1 | unit FormRecord;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, ExtCtrls,
7 | ComCtrls, ActnList, StdCtrls, EditBtn, DbEngine, Spin, Generics.Collections,
8 | FormEx;
9 |
10 | type
11 |
12 | { TFormRecord }
13 |
14 | TFormRecord = class(TFormEx)
15 | ASave: TAction;
16 | ACancel: TAction;
17 | ActionList1: TActionList;
18 | ButtonOk: TButton;
19 | ButtonCancel: TButton;
20 | Panel1: TPanel;
21 | procedure ACancelExecute(Sender: TObject);
22 | procedure ASaveExecute(Sender: TObject);
23 | procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
24 | procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
25 | procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
26 | public
27 | Table: TTable;
28 | Row: TRecord;
29 | Controls: TObjectList<TControl>;
30 | Labels: TObjectList<TControl>;
31 | procedure ReloadControls;
32 | procedure Load(DataRecord: TRecord);
33 | procedure Save(DataRecord: TRecord);
34 | end;
35 |
36 |
37 | implementation
38 |
39 | uses
40 | DataTypes;
41 |
42 | {$R *.lfm}
43 |
44 | resourcestring
45 | STableRecordEdit = 'Table record edit';
46 |
47 | { TFormRecord }
48 |
49 | procedure TFormRecord.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
50 | begin
51 | Caption := STableRecordEdit + ' - ' + Table.Caption;
52 | ReloadControls;
53 | end;
54 |
55 | procedure TFormRecord.ACancelExecute(Sender: TObject);
56 | begin
57 | ModalResult := mrCancel;
58 | end;
59 |
60 | procedure TFormRecord.ASaveExecute(Sender: TObject);
61 | begin
62 | ModalResult := mrOk;
63 | end;
64 |
65 | procedure TFormRecord.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
66 | begin
67 | Controls := TObjectList<TControl>.Create;
68 | Labels := TObjectList<TControl>.Create;
69 | end;
70 |
71 | procedure TFormRecord.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
72 | begin
73 | FreeAndNil(Labels);
74 | FreeAndNil(Controls);
75 | end;
76 |
77 | procedure TFormRecord.ReloadControls;
78 | begin
79 | end;
80 |
81 | procedure TFormRecord.Load(DataRecord: TRecord);
82 | var
83 | I: Integer;
84 | NewLabel: TLabel;
85 | NewControl: TControl;
86 | CellRect: TRect;
87 | const
88 | LabelWidth = 300;
89 | var
90 | LineHeight: Integer;
91 | begin
92 | LineHeight := TFormEx.ScaleDPI.ScaleY(35, TFormEx.ScaleDPI.DesignDPI.Y);
93 |
94 | Row := DataRecord;
95 | Controls.Clear;
96 | Labels.Clear;
97 | for I := 0 to Table.Fields.Count - 1 do begin
98 | CellRect := Rect(10, 10 + I * LineHeight, Panel1.Width - 20, (I + 1) * LineHeight);
99 | NewLabel := TLabel.Create(Panel1);
100 | NewLabel.Caption := Table.Fields[I].TextBefore;
101 | NewLabel.Parent := Panel1;
102 | NewLabel.Left := CellRect.Left;
103 | NewLabel.Top := CellRect.Top;
104 | NewLabel.Visible := True;
105 | Labels.Add(NewLabel);
106 | case Table.Fields[I].DataType.FieldType of
107 | ftString: begin
108 | NewControl := TEdit.Create(Panel1);
109 | NewControl.Anchors := [akLeft, akTop, akRight];
110 | NewControl.Parent := Panel1;
111 | NewControl.Left := CellRect.Left + LabelWidth;
112 | NewControl.Top := CellRect.Top;
113 | NewControl.Width := CellRect.Right - CellRect.Left - LabelWidth;
114 | NewControl.Visible := True;
115 | TEdit(NewControl).Text := TValueString(Row.Values[I]).Value;
116 | Controls.Add(NewControl);
117 | end;
118 | ftInteger: begin
119 | NewControl := TSpinEdit.Create(Panel1);
120 | NewControl.Parent := Panel1;
121 | NewControl.Left := CellRect.Left + LabelWidth;
122 | NewControl.Top := CellRect.Top;
123 | NewControl.Width := CellRect.Right - CellRect.Left - LabelWidth;
124 | NewControl.Visible := True;
125 | TSpinEdit(NewControl).Value := TValueInteger(Row.Values[I]).Value;
126 | Controls.Add(NewControl);
127 | end;
128 | ftDateTime: begin
129 | NewControl := TDateEdit.Create(Panel1);
130 | NewControl.Parent := Panel1;
131 | NewControl.Left := CellRect.Left + LabelWidth;
132 | NewControl.Top := CellRect.Top;
133 | NewControl.Width := CellRect.Right - CellRect.Left - LabelWidth;
134 | NewControl.Visible := True;
135 | TDateEdit(NewControl).Date := TValueDateTime(Row.Values[I]).Value;
136 | Controls.Add(NewControl);
137 | end;
138 | ftBoolean: begin
139 | NewControl := TCheckBox.Create(Panel1);
140 | NewControl.Parent := Panel1;
141 | NewControl.Left := CellRect.Left + LabelWidth;
142 | NewControl.Top := CellRect.Top;
143 | NewControl.Width := CellRect.Right - CellRect.Left - LabelWidth;
144 | NewControl.Visible := True;
145 | TCheckBox(NewControl).Checked := TValueBoolean(Row.Values[I]).Value;
146 | Controls.Add(NewControl);
147 | end;
148 | ftFloat: begin
149 | NewControl := TFloatSpinEdit.Create(Panel1);
150 | NewControl.Parent := Panel1;
151 | NewControl.Left := CellRect.Left + LabelWidth;
152 | NewControl.Top := CellRect.Top;
153 | NewControl.Width := CellRect.Right - CellRect.Left - LabelWidth;
154 | NewControl.Visible := True;
155 | TFloatSpinEdit(NewControl).Value := TValueFloat(Row.Values[I]).Value;
156 | Controls.Add(NewControl);
157 | end;
158 | ftImage: begin
159 | NewControl := TImage.Create(Panel1);
160 | NewControl.Parent := Panel1;
161 | NewControl.Left := CellRect.Left + LabelWidth;
162 | NewControl.Top := CellRect.Top;
163 | NewControl.Width := CellRect.Right - CellRect.Left - LabelWidth;
164 | NewControl.Height := NewLabel.Height;
165 | NewControl.Visible := True;
166 | //TImage(NewControl).Value := TValueFloat(Row.Values[I]).Value;
167 | Controls.Add(NewControl);
168 | end;
169 | ftReference: begin
170 | NewControl := TComboBox.Create(Panel1);
171 | NewControl.Parent := Panel1;
172 | NewControl.Left := CellRect.Left + LabelWidth;
173 | NewControl.Top := CellRect.Top;
174 | NewControl.Width := CellRect.Right - CellRect.Left - LabelWidth;
175 | NewControl.Height := NewLabel.Height;
176 | NewControl.Visible := True;
177 |
178 | TComboBox(NewControl).Items.Add(IntToStr(TValueReference(Row.Values[I]).Value));
179 | Controls.Add(NewControl);
180 | end;
181 | end;
182 | end;
183 | end;
184 |
185 | procedure TFormRecord.Save(DataRecord: TRecord);
186 | var
187 | I: Integer;
188 | begin
189 | for I := 0 to Table.Fields.Count - 1 do begin
190 | case Table.Fields[I].DataType.FieldType of
191 | ftString: TValueString(Row.Values[I]).Value := TEdit(Controls[I]).Text;
192 | ftInteger: TValueInteger(Row.Values[I]).Value := TSpinEdit(Controls[I]).Value;
193 | ftDateTime: TValueDateTime(Row.Values[I]).Value := TDateEdit(Controls[I]).Date;
194 | ftBoolean: TValueBoolean(Row.Values[I]).Value := TCheckBox(Controls[I]).Checked;
195 | ftFloat: TValueFloat(Row.Values[I]).Value := TFloatSpinEdit(Controls[I]).Value;
196 | //ftImage: TValueFloat(Row.Values[I]).Value := TFloatSpinEdit(Controls[I]).Value;
197 | end;
198 | end;
199 | end;
200 |
201 | end.
202 |