1 | # Translation of OpenERP Server.
2 | # This file contains the translation of the following modules:
3 | # * profile_association
4 | #
5 | msgid ""
6 | msgstr ""
7 | "Project-Id-Version: openobject-addons\n"
8 | "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: support@openerp.com\n"
9 | "POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-11 11:14+0000\n"
10 | "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-11-25 12:15+0100\n"
11 | "Last-Translator: Jiří Hajda <robie@centrum.cz>\n"
12 | "Language-Team: Czech <openerp-i18n-czech@lists.launchpad.net >\n"
13 | "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
14 | "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
15 | "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
16 | "X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2011-11-05 05:52+0000\n"
17 | "X-Generator: Launchpad (build 14231)\n"
18 | "X-Poedit-Language: Czech\n"
19 |
20 | #. module: association
21 | #: field:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard,wiki:0
22 | msgid "Wiki"
23 | msgstr "Wiki"
24 |
25 | #. module: association
26 | #: view:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard:0
27 | msgid "Event Management"
28 | msgstr "Správa událostí"
29 |
30 | #. module: association
31 | #: field:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard,project_gtd:0
32 | msgid "Getting Things Done"
33 | msgstr "Mít vše hotovo (GTD)"
34 |
35 | #. module: association
36 | #: model:ir.module.module,description:association.module_meta_information
37 | msgid "This module is to create Profile for Associates"
38 | msgstr "Tento modul je k vytváření profilů asociací."
39 |
40 | #. module: association
41 | #: field:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard,progress:0
42 | msgid "Configuration Progress"
43 | msgstr "Proces nastavení"
44 |
45 | #. module: association
46 | #: view:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard:0
47 | msgid "Here are specific applications related to the Association Profile you selected."
48 | msgstr "Zde jsou specifické aplikace vztažené k vámi vybraným profilům asociací."
49 |
50 | #. module: association
51 | #: view:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard:0
52 | msgid "title"
53 | msgstr "titulek"
54 |
55 | #. module: association
56 | #: help:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard,event_project:0
57 | msgid "Helps you to manage and organize your events."
58 | msgstr "Pomůže vám spravovat a organizovat vaše události."
59 |
60 | #. module: association
61 | #: field:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard,config_logo:0
62 | msgid "Image"
63 | msgstr "Obrázek"
64 |
65 | #. module: association
66 | #: help:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard,hr_expense:0
67 | msgid "Tracks and manages employee expenses, and can automatically re-invoice clients if the expenses are project-related."
68 | msgstr "Sleduje a spravuje útraty zaměstnanců a může automaticky znovu fakturovat klientům, pokud útraty jsou vztažené k projektu."
69 |
70 | #. module: association
71 | #: help:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard,project_gtd:0
72 | msgid "GTD is a methodology to efficiently organise yourself and your tasks. This module fully integrates GTD principle with OpenERP's project management."
73 | msgstr "GTD je metodologie k efektivní organizaci váš a vašich úkolů. Tento modul plně integruje principy GTD se správou projektů OpenERP."
74 |
75 | #. module: association
76 | #: view:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard:0
77 | msgid "Resources Management"
78 | msgstr "Správa zdrojů"
79 |
80 | #. module: association
81 | #: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:association.module_meta_information
82 | msgid "Association profile"
83 | msgstr "Profil asociací"
84 |
85 | #. module: association
86 | #: field:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard,hr_expense:0
87 | msgid "Expenses Tracking"
88 | msgstr "Sledování útrat"
89 |
90 | #. module: association
91 | #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:association.action_config_install_module
92 | #: view:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard:0
93 | msgid "Association Application Configuration"
94 | msgstr "Nastavení aplikace asociací"
95 |
96 | #. module: association
97 | #: help:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard,wiki:0
98 | msgid "Lets you create wiki pages and page groups in order to keep track of business knowledge and share it with and between your employees."
99 | msgstr "Umožní vám vytvářet wiki stránky a skupiny stránek pro udržení přehledu o obchodních znalostích a sdílet je s a mezi vašimi zaměstnanci."
100 |
101 | #. module: association
102 | #: help:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard,project:0
103 | msgid "Helps you manage your projects and tasks by tracking them, generating plannings, etc..."
104 | msgstr "Pomůže vám spravovat vaše projekty a úkoly pomocí jejich sledování, generování plánování, atd..."
105 |
106 | #. module: association
107 | #: model:ir.model,name:association.model_profile_association_config_install_modules_wizard
108 | msgid "profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard"
109 | msgstr "profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard"
110 |
111 | #. module: association
112 | #: field:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard,event_project:0
113 | msgid "Events"
114 | msgstr "Události"
115 |
116 | #. module: association
117 | #: view:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard:0
118 | #: field:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard,project:0
119 | msgid "Project Management"
120 | msgstr "Správa projektů"
121 |
122 | #. module: association
123 | #: view:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard:0
124 | msgid "Configure"
125 | msgstr "Nastavit"
126 |