1 | // Object implementation of presto library
2 | // Documentation: http://tools.asix.net/prg_presto_download_dll.htm
3 | //
4 | // Features:
5 | // * Switching SPI data MSB or LSB first bit
6 | // * Block read/write/writeread operations
7 | // * Library runtime or compile time bindings
8 | //
9 | // Date: 2011-08-19
10 |
11 | unit UPrestoDLL;
12 |
13 | {$mode delphi}
14 |
17 |
18 | interface
19 |
20 | {$IFDEF Windows}
21 |
22 | uses
23 | Windows, Classes, SysUtils;
24 |
25 | const
26 | PrestoLibName = 'presto.dll';
27 |
28 | // QSetPins()
29 | PINS_HI = 3;
30 | PINS_LO = 2;
31 | PINS_HIZ = 1;
32 | PINS_D_BIT = 0;
33 | PINS_C_BIT = 2;
34 | PINS_P_BIT = 4;
35 | PINS_L_BIT = 6;
36 |
37 | // QShiftByte()/QShiftByte_OutIn()
38 | SHIFT_OUTIN_PIND = 0; // InputPin value
42 | SHIFT_MODE1 = 1; //mode value
43 | SHIFT_MODE3 = 3;
44 |
45 | // QSetPrestoSpeed()
46 | PRESTO_CLK1 = 0; // 3MHz - default value
47 | PRESTO_CLK2 = 1; // 1.5MHz
48 | PRESTO_CLK4 = 2; // 750kHz
49 | PRESTO_CLK32 = 3; // 93.75kHz
50 |
51 | OPEN_OK = $100;
52 | OPEN_NOTFOUND = $101;
53 | OPEN_CANNOTOPEN = $102;
55 | CLOSE_OK = $200;
57 | POWERON_OK = $300;
58 | POWERON_OCURR = $301;
59 | GETPINS_CODE = $400;
60 | GETPINS_PIND = $01;
61 | GETPINS_PINL = $02;
62 | GETPINS_PINP = $04;
63 | GETPINS_PINI = $08;
64 | NOT_OPENED = $501;
67 | SUPPLY_VOLTAGE_0V = $00;
68 | SUPPLY_VOLTAGE_2V = $01;
69 | SUPPLY_VOLTAGE_5V = $03; {1 or 2}
70 | VPP_OK = $800;
71 | VPP_OCURR = $801;
73 | GO_BUTTON_PRESSED = $901;
74 |
78 |
79 | type
80 | ENoAnswer = class(Exception);
81 | EWrongAnswer = class(Exception);
82 |
83 | TPrestoSpeed = (psClk1, psClk2, psClk4, psClk32);
84 | TPrestoSPIMode = (smMode1, smMode3);
85 | TPrestoPin = (spD, spL, spP, spI);
86 | TPinState = (psNoChange, psHighZ, psLow, psHigh);
87 | TSPIDataOrder = (doLSBFirst, doMSBFirst);
88 |
89 | { TPresto }
90 |
91 | TPresto = class
92 | private
93 | FOpenned: Boolean;
94 | FPrestoSpeed: TPrestoSpeed;
95 | FSerialNumber: Integer;
96 | FPowerOnVddDelay: Integer; // us
97 | FSPIDataOrder: TSPIDataOrder;
98 | FSPIMode: TPrestoSPIMode;
99 | FSPIInputPin: TPrestoPin;
100 | function ReadAnswer: Integer;
101 | function ReadAnswerBlocking: Integer;
102 | function GetGoButtonState: Boolean;
103 | procedure SetActiveLED(AValue: Boolean);
104 | procedure SetDPullUp(AValue: Boolean);
105 | procedure SetOpenned(AValue: Boolean);
106 | procedure SetPowerVdd(AValue: Boolean);
107 | procedure SetPowerVpp13V(AValue: Boolean);
108 | procedure SetPrestoSpeed(AValue: TPrestoSpeed);
109 | procedure SetSerialNumber(AValue: Integer);
110 | function ReverseByte(Value: Byte): Byte;
111 | public
112 | constructor Create;
113 | procedure WriteByte(Data: Byte);
114 | function ReadWriteByte(Data: Byte): Byte;
115 | function ReadByte: Byte;
116 | procedure ReadWriteBlock(WriteData, ReadData: TStream);
117 | procedure WriteBlock(WriteData: TStream);
118 | procedure ReadBlock(ReadData: TStream);
119 | procedure Delay(Duration: Integer);
120 | procedure SetPin(Pin: TPrestoPin; Value: TPinState);
121 | function GetPin(Pin: TPrestoPin): Boolean;
122 | procedure Open;
123 | procedure Close;
124 | property Openned: Boolean read FOpenned write SetOpenned;
125 | property ActiveLED: Boolean write SetActiveLED;
126 | property PowerVdd: Boolean write SetPowerVdd;
127 | property PowerVpp13V: Boolean write SetPowerVpp13V;
128 | property SerialNumber: Integer read FSerialNumber write SetSerialNumber;
129 | property PowerOnVddDelay: Integer read FPowerOnVddDelay
130 | write FPowerOnVddDelay;
131 | property GoButtonState: Boolean read GetGoButtonState;
132 | property Speed: TPrestoSpeed read FPrestoSpeed write SetPrestoSpeed;
133 | property DPullUp: Boolean write SetDPullUp;
134 | property SPIMode: TPrestoSPIMode read FSPIMode write FSPIMode;
135 | property SPIInputPin: TPrestoPin read FSPIInputPin write FSPIInputPin;
136 | property SPIDataOrder: TSPIDataOrder read FSPIDataOrder write FSPIDataOrder;
137 | end;
138 |
139 | const
140 | SPIModeValue: array[TPrestoSPIMode] of Integer = (SHIFT_MODE1, SHIFT_MODE3);
141 |
143 | function AGet(var answer: integer): LongBool; stdcall; external PrestoLibName;
144 | procedure QSetActiveLED(led: LongBool); stdcall; external PrestoLibName;
145 | procedure QOpenPresto(sn: integer); stdcall; external PrestoLibName;
146 | procedure QClosePresto; stdcall; external PrestoLibName;
147 | procedure QPoweronVdd(delayus: integer); stdcall; external PrestoLibName;
148 | procedure QPoweroffVdd; stdcall; external PrestoLibName;
149 | function AGetBlocking: integer; stdcall; external PrestoLibName;
150 | procedure QSetPins(pins: cardinal); stdcall; external PrestoLibName;
151 | procedure QGetPins; stdcall; external PrestoLibName;
152 | procedure QShiftByte(databyte:integer; mode:integer); stdcall; external PrestoLibName;
153 | procedure QShiftByte_OutIn(databyte:integer; mode:integer; InputPin:integer); stdcall; external PrestoLibName;
154 | procedure QCheckSupplyVoltage; stdcall; external PrestoLibName;
155 | procedure QPoweronVpp13V; stdcall; external PrestoLibName;
156 | procedure QPoweroffVpp13V; stdcall; external PrestoLibName;
157 | procedure QSetDPullup(dpullup_on: LongBool); stdcall; external PrestoLibName;
158 | procedure QCheckGoButton; stdcall; external PrestoLibName;
159 | procedure QSetPrestoSpeed(speed:cardinal); stdcall; external PrestoLibName;
160 | procedure QDelay(delayus: integer); stdcall; external PrestoLibName;
161 | {$ENDIF}
162 |
164 | var
165 | LibraryLoaded: Boolean;
166 | AGet: function (out answer: integer): LongBool; stdcall;
167 | QSetActiveLED: procedure (led: LongBool); stdcall;
168 | QOpenPresto: procedure (sn: integer); stdcall;
169 | QClosePresto: procedure ; stdcall;
170 | QPoweronVdd: procedure (delayus: integer); stdcall;
171 | QPoweroffVdd: procedure ; stdcall;
172 | AGetBlocking: function : integer; stdcall;
173 | QSetPins: procedure (pins: cardinal); stdcall;
174 | QGetPins: procedure ; stdcall;
175 | QShiftByte: procedure (databyte:integer; mode:integer); stdcall;
176 | QShiftByte_OutIn: procedure (databyte:integer; mode:integer; InputPin:integer); stdcall;
177 | QCheckSupplyVoltage: procedure ; stdcall;
178 | QPoweronVpp13V: procedure ; stdcall;
179 | QPoweroffVpp13V: procedure ; stdcall;
180 | QSetDPullup: procedure (dpullup_on: LongBool); stdcall;
181 | QCheckGoButton: procedure ; stdcall;
182 | QSetPrestoSpeed: procedure (speed:cardinal); stdcall;
183 | QDelay: procedure (delayus: integer); stdcall;
184 | {$ENDIF}
185 |
186 | {$ENDIF}
187 |
188 | implementation
189 |
190 | {$IFDEF Windows}
191 |
193 | var
194 | DLLHandle: HModule;
195 | {$ENDIF}
196 |
197 | resourcestring
198 | SNoAnswer = 'Presto no answer';
199 | SWrongAnswer = 'Presto wrong answer';
200 | SPowerVddError = 'Presto power Vdd error';
201 | SPowerVpp13VError = 'Presto power Vpp 13V error';
202 | SOpenError = 'Presto open error: %s';
203 | SCloseError = 'Presto close error';
204 |
206 | procedure LoadLibraries;
207 | begin
208 | if not LibraryLoaded then begin
209 | DLLHandle := LoadLibrary(PrestoLibName);
210 | if DLLHandle <> 0 then begin
211 | @AGet := GetProcAddress(DLLHandle, 'AGet');
212 | @QSetActiveLED := GetProcAddress(DLLHandle, 'QSetActiveLED');
213 | @QOpenPresto := GetProcAddress(DLLHandle, 'QOpenPresto');
214 | @QClosePresto := GetProcAddress(DLLHandle, 'QClosePresto');
215 | @QPoweronVdd := GetProcAddress(DLLHandle, 'QPoweronVdd');
216 | @QPoweroffVdd := GetProcAddress(DLLHandle, 'QPoweroffVdd');
217 | @AGetBlocking := GetProcAddress(DLLHandle, 'AGetBlocking');
218 | @QSetPins := GetProcAddress(DLLHandle, 'QSetPins');
219 | @QGetPins := GetProcAddress(DLLHandle, 'QGetPins');
220 | @QShiftByte := GetProcAddress(DLLHandle, 'QShiftByte');
221 | @QShiftByte_OutIn := GetProcAddress(DLLHandle, 'QShiftByte_OutIn');
222 | @QCheckSupplyVoltage := GetProcAddress(DLLHandle, 'QCheckSupplyVoltage');
223 | @QPoweronVpp13V := GetProcAddress(DLLHandle, 'QPoweronVpp13V');
224 | @QPoweroffVpp13V := GetProcAddress(DLLHandle, 'QPoweroffVpp13V');
225 | @QSetDPullup := GetProcAddress(DLLHandle, 'QSetDPullup');
226 | @QCheckGoButton := GetProcAddress(DLLHandle, 'QCheckGoButton');
227 | @QSetPrestoSpeed := GetProcAddress(DLLHandle, 'QSetPrestoSpeed');
228 | @QDelay := GetProcAddress(DLLHandle, 'QDelay');
229 | end else raise Exception.Create('Missing library presto.dll');
230 | LibraryLoaded := True;
231 | end;
232 | end;
233 |
234 | procedure FreeLibraries;
235 | begin
236 | if DLLHandle <> 0 then FreeLibrary(DLLHandle);
237 | LibraryLoaded := False;
238 | end;
239 | {$ENDIF}
240 |
241 | { TPresto }
242 |
243 | procedure TPresto.SetActiveLED(AValue: Boolean);
244 | begin
245 | QSetActiveLED(AValue);
246 | end;
247 |
248 | procedure TPresto.SetDPullUp(AValue: Boolean);
249 | begin
250 | QSetDPullup(AValue);
251 | end;
252 |
253 | function TPresto.ReadAnswer: Integer;
254 | begin
255 | if not AGet(Result) then
256 | raise ENoAnswer.Create(SNoAnswer);
257 | end;
258 |
259 | function TPresto.ReadAnswerBlocking: Integer;
260 | begin
261 | while not AGet(Result) do ;
262 | end;
263 |
264 | function TPresto.ReverseByte(Value: Byte): Byte;
265 | begin
266 | Value := ((Value shr 1) and $55) or ((Value and $55) shl 1);
267 | Value := ((Value shr 2) and $33) or ((Value and $33) shl 2);
268 | Value := ((Value shr 4) and $f) or ((Value and $f) shl 4);
269 | Result := Value;
270 | end;
271 |
272 | function TPresto.GetGoButtonState: Boolean;
273 | begin
274 | QCheckGoButton;
275 | Result := ReadAnswer = GO_BUTTON_PRESSED;
276 | end;
277 |
278 | procedure TPresto.SetOpenned(AValue: Boolean);
279 | begin
280 | if AValue then begin
281 | Open;
282 | end else begin
283 | Close;
284 | end;
285 | end;
286 |
287 | procedure TPresto.SetPowerVdd(AValue: Boolean);
288 | begin
289 | if AValue then begin
290 | QPoweronVdd(FPowerOnVddDelay);
291 | if ReadAnswer <> POWERON_OK then
292 | raise Exception.Create(SPowerVddError);
293 | end else QPoweroffVdd;
294 | end;
295 |
296 | procedure TPresto.SetPowerVpp13V(AValue: Boolean);
297 | begin
298 | if AValue then begin
299 | QPoweronVpp13V;
300 | if ReadAnswer <> VPP_OK then
301 | raise Exception.Create(SPowerVpp13VError);
302 | end else QPoweroffVpp13V;
303 | end;
304 |
305 | procedure TPresto.SetPrestoSpeed(AValue: TPrestoSpeed);
306 | begin
307 | if FPrestoSpeed = AValue then Exit;
308 | FPrestoSpeed := AValue;
309 | if FOpenned then QSetPrestoSpeed(Integer(AValue));
310 | end;
311 |
312 | procedure TPresto.SetSerialNumber(AValue: Integer);
313 | begin
314 | if FSerialNumber = AValue then Exit;
315 | FSerialNumber := AValue;
316 | Openned := False;
317 | Openned := True;
318 | end;
319 |
320 | constructor TPresto.Create;
321 | begin
322 | FSerialNumber := -1;
323 | FPowerOnVddDelay := 10000;
324 | FSPIMode := smMode1;
325 | FSPIDataOrder := doLSBFirst;
326 | FSPIInputPin := spI;
327 | FPrestoSpeed := psClk1;
328 | end;
329 |
330 | procedure TPresto.WriteByte(Data: Byte);
331 | begin
332 | if FSPIDataOrder = doMSBFirst then Data := ReverseByte(Data);
333 | QShiftByte(Data, SPIModeValue[FSPIMode]);
334 | end;
335 |
336 | function TPresto.ReadWriteByte(Data: Byte): Byte;
337 | var
338 | Answer: Integer;
339 | begin
340 | if FSPIDataOrder = doMSBFirst then Data := ReverseByte(Data);
341 | QShiftByte_OutIn(Data, SPIModeValue[FSPIMode], Integer(FSPIInputPin));
342 | Answer := ReadAnswerBlocking;// AGetBlocking;
343 | if (Answer and $ff00) <> SHIFT_BYTE_OUTIN_CODE then
344 | raise EWrongAnswer.Create(SWrongAnswer);
345 | Result := Answer and $ff;
346 | if FSPIDataOrder = doMSBFirst then Result := ReverseByte(Result);
347 | end;
348 |
349 | function TPresto.ReadByte: Byte;
350 | begin
351 | Result := ReadWriteByte(0);
352 | end;
353 |
354 | procedure TPresto.ReadWriteBlock(WriteData, ReadData: TStream);
355 | var
356 | Answer: Integer;
357 | I: Integer;
358 | begin
359 | WriteData.Position := 0;
360 | for I := 0 to WriteData.Size - 1 do
361 | QShiftByte_OutIn(WriteData.ReadByte, SPIModeValue[FSPIMode], Integer(FSPIInputPin));
362 |
363 | ReadData.Position := 0;
364 | while ReadData.Position < ReadData.Size do begin
365 | Answer := ReadAnswerBlocking; // AGetBlocking;
366 | if (Answer and $ff00) <> SHIFT_BYTE_OUTIN_CODE then
367 | raise EWrongAnswer.Create(SWrongAnswer);
368 | ReadData.WriteByte(ReverseByte(Answer and $ff));
369 | end;
370 | end;
371 |
372 | procedure TPresto.WriteBlock(WriteData: TStream);
373 | begin
374 | WriteData.Position := 0;
375 | while WriteData.Position < WriteData.Size do begin
376 | WriteByte(WriteData.ReadByte);
377 | end;
378 | end;
379 |
380 | procedure TPresto.ReadBlock(ReadData: TStream);
381 | var
382 | Answer: Integer;
383 | I: Integer;
384 | begin
385 | ReadData.Position := 0;
386 | for I := 0 to ReadData.Size - 1 do begin
387 | QShiftByte_OutIn(0, SPIModeValue[FSPIMode], Integer(FSPIInputPin));
388 | end;
389 |
390 | ReadData.Position := 0;
391 | while ReadData.Position < ReadData.Size do begin
392 | Answer := ReadAnswerBlocking; // AGetBlocking;
393 | if (Answer and $ff00) <> SHIFT_BYTE_OUTIN_CODE then
394 | raise EWrongAnswer.Create(SWrongAnswer);
395 | ReadData.WriteByte(ReverseByte(Answer and $ff));
396 | end;
397 | end;
398 |
399 | procedure TPresto.Delay(Duration: Integer);
400 | begin
401 | QDelay(Duration);
402 | end;
403 |
404 | procedure TPresto.SetPin(Pin: TPrestoPin; Value: TPinState);
405 | begin
406 | QSetPins(Integer(Value) shl (Integer(Pin) * 2));
407 | end;
408 |
409 | function TPresto.GetPin(Pin: TPrestoPin): Boolean;
410 | var
411 | Answer: Integer;
412 | begin
413 | QGetPins;
414 | Answer := ReadAnswerBlocking;
415 | if (Answer and $ff00) <> GETPINS_CODE then
416 | raise EWrongAnswer.Create(SWrongAnswer);
417 | Result := ((Answer shr Integer(Pin)) and 1) = 1;
418 | end;
419 |
420 | procedure TPresto.Open;
421 | var
422 | Answer: Integer;
423 | begin
424 | if not FOpenned then begin
426 | if not LibraryLoaded then LoadLibraries;
427 | {$ENDIF}
428 | while AGet(Answer) do ; // Flush input buffer
429 | QOpenPresto(SerialNumber);
430 | Answer := AGetBlocking;
431 | if Answer <> OPEN_OK then
432 | raise Exception.Create(Format(SOpenError, [IntToHex(Answer, 4)]));
433 | if FPrestoSpeed <> psClk1 then QSetPrestoSpeed(Integer(FPrestoSpeed));
434 | FOpenned := True;
435 | end;
436 | end;
437 |
438 | procedure TPresto.Close;
439 | var
440 | Answer: Integer;
441 | begin
442 | if FOpenned then begin
443 | while AGet(Answer) do ; // Flush receive buffer
444 | QClosePresto;
445 | //if ReadAnswer <> CLOSE_OK then
446 | // raise Exception.Create(SCloseError);
447 | FOpenned := False;
448 | end;
449 | end;
450 |
451 | initialization
452 |
454 | LibraryLoaded := False;
455 | //LoadLibraries;
456 | {$ENDIF}
457 |
458 | finalization
459 |
461 | if LibraryLoaded then FreeLibraries;
462 | {$ENDIF}
463 |
464 | {$ENDIF}
465 |
466 | end.
467 |