1 | {$ifdef PARAM_PHONGSSE}
2 | {$asmmode intel}
3 | //SSE rotate singles
4 | const Shift231 = 1 + 8;
5 | Shift312 = 2 + 16;
6 | {$endif}
7 |
8 | var
9 | //Light source normal.
10 | vL: TPoint3D_128; {xmm0}
11 | //Light source position.
12 | vLS: TPoint3D_128; {xmm1}
13 | //Vector H is the unit normal to the hypothetical surface oriented
14 | //halfway between the light direction vector (L) and the viewing vector (V).
15 | vH: TPoint3D_128; {xmm2}
16 |
17 | vN: TPoint3D_128; {xmm3} // surface normal
18 | vP: TPoint3D_128; {xmm4} // position of lighted pixel
19 | vV: TPoint3D_128; // viewer direction
20 | {$ifdef PARAM_PHONGSSE}
21 | LightDestFactor4: TPoint3D_128; // for multiplication
22 | {$endif}
23 |
24 | //Calculate LdotN and NnH
25 | NH: Single;
26 | {$ifndef PARAM_PHONGSSE}
27 | vD: TPoint3D_128;
28 | {$endif}
29 |
30 | Iw, Ic: integer; // Iw: specular intensity, Ic: ambient+diffuse intensity
31 | sIw: single; // floating point value for Iw
32 |
33 | z, LdotN, NnH,
34 | dist, distfactor, diffuseterm, specularterm: single;
35 | eLight: TExpandedPixel;
36 | mc,mcLeft,mcRight,mcTop,mcBottom: TBGRAPixel; ///map values
37 |
39 | eColor: TExpandedPixel;
40 | {$else}
41 | {$ifndef PARAM_SCANNER}
42 | pcolormap: PBGRAPixel;
43 | {$endif}
44 | {$endif}
45 |
46 | {$hints off}
47 | function ComputePixel(x,y: integer; DiffuseLight, SpecularLight: Word; Alpha: Byte): TBGRAPixel; inline;
48 | var ec: TExpandedPixel;
49 | {$ifndef PARAM_SIMPLECOLOR}
50 | eColor: TExpandedPixel;
51 | {$endif}
52 | begin
53 | {$ifndef PARAM_SIMPLECOLOR}
54 | {$ifdef PARAM_SCANNER}
55 | eColor := GammaExpansion(ColorScan.ScanNextPixel);
56 | {$else}
57 | eColor := GammaExpansion(pcolormap^);
58 | {$endif}
59 | {$endif}
60 | Alpha := ApplyOpacity(Alpha, eColor.alpha shr 8);
61 | ec.red := (eColor.Red*DiffuseLight+eLight.Red*SpecularLight+PhongLightPrecisionDiv2) shr PhongLightPrecisionSh;
62 | ec.green := (eColor.Green*DiffuseLight+eLight.Green*SpecularLight+PhongLightPrecisionDiv2) shr PhongLightPrecisionSh;
63 | ec.blue := (eColor.Blue*DiffuseLight+eLight.Blue*SpecularLight+PhongLightPrecisionDiv2) shr PhongLightPrecisionSh;
64 | ec.alpha := Alpha shl 8+Alpha;
65 | result := GammaCompression(ec);
66 | end;
67 | {$hints on}
68 |
69 | var
70 | minx,miny,maxx,maxy: integer;
71 | pmap: PBGRAPixel;
72 | pdest: PBGRAPixel;
73 | x,y : integer; // Coordinates of point in height map.
74 | vS1,vS2: TPoint3D_128; // surface vectors (plane)
75 | deltaDown: Int32or64;
76 | IsLineUp,IsLineDown: boolean;
77 |
78 | begin
79 | if map = nil then exit;
80 | {$ifndef PARAM_SIMPLECOLOR}
81 | {$ifndef PARAM_SCANNER}
82 | if (colorMap.Width < map.width) or (colorMap.Height < map.height) then
83 | raise Exception.Create('Dimension mismatch');
84 | {$endif}
85 | {$endif}
86 |
87 | if (map.width = 0) or (map.Height = 0) then exit;
88 | if ofsX >= dest.ClipRect.Right then exit;
89 | if ofsY >= dest.ClipRect.Bottom then exit;
90 | if ofsX <= dest.ClipRect.Left-map.Width then exit;
91 | if ofsY <= dest.ClipRect.Top-map.Height then exit;
92 |
93 | minx := 0;
94 | miny := 0;
95 | maxx := map.Width-1;
96 | maxy := map.Height-1;
97 | if ofsX < dest.clipRect.Left then minx := dest.clipRect.Left-ofsX;
98 | if ofsY < dest.clipRect.Top then miny := dest.clipRect.Top-ofsY;
99 | if OfsX+maxx > dest.ClipRect.Right-1 then maxx := dest.ClipRect.Right-1-ofsX;
100 | if OfsY+maxy > dest.ClipRect.Bottom-1 then maxy := dest.ClipRect.Bottom-1-ofsY;
101 |
102 | eLight := GammaExpansion(LightColor);
103 | {$ifdef PARAM_SIMPLECOLOR}
104 | eColor := GammaExpansion(color);
105 | {$endif}
106 |
107 | //light origin
108 | vLS := Point3D_128(LightPosition.X-ofsX,
109 | LightPosition.Y-ofsY,
110 | LightPositionZ);
111 |
112 | //surface vectors
113 | vS1 := Point3D_128(1,0,0);
114 | vS2 := Point3D_128(0,1,0);
115 |
116 | vV := Point3D_128(0,0,1);
117 |
118 | dist := 0;
119 | LdotN := 0;
120 | NnH := 0;
121 |
122 | {$ifdef PARAM_PHONGSSE}
123 | LightDestFactor4 := Point3D_128(LightDestFactor,LightDestFactor,LightDestFactor,LightDestFactor);
124 | {$endif}
125 |
126 | if map.LineOrder = riloTopToBottom then
127 | deltaDown := map.Width*sizeof(TBGRAPixel)
128 | else
129 | deltaDown := -map.Width*sizeof(TBGRAPixel);
130 | for y := miny to maxy do
131 | begin
132 | //read map values
133 | pmap := map.ScanLine[y]+minx;
134 | mc := BGRAPixelTransparent;
135 | mcRight := pmap^;
136 | pdest := dest.ScanLine[y+ofsY]+ofsX+minx;
137 | {$ifndef PARAM_SIMPLECOLOR}
138 | {$ifdef PARAM_SCANNER}
139 | ColorScan.ScanMoveTo(OfsX+minx,OfsY+Y);
140 | {$else}
141 | pcolormap := ColorMap.ScanLine[y];
142 | {$endif}
143 | {$endif}
144 | IsLineUp := y > 0;
145 | IsLineDown := y < map.Height-1;
146 | mcTop := BGRAPixelTransparent;
147 | mcBottom := BGRAPixelTransparent;
148 | for x := minx to maxx do
149 | begin
150 | mcLeft := mc;
151 | mc := mcRight;
152 | if x < map.width-1 then
153 | mcRight := (pmap+1)^ else
154 | mcRight := BGRAPixelTransparent;
155 | if mc.alpha = 0 then
156 | begin
157 | {$ifndef PARAM_SIMPLECOLOR}
158 | {$ifdef PARAM_SCANNER}
159 | ColorScan.ScanNextPixel;
160 | {$else}
161 | inc(pcolormap);
162 | {$endif}
163 | {$endif}
164 | inc(pdest);
165 | inc(pmap);
166 | continue;
167 | end;
168 |
169 | //compute surface vectors
170 | if IsLineUp then mcTop := pbgrapixel(pbyte(pmap)-deltaDown)^;
171 | if IsLineDown then mcBottom := pbgrapixel(pbyte(pmap)+deltaDown)^;
172 | inc(pmap);
173 |
174 | z := MapHeight(mc)*mapAltitude;
175 | if mcLeft.alpha = 0 then
176 | begin
177 | if mcRight.alpha = 0 then
178 | vS1.z := 0
179 | else
180 | vS1.z := (MapHeight(mcRight)-MapHeight(mc))*mapAltitude*2;
181 | end else
182 | begin
183 | if mcRight.alpha = 0 then
184 | vS1.z := (MapHeight(mc)-MapHeight(mcLeft))*mapAltitude*2
185 | else
186 | vS1.z := (MapHeight(mcRight)-MapHeight(mcLeft))*mapAltitude;
187 | end;
188 | if mcTop.alpha = 0 then
189 | begin
190 | if mcBottom.alpha = 0 then
191 | vS2.z := 0
192 | else
193 | vS2.z := (MapHeight(mcBottom)-MapHeight(mc))*mapAltitude*2;
194 | end else
195 | begin
196 | if mcBottom.alpha = 0 then
197 | vS2.z := (MapHeight(mc)-MapHeight(mcTop))*mapAltitude*2
198 | else
199 | vS2.z := (MapHeight(mcBottom)-MapHeight(mcTop))*mapAltitude;
200 | end;
201 |
202 | //position vector
203 | vP := Point3D_128(x, y, z);
204 | {$ifdef PARAM_PHONGSSE}
205 | if UseSSE3 then
206 | begin
208 | asm
209 | movups xmm1, vLS
210 | end;
211 | {$i phongdrawsse.inc}
213 | end else
214 | begin
215 | asm
216 | movups xmm1, vLS
217 | end;
218 | {$i phongdrawsse.inc}
219 | end;
220 | {$else}
221 | vP := Point3D_128(x, y, z);
222 | vL := vLS- vP*LightDestFactor;
223 | Normalize3D_128(vL);
224 |
225 | //compute bisector of angle between light and observer
226 | vH := vL + vV;
227 | Normalize3D_128(vH);
228 |
229 | // compute normal vector to the surface
230 | VectProduct3D_128(vS1,vS2,vN);
231 | Normalize3D_128(vN);
232 |
233 | //Calculate LdotN and NnH
234 | LdotN := DotProduct3D_128(vN,vL);
235 | vD := vLS-vP;
236 | dist := sqrt(DotProduct3D_128(vD,vD));
237 |
238 | NH := DotProduct3D_128(vH,vN);
239 | {$endif}
240 |
241 | if NH <= 0 then
242 | NnH := 0
243 | else
244 | NnH := exp(SpecularIndex*ln(NH)); //to be optimized
245 |
246 | distfactor := LightSourceIntensity / (dist*LightSourceDistanceFactor + LightSourceDistanceTerm);
247 |
248 | if (LdotN <= 0) then //Point is not illuminated by light source.
249 | //Use negative diffuse for contrast
250 | diffuseterm := distfactor * NegativeDiffusionFactor * LdotN
251 | else
252 | diffuseterm := distfactor * DiffusionFactor * LdotN;
253 | Ic := round((AmbientFactor + diffuseterm)*PhongLightPrecision);
254 |
255 | //specular (reflection)
256 | specularterm := distfactor * SpecularFactor * NnH;
257 | sIw := specularterm*PhongLightPrecision;
258 | if sIw > PhongLightPrecision then Iw := PhongLightPrecision else
259 | Iw := round(sIw);
260 |
261 | //intensity bounds (0..PhongLightPrecision)
262 | If Ic < 0 then Ic := 0;
263 | If Ic > PhongLightPrecision then
264 | begin
265 | If DiffuseSaturation then
266 | begin
267 | Iw := Iw+(Ic-PhongLightPrecision);
268 | if Iw > PhongLightPrecision then Iw := PhongLightPrecision;
269 | end;
270 | Ic := PhongLightPrecision;
271 | end;
272 | Ic := Ic*(PhongLightPrecision-Iw) shr PhongLightPrecisionSh;
273 |
274 | DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, ComputePixel(x,y,Ic,Iw,mc.alpha));
275 | {$ifndef PARAM_SIMPLECOLOR}
276 | {$ifndef PARAM_SCANNER}
277 | inc(pcolormap);
278 | {$endif}
279 | {$endif}
280 | inc(pdest); //go to next pixel
281 | end;
282 | end;
283 | end;
284 |
285 | {$undef PARAM_PHONGSSE}
286 | {$undef PARAM_SIMPLECOLOR}
287 | {$undef PARAM_SCANNER}
288 |