Changeset 26 for trunk/Forms

Dec 22, 2016, 5:07:02 PM (8 years ago)
3 edited


  • trunk/Forms/UFormMain.lfm

    r13 r26  
    55  Width = 920
    66  Caption = 'LibrePaint'
    7   ClientHeight = 614
     7  ClientHeight = 615
    88  ClientWidth = 920
    99  Menu = MainMenu1
    1212  OnDestroy = FormDestroy
    1313  OnShow = FormShow
    14   LCLVersion = '1.3'
     14  LCLVersion = ''
    1515  object PaintBox1: TPaintBox
    1616    Left = 0
    17     Height = 588
     17    Height = 587
    1818    Top = 0
    1919    Width = 920
    2020    Align = alClient
    2121    OnMouseDown = PaintBox1MouseDown
     22    OnMouseLeave = PaintBox1MouseLeave
    2223    OnMouseMove = PaintBox1MouseMove
    2324    OnMouseUp = PaintBox1MouseUp
    24     OnMouseLeave = PaintBox1MouseLeave
    2525    OnMouseWheelDown = PaintBox1MouseWheelDown
    2626    OnMouseWheelUp = PaintBox1MouseWheelUp
    3030  object StatusBar1: TStatusBar
    3131    Left = 0
    32     Height = 26
    33     Top = 588
     32    Height = 28
     33    Top = 587
    3434    Width = 920
    3535    Panels = <   
  • trunk/Forms/UFormNew.lfm

    r2 r26  
    88  ClientWidth = 497
    99  OnShow = FormShow
    10   LCLVersion = '1.3'
     10  LCLVersion = ''
    1111  object SpinEditWidth: TSpinEdit
    1212    Left = 168
    13     Height = 35
     13    Height = 28
    1414    Top = 24
    1515    Width = 122
    2020  object Label1: TLabel
    2121    Left = 15
    22     Height = 25
     22    Height = 20
    2323    Top = 26
    24     Width = 60
     24    Width = 43
    2525    Caption = 'Width:'
    2626    ParentColor = False
    2828  object Label2: TLabel
    2929    Left = 15
    30     Height = 25
     30    Height = 20
    3131    Top = 64
    32     Width = 67
     32    Width = 48
    3333    Caption = 'Height:'
    3434    ParentColor = False
    3636  object SpinEditHeight: TSpinEdit
    3737    Left = 168
    38     Height = 35
     38    Height = 28
    3939    Top = 64
    4040    Width = 122
    4545  object Label3: TLabel
    4646    Left = 15
    47     Height = 25
     47    Height = 20
    4848    Top = 104
    49     Width = 103
     49    Width = 73
    5050    Caption = 'Resolution:'
    5151    ParentColor = False
    5353  object SpinEditDPI: TSpinEdit
    5454    Left = 168
    55     Height = 35
     55    Height = 28
    5656    Top = 104
    5757    Width = 122
    6262  object Label4: TLabel
    6363    Left = 15
    64     Height = 25
     64    Height = 20
    6565    Top = 167
    66     Width = 115
     66    Width = 82
    6767    Caption = 'Color depth:'
    6868    ParentColor = False
    7070  object ComboBoxColorFormat: TComboBox
    7171    Left = 167
    72     Height = 35
     72    Height = 28
    7373    Top = 157
    7474    Width = 209
    75     ItemHeight = 0
     75    ItemHeight = 20
    7676    OnChange = SpinEditWidthChange
    7777    Style = csDropDownList
    9999  object Label5: TLabel
    100100    Left = 16
    101     Height = 25
     101    Height = 20
    102102    Top = 224
    103     Width = 168
     103    Width = 118
    104104    Caption = 'Memory required:'
    105105    ParentColor = False
    107107  object LabelMemRequire: TLabel
    108108    Left = 192
    109     Height = 25
     109    Height = 20
    110110    Top = 224
    111     Width = 15
     111    Width = 12
    112112    Caption = '   '
    113113    ParentColor = False
  • trunk/Forms/UFormNew.pas

    r14 r26  
    88  Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, Spin,
    9   StdCtrls, ActnList, UGraphic;
     9  StdCtrls, ActnList, UFGraphics;
    4545procedure TFormNew.SpinEditWidthChange(Sender: TObject);
    47   ColorFormat: TGColorFormat;
     47  ColorFormat: TColorFormat;
    49   ColorFormat := ColorManager.Formats[ComboBoxColorFormat.ItemIndex];
     49  ColorFormat := ColorFormatManager.Formats[ComboBoxColorFormat.ItemIndex];
    5050  LabelMemRequire.Caption := IntToStr(SpinEditWidth.Value * SpinEditHeight.Value *
    5151    ColorFormat.BitDepth div 8) + ' bytes';
    5454procedure TFormNew.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
    56   ColorFormat: TGColorFormat;
     56  ColorFormat: TColorFormat;
    5757  I: Integer;
    5959  ComboBoxColorFormat.Clear;
    60   for I := 0 to ColorManager.FormatCount - 1 do begin
    61     ColorFormat := ColorManager.Formats[I];
     60  for I := 0 to ColorFormatManager.FormatCount - 1 do begin
     61    ColorFormat := ColorFormatManager.Formats[I];
    6262    ComboBoxColorFormat.AddItem(ColorFormat.Name, nil);
    6363  end;
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