1 | unit UGGraphics;
2 |
3 | {$mode delphi}{$H+}
4 |
5 | interface
6 |
7 | uses
8 | Classes, SysUtils, Graphics;
9 |
10 | type
11 | // Possible fixed color types:
12 | // 0..1, 0..3, 0..15, Byte, Word, Cardinal, Int64, record RGB, record RGBA, class
13 | // Bit level addressing -> bit addressable memory -> slowdown
14 | // Color with dynamic size
15 | // Color with dynamic number of channels
16 | // Representing pallete
17 |
18 | { TGBrush }
19 |
20 | TGBrush<TGColor> = class
21 | Color: TGColor;
22 | Canvas: TObject; // TGCanvas<TGColor>;
23 | end;
24 |
25 | { TGPen }
26 |
27 | TGPen<TGColor> = class
28 | Position: TPoint;
29 | Color: TGColor;
30 | Canvas: TObject; // TGCanvas<TGColor>;
31 | procedure MoveTo(Pos: TPoint);
32 | procedure LineTo(Pos: TPoint);
33 | end;
34 |
35 | { TGCanvas }
36 |
37 | TGCanvas<TGColor> = class
38 | Bitmap: TObject; // TGPixmap<TGColor>;
39 | Pen: TGPen<TGColor>;
40 | Brush: TGBrush<TGColor>;
41 | constructor Create;
42 | destructor Destroy; override;
43 | end;
44 |
45 | { TGPixmap }
46 |
47 | TGPixmap<TGColor> = class
48 | public
49 | type
50 | TGConvertColor = function (Color: TGColor): TColor of object;
51 | TGGetColor = function (Position: TPoint): TGColor of object;
52 | protected
53 | FData: PByte;
54 | FSize: TPoint;
55 | FCanvas: TGCanvas<TGColor>;
56 | function GetPixel(X, Y: Integer): TGColor; virtual;
57 | function GetSize: TPoint; virtual;
58 | procedure SetPixel(X, Y: Integer; AValue: TGColor); virtual;
59 | procedure SetSize(AValue: TPoint); virtual;
60 | private
61 | procedure CheckLimits(X, Y: Integer);
62 | public
63 | constructor Create;
64 | destructor Destroy; override;
65 | procedure PaintToCanvas(Canvas: TCanvas; ColorConvertFunc: TGConvertColor);
66 | procedure Fill(Color: TGColor); overload;
67 | procedure Fill(Func: TGGetColor); overload;
68 | function GetDataSize: Int64; virtual;
69 | property Canvas: TGCanvas<TGColor> read FCanvas;
70 | property Pixels[X, Y: Integer]: TGColor read GetPixel write SetPixel;
71 | property Size: TPoint read GetSize write SetSize;
72 | end;
73 |
74 | { TGPixmapBit }
75 |
76 | TGPixmapBit<TGColor> = class(TGPixmap<TGColor>)
77 | protected
78 | function GetPixel(X, Y: Integer): TGColor; override;
79 | procedure SetPixel(X, Y: Integer; AValue: TGColor); override;
80 | private
81 | FBitsPerPixel: Integer;
82 | procedure BitMove(SourceBase: PByte; SourceOffset: Integer;
83 | DestBase: PByte; DestOffset: Integer; Size: Integer);
84 | function GetByteSize(BitSize: Integer): Integer;
85 | procedure SetBitsPerPixel(AValue: Integer);
86 | public
87 | property BitsPerPixel: Integer read FBitsPerPixel write SetBitsPerPixel;
88 | function GetDataSize: Int64; override;
89 | end;
90 |
91 |
92 | implementation
93 |
94 | { TGPixmap }
95 |
96 | function TGPixmap<TGColor>.GetPixel(X, Y: Integer): TGColor;
97 | begin
98 | CheckLimits(X, Y);
99 | Move(PByte(FData + (X + Y * FSize.X) * SizeOf(TGColor))^, Result, SizeOf(TGColor));
100 | end;
101 |
102 | procedure TGPixmap<TGColor>.SetPixel(X, Y: Integer; AValue: TGColor);
103 | begin
104 | CheckLimits(X, Y);
105 | Move(AValue, PByte(FData + (X + Y * FSize.X) * SizeOf(TGColor))^, SizeOf(TGColor));
106 | end;
107 |
108 | function TGPixmap<TGColor>.GetSize: TPoint;
109 | begin
110 | Result := FSize;
111 | end;
112 |
113 | procedure TGPixmap<TGColor>.SetSize(AValue: TPoint);
114 | begin
115 | if (FSize.X <> AValue.X) and (FSize.Y <> AValue.Y) then begin
116 | FSize := AValue;
117 | ReAllocMem(FData, FSize.X * FSize.Y * SizeOf(TGColor));
118 | end;
119 | end;
120 |
121 | constructor TGPixmap<TGColor>.Create;
122 | begin
123 | FCanvas := TGCanvas<TGColor>.Create;
124 | FCanvas.Bitmap := Self;
125 | end;
126 |
127 | destructor TGPixmap<TGColor>.Destroy;
128 | begin
129 | Size := Point(0, 0);
130 | FreeAndNil(FCanvas);
131 | end;
132 |
133 | procedure TGPixmap<TGColor>.CheckLimits(X, Y: Integer);
134 | begin
135 | if (X < 0) or (X >= FSize.X) or (Y < 0) or (Y >= FSize.Y) then
136 | raise Exception.Create('Position out of range');
137 | end;
138 |
139 | procedure TGPixmap<TGColor>.Fill(Color: TGColor);
140 | var
141 | X, Y: Integer;
142 | begin
143 | for Y := 0 to FSize.Y - 1 do
144 | for X := 0 to FSize.X - 1 do
145 | Pixels[X, Y] := Color;
146 | end;
147 |
148 | procedure TGPixmap<TGColor>.Fill(Func: TGGetColor);
149 | var
150 | X, Y: Integer;
151 | begin
152 | for Y := 0 to FSize.Y - 1 do
153 | for X := 0 to FSize.X - 1 do
154 | Pixels[X, Y] := Func(Point(X, Y));
155 | end;
156 |
157 | procedure TGPixmap<TGColor>.PaintToCanvas(Canvas: TCanvas;
158 | ColorConvertFunc: TGConvertColor);
159 | var
160 | X, Y: Integer;
161 | begin
162 | try
163 | Canvas.Lock;
164 | for Y := 0 to FSize.Y - 1 do
165 | for X := 0 to FSize.X - 1 do begin
166 | Canvas.Pixels[X, Y] := ColorConvertFunc(Pixels[X, Y]);
167 | end;
168 | finally
169 | Canvas.Unlock;
170 | end;
171 | end;
172 |
173 | function TGPixmap<TGColor>.GetDataSize: Int64;
174 | begin
175 | Result := FSize.X * FSize.Y * SizeOf(TGColor);
176 | end;
177 |
178 | { TGPen }
179 |
180 | procedure TGPen<TGColor>.MoveTo(Pos: TPoint);
181 | begin
182 | Position := Pos;
183 | end;
184 |
185 | procedure TGPen<TGColor>.LineTo(Pos: TPoint);
186 | var
187 | I: Integer;
188 | Len: Integer;
189 | begin
190 | Len := Trunc(Sqrt(Sqr(Position.X - Pos.X) + Sqr(Position.Y - Pos.Y)));
191 | for I := 0 to Len - 1 do
192 | ((Canvas as TGCanvas<TGColor>).Bitmap as TGPixmap<TGColor>).Pixels[Trunc(Position.X + I * (Pos.X - Position.X) / Len),
193 | Trunc(Position.Y + I * (Pos.Y - Position.Y) / Len)] := Color;
194 | Position := Pos;
195 | end;
196 |
197 | { TGCanvas }
198 |
199 | constructor TGCanvas<TGCanvas>.Create;
200 | begin
201 | Pen := TGPen<TGColor>.Create;
202 | Pen.Canvas := Self;
203 | Brush := TGBrush<TGColor>.Create;
204 | Brush.Canvas := Self;
205 | end;
206 |
207 | destructor TGCanvas<TGCanvas>.Destroy;
208 | begin
209 | FreeAndNil(Pen);
210 | FreeAndNil(Brush);
211 | inherited Destroy;
212 | end;
213 |
214 | { TGPixmapBit }
215 |
216 | procedure TGPixmapBit<TGColor>.BitMove(SourceBase: PByte; SourceOffset: Integer;
217 | DestBase: PByte; DestOffset: Integer; Size: Integer);
218 | var
219 | Value: Byte;
220 | Mask: Word;
221 | begin
222 | if ((SourceOffset + Size) > 8) or ((DestOffset + Size) > 8) then
223 | raise Exception.Create('Max. supported size for bit move is 8 bits.');
224 | Mask := ((1 shl Size) - 1);
225 | Value := (PByte(SourceBase)^ shr SourceOffset) and Mask;
226 | DestBase^ := (DestBase^ and ($ff xor (Mask shl DestOffset))) or (Value shl DestOffset);
227 | end;
228 |
229 | function TGPixmapBit<TGColor>.GetPixel(X, Y: Integer): TGColor;
230 | var
231 | Offset: Integer;
232 | begin
233 | CheckLimits(X, Y);
234 | Offset := (X + Y * FSize.X) * BitsPerPixel;
235 | BitMove(FData + (Offset shr 3), Offset and 7, @Result, 0, BitsPerPixel);
236 | end;
237 |
238 | procedure TGPixmapBit<TGColor>.SetPixel(X, Y: Integer; AValue: TGColor);
239 | var
240 | Offset: Integer;
241 | begin
242 | CheckLimits(X, Y);
243 | Offset := (X + Y * FSize.X) * BitsPerPixel;
244 | BitMove(@AValue, 0, FData + (Offset shr 3), Offset and 7, BitsPerPixel);
245 | end;
246 |
247 | function TGPixmapBit<TGColor>.GetDataSize: Int64;
248 | begin
249 | Result := GetByteSize(FSize.X * FSize.Y * BitsPerPixel);
250 | end;
251 |
252 | function TGPixmapBit<TGColor>.GetByteSize(BitSize: Integer): Integer;
253 | begin
254 | Result := (((BitSize - 1) or 7) + 1) shr 3;
255 | end;
256 |
257 | procedure TGPixmapBit<TGColor>.SetBitsPerPixel(AValue: Integer);
258 | begin
259 | if FBitsPerPixel <> AValue then begin
260 | FBitsPerPixel := AValue;
261 | end;
262 | end;
263 |
264 | end.
265 |