source: Docking/CoolDocking/Demo/Testing/UMainForm.lfm

Last change on this file was 355, checked in by chronos, 13 years ago
  • Modified: Change concept of dock manager items logical visibility vs TControl real visibility. Not visible controls are hidden by manager using TCDManager.DockSiteVisible property. TCDManager provide events OnDockSiteHide and OnDockSiteShow for handling logical visibility.
File size: 1.8 KB
1object MainForm: TMainForm
2 Left = 322
3 Height = 435
4 Top = 150
5 Width = 576
6 Caption = 'MainForm'
7 ClientHeight = 416
8 ClientWidth = 576
9 Menu = MainMenu1
10 OnCreate = FormCreate
11 OnDestroy = FormDestroy
12 OnShow = FormShow
13 LCLVersion = '1.1'
14 object Button1: TButton
15 Left = 10
16 Height = 25
17 Top = 10
18 Width = 75
19 Caption = 'Create form'
20 OnClick = Button1Click
21 TabOrder = 0
22 end
23 object Panel1: TPanel
24 Left = 0
25 Height = 368
26 Top = 48
27 Width = 576
28 Align = alBottom
29 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
30 DockSite = True
31 TabOrder = 1
32 end
33 object Button2: TButton
34 Left = 94
35 Height = 25
36 Top = 10
37 Width = 107
38 Caption = 'Component tree'
39 OnClick = Button2Click
40 TabOrder = 2
41 end
42 object CoolDockMaster1: TCDMaster
43 Customize = CoolDockCustomize1
44 TabsEnabled = False
45 DefaultTabsPos = hpAuto
46 DefaultHeaderPos = hpAuto
47 DefaultMoveSpeed = 0
48 ShowIcons = False
49 left = 384
50 end
51 object CoolDockCustomize1: TCDCustomize
52 Master = CoolDockMaster1
53 left = 472
54 end
55 object CoolDockWindowList1: TCDWindowList
56 left = 472
57 top = 64
58 end
59 object MainMenu1: TMainMenu
60 left = 248
61 object MenuItem1: TMenuItem
62 Caption = 'Docking'
63 object MenuItem2: TMenuItem
64 Caption = 'Customize...'
65 OnClick = MenuItem2Click
66 end
67 end
68 object MenuItem3: TMenuItem
69 Caption = 'Window'
70 object MenuItem4: TMenuItem
71 Caption = 'Window list...'
72 OnClick = MenuItem4Click
73 end
74 end
75 end
76 object CoolDockClient1: TCDClient
77 Master = CoolDockMaster1
78 Panel = Panel1
79 Dockable = False
80 Floatable = False
81 left = 376
82 top = 64
83 end
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