1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <component type="desktop-application">
3 | <id>net.zdechov.app.LazFuck</id>
4 |
5 | <name>LazFuck</name>
6 | <summary>Simple BrainFuck IDE</summary>
7 | <developer id="net.zdechov.chronos">
8 | <name>Chronos</name>
9 | </developer>
10 |
11 | <url type="homepage">https://app.zdechov.net/LazFuck</url>
12 | <url type="contact">https://app.zdechov.net/LazFuck#Contact</url>
13 | <url type="vcs-browser">https://app.zdechov.net/LazFuck/browser</url>
14 |
15 | <metadata_license>CC0-1.0</metadata_license>
16 | <project_license>CC0-1.0</project_license>
17 |
18 | <description>
19 | <p>LazFuck is a GUI application for writing, executing, compiling and debugging programs written in famous BrainFuck esoteric programming language.</p>
20 | <p>Features:</p>
21 | <ul>
22 | <li>Graphical code editor with color syntax highlighting</li>
23 | <li>Optimizing compiler and interpreter</li>
24 | <li>Cross-compilation to Delphi, Free Pascal, Python, Java, C, C#, PHP, Rust and Javascript</li>
25 | <li>Interpreter with debugger</li>
26 | </ul>
27 | </description>
28 |
29 | <launchable type="desktop-id">net.zdechov.app.LazFuck.desktop</launchable>
30 |
31 | <screenshots>
32 | <screenshot type="default">
33 | <caption>Main window</caption>
34 | <image>https://svn.zdechov.net/LazFuck/trunk/Images/Screenshots/LazFuck%20Qt5.png</image>
35 | </screenshot>
36 | <screenshot>
37 | <caption>Dark mode</caption>
38 | <image>https://svn.zdechov.net/LazFuck/trunk/Images/Screenshots/LazFuck%20Qt5%20dark.png</image>
39 | </screenshot>
40 | </screenshots>
41 |
42 | <releases>
43 | <release version="1.3.0" date="2024-08-19">
44 | <url type="details">https://svn.zdechov.net/LazFuck/tags/1.3.0/Release%20Notes.txt</url>
45 | <description>
46 | <ul>
47 | <li>Added: Allow to hide main toolbar.</li>
48 | <li>Added: Key shortcuts form to see all available actions and their key shortcuts.</li>
49 | <li>Added: Full screen switching support.</li>
50 | <li>Added: Help form.</li>
51 | <li>Added: Execute compiled program with targets without executor inside console window to see its output.</li>
52 | <li>Added: Rust language as compiler target.</li>
53 | <li>Added: Action to generate text as brainfuck code.</li>
54 | <li>Modified: Automatically open example file on first start.</li>
55 | <li>Modified: Used loop in number generation.</li>
56 | <li>Modified: Used scrollbox in target options form.</li>
57 | <li>Modified: Use monospace font.</li>
58 | <li>Do not extra scale controls dimensions.</li>
59 | <li>Fixed: Update cursor position in status bar.</li>
60 | <li>Fixed: Memory leak in target code form.</li>
61 | <li>Fixed: Execution of compiled Java and C# programs.</li>
62 | <li>Fixed: A typo in interpreter target name.</li>
63 | <li>Fixed: OpenDialog was not initialized in Target options form.</li>
64 | <li>Fixed: Put compiled files into application data directory if source is in read only directory.</li>
65 | <li>Fixed: Error on showing execution point in not paused state.</li>
66 | </ul>
67 | </description>
68 | </release>
69 | </releases>
70 |
71 | <categories>
72 | <category>Development</category>
73 | <category>IDE</category>
74 | </categories>
75 |
76 | <content_rating type="oars-1.1"/>
77 | </component>