1 | unit FormMain;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | Classes, SysUtils, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls;
7 |
8 | type
9 |
10 | { TFormMain }
11 |
12 | TFormMain = class(TForm)
13 | MemoLog: TMemo;
14 | procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
15 | private
16 |
17 | public
18 | procedure ProcessImage(InputFileName, OutputFileName: string);
19 | end;
20 |
21 | var
22 | FormMain: TFormMain;
23 |
24 |
25 | implementation
26 |
27 | {$R *.lfm}
28 |
29 | { TFormMain }
30 |
31 | procedure TFormMain.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
32 | begin
33 | MemoLog.Lines.Clear;
34 | ProcessImage('Input.png', 'Output.zip');
35 | MemoLog.Lines.Add('Finished');
36 | end;
37 |
38 | procedure TFormMain.ProcessImage(InputFileName, OutputFileName: string);
39 | var
40 | Image: TImage;
41 | F: TFileStream;
42 | Buffer: array of Byte;
43 | Offset: TPoint;
44 | X, Y: Integer;
45 | Pixel: Cardinal;
46 | Line: PColor;
47 | I: Integer;
48 | S: Integer;
49 | begin
50 | Image := TImage.Create(nil);
51 | Image.Picture.LoadFromFile(InputFileName);
52 | Offset := Point(0, 100);
53 |
54 | F := TFileStream.Create(OutputFileName, fmOpenWrite or fmCreate);
55 | SetLength(Buffer, Image.Picture.Bitmap.Width * Image.Picture.Bitmap.Height * 4);
56 | X := Offset.X;
57 | Y := Offset.Y;
58 | I := 0;
59 | Line := Image.Picture.Bitmap.ScanLine[Y];
60 | Pixel := PColor(Line + X)^ and $ffffff;
61 | Inc(Y);
62 | S := ((Pixel shr 16) and $ff) or (Pixel and $ff00) or (((Pixel shr 0) and $ff) shl 16);
63 | SetLength(Buffer, S);
64 | Inc(Y);
65 | while Y < Image.Picture.Bitmap.Height do begin
66 | Line := Image.Picture.Bitmap.ScanLine[Y];
67 | X := Offset.X;
68 | while X < Image.Picture.Bitmap.Width do begin
69 | Pixel := PColor(Line + X)^;
70 | Buffer[I] := (((Pixel shr 20) and $f) shl 0) or
71 | (((Pixel shr 12) and $f) shl 4);
72 | Inc(X, 2);
73 | Inc(I, 1);
74 | if I >= Length(Buffer) then Break;
75 | end;
76 | if I >= Length(Buffer) then Break;
77 | Inc(Y, 2);
78 | end;
79 |
80 | F.Write(Buffer[0], Length(Buffer));
81 | F.Size := Length(Buffer);
82 | F.Free;
83 | Image.Free;
84 | end;
85 |
86 | end.
87 |