColumnName: string; ColumnType: TTypeKind);
54 | procedure Query(DbRows: TDbRows; Data: string);
55 | procedure Select(DbRows: TDbRows; ATable: string; Filter: string = '*'; Condition: string = '1');
56 | procedure Delete(ATable: string; Condition: string = '1');
57 | procedure Insert(ATable: string; Data: TDictionaryStringString);
58 | procedure Update(ATable: string; Data: TDictionaryStringString; Condition: string = '1');
59 | procedure Replace(ATable: string; Data: TDictionaryStringString);
60 | procedure Connect;
61 | procedure Disconnect;
62 | function LastInsertId: Integer;
63 | property LastErrorMessage: string read GetLastErrorMessage;
64 | property LastErrorNumber: Integer read GetLastErrorNumber;
65 | property Connected: Boolean read GetConnected;
66 | constructor Create;
67 | destructor Destroy; override;
68 | property Charset: string read GetCharset;
69 | property Database: string read FDatabase write SetDatabase;
70 | end;
71 |
72 | function MySQLFloatToStr(F: Real): string;
73 | function MySQLStrToFloat(S: string): Real;
74 | function SQLToDateTime(Value: string): TDateTime;
75 | function DateTimeToSQL(Value: TDateTime): string;
76 |
77 | implementation
78 |
79 | uses
80 | DateUtils, Math;
81 |
82 | resourcestring
83 | SDatabaseQueryError = 'Database query error: "%s"';
84 |
85 | const
86 | CLIENT_LONG_PASSWORD = 1; // new more secure passwords
87 | CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS = 2; // Found instead of affected rows
88 | CLIENT_LONG_FLAG = 4; // Get all column flags
89 | CLIENT_CONNECT_WITH_DB = 8; // One can specify db on connect
90 | CLIENT_NO_SCHEMA = 16; // Don't allow database.table.column
91 | CLIENT_COMPRESS = 32; // Can use compression protcol
92 | CLIENT_ODBC = 64; // Odbc client
94 | CLIENT_IGNORE_SPACE = 256; // Ignore spaces before '('
95 | CLIENT_INTERACTIVE = 1024; // This is an interactive client
96 | CLIENT_SSL = 2048; // Switch to SSL after handshake
97 | CLIENT_IGNORE_SIGPIPE = 4096; // IGNORE sigpipes
98 | CLIENT_TRANSACTIONS = 8192; // Client knows about transactions
99 |
100 | function MySQLFloatToStr(F: Real): string;
101 | var
102 | S: string;
103 | begin
104 | S := FloatToStr(F);
105 | if Pos(',', S) > 0 then S[Pos(',', S)] := '.';
106 | Result := S;
107 | end;
108 |
109 | function MySQLStrToFloat(S: string): Real;
110 | begin
111 | if Pos('.', S) > 0 then S[Pos('.', S)] := ',';
112 | Result := StrToFloat(S);
113 | end;
114 |
115 | function StrToStr(Value: string): string;
116 | begin
117 | Result := Value;
118 | end;
119 |
120 | function SQLToDateTime(Value: string): TDateTime;
121 | var
122 | Parts: TListString;
123 | DateParts: TListString;
124 | TimeParts: TListString;
125 | begin
126 | try
127 | Parts := TListString.Create;
128 | DateParts := TListString.Create;
129 | TimeParts := TListString.Create;
130 |
131 | Parts.Explode(Value, ' ', StrToStr);
132 | DateParts.Explode(Parts[0], '-', StrToStr);
133 | Result := EncodeDate(StrToInt(DateParts[0]), StrToInt(DateParts[1]),
134 | StrToInt(DateParts[2]));
135 | if Parts.Count > 1 then begin
136 | TimeParts.Explode(Parts[1], ':', StrToStr);
137 | Result := Result + EncodeTime(StrToInt(TimeParts[0]), StrToInt(TimeParts[1]),
138 | StrToInt(TimeParts[2]), 0);
139 | end;
140 | finally
141 | DateParts.Free;
142 | TimeParts.Free;
143 | Parts.Free;
144 | end;
145 | end;
146 |
147 | function DateTimeToSQL(Value: TDateTime): string;
148 | begin
149 | Result := FormatDateTime('yyyy-mm-dd hh.nn.ss', Value);
150 | end;
151 |
152 | { TSqlDatabase }
153 |
154 | procedure TSqlDatabase.Connect;
155 | var
156 | NewSession: PMYSQL;
157 | Rows: TDbRows;
158 | begin
159 | RepeatLastAction := False;
160 | // mySQLClient1.Connect;
161 | FSession := mysql_init(FSession);
162 | // FSession.charset := 'latin2';
163 | NewSession := mysql_real_connect(FSession, PChar(HostName), PChar(UserName),
164 | PChar(Password), PChar(Database), 3306, nil, CLIENT_LONG_PASSWORD + CLIENT_CONNECT_WITH_DB);
165 | if Assigned(NewSession) then begin
166 | FConnected := True;
167 | FSession := NewSession;
168 | end else FConnected := False;
169 |
170 | if LastErrorNumber <> 0 then
171 | raise EQueryError.Create(Format(SDatabaseQueryError, [LastErrorMessage]));
172 |
173 | try
174 | Rows := TDbRows.Create;
175 | Query(Rows, 'SET NAMES ' + Encoding);
176 | finally
177 | Rows.Free;
178 | end;
179 | end;
180 |
181 | procedure TSqlDatabase.Insert(ATable: string; Data: TDictionaryStringString);
182 | var
183 | DbNames: string;
184 | DbValues: string;
185 | I: Integer;
186 | Value: string;
187 | DbResult: TDbRows;
188 | begin
189 | Table := ATable;
190 | DbNames := '';
191 | DbValues := '';
192 | for I := 0 to Data.Count - 1 do begin
193 | Value := Data.Items[I].Value;
194 | StringReplace(Value, '"', '\"', [rfReplaceAll]);
195 | if Value = 'NOW()' then DbValues := DbValues + ',' + Value
196 | else DbValues := DbValues + ',"' + Value + '"';
197 | DbNames := DbNames + ',`' + Data.Keys[I] + '`';
198 | end;
199 | System.Delete(DbNames, 1, 1);
200 | System.Delete(DbValues, 1, 1);
201 | try
202 | DbResult := TDbRows.Create;
203 | Query(DbResult, 'INSERT INTO `' + Table + '` (' + DbNames + ') VALUES (' + DbValues + ')');
204 | finally
205 | DbResult.Free;
206 | end;
207 | end;
208 |
209 | procedure TSqlDatabase.Query(DbRows: TDbRows; Data: string);
210 | var
211 | I, II: Integer;
212 | DbResult: PMYSQL_RES;
213 | DbRow: MYSQL_ROW;
214 | begin
215 | DbRows.Clear;
216 | //DebugLog('SqlDatabase query: '+Data);
217 | RepeatLastAction := False;
218 | LastQuery := Data;
219 | mysql_query(FSession, PChar(Data));
220 | if LastErrorNumber <> 0 then begin
221 | raise EQueryError.Create(Format(SDatabaseQueryError, [LastErrorMessage]));
222 | end;
223 |
224 | DbResult := mysql_store_result(FSession);
225 | if Assigned(DbResult) then begin
226 | DbRows.Count := mysql_num_rows(DbResult);
227 | for I := 0 to DbRows.Count - 1 do begin
228 | DbRow := mysql_fetch_row(DbResult);
229 | DbRows[I] := TDictionaryStringString.Create;
230 | with DbRows[I] do begin
231 | for II := 0 to mysql_num_fields(DbResult) - 1 do begin
232 | Add(mysql_fetch_field_direct(DbResult, II)^.Name,
233 | PChar((DbRow + II)^));
234 | end;
235 | end;
236 | end;
237 | end;
238 | mysql_free_result(DbResult);
239 | end;
240 |
241 | procedure TSqlDatabase.Replace(ATable: string; Data: TDictionaryStringString);
242 | var
243 | DbNames: string;
244 | DbValues: string;
245 | Value: string;
246 | I: Integer;
247 | DbResult: TDbRows;
248 | begin
249 | Table := ATable;
250 | DbNames := '';
251 | DbValues := '';
252 | for I := 0 to Data.Count - 1 do begin
253 | Value := Data.Items[I].Value;
254 | StringReplace(Value, '"', '\"', [rfReplaceAll]);
255 | if Value = 'NOW()' then DbValues := DbValues + ',' + Value
256 | else DbValues := DbValues + ',"' + Value + '"';
257 | DbNames := DbNames + ',`' + Data.Keys[I] + '`';
258 | end;
259 | System.Delete(DbNames, 1, 1);
260 | System.Delete(DbValues, 1, 1);
261 | try
262 | DbResult := TDbRows.Create;
263 | Query(DbResult, 'REPLACE INTO `' + Table + '` (' + DbNames + ') VALUES (' + DbValues + ')');
264 | finally
265 | DbResult.Free;
266 | end;
267 | end;
268 |
269 | procedure TSqlDatabase.Select(DbRows: TDbRows; ATable: string; Filter: string = '*'; Condition: string = '1');
270 | begin
271 | Table := ATable;
272 | Query(DbRows, 'SELECT ' + Filter + ' FROM `' + Table + '` WHERE ' + Condition);
273 | end;
274 |
275 | procedure TSqlDatabase.Update(ATable: string; Data: TDictionaryStringString; Condition: string = '1');
276 | var
277 | DbValues: string;
278 | Value: string;
279 | I: Integer;
280 | DbResult: TDbRows;
281 | begin
282 | Table := ATable;
283 | DbValues := '';
284 | for I := 0 to Data.Count - 1 do begin
285 | Value := Data.Items[I].Value;
286 | StringReplace(Value, '"', '\"', [rfReplaceAll]);
287 | if Value = 'NOW()' then DbValues := DbValues + ',' + Value
288 | else DbValues := DbValues + ',' + Data.Keys[I] + '=' + '"' + Value + '"';
289 | end;
290 | System.Delete(DbValues, 1, 1);
291 | try
292 | DbResult := TDbRows.Create;
293 | Query(DbResult, 'UPDATE `' + Table + '` SET (' + DbValues + ') WHERE ' + Condition);
294 | finally
295 | DbResult.Free;
296 | end;
297 | end;
298 |
299 | procedure TSqlDatabase.mySQLClient1ConnectError(Sender: TObject; Msg: String);
300 | begin
301 | // LastError := Msg + '('+IntToStr(mySQLClient1.LastErrorNumber)+')';
302 | end;
303 |
304 | procedure TSqlDatabase.Delete(ATable: string; Condition: string = '1');
305 | var
306 | DbResult: TDbRows;
307 | begin
308 | Table := ATable;
309 | try
310 | DbResult := TDbRows.Create;
311 | Query(DbResult, 'DELETE FROM `' + Table + '` WHERE ' + Condition);
312 | finally
313 | DbResult.Free;
314 | end;
315 | end;
316 |
317 | function TSqlDatabase.GetConnected: Boolean;
318 | begin
319 | Result := FConnected;
320 | end;
321 |
322 | procedure TSqlDatabase.Disconnect;
323 | begin
324 | mysql_close(FSession);
325 | FConnected := False;
326 | end;
327 |
328 | constructor TSqlDatabase.Create;
329 | begin
330 | inherited;
331 | FSession := nil;
332 | Encoding := 'utf8';
333 | end;
334 |
335 | function TSqlDatabase.LastInsertId: Integer;
336 | begin
337 | Result := mysql_insert_id(FSession);
338 | end;
339 |
340 | function TSqlDatabase.GetLastErrorMessage: string;
341 | begin
342 | Result := mysql_error(FSession);
343 | end;
344 |
345 | function TSqlDatabase.GetLastErrorNumber: Integer;
346 | begin
347 | Result := mysql_errno(FSession);
348 | end;
349 |
350 | procedure TSqlDatabase.CreateDatabase;
351 | var
352 | TempDatabase: string;
353 | DbRows: TDbRows;
354 | begin
355 | TempDatabase := Database;
356 | Database := 'mysql';
357 | Connect;
358 | try
359 | DbRows := TDbRows.Create;
360 | Query(DbRows, 'CREATE DATABASE ' + TempDatabase);
361 | finally
362 | DbRows.Free;
363 | end;
364 | Disconnect;
365 | Database := TempDatabase;
366 | end;
367 |
368 | procedure TSqlDatabase.CreateTable(Name: string);
369 | var
370 | DbRows: TDbRows;
371 | begin
372 | try
373 | DbRows := TDbRows.Create;
374 | Query(DbRows, 'CREATE TABLE `' + Name + '`' +
376 | finally
377 | DbRows.Free;
378 | end;
379 | end;
380 |
381 | procedure TSqlDatabase.CreateColumn(Table, ColumnName: string;
382 | ColumnType: TTypeKind);
383 | const
384 | ColTypes: array[0..17] of string = ('', 'INT', 'CHAR', 'INT', 'DOUBLE',
385 | 'VARCHAR(255)', 'SET', 'INT', '', '', 'TEXT', 'TEXT', '', '', '', '', '', '');
386 | var
387 | DbRows: TDbRows;
388 | begin
389 | try
390 | DbRows := TDbRows.Create;
391 | Query(DbRows, 'ALTER TABLE `' + Table + '` ADD `' + ColumnName + '` ' +
392 | ColTypes[Integer(ColumnType)] + ' NOT NULL');
393 | finally
394 | DbRows.Free;
395 | end;
396 | end;
397 |
398 | destructor TSqlDatabase.Destroy;
399 | begin
400 | if Connected then Disconnect;
401 | end;
402 |
403 | function TSqlDatabase.GetCharset: string;
404 | begin
405 | Result := mysql_character_set_name(FSession);
406 | end;
407 |
408 | procedure TSqlDatabase.SetDatabase(const Value: string);
409 | begin
410 | FDatabase := Value;
411 | if FConnected then mysql_select_db(FSession, PChar(FDatabase));
412 | end;
413 |
414 | { TDbRows }
415 |
416 | destructor TDbRows.Destroy;
417 | begin
418 | inherited;
419 | end;
420 |
421 | function TDbRows.GetData(Index: Integer): TDictionaryStringString;
422 | begin
423 | Result := TDictionaryStringString(Items[Index]);
424 | end;
425 |
426 | procedure TDbRows.SetData(Index: Integer; const Value: TDictionaryStringString);
427 | begin
428 | Items[Index] := Value;
429 | end;
430 |
431 | end.
432 |
433 |