Changeset 177 for tags/1.3.0

Aug 21, 2024, 11:49:46 AM (5 weeks ago)
  • Modified: Merged changes from trunk to 1.3.0.
5 added
10 edited


  • tags/1.3.0/Core.pas

    r162 r177  
    271271    if (DesignDPI.X <> DPI.X) or (DesignDPI.Y <> DPI.Y) then begin
    272272      //ApplyToAll(DesignDPI);
    273       for I := 0 to Screen.FormCount - 1 do
     273      {for I := 0 to Screen.FormCount - 1 do
    274274      if (Screen.Forms[I].WindowState = wsNormal) or
    275275        (Screen.Forms[I].WindowState = wsMinimized) then begin
    277277        ScaleDimensions(Screen.Forms[I], StoredDimension);
    278278      end;
     279      }
    279280      ScaleImageList(ImageListMain, DesignDPI);
    280281    end;
  • tags/1.3.0/Forms/FormConsole.lfm

    r153 r177  
    2222    Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
    2323    BorderSpacing.Around = 3
    24     Font.Name = 'Courier New'
     24    Font.Height = 20
     25    Font.Name = 'Liberation Mono'
     26    Font.Pitch = fpFixed
    2527    ParentFont = False
    2628    ReadOnly = True
  • tags/1.3.0/Forms/FormInput.lfm

    r153 r177  
    1616    Align = alClient
    1717    BorderSpacing.Around = 6
    18     Font.Name = 'Courier New'
     18    Font.Height = 20
     19    Font.Name = 'Libertation Mono'
     20    Font.Pitch = fpFixed
    1921    ParentFont = False
    2022    ScrollBars = ssAutoBoth
  • tags/1.3.0/Forms/FormMain.pas

    r173 r177  
    374374    AProgramRunToCursor.Enabled := CanDebug and (tcRunToCursor in CurrentTarget.Capabilities);
    375375    AProgramStepOver.Enabled := CanDebug and (tcStepOver in CurrentTarget.Capabilities);
    376     AProgramShowExecutionPoint.Enabled := CanDebug and (tcPause in CurrentTarget.Capabilities);
     376    AProgramShowExecutionPoint.Enabled := CanDebug and (tcPause in CurrentTarget.Capabilities) and
     377      (CurrentTarget.State = rsPaused);
    377378    AShowSourcePosition.Enabled := CurrentTarget.Compiled;
    378379    AShowTargetPosition.Enabled := CurrentTarget.Compiled;
    689690  DebugStep := Core.Core.CurrentTarget.DebugSteps.SearchByProgramPos(
    690691    Core.Core.CurrentTarget.ExecutionPosition);
    691   FormSourceCode.SynEditSource.SelStart := DebugStep.SourcePosition + 1;
    692   FormTargetCode.SynEditTarget.SelStart := DebugStep.TargetPosition + 1;
    693   if PageControlMain.TabIndex = 0 then FormSourceCode.SynEditSource.SetFocus;
    694   if PageControlMain.TabIndex = 1 then FormTargetCode.SynEditTarget.SetFocus;
     692  if Assigned(DebugStep) then begin
     693    FormSourceCode.SynEditSource.SelStart := DebugStep.SourcePosition + 1;
     694    FormTargetCode.SynEditTarget.SelStart := DebugStep.TargetPosition + 1;
     695    if PageControlMain.TabIndex = 0 then FormSourceCode.SynEditSource.SetFocus;
     696    if PageControlMain.TabIndex = 1 then FormTargetCode.SynEditTarget.SetFocus;
     697  end;
  • tags/1.3.0/Forms/FormMemory.lfm

    r153 r177  
    4040        Width = 508
    4141      end>
    42     Font.Name = 'Courier New'
     42    Font.Height = 20
     43    Font.Name = 'Liberation Mono'
     44    Font.Pitch = fpFixed
    4345    OwnerData = True
    4446    ParentFont = False
  • tags/1.3.0/Forms/FormOutput.lfm

    r153 r177  
    2626    Align = alClient
    2727    BorderSpacing.Around = 4
    28     Font.Name = 'Courier New'
     28    Font.Height = 20
     29    Font.Name = 'Liberation Mono'
     30    Font.Pitch = fpFixed
    2931    ParentFont = False
    3032    ScrollBars = ssAutoBoth
  • tags/1.3.0/Forms/FormSourceCode.lfm

    r154 r177  
    1717    Width = 672
    1818    Align = alClient
    19     Font.Height = 13
    20     Font.Name = 'Courier New'
     19    Font.Height = 20
     20    Font.Name = 'Liberation Mono'
    2121    Font.Pitch = fpFixed
    22     Font.Quality = fqNonAntialiased
     22    Font.Quality = fqAntialiased
    2323    ParentColor = False
    2424    ParentFont = False
    2727    OnKeyUp = MemoSourceKeyUp
    2828    OnMouseDown = MemoSourceMouseDown
    29     Gutter.Width = 76
     29    Gutter.Width = 84
    3030    Gutter.MouseActions = <>
    3131    RightGutter.Width = 0
    481481      end
    482482      object SynGutterLineNumber1: TSynGutterLineNumber
    483         Width = 17
     483        Width = 25
    484484        MouseActions = <>
    485485        MarkupInfo.Background = clBtnFace
  • tags/1.3.0/Forms/FormTargetCode.lfm

    r157 r177  
    1616    Width = 734
    1717    Align = alClient
    18     Font.Height = 13
    19     Font.Name = 'Courier New'
     18    Font.Height = 20
     19    Font.Name = 'Liberation Mono'
    2020    Font.Pitch = fpFixed
    21     Font.Quality = fqNonAntialiased
     21    Font.Quality = fqAntialiased
    2222    ParentColor = False
    2323    ParentFont = False
    2424    PopupMenu = PopupMenuTarget
    2525    TabOrder = 0
    26     Gutter.Width = 77
     26    Gutter.Width = 85
    2727    Gutter.MouseActions = <>
    2828    RightGutter.Width = 0
    477477      end
    478478      object SynGutterLineNumber1: TSynGutterLineNumber
    479         Width = 17
     479        Width = 25
    480480        MouseActions = <>
    481481        MarkupInfo.Background = clBtnFace
  • tags/1.3.0/Packages/Common/Common.pas

    r162 r177  
    598598    if (ExitCode <> 0) or (Error <> '') then
    599       raise Exception.Create(Format(SExecutionError, [Error, ExitCode]));
     599      raise Exception.Create(Format(SExecutionError, [Output + Error, ExitCode]));
    600600  finally
    601601    Process.Free;
  • tags/1.3.0/Release Notes.txt

    r169 r177  
    1212* Modified: Used loop in number generation.
    1313* Modified: Used scrollbox in target options form.
     14* Modified: Use monospace font.
     15* Modified: Do not extra scale controls dimensions.
    1416* Fixed: Update cursor position in status bar.
    1517* Fixed: Memory leak in target code form.
    1820* Fixed: OpenDialog was not initialized in Target options form.
    1921* Fixed: Put compiled files into application data directory if source is in read only directory.
     22* Fixed: Error on showing execution point in not paused state.
    2124Version 1.2.0 (2022-03-05)
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