1 | unit TargetPython;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | Classes, SysUtils, Target, BFTarget;
7 |
8 | type
9 |
10 | { TTargetPython }
11 |
12 | TTargetPython = class(TBFTarget)
13 | private
14 | function GetMemoryCell: string;
15 | public
16 | constructor Create; override;
17 | procedure Compile; override;
18 | procedure Run; override;
19 | end;
20 |
21 |
22 | implementation
23 |
24 | { TTargetPython }
25 |
26 | constructor TTargetPython.Create;
27 | begin
28 | inherited;
29 | FName := 'Python';
30 | FSourceExtension := '.py';
31 | FCompiledExtension := '.py';
32 | FImageIndex := 26;
33 | FCapabilities := [tcCompile, tcRun];
35 | CompilerPath := '';
36 | ExecutorPath := 'c:\Program Files\Python\python.exe';
37 | {$ENDIF}
38 | {$IFDEF UNIX}
39 | CompilerPath := '';
40 | ExecutorPath := '/usr/bin/python3';
41 | {$ENDIF}
42 | end;
43 |
44 | function TTargetPython.GetMemoryCell: string;
45 | begin
46 | Result := 'memory[position';
47 | if FProgram[FProgramIndex].RelIndex > 0 then
48 | Result := Result + ' + ' + IntToStr(FProgram[FProgramIndex].RelIndex)
49 | else if FProgram[FProgramIndex].RelIndex < 0 then
50 | Result := Result + ' - ' + IntToStr(Abs(FProgram[FProgramIndex].RelIndex));
51 | Result := Result + ']';
52 | end;
53 |
54 | procedure TTargetPython.Compile;
55 | begin
56 | inherited;
57 | Indent := 0;
58 | FTargetCode := '';
59 |
60 | AddLine('# ' + ProgramName);
61 | AddLine;
62 | AddLine('class _Getch:');
63 | AddLine(' """Gets a single character from standard input. Does not echo to the screen."""');
64 | AddLine(' def __init__(self):');
65 | AddLine(' try:');
66 | AddLine(' self.impl = _GetchWindows()');
67 | AddLine(' except ImportError:');
68 | AddLine(' self.impl = _GetchUnix()');
69 | AddLine;
70 | AddLine(' def __call__(self): return self.impl()');
71 | AddLine;
72 | AddLine;
73 | AddLine('class _GetchUnix:');
74 | AddLine(' def __init__(self):');
75 | AddLine(' import tty, sys');
76 | AddLine;
77 | AddLine(' def __call__(self):');
78 | AddLine(' import sys, tty, termios');
79 | AddLine(' fd = sys.stdin.fileno()');
80 | AddLine(' old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd)');
81 | AddLine(' try:');
82 | AddLine(' tty.setraw(sys.stdin.fileno())');
83 | AddLine(' ch = sys.stdin.read(1)');
84 | AddLine(' finally:');
85 | AddLine(' termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings)');
86 | AddLine(' return ch');
87 | AddLine;
88 | AddLine;
89 | AddLine('class _GetchWindows:');
90 | AddLine(' def __init__(self):');
91 | AddLine(' import msvcrt');
92 | AddLine;
93 | AddLine(' def __call__(self):');
94 | AddLine(' import msvcrt');
95 | AddLine(' return msvcrt.getch()');
96 | AddLine;
97 | AddLine('getchar = _Getch()');
98 | AddLine;
99 | AddLine('import sys');
100 | AddLine('memory = [0] * ' + IntToStr(MemorySize));
101 | AddLine('position = 0');
102 | FProgramIndex := 0;
103 | while FProgramIndex < FProgram.Count do begin
104 | case FProgram[FProgramIndex].Command of
105 | cmPointerInc: AddLine('position += ' + IntToStr(FProgram[FProgramIndex].Parameter));
106 | cmPointerDec: AddLine('position -= ' + IntToStr(FProgram[FProgramIndex].Parameter));
107 | cmInc: AddLine(GetMemoryCell + ' += ' + IntToStr(FProgram[FProgramIndex].Parameter));
108 | cmDec: AddLine(GetMemoryCell + ' -= ' + IntToStr(FProgram[FProgramIndex].Parameter));
109 | cmOutput: begin
110 | AddLine('sys.stdout.write(chr(' + GetMemoryCell + '))');
111 | AddLine('sys.stdout.flush()');
112 | end;
113 | cmInput: AddLine(GetMemoryCell + ' = ord(getchar())');
114 | cmSet: AddLine(GetMemoryCell + ' = ' + IntToStr(FProgram[FProgramIndex].Parameter));
115 | cmMultiply: AddLine(GetMemoryCell + ' = ' + GetMemoryCell + ' + memory[position] * ' + IntToStr(FProgram[FProgramIndex].Parameter) + ';');
116 | cmLoopStart: begin
117 | AddLine('while(' + GetMemoryCell + ' != 0):');
118 | Inc(Indent);
119 | end;
120 | cmLoopEnd: begin
121 | Dec(Indent);
122 | end;
123 | end;
124 | Inc(FProgramIndex);
125 | end;
126 |
127 | CompileToFile;
128 | end;
129 |
130 | procedure TTargetPython.Run;
131 | begin
132 | inherited;
133 | RunFromFile;
134 | end;
135 |
136 | end.
137 |