1 | unit UTargetJavascript;
2 |
3 | {$mode Delphi}{$H+}
4 |
5 | interface
6 |
7 | uses
8 | Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, UTarget, UBFTarget, Dialogs, LazFileUtils,
9 | Process, LCLIntf;
10 |
11 | type
12 |
13 | { TTargetJavascript }
14 |
15 | TTargetJavascript = class(TBFTarget)
16 | private
17 | function GetMemoryCell: string;
18 | public
19 | WithHtml: Boolean;
20 | constructor Create; override;
21 | procedure Compile; override;
22 | procedure CompileHtml;
23 | procedure Run; override;
24 | end;
25 |
26 |
27 | implementation
28 |
29 | { TTargetJavascript }
30 |
31 | constructor TTargetJavascript.Create;
32 | begin
33 | inherited;
34 | FName := 'Javascript';
35 | FSourceExtension := '.js';
36 | FImageIndex := 28;
37 | FCapabilities := [tcCompile, tcRun];
38 | CompilerPath := '';
39 | FCompiledExtension := '';
40 | FRunExtension := '';
41 | end;
42 |
43 | function TTargetJavascript.GetMemoryCell: string;
44 | begin
45 | Result := 'Memory[Pos';
46 | if FProgram[FProgramIndex].RelIndex > 0 then
47 | Result := Result + ' + ' + IntToStr(FProgram[FProgramIndex].RelIndex)
48 | else if FProgram[FProgramIndex].RelIndex < 0 then
49 | Result := Result + ' - ' + IntToStr(Abs(FProgram[FProgramIndex].RelIndex));
50 | Result := Result + ']';
51 | end;
52 |
53 | procedure TTargetJavascript.Compile;
54 | begin
55 | inherited;
56 | Indent := 0;
57 | FTargetCode := '';
58 |
59 | AddLine('var Memory = new Array(' + IntToStr(MemorySize) + ').fill(0);');
60 | AddLine('var Pos = 0;');
61 | AddLine('');
62 | FProgramIndex := 0;
63 | while FProgramIndex < FProgram.Count do begin
64 | case FProgram[FProgramIndex].Command of
65 | cmPointerInc: AddLine('Pos = Pos + ' + IntToStr(FProgram[FProgramIndex].Parameter) + ';');
66 | cmPointerDec: AddLine('Pos = Pos - ' + IntToStr(FProgram[FProgramIndex].Parameter) + ';');
67 | cmInc: AddLine(GetMemoryCell + ' = ' + GetMemoryCell + ' + ' + IntToStr(FProgram[FProgramIndex].Parameter) + ';');
68 | cmDec: AddLine(GetMemoryCell + ' = ' + GetMemoryCell + ' - ' + IntToStr(FProgram[FProgramIndex].Parameter) + ';');
69 | cmOutput: AddLine('document.getElementById("main").innerHTML += String.fromCharCode(' + GetMemoryCell + ');');
70 | cmInput: ; //AddLine(GetMemoryCell + ' = getchar();');
71 | cmSet: AddLine(GetMemoryCell + ' = ' + IntToStr(FProgram[FProgramIndex].Parameter) + ';');
72 | cmMultiply: AddLine(GetMemoryCell + ' = ' + GetMemoryCell + ' + Memory[Pos] * ' + IntToStr(FProgram[FProgramIndex].Parameter) + ';');
73 | cmLoopStart: begin
74 | AddLine('while(' + GetMemoryCell + ' != 0)');
75 | AddLine('{');
76 | Inc(Indent);
77 | end;
78 | cmLoopEnd: begin
79 | Dec(Indent);
80 | AddLine('}');
81 | end;
82 | end;
83 | Inc(FProgramIndex);
84 | end;
85 | CompileToFile;
86 | CompileHtml;
87 | end;
88 |
89 | procedure TTargetJavascript.CompileHtml;
90 | var
91 | HtmlFile: string;
92 | begin
93 | with TStringList.Create do
94 | try
95 | Text := '<!DOCTYPE html>' + LineEnding +
96 | '<html>' + LineEnding +
97 | '<body>' + LineEnding +
98 | '<pre id="main"></pre>' + LineEnding +
99 | '<script type="text/javascript" src="' + ExtractFileNameOnly(ProjectFileName) + SourceExtension + '"></script>' + LineEnding +
100 | '</body>' + LineEnding +
101 | '</html>';
102 | HtmlFile := ExtractFilePath(ProjectFileName) +
103 | CompiledDir + DirectorySeparator + Name + DirectorySeparator +
104 | ExtractFileNameOnly(ProjectFileName) + '.html';
105 | ForceDirectories(ExtractFilePath(HtmlFile));
106 | SaveToFile(HtmlFile);
107 | finally
108 | Free;
109 | end;
110 | end;
111 |
112 | procedure TTargetJavascript.Run;
113 | var
114 | HtmlFile: string;
115 | begin
116 | inherited;
117 | HtmlFile := ExtractFilePath(ProjectFileName) +
118 | CompiledDir + DirectorySeparator + Name + DirectorySeparator +
119 | ExtractFileNameOnly(ProjectFileName) + '.html';
120 |
121 | if FileExists(HtmlFile) then OpenURL(HtmlFile);
122 | end;
123 |
124 | end.
125 |