1 | unit FormMain;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | Classes, SysUtils, LazFileUtils, SynHighlighterPas, SynMemo, Forms, Controls,
7 | Graphics, Dialogs, ComCtrls, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, DateUtils, Platform,
8 | LCLType, IntfGraphics, fpImage, Math, GraphType, Contnrs, LclIntf, Spin,
9 | ActnList, Menus, StdActns, FastBitmap, DrawMethod, TypInfo, FormDraw;
10 |
11 | const
12 | SceneFrameCount = 100;
13 |
14 | type
15 |
16 | { TFormMain }
17 |
18 | TFormMain = class(TForm)
19 | AFormDrawShow: TAction;
20 | AShowFormDraw: TAction;
21 | ATestAllMethods: TAction;
22 | ATestOneMethod: TAction;
23 | ATestStop: TAction;
24 | AExportAsWikiText: TAction;
25 | ActionList1: TActionList;
26 | ButtonBenchmark: TButton;
27 | ButtonSingleTest: TButton;
28 | ButtonStop: TButton;
29 | CheckBoxOpaque: TCheckBox;
30 | CheckBoxDoubleBuffered: TCheckBox;
31 | CheckBoxEraseBackground: TCheckBox;
32 | ComboBoxPixelFormat: TComboBox;
33 | FileExit1: TFileExit;
34 | FloatSpinEdit1: TFloatSpinEdit;
35 | Label1: TLabel;
36 | Label2: TLabel;
37 | Label3: TLabel;
38 | Label4: TLabel;
39 | Label5: TLabel;
40 | ListViewMethods: TListView;
41 | MainMenu1: TMainMenu;
42 | Memo1: TMemo;
43 | MenuItem1: TMenuItem;
44 | MenuItem10: TMenuItem;
45 | MenuItem11: TMenuItem;
46 | MenuItem2: TMenuItem;
47 | MenuItem3: TMenuItem;
48 | MenuItem4: TMenuItem;
49 | MenuItem8: TMenuItem;
50 | MenuItem9: TMenuItem;
51 | MenuItemTest: TMenuItem;
52 | MenuItem5: TMenuItem;
53 | MenuItem6: TMenuItem;
54 | MenuItem7: TMenuItem;
55 | PageControl1: TPageControl;
56 | Panel1: TPanel;
57 | PopupMenuMethod: TPopupMenu;
58 | SaveDialog1: TSaveDialog;
59 | SpinEditHeight: TSpinEdit;
60 | SpinEditWidth: TSpinEdit;
61 | Splitter1: TSplitter;
62 | SynMemo1: TSynMemo;
63 | SynPasSyn1: TSynPasSyn;
64 | TabSheet1: TTabSheet;
65 | TabSheet2: TTabSheet;
66 | TimerUpdateSettings: TTimer;
67 | TimerUpdateList: TTimer;
68 | procedure AExportAsWikiTextExecute(Sender: TObject);
69 | procedure AFormDrawShowExecute(Sender: TObject);
70 | procedure ATestAllMethodsExecute(Sender: TObject);
71 | procedure ATestOneMethodExecute(Sender: TObject);
72 | procedure ATestStopExecute(Sender: TObject);
73 | procedure CheckBoxOpaqueChange(Sender: TObject);
74 | procedure CheckBoxDoubleBufferedChange(Sender: TObject);
75 | procedure CheckBoxEraseBackgroundChange(Sender: TObject);
76 | procedure ComboBoxPixelFormatChange(Sender: TObject);
77 | procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
78 | procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
79 | procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
80 | procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var CloseAction: TCloseAction);
81 | procedure ListViewMethodsData(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem);
82 | procedure ListViewMethodsSelectItem(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem;
83 | Selected: Boolean);
84 | procedure SpinEditHeightChange(Sender: TObject);
85 | procedure SpinEditWidthChange(Sender: TObject);
86 | procedure TimerUpdateListTimer(Sender: TObject);
87 | procedure TimerUpdateSettingsTimer(Sender: TObject);
88 | private
89 | FCurrentMethod: TDrawMethod;
90 | SingleTestActive: Boolean;
91 | AllTestActive: Boolean;
92 | TestTerminated: Boolean;
93 | TestTimeout: Real;
94 | DrawMethodClasses: array of TDrawMethodClass;
95 | procedure GenerateSceneFrames;
96 | procedure TestMethod(Method: TDrawMethod);
97 | procedure UpdateMethodList;
98 | procedure UpdateInterface;
99 | procedure RegisterDrawMethods;
100 | procedure RegisterDrawMethod(MethodClass: TDrawMethodClass);
101 | public
102 | FrameSize: TPoint;
103 | PixelFormat: TPixelFormat;
104 | DrawMethods: TObjectList; // TObjectList<TDrawMethod>
105 | Scenes: TObjectList; // TObjectList<TFastBitmap>
106 | SceneIndex: Integer;
107 | FormDraw: TFormDraw;
108 | property CurrentMethod: TDrawMethod read FCurrentMethod;
109 | end;
110 |
111 | var
112 | FormMain: TFormMain;
113 |
114 |
115 | implementation
116 |
117 | {$R *.lfm}
118 |
119 | uses
120 | MethodLazIntfImageColorsCopy, MethodLazIntfImageColorsNoCopy,
121 | MethodCanvasPixels, MethodCanvasPixelsUpdateLock, MethodBGRABitmap,
122 | MethodBitmapRawImageDataPaintBox, MethodBitmapRawImageData,
123 | MethodBitmapRawImageDataMove, MethodDummy, MethodOpenGL,
124 | MethodOpenGLPBO{$IFDEF GRAPHICS32}, UGraphics32Method{$ENDIF},
125 | MethodBitmapScanline, MethodMove;
126 |
127 | { TFormMain }
128 |
129 | procedure TFormMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
130 | var
131 | NewDrawMethod: TDrawMethod;
132 | I: Integer;
133 | PF: TPixelFormat;
134 | begin
135 | FormDraw := TFormDraw.Create(nil);
136 |
137 | Scenes := TObjectList.Create;
138 |
139 | FrameSize := Point(320, 240);
140 | Randomize;
141 |
142 | RegisterDrawMethods;
143 | DrawMethods := TObjectList.Create;
144 | for I := 0 to High(DrawMethodClasses) do begin
145 | NewDrawMethod := DrawMethodClasses[I].Create;
146 | DrawMethods.Add(NewDrawMethod);
147 | end;
148 |
149 | for PF := Low(TPixelFormat) to High(TPixelFormat) do
150 | ComboBoxPixelFormat.Items.Add(GetEnumName(TypeInfo(TPixelFormat), Integer(PF)));
151 |
152 | PageControl1.TabIndex := 0;
153 | end;
154 |
155 | procedure TFormMain.TestMethod(Method: TDrawMethod);
156 | var
157 | StepStartTime: TDateTime;
158 | StartTime: TDateTime;
159 | begin
160 | FCurrentMethod := Method;
161 | with Method do begin
162 | Init(FormDraw, FrameSize, PixelFormat);
163 | //Application.ProcessMessages;
164 | StartTime := NowPrecise;
165 | FrameCounterStart := NowPrecise;
166 | FrameCounterStop := 0;
167 | FrameCounter := 0;
168 | repeat
169 | StepStartTime := NowPrecise;
170 | DrawFrameTiming(TFastBitmap(Scenes[SceneIndex]));
171 | Application.ProcessMessages;
172 | StepDuration := NowPrecise - StepStartTime;
173 | SceneIndex := (SceneIndex + 1) mod Scenes.Count;
174 | Inc(FrameCounter);
175 | until TestTerminated or
176 | ((TestTimeout > 0) and ((NowPrecise - StartTime) > OneSecond * TestTimeout));
177 | FrameCounterStop := NowPrecise;
178 | //FPS := GetFPS;
179 | Done;
180 | end;
181 | FCurrentMethod := nil;
182 | end;
183 |
184 | procedure TFormMain.AExportAsWikiTextExecute(Sender: TObject);
185 | var
186 | Output: TStringList;
187 | I: Integer;
188 | Duration: Real;
189 | begin
190 | SaveDialog1.FileName := 'GraphicsTest results.txt';
191 | if SaveDialog1.Execute then
192 | try
193 | Output := TStringList.Create;
194 | Output.Add('{| class="wikitable sortable"');
195 | Output.Add('|-');
196 | Output.Add('! Method !! FPS !! Frame duration [ms]');
197 | for I := 0 to DrawMethods.Count - 1 do
198 | with TDrawMethod(DrawMethods[I]) do begin
199 | Output.Add('|-');
200 | if FPS <> 0 then Duration := 1 / FPS * 1000
201 | else Duration := 0;
202 | Output.Add('|' + Caption + ' || ' + FloatToStr(RoundTo(FPS, -1)) +
203 | ' || ' + FloatToStr(RoundTo(Duration, -1)));
204 | end;
205 | Output.Add('|}');
206 | Output.SaveToFile(SaveDialog1.FileName);
207 | finally
208 | Output.Free;
209 | end;
210 | end;
211 |
212 | procedure TFormMain.AFormDrawShowExecute(Sender: TObject);
213 | begin
214 | FormDraw.Show;
215 | end;
216 |
217 | procedure TFormMain.ATestAllMethodsExecute(Sender: TObject);
218 | var
219 | I: Integer;
220 | begin
221 | try
222 | AllTestActive := True;
223 | UpdateInterface;
224 | TimerUpdateList.Enabled := True;
225 | TestTerminated := False;
226 | TestTimeout := FloatSpinEdit1.Value;
227 | with ListViewMethods, Items do
228 | for I := 0 to DrawMethods.Count - 1 do
229 | with TDrawMethod(DrawMethods[I]) do begin
230 | TestMethod(TDrawMethod(DrawMethods[I]));
231 | if TestTerminated then Break;
232 | end;
233 | finally
234 | TimerUpdateList.Enabled := False;
235 | AllTestActive := False;
236 | UpdateInterface;
237 | end;
238 | end;
239 |
240 | procedure TFormMain.ATestOneMethodExecute(Sender: TObject);
241 | begin
242 | if Assigned(ListViewMethods.Selected) then
243 | try
244 | SingleTestActive := True;
245 | UpdateInterface;
246 | TimerUpdateList.Enabled := True;
247 | TestTerminated := False;
248 | TestTimeout := -1;
249 | TestMethod(TDrawMethod(ListViewMethods.Selected.Data));
250 | finally
251 | //TimerUpdateList.Enabled := False;
252 | SingleTestActive := False;
253 | UpdateInterface;
254 | end;
255 | end;
256 |
257 | procedure TFormMain.ATestStopExecute(Sender: TObject);
258 | begin
259 | TestTerminated := True;
260 | SingleTestActive := False;
261 | AllTestActive := False;
262 | end;
263 |
264 | procedure TFormMain.CheckBoxOpaqueChange(Sender: TObject);
265 | begin
266 | if CheckBoxOpaque.Checked then
267 | FormDraw.ControlStyle := FormDraw.ControlStyle + [csOpaque]
268 | else FormDraw.ControlStyle := FormDraw.ControlStyle - [csOpaque];
269 | if Assigned(FCurrentMethod) then
270 | FCurrentMethod.UpdateSettings;
271 | end;
272 |
273 | procedure TFormMain.CheckBoxDoubleBufferedChange(Sender: TObject);
274 | begin
275 | FormDraw.DoubleBuffered := CheckBoxDoubleBuffered.Checked;
276 | end;
277 |
278 | procedure TFormMain.CheckBoxEraseBackgroundChange(Sender: TObject);
279 | begin
280 | FormDraw.EraseBackgroundEnabled := CheckBoxEraseBackground.Checked;
281 | end;
282 |
283 | procedure TFormMain.ComboBoxPixelFormatChange(Sender: TObject);
284 | begin
285 | PixelFormat := TPixelFormat(ComboBoxPixelFormat.ItemIndex);
286 | UpdateInterface;
287 | end;
288 |
289 | procedure TFormMain.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var CloseAction: TCloseAction);
290 | begin
291 | ATestStop.Execute;
292 | end;
293 |
294 | procedure TFormMain.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
295 | begin
296 | ListViewMethods.Clear;
297 | FreeAndNil(DrawMethods);
298 | FreeAndNil(Scenes);
299 | FreeAndNil(FormDraw);
300 | end;
301 |
302 | procedure TFormMain.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
303 | begin
304 | UpdateMethodList;
305 | UpdateInterface;
306 | FormDraw.Show;
307 | FormDraw.Left := Left + Width;
308 | FormDraw.Top := Top;
309 | end;
310 |
311 | procedure TFormMain.ListViewMethodsData(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem);
312 | begin
313 | if (Item.Index >= 0) and (Item.Index < DrawMethods.Count) then
314 | with TDrawMethod(DrawMethods[Item.Index]) do begin
315 | Item.Caption := Caption;
316 | Item.Data := TDrawMethod(DrawMethods[Item.Index]);
317 | FPS := GetFPS;
318 | Item.SubItems.Add(FloatToStr(RoundTo(FPS, -3)));
319 | if FPS > 0 then
320 | Item.SubItems.Add(FloatToStr(RoundTo(1 / FPS * 1000, -3)))
321 | else Item.SubItems.Add('0');
322 | if FrameDuration > 0 then
323 | Item.SubItems.Add(FloatToStr(RoundTo(1 / (FrameDuration / OneSecond), -3)))
324 | else Item.SubItems.Add('0');
325 | Item.SubItems.Add(FloatToStr(RoundTo(FrameDuration / OneMillisecond, -3)));
326 | if FrameDuration > 0 then
327 | Item.SubItems.Add(FloatToStr(RoundTo(1 / (StepDuration / OneSecond), -3)))
328 | else Item.SubItems.Add('0');
329 | Item.SubItems.Add(FloatToStr(RoundTo(StepDuration / OneMillisecond, -3)));
330 | end;
331 | end;
332 |
333 | procedure TFormMain.ListViewMethodsSelectItem(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem;
334 | Selected: Boolean);
335 | var
336 | FileName: string;
337 | begin
338 | UpdateInterface;
339 | if Assigned(ListViewMethods.Selected) then begin
340 | FileName := 'Methods' + DirectorySeparator + 'U' +
341 | Copy(TDrawMethod(DrawMethods[ListViewMethods.Selected.Index]).ClassName, 2, High(Integer)) + '.pas';
342 |
343 | if FileExists(FileName) then
344 | SynMemo1.Lines.LoadFromFile(FileName)
345 | else SynMemo1.Lines.Clear;
346 | Memo1.Lines.Assign(TDrawMethod(DrawMethods[ListViewMethods.Selected.Index]).Description);
347 | end;
348 | end;
349 |
350 | procedure TFormMain.SpinEditHeightChange(Sender: TObject);
351 | begin
352 | FrameSize.Y := SpinEditHeight.Value;
353 | end;
354 |
355 | procedure TFormMain.SpinEditWidthChange(Sender: TObject);
356 | begin
357 | FrameSize.X := SpinEditWidth.Value;
358 | end;
359 |
360 | procedure TFormMain.TimerUpdateListTimer(Sender: TObject);
361 | begin
362 | UpdateMethodList;
363 | end;
364 |
365 | procedure TFormMain.TimerUpdateSettingsTimer(Sender: TObject);
366 | begin
367 | if (FrameSize.X <> FormDraw.FrameSize.X) or
368 | (FrameSize.Y <> FormDraw.FrameSize.Y) then begin
369 | FormDraw.FrameSize := FrameSize;
370 | FormDraw.ClientWidth := FrameSize.X;
371 | FormDraw.ClientHeight := FrameSize.Y;
372 | GenerateSceneFrames;
373 | end;
374 | end;
375 |
376 | procedure TFormMain.GenerateSceneFrames;
377 | var
378 | I: Integer;
379 | NewScene: TFastBitmap;
380 | begin
381 | Scenes.Clear;
382 | for I := 0 to SceneFrameCount - 1 do begin
383 | NewScene := TFastBitmap.Create;
384 | NewScene.Size := FrameSize;
385 | NewScene.RandomImage(I, SceneFrameCount);
386 | Scenes.Add(NewScene);
387 | end;
388 | end;
389 |
390 | procedure TFormMain.UpdateMethodList;
391 | begin
392 | ListViewMethods.Items.Count := DrawMethods.Count;
393 | ListViewMethods.Refresh;
394 | end;
395 |
396 | procedure TFormMain.UpdateInterface;
397 | begin
398 | ATestOneMethod.Enabled := not SingleTestActive and not AllTestActive and Assigned(ListViewMethods.Selected);
399 | ATestAllMethods.Enabled := not AllTestActive and not SingleTestActive;
400 | ATestStop.Enabled := SingleTestActive or AllTestActive;
401 | SpinEditWidth.MaxValue := Screen.DesktopWidth;
402 | SpinEditHeight.MaxValue := Screen.DesktopHeight;
403 | CheckBoxDoubleBuffered.Checked := FormDraw.DoubleBuffered;
404 | CheckBoxEraseBackground.Checked := FormDraw.EraseBackgroundEnabled;
405 | CheckBoxOpaque.Checked := csOpaque in FormDraw.ControlStyle;
406 | ComboBoxPixelFormat.ItemIndex := Integer(PixelFormat);
407 | end;
408 |
409 | procedure TFormMain.RegisterDrawMethods;
410 | begin
411 | RegisterDrawMethod(TMethodCanvasPixels);
412 | RegisterDrawMethod(TMethodCanvasPixelsUpdateLock);
413 | RegisterDrawMethod(TMethodLazIntfImageColorsCopy);
414 | RegisterDrawMethod(TMethodLazIntfImageColorsNoCopy);
415 | RegisterDrawMethod(TMethodBitmapRawImageData);
416 | RegisterDrawMethod(TMethodBitmapRawImageDataPaintBox);
417 | RegisterDrawMethod(TMethodBitmapRawImageDataMove);
418 | RegisterDrawMethod(TMethodBitmapScanline);
419 | RegisterDrawMethod(TMethodBGRABitmap);
421 | RegisterDrawMethod(TMethodGraphics32);
422 | {$ENDIF}
424 | RegisterDrawMethod(TMethodOpenGL);
425 | RegisterDrawMethod(TMethodOpenGLPBO);
426 | {$ENDIF}
427 | RegisterDrawMethod(TMethodMove);
428 | RegisterDrawMethod(TMethodDummy);
429 | end;
430 |
431 | procedure TFormMain.RegisterDrawMethod(MethodClass: TDrawMethodClass);
432 | begin
433 | SetLength(DrawMethodClasses, Length(DrawMethodClasses) + 1);
434 | DrawMethodClasses[High(DrawMethodClasses)] := MethodClass;
435 | end;
436 |
437 | end.
438 |