1 | unit SerialFlash;
2 |
3 | {$MODE Delphi}
4 |
5 | interface
6 |
7 | const
8 | // Error codes
9 | ERROR_STOP = -1;
10 | ERROR_TIMEOUT = -2;
11 | ERROR_PROGRAM = -3;
12 |
13 | procedure SerialflashUnprotectAll;
14 | function SerialflashErase:integer;
15 | procedure SerialflashReadFlashPage(adres:integer; dane:pointer);
16 | function SerialflashWriteFlashPage(adres:integer; dane:pointer):integer;
17 | procedure SerialflashReadSign(s:pointer);
18 |
19 | implementation
20 |
21 | uses Delays, Globals, // MainWnd
22 | PinsIO, Processors, SPI;
23 |
24 | const
25 | // Status Register bit masks
26 | STATUS_SPRL = $80; // Sector Protection Registers Locked
27 | STATUS_RES = $40;
28 | STATUS_EPE = $20; // Erase/Program Error
29 | STATUS_WPP = $10; // Write Protect (/WP) Pin Status
30 | STATUS_SWP = $0C; // Software Protection Status
31 | STATUS_WEL = $02; // Write Enable Latch Status
32 | STATUS_BUSY = $01; // Ready/Busy Status
33 |
34 | // Commands
36 | AT25_CMD_READ_ARRAY_SLOW = $03;
37 | AT25_CMD_CHIP_ERASE = $60;
38 | AT25_CMD_64KB_BLOCK_ERASE = $D8;
39 | AT25_CMD_PAGE_PROGRAM = $02;
40 | AT25_CMD_WRITE_ENABLE = $06;
41 | AT25_CMD_WRITE_DISABLE = $04;
42 | AT25_CMD_READ_STATUS = $05;
43 | AT25_CMD_WRITE_STATUS = $01;
44 | AT25_CMD_READ_DEVICE_ID = $15;
45 |
46 | AT25F_CMD_CHIP_ERASE = $62;
47 |
48 | function SerialflashReadStatus:byte;
49 | begin
50 | ChipselectOn;
51 | WriteByte(AT25_CMD_READ_STATUS);
52 | Result:=ReadByte;
53 | ChipselectOff;
54 | end;
55 |
56 | procedure SerialflashReadDeviceID(var b1,b2:byte);
57 | begin
58 | ChipselectOn;
59 | WriteByte(AT25_CMD_READ_DEVICE_ID);
60 | b1:=ReadByte;
61 | b2:=ReadByte;
62 | ChipselectOff;
63 | end;
64 |
65 | procedure SerialflashWriteEnable;
66 | begin
67 | ChipselectOn;
68 | WriteByte(AT25_CMD_WRITE_ENABLE);
69 | ChipselectOff;
70 | end;
71 |
72 | procedure SerialflashWriteDisable;
73 | begin
74 | ChipselectOn;
75 | WriteByte(AT25_CMD_WRITE_DISABLE);
76 | ChipselectOff;
77 | end;
78 |
79 | procedure SerialflashUnprotectAll;
80 | var
81 | i:integer;
82 | begin
83 | // repeat twice (first clear SPRL, next do Global Unprotect)
84 | for i:=0 to 1 do
85 | begin
86 | // Write Enable
87 | SerialflashWriteEnable;
88 | // Write Status Register
89 | ChipselectOn;
90 | WriteByte(AT25_CMD_WRITE_STATUS);
91 | WriteByte($00); // SPRL=0, Global Unprotect
92 | ChipselectOff;
93 | WaitMS(100); // tSR (Status Register Write Cycle Time)
94 | end;
95 | end;
96 |
97 | function SerialflashWaitForReady(timeout:integer):integer;
98 | var
99 | t1:Int64;
100 | status:byte;
101 | begin
102 | Result:=ERROR_TIMEOUT;
103 | t1:=0;
104 | Tic(t1);
105 | repeat
106 | if devicenr < 1 then
107 | begin
108 | Result:=ERROR_STOP;
109 | Exit;
110 | end;
111 | if TocMS(t1) > timeout then
112 | Exit;
113 | status:=SerialflashReadStatus;
114 | until (status and STATUS_BUSY) = 0;
115 | if (status and STATUS_EPE) <> 0 then
116 | begin
117 | Result:=ERROR_PROGRAM;
118 | Exit;
119 | end;
120 | Result:=0;
121 | end;
122 |
123 | function SerialflashErase:integer;
124 | var
125 | blocks, i, adres:integer;
126 | data:array[0..3] of byte;
127 | begin
128 | if devicenr < 1 then
129 | begin
130 | Result:=ERROR_STOP;
131 | Exit;
132 | end;
133 | blocks:=Signatures[devicenr].fsize div 65536;
134 | adres:=0;
135 | Result:=0;
136 | // Global Unprotect
137 | SerialflashUnprotectAll;
138 | if blocks >= 16 then
139 | begin
140 | for i:=0 to blocks - 1 do
141 | begin
142 | if devicenr < 1 then
143 | begin
144 | Result:=ERROR_STOP;
145 | Exit;
146 | end;
147 | // Write Enable
148 | SerialflashWriteEnable;
149 | // 64KB Block Erase
150 | ChipselectOn;
151 | data[0] := AT25_CMD_64KB_BLOCK_ERASE;
152 | data[1] := (adres shr 16) and $FF;
153 | data[2] := (adres shr 8) and $FF;
154 | data[3] := adres and $FF;
155 | WriteBytes(@data, 4);
156 | Sync;
157 | ChipselectOff;
158 | // wait for ready
159 | WaitMS(100);
160 | Result := SerialflashWaitForReady((Signatures[devicenr].prog_time + blocks - 1) div blocks);
161 | if Result <> 0 then
162 | Exit;
163 | Inc(adres, 65536);
164 | //MainWindow.Progress (adres, Signatures[devicenr].fsize);
165 | end;
166 | end
167 | else
168 | begin
169 | // Write Enable
170 | SerialflashWriteEnable;
171 | // Chip Erase
172 | ChipselectOn;
173 | if Pos('AT25F', Signatures[devicenr].name) = 1 then
174 | WriteByte(AT25F_CMD_CHIP_ERASE)
175 | else
176 | WriteByte(AT25_CMD_CHIP_ERASE);
177 | ChipselectOff;
178 | // wait for ready
179 | WaitMS(100);
180 | Result := SerialflashWaitForReady(Signatures[devicenr].prog_time);
181 | end;
182 | end;
183 |
184 | procedure SerialflashReadFlashPage(adres:integer; dane:pointer);
185 | var
186 | data:array[0..4] of byte;
187 | begin
188 | if devicenr < 1 then
189 | Exit;
190 | ChipselectOn;
192 | data[1] := (adres shr 16) and $FF;
193 | data[2] := (adres shr 8) and $FF;
194 | data[3] := adres and $FF;
195 | //data[4] := $00; // Dummy byte needed for AT25_CMD_READ_ARRAY_FAST
196 | WriteBytes(@data, 4 {5});
197 | ReadBytes(dane, Signatures[devicenr].fpagesize);
198 | ChipselectOff;
199 | end;
200 |
201 | function SerialflashWriteFlashPage(adres:integer; dane:pointer):integer;
202 | var
203 | data:array[0..3] of byte;
204 | len, pagelen:integer;
205 | b:^byte;
206 | begin
207 | b := dane;
208 | len := Signatures[devicenr].fpagesize;
209 | pagelen := 1 shl Signatures[devicenr].fpage;
210 | repeat
211 | if devicenr < 1 then
212 | begin
213 | Result:=ERROR_STOP;
214 | Exit;
215 | end;
216 | // Write Enable
217 | SerialflashWriteEnable;
218 | // Page Program
219 | ChipselectOn;
220 | data[0] := AT25_CMD_PAGE_PROGRAM;
221 | data[1] := (adres shr 16) and $FF;
222 | data[2] := (adres shr 8) and $FF;
223 | data[3] := adres and $FF;
224 | WriteBytes(@data, 4);
225 | WriteBytes(b, pagelen);
226 | Sync;
227 | ChipselectOff;
228 | // wait for ready
229 | Result := SerialflashWaitForReady(60000); // 60ms max
230 | if Result <> 0 then
231 | Exit;
232 | Inc(adres, pagelen);
233 | Inc(b, pagelen);
234 | Dec(len, pagelen);
235 | until len = 0;
236 | end;
237 |
238 | procedure SerialflashReadSign(s:pointer);
239 | var
240 | ptr:^byte;
241 | const
242 | b1:byte = 0;
243 | b2:byte = 0;
244 | begin
245 | SerialflashReadDeviceID(b1, b2);
246 | ptr:=s;
247 | if b1 = $1f then
248 | ptr^:=$25 // constant for AT25F memories
249 | else
250 | ptr^:=$ff; // $FF and no Manufacturer/Device ID
251 | Inc(ptr);
252 | ptr^:=b1;
253 | Inc(ptr);
254 | ptr^:=b2;
255 | end;
256 |
257 | end.