1 | unit UUnitTest;
2 |
3 | {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
4 |
5 | interface
6 |
7 | uses
8 | Classes, SysUtils, BGRABitmapTypes;
9 |
10 | implementation
11 |
12 | procedure Test(AExpression: boolean; ADescription: string);
13 | begin
14 | if not AExpression then
15 | raise EAssertionFailed.Create('Assertion failed: '+ADescription);
16 | end;
17 |
18 | var error: boolean;
19 |
20 | initialization
21 |
22 | Test(StrToBGRA('red ')=CSSRed,'ignore spaces');
23 | Test(StrToBGRA('red@')=BGRAPixelTransparent,'error fallback to transparent');
24 | Test(StrToBGRA('red@',CSSYellow)=CSSYellow,'error fallback to transparent');
25 | Test(StrToBGRA('rgb(255,0,0)')=CSSRed,'rgb format');
26 | Test(StrToBGRA('rgb(255,0,0,0.502)')=BGRA(255,0,0,128),'rgba format');
27 | Test(StrToBGRA('rgb(255,0,?)')=BGRAPixelTransparent,'missing as an error');
28 | Test(StrToBGRA('rgb(255,0,?)',CSSYellow)=CSSYellow,'missing as an error');
29 | Test(PartialStrToBGRA('rgb(255,?,?,?)',BGRA(128,128,128,128),error)=BGRA(255,128,128,128),'missing values replacement');
30 | Test(not error, 'missing is not an error');
31 | Test(PartialStrToBGRA('rgb(255,?,?)',BGRA(128,128,128,128),error)=BGRA(255,128,128,255),'implicit rgb alpha');
32 | Test(not error, 'missing is not an error');
33 | Test(PartialStrToBGRA('rgb(255,abc,0)',BGRA(128,128,128,128),error)=BGRA(255,0,0,255),'error replaced by 0 for rgb');
34 | Test(error, 'non numeric error');
35 | Test(PartialStrToBGRA('#ff????',BGRA(128,128,128,128),error)=BGRA(255,128,128,255),'missing values replacement');
36 | Test(not error, 'missing is not an error');
37 | Test(PartialStrToBGRA('#f??',BGRA(128,128,128,128),error)=BGRA(255,128,128,255),'missing values replacement');
38 | Test(not error, 'missing is not an error');
39 | Test(PartialStrToBGRA('#12??3456',BGRA(128,128,128,128),error)=BGRA($12,128,$34,$56),'html color with missing values');
40 | Test(not error, 'missing is not an error');
41 | Test(BGRAToStr(VGARed)='FF0000FF','Default color format');
42 | Test(BGRAToStr(BGRA(255,0,0), VGAColors)='Red','VGA color names');
43 | Test(BGRAToStr(BGRA(255,255,0), CSSColors)='Yellow','CSS color names');
44 | Test(BGRAToStr(BGRA(250,128,114), CSSColors)='Salmon','CSS color names');
45 | end.
46 |