var PaletteFormats : array of record formatIndex: TBGRAPaletteFormat; ext: string; description: string; reader: TPaletteReaderProc; writer: TPaletteWriterProc; checkFormat: TCheckPaletteFormatProc; end; const GimpPaletteHeader : string = 'GIMP Palette'; KOfficePaletteHeader : string = 'KDE RGB Palette'; AdobeSwatchExchangeHeader : string = 'ASEF'; JascPaletteHeader : string = 'JASC-PAL'; PaintDotNetPaletteHeader : string = '; Palette File'; PaintDotNetPaletteHeaderUTF8 : string = #$EF#$BB#$BF + '; Palette File'; procedure SaveToStreamAsPaintDotNet(APalette: TBGRAPalette; AStream: TStream); procedure WriteStr(s: string); begin AStream.WriteBuffer(s[1],length(S)); end; procedure WriteStrLn(s: string); begin WriteStr(s+#$0D#$0A); end; var i: Integer; begin WriteStrLn(PaintDotNetPaletteHeaderUTF8); for i := 0 to APalette.Count-1 do with APalette.Color[i] do WriteStrLn(IntToHex(alpha,2)+IntToHex(red,2)+IntToHex(green,2)+IntToHex(blue,2)); end; procedure SaveToStreamAsGimp(APalette: TBGRAPalette; AStream: TStream); procedure WriteStr(s: string); begin AStream.WriteBuffer(s[1],length(S)); end; procedure WriteStrLn(s: string); begin WriteStr(s+#$0A); end; procedure WriteChannelValue(AValue: byte); var s: string; begin s := IntToStr(AValue); while length(s) < 3 do s := ' '+s; WriteStr(s); end; var i: Integer; begin WriteStrLn(GimpPaletteHeader); WriteStrLn('Name: Palette'); WriteStrLn('Columns: 3'); WriteStrLn('#'); for i := 0 to APalette.Count-1 do with APalette.Color[i] do begin WriteChannelValue(red); WriteStr(' '); WriteChannelValue(green); WriteStr(' '); WriteChannelValue(blue); WriteStrLn(#$09+BGRAToStr(APalette.Color[i],CSSColors)); end; end; procedure SaveToStreamAsAdobeSwatchExchange(APalette: TBGRAPalette; AStream: TStream); procedure WriteStr(s: string); begin AStream.WriteBuffer(s[1],length(S)); end; procedure WriteInt32(AValue: Int32); begin AValue := NtoBE(AValue); AStream.WriteBuffer(AValue,sizeof(AValue)); end; procedure WriteInt16(AValue: Int16); begin AValue := NtoBE(AValue); AStream.WriteBuffer(AValue,sizeof(AValue)); end; procedure WriteSingle(AValue: Single); begin DWord(AValue) := BEtoN(DWord(AValue)); AStream.WriteBuffer(AValue,sizeof(AValue)); end; procedure WriteBlock(ABlockType: Int16; AContentLength: Int32); overload; begin WriteInt16(ABlockType); WriteInt32(AContentLength); end; procedure WriteBlock(ABlockType: Int16; AName: string; AExtraContentLength: Int32); overload; var contentLength: Int32; wideName: UnicodeString; nameBuf: array of byte; i: Integer; begin wideName := UTF8Decode(AName); setlength(nameBuf, (length(wideName)+1)*2); contentLength:= AExtraContentLength + 2 + length(nameBuf); WriteBlock(ABlockType, contentLength); WriteInt16(length(nameBuf) shr 1); for i := 1 to length(wideName) do begin nameBuf[((i-1) shl 1)] := ord(wideName[i]) shr 8; nameBuf[((i-1) shl 1)+1] := ord(wideName[i]) and 255; end; AStream.WriteBuffer(nameBuf[0],length(namebuf)); end; var i: Integer; begin WriteStr(AdobeSwatchExchangeHeader+#$00#$01+#$00#$00); WriteInt32(APalette.Count+2); //number of blocks WriteBlock($1c0, 'Palette', 0); //group start for i := 0 to APalette.Count-1 do with APalette.Color[i] do begin WriteBlock(1, BGRAToStr(APalette.Color[i],CSSColors), 4+4*3+2); WriteStr('RGB '); WriteSingle(red/255); WriteSingle(green/255); WriteSingle(blue/255); WriteInt16(2); //normal end; WriteBlock($2c0, 0); //group end end; procedure SaveToStreamAsKOffice(APalette: TBGRAPalette; AStream: TStream); procedure WriteStr(s: string); begin AStream.WriteBuffer(s[1],length(S)); end; procedure WriteStrLn(s: string); begin WriteStr(s+#$0A); end; procedure WriteChannelValue(AValue: byte); begin WriteStr(IntToStr(AValue)); end; var i: Integer; begin WriteStrLn(KOfficePaletteHeader); for i := 0 to APalette.Count-1 do with APalette.Color[i] do begin WriteChannelValue(red); WriteStr(' '); WriteChannelValue(green); WriteStr(' '); WriteChannelValue(blue); WriteStrLn(#$09+BGRAToStr(APalette.Color[i],CSSColors)); end; end; procedure SaveToStreamAsJasc(APalette: TBGRAPalette; AStream: TStream); procedure WriteStr(s: string); begin AStream.WriteBuffer(s[1],length(S)); end; procedure WriteStrLn(s: string); begin WriteStr(s+#$0D#$0A); end; var i: Integer; begin WriteStrLn(JascPaletteHeader); WriteStrLn('0100'); WriteStrLn(IntToStr(APalette.Count)); for i := 0 to APalette.Count-1 do with APalette.Color[i] do WriteStrLn(IntToStr(red)+' '+IntToStr(green)+' '+IntToStr(blue)); end; function LoadFromStreamAsPaintDotNet(APalette: TBGRAPalette; AStream: TStream): boolean; var lines: TStringList; header,s: string; idxComment: integer; code: integer; hexArgb: int32; i: Integer; begin result := false; lines := TStringList.Create; try lines.LoadFromStream(AStream); if lines.Count = 0 then begin lines.Free; exit; end; header := lines[0]; if (header <> PaintDotNetPaletteHeader) and (header <> PaintDotNetPaletteHeaderUTF8) then begin lines.Free; exit; end; for i := 0 to lines.Count-1 do begin s := lines[i]; idxComment := pos(';',s); if idxComment<>0 then s := copy(s,1,idxComment-1); s := trim(s); if length(s)> 0 then begin val('$'+s, hexArgb, code); if code = 0 then APalette.AddColor(BGRA((hexArgb shr 16) and 255, (hexArgb shr 8) and 255, hexArgb and 255, (hexArgb shr 24) and 255)); end; end; result := true; finally lines.Free; end; end; function LoadFromStreamAsGimp(APalette: TBGRAPalette; AStream: TStream): boolean; var lines,line: TStringList; s: string; idxComment: integer; code: integer; c: TBGRAPixel; i: Integer; begin result := false; lines := TStringList.Create; line := TStringList.Create; try lines.LoadFromStream(AStream); if (lines.Count < 3) or (lines[0] <> GimpPaletteHeader) or (copy(lines[1],1,6) <> 'Name: ') or (copy(lines[2],1,9) <> 'Columns: ') then begin lines.Free; line.Free; exit; end; for i := 3 to lines.Count-1 do begin s := lines[i]; idxComment := pos('#',s); if idxComment<>0 then s := copy(s,1,idxComment-1); s := trim(s); if length(s)> 0 then begin line.CommaText := s; if line.Count >= 3 then begin c.alpha:= 255; val(line[0],,code); if code <> 0 then continue; val(line[1],,code); if code <> 0 then continue; val(line[2],,code); if code <> 0 then continue; APalette.AddColor(c); end; end; end; result := true; finally lines.Free; line.Free; end; end; function clamp(AValue, AMax: integer): integer; begin if AValue < 0 then result := 0 else if AValue > AMax then result := AMax else result := AValue;; end; function LabToRGB(L,a,b: single): TBGRAPixel; overload; var r,g,blue: single; begin if a < 0 then r := L + a + 0.5*b else r := L + 0.75*a + 0.5*b; g := L - 0.5*a; blue := L - b; clamp(round((r)*255),255); clamp(round((g)*255),255); clamp(round((blue)*255),255); result.alpha := 255; end; function LoadFromStreamAsAdobeSwatchExchange(APalette: TBGRAPalette; AStream: TStream): boolean; function ReadInt16: int16; begin {$PUSH}{$HINTS OFF} AStream.Read(result, sizeof(result)); {$POP} result := BEtoN(result); end; function ReadInt32: int32; begin {$PUSH}{$HINTS OFF} AStream.Read(result, sizeof(result)); {$POP} result := BEtoN(result); end; function ReadStr(ALength: integer): string; begin setlength(result, ALength); ALength := AStream.Read(result[1], ALength); setlength(result, ALength); end; function ReadSingle: single; begin {$PUSH}{$HINTS OFF} AStream.Read(Result, sizeof(result)); {$POP} DWord(Result) := BEtoN(DWord(Result)); end; function DblToByte(AValue: double): byte; begin if AValue < 0 then result := 0 else if AValue > 1 then result := 255 else result := round(AValue*255); end; var header: string; nbBlocks,blockSize: int32; blockType,nameLength: int16; nextPos: int64; colorFormat: string; colorF: TColorF; i: Integer; begin result := false; header := ReadStr(length(AdobeSwatchExchangeHeader)+4); if header <> AdobeSwatchExchangeHeader+#$00#$01+#$00#$00 then exit; nbBlocks := ReadInt32; for i := 0 to nbBlocks-1 do begin blockType := ReadInt16; blockSize := ReadInt32; nextPos := AStream.Position + blockSize; if blockType = 1 then begin nameLength := ReadInt16; ReadStr(nameLength*2); colorFormat := ReadStr(4); if colorFormat = 'RGB ' then begin colorF[1] := ReadSingle; colorF[2] := ReadSingle; colorF[3] := ReadSingle; colorF[4] := 1; APalette.AddColor(BGRA(DblToByte(colorF[1]),DblToByte(colorF[2]),DblToByte(colorF[3]))); ReadInt16; //ignore color type end else if colorFormat = 'CMYK' then begin colorF[1] := ReadSingle; colorF[2] := ReadSingle; colorF[3] := ReadSingle; colorF[4] := ReadSingle; APalette.AddColor(BGRA(DblToByte(1 - colorF[1] + ColorF[2]/10 + ColorF[3]/10 - ColorF[4]), DblToByte(1 - colorF[2] + ColorF[1]/10 + ColorF[3]/10 - ColorF[4]), DblToByte(1 - colorF[3] + ColorF[1]/10 + ColorF[2]/10 - ColorF[4]))); ReadInt16; //ignore color type end else if colorFormat = 'LAB ' then begin colorF[1] := ReadSingle; colorF[2] := ReadSingle; colorF[3] := ReadSingle; colorF[4] := 1; APalette.AddColor(LabToRGB(colorF[1],colorF[2]/128,colorF[3]/128)); ReadInt16; //ignore color type end else if colorFormat = 'GRAY' then begin colorF[1] := ReadSingle; colorF[2] := colorF[1]; colorF[3] := colorF[1]; colorF[4] := 1; APalette.AddColor(BGRA(DblToByte(colorF[1]),DblToByte(colorF[2]),DblToByte(colorF[3]))); ReadInt16; //ignore color type end; end; if AStream.Position<>nextPos then AStream.Position:= nextPos; end; result := true; end; function LoadFromStreamAsKOffice(APalette: TBGRAPalette; AStream: TStream): boolean; var lines,line: TStringList; s: string; idxComment: integer; code: integer; c: TBGRAPixel; i: Integer; begin result := false; lines := TStringList.Create; line := TStringList.Create; try lines.LoadFromStream(AStream); if (lines.Count < 1) or (lines[0] <> KOfficePaletteHeader) then begin lines.Free; line.Free; exit; end; for i := 3 to lines.Count-1 do begin s := lines[i]; idxComment := pos('#',s); if idxComment<>0 then s := copy(s,1,idxComment-1); s := trim(s); if length(s)> 0 then begin line.CommaText := s; if line.Count >= 3 then begin c.alpha:= 255; val(line[0],,code); if code <> 0 then continue; val(line[1],,code); if code <> 0 then continue; val(line[2],,code); if code <> 0 then continue; APalette.AddColor(c); end; end; end; result := true; finally lines.Free; line.Free; end; end; function LoadFromStreamAsJasc(APalette: TBGRAPalette; AStream: TStream): boolean; var lines,line: TStringList; s: string; idxComment: integer; code: integer; c: TBGRAPixel; i: Integer; begin result := false; lines := TStringList.Create; line := TStringList.Create; try lines.LoadFromStream(AStream); if (lines.Count < 2) or (lines[0] <> JascPaletteHeader) or (lines[1] <> '0100') then begin lines.Free; line.Free; exit; end; for i := 2 to lines.Count-1 do begin s := lines[i]; idxComment := pos('#',s); if idxComment<>0 then s := copy(s,1,idxComment-1); s := trim(s); if length(s)> 0 then begin line.CommaText := s; if line.Count >= 3 then begin c.alpha:= 255; val(line[0],,code); if code <> 0 then continue; val(line[1],,code); if code <> 0 then continue; val(line[2],,code); if code <> 0 then continue; APalette.AddColor(c); end; end; end; result := true; finally lines.Free; line.Free; end; end; function CheckPaletteFormatAsJasc(ABuf256: string): boolean; begin result := (copy(ABuf256,1,length(JascPaletteHeader)+1) = JascPaletteHeader+#$0A) or (copy(ABuf256,1,length(JascPaletteHeader)+2) = JascPaletteHeader+#$0D#$0A); end; function CheckPaletteFormatAsGimp(ABuf256: string): boolean; begin result := (copy(ABuf256,1,length(GimpPaletteHeader)+1) = GimpPaletteHeader+#$0A) or (copy(ABuf256,1,length(GimpPaletteHeader)+2) = GimpPaletteHeader+#$0D#$0A); end; function CheckPaletteFormatAsKOffice(ABuf256: string): boolean; begin result := (copy(ABuf256,1,length(KOfficePaletteHeader)+1) = KOfficePaletteHeader+#$0A) or (copy(ABuf256,1,length(KOfficePaletteHeader)+2) = KOfficePaletteHeader+#$0D#$0A); end; function CheckPaletteFormatAsPaintDotNet(ABuf256: string): boolean; begin result := (copy(ABuf256,1,length(PaintDotNetPaletteHeader)+1) = PaintDotNetPaletteHeader+#$0A) or (copy(ABuf256,1,length(PaintDotNetPaletteHeader)+2) = PaintDotNetPaletteHeader+#$0D#$0A) or (copy(ABuf256,1,length(PaintDotNetPaletteHeaderUTF8)+1) = PaintDotNetPaletteHeaderUTF8+#$0A) or (copy(ABuf256,1,length(PaintDotNetPaletteHeaderUTF8)+2) = PaintDotNetPaletteHeaderUTF8+#$0D#$0A); end; function CheckPaletteFormatAsAdobeSwatchExchange(ABuf256: string): boolean; begin result := copy(ABuf256,1,length(AdobeSwatchExchangeHeader)) = AdobeSwatchExchangeHeader; end; procedure RegisterDefaultPaletteFormats; forward; procedure BGRARegisterPaletteFormat(AFormatIndex: TBGRAPaletteFormat; AExtension: string; ADescription: string; AReadProc: TPaletteReaderProc; AWriteProc: TPaletteWriterProc; ACheckFormatProc: TCheckPaletteFormatProc); var i: Integer; begin RegisterDefaultPaletteFormats; if AFormatIndex = palUnknown then raise Exception.Create('Invalid format index'); for i := 0 to high(PaletteFormats) do if PaletteFormats[i].formatIndex = AFormatIndex then with PaletteFormats[i] do begin ext := AExtension; description := ADescription; reader := AReadProc; writer := AWriteProc; checkFormat := ACheckFormatProc; exit; end; setlength(PaletteFormats,length(PaletteFormats)+1); with PaletteFormats[high(PaletteFormats)] do begin formatIndex:= AFormatIndex; ext := AExtension; description := ADescription; reader := AReadProc; writer := AWriteProc; checkFormat := ACheckFormatProc; end; end; function BGRARegisteredPaletteFormatFilter(AAllSupportedDescription: string ): string; var allExt: TStringList; allDesc: string; i: Integer; begin result := ''; RegisterDefaultPaletteFormats; allExt := TStringList.Create; allExt.CaseSensitive := false; for i := 0 to high(PaletteFormats) do with PaletteFormats[i] do begin if allExt.IndexOf(ext) = -1 then allExt.Add(ext); if length(result)>0 then result += '|'; result += description + ' (*'+ext+')|*'+ext; end; if allExt.Count > 0 then begin allDesc := AAllSupportedDescription + ' ('; for i := 0 to allExt.count-1 do begin if i > 0 then allDesc += '; '; allDesc += '*' + allExt[i]; end; allDesc += ')'; allDesc += '|'; for i := 0 to allExt.count-1 do begin if i > 0 then allDesc += '; '; allDesc += '*' + allExt[i]; end; result := allDesc + '|' + result; end; allExt.Free; end; var DefaultPaletteFormatsRegistered: boolean; procedure RegisterDefaultPaletteFormats; begin if DefaultPaletteFormatsRegistered then exit; DefaultPaletteFormatsRegistered := true; BGRARegisterPaletteFormat(palPaintDotNet, '.txt', 'Paint.NET', @LoadFromStreamAsPaintDotNet, @SaveToStreamAsPaintDotNet, @CheckPaletteFormatAsPaintDotNet); BGRARegisterPaletteFormat(palGimp, '.gpl', 'GIMP', @LoadFromStreamAsGimp, @SaveToStreamAsGimp, @CheckPaletteFormatAsGimp); BGRARegisterPaletteFormat(palAdobeSwatchExchange, '.ase', 'Adobe Swatch Exchange', @LoadFromStreamAsAdobeSwatchExchange, @SaveToStreamAsAdobeSwatchExchange, @CheckPaletteFormatAsAdobeSwatchExchange); BGRARegisterPaletteFormat(palKOffice, '.colors', 'KOffice', @LoadFromStreamAsKOffice, @SaveToStreamAsKOffice, @CheckPaletteFormatAsKOffice); BGRARegisterPaletteFormat(palJascPSP, '.pal', 'Jasc Paint Shop Pro', @LoadFromStreamAsJasc, @SaveToStreamAsJasc, @CheckPaletteFormatAsJasc); end;